Chapter: A New Job
                            By: Megara    

In New York City at a restaurant 

        I was at my job, working as a table server for a 
restaurant.  Punks were sitting at a table that I had to 
serve.  Just my luck.
        I had to serve them beer.  As I walked toward their 
table, I saw a table that interested me.  Sitting at this 
table was three men.  One of them wore glasses and had dark 
hair.  Another was kinda tall and kinda muscular.  The last 
one looked like he was on steroids, this guy was BIG.  
        I walked past them.  Out of the corner of my eye I 
saw the guy with glasses look at me with interest.  I 
decided to ignore him. 
        I served the punks their beer.  One of them laid his 
hand on my butt. 
        I guess I kinda provoked him in a way.  I was wearing 
tight short shorts and a blue cutoff shirt that revealed my 
        "Stop!"  I said sharply as I slapped his hand away.  
All right, I confess.  People can guess from my Southern 
accent.  I'm from the South, Alabama to be more precise. 
        "Strike one."  I thought.
        "What?  You don't like me or something?"  He asked.  
His buddies snickered.
        "You got that right.  I don't like you at all."  I 
        "Well, I like you and the way you talk."  He said as 
he reached to touch a lock of my blond hair.
        "Tough."  I said as I smacked his hand away.
        "Strike two."  I thought.
        He and his buddies laughed.
        "Why don't we go somewhere private and fool around 
together?"  He said as he rested his hands on my hips.
        "Strike three.  He's out."  I thought happily.
        I kneed that sucker in the groin.  He groaned and 
grabbed himself. His buddies jumped up and I heard some people 
gasp.  I could have sworn I heard a woman say ‘Way to go, girl!'. 
        When the punk recovered, he took out a knife.  
        "No one does that to me and gets away with it."  He 
yelled as he pointed the knife at me.  People screamed.
        I grabbed his hand that held the knife and punched him 
in the stomach. He dropped the knife and fell to the floor.
        "WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU DOING TO MY BOY!!!!"  A loud 
rough voice roared that sounded like a out of tune fog horn.
        I turned to see the Boss storm through the crowd that 
had crowded around the Punk and me.
        "She attacked me, Dad."  The Punk said.
        "He was sexually harassing me and he threatened me 
with a knife. And I believe that is against the law."  I said.  
        "I did pull a knife on her, but she insulted me.  
Didn't do any harassing, either."  The Punk lied.
        His buddies nodded in agreement.
        "THAT'S A LIE!!"  I screamed.
        "YOU CALLING MY BOY A LIAR?!!"  The Boss yelled.
        "YES, I AM!!"  I screamed.  "HE IS A FILTHY, STINKIN, 
        "THAT'S IT!!  YOUR FIRED!!!!"  The Boss roared.
        "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME!!!  I QUIT!!!!!!"  I screamed as 
I snatched off my apron and threw it at him.  
        I punched the Boss in the face and turned to the 
lying punk and kneed him again in the groin, except a little 
harder.  I stormed out the restaurant.  As I walked out 
the glass doors, I failed to hear the guy with glasses 
say,  "She's perfect for the experiment."  
        I walked out to my car when I saw the three men 
running after me. I stopped and waited for them to catch up.  
        When they caught, the guy with the glasses said, 
"I saw what you did back there."
        "I'm sorry you had to see all that."  I apologized.
        "Oh no, I think you had every right to show that 
young who not to mess with.  I saw what he was doing to 
you."  He said.
        "If you saw what he was doing to me, then why the 
h*** didn't you say anything to the Boss?"  I asked angrily.
        "I was hoping you would lose the job."  He replied 
        "WHAT!!!!"  I yelled as I balled my hands into fists.  
I was ready to slugged this four eyed jerk.  I didn't care 
about his muscle men.  If they tried anything, I just kick 
them in the groin.
        "My name is Dr. Kemi.  I want to offer you a new job."  
He explained calmly.
        My fists relaxed as I asked, "What kind of job are we 
talking about?"
        "Can we talk at my van?"  He asked.
        I followed him to an alley.  The muscle men walked 
behind us not saying a word.  Inside the alley was a light 
blue van.  They stopped beside the van.
        "What kind of job are we talking about?"  I repeated.
        "It's just a little job opening we have."  Dr. Kemi 
        The big guys snickered at this.  I realized this was 
the first time I had heard a sound come out of them.
        "How much does it pay?"  I asked.
        "Quite a bit.  I'm not sure exactly how much, but 
I know it pays about a $100 a day."  He said.
        I jumped up at this.  "Then it must be a important 
job."  I said.
        "It is."  He answered.  
        "If I was to accept the job, would have I to move?"  
I asked.
        "Yes, you'd move to Japan."  He answered.
        "WHAT!!!?"  I said almost yelling.
        I always wanted to go to Japan.  I thought Japan 
was next best country in the world next to America.  I was 
about to say I accept, but then I remember that I didn't 
have the money for the trip.
        "Sorry, I'd like to accept, but I just don't have the 
money."  I said.
        "No problem.  I'm sure Chronos will fund your trip 
and everything." He replied.
        "Then I accept the job."  I said happily.
        "Wonderful!  I'm sure you'll love your new job."  He 
        "What do I get to do?"  I asked.  
        "What ever your superiors want you to do, I 
guess."  Dr. Kemi said. "I know you will be working with 
        "What's a zoanoid?"  I asked.
        The muscle men perked up and began to give Dr. Kemi 
pleading looks. Dr. Kemi noticed them, and sighed.  
        "All right, but just you."  Dr. Robert said pointing 
to the smaller guy.  You won't attract a lot of attention."
        I was puzzled about all this.  I looked at the smaller 
guy for answers.  He gave me an evil look as he begun to grow.  
I couldn't believe my eyes as he burst out of his clothes.  
        He looked like a huge lizard.  He was a greenish 
color and had a black patch on his snout.  The back of his 
head was full of spikes.  He looked down at me with his blood 
red eyes.  Before I could let a scream, he grabbed my shoulders 
and pinned me to wall.  
        I closed my eyes and waited to die.  I felt something 
wet and warm slide across my face.  I slowly opened my eyes 
to see the thing lick my face.  His tongue left a trail of 
green salvia on my cheek.  
        When he saw that I was watching him, he smiled and 
slid his tongue into my mouth.  I could feel his tongue running 
along my teeth and tickling my gums.
        Suddenly, everything went black.

