[Preview draft version - Note this was started under the assumption that
                         DiC would never get to the later seasons of SM.
                         Evidentally my timing was very poor as dubbing is
                         currently underway so the anglicized character names
                         may well have to be changed in a hurry]
     Following Michelle's vision, the pair blurred towards the Cherry Hill         
Temple with speed only Sailor Scouts could achieve.  This was their first 
chance to find one of the three talismans.  It was galling that they couldn't
find the talismans themselves.  Instead they were going to have to depend on 
the enemy to lead them to the talismans then take the artifacts by force.
     Well, needs must and at least that meant the negacreeps attacks would be 
doing some good.  For all the seriousness of the situation, Alexis felt a 
definite satisfaction.  Today was going to to be the true debut of the Outer 
Scouts in a real combat situation.  The day all their secret training paid 
off!  This time it wouldn't be just be Michelle stumbling across some 
second-rate leftover negamonster and the battle awakening Alexis' own hidden 
power.  They'd both agreed afterwards destiny must have sent that thing their 
way as apart from that it had served no useful purpose.  Chances were the 
creature had just been a reject that had escaped the Deathbusters secret 
headquarters and been drawn to them by fate so the Outer Scouts could be
reunited.  Today would be diffferent, today they would face one of the 
Deathbusters real monsters and once it had revealed the talisman they would 
crush it utterly and take the talisman for their own. 
     At least that their intention but as any decent seer could have told them
the future is not fixed and predestination and probability are two very
different things.  Or to put it another way if there is a path of fate 
underlying history it takes some radical twists and turns and is full of
potholes so it's best to watch your step.  Relying on visions to full your
destiny can lead to many false assumptions.  Though in this case rather than 
false, bogus might be a more appropriate choice of words.
     The duo's destination was still quite some distance away and the action
wasn't waiting on their arrival.  At Cherry Hill Temple, everyone except
Kayolyte would have insisted things were going from bad to worse.  Ignoring 
the cries of the trapped girls the woman with the flowing masses of red hair 
watched with satisfaction as her diamon moved to neutralize Sailor Moon.  As   
soon as the speechmaking pest learned just how meaningless she was to the 
Deathbusters it would be time to claim her prize.  She watched the battle 
with a growing smugness, Sailor Moon's best attack had just failed and the 
diamon was moving in for the kill.  A textbook operation, this should make it
clear to those upstarts in Witches 5 why she was in charge of field 
operations.  Kayolyte smiled, that clown in the tuxedo had been right when he
threw the flower.  Everything was coming up roses.
    All the other observers present had different opinions.  Lita, Amy and    
Mina were bound to individual trees by the vines the unknown negamonster had 
thrown.  They could only watch in horror as the tree monster withstood 
Serena's "Moon Scepter Elimination" and launched itself at her.  Slumped 
against the temple wall Raye seemed oblivious to everything.  If not for the 
creature's sloughed off hands pinning her in place, she would have been in 
an unmoving heap on the ground.  
     If Raye was aware of the crystal that had emerged from her body after 
the negaamonster had struck her with a beam of ebony energy she gave no sign.  
Sparkled in the sunlight the multifaceted crystal hovered before her.  It 
would have been a gorgeous sight to those who hadn't heard the screams that 
accompanied its appearance and seen Raye's collapse into coma.  For all that 
the stone was a thing of beauty but no one was watching.  All eyes were fixed 
on Sailor Moon as the tree creature charged her.  It batted away the rose 
Tuxedo Mask threw to impale it and bore down on Serena like an avalanche.
His heart turning to ice Darien flexed to leap to Serena's aid knowing it 
would be too little, too late.  Then things took a very unexpected but far
from unwelcome turn.  
