The Guyver's Angel of the Night
			           Part 5

				Statue of Liberty

 	"Here we are."  Brooklyn said as he landed on Liberty's head.
 	"This is wonderful, Brooklyn."  Mizuki said.  "I'm glad you brought me
 	"Me too."  He said.
 	Mizuki looked at the city across the ocean.  It looked so beautiful and
 	"Mizuki, I have something I want to tell you."  Brooklyn said.
 	"What is it?"  Mizuki asked.
 	Brooklyn took in a deep breath.  He looked a little nervous, but
confident.  "I been wanting to tell you this for a long time."  He
said.  "When I first saw you, I thought that you are the most beautiful
creature alive."
 	Mizuki blushed.  "Thank you, Brooklyn."  Was all she could say.
 	"I'm not finished."  Brooklyn said.  He didn't say it in a hateful way,
just a truthful way.  "I never felt this way about anybody before.  I
love you."
 	Tears came to Mizuki's eyes.  What he said really touched her, but she
didn't love him back.  She knew what she had to do.
 	"Brooklyn, I. . ."  Mizuki started to say, but was cutoff by Brooklyn.
 	"Please let me finish."  He said as he came closer to Mizuki.  "I want
us to become mates.  I really think we can live together in the castle."
	Brooklyn gently pulled Mizuki close to him.  Mizuki looked up at him.
She could tell by looking into his eyes that he really loved her.  Tears
streamed down Mizuki's cheeks.
 	"Think about it, Mizuki."  Brooklyn said.  "You'll be protected from
 	Mizuki looked up at him.  Her eyes were wide.  "Protection from
Chronos?  But there is no protection from Chronos."
 	"Yes there is."  Brooklyn said in a serious tone.  "I believe Elisa
told you about a magical island called Avalon."
 	"Yes, she did."  Mizuki said.
 	"If Chronos gives you anymore trouble, Puck can send us to Avalon."
Brooklyn said.  "There are other gargoyles and Faes there that will be
happy to take us in.  Chronos won't be able to follow you there.  Think
about it, Mizuki, if you go to Avalon, you'll never have to worry about
Chronos hurting you again.  We can even take your brother and your
 	Mizuki thought about this.  Was it possible that she wouldn't have to
worry about Chronos hurting her or her friends again?
 	"Sho and I could live together in peace."  Mizuki thought.  "Except it
wouldn't be Sho and me, it would be Brooklyn and me."
 	"I can't."  Mizuki said.
 	"Avalon can be a weird place at first, but you'll get use to it."
Brooklyn said.
 	"It's not Avalon."  Mizuki said.  "I can't become your mate because I
don't love you."
 	Brooklyn was silent.  He didn't say anything.
 	"I'm sorry."  Mizuki said.  "It wouldn't work out between us."
 	"Why?"  He asked.
 	"Brooklyn, I don't want to live the rest of my life as a gargoyle."
Mizuki said.  "I'm a human being.  And I want to change back into one as
soon as Puck shows up."
 	"What's wrong with being a gargoyle?"  He asked.
 	"Nothing."  Mizuki said.  "I wasn't born a gargoyle, I was born a
human.  And I want to live the rest of my days as a human."  She thought
for minute then said,  "And there are other reasons.  I want to see the
day light again.  I miss feeling the heat of the sun against my skin.  I
hate that I can only see my brother during the night.  I would never be
happy."  She thought for minute and said,  "Plus, I think I love Sho."
 	She looked up and looked into Brooklyn's eyes saw disappointment, hurt,
anger, and sadness.
 	"Can't you a least give me a chance?"  Brooklyn asked.
 	"No."  Mizuki said with tears in her eyes.  "I'm sorry."
 	"Please."  Brooklyn pleaded kneeling before her, holding her talon in
his.  "Just give me a chance.  Please."
 	"Brooklyn, please don't do this."  Mizuki said.  "I can't love you when
I love someone else."
 	"FINE!!!"  Brooklyn yelled.  "Okay, if you don't love me than I don't
love you!"
 	"Brooklyn, . . ."  Mizuki started, but Brooklyn cut her off.
 	"You don't have to say anymore."  Brooklyn said.  "Because I'm
leaving.  You can go home by yourself."
 	Mizuki felt a little angry.  "Fine with me.  I don't need you.  I've
never needed you and I never wanted you."
 	Brooklyn jumped off Liberty's head and glided toward the Eyrie
 	Mizuki sat down and thought about what just happen.
 	"It's not my fault if I don't love him."  She thought to herself.  "I
never loved him."

