Ryoga : Crossover
by Mark Latus
A Ranma 1/2 fanfic in nine parts

The Quick Guide to Ryoga Hibikis
Ryoga 1 - The only Ryoga who belongs on this world.  The guy you've seen in the
Ryoga 2 - Engaged to the Nabiki of his world.  Has the same curse as Ranma. AKA
          Ryoga 1/2, Ryoga-chan.
Ryoga 3 - Married the Shampoo of his world shortly after meeting her.  Normally
          lives in China.  Trained by Cologne.
Ryoga 4 - Engaged to the Ukyou of his world.

Part 5 : My dinner with Ryoga

     After a long explanation (and a demonstration of Ryoga 2's curse as a 
visual aid) Ryoga 4 had come to accept that he was no longer on his own world.
This lead Nabiki to comment to Kasumi, "A bit strange all these Ryogas 
believing a story as wild as this one."
     "I guess they just want to accept it as true."
     "What do you mean?"
     "Well if this is their own world then they'd all be faced with fiances 
who no longer love them.  As well as everyone having different memories of the
past.  But if this is another world that means everything will be fine once 
they find the way back to their loved ones."
     Nabiki snorted, "You're an incurable romantic."
     "There's nothing wrong with that Nabiki."
     During this Ryoga 4 had continued to tell the story of how he'd become
engaged to Ukyou.
     "... so after Ranma declared Akane was his only real fiance Ukyou was 
heartbroken".  He considered mentioning how crushed he'd been when Akane 
announced that she loved Ranma.  Seeing desparation on Ryoga 1's face he
omitted that part.  "So .... well Ukyou ran into me, we were two lonely people
... and, well things just sort of snowballed from there."  That sounded really
lame, a shame he'd never had much of a gift at storytelling.
     Ukyou was sitting next to Ranma.  She grabbed him by his collar and hauled
him towards her.
     "I don't believe this!  You dumped me!"
     Ranma was a little taken aback at this, "Uh wait.  That wasn't me, it was
some other me.  He's probably wildly different from me.  Right?"
     Ryoga 4 shrugged, "I can't say I've noticed any great difference between
you and him."
     Ranma tried again, "Look Ukyou the Ranma in his world must have brain 
damage or something.  Probably Pop hit him over the head too many times.  Why
else would he prefer a flatchested tomboy with the personality of hurkk...."
    It was very foolish of Ranma to forget Akane was sitting on the other side
of him.  Now she had a firm grip on his collar.
    "Care to repeat that last statement Ranma?"
    The Ryogas watched with interest.  It was always fascinating to see how 
quickly Ranma dug his own grave.  Ranma decided to change the subject fast.
The thing that had been most on his mind now was food.
     "Kasumi, is there a second course?  After all I'm a growing boy, need my
     "I'm sorry Ranma but that's all there was.  With our unexpected guests,
Ukyou and the four Ryogas, I had to stretch dinner for another five people."
     Ranma glared at the nearest Ryoga (no. 2), "I knew you'd be trouble.
Thanks to you guys I don't get a proper dinner."
     "None of us asked to switch worlds, we still have no idea why we're
     "Maybe, but four Ryogas is too, many for any world.  One's probably too
many.  I just hope there's no more of you around."
     A new but very familiar voice broke in, "I hate to disappoint you Ranma
but I'm afraid there's more than four of us."
     The speaker emerged from the darkness of the garden, removing the black
hood that had concealed his face.  It was, of course, another Ryoga.  This one
wore a black ninja style outfit.
     "I heard your conversation over dinner, fascinating stuff.  Since we're 
using numbers you can call me Ryoga 5.  In case you're wondering what I've been
doing out here, that was just a little reconaissance.  Frankly I was puzzled
when I saw myself entering the house earlier this afternoon.  It finally got
dark enough for me to move in for a closer look.  These black outfits are 
great for sneaking around at night but they stand out like a sore thumb in
     Kasumi was the first to respond to this curious statement, "I'm sorry
you had to wait so long.  I'm afraid you've missed dinner."
     "Quite alright.  I have some sandwiches in my backpack."  Ryoga 5 put
his pack down and opened it.  He pulled out a bundle of clothes and dropped
them on the floor.  "Yesterday's clothes, must get some laundry done ... 
should be under ... ahh here."  He pulled out a waxpaper wrapped package.  
Ranma grabbed it.
     "I'll take that.  If it wasn't for you Ryogas there'd be enough to eat
around here.  As it is I'm still hungry."
     "Please feel free."  As Ranma was about to bite down on one of them 
Ryoga 5 added, "Of course they are laced with arsenic."
     Ranma's jaws locked open.  Ryoga 2 reached over and pulled the sandwich
free.  he examined it and asked his counterpart, "Why are you eating toxic
     "It's just trace amounts actually.  As to why, well since becoming 
Kodachi's fiance building a resistance to poisons has seemed a very good idea.
     Everyone was, to say the least, surprised.
     Ryoga 2 continued, "Kodachi?  Kodachi as in the psychotic gymnast with 
the Ranma fixation?"
     "No, Kodachi as in the psychotic gymnast with the Ryoga fixation."
