Ryoga : Crossover 
by Mark Latus

Part One : Ryoga 1/2

     Ryoga looked around in confusion feeling a terrible disorientation.  That
was very strange, while he got lost frequently he never noticed it happening. 
A moment ago the sky was overcast, now it was a bright sunny day.  It was
almost as if his surroundings had shifted.  Where was he?
     Fortunately Nabiki had suggested a good way to try to find his bearings. 
He headed for the highest roof nearby and looked around.  A stroke of luck, he
could see the Dojo.  While this would undoubtedly annoy the neighbours a 
straight line was the best route to get home.  So he started leaping from roof
to roof while keeping the house in sight.  He was fairly careful and only put
a foot through one roof.  Luckily no one noticed.
     Leaping from the last roof he aimed to make sure he'd miss the carp pond.
A perfect touchdown.  Looked like Ranma and the Tendo's were already back.
     "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in baseball practice".
     Strangely everyone looked slightly puzzled, except Ranma who looked
completely astonished.  Ryoga watched as Ranma's gaze kept flickering between
him and Akane.  Why Akane?
     Ranma tried to put together a coherent statement, but failed miserably.
     "But you ...? He's over ... How?.... It's not possible!...Where?..."
     Ryoga noticed something looked different about Akane.  Two things
actually, firstly she'd had her hair cut short.  It looked good but was
definitely strange.  As long as he'd known Akane she'd been proud of having
long, beautiful hair.
     The second thing was that Akane had a pet, a small black piglet.  It was
wearing a bandanna like his, a cute touch.  Akane must have beeen holding the
pig too tightly since it seemed to be very agitated.  Of course it just might
have been startled by his sudden arrival.
     "Have you started attending Furikan High School Ryoga? I notice you're
wearing the uniform".
     This question came from Kasumi.  It was a very strange one from the woman 
who'd packed his lunch.
     "Are you feeling all right Kasumi?"
     Akane spoke up, "Actually I was wondering that myself.  Are you planning
to settle down and stop wandering Japan?"
     If this was a joke Ryoga didn't get it.  He took Nabiki's hand.
     "Nabiki what's wrong with them?"
     She pulled away from him, "Getting a little too familiar aren't you
     Now what?
     "That's a strange way to talk to your fiance".
     "Excuse me.  What did you call me?"
     What was going on?
     Ranma regained his voice, "OK Ryoga I don't know how you managed this but
I want some answers now!"
     Ranma slammed his fist down on the table, upsetting it and catapulting the
vase on it towards Ryoga.  Water sprayed across the room.
     Ryoga felt the water hit with a certain resignation.  How many
transformations had it been?  He'd stopped counting months ago.  She managed
to catch the vase before it hit the floor.  There was still some water in it,
turnabout is fairplay.
     "I keep telling you don't do that Ranma", Ryoga-chan splashed Ranma with 
the remaining water then set the vase back on the table.
     Ranma didn't protest, didn't even seem to notice he'd turned female.  He
was staring at Ryoga in complete astonishment.  It dawned on Ryoga that it
wasn't just Ranma, everyone in the room was staring at him in amazement.
     Akane's piglet gave an angry squeal and dashed deeper into the house. 
Otherwise the room was still and silent.
     Nabiki stepped forward and prodded one of Ryoga's breasts.
     "Uh Nabiki, if you wouldn't do that ..."
     "They're real allright.  Hmm, red hair, just like Ranma".
     "Of course like Ranma, it was the same pool!  What is wrong with you
     Akane found her voice, "Ryoga, you went to Jusenkyo?"
     "Why is everyone acting like this is news?  You've all known about the
curse almost since you met me."
     "No, this is new".
     That was Nabiki, Ryoga-chan turned to her feeling a rising panic, "This
isn't a joke is it?  You really don't remember my curse, our engagement and 
my settling down here and returning to school!"
     "That's right".
     Ryoga tried to think this through.  "Always look at the details", Nabiki
had drummed into him, "the profit's in the details".   Nabiki's 5th law of
Acquisition, or maybe it was number 7.
    Shampoo could have pulled her memory erasing trick, but could she have
got everyone in the house?  Anyway they obviously remembered him/her, they'd
just forgotten certain details.  Why make Nabiki forget their engagement?  It
wouldn't get Shampoo any closer to getting Ranma.  Of course Cologne probably
taught Shampoo the technique, but again why would she bother wiping memories
about Ryoga.  It didn't make any sense.
     "What the hell is going on?", she screamed.
     Ranma regained control of herself and was about to speak.  Then a new 
figure appeared in the doorway and Ranma's eyes bugged out.
     "That's what I want to know imposter!"
     Ryoga-chan stared.  It was .... him.  Ryoga-kun.  Her normal male form.  
He was wearing that green and black outfit she used to wear all the time and
carrying a bowl of hot water.
     She tried to think.  Could her male self have become separate?  No, she'd
been a boy on arrival so that didn't make sense.
     The other Ryoga flung hot water across the room, drenching Ryoga-chan and
Ranma-chan.  Both transformed back to male.
     Ryoga looked down at himself to confirm he was back to normal.  Then
feeling his anger build he glared at the newcomer and snarled, "I don't know
what kind of game you're playing but there's only one imposter in this room".
     "Oh really?  Ranma will confirm I don't turn into a girl when I get wet".
     Ranma looked very confused, "Uh yeah, not a girl, nope Ryoga never turns
into a girl ... uh, what's going on?"
     The other Ryoga continued, "And as for my being crazy enough to get
engaged to a golddigger like Nabiki ..."
     "No one talks about my fiance that way!"
     "It's true isn't it?"
     "Yeeeees .... I suppose it is, but no imposter questions my choice of
     The two Ryoga's glared at each other.
     Nabiki cleared her throat, "Can I say something?"
     "Not right now please"
     "Combat will show which of us is the real Ryoga!"
     "Fine by me, but outside.  I'm tired of lectures on the cost of replacing
damaged walls, floors, furnishings and continually switching insurance
     "The garden it is then".
     They headed outside followed by the Tendo's and Saotome's who were still
nowhere near figuring out what was going on.
     Meanwhile just outside the main gate Ryoga was looking around in
confusion.  No mistake, this was the Tendo Dojo.  Not only wasn't he in the
village anymore, this wasn't even China.  A few seconds ago he was heading to
the village training ground for today's lesson from Cologne.  Now he was one of
the last places in the world he wanted to be.
     It had to be Ranma's doing.  He was finally trying to avenge himself for
his loss to Ryoga and Shampoo.  There was no sign Shampoo, looked like Ranma
wanted the rematch just between the two of them.
     So be it, "I'd renounced my grudge against you Ranma.  I was ready to let
the past stay buried.  But no-one drags me away from my wife and adopted home!
If you really want to fight I'm ready to show you what I've learned from
     He strode to the gate then hesitated.  He'd probably have to confront
Akane again.  No matter, it couldn't be helped.  The way of the martial artist
was never said to be easy.  He'd go in and pound on Ranma until Ranma agreed
to send him back to China and never bring him here again.
     Ryoga slammed the gate open and entered the garden

End of Part 1

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/temple/1810

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