T minus 60 minutes and counting ...
     Just beyond the two hundred kilometre limit the Nemesian blockade fleet 
hovered over the pristine waters of the Pacific.  Dozens of identical ships  
with no way for outsiders to identify name and clan ownership, let alone the
flagship.  Supposedly the mass production of identical craft reduced clan 
rivalry through standardization.  At least that was the theory, in practise
everyone aboard knew where their clan brothers and sisters held station and 
(perhaps more importantly) where the individual ships of the other clans were
located.  In case any alliances broke down it would be vital to strike only 
the right targets.  Not that anyone relished that possibility as the admiral
had made it clear what would happen to those who violated Demand's coalition
that he had so bloodily forged.  The leading rumour was that Demand's pet
wizard had spun magics that made the flagship invincible.  But even if it
wasn't true every captain paled at the thought of facing the "Ebony Crescent"
in battle.  Admiral Garnet might not possess his nephew's personal power but
had proved in battle after battle of the unification wars that he didn't need
      Onboard his flagship Garnet's mind was far from dwelling on the fear of 
civil warfare.  The Black Moon Family had so thorughly cowed the other clans 
of Nemesis that the possibility was too remote to concern him.  All his 
attention was upon bringing an imminent end to the war with the terrestrials.
As he sipped his coffee Garnet allowed himself a smile at the foolishness of 
their enemies.  So caught up in their rhetoric about compassion and harmony 
that they still thought they could solve this peacefully.  To the extent that 
the Queen who controlled their defences and their most powerful warriors had 
just walked into a trap.  He allowed himself a rare smile.  If all went well 
Terra would be officially conquered by day's end and all that remained to do 
would be breaking the Terrans to their yoke.  The only major obstacle to 
events unfolding as they should was Demand's unexpected but rapidly growing 
infatuation with Serenity.   
     Garnet scowled at the thought and turned his attention to his drink.  
Excellent, much better than the bitter "kafe" that had become the traditional
nonalcoholic beverage of Nemesis.  Worth conquering this mudball just for that.
The similarity in names had not escaped him but he saw no relevance in it.
Nemesis had never evolved mammalian life so obviously their ancestors had come
from Earth long ago and adapted to their new world.  What more than that did
he need to know?
     Garnet took a moment to study the view and shook his head in disgust.  He
didn't share Demand or Saffir's distaste for their native soil.  Yes it was 
harsh but it built a strong people.  The weak perished while the strong 
prospered.  As it should be!  Unlike this rich, abundant world that produced 
naught but a race of useless slugs who were barely fit to serve his people.  
Oh there were a few warriors among them but they were very few and far 
between, worse they served the dross by protecting them.  Disgusting!  It was
somewhat disheartening to contemplate the future for he feared owning this
world would soften his own people's spirit.  
     On the other hand if they had not invaded he would have had no chance to
commit carnage on this scale and waging war was one of life's great joys.  
The ultimate game of strategy and aesthetics.  In the right hands pain and 
suffering were both art forms and he was a master of both crafts.  Let the  
future generations look after themselves.  The conquest of Earth was both his
duty and his pleasure.  He had already revelled in the carnage and the fall of 
Crystal Tokyo would be glorious.  
     His dark mood vanished as he contemplated seeing the proud city wrecked.
Demand would not fail, when Serenity refused his suit he would lash out.  He
had known his nephew since childhood and that was his nature.  Backed by his 
terran hating brother and his bodyguards Demand would neutralize Serenity. 
Hopefully he would kill her but Garnet accepted she might just be injured.  It
would all depend on just how slighted he felt.  Garnet had ordered Rebeus and
the sisters to finish the job if they could but their prime responsibility
was getting Demand away from the enraged Sailor Senshi.  Now they would 
continue to be a problem but without a secure stronghold they would be unable 
to rest and replenish themselves without making themselves vulnerable.  Once  
their city was gone Garnet was confident he could run them to ground in short
     Kwartz, his aide, came to attention before him and saluted.  "Commander, 
all ships report target lock acquired.  Ship to ship link is confirmed and
your captains are awaiting your orders."  
     At Garnet's nod he reverentially clipped the fleetwide communicator to 
his master's collar.  Garnet tested it by giving it the mental command to 
activate and ordering all ships to sound off.  A chorus of voices answered 
with their ship names in alphabetical order.  Garnet nodded with satisfaction 
having been vaguely worried they would all try answering at once.  But his 
fears were groundless.  Excellent discipline was all he would accept and his 
prior ruthlessness in overhauling the military had paid off.  Discipline and 
strategy combined with overwhelming firepower would overcome any obstacle.  
That was how Nemesis had become united behind Demand and how they would make 
this world theirs from now until the end of time.  His thoughts were 
interrupted by Kwartz as his aide managed to engage his attention.  Kwartz
knew better that to bother him with trivia so this could be important. 
     "Sir, a lot of the captains are questioning why we're starting the 
barrage with the secondary batteries.  I must admit I am wondering that 
     "They are doing it because I have ordered them to commence fire without 
the primary weapons."  Kwartz nodded.
     "I told them that sir."
     Garnet considered leaving it at that, Kwartz wouldn't push if he chose 
not to answer but there was no reason to keep his plans secret at this stage.
"Our primary weapons are too powerful to use initially.  There is a certain 
trinket within the palace that Prince Demand needs intact."   
     An item whose acquisition Garnet had vigourously protested.  He would
rather level the Palace soon as the defenses collapsed then occupy the city.
But Demand ruled and he had insisted that he needed the Ginzuishou.  Privately 
Garnet wondered if Wiseman was the one who really wanted the Silver Crystal.  
For a servant the sorcerer had far too much influence over his nephew for his 
liking.  Still Demand was his prince and so long as he found Wiseman useful 
the wizard's person was inviolable.  
     Garnet continued, "Our secondary weapons will shake them up enough for 
us to insert our strike teams.  Once the first team have recovered the 
artifact it will be a different matter.  If the other teams succeed in 
shutting down the remaining defences then we will simply move in and occupy 
the city.  If they fail then we will simply burn the palace down to the 
bedrock before we invade."
     Kwartz frowned slightly.  "In the second case wouldn't the Palace be full
of the surviving strike team members?"  Garnet nodded.
     "Yes.  Your point being ... ?"
     "Understood Sir.  The penalty is appropriate for failure." 
     Garnet nodded again.
     "The strike teams have been briefed on this matter.  I thought it would 
inspire them to succeed."
     With absolute certainty Kwartz answered, "I am sure it will."  No one who
knew Garnet would doubt his willingness to do whatever it took to achieve
victory.  Most commanders had some limits but there was no line Garnet would
not cross.  Kwartz almost felt sorry for the Crystal Tokyites.  They had no 
idea was coming.

