The Guyver's Angel of the Night
				Part 6

				The Airport

 	They reappeared in the airport in a cloud of smoke.  They weren't there
for two seconds when they were attacked by zoanoids.
 	"Guyver1 and Guyver3, stay here and help Hudson, Angela, and I fight
these demons while the Trio and Bronx go free Mizuki."  Goliath said as
he grab a zoanoids head and twisted it hard and broke its neck.
 	The Trio made their way to the plane.  Broadway ripped the door off and
they went inside.  They were attacked by more zoanoids.
 	"They're everywhere!"  Lexington yelled as a zoanoid threw him across
the room.
 	"We can't leave without Mizuki!"  Brooklyn yelled as he sunk his claws
into a zoanoids chest.  "Lexington! Bronx!  Go find Mizuki while
Broadway and I hold these things back!"
 	Bronx and Lexington fought their way to where Mizuki was held.  She was
awake and looked scared.
 	"Lexington!"  She cried when she saw him.
 	"Don't worry.  We're here to free you."  He said.  "Bronx, open the
 	Bronx grabbed a bar with his teeth and snapped it in half.  He did the
same to another.  Mizuki slip through the hole that Bronx made for her.
 	"Thanks Bronx."  Mizuki said as Bronx licked her cuts.
 	"C'mon, Brooklyn and Broadway are fighting those by themselves."
Lexington said taking her hand and leading her to the fight.  When they
arrived, they were only three zoanoids left.  Brooklyn and Broadway
looked scratched up, but they were still fighting.
 	Lexington leaped onto a Robotith's back and clawed away.  The robotith
screamed in pain and rage.  It tried to reach behind it to get
Lexington, but he was out of reach.  While it was busy trying to get
Lexington, Broadway came forward and sunk his claws into its throat.
The zoanoid gave a choking growl before it fell dead.
 	Brooklyn wrapped his tail around a Vamore's ankle, and tripped it.  It
hit the ground hard, shaking the plane.  Brooklyn jumped onto its chest
and clawed out all its intestines out.
 	The last one, a Gregoyle, tried to grab Mizuki.  Mizuki grabbed its arm
and threw it over her shoulder.  It flew across the room and went
through a wall, leaving a big hole.  Mizuki jumped out of the plane,
leaving three shocked gargoyles behind.  The Gregoyle had recover and
was MAD.  Mizuki glided toward it with her claws reaching out.  She
dodged the Gregoyle's claws and sent hers into its stomach and out its
back.  Blood sparied from its stomach, covering Mizuki in blood.  It
fell dead.  Mizuki landed and was breathing hard.  She couldn't believe
what she had just done.
 	"Mizuki, did you just cream that zoanoid by yourself?"  Brooklyn asked
as he and Broadway and Lexington jumped out of the plane.
 	"I don't know what came over me."  Mizuki said looking at her bloody
talons.  "I watch you guys kill those zoanoids so I thought that maybe I
could do stuff like that, but I was too scared to try.  Then that thing
came at me.  I was scared at first then I remembered all the times that
Chronos had terrorized my brother and me and, how they got Sho to kill
his own father, and how they made us suffer so much.  I got angry and
you saw what happen next.  I didn't know I had it in me."
 	"Remind me not to get you angry at me."  Brooklyn said.  "Lets go.
Goliath and the others are waiting for us."
 	They didn't need to go anywhere.  Goliath and others came to them.
 	"Mizuki, I saw what you did."  Guyver1 said.  "How did you do that?"
 	"I'll explain later, but now I want to go back to the castle."  She
 	"You're not going anywhere."  Said a male's voice.
 	They all turned their heads to see the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 standing
not too far away from them.  They were already transform and ready to
 	"Mizuki, stay back."  Guyver1 said.
 	"No."  Mizuki said.  "I'm going to fight by your side."
 	"No, it's too dangerous."  Guyver 1 said trying to gently push her away
with his hand.
 	"Sho, for almost two years, you had fought and I had stood safely away
and watched you fight for me."  Mizuki said.  "Now, I have the strength
to fight with you.  And I may never have the chance again."  Then Guyver
1 saw that there was nothing he could do or say to change Mizuki's
mind.  He let her stay where she was, by his side.
 	Gastor fired his liquid missiles at the group.  They separated and hid
behind the plane.
 	"They're too strong to fight when they work together."  Guyver3 said.
	"We have to fight them separately, but that will be impossibly.  We
don't have a chance."
	"But what if we separated into five small groups."  Goliath said.
"Would we have a chance?"
 	Guyver3 thought about this for a second.  "Yes, that could work.
Hudson and Bronx, you take Gastor.  He may be the smallest of the hyper
zoanoids, but he is extremely dangerous.  Watch out for his liquid
missiles, they can blow you up."
 	"Aye lad."  Hudson said.
 	"Trio, you guys take on Darzerb."  Guyver3 said.  "Be careful, he's the
strongest zoanoid.  He can also spit fire."
 	"Rhino season has just begun."  Brooklyn said.
 	"I'm hungry for Rhino."  Broadway said.
 	"Let me at that over grown Rhino."  Lexington said.
 	"I'll take on Thancrus."  Guyver3 said.  "I'll have a better chance of
defecting him then either one of you do."  He looked at Goliath.  "You
and your daughter can take on Elegen.  Watch out for his tentacles.  He
can electrocute you with them."
 	"We will try our best."  Goliath said.
 	"Now that leaves."  Guyver3 said.  "Sho and Mizuki.  You two will have
to take on the most powerful hyper zoanoid.  Zek-Toll."
 	"We can do it."  Guyver1 said.
 	"I know we can."  Mizuki said.
 	"Then lets go."  Guyver3 said.
	Hudson and Bronx approached Gastor.  Gastor took one look at them and
 	"I don't fight old gargoyles and dogs."  He said.
 	"I may be old, lad, but I can still fight."  Hudson said drawing his
 	"Go back to your nursing home, Gramps."  Gastor laughed.
 	Bronx growled and wanted very much to attack, but Hudson put his talon
on his head.
 	"Are you afraid to fight an elder?"  Hudson asked.
 	Gastor narrowed his eyes.  "All right, Gramps, it's your funeral."  He
fired many missiles aimed at Hudson and Bronx.  They separated and ran
in different directions and separated.  Gastor looked for them, then he
saw Hudson.
 	"Come and get me, lad!"  Hudson said.
 	"Get ready to die, Gramps."  Gastor said.  Before he could fire a
missile, he felt something jump on his back.  He felt the thing scratch
his, leaving deep gashes.  Gastor yelled in pain as the thing jumped
off.  Bronx rejoined Hudson in front of Gastor.
 	"Had enough, lad?"  Hudson said with a smile.
 	"NO!!!"  Gastor yelled.  He fired a missile at Hudson, Hudson took off
into the sky before the missiles could hit him.  He gained altitude and
drew his sword.  He came down at Gastor.
 	"DON'T CALL ME GRAMPS!!!!!"  Hudson yelled as he cut off Gastor's head.
	Gastor fell dead.  Hudson landed and Bronx walked up to him and rubbed
against his legs.  Hudson kneeled and patted Bronx on the head.
 	"We did good, lad."  Hudson said.  "Let's hope the others are doing
well too."

