The Guyver's Angel of the Night
			            Part 3

				The Sagawa House

 	"I'm saying, flying robots bust into the building and started killing
zoanoids.  During all the destruction, one of them got away with Mizuki. When 
it got Mizuki away from the building, the rest of the robots exploded."  Agito 
said calmly.
 	"Why didn't you do something?"  Sho said through his teeth.
 	"I couldn't get away to bio-boost or call you."  Agito said.
 	"Where is she?"  Sho asked.
 	"I don't know."  Agito said.

			New York City; Castle Wyvern; Noon

 	"Careful with that gargoyle!"  Xanatos said to the man operating the
crane.  "I don't want it chipped."
 	Mizuki was lifted out of the crate in ropes and straps.  The crane
lifted her into the air.
 	"Where do ya want it?"  The man asked Xanatos.
 	"On the left side of that gargoyle."  Xanatos said, pointing to
 	The man gently set Mizuki down on the parapet beside Brooklyn.  More
men came and unfastened the ropes and straps.
 	"That'll be all, gentlemen."  Xanatos said.

				Castle Wyvern; sunset

  	After the sun disappeared, the gargoyles and Mizuki began to awaken.
One by one the gargoyles burst out of their stone skin.  Brooklyn was
the last of the Manhattan Clan.
 	After he burst out of his stone skin and relaxed, he heard a roar
beside him.  "That's strange.  I don't remember anybody being on the
left side of me when we turned to stone last night."  He thought as he
turned his head to see where the roar came from.  He saw Mizuki.
 	"Hello."  He said to her.
 	"AAAAAIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!"  Mizuki screamed when she saw him.  Not the
response Brooklyn had hoped for.
 	Mizuki fell off the parapet and crawled away from him backwards.  She
backed until she was against the wall.  "St . . . St . . .  Stay away
from me!!"
 	"I'm not going to hurt you."  Brooklyn said as he jumped off his
parapet.  "I'm Brooklyn, what's your name and where are you from?"
 	By then, the others had heard Mizuki screamed and had come to
 	"Whoa!  Another gargoyle!"  Lexington said when he saw her.
 	"Where did she come from?"  Broadway asked as he took a step closer to
 	"Stand back lads.  Can't ye see the lass is frighten."  Hudson said to
the Trio.
 	Angela, Goliath, and Elisa were the last to arrive.  Goliath set Elisa
down and stood in front of Mizuki.  Mizuki gasped when she saw him.  To
her, he was as big as a zoanoid, possibly bigger.  She was very
frightened of him.
	"Please don't hurt me."  She pleaded with them.
 	"No one is going to hurt you."  Brooklyn said as he went closer to
her.  He reached out a talon and gently touched Mizuki's shoulder.  She
flinched when he touched.  He slowly withdrew his talon.  There was a
hurt look on his face.
 	"Who are you?"  Goliath asked Mizuki.
 	"Her name is Mizuki Sagawa."  Said a voice behind them.  They turned 
to see Xanatos.
 	"Where did she come from?"  Elisa asked.
 	"She was a human in Japan.  Puck turned her into a gargoyle during our
vacation.  She was in trouble so we brought her here."  Xanato said as
he walked through them to Mizuki.  Mizuki stood up and clinged to his
 	"It's all right, Miss Sagawa."  Xanato said.  "They won't hurt you I
promised.  These are the seven gargoyles I told you about in Chronos,
remember?"  Mizuki slowly nodded her head, and relaxed.
 	"What is Chronos?"  Goliath asked.
 	"I better explain things to you.  Why don't you all come to my office?
I'll explain things better to you there."  Xanato said.  Then he turned
to Angela,  "Why don't you stay here with Mizuki, Angela?"
 	"Yes sir."  Angela said.
 	All the gargoyles and Elisa followed Xanatos except Mizuki, Angela, and
Brooklyn.  Brooklyn took one last look at Mizuki, then followed the
others.  Mizuki and Angela looked at each other.
 	"Are you related to the big gray gargoyle?"  Mizuki asked trying to
start a conversation.
 	"That's Goliath.  He's my father."  Angela replied.  She hoped this
would turn into a conversation.
 	"You two look so much alike."  Mizuki said.
 	"Yeah, I guess so."  Angela said.  Then they fell silent again for a
 	"I hope I'm not being rude, but is that loincloth comfortable."  Mizuki
asked, desperate to start a conversation.
 	"It's okay."  Angela said.  Then an idea came to her.  "I got some
outfits that you could try on."
 	"You mean you have other loincloths?"  Mizuki asked.
 	"Yes, and you could try them on if you like. They're in my room."
Angela said.
 	Mizuki wasn't sure about this.  She didn't think she would be too
comfortable in a loincloth, but Angela seemed excited about.  "All
right, lets go."
 	"Great!  Follow me."  Angela led her into the castle.  They went down a
long corridor and stopped at a door.
 	"This is my room."  Angela said as she opened the door.  Inside the
room there was a queen size bed, a dresser, and a wardrobe.  The floor
had white carpeted and tapestries hung on the walls.
 	"This is a beautiful room."  Mizuki said as she walked in.
 	"Thank you.  Xanatos gave us each our own room whenever we want to be
alone or to change clothes."  Angela said as she shut the door behind
them and walked over to the dresser.  She opened a drawer and pulled out
a bag of cookies.  "Want some?"
 	"Sure."  Mizuki said as she took the bag.  She sat on the bed and began
to munch on them.
 	"What would you like?  A one pieces like mind, or a two piece?"  Angela
asked as she opened her wardrobe.
 	Mizuki thought for a minute then said,  "A two piece would be nice."
 	"All right.  I'll lay them on the bed and you can choose which you one