     "I see."
     Ryoga 2 paused, once again he seemed to be acting as spokesman.  Then he
spotted something in the pile of clothing.  "Uh, what is that?"
     Ryoga 5 followed his gaze, "Just the outfit I was wearing yesterday ...
oh that, Kodachi's leotard.  Must have picked it up by mistake.  Still I did
leave in kind of a hurry.  I swept my stuff on the floor into my backpack
quick as I could before heading out the window."
     "I hesitate to ask but where were you at the time?"
     "Kodachi's bedroom."
     "And why did you leave in a hurry?"
     "Well when Tatewaki came through the door with that ninja hit squad a fast
exit seemed like a real good idea."
     Ryoga 2 looked at him, "Ninja hit squad?"
     "Yeah, not the top of the profession or I wouldn't still be here.  Luckily
for me Kuno can only afford second-rate assassins.  So I just have to get away
then stay on the move until his retainer runs out.  I figure a few more times 
then he'll be bankrupt and I can start relaxing in the mornings."
     "So this happens regularly?"
     "Why do you think I was up and dressed before dawn?  I've learned that if
you have to run away from assassins you don't want to compound your problems
by streaking through town."
     Ryoga 2 sighed, "Sounds like you live a very active life."
     Ryoga 5 shrugged, "You get used to it."
     "So why does Kuno want you dead?  Let me guess, he figures you've 
dishonored his sister."
     "Nope, actually he figures with me out of the way he can get Kodachi to
marry Ranma.  That means he gets Akane and 'the pig tailed girl' by default."
     "Kuno seems fairly consistent universe to universe."
     "I guess some things are eternal."
     Ranma had managed to unjam his jaws, "I don't believe this, five Ryogas.
Could it get any worse."
     Ryoga 5 smiled, "Very easily, actually there's at least six of us."
     They did a good job of shouting in unison, Ryoga 5 thought.  He continued,
"As I already said I got curious when I saw another Ryoga enter this place.  So
I've been watching the house all evening, in case it was some kind of trap.  I
saw another Ryoga, who looked a real mess, head away from here when he realized
where he was.  He circled back once already and headed away again.  Still you
know our sense of direction, the place we least want to be is where we're most
likely to arrive.  So he'll be back."
     Akane spoke up, "Why's he avoiding us?"
     "No idea."
     Ranma sat down and groaned, "Six Ryogas! Can life get any worse."
     Ryoga 3 spoke up, "Cheer up Ranma.  It could be a lot worse."
     "Easy, there could be six Ranmas running around."
     Everyone laughed, except Ranma and Ryoga 1.
     Ryoga 1 announced, "I'm with Ranma.  This world only need one Ryoga and 
that's me.
     There was a brief silence interrupted by Ryoga 2 asking, "Number 1, could
I have a quick word with you?"
     Ryoga 1 grunted his assent and the two of them headed into the hallway.
They closed the door behind them and Ryoga 1 demanded, "What do you want with
     Ryoga 2 took a sip from the glass of water he was holding.  "Refreshing,
Ever wonder why cold water only affects us externally rather than internally?"
     "I suppose not.  Ok then, what the hell is your problem?  I thought maybe
resented us just for being here but it's more than that.  You deliberately
provoked that fight between Ranma and Ryoga 3.  I'm also pretty sure you resent
me.  Why?  Neither of us asked to come here."
     "Because you're both showing me up.  He's a better fighter and you're
smarter.  Do you think I like looking dumb and inept?"
     Ryoga 2 sighed, "Of course Ryoga 3's the best fighter.  He's been trained,
intensely, by an expert in esoteric martial arts.  I don't know about you but 
it's been quite a while since I studied under anyone.  Rather than working 
alone on my own skills."
     Ryoga 1 stayed silent.
     "As for my being smarter ... until Jusenkyo we were identical.  You fell
in one pool, I fell in another.  But that didn't make me more intelligent.  
You're still the way I used to be.  It used to be that I didn't think about
situations, I just reacted to them.  Usually by getting angry and wanting to
smash something.  Don't you get it, that's all I learned from Nabiki, think
before acting.  It's that simple."
     Ryoga 1 looked at him, "What?"
     Ryoga 2 sighed and said, "OK let's try this another way", and tossed his
water in Ryoga 1's face.  It was the first time he'd seen someone turn into a
pig. A very interesting sight.  "Learning to think helps you learn how to
fight dirty."
     He picked up the squealing piglet.  "From what I've seen of other people
with animal curses you can still understand me.  So listen up, you can get
along with the rest of us or you can kiss your secret goodbye.  I've got 
nothing to hide and exposure here won't mean anything to the other Ryogas
once they're back on their homeworlds."
     Scooping up Ryoga 1's clothes he headed into the bathroom and ran some
hot water into the tub.  He then dropped the pig into the water.  Ryoga 1
glared at him.  He dropped the clothes and told Ryoga 1, "Dry off, get dressed
and meet me downstairs".  He headed back to the group.
     While all this had been going on Ryoga 4 was asking Ryoga 5 how he'd
