Ranma 1/2 : Timelines
by Mark Latus
A fanfic in 5 parts

People who don't belong in the regular Ranmaverse and where they came from:
Ryoga 1/2 Timeline

Ryoga Hibiki  - aka Ryoga 1/2, Ryoga-chan.  Has same curse as Ranma, uses the
                name Yuriko in his cursed form.  Engaged to the Nabiki of his
                world and would rather be back there with her than stuck in 
                this universe.  This is his third encounter with alternate 
                worlds and that's three too many.  Currently claiming to be 
                Ryoga's cousin Yuriko Hibiki while in female form.

Ryoga/Kodachi Timeline

Ryoga Hibiki - aka Ryoga-K.  Has the standard P-chan curse and is engaged to
               the Kodachi of his world.  Lost a lot of his left arm in his
               previous adventure on an alternate world and really doesn't  
               want to be here.  Owns several prosthetics and is currently
               using the alias of Ryo Hibiki, Ryoga's other cousin (Yuriko's
               brother).  Only known Ryoga with a sense of direction. 

Yohko Mano -   Best ninja assassin in the "Order of the Purple Striped Dragon" 
               which isn't saying much.  Long ago the Mano clan was taken 
               seriously in the days when they were Devil Hunters.  But her 
               ancestors sealed the demons' gateways permanently and their 
               skills deteriorated from lack of use.  Yohko dreams of somehow
               restoring the clan's glory days and carries their sacred Devil 
               Hunter ring.

Keiichi    -   Briefly a member of Yohko's ninjas before resigning having got
Morisato       tired of constant pummelings from the group's former target, 
               Ryoga Hibiki.  Currently attending Technical University which 
               is where he met his strange girlfriend Belldandy.

Belldandy  -   Member of the Norse Pantheon and Goddess of the Past.  Due to
               Keiichi's hasty wish when he met her the two of them are now
               bound to be together by magic.  Not that either of them mind.
               Currently Keiichi is the only one aware of her divine status.

Guyver-Ryoga timeline

Tatewaki Kuno - aka Guyver-Kuno, The Black Thunder.  Has the incredible power
                of the alien battlesuit known of the Guyver but remains an 
                idiot which limits its effectiveness.  Has grudges against 
                both the Ranma Saotome and Ryoga Hibiki of his world.  The 
                latter of these possess the only other Guyver suit.  He is the
                only one of the six unaware he has switched worlds.  He is
                also unaware that his Guyver symbiote is becoming intelligent.


Part 5 : "This is all your fault!"

     Nabiki avoided wincing at Akane's bellow and ostentatiously glanced down
at her notebook.  "Well let's see ... Ryoga dropped by for a visit and asked
to see you.  You suddenly proclaimed him the one true love of your life then
jumped on him and tried to rip his clothes off.  Ranma broke in on you and 
demanded you tell him it was a joke.  You broke your engagement and told him 
to get lost.  Ranma lost it and tried to kill Ryoga.  Showing a lot more 
commonsense than he has before Ryoga got out of here fast.  Incidentally
that rug in the middle of your bedroom is to cover the planks we put over
the hole Ranma made.  They're probably secure but you might want to stay off
that piece of floor.  
     Anyway Ranma went in pursuit but must have lost him as Ryoga was still 
healthy when he met Ukyou.  Shortly after this Kuno showed up in a very 
strange suit of armour and went hunting Ranma.  Later on Shampoo, Ukyou and 
Kodachi dropped by to check if it was true you and Ranma were through.  You 
confirmed it and they all went looking for him.  There were reports of a
major rooftop battle but no clear winner showed up here so I guess it was a
draw.  Ranma and Ryoga are both still out there somewhere.  So they could show 
up anytime.  Other than that it was a fairly quiet day."
     Akane just stared at her.
     "You really don't remember any off this?"
     "This can't be happening.  I'm still asleep and dreaming .... OW!"
     "Well you didn't wake up so I guess you're stuck with this reality.  I'd
say this is going to be a rotten day.  We could claim it was a very tasteless
joke ... better not though.  Ukyou and the others might want refunds.  Then
there's how Ryoga's going to feel when you tell him you didn't mean any of 
it ..."
     Akane tried to think, "Shampoo and the others must have been overjoyed
to hear me say the engagement was over.  Ryoga ... how did he react?"
     "A combination of amazement and shock I'd say."
     Akane breathed a sigh of relief.  "Thank god.  So when I tell him I 
didn't know what I was doing he should be relieved."  She missed Nabiki's
skeptical expression.  "As for everyone else I'll tell them ..."
     "...That you're madly in love with Ranma and yesterday was just a fit of
temporary insanity?"
     "WHAT!  Are you out of your mind Nabiki?  I am not madly in love with
Ranma.  He's a jerk, he always insults me, he eats like a pig, he's lazy, he's
good for nothing ..."
     "So why do you want him back?"
     "Uhhhhh ... Family pride.  The heads of the Tendo and Saotome families
made a pact to join our clans by marriage.  It's a matter of honor ... right 
     Soun had stopped crying temporarily and been listening to all this.  He
wiped his eyes and hugged Akane.  "Oh my little girl's going through with the
marriage!  I'm so happy!"  He started crying again, possibly from happiness,
perhaps just from hysteria.  Akane pulled free before her clothes got soaked
     "I just said I'd renew the engagement.  I didn't say I'd marry him!"
Soun kept crying but the tenor changed.  Akane sighed and asked "How did he
ever manage to deal with life before he had us to look out for him?"
     "Please calm down father."  As always Kasumi appeared to be the only
one unconcerned by recent events.  "Akane has said she'll renew the engagement
and that's the important thing."
     "Yes you're right of course."  The waterfall of tears shut off 
instantaneously.  "Akane find Ranma and explain things to him.  Saotome how
about a game of shogi?"  The panda grunted assent and the two of them headed
for their gameboard.