			Chapter 2: Kronos                                     

                           Kronos's lab

        Dr. Kemi watched the processing tank and took notes, 
while the new test subject unconsciously floated naked in 
the tank.  Her knees were to her chest and were covering her 
breasts, while her shoulder length blonde hair floated around 
her head.  An oxygen mask was strapped around her head, it 
cover her mouth and nose. 
        Dr. Kemi looked down at his watch and said, "She's 
done.  Drain the tank."  
        Other scientists nodded and fiddled with some controls 
on a computer. The liquids in the tank began to go down a drain 
at the bottom of the tank, causing the girl  to slowly sink to 
the bottom.  She lay still as the top of the tank began to raise, 
making the bottom of the tank into a small platform.
        Two men in blue uniforms were waiting beside the doors.  
They walked over to the limp girl and picked her up.  One held 
her in his arms while the other slipped the oxygen mask off her 
        "Wash her off and put her old clothes on her.  Then put 
her in a cell. Don't worry about giving her any drugs."  Dr. Kemi 
        The men nodded and left the lab to carry out their orders.
        Dr. Kemi turned to a large screen and pressed a button 
at the bottom of it.  On the screen appeared Commander Guyo.
        "How are things going with Project Megara?"  He asked.
        "We just completed the injections.  She should transform 
later tonight.  At around 8:00."  Dr. Kemi replied.
        "Excellent."  Commander Guyo said.
                Outside Commander Guyo's office 

        Agito Makashima stepped away from the doors he had been 
listening through.  He went to a small room and made sure he was 
alone before he communicated with Sho Fuckamanji.
        "~Sho.~"   Agito said through the organisms on his back.
        "~Yes?~"  Sho replied.
        "~The Megara Project is finished.  She'll transform later
tonight.~"  Agito said.
        "~How powerful will she be?~"  Sho asked.
        "~I don't know yet, and neither does Chronos.  We don't know
the experiment will be successful or not, but we'll find out later
tonight."~ Agito said.
        "~I gotta go.~"  Sho said as he cut the telepathic link 
between them.

