Ranma 1/2 : Timelines
by Mark Latus
Being a fanfiction in five parts of many amusing incidents and digressions.
Or at least that's my opinion.

Part 1 : "Now here's my plan ..."

     To describe a being over one billion years old as a juvenile delinquent
strains the English language.  Nevertheless that's what Xerxes was.  Xerxes
wasn't his real name, just the latest in a very long series.  In fact he had
no real name, like all of his kind he could instantly recognise every other
member of their species.  So the Walkers had never felt the need to develop 
names.  In fact they hadn't even bothered to name their species.  The name,
"The Walkers Between" had been given them by the very few sentients who 
could perceive the formless entities who existed outside the timelines of all
the universes.  Most of the beings who were capable of perceiving the Walkers 
were gods of one sort or another.  As a result they didn't even like to think 
about the Walkers, let alone mention them.  After all it's hard to claim to 
be a Supreme Diety when you know that somewhere out there is something that 
could annull you and your entire universe.
     Not that the Walkers ever did that, at least not often.  The Walkers
Between had been created in the same instant as the multiverse began.  It
was their self appointed task to maintain the stability of the omniversal
matrix.  Occasionally they had to prune the odd universe to maintain the 
integrity of the whole.  They took no pleasure in this, being immortal the
Walkers had a great regard for how precious the brief span of mortals must be 
to them.  Indeed they considered mortals fascinating, regarding them as an 
endless source of diversion.  Which was where the problem arose.
     About a billion years ago the Walkers had met in a grand council.  Their
numbers had been constant since the beginning of time.  None of them had ever
died, in fact to date none of them knew any way they could die.  Still the
study of other lifeforms had convinced them that it would be a fascinating
experience to have children.  So the Walkers set about creating a second
generation intending to bring something new into the universe.  Unlike the
original Walkers who had suddenly come into existence knowing who and what 
they were, their reason for existing and their capabilities the newborns 
would start as blanks.  The Walkers forsaw using their near omniscient
intellects to raise their children to be wise, polite, caring, respectful
and loving.  All the properties the Walkers possessed though not to the 
extent the second generation would.  For the Walkers had observed children of
all species being raised for innumerable generations.  If mortals could do it 
why couldn't they?  Especially as they knew all the things not to do.
     Which just goes to show that even superintelligent, near omnipotent, pan 
dimensional beings can't be right all the time.  After the first million years 
they were beginning to realize maybe this hadn't been such a good idea.  They
were thankful they'd created only twenty of the little darlings because it 
was hard enough just keeping that many of them from wrecking reality.  The
Walkers met again and split into two groups.  One would oversee Omniversal
stability the other would raise the children.  They would meet again in ten
million years.  The Walkers most confident of their ability to teach maturity
to their offspring became the second group and departed (with the children in
tow) for limbo.
     Ten million years later it was obvious to the first group that the 
second group wasn't having much luck.  It was equally obvious that swapping
professions would be unwise.  The parent group muttered darkly about "reality  
wrecking hooligans" and made many comments concerning the children which 
rather alarmed the first group.  Anyway it was obvious that a new strategy
was in order.  The first group tended toward continuing to raise the children
with constant love and attention until they realized they should use their
vast abilities for the good of all beings.  The silence this was received
with made it clear the second group had given up on that idea long ago.  
     The second group's ideas ranged from the moderate ("I say we seal them in
those black holes at the galactic centres then look in on them every quarter 
of a billion years to see if they've grown at all.") to the more extreme ("We 
communicate backwards in time and convince our past selves not to have 
children").  It's always difficult for first time parents.  Anyway a 
compromise was reached.  Each Walker would take its turn watching one of the
children, doing its best to prevent the youngster from causing any trouble.
So twenty Walkers at a time were stuck spending 500 million year terms 
looking after a child.  Which at least spread the misery around.  Naturally
it immediately became the children's favorite game to slip out of their
guardian's sight and have some fun.  Considering each child wielded more power 
than the entire Q continuum they could cause one hell of a lot of trouble.  
However the more power they used the easier they were to spot.  So the kids
compared notes and decided the best game would be to cause as much trouble as
possible among mortals while remaining unnoticed.  Xerxes was one of the best 
at slipping out of his guardian's sight temporarily then then sneaking back 
unnoticed.  The kids could only count on being overlooked for brief periods
but, considering the timescale the Walkers lived on, brief was a relative 
     Xerxes had slipped away from his watcher about a decade ago.  This would
probably be his last game for a while so he had to make it good.  Earth was 
his current fascination, he'd been watching it, in many timelines, for the 
past couple of millenia.  Xerxes considered himself an artist, he'd abandoned
causing wars and disaster long before the human race had evolved.  He felt the
best game was to pick a couple of mortals already in a tangle, toss in a 
couple of elements from a neighbouring timeline then go down and observe the
mess.  Sometimes even participating in a mortal body with no application of
his great abilities aside from the initial warping.  His attention had been 
drawn to Japan on a couple of Earths after sensing some extremely recent
interdimensional travel completely unrelated to Walker intervention.  He'd
had a closer look and conceived the game.  Now it was time to throw in the
random factor.  Xerxes materialized in the pocket universe he'd created 
wearing one of his mortal bodies.  He took out his dice and rolled a 6.  So he
could bring 6 outsiders into the world he'd chosen for his game.  He'd already 
rolled a 3 so he was allowed to pick the six outsiders from three alternate
timelines.  Two of the timelines and the prime players he'd already selected.  