you like."  Angela said as she dumped an armload of clothes on the bed.
 	Mizuki remembered the Trio and said,  "Do you have a . . . a
boyfriend?  I mean you must have one since there are three other male
gargoyles your age."
 	"Kinda.  I have a mate.  His name is Broadway."  She said.
 	"A mate?"  Mizuki asked.  "You're married?"
 	"Gargoyles don't get married."  Angela said.  "We fall in love.  If it
works out, a couple become known as mates.  Meaning the couple can only
mate with each other."
 	"Do you have children?"  Mizuki asked.
 	"Oh no, Broadway and I are much too young to have hatchlings."  Angela
said.  She looked at Mizuki with a sly grin.  "But that doesn't mean
we're too young for mating.  If you know what I mean."
 	Mizuki giggled.  "Can I see a picture of him?"
 	"Sure."  Angela picked up a framed picture of the Trio eating pizza
from her dresser.  She handed it to Mizuki.  "The guy that is trying to
stuff a whole pizza into his mouth is Broadway."
 	Mizuki giggled.  "I take it he likes to eat."
 	"He does, but he is sweet and loves me.  Angela said.
 	"Who are these other two?"  Mizuki asked after she swallowed a cookie.
 	"The little green one who is gaping at Broadway is Lexington."  Angela
said as she began to straighten the cloths separately.  "He's pretty smart when 
it comes to machines and computers.  The one with the beak that is laughing at 
Broadway is Brooklyn."  She looked up with a sly look,  "I think he likes you."
 	Mizuki nearly choked on a cookie.  "No way!"
 	"I can tell from the way he looks at you."  Angela said.  She stood
back and said,  "Take your pick."
 	Mizuki looked at all the loincloths out which Angela had laid.  There
were all kinds of colors and designs.  Some had dots, stripes, and checkers. Some 
were silky, polyester, and cotton.  She saw a blue one that she liked.
 	"I like this one."  She said as she picked up the loincloth and top.
She sat up and pressed the top to her chest and looked into the mirror
to see how it would look.
 	"Okay."  Angela said.
 	Mizuki put down the cookies and began to unzip her shorts and began to
pull them off (she was wearing panties).  She carefully pulled her tail out before 
she stepped out of them.  She folded the shorts and laid them on the bed.  She 
unbuttoned her blouse.
 	"Angela, I have a problem."  Mizuki said as she struggled with the
blouse.  She couldn't pull her blouse off because her wings here too
 	"You don't mind if I cut the hole a little bigger?"  Angela said as she
picked up a pair scissors from her dresser.
 	"No, I don't mind."  Mizuki said.  Angela cut the hole in Mizuki's
blouse, where her wings connected her back, a little bit bigger.
 	"That's better."  Mizuki said as she pulled the blouse off her wings.
She picked up her new clothes and asked,  "Can I change in a more private
 	"You can change behind the wardrobe's door."  Angela said as she opened
the door a little wider.
 	Mizuki stepped behind the door.  She threw her panties and bra over the
door to Angela.
 	From behind the door, Miuzki said,  "Are you the only female here?"
 	"Yes."  Angela said as she laid Mizuki's bra and panties on her clothes.
	"Broadway, Lexington, and Brooklyn must have fought over you."  Mizuki
 	"They sure did."  Angela said remembering when she first met the Trio.
"Almost every five minutes they were fighting over who was going to go patrol with 
me or tell me some muggers and rapists they caught.  They kept showing off and got 
into trouble.  The worse thing they did was call me Angie, but I put a stop to it."
 	Mizuki giggled and asked,  "What did you mean when you go on patrol?"
 	"We gargoyles protect.  We protect the city from crime.  When we go on
patrol, we look for muggers, murders, rapists, and anybody that is breaking 
the law."  Angela said.
 	"Then you guys must be busy a lot since this is New York."  Mizuki
 	"Yeah, I guess we are.  But the crime rate has gone down some since we
started."  Angela said.  "Are you almost done yet?"
 	"Yes, but I'm having trouble with this belt."  Mizuki said as she came
out from behind the door.  She had her top on and she was holding her
loincloth together by the belt.
 	"Let me help you."  Angela said as she began to fasten the belt.  She
stood back and looked at Mizuki in.  "You look great!!"
 	"Thank you."  Mizuki said as she looked at her self in the mirror.  The
tight top dipped low at the front revealing the curves of her breasts. She 
looked down at her revealed thighs.  She never wore anything that revealed this 
much of her thighs.  She sure wasn't going to wear this when she glided.  It 
may expose too much of her (especially when one of the Trio is behind her).  It 
felt weird not wearing any underwear.  She felt those barbarian women she 
saw on t.v.
 	"You need some jewelry."  Angela said as she walked to her dress.  She
opened a small box and began to take out some gold jewels.  "You'll need
an anklet and a necklace."
 	"They're beautiful!"  Mizuki said when she saw them.  The necklace had
small diamonds in the middle of a gold heart.  The anklet was made of
gold, too.
 	"Here you go."  Angela said as she handed Mizuki the jewels.  It took
Miuzki a few minutes to put on the jewels.
 	"You look beautiful!!"  Angela said.  "I GOT to show you to the Trio."
 	"I don't know."  Mizku said.  She didn't feel comfortable about being
around guys wearing something that exposed a lot of skin.  Even though
they weren't humans.
 	"Oh, c'mon."  Angela said.
 	"Okay."  Mizuki said reluctantly.

