Sailor Moon Expanded : News From the Front
A tale from the Black Moon War
By Mark Latus

2985 AD

    " ... is Tourmalyn reporting from you from the Occupied Territories.  I'm 
standing on the landmass known to the Terrestrials as Africa talking to 
Commander Amefyst of Total Eclipse.  Commander, how are operations against 
the Terran Insurgents proceeding?"
    "They're going splendidly.  While the number of potential rebels was 
underestimated that was merely because we erred in assessing the stubborness 
of the Terrans.  But we have no real concerns despite this minor 
miscalculation.  The terrestrials pose no threat to us.  Their weaponary is 
pitiful, their supply lines meager and their organization nonexistant.  
Mopping them up is more like a massacre than a battle.  So much so that we're 
considering declaring an amnesty for any rebels who turn in their weapons and 
relocate to one of the monitored terran settlements."
     "Why make such a generous offer to our enemies?"
     "I admire their spirit, if not their judgement.  Besides I'm a soldier 
not a butcher and it's such a senseless waste of life to wipe them all out 
when they're a nuisance rather than a danger to us ..."
     The image froze as Spinale paused the recording.  "Why are we honouring 
that fool Amefyst?  He's already been relocated to Casablanca after that 
fiasco in Kenya."
     Citroin glared at Commander of the European Occupation Zone.  She 
answered, "Because he looks good on camera and he's sending the right message.  
Last thing we want to admit how things are really going down here.  We could 
hardly have him saying 'Well Ferrite's group just blew up Kenya base before 
we could get the shields online.  But that's not such a big disaster as it's 
SNAFU time everywhere."
     Spianle got defensive, "Things aren't that bad.  Admittedly there have 
been a few problems but I'm on top of it ..."
     Citroin shook her head, "Hellgate!  We all know how things really stand 
down here.  We took over easily enough but holding Earth is bleeding us dry!   
Casualties are running four times higher than our worst case estimates!  
Morale is in the sewage recyclers!  It doesn't help that we have Crystal Tokyo 
sitting there untouched, shrugging off everything we throw at it ..."
     "Enough."  Demand's voice was mild but Citroin shut up immediately.  "Our 
casualties are higher than anticipated because we expected droids to do most 
of the fighting.  It appears you were correct uncle, that assumption was an 
error."  Garnet acknowledged the admission with a nod.  What he felt was 
unknown, he had the best vokka face among the military staff.  Demand looked 
back to his propaganda minister and told Citroin, "While our losses are heavy 
they are not unacceptable.  All our projections show we are winning by 
attrition.  It is unfortunate that we will lose so many in the process but 
the prize is worth it."     
     Cautiously Citroin ventured, "With respect majesty this will cause 
trouble on the Homeworlds.  We convinced the united clans that this would be 
a walkover.  Earth couldn't match us, the war would be over in a few weeks 
and mopping up a couple of months after that.  We've been stretching out the 
illusion of a widely scattered but ineffectual guerilla movement as best we 
can but it's getting a bit thin.  People back home are wondering why they 
don't hear from their relatives apart from generic, vague notes.  They aren't 
stupid, they'll work it out.  The only reason they haven't yet is losses are 
fairly evenly distributed through the clans and allies or not the civilians 
don't like to fraternise.  But eventually they'll start comparing notes and 
when they do ..."
     "We'll glide that tunnel when we come to it."  Citroin nodded, Demand had 
dismissed the matter and his word was law.  Quietly she prayed their victory 
was truly inevitable.  If they didn't win after losing so many clansman then, 
nobles or not, they'd all get lynched for returning to Nemesis in defeat.    
     Meanwhile Demand had turned to a related matter.  "As has been stated the 
resistance's ability to neutralize our droids has limited their effectiveness 
as combat troops.  With the result they are mainly being used for security 
duty in the occupied zones.  However I understand there's a new problem.  
     The head of Military Mana Research looked nervous.  He cleared his throat 
and began, "Uh yes well ... you're all familiar with the scramble guns Crystal 
Tokyo has been supplying to the terrestrial resistance forces worldwide ..."
     Garnet cut in, "From the number they've distributed they must have been 
manufacturing and stockpiling them for years."  His smile was thin and very 
cold.  "I'm getting forgetful in my old age.  Whose bright idea was it to let 
droid technology fall into their hands in the first place?"
     Ambir sputtered, "It was a necessary part of the deception!  Besides all 
the crystals they got were flawed and virus ridden!  Not to mention the data 
was filled with errors.  After they executed their expert in crystal magic for 
treason there was no chance they could deduce anything useful from it!"
     "We don't actually know he was executed, do we?  We merely assumed that 
after he was caught red handed but instead of a trial very convieniantly 
dropped out of sight due to an alleged research accident."
     Safir sighed quietly.  He'd told them all along that they were 
overestimating the reaction of the CT leaders to betrayal but they couldn't 
conceive of rulers not disposing of traitors.
     Demand frowned.  "We've been over this before.  Let's stick to the 
point!"  Garnet nodded and settled back, giving Ambir a cold smile.  Demand 
gave Ambir an unfriendly look himself, he was beginning to think Garnet was 
right and Crystal Tokyo's anti droid weaponary predated his conquest.  If 
Ambir was responsible for that he'd pay.  But right now he needed him.  
"What's happening to the droids in the occupied territories?"     
