Studio PuFF Mascot 11/30/97
The Anipike has Trixie, Genesis has Emiko and I've got PuFF! Isn't she sweet? The only mascot with a mya!
10 Minute Fast Draw 05/07/98
You know the old west, where they had shoot outs and stand-offs to the quickest draw? I've got a not bad trigger finger but only a pencil instead of a gun. A study hall well spent!
More PuFF Mascot! 03/21/99
We Love PuFF! Hee Hee
Sexy Girl 03/21/99
Same girl as in the rockies pic but this ones my original pencil sketch
EVA01 ??/??/99
Evangelion Unit 01! Sho-Gouki! The Beast in the DARKNESS! (as you can tell I love eva)
More Mascot 09/16/99
Puff again but this time sitting.





Site By MaedaČ. Manga Revolution Studio PuFF Web Site Version 3.01. Studio PuFF founded By MaedaČ 1997. Cover movie created with Macromedia Flash 3. Graphics done in Adobe Photoshop 5.01.
[Page Creation Date: 12/07/97]

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