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The Byakko Seven

Byakko, the white tiger of the east, is also underrepresented in "Fushigi Yuugi." It's constellations are powerful and fun to look for, though. The following is a breakdown of Byakko's constellations.

Japanese Name Meaning Corresponding Constellation
TokakiBoshi Stride, Foot Andromeda
TataraBoshi Lasso; perhaps Consecrated Woman Aries
Ari EkieBoshi Stomach Perseus
SubaruBoshi Stopping Place, United; perhaps "Getting Together" Taurus
AmefuriBoshi Net; perhaps related to Rain Taurus
TorokiBoshi Turtle Snout, perhaps Tuft on Owl's Head Orion
KagasukiBoshi Investigator Orion

Here's a quick pronunciation guide to Byakko's constellations/warriors: TokakiBoshi= Toe-ka-kee-bo-she
Ari EkieBoshi=

The constellations appear thusly:

Again, each of these constellations should have a warrior attached, but there are only three that make it into "Fushigi Yuugi." These are TokakiBoshi, TataraBoshi, and SubaruBoshi. Again the names are shortened to just Tokaki, Tatara, and Subaru. A picture of the them follows: Tokaki is the suntanned man in the lower left, Subaru is the white-haired woman, and Tatara is the melancholy man in lower right (I apologize for the quality of his picture, but I had to lift it from a manga [Japanese Comic Book] instead of from the Laser Disk cover where the other two came from).

Now, it's time again for my "pick of the litter." Out of the three Byakko that show up, my pick is:

Subaru, the sweet unifier!

Not only does she put up with her husband Tokaki's lecherous ways, she goes out of her way to help others. She is pretty, smart, and above all very powerful. She is one of the pitifully few female warriors in the entire Universe of the Four Gods, and she bears up well under the pressure! She is a role model and a great fighter to boot! Well, that's said. Let's move on.

Click on Byakko or here to go to page six!