The third was yet to be decided on.  Anyway time to select the numbers from 
each.  He rolled a 1 and a 4.  So just the prime player from the first 
timeline, the prime player plus three others from the second (he 
sorted through the possible choices) which left one from the as yet unselected 
timeline.  Well, he might as well get the game started.  Xerxes vanished.

Ryoga 1/2 timeline.
     Life had been fairly normal for Ryoga Hibiki the past few months.  At 
least as normal as it gets when you have a curse that makes you turn female 
every time you touch cold water, you're living in the same house as the guy 
who gave you the curse (your one time worst enemy who has the same curse),
being engaged to sisters you're facing getting him as a brother-in-law, his
crazy would-be fiancees keep showing up (one of whom has homicidal intentions
towards your cursed form), the even crazier would-be grooms of the previously
mentioned fiancees keep attacking (one of whom lusts after your cursed form),
there's a demented perverted martial arts master who keeps dropping by ...
let's start this again shall we?
     Things had been relatively normal for Ryoga Hibiki lately.  There had
been the usual chaos centering on Ranma and Akane.  In addition Kuno, Kodachi 
and Happosai were still chasing after his cursed form but this was what 
passed for normal these days.  However at no time in the past couple of months
had he been thrown into an alternate universe, encountered evil robots from
a parallel universe's future or met any slightly crazed alternate selves with 
alien superweapons.  If you want an explanation for that last bit check out 
the stories "Crossover" and/or "Worlds in Collision"  because it would take 
far too long to explain.
     Right now it was raining heavily and Ryoga and Nabiki were in a bus 
shelter waiting for it to ease up enough to walk home or for a bus to arrive.  
Ryoga's umbrella was currently being repaired having been damaged by the acid 
filled bouncing balls Kodachi Kuno had used during her latest attack on 
"Yuriko Hibiki".  Maybe someday she'd get over losing that gymnastics contest 
and realize that "Yuriko" was not after Ranma.  
     Right now the two of them were alone and the bus wasn't expected for
another fifteen minutes.  So Nabiki decide to have a little fun and slid her
arm around Ryoga's waist.  As she'd expected his face flushed.  While Ryoga 
was more than enthusiastic enough in her soundproofed room he still tended to
be shy in public.  Which she found strangely endearing.  "Uh Nabiki, anyone
could walk in on us."
     "I know.  Still if you're really worried all you have to do is step
outside for a minute."  As she'd expected Ryoga made no move towards the 
rain that would activate his curse and make her desist.  Sorry to disappoint 
any of you who were hoping otherwise but Nabiki had absolutely no interest in 
Ryoga's cursed form.  Ryoga had had the odd fantasy along those lines but 
these had been brief and there was no way he'd ever be able to bring himself 
to mention them.  
     Returning to the shelter things had progressed a little when Nabiki
suddenly realized Ryoga was looking over her shoulder.  In a slightly worried
tone he asked, "Nabiki if you look behind you what do you see?"
     She unlocked her hands from the back of his neck, turned and said, "I
see an old man, about six foot two with a long white beard standing on nothing
visible about three feet off the ground.  Also the rain doesn't seem to be 
falling on him."
     "That's what I was afraid of."
     Seeing that he had their full attention Xerxes proclaimed, "Ryoga Hibiki
I have found you!"
     "Why do have this sudden feeling of impending doom?'
     Ignoring this comment Xerxes continued, "Ryoga Hibiki there is a great
disaster beginning in another dimension.  You are needed to stop it."
     "Oh no, forget it!  Not a chance!"  Ryoga well remembered his previous
encounters with alternate dimensions.  It was not an experience he wanted to
     "Forget it, he's staying here.  I don't care how much you're offering,
he's not going!"  This wasn't a negotiating ploy, Nabiki was adamant.  Her
own encounter with an alternate self had thoroughly unnerved her.  It had
convinced her once and for all that there were things more precious than 
     Their refusal didn't seem to bother the figure.  He simply smiled 
benignly and said, "You don't fool me with this display of rejection.  I 
know your heart burns with the desire to join in the great adventure!"
     "NO IT DOESN'T!"  Ryoga stormed out into the rain ignoring his change 
to his female form.  Ryoga-chan pointed at the floating figure at began, "If
you don't get lost immediately I'm going to ..."  She didn't complete the
sentence because she vanished.