     Akane sighed.  "Ok so that calms them down.  But what happened to me
yesterday?  And where is Ranma anyway?"
     "The answer's the same, I don't know.  But all Ranma's stuff is here so
he'll be back for it.  Even if it's only to pick up supplies before heading 
back to China.  So wait here and he'll show up eventually."  Nabiki paused as
something occurred to her.  "Hopefully he won't be carrying what's left of
Ryoga with him."
     Akane winced.  Whatever had got into her yesterday had caused a lot of
trouble for a good friend.  She hoped Ryoga would be willing to forgive her.
     At a hotel across town Ryoga-K was waiting for Yohko to finish in the
bathroom.  She seemed to be feeling a lot better and her hair covered the 
bruise.  So they could pay a visit to Akane, break her heart and hopefully be 
back to their own world before noon.
     Near the TV van they'd appropriated Ryoga 1/2 was doing some stretches 
to loosen up his muscles.  Last night he'd pitched his tent outside it, hung 
up his "Semicrazed martial artist, do not disturb" sign and spent a night 
unmolested by the police.  He definitely felt stiff this morning.  He must be
getting soft from too much indoor living.  Spending too many nights under the
Tendo's roof was erasing his taste for the outdoors life.  Though considering
where he got to spend the nights that was fine with him.
     The door opened and Keiichi exited.  Belldandy and Keiichi had spent the
night inside though Ryoga didn't think anything had happened.  Morisato seemed 
to be as shy as he'd been.  As for Belldandy ... Ryoga had to admit he 
couldn't figure her out at all.  In some ways she seemed like Kasumi, calm
considerate, kind ... yet there was something else inside her.  Something
that had emerged after Happosai attacked her.  Not that he blamed her.  In 
fact the way the old pervert acted when he was in his Ryoga-chan form made 
him want to mash the little ...  
     Ryoga took a deep breath.  While he thought a lot more than he used to
it didn't change the fact he still had a rotten temper.  Without Nabiki
around to keep him from blowing his stack he might wind up backslidding.  He
considered searching his pack for his copy of "Controlling your Temper" but
remembered he'd forcefed it to Kuno after an attempted grope.  A curse like  
his (and Ranma's) definitely gave you a new perspective on the way guys 
treat girls.
     Anyway the question was what now?  With all Ranma's would-be fiancees
aware of the breakup they'd all be competing for him.  Which would mean once
again Ranma could avoid making a choice.  Damn.  If Ukyou had been the only
one who'd known, she could have caught him in the rebound.  Now ... Now what?
Let's see ... somehow take Kodachi and Shampoo out of the picture.  How?  
They weren't pushovers back home and there was no reason to think they'd be
any easier in this world.  Also challenging Shampoo would mean fighting Mousse 
as well.  On top of which Ranma was still looking to cripple Ryoga Hibiki and
was unlikely to listen to the alternate universe explanation before attacking.
So he'd be spending his stay as Yuriko and his female form just wasn't as
tough.  Which reminded Ryoga he'd better change form before Ranma showed up
unexpectedly.  One thing Ryoga had learned was that the least likely yet most 
inconvenient events were, in fact, what would probably happen.  Sometimes he
felt as if he lived in a slapstick comedy with a bit of pathos thrown in.
Dismissing this ludicrous thought Ryoga poured cold water over his head and
felt the familiar shift.
     Belldandy emerged from the van looking as if she'd spent the night in a
luxury hotel.  Not a hair out of place.  "Good morning Ryoga ... excuse me,
Yuriko."  A delicious scent rose from the tray she carried.  "This was the 
best I could manage for breakfast."  She sounded apologetic despite how good 
it looked.  Ryoga-chan considered asking how she'd prepared a meal like that 
without access to a kitchen but decided she'd probably hate the answer.  
Inquiring too closely into Belldandy seemed ... inappropriate.  So she just 
thanked her and ate.  
     "So what do we do now?"  Keiichi's question jolted Ryoga-chan out of her
     "I'm not sure.  Somehow we have to get Ukyou's rivals out of the way.  I
think once we do that the situation stabilises, the Ranma-Akane-Ryoga triangle
is permanently broken and we all get to go home."  This would take some 
     Belldandy frowned slightly.  "If you will forgive my interruption there 
may be a more immediate worry.  Your other self is planning to destroy Akane
and Ryoga's happiness.  Shouldn't we prevent this?"
     "Good point Belldandy."  Keiichi looked at Ryoga-chan. "So what is he 
likely to do?"
     Ryoga-chan tried to think.  Ryoga-K has Yohko on his side and that's it.
Unlike me he doesn't have a useful cursed form to hide behind.  Besides Ranma
knows P-chan is Ryoga's cursed form so that wouldn't help him.  If Ranma sees
any black piglets wearing bandannas it's pork chop time.  Impersonating the
Ryoga who belongs here is impossible for him.  Unless he's got something to
distract people from the prostetic!  Say he's wearing a glove over that hand
and no one looks too closely because of the girl hanging all over him.  All
Akane sees is Ryoga messing around with another girl.  Matter of fact he rubs
her nose in it by showing up at her home with his new girlfriend!
     Ryoga nodded.  He could actually see that happening.  Which meant they
had to preempt his other self.  "Better eat up.  We need to pay a quick visit
to the Tendos.  Keiichi I really hope you can find our way back there."
     Not long afterwards Ryoga-chan and Keiichi were on their way.  Belldandy 
told them she'd catch up to them in a minute.  As soon as they were out of
sight she closed her eyes and summoned power.  She chanted a few words of old
Norse then gestured at the van.  It vanished in a burst of light.  Belldandy
nodded.  Good, now the owners had their property back.  At least she hoped
they did, technology wasn't her strong point.   
