How to create a Homepage?

With many assisting softwares, making a creative homepage become much easier now. There is no need to learn tons of complicated commands. However, a little bit knowledge about HTML (HyperText Markup Language) would be useful.
HTML authoring tools
HTML editors can be downloaded from the internet for some period of trial, for example, Aardvark Pro and FlexED. Some of the browsers such as Netscape Communicator "Composer" and Internet Explorer "Frontpad" also provide HTML authoring function.
Decorating your homepage with graphics can make it look more lively. Those graphics should be in gif or jpg format. Take a visit to Webmaster's Collection which collects many kinds of bullets, lines, email logos and other images for you to download. Interesting animated images can be found in Clip Art Warehouse.
Anothor way is to contruct graphics by yourself. GIF Construction Set can be used to make banners, LED signs and animations. Also, Paint Shop Pro is a raster format image editing application which helps you edit and create images easily.
Access Counter
A counter counts how many times your homepage has been accessed. If you'd like to have a free counter, please visit BoingDragon's Web Counters or Pagecount.
Other Useful Tools
WWW Indexes: Yahoo! Chinese Yahoo! Infoseek AltaVista

Back to Home Afterall, your homepage can be uploaded by ftp!

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Shirley Choy
Last revised January 7, 1999
Copyright Shirley Choy 1999 all rights reserved