     "Uhm well majesty we've been finding these scattered throughout them."  
He held up a small rough, colourless crystal.  It looked like nothing more 
than a piece of quartz you might find anywhere.
     "What is it?"
     Ambir paused then said, "It's probably easiest if I demonstrate.  Does 
anyone have an expendable droid?"
     Peradoit nodded and produced a generator crystal.  A moment's 
concentration and the droid manifested.  As always Citroin wondered why they 
always had to look like busty women.  It was a pet peeve of hers along with 
quite a few other Nemesian women.  So she was rather surprised when she got 
her wish as a male figure materialized standing over the quartz.
     The second droid was a tall, handsome fellow wearing tight black pants, 
a red shirt and a shoulder holster.  His gaze locked on the other droid and 
his expression changed to a lecherous grin.  He immediately screamed "Mokkori" 
and launched himself at the astounded female droid.  As soon as he wrapped his 
arms around her there was a flash and both droids were gone.  Peradoit cursed 
and rubbed his eyes as though that would clear the dazzle from the flare.  
The smouldering droid crystal bounced off the tabletop, shattering into 
splinters as it dropped to the floor.  By contrast the quartz looked 
     "We call them anti-droids.  The crystal produces some sort of passive 
sensor field we can't detect as yet.  So somebody scatters these crystals 
around then leaves the area.  Next time a droid passes though there it 
contacts the field and the crystal manifests an anti-droid.  It unerringly 
seeks out the droid and grabs it.  As soon as they contact both are disrupted 
destroying the generator crystal and we're out a droid.  But that's not the 
worst part."
     Agait, the Eastern North America Overseer took the bait.  "What's the 
worst part?"
[Internal - The Red Suns got the East of North America the Blood Stars got the
	    West as seen in "Zodiac"] 
     "Would you mind manifesting a droid?"
     Guessing what was coming but seeing Demand look intrigued Agait quickly 
sifted through his pockets for his least useful droid.  Again as soon as she 
manifested a male anti-droid appeared.  Except this time the anti-droid took 
the form of an old man about half a metre tall in red martial arts garb.  He 
leapt forward and latched onto the droid's chest calling her "Ranma-chan."
Once again both figures vanished leaving only a burned out droid crystal.  
Ambir created a third droid which was glomped by a scrawny brown haired 
teenager in a dark blue winter school uniform shouting someting about Lum
being away.  Again neither figure survived the embrace.
     "I think you get the idea.  These anti-droids are something like 
heat seeking missiles.  Nonsentient and they lock onto specific targets.  
Each crystal can manifest three anti-droids in a day and seems capable of 
recharging itself from background mana indefinitely.  At present we can't 
detect them while they're in their passive sensor mode so the only way to find 
them is to locate where our droid was destroyed then retrace the anti-droid's 
flightpath before it fades.  At present we have no idea how many of these have 
been dispersed worldwide or how many are awaiting distribution.  The bottom 
line is ..."
     "We had better not count on droids for maintaining security!"  Demand 
scowled then turned to Garnet.  "This is just the sort of thing that will
inspire more terran resistance.  These are high level magical artifacts and
there is only one remaining terran enclave with the resources to manufacture
them."  He turned to his uncle.  "It seems we must step up the timetable for 
taking Crystal Tokyo.  How soon do you anticipate breaking through their 
     Carefully Garnet informed him, "Our intelligence data indicates that the 
forceshield over the city cannot be cracked by anything less than dropping a 
dinosaur killer class asteroid on it.  Of course this would render the planet 
uninhabitable without life support equipment for decades but I think we should 
consider ..."
     "Don't be ridiculous!  While Serenity created the shield she is 
incapacitated!  She can neither renew nor strengthen it.  The shield can't be 
that strong!"
     Garnet didn't even twitch at this show of royal disagreement.  "Our most 
recent information confirms that the shield is being maintained by the four 
true senshi which means theoretically it is backed by planetary mana levels.  
In fact the shield is stronger than when Serenity alone maintained it."  
Demand obviously didn't like hearing that but Garnet gave a cold smile.  
"Fortunately channeling so much energy means they are incapable of serving as 
anything other than power conduits so they are no longer opposing our forces 
in the field.  So while Crystal Tokyo currently possesses a nearly 
unbreachable defensive shield their strike team leaders consist of their 
second string warriors."  The suggestion of a frown crossed his brow.  
"Unfortunately in comparison with senshi power levels weaker is a somewhat 
relative term.  Leaving that for a moment and returning to the shield it will 
need a massive amount of energy to breach it ..."
      "Garnet, I want Crystal Tokyo conquered, not destroyed.  Serenity must 
be taken alive!"  No one dared contradict him even though he was the one who 
had struck down Serenity in the first place.  It had been one of the few times 
Demand had entered the field despite being the single strongest warrior on 
Nemesis.  But Princes of Nemesis do not fight their own battles unless 
absolutely necessary.  That was what underlings were for.  Especially when 
fighting terrans would be as challenging as grinding ants under his heel.  In 
most cases at any rate.  
     But no one else had possessed enough power to challenge Serenity.  Once 
again Demand cursed silently, why had she been so stubborn?  Her husband had 
been reduced to an ineffectual wraith (not that he had ever been much more 
than that) and that brat was gone freeing her of all ties to home and hearth.
