Chapter 5: Questions and Answers 

        "Who is that guy?"  I asked.
        "Guyver 3."  He answered.
        "I know that, but where did does he come from and 
what is he?"  I asked.
        "Oh."  He said.  "I better tell you the story then."
        He leaned against the car.
        "Guyver 1's real name is Sho Fukamaji, and Guyver 3's 
real name is Agito Makashima."  He said.  "They activated the 
guyver units a while ago."
        "Activated?"  I said confused.
        "I better explain."  He said.  "Before a guyver unit 
is activated, it's round like a disc, but thicker with a globe 
in the middle."
        "Where do they come from?"  I asked.
        "No one knows exactly."  He said.  "But I do know that 
they came from aliens."
        This had me stunned for a second.  I knew that monsters 
and sleazy scientists were now involved with my life, but 
        "How did Sho and Agito get themselves into this?  They 
got tricked by some sleazy scientist too?"  I asked.
        He smiled slightly.  "No.  A while ago, Chronos found 
3 guyver units in a tomb.  One of the top scientists stole them 
and tried to escape from some zoanoid soldiers from Chronos 
in these woods.  At that time, Sho and his friend Tetsuro 
Sagawa were walking home from school."
        "Guyver 1 is in school?"  I asked.  I thought Guyver 1 
was an adult.
        "Yes.  High School to be more precise."  He said. 
"There was this fight and there was an explosion that scattered 
the units.  One flown into Sho's direction, one flown into 
another direction, and the last one was recovered by Chronos, 
but it was damaged.  Sho found the unit and touched.  The unit 
combined with Sho, turning him into the Guyver.  Chronos has 
been trying to get the units back, but with no success."
        "How did Sho meet Agito?"  I asked.  
        "They known each other in High School."  He replied.  
"Sho didn't find out that Agito was a Guyver, until Chronos 
kidnaped Mizuki, Tetsuro's sister.  Agito helped Sho save 
        "Why did they kidnap her?"  I asked, curious.
        "It was one of their attempts at killing Sho."  
Marukami answered.
        "How do you guys know that I was out here and was 
in danger?"  I asked.
        "Agito alerted us."  He answered.  "Agito is the 
son of Mr. Makasima, who used to be the head of Chronos Japan."
        "What happened to him?"  I asked.
        "He failed one too many times at recovering the 
Guyver unit."  He replied.  "He was either executed or 
processed into a zoanoid. Commander Goyu took his place."
        "So Commander Goyu kept Agito around, huh?"  I said.
        "Yes.  Agito keeps us up to date of what is happening 
at Chronos." He said.
        "Like a spy?"  
        "Yeah, I guess you could call him that."
        I realized that sounds of fighting had stopped, I 
turned to see both Guyvers coming toward us.
        "Did you kill them all?"  I asked.
        "No.  They retreated."  Guyver 1 answered.
        Suddenly, the Guyver units disappeared and in their 
places were two guys about my age.    Where Guyver 1 had 
been there was Sho, and where Guyver 3 had been there was Agito.  
They both had dark, shoulder length hair.  And they both 
looked worn out.    
        "That was cool.  Too bad I can't change back like 
that."  I said as I looked down at myself.
        "But you can.  They put you through the processing 
tanks like a zoanoid, so you should have that ability."  Said 
        "I thought I wasn't a zoanoid."  I said.
        "You're not.  But they processed you like they 
processed zoanoids, except you have completely different 
DNA."  Agito explained.
        At the mention of DNA, reminded me of my new black 
blood.  I felt sick in my stomach.  I looked at where my cut 
was and gasped.  It was gone. My arm looked like it never 
been hurt.
        "What is it?"  Sho asked.
        "That Thancrus guy cut my arm with one of his 
blades, but it's gone." I said.  "It must have something to 
do with my blood."
        "What?"  Sho, Agtio, and Marukami said.
        "You won't believe this, but I have black blood.  
I can prove it too." I said as I gently scratch the back of 
my hand with my claw.
        A drop of black blood appear at the scratch.  Sho and 
Agito gasped in shock.  Marukami jerked back and his eyes 
widen a little.
        "I think your blood lets you heal faster than normal.  