     The monster was almost upon Sailor Moon when a purple energy ball 
slammed into it.  Lightnings crackled around the monsters body as it was 
thrown away from Sailor Moon like a twig in a hurricane.  Its bellow of pain 
barely had time to begin before it smashed into the ground.  The force of
impact shattered it like glass.  In an explosion of woodchips pieces flew in
all directions as a spray of wooden shrapnel.  Much of the body kept moving, 
ploughing a furrow in the ground before coming to rest.  A few sparks 
continued to crackle around the smouldering remains then disappeared, but 
while whatevr had struck it was gone it was obvious to all that the tree 
monster wasn't getting up again.  In stunned silence that followed its 
form morphed and reformed, dividing into a storm struck treetrunk and a small
ovoid that vaguely resembled an egg.  The latter shattered releasing a dark
cloud of ... something which disapated an instant latter.  The silence was 
abruptly broken by an unfamiliar voice. 
     "Good attack, Michiru-sensei would be proud.  But you forgot to say 
'Vengeance Reaver' again."
     "Gomen."  The second speaker sounded embarrassed.
     As all eyes turned towards the source a third voice announced, "Showtime!" 
and a fourth, "The big time!"
     Kayolyte was as shocked as Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask and the as yet      
untransformed Ami, Lita and Mina (the last three being so shocked they 
hadn't noticed yet that their bonds had dissolved with the negamonster's
destruction).  FOUR NEW SCOUTS!  Kayolyte felt light headed; she had to be  
     This was impossible!  Deathbuster research had clearly shown that there 
were only five Scouts and that their powerlevels were insufficent to present 
any serious obstacles to the plan.  Yet one of this quartet had just destroyed a Diamon with one 
shot!  Ms. Nine wasn't going to be amused.  Kayolyte's first impulse was to
strategically withdraw but it looked like the group's leader looked about to 
make a speech so she decided to wait to hear it.  It might provide a few
valuable clues for subsequent analysis.
     "Shaders of picnic-ers, home for birds and squirrels, bringers of the            
cherry blossom festival, trees brighten the urban landscape and bring joy to
all.  For those who would spoil this there can be no forgiveness!  The weed of
evil bears bitter fruit!  All those who would turn botany to evil shall face 
my wrath!  Senshi of the world of beauty, power, love and justice, Neo-Sailor 
Moon has arrived!  In the name of Crystal ... The Moon, Neo Sailor Moon will 
punish you!"
     Amy ignored Serena's startled protest that she was the only Sailor Moon
and studied the newcomer, there was something familiar about her.  Older than  
the average scout, at least on a par with Sailor Pluto.  Chest broach, pink 
and white costume, fancy shoulder epaulets, pink hair ... something clicked in
Ami's mind.  Pink hair and worn in that familiar and thankfully unique style?!  
It couldn't be Reenie, could it?  Impossible, she was far too old!  Except 
that once she returned to her own era there was no reason for her not to have 
got older and if she travelled back from even further in the future then 
perhaps ...  Amy suddenly suspected that where these four had come from wasn't 
as significant as when.
     She tried to study the others, two stood behind the self proclaimed Neo 
Sailor Moon and her companion blocking a clear view so Ami focused her
attention on the Scout in white and purple.  As she was lowering her hands 
from the fixed posture that aligned directly with the negamonster's grave 
Amy presumed she had fired the attack.  Amy gazed at Serena's saviour, 
taking in her appearance.  White costume, purple skirt, choker & boots, blue 
ribbons, tiara, the usual Scout image.  Her age matched Neo Moon's (so Amy 
decided to designate the other Sailor Moon) but unlike her companion the red 
haired Scout didn't radiate self confidence.  Rather her expression was one 
Amy was very familiar with, mortification at finding herself in the spotlight
and an urge to find a nice quiet place to hide.  She recognised it well having 
seen it in her mirror time and time again.  But one thing she had never seen
in the mirror were eyes like those.  It was bizarre, they almost seemed to 
have the glint of gold.
     Amy wasn't the only one studying the quartet.  From his elevated vantage 
in the trees Darien had the best view of the newcomers.  Looking down upon the 
temple grounds he had the only unobstructed view which was why he hadn't gone
to Serena's side yet.  Thanks to the stillness, his position and his 
parnormally acute hearing he could just make out the whispered comments from 
behind Neo Sailor Moon's speech concerning her speech. 