T minus 50 minutes and counting ...
     With Ami away at the peace conference it was just Pyrite and her 
number one assistant keeping an eye on things in the Central Mana Distribution 
Nexus.  Or Engineering as he liked to call it.  A name that wasn't wholly 
inappropriate as the place had become their primary laboratory for examining 
and neutralizing Nemesian technology.  He was thankful that he was able to 
work undisturbed.  Not that Ami's assistant was a millstone, she was extremely 
intelligent and had excellent insight.  But there were occasions she was 
nothing but an unwanted distraction.  Though never unintentionally.
     Fortunately Margrave had long ago accepted he wasn't going to fall for 
her and usually limited herself to light innuendo.  She didn't turn up the 
heat unless Azurite dropped by or she thought Ami needed livening up.  Right 
now she was talking to her guest.  Perhaps her only regular visitor outside 
of Ti who wasn't interested in her off duty services.
     Everyone had been surprised (not to mention a little worried) by how well
Margrave and Arachnae got on.  Perhaps they should have expected it as the 
ancient Jovian Mooncat also had strong carnal appetites and had recognised
a kindred spirit.  Unfortunately for Arachnae she was somewhat out of practice
as the only male of her species got whacked by his mate if he even looked in
her direction.  Unlike Margrave she couldn't easily adapt to males of another 
species.  Not only were tomcats stupid but lacking the modification the first
Serenity had made to the male mooncats rendered sex a painful proposition.  So
she lived vicariously through Margrave as the catwoman had no reticence about
sharing stories.  With the exception of those involving Calcite on the grounds
that Venus might blast her for repeating them.
     So Pyrite could guess the general gist of their conversation if not the
specifics.  He didn't try to eavesdrop as his mind was occupied with other
things.  Before his eyes floated the specifications for the anti-droids.  
Still a bit cumbersome for mass production on the scale Cal wanted and damn 
near impossible to produce outside the city without Crystal Tokyo's resources.  
They worked fine in both simulation and actual tests but he had to simplify 
the design as much as possible.  Ideally he should have something a half 
trained magesci student could produce from school laboratory.  Then all they 
would have to do was get the blueprints out and the droids would cease to be
a major factor in the Nemesians favour.
     Azurite hadn't volunteered where she had acquired the droid crystals he 
had used in the field tests and he hadn't asked.  But with the reports from
abroad of Sailor Arcturus's reappearance after centuries in limbo he could 
take a pretty good guess.
     When he had mentioned those reports to Calcite his cousin had blandly 
stated that as Sailor Arcturus's true identity had never been revealed who 
knew on whose behalf she fought?  Besides even if she did turn out to be a
citizen of Crystal Tokyo as there had been no declaration of war she must be
someone with a private axe to grind rather than an agent of theirs.  In any
case as she seemed to be attracting a following among the European lesser 
senshi the Nemesians were unlikely to consider her of Crystal Tokyo origin.
     His chain of thought was abruptly, though not unpleasantly, interrupted.
He had sensed her approach before the furry arms draped themselves around 
his neck and chest but he didn't move from his position.  That would just have
set of a wave of "playing hard to get" banter.  From the nearness of the 
accompanying chuckle Arachnae had to be riding on her shoulder  Without 
turning he said, "Azurite's not here yet."
     "Just practising.  Besides I don't see you fighting to get free."
     He didn't respond so she sighed theatrically, unwound herself and plopped
into a seat next to his.  "Why are all the male youma left so straitlaced?"
     "You're forgetting Magnesite."
     "Not really.  Sam, or rather Rick as that's more appropriate these days, 
would never admit it but in his own warped way he had a certain integrity."
     "True though I suspect you wouldn't admit that either if he hadn't got
you off that murder rap."
     "Let's also not forget he nearly got you charged with treason and 
attempted murder."
     "Along with kidnapping Topass, driving Mars crazy for over two hundred     
years and getting up to who knows what that we never found out about."
     Margrave nodded.  "Good thing we've got the Nemzies or things would be
getting dull around here without ol' Bogie."
     Pyrite shook his head.  "Long as we've got you Crystal Tokyo will never
be dull."  An instant later he was looking at Yeoman Rand.
     "You know how to say all the right things, captain."  Pyrite considered 
looking through the glamour but saw no reason to bother.
     "Mind getting serious for a moment?"
     She sighed, "Aye, Aye, Captain", and turned to study the display.  "Let's
see we've got to simplify this enough so any klutz can build one of these.
So what's the plan, Scotty?"
     "First of all, substitution.  I need you to run simulations using these  
in place of aether-polymer crystal."  The list scrolled before her and she
moaned slightly at its length.  "Using any of these will reduce long-term
viability but our main concern is the here and now and if we can boost mass 
manufacture that should offset the loss.  While you're doing that I'll be ..."
     Arachnae went cross-eyed at the enthusiastic techomage babble and gave up
pretending she was following this.  By contrast Margrave could follow it and
knew how much work this would translate into.  She sighed and wondered if that
was why Azurite never got too upset about them working together.  Because she
knew Margrave would never get enough free time to try anything.  Slavedriver!
     That sparked off a new wave of speculation about the happy couple.  Just
which off them was the dominant one when they got behind closed doors?  She
was well aware her wishful thinking was probably way off but it was fun to 
think about Azurite acting the complete opposite of her Sailor Arcturus image.
T minus 40 minutes and counting ...
     The problem, Azurite reflected, with being able to teleport and having
centuries of being anywhere in town you wanted just by concentrating was you
forget just how big Crystal Tokyo was.  It spoiled you so that when teleport
blockers were activated as a precaution against invasion you became rudely 
reacquainted with the concept of distance.  Lucky she wasn't due at any 
specific time so she was only late by her own schedule.  Keeping to which
hadn't been helped by her slowness in completing the packing.  Moving out had 
been much harder than she had expected.
     Sort of funny, in the old days they had moved all over the world at a 
moment's notice.  Travelling light with nonessentials stored somewhere for
eventual pickup.  Most of which were probably sitting somewhere in the back
of this truck.  Azurite gave a chuckle, the key phrase was "the old days".
Back then they hadn't had a home but once they put down roots in Crystal Tokyo 
things changed.  She made a quick count of the centuries they had occupied
their old house and gave a low whistle.  Had it really been that long?
     Not that it was the same house they had moved into all those years ago.
Over time everything had been replaced and remodelled, just as the 
neighbourhood had changed around them.  Was anything left of the original
place?  Of course those were still the original rocks in the small zen garden
but hadn't those weathered over the centuries?  Even the original trees had 
been cut and replaced.  Times change and we change with the times, she 
     It had been a large house but not the massive mansion they could easily
have afforded.  That would have needed servants and they preferred to keep it
just the two of them.  It had been a comfortable house for both of them,
enough rooms for her many hobbies/professions and for Pyr's endless studies.
They had talked about getting a bigger place when they planned to have more
kids but had held off while Adam grew up ...
     Azurite squelched that train off thought and turned her mind to the 
farewell party while keeping part of her attention on the road.  These auto
navigation systems hadn't failed yet but there was always a first time.  
Becoming Crystal Tokyo's first traffic accident victim in years would be a
lousy way to celebrate her new position.  Her old colleagues would agree it 
was ironic.  More so if they knew what her new position really was instead of 
the mundane version they all believed.
     The only good thing about the worsening situation was soon they could
give up on the subterfuge they had employed for the benefit of Nemesian spies. 
Even now they were keeping up appearances.  The official story was that 
Pyrite's condition had improved to the point that he was moving from the 
Palace's intensive care unit to ambulatory care.  So she could be with him 
for more than the few hours at a time she had been allowed.  As he had to
stay handy for the palace hospital (his teleporting abilities being supposedly
unreliable before and now as non-functional as everyone else's) in case of a 
relapse she was going to stay close to him by taking a job in the palace.  So 
she had resigned her position in CTU and using some qualifications she had 
acquired quite some time ago gained a position as a royal tutor.  Her faculty 
colleagues had been divided on if it qualified as a step up or down.  Dean 
Mizuno had been busy (she was seldom present at the CTU these days because of 
the crisis abroad) but if Ami had been at the party she would probably have 
smirked and said Azurite had her work cut out for her.  Having met the 
imperious "Small Lady" (as everyone called Princess Usagi which probably 
didn't help her attitude) Azurite would have had to agree.  Thankfully she 
wouldn't have to actually tutor the spoiled rotten princess.  The job was just
a screen to get her into the Palace.  Cal figured before too long her lesser
senshi foreign legion would be able to operate officially with full backing 
from Crystal Tokyo.  Which would please her "legionaries" as there were a lot
of angry people on the moonbase looking for some payback.
     Surprisingly it was Hitomi who had come up with the idea while they were
discussing covert ways to strike back without revealing themselves.  Perhaps
not so surprising, while she was the quiet one of the group the fall of London 
had angered her.  The occupation of her home city had been as big a blow to 
her as the invasion of Scotland had been to Fiona.  Fi might have seen the
same thing if she wasn't still reeling from her family's tragedy but Hitomi
was the one who had seen the answer.  She had startled them all by announcing
that since Europe seemed least prepared for resistance that was where they 
should concentrate their efforts.  Both her own lesser senshi identities and
Fi's were already known in Britain so there would seem nothing odd about two
local lesser senshi joining the resistance to the Nemesians.  Sailor Arcturus
had also spent time in England so with a little work her reappearance could
be explained as an emergence from a retirement of centuries now that a threat
big enough to engage her interest had appeared.  The idea had caught on and
been expanded on by RH of all people.  If you considered hentai AI's people.
All things considered maybe not one of Pyr's better inventions.  But despite
his deficiencies he could be useful and his suggestion had certainly caught
the Young Senshi's imagination.  Azurite chuckled aloud.
     RH had suggested that Haruka and his beloved Michiru enter the fray as
supposed lesser senshi with costumes based on the Arcturus model.  Let the
Nemesians think that she had been underground creating lesser senshi in her
own image and leave them fearing a wave of bloodthirsty sadist senshi were 
going to emerge.  It would do wonders for the European based Nemesian's
morale.  With that he had unveiled the designs for the Sailor Sirius and Mira 
     After the shouting and giggling died down the Youngers had kept their
faces as straight as possible while extolling the many virtues of RH's plan.
Azurite had joined in and been as surprised as everyone when Haruka agreed.
Somewhat more reluctantly Michiru had conceded that as everyone else was for
it she would go along but asked who would wear which costume.  Before an
argument could develop RH had said he would run a random choice program to 
pick who got which outfit.  Haruka had agreed and told him to go for it before 
Michiru could object.  Azurite smiled again, Haruka had outsmarted herself.  
Haruka had been sure the program was fixed but her mistake was assuming that 
RH wanted Michiru in the more revealing Mira costume.  Haruka should have 
realized RH saw Michiru as the dominant type (he had occasionally asked her to 
put on leather before slapping him) so he would want her to be Sirius.  Haruka 
had protested afterwards but as Michiru had sweetly reminded her it was her
idea so she would have to live with it.  So Michiru and Haruka put aside their
true senshi identities and Sailors Neptune and Uranus became Sailors Sirius
and Mira.  Or Sailors S & M for short.  So from now on when operating in 
public Haruka, or rather Sailor Mira, was stuck addressing Sailor Sirius (and
Sailor Arcturus) as "mistress".  Which helped to lighten the mood as things
had been getting overwhelming grim.  Even Fiona had cheered up so Haruka had
agreed to grin and bear it as long as Michiru didn't get too carried away. 
Michiru had just smiled and said, "We'll see", and Haruka had been looking 
edgy ever since.
     Snapping out of the memory Azurite queried the dashboard and sighed as
it estimated almost another half hour to the Palace.  Definitely should have 
done this earlier but she had been reluctant to give up the old place.  Still
as she had told her neighbours at the surprise farewell party it was au revoir 
not goodbye.  They were retaining ownership of the house and would be moving 
back when conditions allowed.  All she was talking were clothes and personal 
items (which amounted to a hell of a lot after all this time) while the 
furniture would remain so the house would be useable.  When asked "useable by 
who?" she had answered by refugees displaced by the war.  Her neighbours had 
praised her generosity but expressed surprise at her decision as there were no 
war refugees in Japan.  She had managed not to reply, "Yet!", and instead said 
it was just in case and to please get along with them if worst came to worst.
Naturally being good Crystal Tokyites they had all agreed but again told her
it was an unnecessary precaution.  
     She hadn't disillusioned them.  Let them enjoy the peace while it lasted. 
It would be fractured soon enough.

T minus 30 minutes and counting ...
     Pacing in front of the massive screen Endymion halted abruptly and asked, 
"What time is it?"
     With a tinge of impatience Calcite answered, "Ninety seconds later than 
the last time you asked."  With that he went back to watching the live feed 
from the peace conference that filled the bottom half of the projection.  On
screen Prince Demand was still reading a prepared text about the many 
difficulties of life on Nemesis and how inhuman it would be to not let them 
reclaim the territories their ancestors had been cut off from by the fall of
Silver Millennium.  The ridiculous justification was expected but it was 
amazing just how dull he could make the invasion of Earth sound.
     Endymion glared at his old friend.  "Are you saying I'm nervous?"  
     "Wouldn't think of it.  Though I will say that if you don't stop drumming
on the console you'll put your fingers through it."
     Endymion looked down and stilled his errant fingers.  He glanced back at 
the screen to be sure nothing was happening before replying.
     "If you're so cool and calm why are you doodling?"
     Calcite glanced at the shifting shape on the palm of his right hand and 
shrugged.  "Just practising my shaping abilities so they don't get rusty.
It helps kill the time during the dull parts of this conference."
     "So it's just coincidence Mina's a favourite subject?"
     Calcite looked again and saw a bust of Minako reform into a perfectly
proportioned Sailor Venus figurine which began to melt into a nude study.
Hurriedly, though affecting casualness, he banished the psychoplasm before
     "That's the problem with these stream of consciousness shapings.  They 
can be unduly influenced by whatever's foremost in your mind."
     Endymion sighed slightly.  "Calcite, there's no shame in saying you're
worried about Minako.  I'm worried about Serenity.  Actually worried is an
     Without thinking Calcite said, "We could be jumping at shadows.  There's
nothing to say anything will happen today ..."  He shut up abruptly at the
pained look in Endymion's eyes from the awful weight of foreknowledge.  Maybe
not today but terrible things were going to happen soon.  Worse, they had to
happen or the past thousand years would pop like a soap bubble to be replaced
by a new reality.  To change the subject he looked up at the top of the screen
which displayed one of his pet hates.
     "I don't care if they are out of our territory it's foolish to let them
remain there."
     Endymion turned his attention to the multiple exterior shots and had to
agree.  Looking like a cross between airborne sea urchins and gaudy Christmas
tree ornaments the Nemesian fleet hovered in an arc.  He sighed, "I know, 
they're in a perfect position to fire right over the Boso Peninsula and hit us 
but the fact is those are international waters below them and they're outside 
of our airspace.  Until we're at war all we can do is issue more diplomatic 
memorandums calling it an affront to our sovereignty and ask them to move.  
Which we both know they'll never do voluntarily."
     Calcite sighed as well and nodded.  "That's the problem with being the
good guys.  We have to follow the rules.  Which is a shame because I'd love
to arrange an accident for their flagship." 
     On hearing that some people might have feared that Calcite was planning
on assassinating the fleet's admiral.  It never crossed Endymion's mind that 
he was serious.  He had known Calcite a very long time and knew better.  If
Calcite had been planning that he would never have mentioned it.  
    Not that Calcite made a habit of operating in that fashion.  Only once had 
he tried to sanction anyone in the name of Crystal Tokyo and Serenity had 
blocked him.  He had sworn to her he would never make another attempt and he 
always kept his word.  Very occasionally Endymion wondered if it would have 
been better if the Deathlord had perished before he began his war but the 
answer always came back that Serenity was right.  Once you started operating 
like that you were on a downward spiral and with the power Crystal Tokyo 
commanded they owed it to humanity and the world to be responsible.  
     Of course the circumstances were very different here.  Once hostilities 
commenced there was no reason the flagship couldn't be targeted same as all 
the other Nemesian vessels.  However there was one drawback to that strategy.
     "Problem is, who do you aim for?" 
     Calcite nodded, that was the question wasn't it?  Unfortunately all the
ships they saw were built to the same specifications.  No obvious indications
of a lead ship and with good communications the command vessel could hold
any position among the fleet.  It was even possible that none of the Nemesian
commanders were on scene and they were directing the action from one of the
vessels in orbit.  Possible but unlikely.  Calcite had studied Garnet and
knew the Grand Admiral wouldn't settle for a position where he couldn't strike
the enemy.  Nemesian ships were built to use beam weapons, not kinetic energy 
projectiles.  Somewhat foolish as the latter could strike from orbit if 
properly aimed and heat shielded while energy beams would fizzle on their way
through the atmosphere to ground based target.  As Nemesian ships were built
able to do easy atmospheric descent their designers hadn't considered orbital
strikes a priority.  Besides from all indications some of the spacer clans 
preferred to make ship action up close and personal.  Unfortunately that 
window of safety wouldn't last.  Intelligence indicated the Nemesians were
constructing orbital weapon platforms to fill the gap.  Only two were 
operational through far from complete and orbital debris was slowing 
construction so Garnet was unlikely to be there.  So the question was which 
ship was Garnet on and if his replacement was equally competent.  Just how 
good Garnet was nobody on Earth knew but all evidence was Demand couldn't
have unified Nemesis without him.  Which unfortunately sounded like a lot
more than mere competence.  There was only one solution.
     "Soon as we've got a declaration of war we'll just have to down them 
     "Just like that."
     "Nothing the Senshi can't handle.  Tell them if they don't get it done 
Ti will take over in the Palace Kitchens for the next few years."
     Endymion laughed, "That should inspire them to blast the fleet to rubble
inside of five minutes."  But behind the laugh was a troubling thought.  That
obviously wouldn't happen.  Just how soon before the Senshi were using all
their power to shield the Palace?  The thought of who they would be shielding
troubled him further.  Calcite saw the strain behind Endymion's smile and
decided he wasn't helping matters.  It would be better is he did something
productive instead of troubling Endymion further.
     "Think I'll check in with Henry.  If you'll excuse me."  Without waiting 
for a reply Calcite focused on the corridor outside Von Tramp's office and ...
nothing happened.  Endymion grinned at him.
     "Teleport blocking field remember?  To keep out unwanted intruders.  Your
idea if I recall."  Calcite scowled to hide feeling sheepish.  Must be more
nervous than he thought to make a blunder like that.  Endymion continued,
"You're stuck walking like us ordinary folks."
     Calcite laughed.  "I'll remember that oh ordinary immortal king and
reborn prince of ancient earth."
     "Well if you put it like that ..."
     "I do."  Calcite shook his head.  "'Ordinary folks' indeed!  I sometimes 
wonder if I've ever met any."
     "Get out of here."
     "By your leave, your majesty."  With a mock bow he was gone.
     Endymion snorted then his mood darkened again.  Now that he was alone 
there was something he should do.  Turning to the screen he split the image
at the bottom.  The left hand side continued to show Serenity and the peace
conference while the opposite side switched to internal scan mode.  He named 
the place he wanted and the room appeared.  The Ginzuishou's Chamber was
empty and silent.  On a pedestal the Silver Crystal waited for Serenity to 
summon it.  Endymion sat down and stared at the scene.  Waiting for the moment 
he knew must come.

