Ryoga : Crossover
by Mark Latus
A Ranma 1/2 fanfic in nine parts

The Quick Guide to Ryoga Hibikis
Ryoga 1 - The only Ryoga who belongs on this world.  The guy you've seen in the
Ryoga 2 - Engaged to the Nabiki of his world.  Has the same curse as Ranma. AKA
          Ryoga 1/2, Ryoga-chan.
Ryoga 3 - Married the Shampoo of his world shortly after meeting her.  Normally
          lives in China.  Trained by Cologne.
Ryoga 4 - Engaged to the Ukyou of his world.
Ryoga 5 - Forcibly engaged to Kodachi of his world.  Slightly paranoid.  
          Seriously injured earlier in the evening.
Ryoga 6 - R.I.P.

Part 9 : Departures and Consequences

     The other Ryogas were clustered around Ryoga 5 when Kasumi emerged from
the house.  She looked upset as she announced, "All the bodies aren't gone,
there's still one in the house.  It's one of you."
     The Ryogas looked at one another, Ryoga 6 had slipped their minds during
the recent chaos.  Ryoga 5 was the only one of them to have actually seen his
corpse.  They looked toward the house with a horrible morbid fascination.
     Ryoga 5 sighed, "So go look, pay your last respects to that sorry 
     "You shouldn't speak ill of the dead", Ryoga 1 told him.
     "Try loosing an arm sometime, it doesn't do much for your social 
     The other Ryogas hesitated then walked into the house through the gaping 
holes in the wall.  Kasumi walked over to where Ryoga 5 lay, he didn't look 
good.  He was very pale and shivering.  "It's not really cold is it?" he asked. 
She shook her head.  "Damn, then it's me.  I'm going into shock."
     Kasumi glanced aroung the garden, Nabiki was examining father and Mr.
Saotome, Akane was still crouched by the semiconscious Ranma.  "How are 
they?", she asked.
     Nabiki slipped the adults' wallets back into their pockets and answered, 
"Dad and Mr. Saotome are just dazed.  We've seen them in worse shape than 
this."  She walked over to join her sister, calling over to Akane, "How's 
     Ranma muttered, "Ukyou ... ".  Akane restrained herself from slapping
him.  "The dolt sounds like he's back to normal, but how's Ryoga 5 doing?"
     "About as well as can be expected", he answered weakly.  "Which is not
that well.  Hitting that robot used about all the strength I had left."
He noticed the object Kasumi was carrying, "What is that thing?"
     "I've no idea", Kasumi said as she put the object besides him.  I 
noticed it in the hall where the ... the robot left its shoes and bookbag.
Those both disappeared but this thing was there."
     Ryoga 5 examined the device, it seemed to be metallic, composed of a 
spherical body with thin arms that seemed to vanish rather that end.  
"Everything that came with it vanished except this", he muttered.  "Why is
this still here?"
     "You need a doctor", Kasumi told him.  "Our phone may be out but I'm
sure we can call from a neighbour's house."
     "What I need is to get back to my own world and then get medical 
attention.  The robot implied things can't stay in a foreign universe very 
long.  I don't want to snap back into my own world in the middle of surgery 
and wind up bleeding to death."  Besides, he thought, I've got one hope of 
being whole again.  I've just got to get out of this world and maybe Kasumi 
has found the key.
     Nabiki glanced around the wrecked garden, "Aside from the wreckage, which
is fairly common around here, you'd never know anything happened.  It's like
we all had some weird dream."
     Ryoga 5 glanced at his stump, "Not a dream, not even a terrible nightmare,
it was all for real."  He glanced at the house, "I'm sure my counterparts would 
agree.  Seeing your own dead body dispels a lot of illusions."
     Inside the house the Ryogas were gathered around a sheet covered body.
Kasumi must have thrown it over him.  There was a second covered object on
the floor.  A quick look had revealed it to be the remains of Ryoga 5's arm.
It had been hastily re-covered.
     Ryoga 2 took a deep breath and pulled the sheet off, the four of them
stared down into their own dead features.  Silence.  To break the stillness
that followed Ryoga 1 remarked, "He looks ... peaceful."
     Ryoga 2 shook his head, "To me he looks hurt and scared.  As if no matter
how rotten his life had become he didn't want to die."
     Silence again.
     Ryoga 3 reached down and closed the dead man's eyes.  He straightened up
and said, "Well, we knew we wouldn't live forever."
     "Did we?", Ryoga 2 asked.  "I'd have said I knew that but to really know
you'll die someday ... Nothing else could bring home the reality like this."
     The silence resumed.  Ryoga 4 covered the body and asked, "Shouldn't we 
... well do something about him?"
     Ryoga 2 answered, "No, if I followed what the robot said correctly we all
return to our own worlds sooner or later.  That'll include him.  So there's not
much point in burying him.  Look let's get out of here I can't think."  Or I 
think about things I'd rather not, he added to himself.
     The Ryogas trooped back outside, Kasumi waved them over.  "Your other
self thinks he knows how you can get home again."  Three of the four rushed
over to his side.
     "This is just a theory but this thing ...", he indicated the device Kasumi
had found, "... may be what's holding us in this world.  Everything else that
came from Ryoga 7's world vanished with him.  The simplest way to test my 
theory is to smash it and see if we snap home."
     Ryoga 3 picked up the device and examined it, "I'll be happy to break it,
but first I have to ask this; that robot was based on another version of us.
How could we, any of us, get that twisted that .... well evil?"
     Ryoga 2 shrugged, "I don't have any profound reason.  Maybe it was like 
Ryoga 6, he got a few bad breaks and his life went to hell.  After that he
hated everything and, unfortunately, got the means to express his rage 
     Ryogas 1 and 4 looked uncertain.  Both wanted to say something but 
couldn't find the words to express it.
     Ryoga 3 put the device down at his feet, "I don't know.  I mean I killed
a man tonight and I'll have to live with that.  But I don't think it'll
ruin my life.  He may have been misguided but if I hadn't stopped him I'd be
dead.  My not being the man he meant to kill wouldn't have brought me back to 
life.  You have to accept the consequences of your actions."
     "Shit happens", Ryoga 5 muttered.  "Anyone is capable of anything in the
right circumstances, that works for good as well as evil.  Look, discussing
personal philosophy might be fun under other circumstances, but I'm in a lot
of pain and I'd like to go home.  So I'm sorry that we don't get a big goodbye
scene but could you just smash that thing and see if anything happens."
     Ryoga 3 nodded and built a small chi burst, "OK here goes.  It's been
... interesting seeing how I could have turned out but I'd like to get back
to my wife."
     The other Ryogas muttered similar sentiments.  Ryoga 3 blasted the 
device and the transmitter array fragmented.  As it broke apart the shrapnel
vanished, returning to its home world with its internal quantum stabiliser 
destroyed.  Without a lightshow or strange noises four Ryogas vanished.  Inside
the house so did Ryoga 6 and Ryoga 5's arm.
     There was one Ryoga left, Ryoga 1.  Except he no longer needed a number
to distinguish himself.  "Well, they're gone", he announced.
     Kasumi nodded, "I just hope they got home safely."

