Welcome to Warrior Battle Arena! And now, here are your hosts... the ArenaWarriors!

Prince Saturn Warrior *waves*: I'm the smart one

Lady Lita *coughs*: Sure you are *cough*loser*cough*

Ami Megara *bows*: Hi! I'm the cute one!

Lady Lilith *pokes Meg*: I thought I was the cute one!

Lord Rahl *laughs*: There is no cute one!

Lady Riberu *sweatdrop*: I'm the sane one... that's a scary thought.

Lord Rahl: I guess that's a good start for the page... so now, what's new?

Lady Lita: You should know! Except you don't help with much of the work, so I guess you wouldn't!

Prince Saturn Warrior: Rahl, DO NOT get yourself fired, there is no way I could handle this job as the only guy.

Lady Riberu: I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad, after all, it's not like it would be much different from normal.

Lord Rahl: HEY!

Lady Lilith: Anyways, the rest of us have been working overtime, and hopefully, we will have >several< new fights out in the near future.

Ami Megara: N'oublions pas le nouveau section en francais. Yay!

Lady Riberu: Not only that, there will be some special things like a fight in comic form.

Lady Lita: Don't forget our new fan-club where you can keep up with news and even go into chats with us!

Prince Saturn Warrior: and we apologize for how extremely slow we've been in updating, but we have all been really busy with school.

'Golden' FeliciaNote: This page is rated pg-13 because of the violence and some *very* mild profanity. (ie. someone starts to swear, then is cut off, then they use a different word). There are also a lot of personal jokes in some of the fights, so if you don't understand something, contact us, and we'll try to clarify it for you. There is also some excessive Canadian pride and some issues with relationships of a more mature nature. If any of these issues concern you, you are advised not to read on.
Thank you for your time,
the ArenaWarriors

Senshi Battle Zone Ring of Insanity
Owned by: ArenaWarriors