				Castle Wyvern

 	"Hey, Brooklyn, where's Mizuki?"  Broadway asked when he saw Brooklyn
landing on a parapet.
 	"H*** if I know."  Brooklyn said as he walked inside.
 	He walked past Elisa and Angela.  They could sense something was wrong
with him.
 	As soon as Brooklyn got into his room, he began to trash it.  He
grabbed his posters and tore them apart.  Flipped his bed over and tore
the blankets to shreds.  He heard a knock at the door.
 	"Brooklyn, is something wrong?"  Came Elisa's voice.
 	The door slowly opened and Elisa stepped in.  "For some reason, I don't
think that is true."  She said studying the room.
 	"I'm sorry if I yelled at you."  Brooklyn apologized.  "Something
 	Brooklyn sat on his flipped over mattress and buried his face into his
talons.  Elisa sat beside him.
 	"What happened?"  She asked.
 	"I told Mizuki I loved her and she turned me down."  Brooklyn said.
 	"Oh."  Elisa said.  Elisa felt sorry for Brooklyn.  She knew this was
the third time that Brooklyn got turned down by a girl.
 	"What's wrong with me?"  Brooklyn said.  "Why don't women like me?"
 	"I don't know."  Elisa said truthfully.
 	"I don't understand."  Brooklyn said.  "Mizuki and I had it made.  We
would have become mates if Puck didn't bring Sho here."
 	"Are you sure about that?"  Elisa asked.
 	"Yes."  Brooklyn said stubbornly.
 	"I don't think so."  Elisa said.  "I think she loved him for while and
didn't realized it until tonight."
 	Brooklyn was quiet.  Then he said,  "Can I please be alone?"
	"Sure."  Elisa said.  She stood up and quietly left the room.

				Statue of Liberty

 	"Great.  The sun is coming up.  Now I can't go home now."  Mizuki said
as she watched the raising sun.
 	The sun rose and Mizuki turned to stone.

				The city's streets

 	"Where did she go?"  Zek-Toll asked searching the skies.
 	"I don't know."  Darzerb said.
 	"Well, this is just great."  Elegen said.  "Now we get to keep
searching until we find her again."

				The Eyrie building

 	"Where's Mizuki?"  Tetsuro asked Xanatos.
 	"I don't know."  He said.  "Why do you ask?"
 	"I went outside to where the gargoyles are stone and I didn't see
her."  Tetsuro said.
 	"Did you search the castle?  Sometimes the gargoyles don't make it
outside before the sun rises."  Xanatos asked.
 	"Yes."  Tetsuro said.  "All I found was Brooklyn in a trashed room."
 	"She probably went out last night and didn't return before the sun
rose."  Xanatos said.  "She's probably roosting on top of a building
 	"You're sure?"  Tetsuro asked uncertain.
 	"Yes."  Xanatos said.  "I'm sure she is perfectly safe."

				Statue of Liberty; Sunset

 	Mizuki burst out of her stone skin.  She stretched her limbs and
wings.  Then she sat down and began to think.
 	"I got to do something before things get worse."  She thought to
herself.  "I think the best thing to do would be to go back to the
castle and get Puck to change me back and remove the Transformation Lock
from Sho and Agito, then go home.  I don't think I can face Brooklyn
again.  And once we get home, I'll tell Sho how I feel.  Then everything
will go back to normal.  I'll be human and Sho and Agito can go back to
fighting monsters."
 	She stood and felt proud of herself for thinking her problems out and
coming up with a solution.  She took off into the night sky and headed
for the Eyrie building.