Ryoga 2:
     Ryoga rematerialized in the spot he'd been snatched from several hours
earlier.  Again he felt the disorientation which, though he hadn't known it
at the time, meant he'd switched worlds.  He examined his surroundings, a
darkened alley partially lit by streetlights.  Hopefully he was back in his
own world, now he just had to find his way home.  Again he headed for the 
highest rooftop and looked around until he spotted the Tendo Dojo.  OK, time
to try this routine again.  He began jumping from roof to roof while keeping
the dojo in sight.  He was a little more cautious that last time and only
knocked off a few shingles.
     On the last roof before the Tendo's he hesitated.  He was having a sudden
feeling of deja vu.  Last time he jumped down there he met a short haired 
Akane and a Nabiki with no romantic feelings for him.  He'd obviously switched
worlds, this yard being undamaged, but was this his homeworld?  Well he 
couldn't stay up here forever.  It was time to find out.
     He landed in the garden between the pond and the house.  Someone inside
heard him and opened the door.  Akane looked out, "Ryoga?  Where have you 
     Ryoga stared at her in shock, it was happening again.  He took several
involuntary steps backward and overbalanced into the pond.  Akane came over
to the pond's edge, "What in the world is wrong with you?"
     Ryoga hardly noticed he'd turned female.  She pointed at Akane shakily,
"You ... your hair?!"
     Akane started getting angry, "You're sounding like Ranma, if I decide I
want a new hairstyle that's my business, get it!"
     Ryoga's pulse rate started to slow, "New style, you just got it cut 
     "That's what I said."
     "So I didn't accidently cut it while fighting Ranma?  And my turning 
female doesn't surprise you?"
     "Of course you turned female you got wet.  I have no idea what that first
part was supposed to mean."
     Ryoga calmed down and clambered out of the pond, "That is a very long 
story.  The short version is I've had a very rough night."
     Nabiki emerged from the house with a thermos of hot water, "When I heard
the splash I knew you had to be back."
     Ryoga-chan reached for the flask, "Thanks Nabiki, there's no place like 
home ..."  Something small and wrinkled jumped from the shadows and latched
onto her chest.
     "Oh my Ryoga-chan is back, I'm so happy."
     Ryoga looked down at Happosai, "...Of course you have to accept the bad 
along with the good."  She held a hand on either side of the pervert and 
focused on negative thoughts.  The chi sphere started forming with Happosai
at its centre.  He gave a howl and released his grip, landing at Ryoga-chan's
feet with his clothes smoldering.  She punted him over the wall and dispelled
the sphere.  
      "You're in a funny mood tonight", Nabiki commented as she handed her
fiance the water.  "Normally you shout a lot more when Happosai attacks you."
      Ryoga poured the water over herself and turned male.  "After what I've
been through tonight that counts as a very minor annoyance.  Now then ..."
He pulled Nabiki towards him and kissed her.  The embrace continued for quite
a while, Akane (feeling a little embarrassed) was about to leave when they
broke for air.
     "Not that I mind", Nabiki said, "but I tend to be the aggressive one in 
this relationship.  What brought that on?"
     "I just found out that confronting your mortality and the way your life 
could have gone makes you appreciate what you've got.  So how about we make
this a night to remember."
     "Beat's watching TV, let's go."
     Ryoga swept up Nabiki and headed inside and upstairs.  Akane called after
him, "Hey what happened to you tonight anyway?"
     "Talk to me in the morning", he called back.
     "But not too early", Nabiki added.
     Alone on the porch Akane said to herself, "Well, is this a new development
or have they just been a bit more discrete until now?"  There was no one to
answer.  She looked out into the darkness, perhaps there was some romance in
the air tonight.  She sometimes thought about Ranma ...
     At which point Ranma, carrying Ukyou in his arms, and pursued by Shampoo
and Kodachi went dashing over the neighbouring roof tops.  Her romantic 
thoughts blinked out and the fires of hell started burning in her eyes.  "YOU
MORON!"  She grabbed her mallet and joined the chase.