met Kodachi in the first place.
     "Well it was shortly before the Rhythmic Gymnastics Martial Arts Contest.
Kodachi had snuck over here to cripple Akane before the match.  She ran in to 
me, literally.  I saved her from falling off the roof and, for her, it was
lust at first sight."
     Akane spoke up, "If it was a one sided relationship how'd she get you for
a fiance?"
     "Persistance and the application of various mind altering drugs."
     A brief silence.
     "Sorry I asked."
     Ryoga 2 re-entered the room, "Did I miss anything?"
     "Ryoga 5 was just telling us his engagement story."
     "Was it more shocking than mine?"
     "I suppose not."
     Ryoga 1 reappeared, he looked unhappy.
     "Ryoga", Akane asked him, "is everything all right?"
     He forced himself to smile, "Everything's fine, what could possibly be 
     Ryoga 5 frowned, something was going on between those two Ryogas.  Or
maybe not, getting involved with Kodachi had definitely made him more than a 
little paranoid.
     Meanwhile outside the main gate Ryoga Hibiki snarled with anger.  Back
here again, the last place on earth he wanted to be.  He took another swig 
from his bottle, the cheap liquor burning his throat.  Maybe this was a sign
from fate that he was past due settling his account with Ranma.  Very well.
He slammed the gate open snarling, "Time to die Ranma."
     Inside the house he heard his own voice say "Sounds like number 6 just
showed up.  We'd better go talk to him."  Then five Ryogas walked out of the
house to greet him.
     The new Ryoga looked a real mess.  Already unkempt and stinking of 
alcohol he was now going into shock.  They lead him inside and started to
explain things.
     Elsewhere the watcher smiled.  All six Ryogas were in place before zero
hour.  Excellent.
     Having finished the explanations everyone was watching the new Ryoga.  He
sat in sullen silence.  His only comment so far had been, "Fine call me Ryoga
6.  What does it matter?  What does anything matter?"
     Ryoga 4 decided to try breaking the ice, "So ... are you engaged to
     Ryoga 6 glared at him, "My marriage was annulled."
     That sounded intriguing, "Who did you marry?"
     Ryoga 6 glanced around the room.  Why not tell them, it's said misery 
loves company.
     "Ranko Tendo."
     Total shocked silence broken by Ryoga 3 clearing his throat, "From the
expressions on your faces I'll probably regret asking this.  But who is Ranko
     Akane answered in a faint voice, "That's a name Ranma uses for his female
     "Oh I see .... WHAT!!!!"
     Ryoga 6 smiled bitterly, "Didn't happen in your world, huh.  You lucky
bastard.  Here's what happened ; I never did get the full story, something to
do with Ranma's mother not learning of his curse.  So Ranma pretended to be 
Soun's niece Ranko.  For some reason he decided it would help his deception to
pretend to be my fiance.  Being very gullible I fell for it.
     Things might have been OK if it wasn't for that head injury.  Ranma 
developed amnesia and asked me who she was.  I told her what I believed to be
the truth.  Her name was Ranko Tendo, she was my fiance, and she was phobic
about hot water.  She accepted that.  Shortly afterwards we noticed the Tendos
and Genma got very upset whenever we got affectionate.
     Ranko decided they were trying to split us up for some reason.  She 
proposed we elope and I agreed.  So we left a note that we were going to Kyoto
to get married.  I forget why we chose there.  Anyway they went there to stop
us.  Unfortunately Ranko depended on me to lead the way so we wound up in
Hiroshima.  We decided that was close enough and went ahead with the marriage.
     Our pursuers caught up with us.  Unfortunately we were already into the
honeymoon by then.  They doused Ranko with hot water and Doc. Tofu used some
sort of herbal massage memory restoring thing.  I was more than a little 
upset and tried to kill Ranma.  Soun, Genma and Tofu stopped me.  I haven't
seen Ranma since.  Hopefully he's dying slowly and painfully from cancer or
some other loathsome disease.  I started drinking after that and nothing's
been really clear ever since.  Although I think I've wrecked a lot of bars.
     So that's my story, how do you like it?"
     He looked around the room.  Ranma looked nauseous, the other Ryogas were
very pale and everyone else looked shocked.  Good, but now he was getting
     "Anything to drink around here?"
     9:57 pm local time. 
     The watcher's alarms went off, enemy intrusion detected.  40 minutes 
earlier than the estimate, still a two hour margin of error had been allowed 
     The alarms triggered again.  A second wave, again the signal was too brief
to trace.  The rebels had planned well, but not well enough.  There was only
one place they'd go.  When they did he'd be waiting.
     He smiled, "Time for Ryoga 7 to join the party."
     With that he departed for the Tendo home.

end of part 5

Next episode: A Ryoga who seems to good to be true, Ryoga 2's recollections,
              Ryoga 5's suspicions and people with a rotten attitude toward
              Ryoga Hibiki.
Part 6 : The Magnificent 7?

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/temple/1810

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