					Castle Wyvern

 	"Has Mizuki come back yet?"  Angela asked Guyver1.
 	"No, not yet."  Guyver1 said.  He was beginning to worry about Mizuki.
 	"Brooklyn might know where she is."  Angela suggested.  As if he heard
his name, Brooklyn landed beside them.
 	"Sho, there is something I need to tell you."  Brooklyn said.  He
turned his head to look at Angela.  "It's kinda private."
 	"Okay."  Angela said.  She reluctantly left them.
 	"What is it?"  Guyver1 said.  "If it's about that fight we had, then
I'm sorry."
 	"No, it isn't about that."  Brooklyn said.  "It's about Mizuki."
 	"Is something wrong?"  Guyver1 asked.
 	"Yes and no."  Brooklyn said.  "Something happened last night that I
think you should know about.  Last night, I took Mizuki to the Statue of
Liberty.  I asked her to be my mate there."
 	He looked at Guyver1 to see his reactions.  Guyver1 didn't say
anything, but look at Brooklyn.
 	Brooklyn looked at Guyver1 and said,  "She turned me down."
 	"What?!"  Guyver1 said, surprise.  "I thought that you two were. . ."
 	"Yeah, that's what I thought."  Brooklyn said.  "She said she couldn't
be my mate, because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life as a
gargoyle and she wanted to be with her brother."  Brooklyn looked at
Guyver1 and said,  "And she said that she loved you."
 	Guyver1 was stunned.  He didn't know what to say.  Everything inside of
him was cheering and wanted to celebrate, but a part of him thought this
was some kind of joke.
 	"She said that?"  He asked.
 	"Yes."  Brooklyn said.  "After she said that, I begged her to give me a
chance and try to love me like she loves you, but she said no.  I got
mad and left her there.  When I got home, I threw a fit in my room and
trashed the place.  Elisa came and talked to me.  She told me things
that really opened my eyes.
 	Guyver1 looked into Brooklyn's eyes and saw tears forming.  "I always
knew that Mizuki didn't love me, but I denied it.  I got myself to
believe that in time she would come to love me.  I thought that maybe if
I asked her to be my mate she would say yes and we would live happily
ever after.  Like some fairy tale.  But I had NO idea that she loved
 	Guyver1 didn't know what to say.  He was happy that Mizuki loved him,
but he was also sad that she had to hurt Brooklyn to reveal her true
 	He put a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder and said,  "I'm sorry."
 	"Don't be."  Brooklyn said.  "It's not your fault.  It's no one's
fault.  We can't control Mizuki's love."

				Above the city

 	"I'm almost there."  Mizuki thought as she glided toward the castle.
 	Suddenly, a net sprang from a building and caught her.  Mizuki screamed
in surprise and pain.  The cords of the net were cutting into her skin.
 	She struggled, but only got her self even more tangled in the net.  She
tried to glide, but her wings were tangled.  She fell from the sky and
landed in an alley.  She looked up to see Quarrymen surrounding her with
electric mallets.  Angela had told her about them on the second day she
 	"LET ME GO!!!"  She screamed and tried to get out of the net.
 	"Shut up you little demon."  The nearest Quarryman said as he kicked
her in the stomach.  The kick knocked all the breath out of her.
 	"Looks like we got ourselves a little female."  One of them said.
 	"It's going to be a dead female in a minute."  The Quarryman that
kicked her said as he raised his mallet above her body.
 	"How nice of you to catch her for us."  Said a male's voice behind
them.  The Quarryman looked to see the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 standing in
the entrance of the alley.  It was Zek-Toll who spoke.
 	"I believe we'll take this creature with us now."  Gastor said.
 	"We've been looking for her."  Thancrus said.
 	"This monster isn't going anywhere."  Said a Quarryman.  "We're going
to kill it right now."
 	"Oh, I don't think so."  Zek-Toll said.  "We want this creature alive
and we're going to take her whether you want us to or not."
 	"All monsters must die."  The Quarryman.  "They are a menace to our
society.  We must eliminate these filthy diseased demons before they
kill us humans."
 	The Hyper Zoanoids Team 5 looked insulted for a second then they
 	"So you think we're humans too, huh?"  Zek-Toll said with a sly smile.
 	The Quarrymen looked a little surprise at what he said.  Then one of
them said,  "Yes."  Zek-Toll and his comrades laughed.
 	"Let me tell you something."  Zek-Toll said.  "We're not humans at
all.  Or at least not normal humans.  Thancrus, show them what we mean."
	Thancrus smiled as he burst out of his clothes.  The Quarrymen screamed
in terror.  Mizuki closed her eyes.  She could hear the Quarymen
screaming in horror and the sounds of a blade sinking into flesh.  She
opened her eyes when the screams stopped.  She saw Thancrus standing
proudly over slaughtered bodies.  Blood was all over the pavement.  She
could see the intestines on the ground.  Mizuki fought the urge to puke.
	"Bring the van around, Darzerb."  Zek-Toll said.
 	Darzerb left.  A few minutes later a green van Zek-Toll and Elegen
picked Mizuki up and threw her into the back of the van.  Thnacrus
stepped in and cut Mizuki out of the net.
 	Mizuki untangled herself from the net and examined her body.  The cords
of the net and cut through her clothes and into her skin.  Her skin was
zigzag with cuts and they hurt.
 	"Just sit still and stay quiet and we may not hurt you."  Zek-Toll said
as he got into the van with Mizuki.  Mizuki saw that he was holding a
 	"W. . .What are you going to do?"  She asked backing away from him.
 	"Just going top make you sleep for a while."  He said.  "Hold still."
He reached out and grabbed her arm and plunge the needle into her skin.
She screamed in pain and fear.  She collapsed, unconscious.