T minus 20 minutes and counting ...
     Princess Usagi, better known around the palace as "Small Lady", surveyed
the scene with what she considered aristocratic disdain.  Better known to
the adults as her snooty face.  Topass had his hands full with both the three 
year olds so he didn't notice.  While normally a quiet little girl Hematite  
got a lot louder when her cousin was visiting.  He hadn't been too surprised
when his brother-in-law asked him to watch Alan as the current crisis often 
meant both Cal and Mina were too busy to watch their son.  However the sudden 
request by the royals had been a different matter.  Fortunately the Princess  
had been quiet and well behaved which was a relief as these two were more 
than enough trouble.  Amazing how much chaos two small kids could generate.
     Irritated that her being above such childish antics wasn't being noticed
Usagi turned up her looking down on the cousins.  They didn't notice any more
than Topass had and that upset her.  Why did Momma think she should associate
with such children?  She was five years old and a princess!  They had nothing
in common with her!
     She was about to issue a decree when something occurred to her.  Momma
hadn't taken the Silver Crystal when she went to her boring meeting.  She had 
said she was leaving it in its chamber.  Usagi pondered that.  She knew where
the chamber was, she had been there several times with Momma but she had never
been allowed to hold it.  Momma said she wasn't old enough which was silly as
she was a big girl now!  But on their visits Momma was adamant she not touch
it which was silly.  It wouldn't hurt her, Momma held it all the time so it
was perfectly safe.  All she wanted was to hold it just once.  What was wrong 
with that?  She was Princess of Crystal Tokyo so someday she'd be the Queen 
and it would be hers.  So what was wrong with having a closer look.  Shouldn't
she examine it in advance so she'd be ready?
    Her mind made up the princess was glad to see Topass was still occupied.
Quietly she tiptoed to the door and Luna-P silently followed her.  She tried 
to open it without success.  It was locked so the kids couldn't run out to 
cause trouble in the corridor.  Somehow it never occurred to her to include 
herself in that category.  Whispering instead of yelling as she normally did
she gave her command.  "Luna-P, change!"  The catfaced black ball bounced and 
morphed into an ornate key.  There was no keyhole in the door but when she 
tapped the touchplate with it the door slid open without a sound.  She stepped 
into the corridor and closed the door behind her.  Luckily nobody was passing
by to ask why she was out on her own.  Restoring Luna-P to its natural shape 
she headed for the Silver Crystal's chamber trailed by her faithful droid.

T minus 10 minutes and counting ...
     Titanite tried to concentrate on the report before her again but it was 
no use.  She was far too tense to get anything done.  Somehow getting anti
Nemesian propaganda on the air didn't seem so vital on the eve of war.  People 
in the occupied zones already knew how bad they were and it was hard to boost 
their morale by telling them Crystal Tokyo remained free as a beacon of hope
when that was about to change drastically.  She sighed, well one thing she
had over the war propagandists who had preceded her.  They had to appeal to
nationalism, racism and a dozen other isms to rouse righteous anger against
the enemy.  She couldn't do that without violating Crystal Tokyo's rules but 
she didn't need to.  All she had to do was tell the truth about what the 
Nemesians were doing.  That was more than sufficient.
     Unable to focus she told the music system to resume playing.  She'd 
dialled up her sister-in-law's "Minako sings the Classics" series earlier and
set it to random selection.  Over a thousand years the term "Classics" had 
taken a bit of a battering.  The last one had rather puzzled Ti but after 
doing a quick computer search she had decided the lyrics to "Macarthur's Park"
didn't make much more sense in the original English.  After it had finished 
she had paused it and tried to get back to work without success.  Maybe she 
should have joined Cal and Endymion in watching the conference but she knew
a bit more than her brother did thanks to Pluto and she didn't want to blurt
out the wrong thing.  Why burden him with things she'd rather not know when 
he already had enough to worry about?  Then her chain of thought was broken 
by the music.
    It began with a drum riff followed Minako babbling a rapid fire litany of 
disaster.  Suddenly she swung into the unfortunate chorus
     "It's the end of the world as we know it."
     "It's the end of the world as we know it."
     "It's the end of the world as we know it."
     "And I feel fine."
     Ti paused the music and took a deep breath.  Well aware she was alone 
in the office she asked, "That song was on one of the discs so there was just
as much chance of it getting played as any other in the classics set.  So it 
was just pure chance right?  Not one of those weird synchronistic coincidences
we keep getting round here?"
     The universe declined to answer her which wasn't really a surprise.  She
tapped the key to pick another selection and crossed her fingers.  Minako
began singing "Eve of Destruction" and Ti shut down the system.
     "Okay, I get the idea!"
     It was a relief when the phone rang and she saw her husband's familiar
     "Ti, we've got a problem."  He looked a bit shamefaced about whatever 
was wrong.
     "Don't worry To-chan.  Right now I could use some distraction."  
     "It's Small Lady.  I was breaking up a squabble between Hem-chan and 
Alan and when I took my eyes off her she got out of the apartment.  I swear
I locked the door ..."
     Ti sighed.  "I'm sure you did.  Luna-P strikes again!  I'll take care
of this just keep an eye on Hem-chan and Alan okay?"
     "Will do.  Sorry."
     "Don't be, she's a lot sneakier than she looks.  Just be glad you've 
been trained to resist mind control or who knows what she'd be doing."
     Topass chuckled.  "She is something isn't she?  You'd almost think she 
was Nemesian."
     "Or youma.  I'll find her and bring her back soon as I can."
     "I owe you."
     "And I'll collect once the kids are asleep."
     "Looking forward to it.  See you soon."
     "Love you."
     "Love you too."
     Her mood brightened Ti patched into the Internal Security Office and 
being a senshi was immediately connected to Rei's second-in-command, Megumi
Sakurabayshi.  While a native of Crystal Tokyo Rei's deputy had a attitude
of no nonsense efficiency and tough minded pragmatism that had earned her  
the post.  She did a quick security scan for the princess and located the
errant royal without trouble.  As soon as Megumi gave her Small Lady's 
position and direction it became pretty obvious to Ti where she was going and 
why.  Ti passed on her hypothesis which the ISO deputy accepted without 
question.  Politely rejecting Megumi's offer of assistance Ti headed for the 
elevators after asked Megumi to maintain the scan and page her if Small Lady 
changed course abruptly.  
     Ti sighed, she had probably spoiled some of her kids but in her opinion 
Serenity and Endymion had really overdone it.  Even if they were King and 

T minus 5 minutes and counting ...
     Endymion's contemplation of both the peace conference and the Silver
Crystal's chamber was interrupted by the beep of an incoming priority call.
He called up a comm window before him and found himself looking at a slightly
exasperated Titanite.
     "Endymion, Small Lady snuck out while Topass's back was turned and is on 
her way to the Crystal chamber.  With teleport out it's going to take a few 
minutes to retrieve her."  After a moment she added, "You've never asked my
opinion but I'll give it to you anyway.  I know it's traditional to spoil your 
firstborn, heck I overdid it when Cassie was born.  

[Internal - Cassiterite, her first born]

                                                    But giving Usagi a toy 
that can not only control minds but open any door in the Palace short of the 
vaults was really overdoing it."
     Endymion sighed.  "I'm beginning to agree with you but what will be, will
be."  That was the code that foreknowledge was involved so Ti didn't pursue
the matter.  Just nodded and answered, "I'll have her back with Hem-chan and
Alan in no time."
     Endymion hesitated.  Should her ask her to hang back so Usagi could get
to the Silver Crystal?  Maybe, except that he had no real idea if this was
the day or not.  Maybe nothing was supposed to happen today and it would be a
another day that all hell would break loose.  After a moment he said, "Just
don't toss her over your shoulder and carry her back.  My daughter is a 
princess, not a sack of grain."
    Ti nodded and blandly replied, "Not to worry.  I'll treat her with all
the respect she's due."
    "That's what I'm afraid of."
    Ti laughed and broke the connection leaving Endymion staring at the 
screen.  The Nemesian fleet was still just hovering in place, the conference 
still looked civilized and the Crystal Chamber was still empty.  He thought 
a moment then added a third view to the lower half and caught his breath.  In 
the otherwise empty corridor outside the chamber Usagi was doing her best to
sneak up to the door.
    All he could do was watch and see how it all turned out.

T minus 2 minutes and counting ...
     Calcite waited for the elevator prior to heading back to the spire to 
rejoin Endymion.  As he did he wondered what was he missing?  Crystal Tokyo   
was as prepared as it could be given the difficulty of not tipping their
hand to the Nemesians.  Building up arms in a peace loving city without word
getting out was a definite chore.  But they were as prepared as they could be.
     Except he knew everything he had done wouldn't enough.  Terrible things 
were going to happen.  Worse they must be allowed to happen.  He didn't know 
what they were and didn't want to, the fewer limits on his actions the better.  
But it was galling to know he couldn't prevent disaster but only mitigate its 
effects.  Still bad as it was for him it was worse for those who knew what
was coming.  Centuries of trying not to think about a war they knew must come
was an incredible burden to bear.  No wonder they were all so fatalistic about 
it.  Thankfully he wasn't labouring under it.  He was still free to act as he 
saw best.
     The elevator arrived but Calcite changed his mind and headed for the  
stairs.  The long climb would give him time to think before he returned to 
Endymion's side.  He had to consider if there were any questions he should ask 
about what was to come.  
     Some things he had already deduced from Ti's scrapbooks and the DKR's
own twentieth century encounters.  Rebeus, the Sisters and Esmeraude would
unfortunately have to be considered off limits as they were supposed to head 
back in time.  Were Demand and Saffir fair game?  Perhaps but both were 
powerful, Demand especially.  One on one he wouldn't stand a chance against
him.  Demand's power level was incredible, close to Serenity's.  Of course 
that was comparing their strengths without taking the Silver Crystal into 
account.  With that Demand wouldn't stand a chance against Serenity ... the 
selfsame Silver Crystal that Serenity had decided to leave in Crystal Tokyo as 
a goodwill gesture for the peace conference!  Suddenly a number of ugly 
thoughts came to mind and Calcite quickened his pace. 
     Was that why Endymion was so resigned today?  Swearing youma'shak curses 
(the best language for colourful obscenity) about destiny Calcite blurred up 
the steps moving almost on par with the elevator's speed.

T minus 30 seconds and counting ...
    The door opened to the Luna-P key and Princess Usagi stepped inside.  Sure
enough there was the Silver Crystal.  Beautiful as ever, it took her breath 
away just looking at it.  Momma was always pretty but when she wore the 
crystal she just shone.  Usagi had been wavering but the memory made up her 
mind to go through with this.  After all what could it possible hurt?  Her
decision made she stepped up to the pedestal.  Fingers outstretched to grasp 
the Silver Crystal.