Even if not content with merely being liberated from those cloying ties she 
had so much more to be grateful for.  He had offered to make her his Queen.  
No longer would she have to content herself with ruling a mere citystate.  
Once she took her place at his side she would have ruled both Earth and 
Nemesis with him.
     Her refusal had enraged him.  How could she chose a ghost king over him?  
Forgetting the flag of truce they stood under he had struck her down and 
departed Crystal Tokyo.  The fact he had barely escaped from the vengeful 
senshi after fatally wounding her slipped from his mind as irrelevant.  It 
was beneath his dignity to recall his flight nor that had they not been forced 
to combine their powers to keep Serenity alive and shield the city they might 
have beaten him.  But in a way he was grateful to them.  Thanks to them 
Serenity lived even if they couldn't heal her.  He could still have her once 
Crystal Tokyo was his though now she would be his concubine instead of his 
queen.  As always the image delighted him but this was no time to daydream.
     "Serenity is helpless and no threat to us.  I want her captured alive and 
kneeling before me.  This is not debateable!"
     After a moment Garnet asked, "My Prince, you have hinted at the 
existence of a precision weapon capable of penetrating Crystal Tokyo's shield.  
If we have such a thing then it is time to deploy it!  That is if you truly 
want the city taken without leveling everything."
     "No!  At least not yet.  Wiseman tells me the Dark Crystal needs several 
months more gestation."
     "So he said, I confess I don't understand if he means it is literally 
     Garnet scowled again, "My Prince, we depend far too much on that 
sorceror!  We know far too little about him or his loyalty to us.  In my day 
and for longer than history records Rudra more than sufficed as royal 
adviser!  To toss him aside in favor of that spellweaver is ... overly hasty."
Garnet wondered if he had gone too far but Demand seemed amused rather than 
     "Your opinion is noted and rejected.  I know far more about Wiseman than 
you suspect.  He is bound to me in a way that will remain my secret."  Demand 
seemed confident yet beside him his brother wondered if they had summoned 
something they couldn't control.  The rituals had worked but they had been 
very vague about banishing him after he had served his purpose.
     Not having a choice Garnet accepted Demand's word.  "Very good, Sire.  On 
the subject of Crystal Tokyo their forces somehow continue to sortie and 
harass our own.  Unfortunately we can't put teleport interdiction fields over 
the entire planet.  I also suspect they have tunnels out of the city to 
stealthed aircraft hangers but we've been unable to detect these.  Pity as 
that would give us the access we seek.  Regardless the recent incident in the 
Yukon ..."       
     Agait looked edgy, "There's no need to burden Prince Demand with 
a minor skirmish."
     "Haven't reported you lost the mana well, eh?"
     "IT'S NOT LOST!  Excuse me, Sire.  The well is the same place it always 
was, it's just ... temporarily untappable."
     "That was the newly located well we planning to use for backup power to 
the interdiction network?"  Demand's voice was deceptively mild, Agait started 
     "Uhm yes ... the facility has suffered some damage."
     "That is an understatement!"  All eyes turned to Citroin.  "I've got some 
footage of the attack if anyone's interested.  I was reviewing it to see if 
there was anything we could show the folks at home that would look good with 
a little editing but there's nothing usable."  With that she slotted the 
cartridge into the monitor.
     The screen showed a circular barren plain of rock several hundred metres 
in diameter surrounded by gantries holding massive glowing crystal pillars.  
Suddenly one of the gantries toppled, overbalancing its pillar to crash onto 
the rock.  A small group tore through the gap, all but one wearing the 
powerarmour that marked Crystal Tokyo's Special Forces.  A group not suspected 
to exist before the invasion.  The image froze and Citroin began narrating.  
     "The complex had the standard interdiction field to prevent unauthorized
teleporters entering so they obviously entered on foot.  How they arrived is
unknown and will remain so unless we can capture one of the raiders.  Mana 
interference and the blastwave have made divination and forensic study of the
area impossible.  They may teleported to a staging area outside the field or 
arrived there by more mundane means then made their way to the complex.  We
don't know, just as we don't know how they got through the perimiter 
forceshields.  The complex's security recorders were destroyed but from the 
timing of when the alarm was sounded once inside they eluded detection for  
far too long."  
     Demand gazed at her thoughtfully and Agait quickly broke in to say,
"Naturally this information was immediately given to Military Intelligence 
and they're already working with Mana Research on upgrading security 
protocals."  He didn't add , "Again", but everyone in the room thought it. 
     Citroin once again congratulated herself on having the best position on 
the war council.  She could gather information for her own clan and since 
neither she nor the Third Eyes had any significant military forces they  
wouldn't be suffering defeats of this magnitude.  So she could demean the 
rival clans for their blunders without worrying the tables would turn.  All of
which made her clan look better in Prince Demand's eyes and after the war was
over and the resistance squashed Demand would remember the clan that had never 
failed him when he divided the spoils of Earth.
[Internal - Yes, the Nemesians are already grabbing everything the value for
	    shipping back to the homeworlds but it's still more like looting
	    than the systemic colonization and exploitation of Earth which 
	    they'll set up in the wake of the conquest.]