     "RYOGA!"  Nabiki charged out to the spot Ryoga had stood.  There was no
trace.  Ignoring the rain soaking her clothes she glared at the figure and
snarled, "BRING HIM BACK!"
     "When he has performed the mission he will be returned.  As intact as is 
possible depending on what happens to him."
     The figure vanished and Nabiki was left standing in the rain staring at 
the spot it had occupied.  A car screeched to a halt and the driver yelled at 
her to get out of the road.  She didn't respond, she just kept staring, glassy
eyed, at the space he'd occupied.

Ryoga/Kodachi timeline   (aka the "Ryoga formerly known as Ryoga 5" timeline) 

     As it was raining so heavily outside Ryoga and Kodachi were indoors 
amusing themselves in her room.  They were very close these days which would
have surprised many who knew how the relationship got started.  It can be
said to have started the day Ryoga saved Kodachi from a fall off the roof of
the Tendo dojo.  She became obsessed with him but had no luck because he was
obsessed with Akane Tendo.  This had eventually lead her to seek chemical 
means to arouse his interest.  She had tested her earlier mind altering 
creations on her brother which might have resulted in his becoming a deranged, 
obsessive maniac.  Although considering the way Tatewaki acted before exposure 
it's hard to say for sure.  At any rate "love potion number 37" had been a 
complete success.  Ryoga had fallen in chemically induced love with her and
the following week had been largely spent inside.  Kodachi had discontinued
use of the drug fearing long term side effects and waited to see what would
happen.  Ryoga had stayed with her, he felt by his actions he was obligated  
to do that much.  Besides as long as he was with her Kodachi promised to leave
Akane alone.  So he'd stuck with her feeling a sense of resignation (which
hurt her more than she let anyone know) but as time passed that had seemed to 
be giving way to affection.  Meanwhile her brother became obssessed with 
removing Ryoga (via ninja assassins) and getting her to marry Ranma Saotome 
(whom she had no interest in) so he could get Ranma's two girlfriends, Akane 
Tendo and the pig-tailed-girl.  As the assassins were total incompetents the
whole thing had seemed hilarious.  Then the day came she stopped laughing.
     Ryoga disappeared for hours only to reappear with most of his left arm
burned away.  He had collapsed into a coma and Kodachi had felt a rage 
unlike anything she'd ever felt before.  She demonstrated to her brother that
it was possible to make a person swallow a bokken and made specific threats
about what she'd do with the next one if he ever even though about hurting
Ryoga.  Her terrified brother had immediately cancelled his contract with the
"Order of the Purple Striped Dragon" ninjas (above Moriboshi Photography
Studio, ask about our two for one special).  The only thing that had kept her 
from doing something more permanent was being uncertain they were responsible.
In the old days that wouldn't have stopped her but as contact with her was
changing Ryoga so was contact with him changing her.  Her paranoia and 
scheming nature were rubbing off on him and she was picking up some of his 
sense of honor.
     Ryoga awoke from his coma to find Kodachi waiting for him.  His injury
had brought them closer together and both now felt they needed the other.
She'd been there for him through the slow recovery process and had used the
family fortune to get him state of the art prosthetics.  He now owned three.
The first was a fairly standard left arm, he used this most of the time.  The
second was a spiked steel monstrosity that Kodachi had custom designed for
combat purposes.  It looked very intimidating and several would be opponents 
had backed down just on seeing it.
     Ryoga was currently wearing the third arm.  It had also been custom 
designed by Kodachi but for a very different purpose.  Ryoga had never worn
this arm outside Kodachi's or his own room and didn't expect he ever would.
Since this isn't a lemon story we will avoid speculation on the arm's 
appearance, lubricant reservoirs and battery operated components and skip
straight to Xerxes' arrival.
     Kodachi was the first to see him as he appeared behind Ryoga.  Ryoga's
martial arts trained senses didn't detect the intruder (his mind being on 
other things) but he saw Kodachi looking past him to something behind him.
He immediately whirled around, saw the floating figure and positioned himself
to shield Kodachi from the interloper.  Kodachi stayed where she was, which 
wasn't surprising.  Ryoga pulled several bandannas free, took aim and snarled,
"You'd better have a damn good reason for being here!"
     "Ryoga Hibiki, you are needed in another dimension to prevent a great 
     "WHAT!"  In his shock he stopped spinning the bandannas and they slipped 
from his grip..  Behind him Kodachi made a muffled exclamation.  He'd told her 
the real story of how he'd lost his arm (though he'd claimed shock induced 
amnesia to the authorities) but she'd written it off as a delusion.  "YOU ARE 
OUT OF YOUR MIND!"  In a slightly quieter tone he continued, "Last time I went 
to another dimension I came back near death and missing a limb.  Nothing could 
persuade me to do it again!"  He raised his right hand in which the negative 
energy chi sphere was already forming.  He could create them very quickly 
these days as he had a lot of buried fury over his injury.  "Now get the hell 
out of here before ..."  The sphere blinked out of existence as Xerxes 
nullified it.