				The kitchen

 	Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway was sitting around a table covered
with food.  There were pizza, Chinese food, hamburgers, hotdogs, donuts,
fried chicken, and milkshakes.  Most of it was for Broadway.
 	"I thought Dr. Sarvarious's creations were bad."  Lexington said as he
took a bite out of a hamburger.
 	"Compared to those zoanoids, Dr. Sarvarious might as well have created
Little Bo Peeps."  Broadway said as he shoved a whole egg roll into his
 	"What do you guys think of Mizuki?"  Brooklyn asked.
 	"I think she's kinda cute."  Lexington said.  Then he grinned slyly.
"Do you like her or something?"
 	"NO!!"  Brooklyn said blushing.
  	"You're blushing."  Broadway teased.  "I think he's in love."
 	"I am NOT in love with Mizuki!"  Brooklyn said trying to keep from
 	"Yeah, sure."  Lexington said with a smile.
 	Angela stepped into the kitchen.  "Hey guys!  I like you to meet Miss
Sagawa from Japan!!"  She as she held her arms out to the door.
 	Mizuki slowly and shyly stepped into the kitchen in her loincloth.  All
the male gargoyles' mouths dropped open.  Broadway's mouth was full of
 	"Broadway, close your mouth, we don't want to see what you been
eating."  Angela said.  Broadway's mouth slowly obeyed.
 	"Jalapena."  The Trio said together under their breaths.
 	"Would you like to sit and eat with us?"  Brooklyn said, snapping out
of it.  "We have pizza, hamburgers, and Chinese food."
 	"No thank you."  Mizuki said.  "I would rather look around the castle."
	"I'll show you around."  Angela offered.  Then she turned to Broadway,
"We're still on for the movies tomorrow night, right?"
 	"Oh sure.  But I would rather see 'Scream' than 'William Shakespeare's
Romeo and Juliet.'"  Broadway said before he inhaled a milkshake.
 	"You know how I feel about scary movies."  Angela said.  Broadway gave
her a pitiful look.  She sighed and said,  "If you want to see 'Scream'
that much, we'll watch 'William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet' at the
9:00 movie, then we'll stay and watch 'Scream' at the 12:00 movie.  All
 	"I'm all right with that."  Broadway said.
 	"C'mon, Mizuki."  Angela said as she pulled Mizuki along with her.  "I
want you to meet the others."
 	After they were gone, Broadway turned to Brooklyn,  "If you asked
Mizuki out to the movie tomorrow night, Angela and I and you and Mizuki
could double date."
 	"Who said I liked Mizuki?"  Brooklyn asked.
 	"We both know you like her."  Lexington said.  "So quit lying and ask
her out, Lover Boy."
 	"I don't want to talk about this anymore."  Brooklyn said as he left
the kitchen.