						 So long as the Third Eye 
maintained their position as masters of Intelligence and Propoganda she   
reminded herself.  Her part in the Clan Mistress's schemes was vital and while 
she couldn't spin much good out of recent events at least she could undercut
the other Clans.  With that thought she resumed demolishing Agait and the 
Red Suns reputation in Demand's Eyes.
     "As Clanmaster Agait said he shared the information about the tapping 
complex's destruction with my clanmates in Intelligence almost immediately."
     In a mild voice Demand asked, "almost immediately?"
     Trying not to sweat Agait quickly interjected, "We had to gather as much 
evidence as we could while it was still fresh, that was the only cause of 
     "You didn't think to call in Military Intelligence to do the job?  I 
trust that wasn't because it's primarily composed of Third Eyes?" 
     "Of course not, my Prince.  We are well aware of the wisdom and eloquence  
with which you have spoken of putting aside the old grudges and working as 
one.  We would never jeopordise Nemesian security for the sake of ancient 
clan rivalries.  It was merely that we had people who knew the site so we 
were best suited to conduct the initial investigation."   
     "Well said."  Agait couldn't tell if Demand was being sincere or 
sarcastic and uneasily wondered about the long term fallout from this failure.
He managed not to scowls as Demand told the Third Eye witch, "Continue.  I am
curious both about the attack and why you thought a defeat might have had 
value to your field."
     In short, Citroin thought, you'll be unhappy if I'm just showing you this
to put down Agait.  Fortunately I was serious when said it had potential from
a prooganda viewpoint.  She unfroze the video and the armoured figures resumed
moving. Now it could be seen that one of them didn't wear powerarmour.  The 
exception wore gray bodyarmour but hadn't bothered with the glamour he had 
once used to disguise his hair and features.  As the action continued Citroin
commented, "This confirms our theory that Gray and Lord Calcite are the same
man.  Unfortunately Calcite hasn't done anything as his alterego that we could 
use to destroy his heroic image with the Terrans.  Nothing we've been able to  
find out about anyway as the use of a secret identity suggests he was doing 
things he didn't want associated with Crystal Tokyo.  We're still pursuing
leads"  Demand nodded his approval and returned his attention to the 
recording.  Onscreen Calcite vaulted the massive shards of razor sharp 
crystalline rubble and landed in the center of the ring of gantries.  He 
gave a handsignal to one of the powerarmoured men.  The apparent squadleader 
(who could be distinguished from the others solely by the incongruous long 
sheathed knife strapped to one armoured thigh) deployed his men in a wide 
circle around Lord Calcite.  Citroin froze the scene.
     "This next bit is interesting.  Far as we can tell those troops were 
not there to destroy the complex but primarily to defend him while he works."  
She restarted the image and zoomed in on Calcite.  His eyes glowed purple and 
an aura sprang to life around him.  The picture became fuzzy and Demand   
demanded, "What's wrong with the recording?  Crystal recorders are supposed  
to be flawless."
     "Almost flawless, extreme magical conditions can cause interference and
these conditions were most extreme."  Citroin paused to slide dataplaque 
displaying the Third Eye report on the incident across the table.  Demand
scowled at the array of figures and passed it to his brother as Citroin 
summarised the incident for her Prince.
     "We think he  was somehow focusing the well's entire mana flow through 
     "Impossible!  He'd burn out!  Our estimates of his powerlevels ..."
Demand trailed off and shook his head so Citroin decided it was safe to
interject  "Long term yes but short term it's evidentally prossible."  
     Safir glanced up from scrutinising the report to comment, "The evidence
does seem to support that conclusion."  Demand kept scowling but didn't 
contradict his savant brother.
     Onscreen a a two handed broadsword materialized in Calcite's grasp.  He 
raised it and slammed halt its leg into the ground as he gripped the hilt with\ 
white knuckles.  The blade began to glow.  
     "We think the sword serves as some sort of focusing element.  So what
he's really doing is channeling the power of the well back in on itself.  
Creating a feedback loop."  
     The blade's glow seemed to almost match the sun.  Calcite released the 
blade and moved clear calling something unheard over static of the now 
crackling picture.  The armoured troops dashed to encircle him with their 
bodies exchanging fire with the complex's defenders enroute.  As soon as the 
group was complete Calcite's face showed a moment of intense concentration
then all the Crystal Tokyo forces vanished.  
    "Evidentally the interdiction field was disrupted by the interference from
the energy waves you see flaring off the overloading well.  While transport 
spells would also have been disrupted it seems innate teleporters of his    
experience and power level can punch through the mana distortion even when 
carrying passengers.  If they shifted directly back to Crystal Tokyo or to
a hidden staging area is unknown.  In a sense it's irrelevant.  What matters
is they escaped and can do this again."  As she had expected everyone's 
attention was riveted to the screen.
    The image pulled back as panic spread among the Nemesian troops.  Some 
fired at the sword, visible only as an outline of light.  The rest were 
running.  Neither tactic worked.  A few seconds later the screen flared white.  
Citroin shrugged and spread her hands.
     Garnet nodded and gave Agait another of his cold smiles.  "So instead of 
a mana tapping facility we have a crater a kilometre across and a well 
snarling up all magics in the vicinity for the next few decades.  All because 
you didn't listen to my recommendations about security."  In a flawless 
imitation of Agait he added, "Garnet, if they could detect mana wells they 
would have marked it.  They wouldn't leave it pouring out power unregulated.  
You are merely paranoid because of your failure to crush Crystal Tokyo despite 
them losing both the senshi and Serenity.  If you can't accomplish that then
what have I to learn from you?'  Is that still your opinion, Agait?" 
     "I ... I underestimated them once but I will not make that mistake again.  
Security has been stepped up at all existing tapping facilities."
     "I'm glad to hear it.  We don't want to make this a habit, do we?"
