Charms & Spells

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These are Cat Charms and Spells given to me by friends.  If the author is known, it is noted.   I have included these for interest and cannot guarantee any results.  

  1. Cat Healing

  2. Spell for Healing a Pet

  3. Spell To Become Closer To Your Cat

  4. Charm on Seeing a Cat

  5. Qualway Cat Spell

  6. Spell to call up a Hearth Spirit

  7. The Veil of Isis Cat Spell

  8. Cat Blessing

  9. Cat Connection Spell

  10. Cat and Wart Spell

  11. Spell for Shelter Animals

  12. Pet Protection Spell Bottle

  13. Pet Protection Spell

  14. Animal Protection  

  15. Magickal Cat Collar Spell

  16. Creating a Familiar Spell

  17. The Northern Lights Fairy Spell

  18. The Mirror, the Cat, and the Moon Love Spell 

  19. The Cat Spell Oracle

  20. Call a Household Pet

  21. Cat Divination for Fortune

  22. Cats and Money

  23. Magickal Kitty Treat

  24. Pretty Kitty Spell

  25. Protective Blessings for Cats

  26. A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth

  27. For Help in Finding a Lost Animal Using The Tarot

  28. Bast Incense Recipe


Cat Healing


Statue of Bast and/or Sekhmet. 

Picture of the cat to be healed, or at least their name written on a piece of paper 

Green thread 

A blue or white candle 

Incense (lavender, lotus, or myrrh)

Timing: Healing should be done any time it is needed; repeat the spell working on the next Full Moon to reinforce and strengthen the healing power.

Set up a little altar or sacred space, arranging the statues to the rear of your working area.  Place the candle to the side of the statue or in-between if you are using two statues.  Light the candle and the incense.  With the photo or paper with the sick animal's name on it before you, ask the Goddess Bast to grant a healing.  Take as much time as you feel you need to express this petition.  Sit quietly for a time, visualizing a stream of healing blue light coming from the candle and blending into the picture or paper before you.  When the blue light ceases, take the green thread and cut off a piece thirteen inches long.  If you are using a paper with a name written on it, roll the paper into a small cylinder and wrap the green thread around it several times, tying it when you are finished.  If you are working with a photo, just loosely wrap the thread around the photo.  Do the thread wrapping while chanting:

“Lady of cats, large and small, 
Answer my entreating call. 
Cast out the sickness, bring in the Light. 
Grant loving healing through Thy might. 
Renewing green, healing blue, 
I bind these energies into you. 
As threads around your image wind, 
Perfect healing to you I bind.” 

Lay the thread-wrapped photo or paper near the statue, leaving it there until the candle is burned out.  Burn the thread and paper (if you are using a photo, remove the thread to be burned and return the photo to the proper person) and dispose of the ashes and candle wax.  

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Spell for Healing a Pet

Mix some healing oil, using:

6 drops Lavender oil

6 drops Camphor oil

6 drops Rosemary oil

1/2 ounce base oil (apricot kernel, jojoba, grapeseed, even olive oil)

Anoint a black candle, a red candle and a brown candle with this healing oil. The black is for absorption of the negativity (the illness), the red is for strength and health, and the brown is an "astral" or "significator" candle for the animal. Place the brown candle between the black and red candles, and make a ring of stones around the set-up, using stones or crystals that you associate with healing (amethyst, quartz, choose whichever type or combination of types). Place some of the oil in your hands, and begin to rub them together, generating heat and energy. When you feel that you've built a small "bundle" of healing energy, place your hands on your pet, stroking it and giving it the healing energy you've built, making sure to concentrate on any areas where you feel or sense the illness. Focus on the candles, continuing to maintain contact with your pet, and visualize the strength from the red candle pouring into the brown candle, and pushing all the sickness into the black candle. Attune with the Goddess, and when you've got a good grip on the visualizations above (and the animal!), say:

"Goddess, with your healing touch
Bless this animal we love so much.
God, with beasts as your domain,
Remove the sickness, heal the pain.
So mote it be!"