				The library

 	Angela took Mizuki to the library after she introduced Hudson, Goliath,
and Bronx to her.
 	"This is where we keep all our books."  Angela said.
 	"Wow!"  Mizuki said as she stared at the ceiling high shelves of
books.  On one side of the large room was a sofa.  No doubt for sitting
on and reading.  "Is it all right if I read one of them?"
 	"Sure."  Angela said.  "Is it all right if I leave you here?  Broadway
and I go on patrol at this time.
 	"I don't mind.  I'd like to read some of these books."  Mizuki said as
she looked at some books.
 	"Okay.  If you want some company, Hudson and Bronx is watching t.v."
Angela said as she walked out of the library.
 	Mizuki watched her leave.  She was amazed at how well they got along.
She was joking, laughing, trying on cloths, and talked about boys with
something that was non-human.  They acted like girl friends.
	Mizuki turned her attention to the books.  She began to look through
the books until she came upon "Frankenstein".
 	"I know how this guy feels."  Mizuki thought as she took it and opened
it.  It was old and had pictures.  She found a small sofa near the door,
cape her wings, sat down and began to read.  Little did she know.  She
was being watch by a secret admirer.

				Outside the library

 	Brooklyn peeked through a crack in the door at Mizuki.  He had followed
Angela and her.  He wanted to ask her out, but didn't know how to do
so.  He often saw men ask women out on t.v. and in movies, but he didn't
know if Mizuki would like that way.
 	"What are you doing here?"  Came a voice behind him.
 	Brooklyn turned to see Lexington.  He saw Alex sitting on Lexington's
back like a horse.
 	"Nothing!"  Brooklyn said quickly.  "What are you doing here with
 	"Owen and I were having trouble putting Alex to sleep."  Lexington
said.  "He kept saying Mizuki's name.  Owen and I were talking about
Mizuki in front of him, and he recognize the name.  Owen thinks if
Mizuki plays with him, he may settle down and go to sleep.  So when I
looked for Mizuki, but I found Angela.  She told me Mizuki was in the
library, so here I am."
 	"Exington is taking me to Zuki."  Alex said.
 	Brooklyn got an idea.  "Hey, Lex.  Let me take Alex to see her."
 	"Why?"  Lexington asked.
 	"Well. . .Um. . . I . . .I want to. . . do you a . . . favor."
Brooklyn said trying to come up with an excuse.
 	"Yeah, right."  Lexington said.  "You just want to use Alex to get near
 	"Ya wight."  Alex said repeating after Lexington.
 	"All right I confess."  Brooklyn said.  "Now can I take Alex to
 	"Sure."  Lexington said as took Alex off his back.  "Alex, Brooklyn is
going to take you to see Mizuki, okay?"
 	"Okay."  Alex said.
 	Brooklyn gently took Alex's hand into his talon.   "Thanks."  Brooklyn
 	"You're welcome and good luck."  Lexington said as he disappeared down
the corridor.