     "No, sir!"  The deference seemed to satisfy Garnet and he settled back 
in his chair.  Demand nodded at the screen which had frozen on the image of     
the flare.  "I believe I see why you thought this had potential.  Couldn't you 
edit that so it just shows the part he teleports away with his troops?  Seeing  
a terrestrial champion fleeing under fire would please our people."
     "We considered that Sire but there's the problem of context.  The 
retreat looks too planned and the question of where we could claim they're   
been driven from arose.  That sight is far too recognisable as a tapping
facility and there's enough survivors among the Mana Engineering Corp who 
were rotated out before the explosion that can identify it.  Currently we've 
managed to contain the news of what happened by blaming it on a natural
disaster.  Messing around with an unfamiliar world's mana wells is a risky
business after all.  But once this got released the background would be 
recognised and word would be bound to leak out.  The opinion of the propaganda 
division was that showing it would damage morale more than it boosted it."
     Demand scowled.  "So we have no useable footage of Crystal Tokyo's 
current military leader fleeing like a coward before us?" 
     "Not as such."  Citroin brightened up, "However we have some great 
footage of Crystal Tokyo's last senshi doing that!"
     Garnet interrupted, "I find that hard to believe.  Much as I despise the
witch she is lacking in neither strength nor courage.  This is not an idle
assessment.  During my stint as ambassador to Crystal Tokyo I met her and the
other senshi on many occasions which I always used to study them.  Nor would
she have been permitted to join the true senshi had she been a coward."
     "I have to agree with that."  All eyes turned to Safir and the image 
floating before him.  "Sailor Polaris aka Lady Titanite.  The only member of
the Senshi of Crystal Tokyo who is neither a reincarnation of the last Senshi
of the Silver Millenium nor linked to her namesake.  The younger ... or 
possibly twin sister of Lord Calcite (there is some confusion in the records)
she operates on a similiar powerlevel.  The first of the so called Lesser
Senshi she was believed to be both the most powerful of them and the sole 
immortal among that class until recently ..."  Both Spinale and Peridos winced 
at unpleasant memories.  "... but while that may no longer be true she is not 
to be taken lightly.  The long time sister-in-law of Sailor Venus their public 
images have lead to the two of them being unofficially dubbed 'The Ditz 
Sisters'.  This is misleading in both cases and has made opponents 
underestimate them before now.  It must be admitted that Commander Garnet's 
assessment of her was ... given less attention than it deserved."   
     Safir glanced at the hologram and a second figure appeared beside Sailor
Polaris.  "We erred in believing her involvement with Topass to be the act of
an immortal airhead seeking diversion after decades of boredom.  It seemed
reasonable, after all why else would she pick a lover centuries younger than
herself if not for the novelty of his origins?  Subsequently it became 
apparent that her appearance masked a very Machiavellian mind.  She 
successfully seduced Topass and used her wiles to brainwash him into betraying  
our clan and remaining in Crystal Tokyo following the declaration of 
hostilities.  Fortunately he lacked any serious information but his defection 
was damaging to morale among our group.  Enraged by his treason several of our
best warriors made overly hasty assaults on the city and perished.  An almost
Nemesian tactic on the part of our adversaries."
     Citroin kept a straight face through this but her thoughts were nowhere
as impassive.  "Give me a break!  If Crystal Tokyo was so out and out devious 
they'd have had Polaris seducing someone higher than the Embassy gopher!  It's
just the age old story of two people who happened to fall for each other.  
But we can't believe in anything that hasn't got at least three levels of
deception so we had to concoct this whole conspiracy theory.  Years of  
dishing out propoganda have given me the ability to see through the all the
layers of crap to the unvarnished truth which is how I know we're reading
too much into this!  I talked to Opal before she got dumped in that dead end 
Casablanca post and according to her not only were her brother and Polaris 
were inseperable but her brother was a malcontent getting increasingly 
unsatisfied with the glorious Nemesian way of life.  Add in a child and a 
lover who won't abandon her city and is it really so surprising he jumped 
ship?"  Being far too smart to contradict Prince Demand's brother (who was the  
leading exponent of the 'Earth cast out our ancestors, we must have 
vengeance!' line and far too ready to see terran conspiracy everywhere) she
kept this too herself.  Instead she simply switched recordings again and all
eyes turned to the new image on the screen.
     "This was taken during the fall of the last enclave of Japanese 
resistance outside of Crystal Tokyo itself.  While the CT forces were slowing
our advance Sailor Polaris held the airport open for the evacuation planes.
On the screen an image of Polaris seen from above through a gunsight was 
suddenly blotted out by a rapidly approaching energy sphere.  The picture went
blank abruptly.  "Her "Polaris Missile" attack was very effective at targeting 
the fighter craft that got through the air defenses.  Our heavier crusiers 
were being held off by both the anti aircraft fire and the giant robot that
had appeared to the west.  The latter turned out to be an illusion."  She   
considered mentioning Topass's illusion generating ability but one look at
Garnet changed her mind.  "Uh ... Commander Garnet succeeded in having ground
forces infiltrate into the city.  They were sent to close the airport ..."
     "Incorrect!"  Garnet's interruption was mild enough but there was an 
undercurrent of menace that shut Citroin up.  "That was their secondary 
objective.  Terminating Polaris was their prime mission goal."
     Peridos glanced up from the list scrolling before him.  "Awful lot of 
troopers to kill one lesser senshi."  Garnet showed no anger, merely raised 
an eybrow.
     "How many have Styx and Myrmidon cost you?"
     The Blood Star Admiral scowled.  "Too many.  But they are nothing in and 
of themselves.  We would have destroyed them weeks ago were they not protected 
by the Twilight entity.  Most of our people aren't equipped to fight demons!"
     Ambir broke in.  "All the available evidence suggests that Twilight is 