     "Weeds aren't fruit bearing are they?"
     The speaker wore the most atypically Scout uniform that Darien had ever 
seen.  Instead of white she wore red with a black leather skirt.  Perhaps she 
was colourblind, that would explain why she had dyed her hair such a brilliant  
blue.  Being about the same age as the front two Scouts she was leaning down 
a bit to talk to the girl at her side.  The girl with fuchsia colured hair  
responded, "Shh, don't contradict her in public."    
     The quartet's final member was the only one whose age seemed on a par 
with Serena, Raye and the others.  In some ways her red ribboned, blue
skirted costume looked like Serena's Sailor Moon uniform yet in other ways
it was radically different.  Darien knew he had glimpsed it somewhere before 
but he had no idea where.  As he tried to place the memory the girl finished   
speaking to her companion.
      "No time to critque, we're on next!"
      With that both Scouts forward giving Serena and the others their first 
clear look at them.  Mina gawked at the youngest newcomer and almost 
immediately squawked, "HEY!  SHE'S WEARING MY COSTUME!"
     Darien snapped his fingers, that was it!  No wonder it had looked 
familiar.  Mina was right, sure enough the girl's outfit was a near perfect 
copy of Mina's old Sailor V costume.  The resemblence was spoiled only by the 
replacement of the original version's orange mask with a tinted visor.  All of 
which meant it wasn't a total surprise when the purple haired girl announced, 
"Mysterious foe of all evil striking with the speed of light, Sailor V has 
     Beside her the woman in black and red also struck a pose and declaimed, 
"Hurler of fireballs and Senshi of Swing, Sailor Arcturus is here to strike 
out evil!"
    There was an expectant pause and a moment of silence then all three turned 
to look at their groups as yet unannounced member.  The silent Scout winced a 
little then announced in a firm voice, "Senshi of the world of storm and 
vengeance, ruler of the whirlwind, Sailor Nemesis!"  
     All present would have sworn they heard the crash of thunder and the 
flare of lightning accenting her words.  A very dramatic introduction spoiled 
by her voice dropping as she muttered, "I still feel kind of embarrassed."  
     Arcturus and V rolled their eyes while Kayolyte decided she had seen 
enough.  She had their names and had learned they didn't follow the standard 
planetary pattern.  That was sufficent to begin an initial investigation, but
considering the diamon's swift destruction it would be unwise to engage them
in battle without any knowledge of their capabilities.  A strategic withdrawal
was in order, she would return for the temple maiden's heart crystal later.
It was then Kayolyte realized Neo Sailor Moon had not been idle during all
     While Serena, her friends and the far from unattractive enemy had been 
gaping at the quartet Darien had seen Kayolyte ensnared.  While her comrades
introduced themselves Neo Sailor Moon had summoned a bejewelled sceptre that 
Darien thought overly ornate and kitsch even by Serena's standards.  Without 
making a big production of it, Neo Moon had murmured something as she spun the 
sceptre in her hands.  As she did a spiral of small glowing pink hearts had 
materialised around and begun circling the negamonster's former controller.  
     Inside the excessively cute cage Kayolyte gave a cynical "hah".  Easy 
enough to anticapte that this was a barrier intended to prevent her running 
off.  No doubt designed to shock her if she tried to breach.  Amusing and 
amateurish, showing her new opponents knew as little of her as she did of 
them.  A swift construction but valueless as a cage.  Why should she try to
walk through it when there were so many much more efficient ways to travel?  
Kayolyte engaged her teleport and immediately regretted it as she learned 
two things.  The first was that this cage neutralised teleporting so she 
didn't go anywhere.  The second was that when Neo Sailor Moon had said "I will
punish you" she also applied that to attempts to escape from her custody.