Ryoga 3: 
     With a feeling of disorientation Ryoga reappeared on the path to the
village training ground.  He recognised his surroundings with relief, he'd
been afraid he'd return to his own world but be stuck in Japan.
     "Nihao."  Shampoo dashed from her place at Cologne's magic circle and
wrapped herself around him.  This pleasurable embrace was broken by Cologne
rapping her staff against his skull.  ""
     "I'd be happy to honoured elder ...", he began.
     She rapped him on the head again, ""
     ", this 
is really complicated and I don't have the vocabulary for most of it.  Can't
I explain it in Japanese?"
     Cologne sighed, "Very well, but it had better be complicated."
     "Well there was this robot from an alternate universe's future that was
built to look like me ..."
     After a lengthy explanation Ryoga fell silent.  Cologne looked at him,
"That was indeed a complicated story, and was indeed the truth as you 
understood it.  I will have to think about."
     Shampoo spoke up, "Shampoo not understand half of that, she just glad
husband is back."
     "Sorry to upset you by disappearing but I didn't have any choice in the
matter.  I hope you didn't overreact."
     Shampoo looked innocent, "Shampoo never overreacts."
     "RYOGA", an extremely battered Mousse shouted as he staggered into view.
"Prepare to ... uh ... you know ... that word, whatsit ...", Mousse's eyes
glazed over and he collapsed.
     Shampoo looked at Ryoga, "See Shampoo didn't overreact, Mousse is still
     Cologne looked at both of them, "After confronting death it is wise to
celebrate life.  So you two should go home and enjoy one another."
     Ryoga nodded and picked up Shampoo, she whispered something in his ear.
He looked even more eager, "Show me the way to home."  She pointed and he
rushed off carrying her.
     Cologne watched them go, "Heading exactly the right route.  It seems
some things are greater than his ability to get lost."  She ran his story
through her mind.  "So he has the potential to become Emperor of the world
if certain conditions are fufilled."  She speculated on this, "A great-
grandson-in-law with incredible power and wealth would be a comfort when I
finally reach old age.  Of course we would have to relocate to Japan, and
Ryoga would have to do several things he'd consider immoral.  Still ... I
must consider this further and avoid hasty action."
     She headed home.  Behind her Mousse stirred, "Die, that's the word."
He looked around, no one else was present.  Just as well, he was in no shape
to kill Hibiki tonight.  
     "Oh well, tomorrow is another day."