				Castle Wyvern

 	"She still hasn't come back yet, has she?"  Guyver3 asked Guyver1, who
was staring out into the sky.
 	"No."  He said.  He was expecting at any moment to see a brown figure
coming toward the castle.  "I can't stand this.  I'm going to find her."
	"Wait."  Guyver3 said putting a hand on Guyver1's shoulder.  "Let's
tell Xanatos or Fox.  I'm sure they'll help us look for her."
 	"All right."  Guyver1 said.
 	They both headed toward Xanatos's office.  When they entered, they saw
Puck and Alex instead.  Punk was floating and so was Alex.
 	"That's it."  Puck said to Alex.  "You're doing great.  Just
concentrate and you'll be able to fly like a birdie."
 	"Wheee!!"  Alex said as he floated higher.  The Guyvers stared for a
second at this strange sight before they came to their senses.
 	"PUCK!!!"  Guyver3 yelled, ejecting his blades.
 	"WAIT!!"  Guyver1 yelled grabbing Guyver3 an holding him back.  "We
could use his help."
 	"Help on what?"  Puck asked floated toward them.  Alex followed.
 	"Mizuki is missing."  Guyver1 said.  "She hasn't come back since last
 	"What do you want me to do about it?"  Puck asked.
 	"Could you look for her?"  Guyver1 asked.  "You may be able to go to
places that we and the gargoyles can't go."
 	"True."  Puck said.  "I like to help, but I can't."
 	"Why not?"  Guyver1 asked.
 	"In case you haven't heard, I can only use my poweres to teach Alex
magic and to protect him"  Puck said putting a hand on Alex's head.
 	"Could you take Alex with you?"  Guyver1 asked.  "That way you could
teach how to fly outside."
 	"Yes, I can."  Puck said.  "We'll find Mizuki.  C'mon Alex."
 	Alex giggled and floated closer to Puck.  Puck made themselves
invisible to mortal eyes and left.

				In the city

 	They traveled through the city and to the Statue of Liberty.  Then they
looked for her at the airport.  They heard men arguing and went to
 	"The jet won't be able to leave in an hour so hold your horses."  Said
a man to Zek-Toll who wanted to leave America as soon as possible.
 	"Just get that thing ready soon, or else."  Zek-Toll snapped and went
inside the jet.
 	"I recognize that mortal.  He's a member of the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5."
Puck said.  "Let's see what they have in that jet, Alex."
 	They went through the outside of the jet and looked.  They found Mizuki
in a small cage, sleeping.  She had a big bruise on her stomach and many
cuts and scratched on her body.
 	"Lets go tell the others."  Puck said to Alex.  "We'll have to get
there quick or Mizuki'll be in Japan by morning.  I'll use the
transportation spell.  Something you'll learn when you're older."  He
raised his hands above his head and said some words in Latin.  They
disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke.

				Castle Wyvern

 	"When will they be back?"  Lexington asked impatiently.  Guyver1 and
Guyver3 told the gargoyles of what Puck and Alex were doing.  Guyver1,
Guyver3, Angela, Goliath, Hudson, the Trio, and Bronx were waiting for
them in Xanatos's office.
 	"It'll take a while for Puck to search, lad."  Hudson said.  "This city
is huge and it will take even a fae a while to search the whole city."
 	Right then, Puck and Alex appeared in a cloud of smoke.
 	"Did you find her?"  Guyver1 asked.
 	"Yes."  Puck said.  "She's been capture by the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 and
she's going to be taken to Japan in an hour."
 	"Is she all right?"  Angela asked.
 	"She was asleep in a cage."  Puck said.  "She had a bruise on her
stomach and cuts on her body, but I think she's all right."
 	"Can you teleport us there?"  Broadway asked.
 	"Yes."  Puck said.  He said the same words in Latin and all the beings
in the office disappeared in a huge cloud of blue smoke.


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