Senmurv's Pals!

Or the friends of one of my many personas, Sailor Senmurv!


I am Sailor Senmurv. I verr beautiful, hiya? My friend Daryl Debunhurst give Senmurv a verr pretty space to list friends of Senmurv! Hiyaaa!! So, here I tell you about my friends, and why I like. Sound verr senmurv entertaining, hiya?

[Daryl's note: Sailor Senmurv is probably verr, er, very confusing. Allow me to explain. She doesn't speak English. She speaks Senmurvian, which is a kind of broken English. She comes from the Planet Senmurvia, and is the Sailor of that Planet. She is one of the Dimensional Sailor Scouts, along with Sailor Gaia and Sailor Degobah. Let me give you a few clues about her language. "Verr" means "very; in the most extreme sense." "Senmurv" has many meanings. As a proper noun, it refers to Sailor Senmurv (whose name is also Daryl, isn't this confusing?) As a regular noun, it means one of two things-- One, a winged wolf, in Scottish legend. Two, a race of beings that have the power of that animal, who look like humans but have wolf tails, fangs, and ears, in addition to all human charcteristics. Being the Sailor Scout and princess of Senmurvia, Sailor Senmurv can also sprout wings and call upon the wild senmurvs to protect her. As an adjective, it means anything good. As an adverb, it is just filler-- it only accentuates the accuracy of that adjective or verb that it modifies. "Hiyaa!" is a typical exclaimation of the Senmurvians. It is believed that Shampoo, from Ranma 1/2, is a dimensional twin with one of the Senmurvians, which is why Senmurv and Shampoo are alike in some ways.]

Hey!! I no know who this Shampoo person is, but Senmurv is verr distinct person from any other!!

[Sure Senmurv. Whatever you say.]

I deal with you later, hiya! Now, we go on to my best friends, and their pages!

This Nuriko from anime "Fushigi Yuugi." Senmurv like Nuriko verr lot, 'cause she verr strong, but she have secrets! I no give secret away, unless you click on secret on her page. Click here to go to SPOILER FREE page on Nuriko, then decide if you too senmurv curious, hiya?

Feel free to contact me at one of these e-mail addresses:

Senmurv and Chichiri say, go back to Daryl's Final Fantasy, Hiya?

Last updated 4-16-99 by the Great Daryl Debunhurst herself!