Ryoga 4:
     Ukyou sat alone in the darkened restaurant.  She'd had no idea what to
do since witnessing Ryoga literally vanish in front of her.  One second he'd
been heading over to clean up a table the next he was gone.  Akane and Ranma
had come by shortly afterwards though she doubted she'd made much sense to 
them.  Ranma, having understood her to say Ryoga had gone, had tried to 
comfort her by saying that she hadn't lost much.  Akane had elbowed him in
the stomach, it seemed some things hadn't changed between them.
      She'd got them to understand that something paranormal had happened
but aside from sympathy what could they, or anyone, do for her.  Why was 
life so unfair?  First she lost Ranma, though she now realized she'd never
actually had him, now Ryoga the man who had wanted her was gone.
     She had been thinking this over and over again all night long.  Just
sitting here watching the spot where he'd vanished hoping for a sign.  
Something, anything that would let her find him.
     Without a moments warning Ryoga appeared in the same spot he'd 
disappeared from hours earlier.  Disorientated he leaned on the table for
     "Ryoga!", she jumped across the room and hugged him.  He overbalanced
and they both hit the floor.  Ryoga regained his equilibrium, "Ukyou, you're
crying.  Are you all right?"
     "I'm fine, I thought I'd lost you, you idiot."
     He looked unsure of himself, "I .. I wasn't sure you'd still want me."
     "Why wouldn't I?  I'm so happy I just wish I could stop crying."
     He pulled a bandanna loose and wiped her eyes.  Looking serious he asked
her, "Ukyou do you think I'm ... dangerous?"
     "What kind of question is that?"
     "I'm not really sure, but tonight I got pulled into another world.  There  
was another version of you who was still chasing Ranma, and another version of
me who was still after Akane.  Problem is there were several versions of me,
all of them people I could have been if I'd made the right decisions.  Or the
wrong decisions.  One of them was someone I could become in the future.  That
version was totally evil and corrupt and I have to face the possibility that I
could become him.  I've learned a few things about myself I didn't like.  It 
seems I've got the potential to be very dangerous and I don't want that.  I 
don't want to hurt you but I'm suddenly afraid that knowing me could endanger
you. I wish I could explain it clearer than that."
     Ukyou looked at him, "Ryoga, we're both martial artist, practically 
everyone we both know fights in some fashion or other.  Potentially we're all
dangerous.  There's no reason to live your life afraid of something you might
do someday.  I know you've got a good heart, I wouldn't have got involved
with you in the first place otherwise.  Just do the best you can, that's all
any of us can do."
     They were both silent for a moment.  The Ryoga said, "Thanks Ukyou, I can
always depend on you to say the right thing."
     "So be glad you've got me idiot."
     After a few moments he said, "Pleasant as this may be for you I'm the one
lying on the floor.  It's getting hard on my back."
     "Just let me get used to your being back.  Then we can find somewhere 
     Unnoticed by them a trashcan cursed and slid towards the back door.  
Tsubasa was furious, he'd heard Ryoga was gone and Ukyou was alone.  Why had
Ranma started that rumor anyway?