All the glowing hearts zapped Kayolyte with very cute looking but none-the-
less painful pink lightning bolts filling the spiral of lights with pink
     The barrage ceased and the pink glow faded to reveal a Kayolyte with a
glazed expression whose hair looked like she's been standing next to a static
electricity generator.  She giggled and in a dazed voice announced, "Sure 
Professor Thomas, I'd love to have a net-cam in my shower ..."
     Sailor Arcturus and Sailor V looked from this scene to regard Neo Sailor 
Moon with awed expressions.  Sounding self satisfied their leader said, 
"Rei-chan always said they could have saved themselves a lot of trouble in the 
old days by taking out the generals at the start rather than just blasting the 
     Then she frowned and looked towards Raye.  "Princess Usagi, you are a 
dolt!  While we've been grandstanding her heart crystal's still out." 
     "I've got it!"  Soon as she said it, Sailor Arcturus was at Raye's side.
Literally.  One moment she was next to her comrades, the next she was kneeling 
beside Raye without crossing the intervening distance.  All the girls 
gawked.  Everyone save Mina was further startled when Tuxedo Mask landed 
besides Sailor Moon and gestured at Amy and Lita to stay back.  Whatever was  
going to happen magic had to be involved and in their untransformed states 
both could be hurt by whatever Arcturus did to heal Raye.  Beside him Sailor
Moon stood torn between rushing to Raye's side and the fear of making things 
worse by interfering.  He took her hands and hoped his instincts were right 
in telling them to keep clear.
     Seemingly oblivious to this drama, or at least aware that she had no idea
how to help Raye, Mina was otherwise occupied in glaring at the new Sailor V.
     "What's the big idea of stealing my identity!"
     Sailor V refused to back down and glared back just as fiercely.
     "You weren't using it anymore, besides it's mine by inheritence, Mom!"
     Mina blinked, "Mom?"
     Sailor V assumed an "OOPS!" expression and Sailor Nemesis groaned, "I 
knew it, we're going to cause a time paradox and erase ourselves!"  Neo Sailor
Moon patted her worried colleague on the shoulder, "Don't be silly, Setsuna
would have stopped us if there was any danger."  Before she could reassure
Nemesis any further Sailor Arcturus's call distracted her.  Arcturus was 
supporting Rei with one hand while grasping the heart crystal in the other.
     "Prin ... Sailor Moon, how exactly do I put this back?  It's kind of  
      Before Neo Moon could respond Arcturus discovered her training 
sessions hadn't been wasted as she caught the flicker of someone leaping 
towards her at breakneck speed.   Her response was instinctive.  Arcturus 
vanished along with Raye and the heart crystal she grasped.  She reappearing 
along with ther passanger and cargo behind Neo Sailor Moon and Nemesis.
ailor V's training also hadn't been in vain, she saw the blur of the newcomer  
heading for her best friend.  A heartbeat after Arcturus vanished her 
"V FLARE!" threw blinding light into the eyes of the girl who had arrived 
a few instants too late to snatch her prize.  Instinctively throwing an arm 
up to shield her eyes the dazzled newcomer froze in place.  Giving everyone a 
good look at her and the costume she wore.
     The dazed Kayolyte giggled, "Aw!  Not again!", as everyone save Neo Moon 
and Nemesis gawked at the short haired blonde in the Sailor costume.  
     Neo Moon chuckled and commented, "Sailor Uranus, I presume."  Sailor V 
blanched, this was not the way she wanted to meet one of her idols.  As she 
paled Nemesis was gazing around and saying, "If she's here then Neptune ..."
    "Way ahead of ... GORGEOUS HEART SHIELD!"  
    At Neo Moon's abrupt cry, a giant translucent pink heart appeared above 
Arcturus and the girl cradled in her arms.  In a blur of speed the diving 
figure bounced off it, somersaulted several times in midair and landed on her 
feet in front of Uranus poised to defend her against counterattack.  With a 
certain resignation, everyone identified the newcomer as yet another Sailor.  