	The Trio surrounded Darzerb.
 	"Prepare to die Rhino Man!"  Lexington yelled.
 	"Yeah, like you wimpy little gargoyles are going to kill me."  Darzerb
 	The Trio attacked Darzerb.  Lexington jumped on his back, Brooklyn
grabbed his arm while Broadway grabbed the other.  They tried to sink
their claws into his flesh, but his armored skin was too strong for
their claws.  Darzerb laughed and plucked them off of him and threw them
against a wall.
 	They all hit the wall and went through.  They laid in a big pile of
bricks, groaning.  Darzerb inhaled deeply and fired shot out of his
mouth.  The Trio barely had time to move out of the way of the flame.
They hid from him on the other side of the building.
 	"He's too strong."  Lexington said.
 	"We'll never beat him."  Broadway said.
 	"Don't say that."  Brooklyn said.  "We got to think of something.
There has to be a way of killing him."
 	"How?"  Lexington wailed.  "He's skin is stronger than steel."
 	"I got it!"  Brooklyn said, snapping his talons.  You guys have got to
distract him until I come back.  I'll need something."
 	"What are you going to get."  Broadway asked.
 	"No time to tell you."  Brooklyn said standing up.  "He‘ll find you
soon.  Now get going."  He left them both surprise and confused.
 	Broadway and Lexington took to the sky and began to swoop at Darzerb.
Darzerb tried to grab them, but they would dart away from his reach.
They kept this up, until Brooklyn came.  He was holding a thin metal
 	"Try to hold him."  Brooklyn called to his rookery brothers.
 	Lexington and Broadway grabbed Darzerb's arms.  Darzerb could get loose
in one second, but that was all Brooklyn needed.
 	Brooklyn swooped and plunged the pole into Darzerb's eye.  Darzerb
screamed in pain.  Brooklyn pushed the pole in until it went to the
brain.  Lexington and Broadway let go of Darzerb and he fell to the
ground and start to dissolve.
 	"All right!!"  Broadway said.
 	"How did you come up with the idea?"  Lexington asked Brooklyn.
 	"It was simple."  Brooklyn said.  "You said that his skin is stronger
than steel.  I knew that we had to get past his skin.  His eyes didn't
have any skin, except his eye lids, but they weren't  as strong as his
 	"Great idea."  Lexington said.  "I never would have thought of it."
 	"I wonder what how the others are doing."  Broadway said.