not a demon.  Psychic impressions of its passing indicate deep hostility to
us rather than the all consuming malice demons radiate.  Even when bound to
serve demons despise their masters as much as their prey.  Perhaps more so for
they hate to be controlled by mortals."  Safir felt his palms get sweaty even
as the room seemed to grow colder.  "Now if the entity is rumoured an 
Incarnation or Personification of Terran Resistance ..."  Demand interrupted 
having noticed his brother's expression, best to change the subject before
anyone wondered why Safir was disturbed by talk of demons.
     "I believe Citroin was trying to tell us something about Sailor Polaris." 
     "Uh, yes sire.  Garnet's troops headed for Polaris's position meeting
minimal resistance.  At least until they were close to the airfields.  She
had ... made use of her shaping abilities and sown the area with apparently
inoccous but highly hazardous artifacts.  Several of the troopers who survived 
the raid go into shock at the sight of pink rabbits banging drums."  That got  
her some odd looks and Garnet winced minutely.  "At any rate the able bodied 
kept going and attempted to fufill their mission objectives.  This was 
compiled from the airport security cameras."  The image on the monitor began
to move.
     The wall of the main depature lounge exploded outward and Polaris turned
to face the blast.  Behind her an overloaded cargolifter hovered into the
air and turned its nose to the west.  The familiar figures of Nemesian 
troopers bearing a variety of clan marks poured through the opening firing.  
Polaris moved towards them despite the beam weapons burning through the air.
She didn't counterattack, with hindsight it was obvious she was drawing their
fire so this last pleneload of civilians could escape.  Streamers of energy
sprayed from her as disrupter bolts and gravity rams impacted her forceshield.  
Gathering speed the plane surged skyward and Polaris raised her hands.  
     She wasn't surrendering.  An energy sphere formed between her 
outstretched hands and she slammed it into the ground.  The ferroconcrete
rocked as the shockwave sent troopers tumbling in all directions.  Few kept 
their feet and those who did were firing wildly.  Polaris blew them a kiss and 
vanished in a swirl of cherry blossom.
     The Nemesian captain rose to his feet and glared at the place she had
stood.  "Run coward!  Flee all the way back to your precious Crystal Tokyo and 
congratulate yourself on having saved a few humans from us.  You have 
accomplished nothing!  All you have done is cram more people into the city to  
heighten the slaughter when we break through your barrier.  And we will, rest
assured we are coming for you!  Rats in a trap, there's nowhere left for you
to run!  Treasure the days you have left for there are very few of them
remaining!"  Citroin froze the image as Periodot snorted.
     "Very dramatic.  Makes you wonder if he knew this was being recorded."
     Demand shrugged.  "Perhaps he was playing for the cameras but does it
matter?  This is the sort of thing they'll like to see back home.  He looks 
perfect doesn't he?  Firm jaw, blazing eyes and looks sincere.  Ideal 
recruiting poster material."  Garnet steepled his hands and said, "Captain
Corundam showed definite promise."  Demand nodded not noticing the tense.
     "Perhaps I should award him a medal.  That would make a good followup
to this scene."  Citroin looked apologetic.
     "There's a small problem with that, Sire.  This is where we'll cut it.
We won't show this next bit."  With that she unpaused the recording and the
scene shifted to an ariel view looking down on the troops and the defiant
Corundum.  Above their heads the cherry blossoms continued to swirl.  Then 
soundless they morphed into larger forms.  For an instant the megamallets,
anvils and giant spiked balls hung in the air.  Then gravity took over and 
they plummeted onto the hapless Nemesians.  Most of those watching winced
and Citroin cut the sound.  "As you can see Sire, our gallant captain is in
no shape to receive an award." 
     "Indeed.  The earlier footage will have to suffice.  Have you anything 
     Citroin hesitated wondering what the safest answer was when the only
decent propaganda recordings concerned operations against several disorganised 
and underpowered resistance groups rather than the terrestrial champions.
There was some nice footage of the last remnants of the Celestial Kingdom
and the People's Republic's armies being routed.  An ironic alliance given 
that for centuries the armed forces of both Chinas had been primarily there 
to keep on one another (and to a lesser extent the Southeast Asian Trade
Confederation).  But war and politics made strange bedfellows and the feuding
Celeries and the Mao-gic Kingdomers had united against a common enemy.  For 
all the good it had done them.
     It looked good on video, so much so that it concealed the fact that both 
countries were hotbeds of resistance.  The professionals might be gone so the
rebels spawned by the occupation were untrained, unorganised and poorly 
equipped.  Unfortunately the teeming millions of both nations meant there was 
no shortage of them and through sheer numbers and volume of attacks they were 
taking a heavy toll.  So much so that Garnet (the commander ultimately 
responsible for the Asian theatre) was seriously talking about decimating the 
populace.  If that didn't work he wanted to halve it.  So far Demand was 
refusing to sanction mass murder on the grounds that it cheapened his 
conquest.  To his mind genocide would be an admission of defeat, it would show
the people of Nemesis that he couldn't control the terrestrials.  Very bad for 
his image.  So he had said in council but Citroin suspected that he was 
beginning to lean towards his uncle's viewpoint.  She was sure that as the 
Terrans were to stubborn to accept they were beaten the resistance would 
continue until Demand gave Garnet carte blanche.  In a few more months there 
would be a bloodbath beyond anything she could imagine and chances were it 
wouldn't be confined to China.  She dismissed the thought, they weren't of the 
clan, they weren't even Nemesian so why should she care if the fools got 
themselves slaughtered?
    At any rate the China bloodbath was one triumph over terran forces for the 
viewers back home and she could spice it up with the falls of an assortment of 
Lesser Senshi.  Most people on Nemesis had only a vague idea of the difference 
between True and Lesser Senshi and no idea which Lessers were the ones causing 
them so much trouble.  So with a bit of exaggeration they would easily accept 