     Ryoga was looking at his hand in shock as Xerxes said, "I wasn't asking
you to volunteer."  Ryoga vanished with the exception of his prosthetic which
crashed to the ground.  "You'll need one of your more practical limbs in the
other world."  Kodachi stared in shock at the space Ryoga had occupied.  The 
floating man said, "I will return him when the mission is completed", then 
vanished himself.
     For a few moments Kodachi lay frozen, more than a little stunned by 
recent events.  Then her eyes blazed and she twisted her head catching the 
gag on the bed and pulling it down.  With that done she spat out the cloth 
in her mouth.  And yes, that is why she hasn't had any dialogue up to this 
     "SASUKE!  Get in here now!"  The Kuno clan's ninja servant arrived with
suspicious speed.  Almost as though he'd been outside in the corridor 
listening at the door.  He immediately averted his eyes.
     "Ahh Mistress Kuno ..."
     "Shut up and untie me!"
     Sasuke immediately got to work.  Fortunately his sense of decorum wasn't
too strained as things had just been beginning so Kodachi was still more or 
less dressed.  She was wearing one of her old school uniforms though it was 
looking more than a little torn.  Kodachi sat up, pulled her clothing together 
and muttered, "It's getting so you can't indulge in a little fantasy 
roleplaying without something interrupting."  Sounding slightly wistful she
said quietly, "Alas the sweet and innocent schoolgirl abducted by the brutal 
cyborg thug."
     Sasuke grinned and muttered, "Sweet and innocent schoolgirl, now that's a
real fantasy."  A knife struck the wall just short of his nose and he stopped
     "Did you say something Sasuke?"
     "Why no Mistress Kuno."
     "Good."  She crossed to the place Ryoga had been and looked down at the 
arm.  It was still humming so she knelt down and turned it off.  Then she
walked to a closet and slid it open.  Among the tangle of her weaponary was 
one of her brother's bokken.  She picked it up and said quietly, "Now the 
question is did my brother have anything to do with Ryoga's disappearance?  I
told him what I'd do if he bothered my darling P-chan again."  Kodachi was,
by now well aware of Ryoga's curse and had taken to sometimes calling him by 
the pet name.  
     Sasuke winced and asked, "Should I tell the proctologist to stand by
Mistress Kuno?'
     Kodachi twirled the bokken idly then frowned and stuck it back in the
closet.  "No, I don't know if he's in any way responsible yet.  I should wait
until I have a little more proof before doing anything extreme.  Let's go
talk to Tatewaki."
     "Of course Mistress Kuno."  Privately Sasuke decided that Master Hibiki
was having a definite effect on Mistress Kodachi.  In the old days she'd have
just acted without worrying about if he was actually guilty or not.
     Meanwhile Ryoga was looking around in confusion.  He was alone standing, 
sans left arm on a gray plain.  Next to him lay his backpack.  A quick look 
inside revealed it held his other two arms.  He considered slotting one of 
them into place but then saw he wasn't alone.  A figure in the distance was
heading his way.  Ryoga swung the pack over his right shoulder and started
towards the distant figure.  Appearances seemed to be deceptive in here as
they met each other very quickly despite the illusion of being miles apart.
Ryoga studied the girl who bore a strong resemblence to him.  Ryoga-chan 
studied the black clad other Ryoga whose left arm ended just past the elbow.
Almost simultaneously they asked, "Have we met before?"
     Ryoga continued, "Well if it was at the Tendo Dojo in a different 
universe with another four of us plus a robot imposter then yes!"
     Ryoga-chan nodded, "That's it."  She studied his missing limb again then
said, "So you survived, I wasn't sure.  Frankly you were in rough shape when
we all went home."
     He nodded, dropped his backpack and tapped the stump.  "As you can see
my hopes of becoming whole again once I got home were worthless."
     "Not your fault.  But why are you here?  This white haired geek appeared
out of nowhere ..."
     "... said you were needed in another dimension and dropped you here?"
     Ryoga nodded, "That's right.  But I don't see why anyone is needed here.
We seem to be the only people around."
     "This is merely a pocket universe.  A small bubble of space time I 
created so I could explain things to you."  The mystery figure had reappeared
and floated above them.
     "You again!  Put us back or ..."
     "Please don't bother threatening me.  You cannot possibly hurt me.  In 
any event I have brought you here for a reason."
     "Listen I didn't volunteer."
     "Neither did I!"  Something occurred to Ryoga, "In fact Kodachi's in a
real bind.  I need to get back there and help her."
     Xerxes shook his head.  "You wish to see if Kodachi is all right?  