             		In Chronos's cells

        I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling.  At first 
I thought I was in my bed in my apartment.  When I turned my head, 
I expected to see my dresser, but instead I saw a gray wall.  I 
jerked up and looked around me, and saw that I was in a cell.  
There were bars blocking my out like a prison cell.
        Suddenly, I remembered the big lizard and looked around 
again.  I noticed a guy in a blue uniform standing in front of 
the bars as a guard.  He must have had the feeling he was being 
watch, because he looked over his shoulder and saw me.
        "Well, well, Sleeping Beauty has finally awaken."  He 
said with a smile.
        He began to fiddle with something on his wrist and 
said, "Dr. Kemi, she's awake."
        "Good.  I'll be there to see her in a minute."  Replied 
Dr. Kemi from the thing.
        "Where I'm I?  What is this place?  Why do I feel so 
weird?  What happened to the big lizard?  And why I'm I in 
this cell?"  I asked.
        "Hey, it's not my job to answer questions."  The 
guard said as he turned away from me.
        I decided to leave him alone since he didn't want 
to answer any of my questions and Dr. Kemi will be here to 
explain things to me.  Of course, he had better have a good 
explanation for me being in a cell like a criminal or I'll 
break his neck.
        A few minutes later, Dr. Kemi came.  He relieved the 
guard off duty then turned to me.  Good thing for him that he 
stayed no more than a few feet from the bars of my cell, or I 
would have knocked him out.
        "You got some explaining to do!"  I said almost yelling.
        "Indeed I do."  He agreed.  
        "Why I am I in here?!"  I said.
        "Why, to keep you from leaving."  He said to me as if 
I was stupid.
        "I know that, but why!?"  I yelled.
        "Your apart of a big experiment."  He said.
        "Experiment?"  I said.
        "We found some strange DNA in the mountains at Antarctica."  
Dr. Kemi said.  "It's extremely old, over a billion years.  The 
freezing temperature in Antarctica kept it fresh.  We've been 
doing tests on it."
        "What have you been testing it out on?"  I asked.  I was
dreading the answer.
        "You."  He replied.
        It was like my life collapsed in that second.  I began to 
feel panic rise in me.  I gripped the bars to keep my self from 
panicking. "What's going to happen to me?"  I asked softly.  I really 
didn't want to know, but I knew I had to and was going to find out.
        "We're not sure yet.  But we do know that you'll go through a
transformation."  He replied.
        Again, my life collapsed.  
        "What kind of transformation?  What will I turn into?"  I 
        "We don't know."  Dr. Kemi said.  "But we do know you'll 
transform later tonight.  Before the, we'll move you to a 
stronger cage."
        I felt that at any moment I would panic in front of this 
jerk.  I decided to get my mind off my predicament by asking him 
another question.  
        "What happened to the big lizard in the alley?"  I asked.
        "It was a Zoanoid."  He answered.  "One of our creations."
        "You mean you make big lizards?"  I asked hoping my 
question would annoy him.
        "No.  That was a type of zoanoid.  We have a lot others 
that don't look like lizards."  He answered.  
        "They all can change from a human into a monster?"  I 
asked, even though I knew the answer.
        "Yes.  That's all I can tell you about "us".  You'll be 
told more if the experiment is successful."  He said as he 
turned to leave.  But he stopped and looked over his shoulder at 
me.  "I almost forgot to tell you.  Your new name is Megara."
        "Megara?"  I said.
        "Yes, Megara.  At first it was Mega then you came 
along.  Because of your sex, we added the r and a at the end to 
make it sound more like a woman's name.  I hope you like, because 
you'll be stuck with it for a long time."
        To tell you the truth, I kinda liked the sound of Megara.  I
decided to accept it as my name.   I just nodded my head at him 
in response.
        He stayed where he was at for a minute, then said, "I 
wouldn't bother with escape, Megara.  You can't escape from the 
guards, you can't escape from the zoanoids, or from this 
building.  You can't escape from Chronos.  No one escapes 
from Chronos.  Remember that."
        Then he walked down the hall.
        "Yeah right.  I thought.  "You just given one piece 
of info that I needed.  You just told me that this place is one big building."


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