Chapter 3: Escape!       

			Later that Night

        I waited patiently for them to come and to take 
me to a different cell.  Ever since Dr. Kemi left, I been 
planning my escape.  I had it all planned out.  I would 
push past the guards and run like crazy.  All right, all 
right, so it's not the best plan in the world.  It's all I
could come up with, since the only thing I know about is 
that I'm in a building.
        I suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming my way.  I 
looked down the hall to see two men in uniforms coming.
        "No turning back."  I said to myself.
        When the guards were in front of the cell, one 
stepped forward and entered the unlocking code into the 
combination lock of the bars.  He slid the door open and 
beckoned me to come, and I walked up to him. Before he could 
grab my arm, I punched him in the face that knocked him down.  
I shoved the other out of my way and ran at full blast down the
        "GET YOUR A** BACK HERE!!!!"
        I looked behind me to see the guards running after 
me, and they were gaining.  I ran as fast as I could around 
a corner, then I felt the pain.
        The pain seared through my whole body.  It felt like 
my bones, organs, muscles, and skin were in pain.  At first it 
was tolerable, than it increased and increased some more until 
it put me to my knees in pain.
        The guards caught up with me, and saw me in pain.  They 
didn't try to grabbed me or help me in any way.
        "What's with her?"  One of them asked.  "You don't suppose 
she's changing, do ya?"  
        "Naw, it's too early."  The other said.
        While they talked, the pain kept increasing to where 
it was intolerable.  At first I groaning, then I started yelling, 
then I was screaming in pain.  Suddenly, I threw my head back and 
made a sound I had never heard before.  It sounded like an 
angry, wounded animal, but it didn't sound like any animal I 
ever heard before.  Then there was nothing, but pain.  I wanted 
to die.  I wished that a zoanoid would come out and kill me.  
        I felt my bones began to change.  Not all were 
changing, but a lot were especially at my feet.  I felt 
my feet burst through my shoes, as if they were made of paper.  
        Suddenly, the pain disappeared like it appeared.  I 
cried a few tears since it felt so good to be relived of 
all that pain.  I looked at my hands and gasped.
        My hand looked the same, but my nails were claws. They 
looked sharper then anything thing I saw before.  I looked 
down at my feet and saw why they had hurt so much.  They 
were no longer feet, but talons.  (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Megara's
talons are like the gargoyles feet from Disney's "Gargoyles")
        When I tried to stand, I stumbled.  It was like 
walking on my toes except I had a lot more balance.  I looked 
over my shoulder and saw tail connected to my bottom.  When 
I had transform, it had burst through my blue-jeans like my 
talons did with my shoes.  
        I ran my tongue over my teeth and found out that 
they were fangs. I had a set of fangs on my top and bottom 
        I noticed that my elbows and knees were spiked.  Each 
spike was a 3 inches and a ½ long.  They ended in very sharp 
points.  (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Megara's spike and tail resemble 
Disney's Gargoyles tail and spikes except that Megara's spikes 
are a little longer and more pointy.)
        I put my hands to the sides of my head and felt my 
ears.  They were pointy.
        "That's it?!"   I heard a voice said.
        I remembered the two guards and looked up at them.  
They stood around her, each one on each side of her.  They 
looked at me with puzzled looks on their faces.
        "I guess so."  The other replied.
        "We don't have to transform to handle her."  The 
guard said.  "But lets do so anyway."
        They both began to grow out of their uniforms until 
they were zoanoids.  One was green and had long spikes from 
his forehead and chin, I called this guy Spike.  The other
was just as big, but had fur, His head reminded my of a rat.  
I called this guy Rat Face.
        I stood up and backed up against a wall.  Spike 
stepped forward and reached out a huge, green hand to grab me.  
        "No way your gonna get me."  I thought.  I quickly 
thrust out my right hand.  I reached and dug my claws into 
his elbow.  My claws went to the bone.  He yelled in pain as 
I pulled my claws back, revealing the bone.  
        "YOU LITTLE B****!!!!"  He screamed in an inhuman 
voice.  "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!"
        Balled his good hand into a huge fist and sent it 
heading to my head.  I knew his fist could crush my skull 
if I didn't do anything about it. I sidestepped the punch.  
His fist punched a hole in the wall, which gave me a chance 
to strike.  
        I grabbed his wrist and dug my claws into it, I also 
bit his wrist. My teeth went straight to the bone.  The sweet 
taste of blood filled my mouth.  I even felt my teeth sink 
into the bone.  He jerked his hand free, but I must had a 
good grip on it because it came loose from his arm in my 
hands.  He screamed in pain from that also.  I let out a
shriek and dropped the hand.  
        "B****!!!"  He screamed.  He lunged forward to 
spear me with his long spikes.
        I sidestepped this, too (obviously he's a slow 
learning).  When his head was right beside me, I reached 
out and sunk my claws into his throat.  He made a choking 
sound as I ripped out everything in his throat.  He felled 
to the ground dead.
        The other charged me.  All I had to do was duck and 
thrust my claws outward.  My claws went into his chest.  After 
I snatched my claws out of his chest, he felled to the ground 
        I looked around to see if there was any more.  Since 
I didn't see any others, I went down the hall.  I knew I had 
to find a way out, but I didn't know how far below the ground 
I am or if I'm even underground.  I decided the best way of 
escape would be to go to ground level.
        I kept walking down the hall and turning corners.  I 
hoped to find an elevator or a set of stairs.  I didn't find 
any elevators or any stairs, but I did find 8 more zoanoids.
        They blocked my way, and I knew they wouldn't let 
me past unless I was dead or they were dead.  I preferred 
the latter.
