Chapter 4: Enemies and New Friends

			Commander Goyu's office

        Commander Goyu silently watched the tape of 
Megara's fighting.  Dr. Kemi and Agito Makashima stood 
beside him and had their attention on the tape.  The 
Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 stood behind them and watched the 
tape, too.
        When Megara kneed the zoanoid in the groin, they 
winced.  They could see her spike sink into the zoanoid's 
        When the tape was over, Dr. Kemi turned off the 
set and looked to Goyu for some kind of response.
        "How disappointing."  Goyu said.  "Project Megara 
proved to be a waste of money and time."
        "I admit she may not be what we hoped for, but 
we may have something on our hands."  Dr. Kemi said as he 
turned the t.v. back on and rewind the tape to the fighting 
scenes.  "Look at the way she had terminated those zoanoids.  
I ,also, admit she may never be a match for the Guyver, but
think of what kind of zoanoid we could get if put her through 
the processing tanks." 
        Goyu looked thoughtful for a moment, then said,  "What 
do you think Makashima?"
        "I think Dr. Kemi may be right.  Maybe with a few 
adjustment to her transformation, we could have a powerful 
creature."  Agito said.  "But we cannot have her on our side 
unless we are certain she won't betray us."
        "What do you think we should do?"  Goyu asked.
        "I think we should send Hyper Zoanoid team 5 out to 
get her." Agito said "They could offer her a place with Chronos.  
If she refuses then they kill her and bring her remains back 
with them."
        "Excellent suggestion."  Goyu said. 
        He turned to Team 5.  "You heard what he said.  Now 
go and find Megara."
        Team 5 bowed and went out the sliding doors.
        "What do you want me to do about the zoanoid?"  Dr. Kemi 
        "It appears the zoanoid has feelings for Megara, and 
Megara fears that zoanoid."  Goyu said.  "This might be useful 
to us.  Process that zoanoid into a hyper zoanoid."
        "Yes sir."  Dr. Kemi said, then he left the office.
        "You are dismissed, Makashima."  Goyu said.
        Agito bowed and left the room.  He left the building 
and went to a pay phone.  He dialed Sho's number and waited 
for him to pick up.  
        "Yes?"  Came a replied.
        "Sho, I have good news and some bad news."  Agito said.
        "What's the good news?"  Sho asked.
        "Project Megara was a failure."  Agito said.
        "That's great!  Why is it a failure?"  Sho asked.
        "Lets say that it wasn't what Chronos hoped for.  And 
the test subject may be a new ally in our war against Chronos."  
Agito said.
        "Great!  What's the bad news?"  Sho asked.
        "Megara, the test subject, escaped and is somewhere 
in the woods.  Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 is searching for her as 
we speak."  Agito said. "We have to find her before they do."
        "How will I recognize her?"  Sho asked.
        "You'll know her when you see her."  Agito replied.  
"Now get going, they may have found her already.  I'll 
alert Marukami."
        Agito hung up the phone and picked it back up and 
dialed another number.

                  In the Woods

        I kept walking through the woods not stopping.  I was 
afraid to stop incase they were looking for me.  I kept on until 
I came to a small clearing.  
        I was thinking about resting when I heard this voice 
behind me.
        "There she is."
        I whirled around to see 5 huge zoanoids.  They looked 
like they were on steroids.  One was purple, white, and had 
yellow streaks down its neck. It had a long neck and 4  
squid-like tentacles.  Another one reminded me of a rhino.  It 
had a rhino-like horn from its forehead.  It was this whitish 
grayish color.  And it was huge, it looked like it stomp a
trucks and not break a sweat.  The next one was a deep pink 
color.  It had balloon like shoulders with holes.  The next one 
was tall and had blades for hands.  And the last one reminded 
me of a beetle.  It looked very bug-like.  It was this dark 
color and had claws.
        "Who are you?"  I demanded.  I decided it would be 
best if these things didn't know I was terrified of them.
        "We are the Hyper Zoanoid team 5."  The bug said.  
"I'm Zek-Toll"  
        He pointed to the purple tentacle one.  "That is 
        Then he pointed to the rhino one.  "That is Darzerb."
        Then he pointed to the bladed one.  "That is Thancrus."
        Then he pointed to the one with the huge shoulders.  
"And that is Gastor."
        Suddenly, I realized that I was surrounded.  They had 
made a circle around me and I was trapped.
        "What do you want with me?"  I asked, even though 
I knew the answer.
        "We are here to give you one last offer to join Chronos."  
Zek-Toll said.  "If you refuse, we kill you.  So what will it be?"