Mina started to say something, and Lita clamped a hand over her mouth.  Trying 
to communicate with gestures that they were still their regular selves which
meant secret identities to protect.  Noticing this, despite the growing
confusion, Amy suspected protecting their secret identities was pointless if 
Neo Moon was who she believed.  Though perhaps not completely.  This latest 
pair didn't seem to with the quartet so they might not be in the know.  Best 
to act like regular girls worried about their friend and let Serena and Darien 
handle the situation.  An easy act because all of them really were worried 
about Raye.
     It showed in the way Sailor Moon confronted both groups.  "Ooookay ...
Time out, everyone!  This is getting ridiculous.  Before the next Sailor shows
up lets talk about what's going on here ... what am I saying!  Raye's sick!
She needs help."
     "We're on top of it, Sailor Moon."  Neo Moon's confidence was obviously
unshaken by the new arrivals.  Rei-chan's fine, soon as we restore her heart
crystal she'll be good as new."  She saw the Inners and Tuxedo Mask blink in   
confusion obviously astounded at her knowing the name.  Nobody had recognised 
her yet, not surprising considering she had only been six years old the first
time she time travelled.  The explanations could wait, Aunt Rei needed help.
"Arcturus ..."
     "Hand over the talisman, now!"
     Unpreturbed by the interruption Sailor Neo Moon replied, "I think not, 
Sailor Neptune."  If Michiru was dismayed at being identified, she gave no 
sign.  Just stared back with that unyielding gaze Neo Moon remembered all too 
well from the times she had complained her training was too arduous.  Except 
this time she didn't waver, even when Uranus stepped forward to standard 
beside her partner and snarl, "You have no idea of who you're up against."
     "The fact I've identified you should make it clear I know exactly who you 
are and what you can do.  You're the ones who are operating in the dark, in 
more ways than you know!"  
     Sailor Nemesis frowned, Usagi was getting far too smug and obviously 
neither Outer liked her tone.  Usagi was probably right about them being able 
to outmatch their teachers-to-be being paradoxically older, better trained and 
extensively experienced in sparring with fellow Senshi.  Not to mention 
operating at higher powerlevels, as Neptune and Uranus were still limited to 
first level attacks and lacked their talisman enhancements.  But while they 
could win a fight there was no reason they should provoke one.
     "Usagi ..."  Nemesis winced, she had just let the cat out of the bag, 
she plowed on regardless, "... I mean Neo Sailor Moon we're all on the same 
side here so bickering is just wasting time."  She gestured towards the   
recovering but still securely imprisoned Kayolyte.  "That's the real enemy for
all of us and everything the Senshi stand for.  Particularly me and my fellow
     It wasn't often you saw Sailor Uranus gawk.  Actually, never in Nemesis's
prior experience, but this was the younger and (according to her elder self)
in many ways naive version.  Neptune kept her cool poker face except for a
slight widening of the eyes as she said in a steady voice, "You are claiming
to be another member of the Outer sisterhood?"
     Nemesis nodded, "Five Inner Senshi, Five Outer Senshi.  Mercury, Venus, 
Mars and Jupiter kept the peace of the worlds and served as hounour guard for
Sailor Moon, the heart of the Solar System.  Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
and Nemesis guarded against extrasolar attack.  If I recall my history ..."
    She stopped as Neo Moon grabbed her arm and shook her head.  Outside of 
her group only Amy heard her whisper, "Don't steal my lines.  I do all the
revelations."  Nemesis sighed in exasperation but nodded her acquiesence.
     Uranus and Neptune both looked full of questions but Tuxedo Mask's was 
the next voice.
     "Fascinating as all this is we have more immediate concerns."  He nodded 
towards Raye and Arcturus who was caught up in watching the unfolding drama 
before her.  Sailor Moon nodded vehemently.  "Right, If you've not going to 
help Raye get out of my way!"
     Neo Moon looked a little discomforted for the first time.  "Sorry, you're 
right.  I shouldn't have got distracted.  I apologise, we'll restore her
heart crystal immediately."