    On the screen Endymion saw his daughter reach out to touch the Ginzuishou
and the room suffused with silver light.  It had begun.  He was so transfixed
by the sight it didn't register that the conference channel had turned to 
    Then a cold fist seemed to grab his heart and squeeze and he knew!  Not so
soon!  He couldn't lose both of them together!


    The light was gone and so was the Silver Crystal but all that mattered
to the whimpering princess was the terrible knowledge that something had
happened to her mother the moment she touched it.  It was all her fault!

     Azurite's sixth sense began screaming and she looked to the sky.

     Pyrite felt the energy fields around the city change and dived for the 
auxiliary controls past the understandably surprised cat and catwoman.  Both 
of whom were almost as startled by his very uncharacteristic swearing as by 
his mad dash.

     Kwartz looked up from his console the instant he was sure and 
addressed his commander.

     "Sir, the shield around Crystal Tokyo is gone!"  

     "ALL SHIPS FIRE!"  
Sailor Moon Expanded presents the follow up to "The Night Before"
a tale of the Black Moon War 
by Mark Latus
[Draft version]

     The Palace rocked from the blasts but numb from what he had felt Endymion
barely noticed.  He stabbed the controls trying to reestablish the link to the 
conference without success.  Almost against his will his eyes went to the 
ships that were firing on his home. 
     "So many ..."  The words became a scream as the monitor exploded in his 
     Calcite kept his balance as he set his communicator to multiband mode.  
The rocking abruptly ceased and Margrave came online.
     "Cal, Pyrite's kind of busy right now but far as I can tell ..."  She was 
interrupted by Pyrite's voice.
     "I've just established the backup shield and I'm extending it to cover 
the city.  They're continuing to target the Palace but so far they haven't 
fired on civilian targets."
     Margrave broke in with, "From these impacts, power readings and the fact 
we're still here they didn't use their main guns."
     Ti came on line, "What's happening?"
     "War just broke out."
     "Everyone quiet, essential conversation only."  Calcite saw ISO was on 
line.  "Megumi, dispatch med teams to impact points."
     "Already on the way."  After a momentary hesitation Rei's deputy added, 
"I am confirming an impact on the central spire apex.  Corridors are blocked 
and his Majesty is not answering the priority signal.  Until his status is 
determined you are highest ranking member of the command hierarchy available."
     Calcite said simply, "Understood" before getting back to work.  
"Communications Central are you on line?"
     "Are we still in contact with the conference party?"
     A barely perceptible pause.  "Negative, contact lost.  We're trying to
reestablish the link."
     "Keep listening and inform Mana Distribution the instant a signal is 
received.  Pyrite be ready to drop the blockers the instant contact is made."
     Meanwhile Kwartz was telling Garnet, "Enemy shield has been reestablished 
but considerably reduced in strength.  It's no longer off the scale."
     Garnet studied the readings a moment then gave another general order.
"Initiate main gun barrage but be ready to cease on my command."
     The sky above the Crystal Palace and surrounding the towering spires 
became a rainbow of colours from the energy barrage.  Many stopped to watch 
and comment on it's beauty unaware of what it signified.  There was no 
perceptible difference felt inside the Palace, with one exception.  Pyrite 
was making frantic adjustments as he broke in on Calcite's instructions.  
    "Cal, all their ships just opened fire with everything they've got!"
     Someone asked, "Why didn't they do that from the start?"
     "Because they either want the Palace largely intact or something inside 
it now keep quiet."  Calcite resumed talking to Pyrite.  "Can you maintain the 
     "Temporarily but it's consuming power faster that we can replenish it 
from the well.  We're tapping the Crystal Point reservoirs but once those are
gone ..."
     "Understood.  How long?"
     "If they maintain current rate of fire we have two hours until shield 
     "Divert all nonessential city power into the shield.  Megumi, secure 
the Crystal Chamber and send a message on the PSO's general frequency that 
the blackout is purely temporary and will end soon."  Which would be true 
however this turned out.  "Have them reassure the citizens all is well.
Communications, are external military links still up?
     "Establish contact with all bases on the Alpha list and route to me.
Send the following message on the general frequency.  'Crystal Tokyo under
fire by Nemesian blockade fleet.  Under the mutual defense pact we request
assistance.  Be prepared for Nemesian attacks on Japan should Crystal Tokyo  
fall.  Signed Calcite'."  It wasn't as pedantic and obvious as it sounded.  
The 'signed' was the important part of the message.  The commanders Luna had 
cleared knew the code and had both imperial orders and covertly supplied CT 
state of the art weaponary supplied against this eventuality.  In the meantime 
until fire support arrived it was time to show Crystal Tokyo was far from 
helpless.  First thing was available firepower.  Calcite headed for the 
nearest outside wall.
     "Pyrite, where's Azure?" 
     "Heading this way fast on foot.  Five minutes."
     "Still at groundlevel?"
     "Megumi, any word on Endymion?"
     "Still clearing the rubble."
     "Acknowledged.  Inform me as soon as you know his status.  Tell all 
gatekeepers to send a priority message as soon as a woman answering to either
Azurite or Sailor Arcturus arrives."
     "Aye, Aye."
     He had a moment to think up worst case scenarios.  If the shield went 
then the Crystal Palace became a very big, shiny target.  The Nemesians 
preferred conquest to wanton destruction so they would likely occupy the city
rather than level it.  But if worst came to worst the Palace was doomed.  
Given the Nemesian mindset demolishing it as a symbol of their victory was
inevitable and that would be it for anyone still in here.  Serenity would
expect him to minimize loss of life and he saw no point in sacrificing anyone
     "Megumi, I want the Palace cleared of all civilians.  Anyone who isn't 
part of the defense effort goes, no exceptions.  Broadcast that over the PA
and keep repeating it.  Have all security personnel not assisting in relief
efforts move the holdouts outside."
     "Yes sir."  The crisp acknowledgement was followed a moment later by a
hesitant inquiry.  "Do you really think it'll come to that?"
     It being bad policy for commanders to show defeatism even when they know 
it was really going to hit the fan (especially with so many other ears 
listening in) Calcite answered with more optimism than he felt. 
     "Just a precaution as I prefer to plan for the worst case scenario.  Most 
likely outcome is Queen Serenity will renew the shield momentarily and we'll 
have a lot of people grumbling about unnecessary interuption of their working 
day.  But I promised Serenity to err on the side of caution."
     Her reply sounded embarrassed.  "Sorry Lord Calcite.  I should have known 
better than to ask that."
     "We're all under pressure.  Just do your job and let me worry about the 
military aspects.  I'm about to teach the Nemesians Crystal Tokyo isn't a
sitting duck."
     Calcite opened the outer door seal and stepped out onto a balcony.  Below
him Crystal Tokyo sprawled around him but the only sight that mattered was 
being far enough up that no building blocked his line of fire.  Ignoring the
drop he asked his cousin, "Pyrite, can you open firing windows?"
     "Soon as you have a target lock."
     "Check.  Power up VPMs and their escort units and be ready to launch 
under cover of our counterstrike."  Pyrite acknowledged and Cal turned to 
Crystal Tokyo's other remaining big gun.  "Ti, are you above the skyline?"
     "Yes, not a big problem in this place!"  Indeed the Crystal Palace was 
not only both the largest and tallest building in Crystal Tokyo but in the 
world.  There were taller structures but they were slender towers lacking the 
almost impossible bulk of the house that Serenity built.
     "I'm no expert but I'd say it's 'I will punish you' time."
     "And then some!  I'll be at the spire wall looking south any moment now."
     "Understood, I'm facing southeast so pick a southwesterly target to 
spread the grief around."  His sister acknowledged as Calcite's mind reached 
out feeling for Nemesian auras.  While his sensing rage had increased 
dramatically over the centuries the distance was just too great.  All he could 
sense was a blur of sentient life beyond the Boso coast.  No way to narrow 
that down.  At least not unassisted.
      Reaching into pocketspace he pulled out a visor Pyrite had designed to 
look like the one he had worn as Gray.  Everything blurred then filled with
detail as his aura sensing focus sharpened.  The large blur became individual 
blobs hovering over the ocean.  Nemesians and unless they could all fly there 
was a ship around them.  He made a strategic assessment and picked one blur.  
If he was very lucky Garnet was on board but that was too much to hope for 
even around here.  
     A sword materialized in his grasp and clasping it with both hands he  
aimed it at his target.  The sword itself wasn't essential, it could have
looked like anything but he needed a psychoplasm artifact to focus energy
through.  He always had but long ago he had learned how to do it without a
receiver on the target end.  A gun might be a better shape but he had grown 
up with swords and old habits died hard.  Besides symbolically speaking 
swords were more appropriate for a queen's knights.  Despite doing a dozen
things at once Pyrite managed to confirm he was ready when Calcite was.  
Holding the sword steady Calcite began gathering power. 
     Having changed to Sailor Polaris when the blast hit Titanite headed for
the outer wall ignoring the civilians who tried to accost her to ask what was
going on.  Bad PR but there were more pressing concerns right now.  If she 
hadn't let herself be distracted by fans she would have retrieved Small Lady
before this mess started ...  She almost came to a dead stop at the thought. 
How could she have let the Princess slip her mind?  Well, to be fair it 
wasn't exactly normal for war to break out but she had to take of this.
     Ti reset her communicator and punched through a priority call to Megumi.  
"Meg, have some of your people find and retrieve the Princess.  I'll bet she's 
scared by all the ruckus."  The observation window recognised her security 
clearance and slid open at her request.  "I know I said I'd do it but I'm 
needed on the front lines."  Megumi gave a curt "Understood" and broke the 
connection.  Ti tapped her tiara and a transparent faceshield extruded itself 
and flowed down to form a visor before her eyes.  "Now, where are you?  Aha, 
gotcha!"  Power began to crackle between her hands.  "Time to show you I can 
do a lot more than mallets.  Wreck my city?  Endanger everyone I care about?
I don't think so!"
     Pyrite's voice sounded in her ear but didn't break her concentration. 
"Ti, confirming your lock.  Window's prepared whenever you want." 
     Her brother's voice asked, "Ready?"
     "Give me a few moments more ..."  The sphere was almost painful to look 
at, stronger than any she had forged before.  "Ready."
     "Check.  We'll do this together."
     "Pyr, give us a countdown."
     "All right, on three."  Both acknowledged.  "One ..."  Calcite's sword
glowed incandescent.  "Two ..."  Ti seemed to be straining to hold the
energy sphere.  "THREE!"
     Unseen windows opened before them.  Calcite released the energy pulse he 
had been holding with a quiet snarl but no other sound.  As expected Titanite 
was a bit more vocal.
     The discipline of the Nemesian fleet was abruptly thrown into disarray.
The "Star of Vengeance" lurched backwards and downwards, superstructure 
cracking as the impact slammed it into the energy beams of the ship nearest
it.  Forceshield already collapsing as ship systems crashed its fellow's 
firepower poured through almost unopposed.  "Star of Vengeance" shattered and 
struck the "Crystal Fang" as tons of shrapnel.  Unfortunately for the "Fang" 
it was also shielding against energy beam counterattack on the reasonable
theory that if missiles were launched shield frequency could be cycled before 
impact but it's hard to react faster than lightspeed.  A fine theory but not 
much help against masses of debris suddenly impacting everywhere.  While the
"Fang"'s hull didn't rupture catastrophically a lot of things broke inside.  
Among them the antigravity generators which overloaded from energy feedback.  
The backup system cut in too fast and blew out in the same powersurge.
Abruptly the vessel ceased hanging in the air the same way that bricks don't 
and returned to standard brickdom physics.  It plunged into the Pacific and 
sank like a block of prefabricated building material.  
     Nobody noticed right away, they were all dazzled by the flare as "Blood
Avenger" largely ceased to exist.  The shockwave crippled the nearest ship 
which began dropping at a more leisurely pace than the "Crystal Fang" but went 
down just as inexoriably.  Three more ceased fire as the blastwave wreaked 
havoc on their weapon systems along with most other ship functions.  
Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your point of view) they managed to 
stay aloft.  
     In Crystal Tokyo Titanite panted from the effort but grinned and gave a
thumbs up to the cameras and the watching Pyrite.  Having no idea what had 
just happened but having concluded from the glowing sky that there was some 
sort of festival happening that included Senshi power displays several 
bystanders began applauding.  Over the intercom link Pyrite announced, "VPMs
on their way!" a term which meant nothing to most of the listeners but widened 
Titanite's smile.  She had provided both the acronym and the character design 
to that particular weapon.  She chuckled as a thought struck her.  Very soon 
Garnet would learn that no Miyus was good Miyus.  Despite the seriousness of 
the situation she was feeling optomistic.  So far, so good.
     Calcite studied their counterstrike's initial success with a much more 
critical eye.  "Pyr, I need an overkill rating, ASAP!"  It was essential to 
maximize both his retaliation potential and Ti's.  That was the crucial 
problem.  Mina or any of the True Senshi could theoretically stand here and 
down ships indefinitely.  They had access to a practically inexhaustible power 
supply.  He didn't.  Like Ti his powers were based on the reserves he absorbed 
and stored from the ambient mana.  Those reserves were massive but far from 
infinite and would take time to replenish.  A few more shots like that and he 
would be running on empty.  Unfortunately even if he could take out Nemesian 
cruisers with half the power he had just expended both of them would still 
run out of power long before the Nemesians ran out of ships.  Even if Azurite 
joined them they couldn't destroy enough to shatter the fleet.  Hopefully the 
Nemesians didn't know that.  
     Hope was a thin reed to bet your city on.  All available evidence pointed 
to the Nemesians having both a good intelligence network and a fleet commander 
who wouldn't crack under pressure.  Garnet might be a sadistic sonofabitch 
but he wasn't a stupid sadistic sonofabitch.  Crystal Tokyo had always relied 
almost exclusively on Serenity and the Senshi for both defense and offense.  
After all, why would they need anything else?  A perception that had limited  
his ability to build up the city's military potential without exposing their
foreknowledge that war was coming.  Limited but not eliminated, both the VPMs 
and the Stingrays were underway.  They'd give Garnet something new to worry
about.  Soon as Pyrite gave him his answer he'd be adding to Garnet's
     On board his flagship Garnet had managed to restore order and was 
ordering all ships to resume fire while shifting to put more distance between
them.  He heard Kwartz ordering their captain to pull the "Ebony Cresent" back 
from the firing line and snapped, "Belay that order."
     "But sir, they penetrated our defences!  We have to protect you!"
     "Fool, pull us out of formation and you'll make us a target!  Order the
damaged ships to withdraw.  Hopefully the Serenites (Or Sereys in clan slag, 
to Nemesians a much less unwieldy term than Crystal Tokyites) will mistake
that for attempts to save the fleet leadership.  If we cannot surpass their 
fire then let them waste it on the useless ships."  Kwartz saluted and relayed
the order with diplomatic additions, making it sound like the admiral was 
concerned with salvaging the injured and the vessels for repair and re-use.
Much more effective than telling them it was out of concern for their welfare.
While a terrestrial commander might have gotten away with that lie Nemesians
would never believe it and figure out they had become bait.  
     Slightly to his surprise the damaged ships were not fired upon nor were 
any other ships struck.  Garnet nodded to himself, it confirmed what he had
suspected about Crystal Tokyo's military capabilites.  He addressed his aide
     "Since they haven't fired again their offensive capability is severely 