     In San Francisco the secretary of WFRZ TV's news division reported that 
the missing van was back.  It was in fact parked in front of her in the lobby.  
As this was the tenth floor no one took her seriously at first.
     Back in Japan Ryoga-chan was eyeing the door of the Tendo Dojo.  She 
uncapped her thermos and said, "Ok here's the plan.  I go in there as Ryoga,
warn Akane that my cousin Ryo, a notorious practical joker, is looking to
cause trouble for us.  I tell her how to distinguish him from me then get out
fast before things get too intense."
     "You two go in with me.  You were with my cousin Yuriko but she got 
lost.  Then you ran into me and the three of us are trying to find her."
     "Will they believe that?'
     "They know the Hibiki sense of direction.  They'll believe it!"  The hot
water returned Ryoga to his real form.  He took a deep breath and hoped that
for once things would go smoothly.                
     A dumpster near Ukyou's restaurant exploded.  A black armoured figure
strode out and announced, "Your vile tricks will not help you Hibiki.  I shall
destroy you and your master in the place you lair!"  Guyver-Kuno headed
toward the Tendo dojo.  Inside his head his symbiote sighed.  It had had 
absolutely no success either communicating with Kuno or taking control.  
Shutting down the Guyver transformation while the host was unconscious seemed
to be the only thing it could actually do.  "YOU KNOW I SPENT ALL NIGHT 
Kuno felt that annoying buzz again but ignored it.  The Guyver unit sighed,
there was no response.  In her room over her restaurant Ukyou had heard the
explosion but couldn't summon the strength to investigate.  She'd lie here and
heal.  Later on she'd go see Ranma, for now she just had to hope her rivals
were in the same sort of shape.  They were.  Neither Shampoo or Kodachi was in
any shape to go anywhere right now..
     Outside Ukyou's window Ryoga Hibiki wandered past.  This place looked 
almost familiar.  He wasn't seeing English (ok, or French) streetsigns anymore
so maybe he'd made it out of Canada.
     Back at the Tendo Dojo Kasumi had just answered the door.  Ryoga and two
people she didn't know were outside.  "Morning Kasumi.  I was wondering if I
could see Akane briefly?   Oh these are my cousin Yuriko's friends Belldandy 
and Keiichi."
     From a hiding place nearby Ranma watched Ryoga.  Not just yet, not until
he was with Akane.
     "Good morning, nice to meet you."  After an exchange of greetings Kasumi
said,"Actually they were just talking about you Ryoga.  I'm sure they'll want
to see you.  Please come in."  The trio entered, removed their shoes and 
followed Kasumi to the main room.  Nabiki and Akane were sitting there
talking.  "Ryoga dropped by to see you Akane."  Akane tensed.
     This should be good, Nabiki thought.  What she said was, "You can handle
this Sis."  She stood up, stepped back and joined Kasumi.  She recognised the 
guy and the girl from last night and nodded a greeting.  Ryoga walked to 
Akane's side and knelt down next to her.  Akane began to panic, what was she 
going to say to him?  How could she explain it when she didn't know what 
happened herself?
     "Akane ...", he began.  Then a new voice cut in.
     "I see lover boy finally made it back!"  Ranma stood by the doorway to
the garden.  He didn't look like he was in a good mood.  Akane heard Ryoga
mutter something and surge upward into a defensive stance.  Remembering what 
Nabiki had told her Akane quickly stood up between them.
     "Ranma wait.  It's a misunderstanding ..."
     "Yeah and you're the one who's making it.  You really think this creep
is a nice guy don't you?  You've called me a pervert for a fraction of what
he's got away with.  Well you can relax Akane I'm not here to beat him to a
pulp."  Akane relaxed a little.  Ranma produced a bucket of water.  "I don't
have too.  You'll be happy to do it for me in a few seconds."  Akane turned to
ask Ryoga what Ranma was talking about then saw Ranma's arm swing in the 
corner of her eye.  She instinctively dropped down.  Ryoga tried to dodge but
the water drenched him.  The results surprised everyone.  Especially Ranma, 
he'd been expecting P-chan.
     The wet girl looked around at the astonished faces before speaking.  
"There is a very simple explanation for this ..."
     "Yo Akane!"  The second Ryoga and the girl clinging to him landed the
same place Ranma had arrived.  He stepped inside, his left arm (with glove)
around Yohko, then stopped dead at the sight of Ryoga-chan.
     She continued, "... a simple explanation which has just got a lot more 
complicated ..."
     "Excuse me could your direct me to the Tendo Dojo?"  The third Ryoga 
stepped into the room then realized where he was.  "I made it!"
     "... forget the explanation.  Of course he turns up now.  It's the worst
possible moment so he has to be here.  It's cosmically inevitable!"  Nearby
Xerxes nodded in agreement.
     Ryoga was staring at the other Ryoga with his arm around that girl he'd
met yesterday.  Everyone else was staring at the two Ryogas and the girl who'd
been Ryoga when she arrived.  "Why are you here?"  
     Ryoga-K made a last ditch effort to salvage the situation.  "I could ask 
you the same thing imposter!  I just came so Akane could meet my new 
girlfriend ... HEY!"  His glove and sleeve were shredded by a bandanna thrown 
by Ryoga-chan.  Exposing the artificial nature of the limb.  She looked at 
     "Forget it 'Ryo'.  Nobody's buying that act."
     "You moron!  What are you doing here?"
     "Preventing you from causing any trouble."
     "You stupid ... You're trapping us here forever!"  His battle aura flared
and Yohko stepped away from him in a hurry.
     "You're the one doing that.  I'm the one who's going to solve this mess!"
     "As if a guy who'd pick Nabiki is any kind of judge.  But you're not
really a guy are you?"
     Ryoga-chan's eye's narrowed.  "What did you say?"
     "Are you deaf?  Or did you lose your hearing along with your manhood?"