				The library

 	Mizuki heard the door.  She looked up from her book to see Brooklyn and
Alex.  Alex let go of Brooklyn's talon and ran to Mizuki saying,  "Zuki,
 	"Is this Alex?"  Miuzki asked recognizing Alex.
 	"Yes it is."  Brooklyn said.  "He wanted to see you."
 	"Zuki, Zuki, Zuki."  Alex said.  He held his arms out to her.
 	Mizuki smiled.  "He isn't afraid of us?"  She asked.
 	"No, he's been hanging around Lexington a lot."  Brooklyn said.
 	Mizuki closed her book and set it aside.  She reached up and picked up
Alex.  She gently set him on her lap.  Brooklyn sat close beside her,
but she didn't notice.
 	Alex looked up at her and said,  "Zuki girgule."
 	Brooklyn saw sadness in Mizuki's eye for second.  She smiled and let
Alex play with her tail.
 	"Can you say Sagawa?"  She asked Alex.
 	Alex could only manage to say, ‘Saga'.  Mizuki chuckled and very, very
carefully (because of her sharp talons) tickled the tot.  Alex squealed
with laughter.
 	Then Alex began to say,  "Twink, Twink."  Mizuki gave Brooklyn a
puzzled look.
 	"He says that whenever he wants someone to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star"."  Brooklyn explained.
 	"Oh."  Mizuki said.  She gently lifted Alex into her arms and began to
cradle him.  He laid his head on her arm and sucked his thumb.  His
little blue eyes looked up at her.
 	She began to sing the rhyme in a soft voice.  Alex's eyes closed
halfway at first, then a few minutes later his eyes were completely
closed.  Mizuki and Brooklyn could tell he was asleep.  She carefully
set him on her lap as not to awaken him.  He slept like a baby.
 	"He is so adorable."  Mizuki whispered as she gently touched Alex's
	"Yeah, I guess he is cute."  Brooklyn said softly.  "Is it all right if
I ask you something?"
 	"Sure.  Ask away."  Mizuki said turning her attention to Brooklyn.
 	"You know about Angela and Broadway's date?"  Brooklyn asked.
 	"Yes."  Mizuki replied.  "They're going to see 'Shakespeare's Romeo and
Juliet'.  What about it?"
 	"Um. . . Do you. . . Think you would. . . You would want to. . . I mean
only if you want to. . ."  Brooklyn said pausing a lot.
 	Mizuki smiled at him.  "What are you trying to ask me?"
 	Brooklyn took a big breath and he said quickly,  "Would you want to go
to the movies with me tomorrow night?"
 	Mizuki was surprised, she didn't expect him to ask her this.  Then she
remembered Angela had told her that Brooklyn liked her.  A gargoyle had
just asked her out.  Then she thought about Agito.  He had never asked
her out.  Thoughts was going through Mizuki's head.  Suddenly, she heard
herself say yes.
 	"You will."  Brooklyn said surprised.
 	"I would like to go to the movies with you." Mizuki said.
 	"That's great."  Brooklyn said loudly.
 "Shhhhh."  Mizuki said putting a talon to her lips and pointing to Alex
with her other talon.  She carefully stood up with Alex in her arms.  "I
better put him to bed."
 	"I'll show you where the nursery is."  Brooklyn said as he stood up
beside her.

			Later; 5 minutes till sunset

 	"What do you do when it's sunset."  Mizuki asked Angela.
 	"We get onto these parapets and do poses."  Angela said as she climbed
onto a parapet.
 	"What kind of poses."  Mizuki asked and climbed onto a parapet beside
 	"Scary poses.  Here let me show you."  Angela said.  She stood straight
up and rased her talons.  She bared her teeth and opened her eyes wide.
She looked like she was going to tear somebody before her apart.  Then
she relaxed and said,  "Like that."
 	"Let me try."  Mizuki said.  She got down in a low crouch and looked
down a the street far below her.  She outstretched her talons before
her.  She opened her mouth to reveal her fangs.  She pulled her lips
back into a snarl.  And she spread her wings.  She looked like she was
going to swoop down to the street and kill somebody.
 	"Wow!!!  Who taught you to be that scary?"  Brooklyn asked as he landed
on a parapet beside Mizuki.
 	Mizuki thought about all the zoanoids she had saw.  "I had very good
teachers."  She replied as the sun came up and turned her to stone.

