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Pom (alias Hinagata Akiko)
  Pom is a Chairudo who is still a real child. I.e. she hasn't become an adult yet. She is only twelve years old. Since Hinagata Heiji discovered this fact he considers her as his little sister. Compared to Hinagata, she is very young (the exact age of Hinagata isn't known, but there is a story in which we see a flashback of Hinagata twenty years before when he was already an adult, so we can assume that Hinagata must be over 40 years old). When Hinagata met Pom, she was trying to escape from the bad influence of another Chairudo, who pretended to be her father. After the battle between that Chairudo and Heiji, Pom stayed with Heiji. He got her a new identity (Hinagata Akiko) so that they can travel together more easy.

Pom's power is not so spectacular but useful sometimes. She can create "explosions" (kanshakudama in Japanese) by sheer will and mainly when she is irritated. Those explosions are not so big, she can make anything of the size of a car explode but nothing bigger. Subjectively, Heiji and Pom look the same age, which is why they are in the same class at school.


Hinagata Ayame
Ayame is the big sister of Hinagata Heiji. She is also literally big, because she is considerably taller than her brother or most of the other Chairudo. Subjectively, she looks somewhat older than her brother. Ayame is a girl with spunk. She has a quite difficult character, which is one of the reasons Heiji nor the other Chairudo (Touma) she loves want to stay with her.

Ayame has an awesome power, but she can't use it for her own benefit. Her blood has the power to amplify other Chairudo's powers. When she touched Heiji with her blood, he could animate a complete building with only a single drop of his blood. Pom can create huge explosions when her power is amplified by Ayame.

This power could become very addictive, which is why Heiji nor Touma want to stay with her. Because they could become the strongest Chairudo by using her amplification power and become thus completely addicted. This presents a big risk, because if Ayame would leave them, they would get a serious case of "cold turkey".


  Touma is a friend of Heiji and his family. To be more exactly, they respect each other and are smart enough not to search conflict. Touma's powers are his brains. He is a genius. Ayame loves Touma, but he is smart enough not to get involved with her. 


Heiji's father
  Hinagata Heiji has of course a father and a mother, like any other Chairudo. His father is a wise man who has established a colony on an island on which the Chairudo can live without the risk of being discovered (all other inhabitants are old, senile people). Just like his children, he has got an awesome power. He can change things: in one story, he changes a rifle into a bunch of flowers. It isn't an illusion, it's the real thing: transformation of matter.

Heiji hasn't got a good relation with his father. In fact Heiji eloped from home long ago. His father on the other hand, knows many secrets and knows how important Heiji really is for the future of the Chairudo as a race. Below, you can sea a family portrait of Heiji, Ayame and their father.


Fuchijima Yuuko
  Fuchijima is one of the strangest Chairudo in the series. Hinagata even doubted at a certain moment that she was a real Chairudo. Fuchijima seems always sad and depressed. She's being used by the Adaruto as a bait for other Chairudo. Hinagata Heiji is head and ears in love with her and would do anything to save her. But as a matter of fact, she doesn't really need to be saved. Because she has only one awesome power that she unfortunately can't show under normal circumstances to Heiji (which is the custom between Chairudo). She can't die and always revives!!


Enemy Chairudo  
  • This Chairudo has an uncanny ability, in fact his power is even gross: his vomit is namely a strong acid and can melt down anything.
  • The Chairudo in the first story: a handsome guy, he is a rubber man, who can shape his body in any form he wants.
  • The Chairudo that acted as if he was the father of Pom. He is quite ruthless and is very dangerous. His power lies in his skin. He has an iron skin. This makes him almost invulnerable, very heavy and very strong.

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