We'll have to take a blood sample to have tested."  Marukami said 
calmly.  "I have a friend that is a scientist and I would believe 
he would kill to get his hands on a sample of that blood."
        I nodded my head and said,  "What about my changing 
        "Oh yeah."  Marukami said.  "Picture in your mind what 
you looked like as a human."
        I closed my eyes and did that.  I nodded my head for 
him to go on.
        "Alright, now will your body to change into that 
form."  He said.
        I willed my body and began to feel my feet, hands, 
and bottom change. I opened my eyes and looked down at my feet.  
They were normal.  I was barefooted, of course, but my feet were 
back to normal.  The spikes were gone and my ears were no longer 
pointy.  And my tail was gone.
        I turned bright red when I realized my tail was gone.  I 
leaned back against the car to hide the hole in my pants.
        "Here."  Marukami said as he handed me his jacket.  I 
thanked him for it and tied it around my waist and let it hang 
down to cover my bottom.
        "We better get to the Sagawa House so you can clean 
yourself up." Sho said as he looked at me.
        I looked down at myself and saw that he was right.  
My clothes were torn and bloody.  There was blood from the 
zoanoids and my black blood mixed together.
        "Yeah, but I want to know what is going to happen to 
me.  I can tell Chronos isn't going to leave me alone, 
especially Zek-Toll."  I said.  "Where am I going to live?  
What am I going to do?"
        "Lets go, Tetsuro and Mizuki will start to worry 
soon."  Sho said.
        "We'll answer your questions along the way Megara."  
Marukami said as he opened a car door.  "Get in."
        I obediently climbed into the car.  Sho got in on 
the other side and Agito got in the passenger seat up front.  
Marukami got into the driver's seat and started the car.
        "Where am I going to stay?"  I asked again.
        "We were thinking maybe you could live at the Sagawa 
house."  Sho said.
        "Oh.  What am I going to do about who I am.  People 
are going to notice there is a new girl in town."  I said.
        "You will be identified as the Sagawa children's 
American cousin who comes to leave with them because of the 
death of your parents."  Agito said.
        "The only true thing about that is my parents really 
are dead."  I said softly.
        "I'm sorry."  Sho said.  Then he got this look on 
his face.  I looked into his blue eyes and saw a looked that 
is kinda between a guilty and sad look.  "My father died 
not too long ago."
        "Sorry."  I said back.
        Sho nodded and looked out the window.  I decided 
to leave him alone.  I could tell something about his dad 
was bothering him.
        I leaned forward and asked Agito, "One last question, 
Where am I going to go to school?"
        "You'll go to the same school that Sho, the Sagawa 
children, and I go to."  He answered.
        "Oh.  Who are the Sagawa children?"  I asked.
        "I thought the last question was the last one."  
He said.
        "Sorry, but I need to know."  I said.
        "Alright.  Tetsuro and Mizuki are going to be 
your new Japanese cousins.  They are about your age so you'll 
go to High School with them."  He said.
        "Oh."  I said.  I leaned my head against the back of 
the seat.  I closed my eyes to catch a few Z's.  
        "Megara?"  I heard Sho said.
        "Yes?"  I said.
        "I thought we would have a little trouble with 
you."  He said.
        "What kind of trouble?"  I asked.
        "Well. You don't seem to mind leaving your old 
life behind.  I thought you would refuse to live in Japan when 
your real home is New York."  He said.
        "There was nothing for me in New York.  I lived in 
a rat infested apartment.  I work a sleazy restaurant.  And I 
don't go to school."  I said.
        "Why didn't you go to school?"  He asked.
        "I quit."  I said.  "It was sleazy.  The teachers 
don't care about you.  Almost all the kids use drugs and committed 
some sort of crime.  And most of the girls are pregnant.  I 
don't how I got away from being hooked on drugs or being 
        "Surely there must have been something you liked 
New York."  Sho said.  
        "Well, I do have a friend, Libby."  I said.  "Can 
I sleep now?"  
        "Yeah."  He said as he turned his head to look out 
the window.
        I leaned my head back and went to sleep.