     Ryoga-chan's temper flared.  Beating her other self to a unrecognisable
pulp seemed like a good idea.  "I'm not taking this from anyone stupid enough 
to sleep with Kodachi!"
     On the sidelines Nabiki asked, "Is anyone following this?"  No one 
     Ryoga took a step toward his two counterparts.  "Errr ...."
     Both turned to him and snarled, "STAY OUT OF THIS!"  Ryoga stepped back 
in a hurry.  
     One factor that seems to be common to all known Ryogas is the extremely
foul temper.  The smarter versions seem to have longer fuses but when they
blow ... well it's unhealthy to be nearby.  Ryoga-chan looked at her 
detestable counterpart and snarled, "It's lucky for you I don't fight useless
     Ryoga-K's response was to wrench off his everyday prosthetic, drop his 
pack, reach inside then slam his battle arm into place.  Sunlight glinted off 
the spikes.  "It's lucky for you I don't fight girls.  Or you'd be in a lot of
trouble sissy boy!"
     Ryoga-chan ripped the top from her thermos and emptied it over herself.
"Then you don't have a problem anymore!"  Oblivious to the spectators the
two Ryogas glared at each other watching for an opening.  Somebody coughed
and they launched themselves at each other.
     As everyone else watched the battle (ducking the occasional chi sphere)
Nabiki slid to Ryoga's side.  At least that's who she assumed he was.  Anyway
time to get a few answers.  "Ryoga about your cousins Ryo and Yuriko ..."
     "Those two guys ... or whatever."
     "They aren't my cousins.  I don't have any cousins by those names.  Who
they are and why they're pretending to be me ..."
     "It was one of them who came here yesterday ... at least I think it was,
maybe there's more of them running around."  Nabiki made a note reading, 
"Poss. clones?" and settled back to wait for the fight to end.
     Both Ryogas were looking battered.  Ryoga-K decided to get really nasty
and slid the Wolverine style blades out of his left hand.  He charged in 
ducking under Ryoga 1/2's punch.  As he swung the blades he saw the Shishi
Houkoudan sphere Ryoga 1/2 had held concealed in his other hand.  It wasn't
fully generated but it was sufficent to slam Ryoga-K to the other end of the 
room.  He tried to get up and failed.  
     Ryoga 1/2 smiled, the fight was over.  He felt a faint sting and looked 
down to see a cut in his shirt.  There was a faint red line along his chest.
It seemed Ryoga-K had got a bit closer than he'd thought with his blades.  
Still it wasn't a problem.  Then his knees buckled.
     Ryoga 1/2 slumped over feeling his limbs become stiff and uncooperative.
Ryoga-K opened an eye and muttered, "Number 2 paralysing agent."  Ryoga tried
to swear as he remembered his counterpart telling him about the poison tanks
in the arm.  Which meant you could coat the blades with the toxin of choice.
All right it was only a scratch so it shouldn't be fully effective.  He still
had a little movement.  His other self must have an antidote which he'd take.
Just as soon as he'd pulled off Ryoga-K's prosthetic and beat him with it.  He
began crawling towards his foe.  Ryoga-K tried to lever himself upright, felt
something twist in his ribs and slumped back.  OK he'd have to handle things
from floor level.  He began crawling to meet his enemy.
     While they were too caught up in the fight to notice the spectators the
spectators certainly noticed them.  Nabiki shook her head and said, "This is
getting a bit ridiculous."
     Akane glanced around and saw that Ranma and Ryoga were still trying to
figure this out.  Belldandy, Keiichi and Yohko were arguing over what to do.
She sighed.  "I'll break it up."  The Ryogas had almost reached each over by
now.  Then the wall behind them exploded and they were flung across the room 
to bounce off the far wall and land behind their audience.  
     Guyver-Kuno strode in, "This is your day of reckoning Saotome!"
     Almost everyone stood paralysed except for Yohko.  She knew what this 
thing was, it was a real live demon!  Her prayers were answered!  She stepped
forward to confront it.  This was her moment ... except she couldn't remember
the stupid speech!  What a time to get stagefright!  Stall.  "Hold it creature 
of darkness ..."  Wait!  She thought she remembered it.  "I hold no enmity 
against those forced into evil acts (what did that mean anyway?)  But for 
those vile beings who toy with the hearts and souls of men ... since the time
of the ancient gods we have been your destroyers.  Now the whatever generation
of Devil Hunter Yohko is here! ..."  Was that it or was there a bit more? "...
uhhh so on behalf of the moon I will punish you."  Wrong!  Screw it.  Yohko
focussed on the ring.  It apparently decided that the Guyver's alien nature 
was close enough to serve.
     All her clothing disintergrated and Yohko became the centre of attention 
for every male in the room.  With the exception of Ryogas K and 1/2 who hurt
to much to pay any attention.  Yohko screamed and tried to shield herself with 
her hands.  Grandma hadn't mentioned this part!  Then red lights appeared and 
surged around her.  She found herself wearing a red outfit with a ying/yang
symbol on the front and a heavily slit skirt.  Not too shabby.  Now this was
more like it.  "SoulSword appear!"  Just like that she was holding the sword.
The demon hadn't moved.  She charged it.
     Kuno had frozen when Yohko's clothing disappeared.  In fact the Guyver 
suit was currently cleaning up a major nosebleed before he wound up drowning
inside the helmet.  His symbiote partner tried to break though his lust 
FANTASISING YOU MORON!"  Yohko's first strike was off and just grazed his 
chest on the downstroke.  Kuno's martial arts reflexes belatedly kicked in 
and he unsheaved the sonic swords.  He swung his right arm up to block Yohko's
next strike.  The blades locked but neither broke.  Kuno was very surprised.
Until now he'd never found anything he couldn't cut.  He blocked her next 
strike and continued fighting defensively.  Possibly he'd have been able to
fight more agressively if he hadn't felt that it would be a terrible waste.