				Japan; the Sagawa house

 	As soon as Agito stepped into the house, Sho said,  "I'd like to be the
first to say that this is all your fault."
 	Agito gave Sho a dirty look, took off his coat, and hung it up.  He
walked past Sho and into the livingroom.  He sat down in a chair and
looked at Tetsuro (who was sitting on the couch) and Sho (who followed
Agito into the livingroom).
 	"This is all your fault, Makashima."  Sho said in a hateful tone.  "If
you had let me take Mizuki out of Chronos, she wouldn't have been
kidnaped by robots."
 	"How was I suppose to know that robots would come for her?"  Agito
said.  "I was trying to help her by letting Chronos examine her."
 	"Well, it sure didn't help her."  Sho growled standing up.
 	"Stop it." Tetsuro said standing between them. "It won't help Mizuki
if you two keep fighting."
 	Sho sat down in a chair and gave Agito a dirty look.  Agito ignored the
look and turned his attention on Tetsuro.
 	"The robot that abducted your sister destroyed all the cameras, so
there isn't much Chronos knows about these things."  Agito said.  "When
the robot left the building, Gyou sent out a squad to follow them.  They
followed them to an airport.  They didn't enter the airport, for fear of
being sighted by more robots.  They do not know which plane Mizuki
boarded, but they do know she left Japan."
 	"Where is she now?"  Tetsuro asked.
 	"We do not know at this time."  Agito said.  "There were over ten
planes and thirteen jets in that airport.  Chronos is trying to find out
which one she may have boarded."
 	"Is that all you can tell us?"  Tetsuro asked.
 	"Well, there is one piece on information you should know.  The squad
that followed the robot said Mizuki was gliding beside the thing.  She
went with it willing, so she may not be in danger at all."
 	"I hope so."  Tetsuro said.

			New York; Castle Wyvern

 	Mizuki and the gargoyles came out of their stone sleep at sunset.
Mizuki shook pieces of stone from her hair before she remember her date
with Brooklyn.  She began to have seconds thoughts until Brooklyn
 	"Hey Mizuki.  Are you ready for the movies tonight?"  Brooklyn asked
 	Mizuki looked into his eyes and saw that he was really excited about
going out with her tonight.  She didn't want to disappoint him or break
his heart.  "Sure, as soon as I change into my old clothes."
 	"Okay."  Brooklyn said.  "I'll see you later."
 	Mizuki climbed off her parapet and was about to enter the castle when
she bumped into Goliath.  She couldn't help being afraid of him.  He was
taller than Guyver1.
 	"Good Evening, Mizuki."  Goliath greeted.
 	"Good Evening."  Mizuki repeated.
 	Goliath could sense her fear.  "Mizuki, you don't need to be afraid of
me.  I won't hurt you.  Gargoyles protect people."
 	"Yes, sir."  Mizuki said relaxing a little. "I need to change."
 	Goliath stepped aside and let Mizuki pass him.  Mizuki hurried to
Angela's room and changed back into her old clothes.  Then she went to
find Angela.
 	She went to the kitchen and found Broadway.  He had a table covered
with food.  He was shoving pizza into his mouth.
	"Hello."  Mizuki said as she sat down across from him.
 	Broadway nodded.  He couldn't say anything because his mouth was full.
After he swallowed, he said,  "Brooklyn told me you're going to the
movies with him tonight.  About time he got himself a girl.  Know what I
mean?"  Broadway said with a wink.
 	"What do you mean with ‘about time'?"  Mizuki asked as she helped
herself to a hamburger.
 	"He doesn't have much luck with women."  Broadway said.  "First, there
was Maggie Reed.  He fell in love with her, but she didn't have the same
feelings for him.  She was already in love with Talon."
 	"Who is Maggie and Talon?"  Mizuki asked.
 	"Dr. Sevarious, a genetic scientist, mutated four people into huge cats
with wings."  Broadway said.  "Two of them was Maggie and Talon.  It's a
long story, but they're now happy.  Then Angela came along.  We all fell
heads over talons for her.  But I was the lucky the one.  It took
Brooklyn a long time to accept it."
 	"I didn't know he loved other women besides me."  Mizuki said softly.
"Poor guy.  Being dumped by two women.  No wonder he was so nervous
around me when he asked me out.  What am I going to do?"  She thought to
	"Broadway, I don't have feelings for Brooklyn."  Mizuki said softly.
Broadway looked at her.  "I know I shouldn't have said yes when he asked
me out if I didn't like him, but he took me by surprise.  Before I knew
what was happening, I said yes.  I don't know why.  It was the first
time somebody that isn't human asked me out."
 	"It's okay."  Broadway said.  "But why don't you give Brooklyn a
chance?  You may start liking him before the night is over."
 	"I'll try."  Mizuki said.  "But I don't know."