			Chapter 6: A New Home

                       Outside the Sagawa House

        "Wake up Megara.  We're here."  Sho whispered as he 
gently shook me.
        I opened my eyes and yawned.  When my eyes could focus, 
I saw that we were in a neighborhood.  We were in front of a 
white house with a brown roof.
        I crawled out of the car and stretched.  
        "I'm going to take Agito to his apartment."  Marukami 
said from inside the car.  Agito was seating beside him in 
the passenger side.  "You take Megara inside and help her 
settle in."
        "Sure."  Sho said as he led me through the gate and to 
the door of the house.
        The door opened out stepped a girl about my age.  She 
had brown hair cut a little above her shoulders and her eyes 
were gray.  She wasn't as tall as me, just a few inches shorter.  
She wore a brown robe which covered a white nightgown.  She 
hugged Sho.
        "They look like a cute couple."  I thought to myself.  
"This must be Mizuki."
        "Oh, Sho.  I was worried about you."  She said.
        "I'm alright.  Tired, but okay."  He said.
        "Who are you?"  Mizuki asked when she saw me.
        "I'm Megara."  I said.
        "I'm Mizuki."  She said.  "You must be tired.  I 
don't mean to be rude, but you sure could use a bath and some 
new clothes."
        I looked down at myself and saw that she was right.  
There was dried blood all over me.  
        "You're right."  I said.  "You don't suppose that I 
can take a bath in your bathroom?"  
        "I don't mind.  It's going to your bathroom too anyway."  
She said with a smile.
        I could tell we were going to be good friends.
        I went into the house with them.  A guy was coming 
down the stairs in a robe too.  He had brown hair like Mizuki, 
but his eyes were brown.  He was a little fat though.  
        "That must be Tetsuro."  I thought.
        "Hello, you must be Megara."  He said.  "I'm Tetsuro." 
        "Hi."  I said.
        "Let me led you to the bathroom, Megara."  Mizuki 
said.  "You can sleep in my room."
        "Thank you, but what am I going to do about clothes?"  
I asked, looking down at myself.
        "Since there isn't any school tomorrow, you can borrow 
some of my clothes and we could go to the mall."  She said.  
"We'll buy you some clothes there."   
        "Alright!"  I said.  I love shopping. I could tell 
Mizuki likes doing the same thing.
        Sho and Tetsuro groaned.
        "What's wrong with you guys?"  Mizuki and I demanded.
        "You guys will force us to take you to the mall.  And 
you will want to spend an eternity at the mall."  Sho said.
        "How am I supposed to get clothes then?"  I asked.
        I felt great.  I was with friends.  I knew I only 
knew Sho for a hour and Mizuki and her brother for only a few 
minutes, but I felt at home.
        I went up and took a bath and borrowed one of Mizuki's 
        "I got to make a call before I go to bed."  I told 
        "Why?"  She asked.
        "I got to ask a friend to send something to me."  
I explained.
        "Sure, go ahead."  Mizuki said as she pointed to a 
phone nearby.
        I picked the phone and through all that long distant 
        "Hello Libby."  I said into the phone.
        "Oh, my God.  Where have you been?!!!?"  My best 
friend asked.
        "I'm in Japan."  I said.  "Look, I can't explain.  
But can you send Punky to me?"
        "Are you in trouble?  And how the h*** did you get 
to Japan?!!?" She asked.
        "No.  I can't tell you.  Please send Punky to me."  
I said.
        "Please tell me.  Are you in trouble?"  She begged.
        "Yes, I am.  But there are people here that are helping 
me.  So don't worry.  And are you going to send Punky to me 
or not?"  I said.
        "Alright.  What address do I send her?"
        I gave her the address and hung up.  I decided not to 
get her involved with my problems.
        I turned to see Mizuki standing behind me.
        "Who is Punky?"  She asked confused.
        "You'll find out."  I said.

			Chapter 7: Punky

			The Sagawa House

        A few days later I received a phone call from 
the airport.  
        "Hey Tetsuro.  Do you think you could drive me to 
the airport to pick up something?"  I asked.
        "Sure."  Tetsuro replied cheerfully.
        Tetsuro took me to the airport and waited in the 
car while I went to get Punky.
        "Where is she?"  I asked the man at the desk.
        "I'll need to see some identification first, ma'am."  
The man said.
        "Oh yeah.  Sorry."  I said as I reached into my 
pursed.  I took out the driver's license that Agito gave me 
the other day.  He told me he and Marukami went into some
 important computer and gave me a new identity and stuff.
        The man looked at my license and said, "Alright, Miss 
Sagawa, Your pet is in the back.  Please follow me."
        I followed the man until I came to cage that held my 
pet.  I bent down and saw my black and white cat.
        "Hello baby.  Did you miss Mommy?"  I asked in baby talk.
        She jumped up at my voice and meowed loudly.
        "Yes, you did."  I said.
        I took Punky out to Tetsuro's car. 
        "That's Punky?"  He asked, studying Punky.
        "Sure is.  This my little sweetheart."  I said in baby 
talk again. I talk to Punky in baby talk a lot.
        We drove back home.
        Sho was at the Sagawa house and was with Mizuki.
        "Aww, she is so adorable."  Mizuki said as she 
scratched behind Punky's ear.  Punky purred.
        Sho stepped forward and scratched underneath her 
chin.  "You may have to get her spade here."  
        Right then, Punky bit his hand and hissed.
        "OWWWWW!!!!!!"  He yelled.  
        "Sorry.  Punky is really sensitive."  I apologized.
        Sho gave Punky a dirty look.  Punky only hissed back.
        "I bet that cat will turn into a real slut."  He said.
        Punky leaped from my arms and attacked him.  She 
dug her claws into his back and screeched.  So did Sho.  He 
stumbled forward and yelled for help.
        So thus began the war between Sho and Punky.

		Chapter: Zek-Toll Wants Revenge 

             		Commander Guyo's Office

        "So it appears there is more to Megara than we 
thought."  Guyo said with his back turned to what was left 
of the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 and Dr. Kemi.
        "It appears we will need to capture Megara and study her.
Especially her dark blood, that someone didn't inform me 
about."  Guyo said as he turned to face his employs.  He fixed 
his yellow and purple eyes on Zek-Toll.  
        Dr. Kemi smiled.  He has been wanting to study Megara 
for a while.
        "But Commander, I thought we were going to kill her."  
Zek-Toll said.
        "Oh, we will.  But first, lets find out as much about 
her as possible. I would like to see what she can really do when 
provoked."  Guyo said.
        "One day, Megara."  Zek-Toll thought to himself.  "I will 
kill you. You'll pay for what you did to Gastor and Thancrus.  We 
will meet again and when we do..."


So what do you think?  Like it or not?  Too violent? Too funny? Too many
cuss words? 
Pretty please tell me what you think.  I LOVE EM.  I'm also open for
suggestions for other stories about the Guyver and Megara.  And I also
answer questions about my stories.    


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