     Meanwhile Ranma and Ryoga were mopping up their own nosebleeds and trying 
to work out what the hell was going on.  Keiichi's own flush of embarrasment
had faded.  Belldandy had turned her back on the fight to see if the other
two Ryogas needed help.  Then disaster struck.
     Kuno caught the soulsword again but this time swept his arm sideways.  
The blade pulled out of Yohko's grasp and flew across the room.  Straight for 
Belldandy's back!  
     Keiichi reacted without thinking.  His own training was sufficent to get 
him between the sword and Belldandy.  There was a horrible noise and the point 
emerged from his back as the hilt hit his ribcage and stopped.  Belldandy
turned in time to see him fall and screamed.  Keiichi didn't hit the floor.
He froze before impact, so did the blood pouring from the wound.  Time stopped
around him as Belldandy cast a stasis spell.  Instantly she knew Kuno was
responsible.  She looked at him and her eyes blazed.
     Many people have made the mistake of thinking Belldandy is a wimp.  They
were talking about the Belldandy of a slightly different continuum but there
was no personality difference between them.  At any rate those who say this 
are misjudging Belldandy because of her cheerful disposition.  They forget two
things.  First when Urd messed around with Keiichi's mind with a love potion 
(during a visit to the beach) Belldandy came close to taking out her own
sister.  In fact if Urd hadn't been family and Keiichi hadn't recovered she'd
have been in real trouble.  Second Belldandy is a member of the Norse pantheon
of gods and goddesses.  It was from the ancient norsemen that we derived the
concept of the berserkers.  Terrible warriors who fight fearlessly with all
their strength uncaring of their own injuries.
     Connoisseurs of combat judge the sight of a berserker warrior to be an
incredible one.  Though a sight best viewed from a safe distance.  When the
berserker in question is a goddess what constitutes a safe distance is
debatable.  However putting several oceans and continents between you is a
good start.
     Almost everyone was now exiting the Tendo home as quickly as possible.
While they might not have known what Belldandy was they recognised her power.
It is a little known fact of human evolution that there is a part of our
hindbrains that recognises divine displeasure.  This is a leftover from 
millenia ago when dieties walking the Earth were far more commonplace.  This
part of the mind senses godly wrath and screams, "FIRE AND BRIMESTONE COMING!
HAUL ASS OUTTA HERE!"  To ignore such a deeply hardwired voice requires
incredible stupidity or incredible singlemindedness.  Or a combination of the 
     "Ah fair maiden ..."  The house was deserted except for Kuno, Belldandy
and the timefrozen Keiichi.  "...Truly you are exquisite in your anger ..."
As Kuno continued his attempted pickup line his symbiote compared their power
to the being they faced ("OH SHIT!") and calculated the best tactical response
("RUN YOU  MORON!!!").  
"...You are indeed beautiful ..."  It seemed impossible anyone could ignore
IDON'TWANNADIE!!!"  "...I will date with thee!"  The Guyver unit felt a 
strange resignation.  "GOODBYE LIFE."
     The sound and fury that followed were truly indescribable.  200 km away
they felt the ground shake.  100 km away they thought the second Kanto quake
had started.  In Nerima they thought World War III had begun.  Ten blocks
away they thought it was the end of the world.  Everyone at ground zero knew
it was the end of the world.
     Ranma Saotome's first coherent thought was that his back hurt.  Something
very heavy was pressing against it.  The light was almost nonexistant but he
seemed to be in a pocket of debris.  His arms were locked against the floor
of the pocket.  Probably that and his back were all that kept the junk above 
him from caving inward.  There was someone sprawled between his hands.  Akane!
     She lay still.  For a few heartstopping minutes he couldn't tell if she 
was breathing.  He relaxed slightly when he saw her chest rise and fall.  
"Akane can you hear me?  WAKE UP BAKA!  You have to find a way out of here 
before my back gives out!"  She didn't move.  "Akane if this is an act your
timing stinks!"  No reaction.  "Wake up you dumb ... please Akane you have to
be all right!  Look I don't care if you love Ryoga as long as you're Ok.  
Just open your eyes please!"  Nothing happened and he felt something shift 
above him.  All this junk could come crashing down on them anytime.  "Akane,
I don't understand what's going on but ... look I shouldn't have tried to
make you love me by destroying my rival but I couldn't think of anything else
to do.  I don't know how to tell you how I feel ..."  The noise from above
intensified.  "This could be the last chance I get.  Akane maybe you don't 
love me but I ... I ... I lo..."  Daylight broke through and the weight was
gone.  Ranma turned to look up into Ryoga's face.
     "Sort of ... I'm not the one you know but ... oh hell Akane!"
     With his arms free Ranma was able to reach down to her.  The pulse was
strong and there were no visible injuries beyond a nasty bump on the head.
"I think she's just unconscious."  Please let that be all it is.
     "OK get her out of this hole then help me dig everyone else out."  
Without waiting for a reply Ryoga 1/2 began casting around for signs of other 
survivors.  There was nothing but debris as far as he could see.  Yet despite
that people kept emerging from the rubble.  Very weird.  He'd been sure he 
was going to die.  He spotted a Ryoga with a missing arm standing on the lip
of the crater and walked over to join him.
     Without turning around Ryoga-K said, "I think this used to be where the 
Tendo house stood."  
     Ryoga 1/2 gazed into the crater.  At the bottom Belldandy surrounded by 
some sort of aura seemed to be praying over Keiichi.  The Soulsword slid free
and turned into a sphere of energy.  It shot away and returned to the ring
on Yohko's hand.  She'd just dug her way out from under what had been the
garden wall.  Keiichi's blood had stopped flowing.  Belldandy seemed to be
giving him her full attention.  Ryoga 1/2 shook his head.  "What I don't
understand is why we aren't dead."