limited.  As it was likely powered individuals and their strongest warriors
are unavailable we were attacked by their second rankers.  Who while powerful 
are incapable of destroying the fleet.  They are either exhausted, rebuilding 
the strength to strike again or looking for the most effective strikepoints 
for their remaining power.  Such as destroying the command ship."
     "Yes sir, but there's no reason to think they won't fire again!  Even
if they're picking random targets there's a chance they will destroy this
     Garnet smiled coldly, it was not a pleasant sight.  "So we had better 
give them something else to occupy them.  I think it's time to initiate phase 
three."  He punched the link switch to the temporal lab.  "Fluorspur, you had 
better be standing by and ready to launch."
     The scientist answered with a tinge of hesitancy.  "As ready as we can be
though field tests often uncover problems that aren't apparent in lab 
     "For your sake they had better not been insurmountable glitches.  Now
launch the commandos!"
     "Yes sir.  First group is away.  Insertion of second group in ten 
seconds ..."
     Garnet listened with half an ear as her told his aide.  "Very soon Kwartz
our enemies will be far too occupied to bother about firing on us.  Now I
want fleet status but first signal the orbitals to begin manoeuvres.  Time to
shorten the time to shield collapse."
     The command was given and Kwartz hastily pulled together a report, 
wincing a little at as a Bloodstar ship made an unfortunate friendly fire
blunder.  All others maintained fire exclusively on the Crystal Palace   
while watching for enemy counterstrikes.  Nothing obvious materialized as the
defenders had their hands full which was a great relief to those at the 
scanner stations, a feeling which spread to the crews.  The city was a 
torpid glavslug, a tough nut to crack but it wasn't going anywhere and they 
had plenty of big hammers to pound against it.  Victory was inevitable but 
they didn't relax their vigilance.  Despite which the stealthed figures slid 
impossibly through ship shields both undetected and unnoticed.  On board
a dozen vessels things that looked human assessed their surroundings as they
prepared to feed.  As unaware of this as everyone else Kwartz began his 
     "Sir, based on current projections we cannot breach the Crystal Tokyo 
shield with the current fleet strength."  Before Garnet could explode he 
continued, "Our original projections began with a false premise.  They were    
based on our fleets total capability but that assumes spacial conditions
with all power not necessary for life support channelled into the weapons.
Even that's a false premise as it's assuming no maneuvering.  Here we have to
take counteracting gravity into account and that's adding an unanticipated 
burden to ship systems."
     Garnet nodded, "Remind me to have a word with those fools who calculated
our firepower specifications when time permits.  Now let's concentrate on
breaking that shield.  Evaluation?"
    "To maintain this level of fire and fleet systems we're redlining all
reactors and draining the storage cells.  Current estimate is battery power
will be exhausted in eighty minutes.  We can't maintain this rate of fire  
with reactors output alone, we can't even maintain maximum fire potential
with pure reactor capability without risking mass meltdowns."  Garnet showed
no sign of agreement or argument, just gestured for Kwartz to continue.  
Hoping he wasn't digging his own grave the aide added, "We also have to 
consider weapon burnouts.  Even if we could maintain full fire for the two
hours necessary we'd be losing pulse cannons by the dozen.  The gravity 
cannons have longer viability but they'd also be nearing critical point.  We
have to let the weapon systems recover."
     Garnet nodded and Kwartz fought off looking visibly relieved.  "It is
hard to argue with physics.  Unfortunate, I had hoped to take the prize 
unassisted."  The momentary note of wistfulness vanished, replaced by steel.
"If the commandos do their job that may still be possible.  We will maintain
current rate of fire for sixty minutes.  That will be more than enough to 
position and target the orbital platforms.  If there is no sign of impending 
shield weakness prior to this then we will assume the commandos failed and 
the orbitals will join our strike.  At that point we will also call in the 
second fleet for support.  That should give us more than enough firepower
to exhaust their reserves."
     Kwartz coughed.  "Second fleet is bombarding Okinawa under the direct
orders of Prince Demand.  They cannot cease attacking to assist us until he
countermands that order and will be suffering the same firepower problems as 
this fleet at approximately the same time."
     "In an hour Demand's temper should have cooled enough to call off the 
attack.  By then Serenity and her Senshi will be either long dead or long 
gone."  Garnet sounded totally confidence but inside he couldn't supress a
minor twinge of worry.  The fleet pounding the former conference site might 
be smaller but it didn't have an almost unbreachable force shield to contend  
with.  By now Neo Queen Serenity and her vaunted Sailor Senshi must be less 
than dust unless they managed to flee before the barrage began.  The continued 
attack was just Demand's temper tantrum over Serenity's rejection.  Wasteful 
but Demand ruled so his word was law.  Besides if the Sesnhi were still there
it was best to make sure.  
    With a mental shrug he dismissed the thought.  Galena's estimates of 
Senshi capabilities had to be in error.  So many possessing so much power?
Ridiculous.  If true this world would have cowered before them even if they
had no hostile intent.  Instead they were celebrities and curiousities to the
other nations of Earth.  Respected yes but not feared.  She must be wrong.  
Yet try as he might to ignore it the twinge remained.  The Clan Mistress of
the Third Eye was not known for jumping at shadows.  Still she was neither 
infallible nor above manipulating information to achieve her own ends.  In 
fact the latter was the Third Eye's specialty.  Dismissing the matter Garnet's
focus turned from the Senshi to his own mission.  The conquest of Crystal
Tokyo.  Still no sign of a followup to the counterstrike so the commandos must 
be earning their pay.  Excellent.  With the defenders occupied he had time to
assess the damage they had already inflicted.
     "You have the assessment of the enemy counterstrike?"
     "Yes sir, at least the preliminary version.  'Blood Avenger' was struck 
by a highly focused energy pulse.  Initial estimate is level six though unless
we recover the Avenger's black box we can't say if that's what was left after
penetrating the shield or if it was a level six bolt that sidestepped the
shield somehow."
     "A second strike might give a few more clues but hopefully they've got
their hands full defending the city."
     "Uh, yes sir.  I believe 'Star of Vengeance' was struck by a highly 
focused kinetic wave moving too fast for the sensors to warn the crew to shift
shield frequency.  Assuming these attacks were generated by local powered 
individuals, which seems a reasonable assumption from our knowledge of the 
city, and based on all available information the most likely candidates for 
the counterstrike are, respectively, Lord Calcite and his sister ..."  Kwartz
hesitated, knowing the commander hated the woman he was about to name but 
couldn't see anyway around it.  Already he was looking impatient.  Hoping for 
the best he blurted, "Sailor Polaris."
     Fortunately Garnet's reaction was surprisingly mild.  He simply nodded
before mildly saying, "I suspected the seductress.  She is so much more 
dangerous than you would think to look at her."  He clapped his hands 
together and smiled, "Well, hopefully she will survive the assault.  I look
forward to demonstrating my displeasure to her.  Which reminds me, Senshi
talk a lot about love, justice, peace and other drivel.  Were there any 
survivors from the ship she downed?"
     "No sir, initially there were but the Blood Stars finished the job."
     Garnet's brow crinkled.  "Explain."
     "Yes Sir.  The ship went down hard but it looks like impact wasn't 
immediately fatal.  Perhaps the internal kinetic dampners were still on line,
or at least some were because a lot of lifepods launched.  Unfortunately they
were well underwater and sinking fast at the time and there was a ... what was
probably an identification error.  As you know the Blood Stars study weaponry
obsessively and took your warnings about the dangers of submarine warfare to 
heart.  That and they were upset about the loss of 'Blood Avenger'.  'Crimson 
Retribution' evidentally mistook the lifepod launch for a sub firing a missile  
strike from below them.  They strafed the waters beneath with gravity cannons 
with excellent accuracy.  Though under the circumstances a few more misses 
might have been desirable."
     "Total wipe out?"
     "Yes Sir."
     Garnet nodded, "Polaris downed the ship, no survivors.  Make certain 
that's how it's reported.  Last thing we need is wasting our time breaking up
a feud between the Red Suns and Blood Stars."
     "Good.  Now ..."
     The "Star of Deceit" exploded and fell into the ocean in burning pieces. 
Fleet communication discipline collapsed as everyone began trying to find out
where the attack came from or gave panicked reports that they had detected no 
enemy counterstrike.  Garnet overrode the frantic babble and ordered radio 
silence.  The chatter cut off abruptly and he ordered the captains of the 
nearest ships to give their accounts.  All sounded the same, "Deceit" had 
seemed to be maintaining fire on the shield without fail when it had suddenly 
exploded.  Several captains speculated about a reactor failure from the 
strain of the unaccustomed load.  Some chain of components and safety systems 
failing with catastrophic results.  The obvious answer and one which was 
spreading amongst those listening.  A lot more preferable than an undetectable 
enemy weapon.  Garnet did nothing to disuade the growing optimism but 
something didn't seem to add up.  A reactor failure that let the ship keep 
firing until the last moment with no signs of weapon fluctuation?  He didn't 
believe it.  But what was the alternative?  An invisible weapon that could 
strike down a starship with no sign of its presence?  Impossible, the terrans 
weren't that advanced.  With their primitive stealth technology they couldn't 
beat Nemesian sensors.  So he told himself but his gaze turned to the main 
screen and the besieged Crystal Palace.  Just what had they been cooking up in 
there while they supposedly committed all their efforts to brokering peace?  
     Maybe they weren't such fools after all, at least not all of them.  Both
Lady Hino and Lady Kino had seemed much more than merely competent and as the
heads of Security and Defense he had studied both closely.  It would be far 
from unbelievable to find both or either had been working behind their Queen's
back on strengthening the monarch and city they were sworn to defend.  Even if 
it contradicted their Queen's wishes.  Garnet nodded, if Crystal Tokyo had
committed its resources to military research they could have come up with some
very useful things.  Perhaps the stealth device he speculated about was more
than idle fantasy.  Such a weapon would be invaluable, suddenly Demand's 
insistance on taking the Palace intact made a lot more sense.  If there was 
such a weapon and other marvelous toys within the Black Moon Family must have 
them.  For the day would inevitably come when their allies turned on them and 
sought the throne for their own clan.  The Family must be ready for that day.  
If the weapon existed and it wasn't just a reactor failure.
     It wasn't.  Unbeknownst to Garnet on half a dozen ships things that 
looked like young girls fed while impassive companions with masklike faces
stood watch.
     However as many people in Crystal Tokyo could attest things were tough 
all over.  As Toma Endo-Bradington the Third would soon discover.  Toma, or
Tom as he preferred to be addressed, was currently in the midst of an 
irritating conversation with a palace security guard.
     "Look I'm not a civilian.  I'm Hunter Prime, leader of the Hunters and
husband of Lady Mizuno."
     "Yes sir, I know that but this is Crystal Tokyo and you have no official
standing here.  I must ask you again to accompany me to the elevators with 
the other civilians.  We have orders to see everyone not connected with the 
defense efforts departs the Palace.  I am sure Lady Mizuno would want you to 
     Tom fumed but reflected that actually that was probably accurate.  Ami 
had wanted him to take it easy today in case of any lingering side effects 
from his recent bout of hypothermia.  While normally a light sleeper what 
with one thing and another it had been an exhausting night and he had almost
slept through Ami's departure.  Ami had gotten up, eaten, showered and dressed
without him stirring.  He hadn't woken up this morning until Ami leaned over 
to kiss him goodbye and been tired enough that he had been glad to follow her
order to get more rest.  If it hadn't been for the tremors he would probably
still be asleep.
     Even so the quake that echoed through the Palace had barely awoken him.  
Blearyeyed he had mumbled something about earthquakes and begun dozing off 
again despite a vague sense of wrongness.  A doze that was abruptly broken as
he realized what was wrong, a realization shocking enough to banish sleep and 
snap him into sitting upright in bed.  Since when had Serenity permitted    
earthquakes in Crystal Tokyo?  There hadn't been any tremors in this part of 
the world since the days of old Tokyo. 
     Either the shockwave's source had been something other than a quake or
Serenity was incapable of defusing the underground pressure.  Either way 
something was very wrong.  Trying to call for information didn't supply any 
answers.  The Palace's usually flawless vidphones displayed nothing but a 
message saying all lines were in use and to try again later.  Throwing on 
yesterday's clothes he had started for the door.  Then stopped in his tracks, 
hurriedly stripped and replaced his old attire with the dress hunter's uniform 
he kept handy for state occasions.  In these unknown circumstances looking 
authoritarian could be an advantage.  At least that was the theory, 
unfortunately the security guard ushering civilians off this floor hadn't been 
     Tom tried again, "Could you at least explain why you're evacuating the 
     "I really couldn't tell you, sir, as I don't know myself.  I believe it's 
just a precaution but my orders are clear.  If you would you please come this 
way ..."  The guard's pleasant demeanour didn't change but Tom noticed his
hand hovering near the stun wand attached to his belt.  Probably just an
unconscious action but Tom suspected if he proved really obstinant there were
orders to zap troublemakers and carry them to the elevators.  Not that there
would be much call for that as around him the crowd dwindled as people filed
quietly to the elevators.  The citizens of Crystal Tokyo were a very law 
abiding lot.
     Not particularly wanting to cause trouble unnecessarily but wondering 
what was going on (and more importantly if Ami was alright) Tom tried another 
tactic.  If there was a crisis Endymion was probably busy but he wasn't Tom's 
only friend in high places.  He motioned toward the guard's communicator.  
"Do you think you could connect me to Lord Calcite?  I'm sure Cal wouldn't  
mind exempting me from the order."  Well actually there was no guarantee of 
that but it was worth a shot.
     Blandly the guard answered, "I'm sorry but I believe Lord Calcite is busy
with affairs of state and cannot reached for minor concerns.  Now if you 
please sir ..."
     The sudden blaring from his communicator shocked the guard into silence.  
It was the first time in his career the emergency signal had been sounded 
except for the occasional drill.  Which they wouldn't be running in the
current situation.  Tom recognised Calcite's voice as it echoed through both
the guard's communicator and the Palace's public address system.
     "Attention, Palace security has been breached.  We have been invaded by
an unknown number of Nemesian troops.  All military personnel check in with 
your units for asssignment.  All IS personnel clear the remaining civilians by 
any means necessary then report to the nearest armoury for lethal force 
weaponry and assignment.  If you see anyone in Nemesian uniform or with a 
forehead tattoo report their position.  Do not engage the enemy alone unless
there is no option.  If you have backup then shoot first and ask questions 
later.  Keep this channel clear for emergency bulletins."  Tom assumed it was 
over but almost as an afterthought Calcite added, "Topass, wear a hat", before 
signing off.
     The guard's reflexes were good despite the shocking news.  As soon as he 
heard the click that signalled the announcement's end he grasped for his 
holstered wand.  Tom's reflexes were better, before the Guard had drawn his
stunner he heard a cry of "Mysts of Mercury!" and found himself surrounded
by fog.  A few seconds later he was blinking as the thick, white mist 
magically dissapated and the glare of the corridor's lights returned.  A glare
that revealed he was alone in the corridor.  Growling a rare curse he kept his