     "NO!"  It was Uranus, "We have to ..."  Neo Moon didn't let her finish.
     "It's not a talisman, just the heart crystal of a pure and loving soul.
I'll tell you how to recognise all three talismans later.  Arcturus, just 
move it closer to her chest and it'll go back by itself."  
      Her collegue obeyed and the crystal passed through Raye's skin without
making a single puncture.  While she didn't wake something about Raye's 
appearance changed so she looked asleep rahter than a vacant shell.  Ignoring
any threat of potential magical feedback Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Amy, Mina 
and Lita crowded around Raye.  None of the quartet objected though Sailors 
Nemesis, Neo Moon and V kept their attention fixed on Uranus and Neptune.  
The attention of the third was puzzling the pair.  Neo Moon and Nemesis were 
watching for an attack but V was studying them with what both would term 
adoration, though hero worship might be a better description.  They shrugged 
it off despite feeling a mix of confusion and an odd chill and focused on Neo 
Sailor Moon.
     "What could you know about the talismans?"
     Neo Moon preened, she had been rehearsing this.  Ignoring her companion's
sigh she said, "I know many secrets.  How else would I know your real name is
     "NO!"  She blinked as Nemesis grabbed her shoulders and pointed towards
her Heart Cage.  "Not in front of ... the enemy, whatever her name is."
     "Her?  That's Kaolite, remember the one you said sounded like she might 
be a distant relative?  She's not going anywhere, I'll purify her soon as 
we've sorted this out."  Inside the cage Kayolyte muttered, "That's not how 
you say it", as Neo Moon concluded, "So she won't be telling tales ... maybe 
she can get a job with the Uncanny Sisters."  She looked back to Uranus and 
continued, "As I was saying how else would I know your real name, Haruka-san?
     Uranus snorted, "If the rest of your information is that accurate then
we're wasting our time.  But maybe your playmate over there can give us a few
answers."  She started towards Kayolite but stopped as Neo Moon moved to block
     "Let's stop playing games, if I know nothing how do I know your name?" 
     "You already tried that game, once you tip your hand you can't bluff 
twice with an empty hand." 
     "Very well if I have to get specific you are Ten'ou Haruka and you are
Kaiou Michiru."
     Uranus snorted again.  "So now Haruka's my family name?  That's no closer
than San."
     Neptune's level gaze met Neo Moon's.  "I see, we're supposed to protest
and give our true names away.  A pathetic attempt and reason for us not to  
trust you."
     Stupified Neo Moon turned to her mother to be, "Sailor Moon, you all 
heard Sailor Nemesis say my name.  You know we share the same name so you 
must know what that means!"  
     At the dumbfounded look that followed and losing her cool she almost 
yelled, "If I have to spell it out I'm the older version of the last Usagi you 
     That obviously didn't help, worse of all it wasn't just Sailor Moon.  
They all looked blank, what was wrong with these people?  Beside her Nemesis 
did a doubletake.  Had Usagi's costume just rippled?  Usagi hadn't noticed, 
she was staring as Sailor Moon replied, "What kind of a name is Usagi?  
That's not my name, it's ..."
     "None of your business", Tuxedo Mask cut in.  "We appreciate the help and
Raye's coming around but these attempts to learn our true names make your 
motives suspect."
     Amy took over, "I thought you were Reenie from even further in the future 
but I guess I was wrong."     
     "Reenie?  How can you turn Chibi-Usa into Reenie?"  
     "That name is as meaningless to us as Haruka seems to be to ... uh, 
Sailor Uranus?"
     Uranus left off glaring at Kayolyte (she couldn't do much else as the  
twigs Neptune had tossed showed the barrier was active from both sides) and
conceded, "She got that part right though what Nemesis meant by Senshi I have
no idea."  
     Everyone nodded and Amy asked, "You keep using that word.  What's a 
Senshi?"  The entire quartet gaped at that as Amy continued, "You're having a
lot of trouble with names.  You pronounced Raye wrong too and as for that 
family name ..."