        I didn't answer him.  I was studying them.  They were 
much bigger than the ones I've been fighting.  Much bigger.
"Look, Meg.  You're wasting our time."  Zek-Toll said impatiently.
        "He must be the leader."  I thought.  "Lets see how long 
I can stall them until I can find a way out."
        "I'm a waste of time?!!"  I yelled.  "First I was a 
waitress, then I'm unemployed, then I'm a monster, now I'm a 
waste of time!!  What am I going to be next!!?"
        "Dead in a minute if you don't answer my question!"  
Zek-Toll replied.
        "I rather die than join Chronos!!"  I yelled.  I could 
kick myself for saying that.  I thought they would try to persuade 
me some more.
        "OKAY!!!"  They all said cheerfully.  I could tell they 
have been waiting to hear that.  
        Gastor began to fire missiles at me.  I gave a small scream 
than ran. Missiles were landing and exploding all around me.  One 
landed close to my talons and sent me flying.  I hit the ground 
hard on my arm.  I got up and checked to see if my arm was broken.  
It was fine, but I could tell it was going to be bruised.
        I turned my head in time to see Thancrus coming at me 
with his blade held high.  I dodged his blade, but it made a semi 
deep cut in my arm. I closed my eyes and expected to a blade to cut 
into my skin.  I waited, but nothing happened.  I slowly opened 
my eyes to see Thancrus staring at me with look of horror on his 
inhuman face.  
        I was puzzled and was wondering why he isn't trying to 
kill me.  I got up on my knees and looked at him, expecting him 
to attack, but he didn't.
        "What are you waiting for!!  Kill her!!!"  Zek-Toll 
yelled at him.
        "Look at this!!"  Thancrus yelled back, pointing a 
blade at me.
        Zek-Toll walked closer.  A look of shock went over his bug 
like face. Then he said,  "What the h*** is she?"
        I realized that they were looking at my cut.  I looked at 
my hurt arm and gasped in horror at what I saw.  Blood was seeping 
from my cut, but the blood was black.  Not bright red, but black 
as night.
        I began to feel sick.  I just sat there like stump on a 
        "What the h*** are you?"  Elegen asked me.  I didn't 
answer, because I didn't know either.
        "Zek-Toll."  Gastor said.  "Do you think we should take 
her back to Chronos?"
        "No."  Zek-Toll replied.  "We were given orders to give 
her an offer. If she didn't accept the offer, we kill her.  She 
didn't accept so now we get to kill her."
        "But...."  Gastor started, but he was cutoff by Zek-Toll.
        "I don't care if she has purple blood.  We were given 
orders. Unless we're told different, we kill her.  Thancrus, 
finish her off!!!"
        Thancrus made a slash at my stomach, but I leaped backward 
in time, which made me stumbled to the ground.  I landed on my 
back.  I looked up to see Thancrus kneeling on top of me, and 
pointing a blade at my head. I moved my head to the right before 
his blade could hit me.  The blade sunk easily into the ground.  
He tried the same thing with his other blade.  I moved my head 
to the left.  His blade also sunk into the ground.  Then I realized 
I was pinned underneath him.  
        I took this to my advantage.  I clawed savagely at his 
chest.  My claws sunk easily into his chest.  My hands went 
right into his chest.  I could touch his lungs, ribs, and I felt 
his heart beating against the back of my hand.  He made this 
choking sound, then collapsed on top of me.  I could feel his 
warm blood pouring onto me.  I crawled out from underneath him.  
I turned to see him dissolve.
        I looked at my myself and saw that I was covered in blood.  
I looked around to see the rest of Team 5 staring at me.
        "You killed Thancrus."  Zek-Toll said.  
        "I can see that."  I said.
        "Let me kill her."  Elegen said to Zek-Toll.
        "Go ahead.  Make it painful."  Zek-Toll said.
        I got ready.  I got into a defensive pose.  I bared 
my fangs and lashed my tail in threatening manner.  I dared him 
to attack me.
        He didn't step forward.  Instead his tentacles came at 
me.  Before I could jump out of the way or dodge them, a tentacle 
wrapped itself tightly around my thighs.  Another one had my wrists 
together.  I struggled, but I couldn't get loose.  
        "What are you going to do?"  I demanded.
        "I'm going to kill you."  Elegen said.
        "No duh.  I know that.  But how are you going to that 
with these tentacles?"  I asked.
        Suddenly, he began to float off the ground.  He was 
floating 4 feet off the ground.   
        "I can send surges of electricity through my tentacles 
and electrocute my enemies.  I can send at lest 2 million volts."  
He said.  "How about a demonstration?"
