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Dish Diva :
I know you guys are in New York City. What are you doing after this chat?

Trevor :
After this chat we're heading to a record store and we're going to buy our single which hits stores today. All you people out there watching the chat, you should do the same thing, after the chat of course.

Dish Diva :
outlaw_295 Says: What will your 2nd single be?

Ashley :
We don't know what our second single will be yet. Right now our record is being finalized and after that we'll know what the next single will be.

Dish Diva :
delawaredreamer23 Says: Hey guys, Erik-Now that you have traveled all over what is your favorite U.S. city? Love you-Nicole

Jacob :
San Diego!

Erik :
New York City!!

Ashley :
I think mine's New York City too.

Dan :
San Diego too, but we haven't been to Ohio yet. (laughs)

Trevor :
San Diego

Dish Diva :
Ok, so I have to ask, what happened in San Diego? (laughs)

O-Town :
It just has everything! It's near the beach and it's Jacob's home, the weather is great.

Dish Diva :
libsmarie81 Says: Today is the day your first single ever was released - have you been thinking about it all day? What has been going through your head on a historic day in the history of O-Town like today?

O-Town :
How long the flight was. (laugh!)

Erik :
We realize everything a week or month after everything happens. We didn't realize we were picked for the band until the show was on, we kind of have that delay factor
Ashley :
I think it will be great to go to the store tonight and see our record, for me that will be the big realization.

Dish Diva :
cyberangel49 Says: Who's idea was it to do your video on "Liquid Dreams"? love Mara biggest fan. Erik I love you!

Ashley :
From what I understand, they had the concept of the video when writing the song. The song is about a liquid morphing girl and they actually wrote that concept into the song.

Dish Diva :
KwajDej Says: Since being in O-town what is the coolest thing you've done?

Trevor :
The coolest thing was being on TRL.

Jacob :
For me it was putting music together and talking it over with Clive Davis.

Erik :
I'd have to go the same, just talking with Clive Davis.

Ashley :
Performing at the Apollo Theatre because of the history there.

Dan :
Just 2 nights ago when we performed at the Sacramento concert where it was sold out and that was a really cool experience for us.

Dish Diva :
HIPCHICK2000 Says: What was the hardest obstacle you all have faced in this career?

O-Town :
Loneliness on the road.

Dan :
We don't get to see our friends and family for long periods of time and that's the hardest thing about this whole situation.

Ashley :
I think the hardest things have been trying to live up to people's expectations in 1/7th of the time everyone else has. Just a condensed period of time. Everything has happened to us so fast, we were on TV before we were even picked as a group and we had to get so good so fast.