     Lita cut in, "Yeah!  I mean Rei Chan?  That's chinese isn't it?"
     Mina nodded, "Right!  Like that movie star, Jackie Chan."
     "Yeah, I love his movies."
     Mina nodded, "Me too but my point is there's no way you could think
Raye's Chinese.  Come on, you can tell by looking at her that she's Japanese
through and through."
     "What ... what are you talking about?"  Neo Moon looked the most 
bewildered of the foursome but only by a little.  Sailor Nemesis managed to 
ask, "You're a Sailor Senshi, how can you not know what a Senshi is?"
     More than a little puzzled herself Sailor Moon answered, "I'm a Sailor
Scout.  So are ..."  Tuxedo Mask nudged her again, "So are Sailors Mercury,
Mars, Jupiter and Venus whereever they've got to."
     Her own confusion worsening Sailor Arcturus stuttered,  "You ... you 
don't know what honorifics are?  You've never been called a Senshi before?  
Those names really meant nothing to you?!"  At the near universal headshaking 
she suddenly twitched and looked as though she had just uncovered a very 
unpleasant truth.  "OH NO!  Dad, tell me you didn't!"  
     No one answered her but her comrades all turned to her to demand an 
explanation.  But before they could events took yet another unexpected turn.
     This time everyone saw Neo Sailor Moon's costume ripple but it didn't 
stop, instead it increased.   Her costume broke up and rippled away from her 
body in a flurry of pink ribbons.  These were abruptly sucked into the crystal 
broach she wore on a necklace leaving behind a woman clad in a very expensive 
looking, expertly tailored sheer white formal dress.  Looking stunned she 
grasped the broach and declaimed, "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"  
     Nothing happened, she repeated the phrase looking a little more anxious.  
Again nothing happened.  With rising panic she began yelling it over and over 
again to absolutely no effect.  The spell was broken by Uranus uttering, 
     Nemesis looked and saw that Kaoylyte was gone.  When Usagi's Neo Moon
transformation faded so had the Heart Cage.  Distracted by the light show  
Uranus and Neptune had missed it and Kaolite hadn't wasted the chance to 
escape.  She must have teleported as soon as the barrier disappeared which
meant a vengeful enemy who could be anywhere and two Senshi of unknown and
unpredicatable nature.  Nemesis didn't know why the names were wrong 
and didn't waste any time debating it, there were bigger concerns.  She might 
have no idea what was going on but the official reason she was so often at 
Usagi's side was as a royal bodyguard.  It wasn't just a cover, she had been 
trained to fill the role and protect her Princess and friend.  Not a 
traditional post for Sailor Nemesis but the new Inner Senshi had enough 
concerns with the Golden Millennium so that the consensus was that there was
no reason Sailor Moon couldn't take care of herself.  This was usually true
but these were hardly normal circumstances.
     Palace training kicked in as fast as instinct, as always action washed 
away the veneer of shyness that surrounded her and Sailor Nemeis took command.
     Involuntarily Arcturus leaptto obey.  She was at the Usagi's side in an 
instant.  Before she could ask Nemesis told her, "Take her to our arrival 
point, we'll rendevous there.  GO!"
     Both women vanished before Arcturus had finished nodding, you didn't talk 
back to a voice like that.  Nemesis turned to the gawking Sailor V and 
demanded, "Think you can you keep up with me?"  She managed a nod and Nemesis
bellowed, "FLARE, NOW!"  
     To everyone present the world seemed to explode into light.  Amazingly 
(or at least magically) the brightness induced blindness faded, almost as 
fast as it had appeared but neither Sailors Nemesis or V were anywhere nearby.  
Sailor Uranus cast around looking for clues to pursue but Neptune grasped her 
arm as she shook her head.
     "No heart crystal, no talisman, no enemy to interrogate, no accurate
information ..." 
