Noir toon shaders
for DAZ|Studio 1.3.1.

Not tested on Mackintosh systems.
© 2006 by Josh Griffing a.k.a. QSabot.

	These shaders may be used in any render, commercial or otherwise.  You may make derivative shaders from them, but give me credit in the documentation.  You may not sell the shaders themselves, nor redistribute them piecemeal (or without this document.)  Provided you significantly alter the shader files in your derivatives, you may do as you please with them.

	There are four parts to the Noir Shaders Kit, each part affecting a particular surface property of the target.  They are designed to be mixed and matched.  The four sets are as follows:
!Inks, affecting the color or width of the Toon Outline.
!Tempras, affecting the Diffuse color.
!Washes, affecting the Ambiet color.
!Watercolors, affecting the Specular color.

	Each color set includes, in chromatic order, Red, Orange, Yellow, Chartreuse, Green, Aqua, Teal, Torquoise, Blue, Plum, Violet, and Wine, as well as Grey (except in the Washes) and either Black or White (both, in Watercolors).  There are two Greys, both Black and White, and both dark (half-strength) and full-strength versions of each color ink, as well as eight shaders to adjust the line thickness.

	Thanks for downloading.

Have fun!

"God forbid; yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged."  Romans 3:4

Josh Griffing
<>< John 1:1