they were witnessing the defeat of a significant number of Terran champions.
That would have to do.
     She was about to begin by calling up the capture of Sailors Oort Cloud 
and Albion along with deaths of Sailors Tau Ceti, Ontario and Krupp-Mishima 
(Heavy Industries Inc.) when a new voice answered Demand's query.
     "I have something that could be most useful to us despite being a 
     Demand raised an eyebrow.  "In what way, brother?"
     "In that it will make the terrans as scared of their champions as they  
are of us."
     "That sounds intriguing.  Continue."  
     Safir took control of the screen and Citroin sat down.  She was miffed at
Safir hijacking her presentation but she wasn't about to get in the way of 
Prince Demand's beloved brother.  On screen a composite picture of nine 
Lesser Senshi appeared.  Spinale made a hissing sound, they were far too well
known to the Overseer of European Operations.  Safir looked faintly amused by
Spinale's discomfort as he began to speak.
     "While this group usually works together they have no designated name 
though they are frequently referred to as the Senshi Legion.  That name is 
deceptive as they don't always strike as a group but also solos and in duos 
and trios.  It's composed primarily of Lesser Senshi from across Europe who
have been operating off and on for the past few years.  Sailors Foxfire and
Caledonia in Britain, Sailor [Myuki ID] in the Balkan Federation, Sailor  
[Jeanne ID] in France 
[Internal - Operating on the logic that her Moroccan birth made gutter French 
	    one of her native languages so she can pass as a Parisian slum kid]
			while Sailor Thunderbolt and Sailor Wondergirl ...
     "I believe that last one is just Wonder Girl, two words and no Sailor 
which is unusual among terran champions but ..."  Spinale shut up as he saw 
both Safir and Demand were glaring at him.  Safir resumed speaking
     "Regardless of their names those two have no fixed home and have shown
up across Europe.  Sometimes in each others company and demonstrating a 
definite rivalry.  No matter.  The remaining three are the most significant.
They look older that the others, in one case this is a matter of centuries
rather than years and share a similarity in dressing styles and conduct.  
Sailors Sirus and Mira, or as they are better known Sailors S&M, are 
unmentioned in public records from before the war though from their skill 
level it would be foolish to suspect they are not both well trained and 
experienced.  They often operate as partners and are most likely proteges of
the group's leader, Sailor Arcturus.  Which means all three are covert 
operatives of Crystal Tokyo and since the Senshi Legion became active against
us prior to our declaration of war against Crystal Tokyo this reveals even 
more deception on their part." 
     There was a buzz of conversation that cut off as Demand spoke.  "If you
are right it would seem we grossly underestimated our adversaries 
resourcefullness."  He smiled at Critoin as he said this and she fought to 
keep the dismay off her face.   As Third Eye was primarily responible for 
military intelligence this was one of the last things she wanted Demand to 
think.  Ambir was looking pale too.  She had to undermine Safir's claim 
     "With all respect Prince Safir we have found no connection between this
Sailor Arcturus and Crystal Tokyo.  If this is the original Sailor Arcturus
rather than a contemporary who revived the name then the terran records 
indicate she operated outside of Japan as a vigilante and without any 
evidence of sanction or approval by Crystal Tokyo.  But given the timespan
since the last prewar sightings of the original Sailor Arcturus the chances
that this is the same woman are ..."
     "Well, yes.  No disrespect Prince Safir but if this the same woman why 
would she drop out of sight for over 800 years?" 
     Safir smiled, "What makes you think she did?"
     "But the records ..."
     "Have you never heard of hiding in plain sight?"  Amused by Citroin's
perplexed expression he continued, "You should have searched the records prior 
to the founding of Crystal Tokyo.  I am after all a Savant
				    [Check title in Jillian's fic]
							    and not one to 
make claims I cannot substantiate.  But before I explain her connection to
our enemies I will show you why the Terrans have as much reason to fear her as 
we do.  I am convinced this is the same woman who was active centuries ago."
     "All the known immortals ..."  Citroin's voice trailed off as she 
realised she had said exactly the wrong thing.
     "Are associated with Crystal Tokyo?"  Safir sounded amused.  "True but 
that is not the connection I spoke of.  Though perhaps it escaped your notice 
but the old records of Sailor Arcturus cover a span of over a century during 
which she showed no signs of aging."
     Demand frowned.  "According to Wiseman the Silver Crystal is the source
of the Senshi longevity yet you imply this is not how she survived so long?"
     "Correct, brother.  While the fact is often overlooked the Crystal is not 
the only source of longevity within the city.  Sailor Polaris and Lord Calcite 
have an innate longevity that the allegedly late Doctor Pyrite and his wife 
shared."  Ambir winced again at the name of his supposed dupe in Crystal 
Tokyo.  Safir didn't notice as he continued, "If the stories about Ferrite are
to be believed he is cursed to reincarnate anew every time he dies and there 
are rumours of a wizard who helped found their University and found his own 
method of immortality.  But there is one other who is unique in several ways.  
She has never been part of the ruling heirarcy and is both famous and infamous 
within the city and outside.  I refer to the courtesan Margrave, or perhaps I 
should call her Sailor Arcturus!"
     Citroin just stared at him for a moment before blurting, "Is this some
sort of joke?"  She blanched and thanked her ancestors she hadn't said what
she first thought. Namely, "Are you out of your mind?"  Safir didn't look
offended, merely amused again.  Unfortunately Demand was frowning, hopefully
in agreement rather than at her question.
     "The name is vaguely familiar to me.  Perhaps I heard it during my state 
visit to Crystal Tokyo ... no, wait it was in an intelliegence report. A
potential subversion target to give us a mole within the Palace if I recall."
     Cirtoin jumped in, "Quite right, your majesty.  The lady in question is
a member of the same race as Calcite and Titanite but lacks their innate 
longevity.  She avoids aging by being a courtesan and taking her payment in
life energy.