			Later that night

 	"Are you ready to go?"  Angela asked Mizuki.
 	"Yes, lets go."  She said.
 	"Good, Broadway and Brooklyn are ready for us."  Angela said.
	They met their dates outside on the balcony.  Angela gave Broadway a
hug and a kiss.  Mizuki stood beside Brooklyn and watched them.  She
smelled cologne on Brooklyn.
 	"Well, lets go."  Brooklyn said as he took off into the night.  Mizuki,
Angela and Broadway followed.

			Japan; Sagawa house

 	Sho was sitting in a chair when the phone rang.  He picked it up and
said,  "Hello?"
 	"Sho, come to the lake in one hour."  Agito's voice said.  "I know
where Mizuki is."
 	"WHERE IS SHE!!!!????"  Sho yelled.
 	"I can't tell you now.  Come as the Guyver and bring Tetsuro.  I can't
talk now, I got to go."  There was a click.
 	Sho hung up the phone and ran to get Tetsuro.

			Agito's apartment

 	The phone rang and Agito picked it up.
 	"Agito, meet me at the lake in an hour."  Sho's voice said.  "I know
where Mizuki is."
 	"How did you find out?"  Agito said raising an eyebrow.
 	"I can't tell you now.  Just meet me at the lake.  And come as the
Guyver."  Then there was a clicked.
 	Agito hung up.

			New York; Movie Theater

 	"Is this where you guys watch movies?"  Mizuki said as she looked
around the room.  The room was filled with bags of popcorn, candy, and
old cushion seats.
 	"Yeah, this is where they store all their food and stuff."  Brooklyn
said as he arranged the seat cushions into a little bed.  Broadway was
doing the same thing on the other side of the room.
 	When Mizuki asked Broadway why he and Angela was sitting so far away,
Broadway looked nervous and embarrassed when he said they had their
private reasons.  Mizuki decided to leave it at that.
 	When Brooklyn was finished with the cushions, he laid down and beckoned
for Mizuki to lay down with him.  Mizuki went over and laid down, but
instead of laying down on seat cushions, she found herself laying down
on Brooklyn's wing and arm.  She looked over at him and caught him
looking at her.  He quickly turned away.


 	In the middle of the movie, Mizuki looked over to Angela and Broadway.
They were making out.  She began to envy Angela.  She wished she had
somebody that loved her.
 	She looked over at Brooklyn and saw him looking at her again.  He
quickly looked away.  She looked back at Angela and Broadway.  They were
still at it.  She envied Angela even more.
 	She snuggled up closer to Brooklyn.  She felt him go tense, then
relaxed.  Without thinking, she laid her head on his shoulder.  She
immediately regretted it when Brooklyn pulled her closer to him.
 	A few minutes later, she felt lips pressed against her cheek.  She
looked up and saw Brooklyn looking at her with determination in his
eyes.  She didn't know how to react.  She was getting nervous and tried
to pull herself away from Brooklyn, but he held her tight.
 	He rolled over on his side and began to kiss her mouth.  Apart of her
liked it.  This what she wanted.  A guy to love her, but it didn't feel
 	"Brooklyn, please.  I'm trying to watch the movie."  Mizuki whispered
and tried to push away.
 	"Then rent it when comes out on video."  He said and pulled her closer
to where her body was pressed against his.  He began to nibble her neck.
	"I don't want to wait for the video.  I want to watch it now.  Now quit
it."  She said more sternly.
 	"All right."  Brooklyn said as he rolled onto his back, but he didn't
relax his grip on her.  She remained pressed against his body.


 	Tears rolled down Mizuki's cheeks at the end of the movie.  Romeo and
Juliet had just killed themselves.  She looked over at Angela and saw
that she was crying, too.  When the credits were over, they all stood up
and stretched their limbs and wings.
 	"That was a good movie."  Mizuki said.
 	"It was great."  Angela agreed.
 	"The only part I liked was when that guy was dressed like a woman."
Broadway said.  "Now we can watch 'Scream'."
 	Angela sighed and said to Mizuki,  "You and Brooklyn can go home if you
want to.  Broadway and I will stay and watch 'Scream'."
 	"We'll see you two back at the castle later."  Brooklyn said.  He and
Mizuki climbed out the hole in the ceiling of the room and out the
roof.  They took off into the night.


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