        I knew at that second, he would fry me.  I closed 
my eyes and waited for the surges and the pain.  I began to wonder 
where I'll go, Heaven or Hell.  I couldn't help but open my eyes.  
I saw this lash of light cut through Elegen's tentacles.  Before 
I knew what was happening, I was in a pair of strong arms.
        I looked at the face of the guy who saved me.  I gasped 
to see he wasn't human.  He was a whitish color with this small 
globe on his forehead.  He had this horn-like thing coming from 
the top of the globe.  I looked at his arms and saw a blade coming 
from each elbow.   
        I looked around to see where we were, and saw that we 
were outside the circle of hyper zoanoids. 
        "Don't be afraid."  He said in a soft voice.  "I'm 
here to help you."
        "What are you?"  I asked.
        "I'm a Guyver.  Don't worry, I'll get us out of 
here."  He said as he turned to face Team 5.
        "Step aside, Guyver1."  Zek-Toll said angrily.  "We're 
here for her. This doesn't concern you."
        "I won't let you hurt her."  Guyver1 said as he ran 
forward.  He tried to punch Darzerb, but Darzerb grabbed his 
hand and squeezed it.
        Guyver1 yelled in pain.  Darzerb picked him up and threw 
him down.  Guyver1 hit the ground hard.  Suddenly, Elegen shot 
his tentacles out and wrapped them Guyver1's waist.  He let out 
electrical surges. Guyver1 screamed in pain as 2 million bolts 
hit him.  
        I decided to step in.  I ran forward and jumped onto 
Elegen's back. I wrapped my arms around his long neck and held 
on.  Elegen stopped hurting Guyver 1 and tried to get me off.  
Guyver1 felled to the ground in pain.
        "SOMEBODY GET THIS B**** OFF OF ME!!!!!!"  Elegen 
screamed as I dug my claws into his purple skin.
        "Come here slut."  Darzerb said as he plucked me from 
Elegen's back.
        He wrapped his huge clawed hand around my neck.  I 
knew he was going to choke me.  I looked to see if Guyver1 could 
help me.  He was recovering and didn't see me in trouble.  I 
turned my head to look at Darzerb.  
        He smiled wickedly at me and brought me close to his face. 
        "He can't help you."  He said in a low voice.  His 
sour breath hit my face.  "No one can save you fom me.  Prepare 
to die."
        "Get a breath mint." I said back into his face.  
        I felt his hand tighten around my throat.  I closed my 
eyes. Suddenly, I heard Darzerb cuss in pain and found myself in 
another pair of strong arms.
        I looked into the face of my new rescuer.  It was another 
Guyver. Except he was different from Guyer1.  This one was a 
darker color, almost black.  He had spikes coming from around the 
top of his head.  He had 2 blades coming from each elbow.  And he 
was bigger than Guyver 1.
        He got me far away from Darzerb, whose arm is cut off 
at the elbow. He held me in his arms, and looked at Guyver 1, who 
was trying to fight Elegan.  
        "You hold them off while I get Megara to safety."  The new 
Guyver told him in a gruff voice.
        Guyver1 didn't answer, instead he punched Elegan in 
the stomach.
        The new Guyver turned and ran with me in his arms.  He 
ran faster than I thought he would.  I put my arms around his neck 
and held on tight.
        "Let me guess."  I said.  "You must be Guyver2.
        "No, Guyver3."
        "Oh.  Who are you guys and why are you helping me?"
        "Anyone who is against Chronos, is an ally to us."
        "Oh.  You got the right girl then.  Those freaks turned 
me into a monster.  No offense."
        "None taken."
        Then I saw where we were heading.  I saw a bright red 
car, people would kill to get, and a man leaning on it.  The man 
was kinda handsome, especially with that dark hair.  He wore 
green pants, a black shirt with a green long green jacket, and 
dark shades.
        "This is Mr. Marukami, Megara."  Guyver 3 said as he put 
me down. Then he said,  "I have to go now.  Guyver 1 needs me."
        He turned a ran back the way we came from.
        "Um...Hi."  I said to Marukami.
        He nodded.
        "So I guess you know the Guyvers, huh?"
        He nodded again.
        I heard a big boom, I turned to see the cause of the 
sound.  There was a flash of light at the spot where the Guyvers 
and Hyper Zoanoids are fighting.
        "What is it?"  I asked.
        "Just one of Gastor's liquid missiles."  Marukamiu said 
calmly as if it wasn't something to worry about.
        "I think I'll go help those two."  I said as I headed 
toward the battle.
