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Check out my Chinese Philosophy page! I created it for my Chinese History class.
The Fly Squish Game--Go squish 'em!
Coming Soon...
Do-It-Yourself I Ching--the ancient art of Chinese fortune-telling
The Ranma-kun Shrine
--devoted to one of the cutest guys in anime
Learn to Write Your Name in Japanese!
--pretty self explanatory
Since summer is here hopefully I'll have time to get started on these!
The Michelle Kwan Fan Page - about my favorite figure skater, Michelle Kwan.
- shopping!
University of California, San Diego
- my school.
The Anime Web Turnpike - the place to go on the web when you need info on Japanese animation.
Dustin's Days Page
- a really great page about the NBC soap, Days of Our Lives.
San Diego weather...
Week of July 30 - August 6

A bit chilly, you say? Quit complaining! =) I happen to think that a daytime high in the mid 70's is just right. And the morning clouds keep it from being too hot. You don't want that heat wave everyone else seems to be having, do you?
for more details, current conditions, and weather in your area, click:

[ Yahoo! Weather ]
Bored? Read! I'm serious! Hey, it's better than cleaning the house (which seems to be the best thing my mom can come up with for me.)

Right now is featuring short stories, which are perfect for summer's short attention spans. =)
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This page last updated July 30, 1999.