 	Guyver3 stood before Thancrus.  He ejected his blades and got into a
fighting pose.
 	"There is no way that you can defect me, Guyver3."  Thancrus said.  "My
blades will slice you open and spill your guts."
 	"We'll see about that."  Guyver3 said.
 	They slashed at each other.  Their blades connected and made an high
pitch sound.  They began to fight.  They made cuts and scratches on each
other's body.  They made such clean cuts that the wound would not start
bleeding until 10 seconds it was cut.  Their blades moved so fast that
they were only a blur.
 	They moved away from one another.  They were both gasping for breath.
Their bodies were covered with cuts.
 	"Give it up."  Thancrus said.  "I'll kill you sooner or later, so why
not surrender now and save us all this trouble."
 	"I will not surrender."  Guyver3 said.
 	"Then it's your funeral."  Thancrus said as he leaped at him again.
 	Guyver3 knew that he couldn't keep fighting Thancrus for ever.  Guyver
decided that he had better end this fight soon.  Then he had an idea.
 	When Thancrus attacked Guyver3, Guyver3 kicked his leg out from
underneath him.  When Thancrus tried to keep himself from falling,
Guyver3 quickly sliced his head off.  Blood squirted everywhere.
 	"Well, I won this battle."  Guyver3 said to himself.  "I just hope that
the others are doing okay."

 	Goliath and Angela approached Elegen.  Elegen was ready for them.
 	Angela tried to leap and slash Elegens long neck, but he punched her
away.  She skidded across the pavement.  This made Goliath mad.  He
jumped forward and grabbed Elegen from behind.  Elegen whipped his
tentacles behind himself and wrapped them around Goliath.  He sent out
charges of electricity.  Goliath dropped to the ground.
 	"FATHER!!!!!!"  Angela screamed.  She charged Elegen and punched him in
the chest.  Elegen tried to grab her, but she clawed his stomach.  Guts
spilled from his stomach.  Elegen fell to the ground, dead.
 	Angela went to Goliath's side.  She pressed her talon to his chest.
There was no heartbeat.  She remembered what Elisa had done to her when
she was almost killed.  She put both talons on Goliath's chest and
pressed down hard three times.  Then she pinched his nose close and blew
into his mouth.
 	Goliath opened his eyes and sat up coughing.  Angela hugged her dad,
cried because she almost lost him.