        Marukami grabbed my arm and stopped me.  He was surprisingly
        "Let me go.  I have to help them."  I said as I struggled 
to get out of his grip.  
        "NO!"  He said sharply.  "You don't need to risk your 
life when there is no need." 
        "I SAID LET ME GO!!!!!!"  I screamed.  I struggled 
harder, but he was too strong.  I took my free hand tried to pry 
his fist open, but he grabbed my free wrist.  I lashed my tail at 
his feet and knocked his feet out from underneath him.
        He hit the ground hard.  I began to run from him, when 
I heard him shout, "WAIT!!"
        I turned to him, since I was beyond his reach.  He tossed 
me a handgun.  I easily caught it with one hand.  It was heavy 
and looked like it was made of steel.  I saw that it had a red 
light target.
        "Use it.  You'll need it."  He said as he got to his 
feet.  "Its already loaded and use the red light to aim."
        "Thanks."  I said as I tucked it into my shorts.  I 
turned and ran to the battle.
        I didn't get too close to the fight, incase the zoanoids 
might see me and go after me.  I thought it would be best if I 
got one of them by surprise.  
        The Guyver were doing okay, but they were getting as 
much as they gave.  I decided to get Gastor.  He was showering 
the Guyvers with missiles and the Guyvers might stand a chance 
without being blasted with missiles.
        I took the gun from my shorts and aimed carefully.  I 
never fired a gun before and I never thought I would use one 
to kill a monster.  I used both hands and put my finger on 
the trigger.  I didn't know if bullets could hurt these guys, 
but if they didn't, Marukami would not had given me this gun.  
I thought it would be best to shoot Gastor in the head. 
        I aimed carefully and made sure the red light was on 
the side of his head.  Then I fired.  The blast made me stumble 
backwards, but I regain my balance.  I looked in time to see 
Gastor's head blow up.  I almost puke.  
        The Guyvers and the zoanoids stopped fighting and looked 
at me.  I don't know why I did this, but I did it.  I brought 
the end of the barrel of the gun to my lips and blew away the 
smoke that was rising from the barrel.  
        I decided to that the Guyvers could take care of 
themselves now.  I tucked the gun back in my shorts and went 
back to Marukami.  On the why back, I ran into Zek-Toll.  
He looked mad.
        I quickly got the gun out of my shorts and aimed.  He 
slapped the gun out of my hand and grabbed my wrist.  He pulled 
me off the ground and brought his face close to mine.
        "You killed Gastor and Thancrus, you b****."  He said 
in a low voice. I knew I was in trouble.
        "They had it coming, just like you have this coming."  I 
said as I slashed at his chest with my free claws.  My claws 
didn't leave a dent. His chest was as if it was covered with 
strong armor.  I slashed and scratched frantically with my free 
claws, but I didn't leave not one dent.  He laughed as I slashed.  
        "Nothing can save you from my revenge."  He said.  
He grabbed my other wrist and held me tight.
        Suddenly, Guyver 3 came out of nowhere and ran 
into Zek-Toll. Zek-Toll let go of my wrist, I felled to the 
ground and picked up the gun.  I tried to aim it, but the light 
was knocked out.  I saw Zek-Toll punch Guyver 3 in the jaw.  
Guyver 3 staggered back from the hit.  He ran forward and cut 
Zek-Toll's arm off with his blade.  This gave him enough 
time to grab me and run.  
        He took me back to the car and Marukami.  
        "What was she doing?!"  Guyver 3 asked.
        "She wanted to help you."  Marikami answered 
        "We were handling things.  I thought we decided that 
as soon as we got her here, she stays here.  No matter what 
        "I tried to keep her here, but she outsmarted me."
        "Then why does she have your gun."  Guyver 3 said 
as he took the gun away from my hand and held it out to 
show Marukami.
        "Alright, I confess.  I lent it to her, so she could 
protect herself." Marukami said.
        "Marukami, we decided to..."  Guyver 3 started, but 
Marukami cut him off.
        "Listen.  She has to learn.  How is she going to learn 
if we don't let her see how zoanoids fight?"  Marukami said.
        Guyver 3 didn't answer.  Instead he turned to me.  He 
put his hands on my arms.  "Megara, you got to stay here.  We 
need you to be safe. Guyver 1 and I are more experience than you 
are.  We know how to handle the zoanoids."  He said to me as if 
I was a child.
        I began to wish I hadn't have tried to help, if this 
is all the thanks I was going to get.
        "Yeah, whatever."  I said softly.  "Why don't you bend 
me over your knee and spank me, why don't ya?"  I thought.
        He turned from me and went back to the fight.  I 
decided to stay with Marukami this time.


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