wand drawn as he jogged to the elevator and thumbed the call switch on his 
communicator.  He didn't wait for orders, as soon as he was routed through to
IS he reported that Lady Mizuno's husband had refused to leave and had snuck 
off on hearing the announcement.  He wasn't surprised there was no more than 
an acknowledgement and orders for him to proceed to deal with holdouts on the 
57th floor.  Whoever he had talked to would want to bounce it upstairs and let   
someone else take care of it.  Not much else you could do when a Hunter with
court connections went maverick.  Hopeful Hunter Prime wouldn't get his fool 
self killed but it had been his decision and there wasn't much he could have 
done to stop him.  Putting the matter out of his mind the guard got out on the 
57th and proceeded cautiously watching for ambushers.
     Luckily for the guard the Nemesians were nowhere near his floor but that
didn't mean they weren't causing problems.  One of the biggest was simply that 
they were inside the Palace.  That should have been impossible.  At least that
was the theory and as the luckless guards who first encountered them could 
attest the theory had a few holes in it.  Or so they would have if they 
hadn't gained a few holes of their own.  One of them had lived long enough to
contact IS and her partner had managed to lay down covering fire long enough 
for the last civilians on the 200th to reach the elevators.  Subsequently
they would both be recognised as heroes, the first citizens of Crystal Tokyo 
to lay down their lives in the war.  The first but unfortunately far from the 
     The news had, to say the least, been an unwelcome surprise but Megumi had 
restrained her disbelief and scanned for Nemesian signatures within the
Palace.  There should have been only a single blip but instead there were
dozens along with several floors where the sensors had gone dead and 
communication was lost.  Fighting off panic she had reported to Lord Calcite 
the grim news.  Each outer spire had at least one unit of Nemesian soldiers,
most wearing uniforms but several in more individualistic gear.  There were
at minimum three units scattered thoughout the central spire, one not far from
the throneroom.
[Rough arrangement Right spire - Mana distribution, labs & technical support 
                   Left Spire - Medical & Miscellaneous 
                   Central Spire - Adminstration offices, Royal Court (apex) & 
                                   living quarters]
                 Calcite didn't worry about the impossibility of the 
situation, just how to contain it. 
     "Megumi, institute security lockdown."  That would hamper movement of 
Crystal Tokyo's forces but should slow the Nemesians to a far greater degree.
Hopefully.  Deploying available forces as best he could Calcite resumed his
return towards the spire's tip.  Not to safeguard Endymion, while both his
King and his friend Endymion would have to manage as best he could on his
own.  His oath to safeguard Crystal Tokyo took precedence and the Royal
Quarters held a much more tempting target to the Nemesians than Endymion.  The 
Silver Crystal!  If they got that then the war was over.  Megumi had sent the 
Palace Guard to intercept accompanied by the military team that had been 
trying to break through to Endymion.  Calcite had the sickening feeling they
wouldn't be enough.  As he dashed up the stairs he couldn't help giving an
order that had to be unneccessary.
     "Pyrite, get the interdiction field back on line ..."
     His cousin interrupted, "Cal, the interdiction field is still running.  
It never went down!  Serenity didn't generate it, we've been running it off
the well all along."
     "Then how did they sidestep it?"
     "Unknown.  Even if the blockers had somehow offlined we've detected no 
spacial disruptions.  No teleports, no spacefolds and no dimensional gates.
I don't know how they got in ... oh shit!"
     Hearing that Margrave knew Pyrite had just figured it out and it was very
bad news.  It was rare he swore and rarer still for him to say anything 
stronger "Shatner's vocals" or "Nimoy's poetry".  When he forgot the trek   
allusions things were about to get extremely nasty indeed.
     Sure enough he said, "Time travel!  They've got to be using some variant
of time travel.  Sending troops back from the near future ... no, Pluto said
they never attained that much precision.  Plus the spacial shift required ..."
     Calcite's voice crackled through the radio, "Did she tell you how to
block it?"
     "No.  Setsuna was concerned that the more anyone knew ..."
     "Never mind the theory just come up with a way to block it."  A momentary
hesitation followed before Calcite added, "You've got to be sitting in a prime 
target and there's a Nemeisan force twenty floors below you.   Meg's sending
support your way but it's a fair bet they be facing some heavy hitters.  Can 
you two hold the fort indefinitely." 
     "Yes.  Not that we have a choice."  Pyrite was already setting up local
defenses before Calcite acknowledged.  Looking up from his labors he saw 
Margrave had produced two very large and (under peacetime circumstances) two
very illegal handguns that her minimalist dress couldn't have concealed.  One
was an Iron Corps railgun while the other looked like a Beta youma pulse gun.  
Probably a copy, the original weapon she had brought back with her would long 
since have crumbled to dust.  Interesting that the Palace sensors hadn't
detected them, they were designed to pick up the contents of overpockets.  Of  
course he could have beat them but he was surprised she had.  It seemed 
Margrave had learned a few things about pocketspace over the centuries.  It
was surprisng he hadn't sensed anything though if that was because she'd been
slick enough to access it without his notice or if he had just been too 
[Internal - the latter]
           to notice he didn't know.  Not that it really mattered.  He tapped 
the federation badge on his chest and returned to work.
     Arachnae gave a hiss and jumped onto Margrave's shoulder as white fluid
flowed smoothly from the badge and covered Pyrite from neck to toe leaving
only his head untouched.  He showed no sign of discomfort as it solidified
into metallic looking white armour and didn't pause in his typing as the
gauntlets formed over his hands.  Various devices folded themselves out of
nowhere (or pocketspace to be more precise) and joined smoothly to the armour.
They merged to it without leaving seamlines but spoiled the smooth outlines.
A white helmet materialized beside him as Margrave asked, "What the hell is 
     Without taking his eyes off the screens floating before him Pyrite 
answered, "It's an upgraded version of the crude Merlin armour I used on Beta
back in the old days.  With things deteriorating I decided awhile back it 
would make sense to be ready for personal combat and since I lack innate 
combat orientated powers a few augments were in order.  Which reminds me ..."  
He turned and indicated the garish medallion Margrave was wearing.  "That's a 
copy of the standard issue shield medallions the youma used on Beta."  It 
wasn't really a question but Margrave nodded anyway.  
     Margrave instinctively grabbed the object he tossed and found herself 
looking at a smaller amulet with a klingon emblem.  Pyrite continued, "I 
threw this together just in case.  It'll maximize your shielding potential
six point three times over the medallion's maximum.  Of course that drops to 
two point eight if you run a two phase shield."
     She clutched the new medallion with a mixture of awe and greed.  "This
will let me do combined kinetic/radiant shielding?"
     "Yes but there's the usual problem that balancing shield frequencies 
reduces sustainable impact levels."  Margrave nodded again.  The old tradeoff,
you either shielded strongly against kinetic or radiant energy strike and
hoped you could shift type as needed.  Or you used a weaker shield against 
both types and hoped the attack wasn't strong enough to burst your bubble.
A problem Margrave faced as the shields she could generate were weak and 
single phase while the ancient youma shield medallions were also one or the
other.  Pyrite glanced at Arachnae and added, "Better let her stay there.  
She's balanced and she'll be inside your shield in case the Nemesians somehow
get this far.  I'd do it but I didn't think to put footholds on my armour."
     Margrave and Arachnae shared a glance and Margrave nodded.  Arachnae
answered, "This is fine for both of us, thanks."  Pyrite returned to his
labour as Margrave resumed monitoring the rate of city shield decay and the 
flow of mana from the well.  As soon as she was sure his attention was 
occupied Arachnae leaned over to Margrave's ear and whispered, "I thought you
said he was a wimp?"  Margrave's answer was just as quiet.
     "He is ... relatively speaking."
     "Which means?"
     Margrave pondered this for a moment.  "Let's see ... well, no matter how
expedient he'd never pull off an enemy's arm and beat them to death with it."
     Arachnae looked at her for a long moment.  "And the rest of you youma 
     "I would in an instant.  So would Cal and Azzie though they wouldn't do
it maliciously.  Just if it seemed the most efficient means.  Ti wouldn't but 
she had an abnormal upbringing so she doesn't count."  
     The ancient mooncat shook her head.
     "Must have been fun growing up in the Dark Kingdom."
     Margrave shrugged, "It had its moments."
     Elsewhere someone was stirring near the tip of the Palace's Central 
Spire.  Endymion struggled to his feet and woozily studied the smoking monitor
console.  He slurred, "Whatever happened to circuit breakers?" and tried to
make sense of his surroundings.  
     Much of the ceiling was gone, the roof torn away or melted, to reveal the
glowing sky above and around the spire's broken tip.  Serenity had created 
the Crystal Palace to be strong and declared it virtually indestructible. 
Though she had never specified just what virtually meant.  Evidentally that
didn't cover Nemesians but he doubted it was still under warranty.  Still
the highest point in Crystal Tokyo must have made a natural targeting point.
Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to put his command center in the spire's
summit but it had seemed appropriate symbolic.  Not to mention drawing fire   
away from the more populated sectors of the Palace.
     Trying very hard but unsuccessfully not to think about his wife Endymion
studied the rubble filled room.  Quite a bit of debris from the roof had 
fallen.  He had been fortunate not to be crushed but apart from some aches
and pains nothing seemed broken.  Even if he had suffered shattered limbs he
would be in better shape than Serenity.  
     That thought made his heart lurch and he tried to reassure himself that
in a sense everything was fine.  The universe was unfolding as it should to 
protect the structure of time.  That was cold comfort, his wife was frozen
between life and death and somewhere his daughter was wandering knowing only
that something had happened to her mother and blaming herself.  Thinking she
had destroyed the Silver Crystal she would travel back in time through Pluto's
birthday gift to seek the Silver Crystal of the past pursued by the Nemesians. 
     The smart thing to do was not to intervene, let his daughter find her
destiny while he found a working communicator, let everyone know he wasn't 
dead and got back to work.  It was the only sensible response ... but as every
familyman knew sensible and parenting are not always said in the same breath.  
Besides Pluto had said all along time wasn't fixed, what if something happened 
to Chiba-Usa because he wasn't there to protect her?  Moving to the blocked 
doors he muttered, "Screw the course of history" and began shifting rubble.
The doors didn't slid open even without the weight of the rubble on them.
Either the power was off or the tracks were twisted.  Taking a deep breath 
he pushed against both sides of the seam and heaved.
      The doors opened with a shriek and ground to a halt almost immediately 
but there was enough of a gap for him to slid through.  Wincing a bit at the
contortions required Endymion stepped into the rubble choked corridor.  Ahead 
he could see cleared space and abandoned digging equipment but no rescuers.
Since the whole place didn't look ready to fall down he could only guess they
had been needed for something else urgently.  Something more important than
rescuing him.  Feeling a growing chill Endymion began hurrying towards where 
he sensed his daughter.
     In the Central Internal Security Office acting commander Megumi 
Sakurabayshi watched in dismay as the internal sensor grids began winking out. 
The Nemesians were planting some kind of jammer that was systematically 
knocking out all surveillance systems.  She was trying to maintain a model of
where they were but using only audio reports from security teams she knew it
had to be incomplete.  No major engagements yet, shutting down the elevators 
and sealing the security doors had slowed their own forces as well as the 
Nemesians.  Slowed but not contained.  The enemy were forced to either blast 
their ways into the stairwells or through the floors and ceiling to move.
Unfortunately from the reports she did have they weren't having a problem 
doing either.  She could deduce their probable objectives but without the
sensors couldn't confirm them.  
     To make matters worse just before the sensors had blown she had detected 
a small striketeam near on the [number] floor.  Which had made no sense to her
as there was nothing near there but apartments.  Reporting that might have 
been an error as Sailor Polaris had declared they must be after Topass and 
headed to intercept, commandeered a security team enroute.  That took one of 
the biggest guns available away from the action as she was refusing to 
intercept any other Nemesian squad until she had verified the safety of her 
husband, daughter and nephew.  Megumi couldn't help but think this was her 
fault.  Before the current crisis erupted she had recommended Topass stay in 
their palace apartment both for his own safety (an obvious Nemesian could 
become a target of mob retribution) and for any advice he could offer about 
his people's plans.  Instead Polaris was convinced he was an assassination
target and wouldn't return to the fray until she was sure he was safe.  It
struck Megumi that Lady Titanite might have a point.  Topass's defection had
been a grave embarrassment to his clan, there had already been one attempt to
bring him back to face the Black Moon Family's vengeance.  Perhaps they had
decided this raid was an excellent cover for settling accounts.
     Megumi pushed the matter to the back of her mind.  Regardless of if those
Nemesians sought Topass or some other objective they would be facing the 
single most powerful lesser senshi in Crystal Tokyo if not the entire world.  
They wouldn't last long so they could be discounted.  In the meantime she had 
more pressing concerns.  There was still no word from the team sent to 
retrieve the Princess and while the mixed military/security team had reached 
the Silver Crystal's chamber their captain had reported anomolies in the 
security system.  She had taken the decision and the responsibility to order 
him to unlock the room and check the contents before instituting emergency 
     She was trying to coordinate contradictory reports of Nemesian sightings
when the captain's call came.  It didn't improve her mood.
     "Commander Sakurabayshi, the chamber is empty.  Repeat, the chamber is
empty.  No trace of the Silver Crystal.  We're running a psychometry scan 
and it's showing a droid's presence along with a controller but the Nemesians
haven't got this far yet so I can't account for these readings."
      "I can."  Megumi's stomach lurched as she remembered Polaris's theory 
about the Princess's intentions.  "Captain, seal the room and leave half your 
men to hold the room against the Nemesians.  The rest of you spilt up and look 
for Princess Usagi.  Report as soon as you find her and take her to a 
defensible position until backup arrives.   It is vital to locate and protect 
      "Understood."  Megumi's voice was firm as she reported the facts to
Lord Calcite but she couldn't surpress a wince.  The men holding the room
would likely all die to convince the Nemesians their prize was inside, 
delaying them as long as possible.  All she could do was pray the Princess 
and the Crystal were found so that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.  
     Approaching the crystal hunting Nemesians from below Calcite could only
wonder if this latest disaster was also supposed to happen.  If the Silver
Crystal fell into Nemesian hands then Crystal Tokyo was in big trouble.  He
noted unusual signs of Nemesian presence as he sped past but didn't slow his
pace.  To his right hung a man with the familiar black cresent mark, features
frozen in horror.  Only his head and shoulders were visible, his torso merged
smoothly into the wall.  Just past the dead man a woman's hand protuded from
the wall.  There were several other signs of Nemesians fused to walls, floor 
or furniture which made it obvious that whatever method the strikeforces had 
used to breach the blocking fields and materialized within the Palace still 
had a few bugs in it.  A good sign, unfortunately enough had made it to keep 
him from celebrating.  Instead he just passed word to Pyrite and prepared to 
get violent.

