Club Meetings

Feb 13

Pepearing for the SUCCESS's charity show:
Today will be our club's first meeting. It's really important for all the members who are going to the SUCCESS's charity show to be present. In this day, our banners, glow sticks, uniform and all the materials that are going to use in the 19th show will be ready to go.
This meeting will be held at the Math buildaing in UBC.However we will be meeting at the parking lot of Contential Square (¸m¦a¼s³õ) at 1:00am.
p.s. Contact us if you're willing to join.

Feb 19

SUCCESS's charity show:
Yeah!! Finally we'll get to see Aaron!! We are going to support Aaron together at the GM place, wear our uniform, take our banner, glow sticks, and whistles to there.  After the show, we can either go to the hotel's door to wait for him or going to the celebration party if we  know the location and time.  This pictures and descriptions of things happening in these four days will be offered to you very soon!

March 27 

Fan Club's First Official Meeting:
Today, ten of our members  attended the first offical meeting including Sandy, Ming, Amy, Queeny, Cindy, Adam, Annie, Mimi, Vincent and Jason.  Getting to know each other is the main purpose for this meeting.  Hopefully, the next meeting will organize better and all the members can come.

If you need more information about the meetings, please contact us.

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