Ryoga 5
     Ryoga snapped back into his own world in the spot he'd originally vanished
from.  The disorientation combined with his own weakness made him collapse to
the ground.  He grit his teeth and looked at his left arm.  It still ended in
a stump.  His severed, burned arm lay a short distance away.  He came very
close to fainting.
     He'd been praying that if he returned to his own world he'd been whole
again.  He'd lied to Nabiki, he had wanted to believe that part of it was a
dream.  That he could just wake up and everything would be fine.  Looked like
some nightmares don't end, they become your life and you have to learn to live
with them.
     First priority was staying alive so he could learn to adapt.  He looked 
around and got his first lucky break of the evening.  He was just across the
street from Doctor Tofu's clinic.  There was a light on inside, hopefully the
doctor could stabilise him until he got to a hospital.
     He staggered to his feet and started across the street.  His mind was 
starting to wander.  He kept wondering if Kodachi would want a one armed 
fiance?  For that matter would he be heartbroken if she dumped him?  Did he
love her?  One thing he had learned tonight was that Kodachi wasn't his only
     He struggled to put one foot ahead of another.  Would the curse make him
a three legged pig?  Can you use prothesis in martial arts?  Why were the 
streetlights dimming?
     They weren't dimming, his vision was turning black around the edges.  How
to explain this situation?  "Well this robot from an alternate world's future
abducted me and several other Ryogas from parallel worlds.  It was using us as
bait for these rebels, one of whom shot off my arm ..."  No, definitely not.  
Who wants to get incarcerated as a lunatic?  Simpler to say one of Kuno's 
ninjas got lucky.
     Maybe Kodachi would get really furious and take her brother out of action
permanently.  Not something to wish on most people but Kuno did keep trying to
kill him.
     He made it to the door and knocked.  He saw a silhouette through the 
window.  Female from the shape, if it was Kasumi he was about to die at the
hands of a brain damaged doctor.  The door opened, it was Akane.
     "Ryoga!", she gasped, shocked at his injury.
     The last of his strength faded.  He muttered, "Help me please", and
collapsed.  As the darkness closed in he felt Akane catch him and shout to
doctor Tofu that there was an emergency.  
     Was he falling into death or unconsciousness?  It was hard to care 
anymore.  If he woke up he'd know the answer.  He closed his eyes and 
everything went black.

Ryoga 6
     The body was discovered by tourists on a walking trail near Mount Fuji.
Forensic testing has so far failed to determine the nature of the weapon that
inflicted the fatal wound.  The remains were released to the Hibiki family for
cremation.  As of this date the identity of the killer remains undiscovered.
The case remains open.