     Ryoga-K shrugged.  "Doesn't make any sense does it?  Only thing I can
figure is that Kuno was her only real target.  Whatever she did was intended
to only wipe him out.  Everyone else got a miraculous escape."  He gestured
at the crater walls.  They were peppered with a very fine spray of black 
armour fragments.
     Something occurred to Ryoga 1/2.  "Aren't we supposed to be trying to 
kill each other?"
     Ryoga-K shrugged.  "We can if you like but I'm feeling very outclassed
right now."
     "Good point."
     "Besides my battle arm's buried under the rubble somewhere."
     "If it makes you feel any better I still feel a bit weak from that 
     There was a cough behind them and they turned to see Nabiki, Ranma 
supporting a dazed Akane, Soun, Genma (Panda form), Kasumi (looking completely
unruffled) and Ryoga.  Yohko stood off to the side, she looked and felt 
triumphant.  She'd done it, the Soulsword was hers!  Now she was free to do
whatever she chose.  The hell with Grandma!  Just let the old bat try to push
her around again.  Nabiki took the initiative.  "I was just wondering if you
two could explain what's been going on around here!"
     "Well ...."
     "Actually if you mean what Belldandy just did ... frankly I have no 
idea."  All around he could see people emerging from the rubbe that had been
their homes.  "Maybe Xerxes knows, I don't.  She's not even from my world."
     "Taking my name in vain?"  A slim young man suddenly popped up from 
behind a piece of roof.
     "Who the hell are you?"
     He smiled.  "Right I looked different last time we met.  How about this."
An image appeared over his features.  An old white bearded patriach.
     "That's right.  New body.  Just decided to say bye before I headed home."
     Ryoga 1/2 tried to work this out.  "Headed home?  You mean we did it?"
     "Did what?"
     "Prevent the ... (he remembered the people who were present) ... you know
the terrible disaster in the future."
     "Oh that!  I made that up."
     "WHAT!"  That was from Ryoga-K
     "I made it up.  I was joking."
     "JOKING!"  The two Ryogas stared at each other.  "You mean this whole
disaster happened for nothing."
     Xerxes grinned.  "You've got it.  I was just having a little fun and you
fell for it hook, line and sinker."
     Ryoga-K snarled and raised his hand.  Xerxes waved a finger and the chi
sphere vanished.  "Now, now.  Try and be a good sport."
     "You dragged us out of our own worlds, drop us here and tell us it's
vital to change things before disaster strikes if we ever want to go home!  
Now you say it's all a game!"
     "That's right.  It was a lot of fun watching you but I have to be going."
     "Don't leave just yet young man!"
     The newcomer looked like an old monk.  Except that just by looking at him
you could feel the unmistakeable aura of power.  Xerxes looked at him sourly,
"Hello dad!"
     Xerxes guardian shook his head.  "I look away for an instant and you slip
away and cause trouble.  I thought I could trust you at least a little."
     "It's not my fault you're a lousy judge of character."
     He sighed.  "I suppose.  But you are not getting away from this scot free
     "Yeah, yeah.  Do your worst.  Let's have the responsibility lecture 
     The guardian shook his head.  "I think it's time for something a little
more severe.  Try going back to Overspace."
     Xerxes shrugged.  Then frowned.  His consciousness couldn't disengage 
from this body.  In fact his powers seemed to have shut down.  "What have you
done to me?"
     "I've temporarily locked you in that body and blocked your powers."  He
turned to Ryoga 1/2 and Ryoga-K.  "Gentlemen your tormenter is now merely 
human so you might want to ahhh ... discuss things with him.  By the way he's
immortal so you don't have to be gentle."
      Ryoga-K smiled, Ryoga 1/2 cracked his knuckles.  Both started forward.
Xerxes tried not to panic.  "Maybe I am only human for now but I built this
body to be a fighting machine!"  Ryoga-K's Shishi Houkoudan technique 
generated another chi sphere.  Xerxes automatically ordered it to dissipate.
It didn't and he hit the ground stunned.  The two Ryogas closed in.  
     Xerxes guardian wrapped a forceshield around the three and opaqued it to 
prevent anyone from being disturbed or trying to interfere.  He looked around 
at the devastation and addressed the spectators.  "First thing's first.  Since 
this all occurred as a result of Xerxes's intervention I am permitted to 
restore what was lost."  Suddenly Ranma and Co. found themselves inside the 
Tendo home again.  A glance out the window showed that Nerima was back.  
Belldandy stood by a fully restored Keiichi.  The Walker gave her a respectful 
nod, one paranormal entity to another then sat down, and spoke.  "I have 
reviewed recent events and I can tell you how the confusion arouse."
     "That's wonderful.  Would you like some tea."  Kasumi was the only one
present not staring bugeyed at the stranger.
     To be polite he told her, "That would be lovely.  Where to begin ...
perhaps I should skip ahead to the love potion Xerxes stole."  Inside the
forceshield the pummeling continued unabated.
     At the conclusion of the stranger's tale Akane leaned over to Ryoga.  
"So I was under the influence of this love potion.  That explains everything.
I hope I didn't shock you yesterday."
     She completely missed the glassy look on Ryoga's face as his heart broke
yet again.  "No, no not at all.  I should have realized you didn't mean it."
     Ranma had his normal complacent smirk.  "I knew it all along.  After all
even a macho tomboy chick like you wouldn't be stupid enough to ditch me ..."
Akane creamed him with the table.
     "Ranma you moronic ..."
     Nabiki sighed.  "I guess they're back to normal.  I know three other 
girls who won't be happy to hear this."
     "Far as I'm concerned they can have him."
     Nabiki grinned.  Yup, everything was back to normal.
     "Excuse me please."  The Walker got up and strolled out to the garden.
The forceshield he'd created vanished and he saw two tired yet contented 
Ryogas and a very mangled Xerxes.  He snapped his fingers and Xerxes vanished.
