Nightstar Ninja

This is just to tell you a little about your hostess (though I have no clue why'd you'd be interested!) My screen name is Anya (like from the animated movie "Anastasia"...man, that was a good one!) I'm twenty and I'm a weird one...or so they tell me. I love cartoons and comic books and all I ever do is draw (that is, when I'm not daydreaming). I love nature, or Creation, as I prefer to call it (I believe in God whole-heartedly...be foolish not to! But I'm the least religious person you've ever met!) The stars are one of my most favorite things about Creation...okay, I know...I have a tendency to ramble. Anyway, Sailor Moon has been a sort of "addiction" of mine ever since I saw a Sailor Moon marathon on TV over Christmas vacation a few years ago. (I think they brainwashed me!) Now I collect the Mangas (an extremely irritating habit to my family) and am, admittedly, having a sort of fit until DiC puts out the S and Super S dubbed episodes AND the dubbed movies coming next year. (I have the subtitled Sailor Moon R movie....it's so cool..."if you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. It is so choice!" Heh heh) But between the Manga ("motionless anime".....yeah, comic books/graphic novels) and the Anime, the original Mangas are my definite fave. The story is better, more developed, makes more sense, and the artwork is the best! I must say, Mamoru/Darien; Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen is one of my very favorite characters. I also really like Setsuna/Sailor Pluto, but I disagree that they should be a couple. (Some fans would like that) The story's great the way it is, although there are a few things I'd change....namely the whole Uranus/Neptune thing. But I suppose that's another story! Anyway, that's about it for now...betcha you're sorry you read this, now, huh? ^_-;

Well, this is me and my bud, Holly....that's another thing about me...all the animals in my family somehow become "mine".
Oh, cool! I have a power! ^_- Only kidding!