 	Zek-Toll wondered what had happened to his comrades.  He hasn't seen
them since they began to fight the Guyvers and those Gargoyles.
 	He felt something punch him in the back.  The hit made him fall
forward, but he twisted around knocked the attacker away.  Zek-Toll hit
the ground and saw that it was Guyver1 that had hit him.
 	"So Guyver."  Zek-Toll said.  "It isn't like you to attack from
 	"Things change, don't they?"  Guyver1 said getting up.
 	Zek-Toll picked himself up and said,  "Where is that winged b**** of
 	"Non of your business."  Guyver1 said with anger in his voice.
 	Suddenly, Zek-Toll felt claws scratch through his armor skin.  He
yelled in pain and saw that it was Mizuki.
 	"I'm right here."  Mizuki said as she got beside Guyver1.
 	"You little b****!"  Zek-Toll said as he opened his lasers and fired.
 	Guyver1 and Mizuki leaped out of the way.  Guyver1 punched Zek-Toll in
the head, while Mizuki clawed his arm.  Zek-Toll slapped Mizuki away and
punched Guyver1 in the stomach.  They recovered and leapt at Zek-Toll
 	They had come up with a plan before they had attacked Zek-Toll.  Mizuki
began to swoop at Zek-Toll, teasing him.  She would swoop and claw the
side of his head and he would try to garb her.  While this was going on,
Guyver1 opened his chest plates to use the Megasmasher.
 	"Get out of the way, Mizuki!!!"  He yelled as he opened fire.
 	Mizuki glided away in time to see Zek-Toll get hit by the Megasmasher.
He screamed in pain.  Then there was no sign of him.
 	"We did it, Sho!!!"  Mizuki cried as she landed beside Guyver1 and hug
 	"I couldn't have done it without you."  Guyver1 said when he returned
the hug.  "Let's go and get turn back to normal."

				Erie building

 	"All right, Puck you know what we want you to do."  Guyver3 said.
"Change Mizuki back to what she was before you transformed her into a
gargoyle, and take the Transformation lock off of Guyver1 and me."
 	"Okee dokee."  Puck said.  He floated toward Mizuki and said some words
in latin.  Mizuki body began to glow a bright green light.  Slowly her
wings and tail disappeared.  Her talons slowly changed back to human
hands and feet.  Her fangs drew back into her mouth.  Her turn pale.
When the transformation was over Mizuki was back to her normal self
again.  She was barefooted and had a holes in the back of her shirt and
in her pants.
 	"I'm back to my normal self."  Mizuki whispered in disbelief.  She looked
at her hands and feet.
 	"Now it's your turn."  Puck announced to the Guyvers.  He said more
words in latin and their was a brief glow on the Guyvers bodies.
 	"Now recall the Guyvers."  Puck said.
 	They did so and the armor disappeared.  They were humans again.  Mizuki
hugged Sho tightly.
 	"Way aren't we tired?"  Agito asked.  "I thought we would be in comas
when we recall the Guyvers."
 	"That's a little trick of mine."  Puck said.  "I gotta go."  Then he
disappeared in a flash of green light.
 	"I hope I never see him again."  Agito said.

				The next night

 	All day, Agito, Sho and the Sagawa children went sight seeing in New
York.  They were going to go home in a plane at night, so they could say
good bye to the gargoyles.  When it was sunset, the gargoyles broke out
of their sleep and began to say good bye.
 	"I'm sorry if I hurt you."  Mizuki said to Brooklyn.  "But I was in
love with Sho from the start.  I didn't realize it until recently."
 	"It's okay, I'll live."  Brooklyn said.  "I'll find some one to love in
 	"I'm sure you will."  Mizuki said giving Brooklyn one last hug good

				On the plane

 	"Well, I had fun."  Tetsuro said.  Mizuki, Sho, and Agito looked at
  	"Okay, okay.  Stupid thing to say.  I'm sorry."  Tetsuro said raising
his hands in self defense.
 	"I have a bad feeling."  Agito said.
 	"What?"  Sho asked.
 	"I have the feeling that we haven't seen the last of the gargoyles."
Agito said.  "I have the feeling that we'll be seeing them again real

			Commander Gyou's office

 	Commander Gyou was sitting at his office wondering what could have
happen to the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5.  The Guyvers couldn't have killed
them by themselves.  They had to have help.  He decided to wonder about
this later, he had to interview a new secretary now.  A very beautiful
woman with bright red hair entered his office.
 	"Good morning, Miss. . ."  Gyou said trying to remember her name.
 	"Dominque Destine."  The woman said with a smile.  "But some people
call me. . . Demona."

				THE END?????

Please E-Mail me with suggestions for a sequel to "The Guyver's Angel of
the Night".


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