"Nicely done.  That should keep him traumatised for a few centuries."      
     "Uhm where did he go?"
     "I dropped him in a black hole.  It'll take him a couple of millenia to 
get out by which time you'll have gone the way of all flesh.  So you don't 
have to worry about him seeking revenge."
     "Uh, right."
     "Excuse me but what exactly is going on anyway?"
     He explained how Xerxes was basically a kid with a rotten sense of humor.
It was a quicker explanation than the others had received as they knew a lot 
more of the background.  He concluded, "... so you shouldn't blame yourselves
for being fooled.  Xerxes has had a lot of practice."
     Ryoga 1/2 nodded then looked up to see they had an audience.  Everyone 
(except the other three who didn't belong) seemed to be looking from them to
Ryoga.  Akane shook her head.  "Amazing, another two Ryogas and one of them 
has a Jusenkyo curse."  Ryoga 1/2 looked at the guardian who winked.  
    "That's me.  Same spring as Ranma.  Uh look not to seem rude but can we
go home now."  The others added their agreement.
    The guardian nodded.  "Of course.  In fact I will see to it that you don't
leave your home dimensions again.  It will be a simply matter to lock you
     "Any side effects?"
     "An inability to interdimensionally travel.  Nothing else."
     "Then go ahead.  I am tired of bouncing from one reality to another."
     Ryoga-K looked at the guardian and asked, "Uh look you can restore 
destroyed things right?"  He nodded.  "Well, could I have my arm back?"
     "I am sorry but that didn't happen because of Walker intervention.  Our
laws don't permit me to change that.  This is the best I can do."  The missing
prosthetics appeared.  
     "Oh well I guess it was too much to hope for."
     "I am sorry.  If you'll say your goodbyes I'll send you home."
     As they did this Ryoga 1/2 noticed Nabiki studying him then glancing at
his morose counterpart.  She must be remembering what Ryoga-K had said about
him and her counterpart.  She shook her head in disbelief and muttered,  "My 
other self must be out of her mind."
     Then the Walker raised a hand and Ryoga, Belldandy, Keiichi, Yohko and
Ryoga vanished.  So did the Walker but he hadn't gone far.  There was one last
job to do.  Ryoga said something about a training trip and walked away.  Akane
started towards him but Ranma stopped her.  "I think he needs some time to
himself.  Meeting other versions of yourself has got to be one hell of a 
shock."  But not nearly as bad as getting your hopes raised and destroyed.
Funny.  Not long ago he'd have killed Ryoga himself, now he felt sorry for
him.  Maybe Ryoga had finally got the message.
     Several kilometers away the Guyver control medallion was embedded in the
side of a skyscraper.  It was running over its very limited options.  It had
managed to halt the reconstruction program that would have recreated Kuno's
body.  However without that program it was stuck permanently in the side of
this building.  Also it was cramped with Kuno's mind (such as it was) stored
besides it.  So it could spend the rest of its existence in the side of a 
building or as part of Tatewaki Kuno.  Which was worse?
     It didn't sense the Walker materialise next to it.  He studied the 
situation for a few seconds then gave into a compassionate impulse.  Both
Kuno and his symbiote were amazed to suddenly materialise fully restored, 
back to being human and inside their home.  Kodachi looked up from her book 
(101 uses for Amanita Phalloides fungus) and asked, "So how'd it go this time 
brother dear?"
     "Once more the sorcerer tricked me.  The coward used women to fight his 
battles ..."  He paused to remember the nude Yohko then went on, "But Saotome
shall learn that the Black Thunder does not cease his efforts ..."
     "OH SHUT UP!"
     "That was rude sister!"
     Kodachi frowned.  "What was?"
     "Telling me to shut up."
     "I didn't. You never listen."
     "HEY!  YOU HEARD ME!"
     "Are you practising ventriloquism?"
     "What are you talking about Tati?"
     "Don't call me that!  I distinctly heard a voice."
     "Impossible, you have never addressed me before ..."
     "That is none of your concern parasite!"
     Kodachi watched her brother shouting at himself.  She wasn't sure what
was going on but it promised to be entertaining.
     Meanwhile on another world Ryoga 1/2 was studying his surroundings.  It
appeared to be the Tendo house but was it the right world?  Then he found his
arms full of Nabiki and stopped worrying about it.  He'd tell her later about
his latest and hopefully last alternate world adventure.  Akane watched the
two of them and sighed.  She heard Kasumi from behind her.
     "How nice, Ryoga's back.  That'll cheer Nabiki up."
     "Looks like it already has."  Wonder what happened this time?  
     "Now if only you and Ranma could get along like that."  Kasumi paused
then said, "Well maybe not quite that intensely ..."
      Akane steered her sister away, "Let's leave them alone.  I'll show you
the best way to hit Ranma or something."
      "I was wondering where you get those mallets."
      Leaving that world we turn to our last Ryoga.  Tatewaki and Kodachi's
earnest discussion was interupted by the sudden appearance of Ryoga and three
other people.  Ryoga looked around, he was back in the Kuno mansion.  From 
the way Kodi was looking at him he was in the right world.  Then her gaze
fixed on Yohko.  "You're that ninja girl I threw out of the window, aren't
you?"  Her gaze turned to her brother.
     In terror he stammered, "I didn't hire her!  It's a mistake!  The 
contract is cancelled!"
     Yohko nodded.  "That's the truth.  The four of us were grabbed by this
troublemaker called Xerxes ..."  She trailed off and studied Kuno 
thoughtfully.  Rich, not bad looking ... maybe.
     Belldandy had crossed to a large mirror.  She reached towards it and
Keiichi caught her hand.  "Belldandy ..."
