Ashley Parker Angel:
Thank you. What inspired me was my mom, who taught me to play piano since the age of five and really taught me to appreciate all types of music.

Jacob Underwood:
I think music is the highest form of expression, and I love the idea of expressing my thoughts and feelings to such a wide audience through music.

Do any you all have a tattoo?

Ashley Parker Angel:
I don't.

Jacob Underwood:

Are you only going to be making yourself appealing to the younger girls, like say 13, or will you guys appeal to someone like the age of 20?

Ashley Parker Angel:
I really think that the show is a privilege because you get to see how much of who we are, that we're not going to just get marketed to one audience, because we all have such a wide range of backgrounds and musical influences that will appeal to everybody.

Jacob Underwood:
We're all being ourselves on the show. No one is directly marketing us to any certain age group.

How are you guys different from all the other boy bands out there?

Jacob Underwood:
We've had the opportunity to write our own music and also got to produce on two of the songs, and because of the show, no one tells [us] who to be or what to wear.

Ashley Parker Angel:
I think, going into this, none of us realized how much control that is really ours -- and what I mean by that is, we really convey what image we want to. It's not someone else behind the scenes telling us what to do or what to say.

Here is our last question for tonight.

What advice do you give to those of us who desperately wish for a chance out there in the music world? -- Cassandra, Kentucky.

Ashley Parker Angel:
Just don't ever sell yourself short, because at any given time, things can change if you're willing to take the risks and steps to get there.

Jacob Underwood:
Always strive to be original and never -- or try to always steer away from the trend that was set before you got there.

Any last words for our great audience?

We appreciate the love, and we hope you keep watching on Friday nights on ABC.

Thanks to the audience for their great questions, and good luck to Jacob and Ashley! Good night and aloha!
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