        The first one sent his hand flying toward my head.  
I sent my claws flying toward his hand opened.  My small 
hand went right through his big hand.  He screamed in pain 
as I snatched my hand free.  I then slashed at stomach and 
left a deep scratch.  He fell to the ground.
        "1 down and 7 more to go."  I thought.
        Another one grabbed me from behind.  His huge hands 
grabbed my hips and began to squeeze.  I elbowed his side 
which made him yelled in pain and let me go.  I wheeled 
around and slashed his throat opened.  When he felled, I 
noticed a puncture wound on his side where I had elbowed him. 
I looked at my elbow and saw the spike covered in blood.
        "All right!  These things are useful after all."  I 
        I decided to use my spikes with the next one.  I jumped 
up and grabbed his head.  I brought his head down onto my 
spiked knee.  My spike went into head and his brain; he died 
instantly.  I unhooked my knee out of his head and got ready 
for the next.
        Two attacked charged at the same time.  I got kinda 
scared then. So far I've been fighting them one at a time.  
        I jumped forward and stretched my arms out.  I went 
between the zoanoids.  My claws sliced open the zoanoids' 
sides.  I turned around in time to see them fall.  
        "5 down and 2 more to go." I thought.
        A zoanoid, who looks a whole lot like Spike, came 
at me with his spikes.  I used the same trick with him, side 
stepped his attack.  This time, I wanted to see how useful my 
tail is.  I whipped my tail around his neck.  I made my 
tail squeeze.  I meant strangle him, but I squeezed so hard 
I broke all his bones in his neck.  I had no idea I was this
        I turned to the last zoanoid and recognized a face.
        "IT'S YOU!!!!!!!"  I yelled. 
        "I see that you recognize me."  The zoanoid said 
with a smile.  
        It was the zoanoid from the alley.  I recognized 
him from that black patch on his snout.  
        "You helped them do this to me."  I snarled, pointing 
a bloody claw at him. 
        "No, I didn't.  Dr. Kemi was the one who transform you.  
Not I." He said as he came closer.
        I took a step back.  The fear that I had for him was 
still with me.
   	"I only helped bring you here.  The only thing I did 
was make you faint."  He said as he advanced.  "Then the Doc
and Mike put you into the van and drove to our private plane.  
When we arrived at Kronos Japan, Dr. Kemi took over and 
transform you to what you are now."
        He came so close we were inches away from touching.  
I was trembling like crazy, I was so scared.  He looked down 
at me with those bright blood red eyes of his.   
        "I'm sure if you give up now and join Chronos, they may 
forget about the 10 zoanoids you just killed."  He said.  "If 
you do not, then you will be killed.  Now wouldn't that be 
a d*** shame."
        I shook my head silently.  I would never join with 
the people who had just ruin my life.
        "Think about what you're doing Megara."  He said.  
"You can't run from us nor can you escape from us.  We're 
everywhere and everyone.  Even if you leave this building 
alive, which you will not, you cannot get far. There is no 
hiding from us."
        "What do you want?"  He kept on.  "Do you want to 
die, or join the most powerful force in the world?"
        I have to confess, that I almost changed my mind 
and said that I will join.  What he said scared me.  If he 
was right there no help for me, or safety.  It looked like 
the only way I can get out of this would be to either die, 
or join them.  Then I remembered the way I took out those
zoanoids.  If I could kill 9 zoanoids in one night, then it 
shouldn't be too hard to survive. 
        Then I began to wonder why this thing would want me to 
join them so much.  The others would have tried to kill me 
when I shook my head no.
        "What's it to you wether I join or not?"  I asked.
        "I like the way you fight and the way you look."  He 
said.  "In other words, I like you a lot."
        He put his claws on my waist.  His huge hands encircled 
my waist. He pinned me against the wall, the same way he did in 
the alley, except his hands were on my waist.  I shut my eyes 
tight.  I felt his lips press against mine in a deep kiss.  I 
felt sick in the stomach.  
        "Join us, Megara."  He murmured against my lips.  "You 
have no choice."
        "Yes, I do."  I said as I kneed him in the groin.  I 
felt my spike sink into flesh.  He swore in pain and back up 
against the wall on the other side.  I ran down the hall as 
fast I could.
        I ran until I came upon an elevator.  I immediately 
ran in and looked at the buttons.  I finally found the level 
floor button and pressed it. I waited impatiently for the elevator 
to get me to the floor level.  
        The elevator stopped and the doors slid open.  I cautiously 
stepped out.  I looked both ways for zoanoids.  I decided I didn't 
want to get into any fights.  When I was sure it was clear, I 
quietly walked down a hall.  It looked more inviting, with 
the floors carpeted and there was a few house plants also.  
        Then I heard this sound behind me.  I turn to see the 
elevator go down.  
        "Oh no!  He's after me!!"  I thought.
        I ran down the down until I came to some glass doors.  
        "Could it be?  Could it be?  YES, IT IS!!!"  I thought.
        The doors led to outside the building.  My escape route.
        I ran to the doors and looked out the glass.  I could 
see a street and some other buildings.  I immediately tried the 
doors, but they were locked.  I looked around and saw a small 
couch nearby.  I walked quickly to the couch and picked it up.  
I was surprised to see that I could lift it so easily.  I carried 
the couch to the doors and heaved it at them. It crashed into 
the doors and shattered the glass and broke opened the doors.  
That caused an alarm to go off.
        Before any more zoanoids could show, I ran outside and 
down the street.  I decided not to let people see me, so I kept 
myself hidden.  I thought the best place to go would be the 
woods.  I headed out of the city and didn't let a soul see me.  
When I got to the woods, I dashed in and began to look for a 
place to hide.  A place that I could think with having to worry 
about zoanoids.  A place to be safe.


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