Mr_Bear's Animeco FAQ aka How the hell do I get stuff off an mIRC channel.

Greetings one and all, for all the newbies out there new to mIRC and Fserves in general, here is a simple walkthrough. Getting anime is not that hard, once you get used to it, so

follow this bear on his amble through the mIRC woods to get to the pot of anime.

1. Setting the Server

Animeco is on Port 6667

So enter Servername= This is up to you.

Server Address:

Port: 6667

Nick etc.. are all up to you again

2. Joining the channel

type in /join animeco to join the animeco channel

3. Please:

- Read the rules when entering. This is important as failure to abide by them will result you in getting banned from the channel.

This is a nice friendly channel, but like all people, take advantage of us, break the rules and you will suffer accordingly.

4. Getting Anime

typing !list will display the list of Fserves. In order to access an Fserve, you will see that they will all have a trigger. Type in the trigger.

For example, my Fserve is /ctcp Mr_Bear FeedDaBear so you will type that line in and you will get access to my Fserve.

5. Fserve

Once in an Fserve, there are a list of commands that you can use.

For a Newbie I recommend help as it will list the commands that are available.

Most commonly, you will be using dir to see the files and directories that are available,

you can use cd directory name to change directories.

To get a file, use

get <file name> (the filename must include the extensions *i.e: test.avi or test2.mpg*) to have a file queued to be sent to you.


1. If you get disconnected by Peer or whatever, you will not lose your queue.

If you reboot.. yes you will.

2. Some Fserves have a min CPS which is a minimum transfer speed,

fail to meet that speed and your send will be cancelled. So be aware of this, speed is dependent on the connection you have and the number of hops between you and the Fserver.

Feedback, comments and pots of honey can be sent to me Mr_Bear through the channel.

Or email me at