a friend of several high rankers having  "


     "We originally 
[Safir & Margrave?  Who did you ask her to be?]
[Arcturus & "lesser senshi"  Vampire chic] 

[Hunters - sneaky bastards.  By the time you spot them it's generally
	   too late,]

>[Hunters - sneaky bastards.  By the time you spot them it's generally
>           too late,]  
Ben wrote:

Just a little something to add

Citroin spoke up, giving Garnet and Agait a chance to compose themselves.
"Calcate and the Special Forces group is not the only ones giving us
special problems.  There is also this charming little group."  With that she
activated the projector again.  It showed a pair of people in sectional
armor, which reminded the assembled nobles of some of the Nightfighter
stories of their own culture.  "These people officially come under the
Re-United Nations control, but the Secretary General apparently gave some
sort of resistance order to them just before we captured him.  That or told
them to follow their own hearts.  The results were this," at that she sent
the images into motion.

[following is just supposition but conquering have been to do similar things]

Citroin provided a narrative as the two literally cut through a Nemisite
"pleasure club"
This incident was one of the reasons why I suggested that all earther
employees of these be volunteers.  The girls (and boys) in this club were
not.  We still do not know how they got in undetected but they did.  And not
the way you would suspect, by destroying the security droids and sentries.
Those individuals did not know about the attack until this happened.  While
she had been talking the two people had ripped through the patrons, many who
were armed, like a whirlwind.  The views were astonished at the coordination
that was displayed, to the point of one person ducking just in time to allow
their partner to fire a weapon through the spot he had occupied, killing a
patron with a sword.  Just as she had spoken one of the two men set a small
block against an outside wall.  With a loud cry of "Fire-in-the-hole!!" he
punched a device.  Part of the wall no longer existed.  As the former
employees were escorted through the hole in the wall, the other man faced
the assemble patrons, who had started a rush.  "Uranus Grip!!" he shouted,
and a large earthen hand appeared and grabbed several of the patrons.  As
they struggled he and the last of the straggles left the view.  "We couldn't
find them or the workers after they escaped, although several have since
been ID'd serving in some of the restance groups."

Citron made a few more adjustments.  "Their leader appears to be this man."
StarHunter's image appeared.  "We have recently gotten data about him from
our data recovery teams in Hong Kong, although it is very slender without
much hope of gaining more."  The others nodded, many groups had proven to be
very adept at wiping their computer systems of any information, useful or
not.  "It appears that he has a connection with CT and in fact is married to
a citizen of that city."

"Perhaps we can use that against him," said Spidel.

"We can't reach his wife at his time." was the reply

"Why?" asked Demand.  "If he is such a thorn perhaps we could gain some
leverage against him."

"The records indicate that his wife is Sailor Mercury.  In fact this would
explain why, since the time the Senshi started powering the shield, many of
these "Hunters" have shouted 'For Ami-san!!' as a battle cry."

Demand rubbed the bridge of his nose.  "So we got power-armored commandos,
someone who can channel mana wells, and a group of Nightfighters with a
possible personal grudge against us.  What other good news do you have for
me Citron?"

[other stuff that you mentioned]
Ben L. Harrison - HM1(FMF)/USN/RET

[Ferrite & Nemesis - He shot down a shielded cruiser with a handgun?] 
[Warwolf & Twilight - Legends come to life?]
[Time travel ref -  Demand, "We'll win.  It's just a matter of time."]
[So what really happened to the Nemesians Arcuturus carried off? snippet]


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