     "No reason to stay here."  Uranus nodded at her partner.  "Let's go."  
      A heartbeat later both became streaks of motion moving away leaving Amy, 
Lita, and Mina to wonder if they could have matched that speed even if they 
had been transformed.  Darien was also staring into the distance as Luna 
and Artemis joined the group but Serena was otherwise occupied kneeling beside 
the still unconscious Raye.  Then Raye opened her eyes and asked, "What 
     She was immediately distracted from hearing an answer by Serena throwing 
her arms around Raye's neck and wailing she'd been afraid Raye would never 
wake up.  With Darien's help Raye fended off Serena who was far too strong for 
her to handle as Sailor Moon.  As the pair changed back to normal Raye 
repeated her question.  Everyone started babbling at once until Darien's 
raised voice cut through the hubbub.  
    Sounding even more serious and less pretentious than usual he answered, 
"That's what we're all wondering."
     Beside him Serena was giving Luna her third degree glare as Minako did the
same to Artemis.  In unison both demanded, "Six new scouts!  What the heck is 
going on?"  Both cats did the sweatdrop thing.
     "Uhm .. well ... that is."
     Artemis gave up first with a sigh, "We have no idea."
     Raye goggled and wondered if she could possibly had heard that right.  
     Everyone nodded.  Raye was so startled she forgot to mention her End of 
the World vision.  At least not just then.

To be continued

Coming Soon "Version 2.1 : Crisis on Earth DiCS"


SME/DIC Name chart

Original - DiCverse
Usagi/Sailor Moon - Serena
Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask - Darien
Ami/Sailor Mercury - Amy (Anderson?)
Rei/Sailor Mars - Raye
Makoto/Sailor Jupiter - Lita
Minako/Sailor Venus - Mina (frequently called Mina in orignal series)
Luna - Luna
Artemis - Artemis
Haruka/Sailor Uranus - Alexis (Usually known as Alex because of her tomboy
Michiru/Sailor Neptune - Michelle (Half sister to Alexis following the
                                   marriage of Alexis's father and Michelle's
                                   mother.  The new siblings are still
                                   getting to know one another but bonding
                                   well despite initial reluctance on Alexis's
                                   part which is why they hang around together
                                   so much (DiCverse rules))
Setsuna/Sailor Pluto - Susan (also makes a good Dr. Who reference)
Hotaru/Sailor Saturn - Harriet 
Kaolite - Kayolyte
Daimon - unchanged  Youma=Negamonster but Droid=Droid
Prof. Tomoe - Prof Thomas
Mistress Nine - Ms. Nine
Witches 5 members - under consideration 
Eudial - Eudayl, Eunice?
Mimette - Mimi? Mini-Met (Metallia Jr./clone for Negaverse connection?)?

SME Characters
Neo Sailor Moon - Princess Usagi of Crystal Tokyo.  If you know what's good
                  for you don't call her Sailor Chibi-Moon these days
Sailor Nemesis - Hematite, Usagi's closest comrade among the Young Senshi and
                 a longtime friend of the Princess
Sailor Arcturus - Sylvite, second to bear the name, daughter of the original
                  and Sailor Senshi wannabe.  Still a teenager but looks older 
                  thanks to full youma parentage.
Sailor V - Aino Kodachi, see previous entry except for age note.  Slightly 
           older than Arcturus despite appearances and idolises the long gone
           Uranus and Neptune.

S Notes In the first S episode Haruka and Michiru must have arrived just after 
        Usagi's transformation reversed or they'd have known all along she was 
        Sailor Moon.  From the better advance warnings they have as the series 
        progresses we can assume Michiru's visions improve with practice.
        Moon Sceptre Elimination - DiC name for Sailor Moon's best attack 
        "Moon Princess Halation" as of the end of R/start of S
        Raye takes longer to recover than Rei due to the longer seperation 
        from her heart crystal
Comic notes - Refs to Cerebus & Sluggy Freelance but I'm not saying where

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/temple/1810

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