Continue the stroking and energy flow until you feel that the spell is done, then allow the animal plenty of time to rest and heal. Obviously, if you wish to perform this spell in a cast circle, that's your choice. If you wish to continue the spell for a number of days (I'd suggest at least 3 days), and your pet has a special place where it rests or "lives" (such as a cage, etc.), ring this area, if possible, with the stones, place a red candle on one side of the area and a black candle on the other (anointed with the healing oil); focus on the red candle and project its energy into area with your pet, visualizing the illness being pushed out the other side, since there's no room for it, and into the black candle. Rub the oil onto your hands and stroke it into/onto the animal's body as often as you feel necessary.

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Spell To Become Closer To Your Cat

Preparation: You will need brown candles and the following herbs:





Passion Flower

Consecrate each herb before starting. Take 1/2 of the empowered herbs and wrap in a small square of brown cloth and tie it off with a brown cord or string. Take the other half and make a smaller sachet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day. You can tie the pets sachet on while meditating. After those four days take all the herbs and burn as an incense while sharing a meal with your pet.

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Charm on Seeing a Cat

 If a black cat should cross your path, you must greet the animal with courtesy, and stroke it if you can, whilst saying this charm:

 “Black cat, cross my path,
Good fortune bring to home and hearth, 
When I am away from home 
Bring me luck wherever I roam.”

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Qualway Cat Spell

“I poke thee, now I don't poke thee, 
I charm the quaff that's under the 'ee, 
O qualway, O qualway!” 

 A gentleman must use a queen and a tom must be for a lady, and in both instances the cat must be black.

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Spell to Call up a Hearth Spirit - by Amisti

For your dwelling-place to be a true home, a household spirit needs to live within its walls. So that a good brownie may be induced to take up residence, take kitty on one side, and utter this magick charm over her head three times: 

"Little one, without a name 
Come inside and make much game, 
I send my cat upon this errand 
To seek you out till you be found 
And may you of good heart be 
A truly charming company. "

Then let kitty run off, and when she comes home again you must watch her closely; you will see her skit and play, patting a little at the air, and growing kittenish as though a child played with her. So by little signs and signals you will come to recognize that a brownie has entered your house; and you may be confident that he will soon make himself known to you. Never frighten or abuse him, but thank him for the tasks he performs, and always praise his handiwork.

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The Veil of Isis Cat Spell  - by Claire Nahmad

 If anyone in the home should fall sick, take a crystal bowl filled with well water and wash the hands and face of the patient in it. Then carry it to the garden door, and call for the cat of the household. When she appears, say to her:

“Cat spirit, bright as sixpence, 
Chase the illness a long, long distance, 
It's essence I hold in these drops of water,
May it be routed before next moon's quarter!”

 Then you must throw the water away onto the garden, so that it passes over kitty but does not fall on her. She will, as likely as not, run away as if in pursuit of some spirit, and for this you must thank her three times over by using her magical name. In throwing the water over her to the ground, you have created the magical veil of Isis, which summons the negative influences of the illness and draws it away from your loved one so that the cat may carry it away from the house. Before the next moon's quarter, that is, before a week has passed away, the one who has fallen ill should be on the mend.  

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Cat Blessing - From Gerina Dunwich's "EveryDay Wicca"

While this is specifically a Wiccan Blessing, it can easily be changed to fit any path or Pantheon. And while it is specifically for cats, it could also be changed for any animal. 

Perform this Wiccan ritual on a night when the moon is full and shining brightly, preferably the first night of the full moon at the exact moment the moon enters its full phase. 

If you desire, you may instead or also perform this ritual on your cat's birthday (if the date is known),  on the anniversary of when he or she first became part of your family, or whenever you feel it to be the appropriate time. 

Light some fragrant incense and place a gold candle (in honor of the Horned God) and a white candle (preferably one in the shape of a cat) on the center of your altar. 