Nothing could be simpler!"  He gestured imperiously and Kodachi appeared.
She seemed to have changed into one of her black leotards.
     "Kodi, are you ...", Ryoga began.  Then saw her gaze pass over him and 
lock onto Ryoga-chan.  A look of hatred filled her face.  She launched herself 
towards Ryoga-chan screaming, "I have you now Yuriko Hibiki!"
     Ryoga-chan dodged and shouted at the floating figure, "YOU IDIOT!  THAT'S
THE KODACHI OF MY WORLD!"  As suddenly as she'd appeared she was gone.
     "Minor miscalculation."
     "Minor?  You can't tell one universe from another?"
     "In any event you two are needed to stop a terrible event in another 
world.  And until you've stopped it you don't go home.  That temporary 
quantum charge stuff doesn't apply to me.  You are now perfectly aligned with 
this or any other universe I drop you in.  So waiting until you snap home 
won't work."
     The two Ryogas looked at each other.  "Great."
     "Looks like he's got us."  Ryoga-chan sighed, "So what are we supposed to 
     "I cannot tell you."
     "I am unable to tell you exactly.  All I can say is that it concerns the
Ryoga of another dimension.  A dimension very similar to the one you both
visited with your other counterparts."
     "How similar?"
     "From your point of view it is identical.  There are variations but they
don't impact Japan."
     Ryoga frowned at the figure, "Look ..." 
     "My name is Xerxes."
     "Look Xerxes, you want us to do something you won't tell us concerning 
our counterpart in another universe to prevent something unspecified from 
happening right?"
     "Yes, that's exactly right."
     "Great.  Is there anything you can tell us?"
     "No.  However I can provide you with assistance.  Three sterling warriors
from your own world!"  Xerxes waved his hand and three figures appeared.  He
looked at them and said, "Ok we're going to have to settle for them."
     The three newcomers were looking around in confusion.  Ryoga whispered
to Ryoga-chan, "If they are from my world then we have a problem."
     "I don't know the girl in the purple dress but I recognise the other two.
They're part of the ninja group Kuno hired to kill me."
     Meanwhile Yohko Mano looked around in confusion and recognised a familiar
face.  "Keiichi Morisato?  What are you doing here?  You quit the order!"  
She glanced around and continued, "In fact where is here?"
     "It appears to be a null time entropic vacuole created in the space/time
fabric of limbo, probably by that gentleman over there."  The girl in purple
indicated the floating man as politely as possible then continued, "Of course 
that's just a guess.  Are you an old friend of Keiichi's?"
     Before Yohko could answer Keiichi broke in, "Uhm this is Yohko Mano.  I 
was a member of her ... dojo for a while before going to technical college.
Yohko this is my ... friend Belldandy."
     "Hello nice to meet you."
     Yohko ignored Belldandy and looked at Keiichi.  "You ran out on us.
Abandoned the order and went off to become an engineer.  Turned your back on
our noble heritage!"
     "What noble heritage?  We kept losing, matter of fact isn't that the 
target who kept beating us up all the time over there?"  Keiichi glanced over
the second figure.  "Didn't know he had a twin sister."
     "Ignore him, the contract was cancelled.  The fact remains you couldn't 
hack it so you quit."
     Keiichi shuffled his feet then said, "Well yes.  After his girlfriend
threw you out that window into the parking lot and I had to pry you out of the
roof of that Toyota I realized the ninja lifestyle wasn't all it's cracked up
to be.  So I went back to my first love engineering and got into technical
college.  Which is where I met Belldandy so ... well it was the best decision 
I every made."  Belldandy looked demurely down as he said this last part but
both Ryogas saw her smile.
     Yohko snarled, "Fine, be that way!  But why are you here and where is   
     Xerxes cleared his throat.  "I believe I can answer that.  You have been
brought to assist those two gentlemen."
     Ryoga-chan removed a thermos from her backpack and poured hot water over
herself.  Yohko and Keiichi watched the transformation dumbfounded though
Belldandy seemed strangely unsurprised.  Xerxes began his very limited 
explanation.  After a lot of shouting they realized they were stuck helping
the Ryogas with their mysterious task until Xerxes returned them home.
     Keiichi whispered to Belldandy, "Can your powers get us home?"
     Sadly she answered, "I'm sorry but my powers are nothing compared to one
of the Walkers.  Even Kami-sama cannot override the Walkers actions."
     "Xerxes is one of the Walkers Between, he makes no attempt to hide it.
But don't worry Keiichi.  The Walkers are beings of great power but equally
great responsibility.  He would not seek our intervention if it was not 
absolutely necessary."
     Unfortunately Belldandy and the rest of her pantheon were unaware of the
existence of the second generation Walkers.
     Meanwhile Yohko was glaring at Ryoga.  We'll call him Ryoga-K from now
on in order to distinguish him from the others.  Ryoga 1/2 ventured, "I guess
she took that contract personally."