[VPMs begin downing ships, flashback sequence to creation]
[More bad news, orbital weapon platforms moving into position.  Reveal the
 surprise packages?  Far too early, Cal says arm but await fire command]
[Azurite arrives as battle for Palace begins in earnest (meets Von Tramp?)
 Encounters Tom, know each other from faculty parties at CTU they attended
 with respective spouses]
[Report from air wing - Okinawa (conference site) being pounded by second
 Nemsian fleet that must have descended from orbit.  Senshi can't drop 
 shield to teleport out.]
[Assassins stalking Topass]
[Garnet miffed orbital platforms commandeered to join assault on the Senshi]
[Back in CT Endymion/Titanite/Calcite/Azurite wreak havoc on Nemesians but 
 power links damaged and shield collapse accelerates]
     Unnoticed by sensors and invisible in the glare of the assault Wiseman 
floated over the Crystal Palace.  He had never been able to get this close 
before, Neo-Queen Serenity would have sensed him before he got within a 
hundred miles.  Within his hood he smiled as best he could, thanks to Demand
the Neo-Queen had just ceased to be a problem.  Her treasure was unprotected 
and once he held it the Dark Crystal would be complete.  Then Demand would 
learn which of them was the servant and who was truly the master.  Just before     
he and his tainted people were purged from the universe.
    The smile slipped as Wiseman regarded the Palace.  Serenity might be gone
but in truth the Palace was far from unprotected.  He would serve his name 
better by letting the strike team recover the stone as Demand planned.  It 
could be unwise to enter personally.  Hidden features snarled, inadvisable
perhaps but the prize was great and could he really trust the Nemesians to
succeed?  His divinations showed this as a critical juncture, he didn't know
how but the portents indicated the Silver Crystal could be lost to him this
day.  Without it vengeance became uncertain and he had centuries of hatred
that needed to be fufilled.  Damaging as it might, indeed would, be the only 
way to be sure was to get take the Crystal himself.  Steeling himself the 
thing that called itself Demand's wizard slipped though the forceshield as
though it were no more substantial than a soapbubble and lowered itself 
toward the Palace.
     Inside the Palace Hunter Prime stiffened in shock and anger.  The ancient
magic that empowered the Hunters had a price that was both advantage and 
drawback.  A compulsion to singlemindedly seek out and destroy any necromancer
they sensed.  A compulsion that had just seized him as a mystic foulness 
greater than anything he had ever sensed before flooded his mind.  Centuries 
of experience enabled him to override the compulsion to charge off on a mad
quest to find and eliminate the source.  That would just make him an easy
target for the Nemesians sniping from the hallway ahead.  It didn't seem to
be coming from them, it seemed to be radiating from everywhere.  He 
concentrated, trying to narrow his focus and find the source but the effort 
was hopeless.  It was everywhere!
     At least his efforts had one success, he realized it wasn't necromancy.
Dark magic and powerful certainly but not a necromancer's doing.  The 
compulsion subsided as his subconscious got the message that whatever the
source it wasn't his kind's ancient blood enemies.  But what was it?  The 
answer wasn't long in coming as Pyrite's voice emerged from his borrowed 
     "Attention everyone, this is Pyrite with a priority message.  A demon has 
just entered the Palace!"
     Shocked excalmations and denials filled the air as Margrave and Arachnae
watched Pyrite massage his forehead and grimace.  He had just doubled over
with a cry of pain, clutching at his head as his brain was trying to crawl
out of his skull.  He straightened up and managed a weak smile as he finished 
placing a block in his mind.  Very occasionally his heightened magical senses
were a disadvantage.  This was one of those times.
     Calcite's voice cut throught he babble on the communicator.  "Are you
     Pyrite nodded unconsciously, he recognised the source of that soul
freezing nausea.  Oh yes, he was sure.  "It's unmistakeable!"  His other 
cousin cut in with a frantic denial.
     "No way!  Rei's got wards all over the Palace!  Any demon stupid enough 
to enter would run away screraming in seconds."
     "You're right about the spirit wards, it feels like they've all activated
simultaneously.  But the demonic presence is still there.  Abyss knows how
much power it's expending to resist them but it's hanging on.  Whatever it is 
it's at least an order of magnitude over anything on record."
     Ti gulped and Calcite asked, "Are you talking CT records or do you mean 
it supersedes Metallia class?"
     "Sorry Cal, I meant post founding records, we don't have anything 
accurate predating them.  Except maybe the Mazael Archives and Mike's pretty
possessive about them."  Pyrite managed to stop himself going into academic
mode and focused on the current problem.  "Thankfully it's not in Queen 
Metallia's league or the Palace wouldn't be here any more but it's incredibly 
potent.  The good news is I'm (he cut off an "almost") certain it's using most
of its power to fight the wards so it should be relatively easy neutralize."  
     "Will a Class 1 demon trap hold it?"
     Pyrite hesitated a moment to assess before replying, "Yes."
     "Where is it?"
     "Unable to pinpoint, with all the wards going it's interfering with my
scan.  Serenity could see through it and Mars could trace the ward path but
I can't without abandoning everything else."
     "Abyss!  Understood, concentrate on reinforcing the shield and we'll take
care of the demon along with the Nemesians.  Megumi, find runners to head for
the armoury and draw demon traps for their units.  I want everyone prepared
in case they encounter it.  I've memorized the pattern so I can forge one
as needed.  Ti, Azure?"
     "I've stashed one in pocketspace, Cal."
     "The Arcturus costume includes a couple."
     "It does?"
     "Ask me about the Dark Judges when things are a bit quieter."  There was
the sound of Nemesian disruptors.  "Right now I've got more immediate 
concerns.  Out."
     Trying not to worry about his wife Pyrite did his best to block out the
sense of demonic presence and resume his work.  He muttered, "Pity we can't 
contact Rei, she should be able to strengthen her wards remotely."
     Margrave snorted.  "I will bet Rei's got enough to worry about."
     She was right, reinforcing demon wards was about the last thing on Rei's
mind at that moment.  Right now most of her attention was on reinforcing
something else.  
     Along with the other Senshi Rei was currently enclosed in a most unusual 
bubble about fifty meters in diameter.  Rei, Minako and Makoto stood 
approximatally equidistant at the edge of the bubble with their backs to it.
An act that would have seemed idiotic to outsiders as the bubble appeared to
be composed of raging walls of fire interwoven with lightnings and suffused
with an ominous golden light.  Yet appearances deceive for they felt no heat
from the fire, shocks from the lightning or burns from the laser energy.  They  
had combined their powers to generate this bubble and despite its deadly
appearance it was a place of sanctuary.  If it wasn't there they would long 
since be dead. 
     In the center of the bubble Ami stood beside the crystal shrouded figure
of Neo-Queen Serenity.  They had all known this was coming but that didn't 
make it much easier to bear.  Locked between life and death she would remain 
frozen until the Silver Crystal was reunited with her.  A real life sleeping
beauty but it would take a lot more that a simple kiss to awaken her.  
     Ami had stopped examining Serenity some minutes before and was casting 
her gaze about for answers.  The visor that covered her eyes let her penetrate
the walls the others had generated as she studied their attackers.  From her
expression she didn't like what she saw.
     Rei called to Makoto, "Anything?" and wasn't surprised to see her shake
her head though Makoto didn't stop fiddling with her communicator.
     "No good, they're doing a good job of jamming."
     Ever the optomist Minako chipped in with, "So we don't know that anything
is happening back home or that help isn't on the way."
     Makoto shook her head again.  "I can't see CT not being under attack. 
A coordinated strike makes perfect military sense.  Garnet would have to be a
fool not to fire on the city as soon as Serenity's shield collapsed."
     Minako's forced good cheer collapsed, Rei thought she felt a ripple in
their shield.  It might be just her imagination but this wasn't the kind of
situation where you took unneccessary chances.
     "Mina, Crystal Tokyo was as prepared as it could be and we left good
people in charge of the defenses.  Or do you think Calcite's going to let the
Nemzies show him up?"
     "Cal, hah!  No chance!  He hates looking like an idiot.  He swore to 
keep Crystal Tokyo safe and he'll do it if it kills h ... uh, you know how
fanatical he is about keeping an oath.  He's as stubborn as ..."
     Minako glared and Rei felt sure her attention diverted from imagining the
city destroyed.  She turned to face Ami.
     "Are you done scanning?"
     Makoto added, "Yeah, we could use a little help here."
     Ami was staring directly up and spoke without turning to face them.
     "The attack hasn't lessened, it's increased about twenty percent since it
     "No kidding, we can feel it through the shield."
     Ami ignored the hint.  "Rei, didn't Luna reported the Nemesians were 
constructing space-based weapon platforms designed to bombard Earth from
     "Yes, they're already promising death from above in their occupied 
territories propaganda.  Threatening to destroy whole towns if anything 
happens to their troops.  Right now it's any empty threat but in another   
month they'll have the first ones finished."
     Ami nodded slighly but kept staring upward.  "Our information might be a 
little flawed.  Because I can't see any reason they'd be moving nonfunctional 
satellites into firing position."
     Ami deactivated her visor and folded her computer into pocketspace.  
"There's two of them maneuvering our way.  Fairly clumsily, they look 
unfinished, probably still uninhabitable outside of a space-suit but I'm 
betting they installed the weapons systems first."
     As Ami backed up to the bubble wall the others shifted position so that
each senshi defined a quarter of its diameter.  Rei muttered something about 
underestimating Nemesian priorites then asked the all important, "How long?"  
     "Fifteen minutes.  Excuse me ..."  With that Ami closed her eyes and 
concentrated.  Behind them the bubble's color gained an intangible misty
quality.  Makoto felt an invisible load lighten and sighed, "That's better 
but it won't last and when those orbitals join the attack it's going to get a 
lot worse."
     Rei nodded, "We're not doing much good pinned down like this."  She 
gestured towards the crystallised Serenity.  "Future-Endymion told us this
was going to happen but that's all the detail I remember.  Anyone recall him 
foretelling how we got out of this mess?"
     Minako and Makoto shook their heads while Ami said, "He was extremely
vague about telling us anything specific.  Said he didn't want to spoil the
surprises in store."
     Surprisingly Minako laughed, "Right, like the fact we were still going
to be around a thousand years later wasn't a big spoiler."
     Makoto chuckled, "At least he didn't tell you who you'd wind up 
marrying.  That would have been interesting to see.  From a safe distance."  
     Minako glared and Ami sighed with mock exasperation.  Some people faced
doom valiantly while others cowered.  Despite everything they'd learned and
everything they'd done the Sailor Senshi could still bicker in the face of 
death.  It was reassuring to see some things never changed.
     Before things could escalate Rei brought them back to the present.  "I've
got an idea.  It might work but it's risky." 
     Minako nodded at the bubble, "And standing at ground zero isn't?"
     Ami added, "We can't maintain this bubble indefinitely so anything's
worth trying."
     Makoto shrugged.  "We're not doing anybody any good by just standing 
here so let's here it."
     Rei nodded and quickly outlined her plan.  As soon as she was done Mina
said, "Rei-chan you're crazy!"  Ami agreed with, "It's incredibly foolhardy!"
while Makoto chimed in with, "The chances it'll work are pretty lousy."
     Rei smiled.  "I agree.  So shall we get started?"
     "Of course!"
     "Since when have we given a damn about the odds?" 
     In unison the four Senshi reached out mentally to one another as they 
began juggling titanic forces.  
     Unaware of all this Garnet's attention was focused on the  