Ryoga 1 
     Ryoga looked around the ruined garden though he didn't really notice
anything.  He was doing something highly uncharacteristic, he was thinking.
     With a groan Ranma woke up and staggered to his feet.  "OK tinman, let's
try that again."
     Akane stepped in front of him, "That's the real Ryoga, you idiot."  She
considered what she'd said.  "I suppose they were all real, I mean he's the
Ryoga who belongs here.  All the others are gone."
     Ranma relaxed, "So what happened to the robot?"
     "All the Ryogas blasted it, seems it was programmed not to defend itself
against them."
     "Anyone could win in that situation.  I could have taken it out fairly".
Ranma tried not to wince from his aches and pains while announcing this.
     Nabiki looked at him, "It took you out with one shot.  Let's try and stay
a little realistic Ranma.  Anyway you may get your chance."
     "Meaning it disappeared before the Ryogas could finish destroying it.  For
all we know it may come back, and this time there's only one Ryoga left on this
     Everyone stared at her, no one had considered this possibility.
     "A killer robot may appear out of nowhere at any moment?!", Soun shouted.
Why me?  Why do so many misfortunes descend on my house?"
     "Calm down daddy, it's all part of the uncertainty of life.  Anyway we 
have one advantage.  It's programmed not to hurt Ryoga and was pretty battered
when it fled.  So if it shows up again he should be able to take it out alone.
We just have to let him stay as our guest for a while.  You don't mind, right
     Ryoga looked a little distracted, "Hmm uh sure if you want me to stay ...
it's just ... "  He broke off and stared into the night.
     Akane came up to him, "Ryoga, what's wrong?"
     He forced himself to laugh.  "What isn't wrong?  I saw my own corpse, met
other Ryogas who seem superior to me and found out I'm capable of becoming 
totally evil.  All things considered it's been a really rotten night.  I'm not
sure I know who I am anymore.
     "You're my friend, if that helps."
     Ryoga sighed.  That didn't help, it just confused the issue.  He was just
a friend to her.  Not a bad thing to be but he'd hoped to be more.
     Perhaps it did help after all.  Most of the other Ryogas he'd met were
involved with other girls and seemed happy.  Even the one stuck with Kodachi.
Maybe that was one of the reasons the monk showed him Ryoga 3's memories.  He
was trying to tell him that Akane wasn't the only girl in the world.  Perhaps
he was obsessed with her, and perhaps that wasn't a healthy thing to be.  He'd
have to consider this.
     "Ryoga?"  Akane's voice snapped him out of his introspection.
     "Sorry, just thinking.  If you want me to stay I'll stay.  For a while at
least.  The android came here hunting those rebels, with them gone it has no
real reason to return."
     The Tendos and Saotomes turned to survey the damaged house.  "Lots of 
work to do in the morning", Akane remarked.  Ranma grumbled about having to 
fix Ryoga's mess and headed inside with the others.  At least the upper floor
looked intact.
     Ryoga stayed in the garden.  Not long ago it had been full of bodies, 
people murdered by a twisted reflection of him.  Now they're gone and 
everyone's acting like they never existed.  As if it was just another one of 
those crazy fights that keep happening around here.
     Maybe that was the best way to cope.  Anyway he'd had it brought home to
him that the choices you make really do change your life.  All those roads not
taken ...  He'd been drifting along for quite a while, secure in the belief
that nothing important ever changed.  He'd been wrong.  It was time to start
giving some direction to his life.  Make plans before he drifted into becoming
the creature Ryoga 7 was based on.  Now was a good time to start.
     As he sat and planned a new thought occurred.  "Maybe I'm finally growing
up.  That's why everything's so hard and complicated."  Come sunrise he'd be
ready to make some changes in his life.  Right or wrong it was time to make 
his decisions and live with the consequences.

The End of Crossover ........... but life goes on.

Author's Afterword:  
     That concludes Crossover, hope you liked it.  If you'd like to comment
on it email me at mlatus@willow.msvu.ca or (if Pegasus mail gets running)
     All the characters in this fanfic belong to Rumiko Takahashi, I just 
messed with them a bit.
     I'd like to thank everyone who wrote in to comment while I was working 
on the story.  Encouragement helps to keep you going on a long project like
     Minor trivia note: all the rebels were named after Judges from various
city-states in "Judge Dredd".  The ultimate fascists becoming the last hope
for freeedom.
     As to future fanfics, for a change of pace I'm planning a Bubblegum
Crisis fanfic.  Watch for BGC: Tokyo Babylon.
     Future Ranma 1/2 projects:  There is one major loose end in this story,
namely what happens when the surviving rebels arrive on their own world?
The events that start turning the Ryoga of that world into a monster don't 
start until 1997 so he's still a fairly average Ryoga Hibiki.  When I get the
bugs out of the plot (far too serious, no humour) watch for 
"Ryoga : Futureshock".
     I've also had requests for the story of how Ryoga 1/2 got engaged to
Nabiki.  He was one of my favorite variations so I may well continue his 
adventures.  I also have to settle a question about his world.  With 2 
daughters engaged to martial artists who does Soun leave the Dojo to?  Don't
assume Akane, remember the dojo was going to the daughter who married a 
martial artist not the one who was a martial artist.
     I may continue the adventures of Ryogas 5, 3 and Guyver-Ryoga.  Time 
will tell.


    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/temple/1810

               ( geocities.com/tokyo/temple)                   ( geocities.com/tokyo)