     Keiichi broke in, "Actually it's because of the Sailor Moon incident."
Yohko froze.
     "Well Yohko had thrown these fireballs at Ryoga.  The other Ryoga that
is ..."
     "I know what you mean.  Go on."
     "Well he knocked them back with his umbrella and they caught the edge of
her ninjitsu costume.  It caught fire and she had to ditch her clothes.  So
everyone got to see she was wearing Sailor Moon underwear."
     "SHUT UP!"  Yohko had turned a bright red.  It was already hard enough
getting people to take the "Order of the Purple Striped Dragon" Ninjitsu
School seriously.  Being photographed wearing cute cartoon character panties 
hadn't helped.  She sighed.  The fact was they were incompetent.  Once the 
Mano clan had been something, back in the days when they'd been Devil Hunters.
But one of her ancestors had permanently sealed the demon plane from the 
human world and after that their skills had weakened with disuse.  By the 
twentieth century they, and the school they headed, were a joke in the martial 
arts community.  She looked at the ring her grandmother had given her just in 
case she ever met a demon.  Of course there were certain conditions to being 
able to use it.  But since her luck with guys was zero she remained eligible.
     "It is time!", Xerxes intoned.  "I shall send you to the other world,
remember its future depends upon you!"  They vanished and Xerxes smiled. 
"And if you believe that, you'll believe anything."
      The rain had ended in the other world though puddles remained.  Ryoga-K
missed them though Ryoga 1/2 landed in one and transformed.  He was about to
dig out his thermos when Ryoga-K stopped him.  "Wait a minute!  Until we know
what's going on it might be easier to avoid explaining two extra Ryogas.  
Right now both of us can avoid being mistaken for him.
     "Good point.  Ok while I'm in this form call me Yuriko.  If anyone asks
I'm Ryoga's cousin, that'll explain the resemblance.  In fact ..."
     Ryoga-k nodded, "Good idea.  Call me ... Ryo.  Ryoga's other cousin and
Yuriko's brother."  
     The others nodded then Yohko asked, "But what are we supposed to do?"
     The two Ryogas looked at each other.  Then Ryoga-chan said, "I have an
idea.  Remember how we both got to the dimension we met?"
     "I'm hardly going to forget!"  Then "Ryo" got it.  "You mean this is the
world where ... Yes, that makes sense!  It impacts other dimensions so ..."
     "So maybe Xerxes wants to stop crossdimensional contamination."
     "Could be.  What I don't get is why he couldn't stop it himself?"
     "Maybe he has some sort of rules.  Remember the Ryoga who got warned 
about the crossover got a fairly obscure warning."  (If you want the full 
story on that check out "The Shampoo Variation).
     The other three just looked at each other.  So it was left to Keiichi to
ask, "Could you explain this to the rest of us?"
     Ryoga-chan nodded, "Ok here's the short version.  We know there's a 
world where we, that is the Ryoga of that world, turns evil.  I'll explain 
the stuff about the time travelling robots later but let's just say he causes
a lot of trouble for everyone in the world."
     Ryoga-K continued, "The start of it all seems to be the day he kills 
Ranma Saotome in a fight and goes to jail for manslaughter.  That hasn't 
happened yet.  I think we've got a year or two until it does.  I wasn't in the
best of shape to appreciate the explanation."
     "It's going to happen in '97, the Ryogoid wasn't any more specific than 
that.  It didn't mention the trigger for the fight but I'll bet I can guess!"
     Ryoga-K nodded, "The triangle never broke."
     "That's my guess."
     Yohko looked more confused than ever, "Triangle?"
     Ryoga-chan glanced at his counterpart and said, "We, that is all the 
Ryogas we know of, used to have a crush on Akane Tendo ..."
     "More of an obsession really."
     "... true.  Anyway Akane's engaged to Ranma Saotome, it was arranged by
their parents.  Both resented that and refused to show any signs that they
liked each other.  What we didn't know was that the longer they knew each 
other the more they grew to love each other.  However both were, and still are,
too proud to admit that their initial rejections were wrong.  So we never
realized we had no chance with Akane anyway.  Things were further complicated
by our being unable to say anything to Akane so she had no idea how we felt.
All we could do was keep fighting with Ranma over Akane though she never knew
why the two of us were always fighting.  Later on, in our own worlds, we got 
involved with other girls who smartened us up enough to see what we couldn't 
before.  Right now there are other factors keeping Ranma and Akane apart, 
many of them heavily armed and dangerous, but someday the two of them ..."
     Ryoga-K broke in, "Getting back to this world.  If Ryoga hasn't found 
anyone else and still has his obsession with Akane then he's still fighting 
with Ranma.  Then sometime in the future ..."
     "... One of the fights will turn fatal and the whole mess will begin."
     Yohko broke in, "But this is all speculation, right?"