[Cut scene to Rei (ward creator) & Senshi]
[Garnet unconcerned orders scientist to prepare to use time fold to deliver 
 nuke on his command]
     Fluorspur never saw the figure who stepped from the shadows at his back, 
never saw her raise her staff.  He barely had time to register the words,
"Dead Scream"

[Pluto fries Earth based lab & scientists]
[Wiseman finds SC is empty.  Divines princess was last person in there so she 
 must have it.]
[Cal, C-Usa see Endymion phantomed]
[Cal wipes out T-weapon squad.]
[Enter Wiseman in pursuit of Small Lady]
[Cal blasted, Wiseman tells Princess her mother is doomed without SC so tell 
 him where it is.  CU desperate, remembers mother's old story that her 
 namesake, SM had Silver Crystal]
[CU uses timekey, Wiseman recognises what has happened but cannot follow]
[Cal recovers as Wiseman departs (Blood of Metallia ref)]
[Mop up of remaining Nemesians but shield about to collapse]
      The gunners of the Nemesian coalition second fleet (codenamed Vengeance 
Attack Wing) continued to pour fire into the target zone even though it was   
obvious to all of them that it was pointless.  Talk about overkill!  Not only
were they pounding the island with pulse bolts, gravity cannons and energy 
beams but both weapon platforms were pumping gigawatts of laser fire down from
orbit.  The buildings that had housed the conference were long gone, by now
there wasn't even any dust left.  It was impossible to see anything through 
the glare of the impact zone but when it did they all knew what they'd see.
     A very large crater full of superheated lava.
     It was a pointless waste of energy but orders were orders so they 
maintained full weaponfire.  Looked like Demand wanted to make it crystal 
clear what happened to people who opposed him. 
     Then something odd began happening.  The multicoloured flares of their
weapons were overwritten by an expanding white light.  It was as if a small 
sun had begun to grow in the center of the blast zone and illuminate 
everything with its radiance.  First the island then the sea and sky seemed to 
vanish leaving the Nemesian ships behind, the only specks of colour in a 
universe of purest white.  The glow invaded the ships and the panicking crews
saw everything begin to vanish into the light.  Frantic orders were bellowed 
but even when crews remained at stations they could no longer see it was too
late.  An instant later they were gone.
     If anyone upon the island or further away had been able to stand the
glare they would have seen the massive sphere of light sprout a pillar of
purest white fire from its apex that reached for the sky.  Literally.
     The end came too quickly for anyone on the orbital platfroms to react.  
They were just becoming aware that their lasers were no longer reaching ground 
level when the column arrived.  One was almost directly in its path and basically ceased to
exist.  If the crew on the second perished from the energy radiance, the
shockwave emanating from the atmosphere or when everything began melting 
would be hard to determine.  Especially as the platform went into a declining 
orbit and burned up during uncontrolled reentry before an examination could 
be made.
     In Crystal Tokyo Margrave saw Pyrite become transfixed and began yelling
at him.  This was the worst possible time for their guy behind the shield to
zone out.  Her efforts got through and the energy sensitive youma shook 
himself out of his near trance state and tried to find the right words.  Which 
his Star Trek obsession insisted on supplying.
     Then he punched a priority message through to Calcite and he reached for
the teleport blocker's controls.
     "Cal, I just sensed what had to be the Senshi Planet Power attack.  Talk  
about power, even with the distance and all the interference it stood out
clearly.  I'm sure they're on their way back as whatever they were up against
has got to be history."

[Okinawa - Senshi use Planet Power attack to take out second Nemesian fleet &
 orbital platforms.  Garnet impressed, 3rd eye were right about viability
 of brute force option.]
[Senshi reappear with near dead Serenity.  Tired from channelling so much 
 energy.  Very swift goodbyes then Senshi take over shielding the city]
[Garnet unhappy with developments]
[Demand in foul temper, Wiseman mollifies him by claiming when the Dark 
 Crystal is complete he will have a weapon that will gain him Serenity] 
[Aftermath in CT.  Ti has videos royals made for public release expressing 
 full confidence in Calcite while they're indisposed and urging citizens to 
 accept martial law.  Official declaration of war against Nemesis]
[Surviving Nemesians locked in Palace detention center (recently added
 concealed annex).  Ruby, Pumice, Bauxite cameo?]
[Endymion's condition (Pyrite theorizes T weapons), phantom found in 
 Serenity's chamber]
[Defense details]
[They'll pay for this!  Let's get to work, there's a war to win.]

"It's the End of the World as We Know It" - R.E.M.
Vampire (Princess) Miyu & Larva/Lover created by Kakunochi Narumi.
[SME characters & Creators]
[Some events drawn from flashback scene in episode [check #] of SMR] 
[SM & CT created by Takeuchi-sama]

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/temple/1810

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