The Guyver's Angel of the Night				
				Part 2

			Chronos; the elevator

	The elevator stopped and all the lights went out.
 	"What happened?"  Mizuki asked looking around the small dark space.
 	"They stopped the elevator."  Xanatos said as he looked up at the
	"Can we turn it back on?"
	"Not from here.  We'll have to through the ceiling."  Xanatos 
said.  He raised his laser gun and said,  "Stand back."
	Mizuki leaned against the wall.  Xanatos fired a blast.  The blast
created a large hole in the ceiling.  Xanatos climbed through the hole
and reached down for Mizuki, "Take my hand."  Mizuki grabbed his hand
and Xanatos pulled her through the hole.
 	"Where do we go from here?"  Mizuki asked when she was safely 
on top of the elevator.
 	"Easy.  We go up."  Xanatos said as he scooped Mizuki up into his
arms.  His jet pack spit fire when he activated it.  He ascended off the
elevator and headed with Mizuki.  Mizuki put her arms around his neck
for safety.
 	When they reached the top, Xanatos stopped.  He hovered in front of 
a sealed door.  He raised his gun, aimed, and fired a blast.  The door
exploded open.  Xanatos ascended onto the roof then he gently set Mizuki
 	"We have to hurry.  They'll come soon."  Xanatos said.  He went 
to the edge of the roof.  "Lets go."
 	"What do you mean go?"  Mizuki said.
 	"We're going by air from here."  Xanatos said.
 	"I don't know how to fly."  Mizuki said again feeling stupid.
	"You don't fly.  You glide."  Xanato said.  "Spread your wings and
jump, then the wind currents lift you up.  You should figure out how to
make turns, gain and lose altitude by yourself."
 	Mizuki stood beside him and looked over the edge.  All the people 
on the street looked like ants.  Mizuki stepped back.  "I'm sorry.  I
 	Xanatos put a comforting hand on Mizuki's shoulder.  "I know it's 
scary for you, but you got to trust me.  I saw gargoyles glide a million
times.  Plus, I'll be right there beside you.  I promise I won't let you
 	"I can't do it."  Mizuki said to shake her head.
 	Xanatos' computer in his helmet detected zoanoids coming their way.
"Miss Sagawa, I hate to do this, but it's the only way."
 	He grabbed her wrist and began to pull her toward the edge.  Mizuki
pulled back, but he was too strong for her.  "What are you going to
do!!?"  She yelled.
 	"I'm going to teach you how to glide the same way my father taught 
me how to swim."  Xanatos said as he lifted her above his head.
 	"NOOOO!!!  DON'T!!!!!"  She screamed as she kicked and struggled.
 	"Remember to spread your wings."  Xanatos said as he tossed her over
the edge.
 	"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!"  Mizuki screamed as she went over the edge.  She
spread her wings in reflex.  The wind currents lifted her and she gained
altitude.  Mizuki didn't realized this until she noticed she hadn't hit
the street.  She opened her eyes to see the city below her.
 	"You're doing well."
 	Mizuki turned to see Xanatos flying next to her.
 	"I...I...I can't believe it.  I'm gliding."  Mizuki said.  "How do I
 	"You need to figure that out for yourself."  Xanatos said.  Within
minutes, Miuzki could turn, gain and lose altitude like Xanatos said. Xanatos 
pressed a button on his wrist.  A button that made all of the Steel Clan 
self destruct.


	Throughout the building, Steel Clan robots were exploding.  They
destroyed many rooms and a lot of zoanoids that way.

				    Out side Chronos

	"Now that you know how to glide, follow me."  Xanatos said as he flew
in a direction.  Mizuki followed him.
 	"Where are we going?"  She asked.
 	"We're going to New York in my private jet.  You'll be safer there."
 	"What about my brother?  He'll be worried sick about me, if he isn't
 	"Don't worry.  Your brother will join you in New York in two or three
 	"Thank you."
 	Mizuki thought for a moment then asked,  "Why did Puck change me into 
a gargoyle?"
 	"For two reasons."  Xanatos said.  "First, he was teaching my son how
to change people into gargoyles.  My son can use magic, and second, he
meant it as a joke.  He wanted to see what Guyver1 would do if you were
a creature."
 	"You know about the Guyver?"  Mizuki asked.
 	"Puck told me about Guyver1 and Guyver3."  Xanatos said.  "And here we
 	They landed at an airport, right beside a jet.  The sky was beginning
to turn into a light blue color.
 	"We better get you into a crate before sunrise."  Xanatos said as he
took off his helmet.
 	Mizuki recognized his face from a magazine article she read about
Xanatos' companies.  "He definitely is Xanatos."  She thought.
 	She followed Xanatos into the jet.  Xanatos took her to the back where
the cargo is stored.  She saw a huge topless crate.  Xanatos took Mizuki
to this crate.
 	"Hop in."  Xanatos said with a wave of his hand.
 	"How long will I be in this crate?"  Mizuki asked as she climbed onto
some smaller crates.
 	"Three or four hours.  When you wake up from your stone hibernation,
you'll be at the Eyrie building."  Xanatos said.
 	Mizuki got to the top of the crate and carefully let herself into the
crate.  "I want to thank you for getting me out of that God forsaken
place."  She said as her talons touched the bottom.
 	"I was trying to fix what Puck messed up."  Xanatos said.  "Are you
 	"Pretty much."  Mizuki answered from inside the crate.
 	"I'm sure you and the gargoyles will get along just fine."  Xanatos
said.  When there was no answer,  "Mizuki?"  Xanatos looked into the
crate and saw a stone statue of a teenage gargoyle.


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