     Ryoga-K looked at his counterpart.  "First thing we have to do is find 
out the triangle exists.  Best place to start is the Tendo Dojo."
     Keiichi asked, "Where is that?"  Ryoga-chan felt a sudden panic.  Yohko,
Keiichi and Belldandy wouldn't know where the dojo was.  How could either she
or "Ryo" find it?
     Before she could stall for time Ryoga-K announced, "It's this way.  
Follow me!"  Ten minutes later they were just around the corner from the Tendo
Dojo.  Ryoga-chan studied her counterpart in amazement.
     "You've got a sense of direction?"
     "Yes but it's recent.  Seems our inability to find our way is a 
psychological block.  I don't have it anymore."
     This was fantastic.  There was someway she could stop continually 
badgering Nabiki whenever she needed to go somewhere.  "That's great.  You've
got to tell me, how do you break the block?"
     Ryoga-K glanced at his stump.  "Shock-trauma."
     "Ah!  Uh, I'd rather keep getting lost."
     "If I'd had a choice so would I."  Ryoga-K went silent for a moment then
smiled.  "I think I hear our voice in there.  Let's head for the roof and have
a look."  Pausing only to remove their binoculars from their respective 
backpacks the two Ryogas headed for up.  Yohko, Keiichi and Belldandy stayed
on the ground.
     Keiichi whispered to Belldandy, "What do you think?"
     "They both believe what they were saying.  I can also follow the logic.
We must help them prevent this potential catastrophe."
     The eavesedropping Yohko broke in, "Besides until this mess is resolved
we're stuck in this world."  Something occured to her, "Hey do we have
counterparts in this world?"
     Belldandy looked serious, "Probably but it would be unwise to seek them
out.  I would say things are confusing enough already."
     In any event this brings us to the events of the prologue so we'll skip
ahead to shortly after Ranma met "Ryo & Yuriko" and departed.
     Ryoga-K was saying, "The simple solution is to break the triangle.  Have
Ryoga confront Akane and tell her how he feels.  She'll try to let him down
gently because he's a friend but she'll make it clear she doesn't feel the 
same way about him."
     Belldandy frowned, "But how will you persuade the Ryoga of this world to
do that?"
     Ryoga-K smiled.  "We won't.  A stand-in will do the job.  Because of my
deficency I can't pass for him but ..."
     "But I can as long as I stay away from cold water."  Ryoga 1/2 continued,
"However that's only half the plan.  We have to make Ryoga witness this 
somehow.  You can forget trying it while he's around as P-chan.  He'll rush
off to transform and call me an imposter.  Believe me I know that from 
     Ryoga-K sighed, "If we had video equipment I could film it happening then
play it back for him."
     "Live transmission would be better.  But where do we get the equipment?"
     Belldandy whispered to Keiichi, "I have an idea."  And slipped round the
corner.  The other four were still discussing options when suddenly every 
loose object around them began rattling and levitated.  There was blue light 
everywhere and a strange whispering sound.  Then the light was gone and the 
debris fell back.  Keiichi said it must have been an earthquake and everyone
looked at him.  Then Belldandy stepped from around the corner and said, "Look
what I've found!"
     Turning the corner they saw a TV station mobile newscenter.  The interior 
of the truck was crammed with video equipment.  There were plenty of cameras
with long range lens and microphones not to mention video monitors galore.
Plenty of equipment for the plan.  Ryoga 1/2 stared then said, "Not to look a
gift horse in the mouth but where did this come from?"
     "Xerxes must have sent it.  So we must be on the right track."
     While the others looked over the truck Keiichi told Belldandy, "Thank
you."  He paused then asked, "But why does it have California license plates
and a logo proclaiming it San Francisco's number one news station?"
     "I was aiming for something more local but the spell went a little awry.
I don't do well with technology, Skuld's a lot better."
     "Well who cares where it came from, it's perfect."
     Inside the van Ryoga 1/2 was telling his countrpart.  "Ok you can find
the dojo again so you can grab Ryoga and bring him back here.  He'll be a
lot easier to handle as P-chan.  Then we can see about making him witness his
     Ryoga-K nodded, "Sounds good.  Only how do we get this junk working?"
     Yohko yelled, "Morisato get in here, time to show us your technical 
training hasn't been wasted."