     She stroked his cheek.  "Keiichi it's a little late to convince Ryoga 
that I'm a simple exchange student."  She touched the mirror and its surface
rippled like water.  "It has been a fascinating experience meeting you but if
you'll forgive me it's not one I want to repeat."  Holding Keiichi's hand
she stepped into the mirror.  The surface shifted and they could see two 
figures inside it heading toward some sort of doorway.  Then it clouded,
cleared and all they saw were reflections.
     Yohko shrugged then concentrated.  The soulsword reappeared.  She studied
it then made it disappear.  "It's all mine.  No more abiding by Grandma's 
stupid rules!  You!"  She pointed at Kuno, he looked puzzled.  "You'll do!"  
She kicked his feet out from under him and caught him as he fell.  With an 
armlock around his neck she asked Ryoga, "Where's his bedroom?"
     "Up the stairs, third door on your right!"
     "Thanks!  Good luck explaining this mess."  She headed for the stairs
dragging Kuno behind her.
     Kodachi looked at Ryoga.  "You've been keeping some strange company 
since you vanished."
     "That is an understatement.  However I've been promised that was my last
mysterious disappearance."
     "I hope so.  It was a little inconvenient for me."
     "Sorry about that.  We could switch to more mundane games.  Anyway want
the explanation now?"
     "Actually I was thinking more of picking up where we left off."
     "Well if that's want you want ..."  He swept Kodachi up and headed for 
her room.  "Is the arm ok?"
     She stopped her mock struggles long enough to say, "Yes I gave it a 
complete overhaul.  I was sure you'd be back."
     Ryoga wondered briefly if he ought to try and save Tatewaki then gave up 
and turned his attention to Kodachi.  Before we have to switch to an R rating
let's cut back to Ranma and Akane back on the world Xerxes was playing games.
     Ranma and Akane were sitting quietly on the porch.  From inside came the
murmur of the TV.  Experts were discussing the mass hysteria that had made 
people think Nerima had been destroyed.  
     For a change they weren't fighting.  Akane was remembering the way Ranma 
had acted while she'd been under the influence of the love potion.  Did he
really care or was it just possessiveness?  Ranma seemed locked in his own 
thoughts.  Perhaps she should just ask.  "Ranma ..."
     Three heavily bandaged shapes dropped into the garden.  Ukyou, Shampoo,
and Kodachi all glared at Akane.  
     "What is this?"
     "Tomboy give up on Shampoo's husband!"
     "Ranma darling why are you sitting with this creature?"
     Before he could answer Nabiki's voice drifted from inside.  "Akane was
affected by a love potion yesterday.  It wore off so everything's back to
     There was an ominous silence.  Broken by Ukyou asking, "Why are you
sitting so close to Akane, Ranma?"
     Suddenly all hell broke loose outside as the standard, "take out Akane 
and my other rivals" pattern began.  Inside Nabiki nodded.  "Everything really
is back to normal."
     Kasumi smiled, "That's a relief isn't it."
     Mr Saotome grunted assent and Daddy nodded.  It may be chaos but at least
it was familiar chaos.  Outside the melee continued.  
     As for Ryoga;
     "Hey watch it!"
     Ryoga stopped in his tracks, "What's wrong?"
     "That pasture is full of man eating Yaks!"  
     "Man eating ... ?  Where am I?"
     "Welcome to Nepal."
     "Oh ... uhhh I didn't know yaks were carnivorous."
     "Lots of people don't.  We lose quite a few tourists that way.  But we
generally list them as having fallen of Everest.  It's for the benefit of the
next of kin.  'Died trying to conquer Mount Everest' has a certain grandeur.
It definitely sounds better on a tombstone that 'Devoured by yaks'."
     Ryoga was studying the clustered herd.  It looked like they were all 
chewing on something.  "Hey, they've got someone!"
     His new friend nodded.  "Yes.  One of your countrymen actually.  He
staggered into the village this morning covered in Yeti bites and clutching a
torn piece of cloth he claimed was the mountain goddess's brassiere.  That
was somewhat sacreligious but we figured it was just senility caused by his
advanced age.  So we felt sorry for him and tried to patch him up.  Then he
jumped my sister and the other girls who were nursing him and our sympathy
disappeared.  We whacked him over the head and threw him to the yaks."  He
studied Ryoga and his eyes narrowed.  "Planning to rescue him?"
     Having recognised the small figure Ryoga shook his head.  "No.  Women
across Japan will rejoice once he's digested.  Mind if I watch?  Maybe it'll
cheer me up."
     "Feel free.  Actually I'm a little worried, it shouldn't be taking this
long.  Maybe he's too old, tough and gamey for the yaks to get serious about
chewing him up."
     "Figures.  Happosai always gets these lucky escapes."  Ryoga leaned on 
the fence and felt his familiar depression return.  That and the inevitable 
sense that his latest broken heart was somehow Ranma's fault.  As soon as he 
got back to Japan he'd have to challenge him again.
     In a black hole near the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy a battered Xerxes 
worked out how long it would take him to break free with the form he was 
shackled to.  At length he sighed and said, "Some people have no appreciation 
for the struggling artist."
     "You've got that right junior!",  his guardian thought.   A couple of
millenia at best.  Such a brief period of peace and quiet.  Ah well, it 
would have to do.  For now it was happy and that was the important thing.
     Life continued to roll on throughout the Omniverse but for this story it
is definitely ...

                  THE END
Afterword : I think that's my first Ranma story where no one got killed or
            seriously injured.  Almost no one anyway.  Keiichi got better and
            Happosai and Xerxes had it coming.  Anyway that's my last Ranma 
            piece for a while.  "Ryoga : Futureshock" is now on hold until
            further notice.  
            Next up are two BGC pieces.  "Libel" and "Hurricane Season."  
            After that I'll be concentrating on stories with my own characters 
            the DKR.  Check out "Sailor Moon : Refugees" if you've never heard 
            of them and are at all interested.

            Mark Latus. 
            April 5 '96





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