     Not far away Xerxes was watching.  He was wearing another of his human
bodies.  The previous one had been designed to command respect looking very
dietylike.  This one looked like a handsome young man of about 19.  Xerxes
called it his "Stealth ninja" body.  He'd designed it to be nearly 
undetectable unless he chose to be noticed.  It was also a masterpiece with 
regards to speed, grace, reflexes and strength.  If you're going to exist
among mortals there's no reason to have an inferior chassis.  While his pawns
were occupied he slipped to Ryoga-K's pack and riffled through it.  Ah, here
it was!  He removed a triple sealed airtight small package and slipped away
     When he was clear he ducked into an alley and began laughing.  He'd 
overheard the Ryoga's deductions, they were very good.  Dead wrong but still
good.  This wasn't the timeline where the empire would begin, in fact there 
was no great disaster looming.  If there was they might accidentally prevent 
it and that would be no fun at all.  Under normal circumstances in a few 
months Ryoga would meet a girl named Akari and the triangle would begin
dissolving naturally.  But now, well things would be different.  Especially
when he got to work.  He gazed at the package he'd removed.  Once Akane got
a few whiffs of Kodachi's Love Potion #37 ... well things should get 
     In the meantime he needed his sixth player before the game began in 
earnest.  By chance Tatewaki Kuno strolled by the mouth of the alley.  He 
didn't notice Xerxes snort as he passed.  That guy was a joke, he'd never ...
Then Xerxes smiled again.  He'd bring in a Kuno who was actually a threat.
And he'd drop him in cold so the jerk didn't know he wasn't in his home 
universe anymore.  Now where to find a dangerous Kuno?  Xerxes covered his
human body behind a dumpster then withdrew his consciousness to Overspace.
He began scanning the nearby timelines.  Ah yes, of course.  He'd be perfect.

Guyver-Ryoga Timeline

     Kodachi Kuno barely listened as her brother once again proclaimed his
mission to destroy the nefarious Saotome, his henchman Hibiki and free Akane
and the Pigtailed girl from their unnatural lusts.
    Initially after her brother came down with a bad case of demonic 
possession and announced his intention to obliterate her darling Ranma she'd
been very worried.  However things seemed to have reached a new status quo.
Normally Tatewaki would confront Ranma and begin a speech about how he'd
kill him.  Ranma would immediately render him unconscious before he could
shout his magic word, "Guyver" and summon the demon.
     If he confronted Ranma in his demonic form then Ranma would be defended 
by his former-enemy-turned-best-friend Ryoga Hibiki.  Hibiki was also 
possessed and always won these fights.  There were three reasons for this,
the first was Hibiki had received advanced martial arts training from the 
Tendo's new hostguest Cologne.  She seemed in no hurry to return to China and
had taken Kasumi's place as cook.  Hibiki was also living with the Tendos 
and seemed very close to Nabiki.  Though why her disfigurement didn't repel 
him Kodachi couldn't understand.  
     Anyway the second reason was that Tatewaki always used the same attack
technique.  The fact that it never worked didn't seem to deter him.
     The third was that she had been adding a little something extra to her
brother's food.  Nothing producing obvious symptoms, just a few chemicals that
threw his coordination and reflexes off slighlty.
     Anyway those fights would alway end with her brother getting his head
handed to him.  Sometimes literally.  However despite decapitation or
evisceration or any other massive injury the demon always healed him.  And
then it would start all over again.
     So Ranma was safe from her brother.  But that didn't help Kodachi get
her darling.  She sighed, things had seemed so promising after the number of
rivals diminished.  Ukyou Kuonji had died suddenly and Shampoo had 
disappeared.  That left Akane but suddenly Ranma and her weren't fighting all
the time anymore.  In fact though Sasuke hadn't managed to get photographic
evidence yet she was pretty sure that the two of them were ... Kodachi grit
her teeth and supressed a snarl.
     Funny, thinking about it recently there had been a lot of deaths around 
Ranma.  Which had stopped as suddenly as it began.  As though some ancient 
evil had emerged and then been defeated.  Or alternately as though some 
sadistic minded creep had taken control of their world, messed around with
everything then abandoned it for other projects.  She shook her head, even
for her that last possibility was way too paranoid.
     Tatewaki walked out the door intent on his latest mission of vengeance.
Kodachi ignored him so she didn't notice him vanish as he walked out the
gate.  He appeared on Xerxes gameworld, unaware of the shift, and headed off 
to look for revenge.
     Xerxes reanimated his own body and headed off to the Tendo dojo.  He'd 
wait for the right moment to strike.  As he did he reflected it was odd that 
he'd seemed to feel two minds when he transferred Guyver-Kuno.  Or as he 
called himself, The Black Thunder.
     Inside Kuno's mind a new voice whispered unnoticed. "AMAMAMAMAMAMAM..." 
The latest dimensional shift had completed the mutation that had begun in 
Kuno's Guyver unit.  The symbiote was becoming more than a system for 
monitoring the Guyver.  The Kronos created dimensional shifts had begun the 
process.  Now it was finally complete.  "AMAMAMAMIAMIAMIAM...IAMIAM ...I AM.
I AM.  I THINK THEREFORE I AM", a telepathic voice whispered.  "BUT WHAT AM 
I?".  Its host's mind didn't hear the question.

End of part 1

Now all the characters are introduced it's time for something to happen.
Watch for Part 2 : "Everything is under control!"



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