Cast a circle around your altar in whatever manner you usually cast it, and call upon the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth to be present and to serve as guardians of the circle. Light the gold candle and then humbly invoke the powers of the Horned God: 

"O Great Horned God Consort of the Goddess 
I Invoke Thee 
And Invite Thee 
Into This Circle"

Light the white cat candle and then, holding your cat gently in your arms, kneel before the altar and recite the following prayer: 

"O Great Horned God Father of the Woodlands 
And Loving Lord of All Creatures 
That Walk, Crawl, Swim and Fly, 
A Threefold Blessing I Humbly Ask 
Of Thee On This Special Day: 
May This Cat's Life Be a Long, 
Happy, and Healthy One; 
May She Always Receive 
Your Divine Protection; 
And When Our Incarnations 
In This World Cease To Be, 
May We Forever Be Reunited 
In the Great Otherworld.
So Mote It Be!"

After the prayer has been recited, gaze into the flame of the gold candle and chant thrice the name of your cat, each time followed by the words: BLESSED BE. Give the cat a loving kiss and place her or him down in the center of the circle. If the cat chooses to exit the circle at this point this is all right. 

Give thanks to The Horned God in your own words and bid Him farewell. Next, give thanks to the four elements in your own words and then bid them farewell. Uncast the magick circle counterclockwise, and say: 

"In Perfect Love And Harming None 
This Pagan Blessing Now is Done. 
So Mote It Be!"

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Cat Connection Spell 

1 brown candle

2 T of catnip

2 pinches of mugwort

2 pinches of sweetgrass

A dash of lemon 

Cloth pouch for you

Catnip toy or pouch for cat  

The catnip is to create a psychic bond with your cat, the mugwort is to strengthen your psychic bond, the sweetgrass is to aid you in the calling upon of the cats spirit, and the lemon is for friendship and respect of your cats spirit.

Light your candle and place it before you. Take each herb, one at a time, and divide into two equal parts while empowering each with its meaning and visualizing becoming connected to your cat. See and feel that connection the entire time you work with your herbs.

Place half of each of the herbs in your pouch, place the other half in the pouch or cat toy for your cat.

Keep your half of the herbs with you for three days and the cats pouch or toy keep near the cats sleeping place for three day. During this time, you will meditate at least once a day with your cat in mind.  Feel what it is like to be your cat. Examine the world through your cats eyes.

After three days. Bury both the pouches in your garden or burn as incense. Knowing that you are now connected to your cat. Thank the powers that be.

Call on your cats spirit to aid you in searching for answers, comfort,  finding lost items, and protection. When you are finished needing her help, always return her spirit back to him. Your cat will always be there for you when you need her.

In using this for connecting with the spirit of cat passed on, place the herbs where she may be buried, and follow the same process.  Her spirit will live inside forever.

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Cat and Wart Spell

If you should have warts, be patient and wait till a morning in the month of May, if you would cure yourself by the agency of a cat, but it must be a tortoiseshell cat, and you must be good friends with her. Stroke the wart three times with the tip of her tail, which she will allow if you nurse her as you do it. Then chant:

"May Moon, May Moon,
May this wart wane to your tune."

Then as the May moon wanes, your wart will disappear.

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Spell for Shelter Animals - by Cerridwen Iris Shea

Here is something you can do when you can’t adopt all the animals in a shelter.  First, place your hands close to each other, palms almost touching. Focus your loving, healing energy in that space.  Let the ball of loving energy grow and pulsate until it is about the size of a large beach ball. Release it upward and outward, imagining it filling the entire building with loving energy.  When you get home, light a white candle anointed with attraction oil, and say a prayer that all of the animals will find homes soon.  

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Pet Protection Spell Bottle

What you need:

1 cup of soil you've collected yourself
1 cup of salt
1 white taper candle
1 bottle (remove label if there is one and wash out - a brown beer bottle works well - due to the color)
1 stick pin
1 Bay Leaf
1 Tablespoon of Dill Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Fennel Seeds
1 Carnelian Stone

Put half a cup of dirt into the bottom of the bottle. Add half a cup of salt on top of that (to make layers). 

Use a stick pin to carve the word "Protect __pets name here__" in the taper candle stick.  Fit candle into the top of the bottle. If the taper is too big wedge it in (by circling it) until it stays securely by itself.

Burn the candle when convenient. You don't have to burn it all down at once, but eventually the candle will burn itself out (you could maybe burn it once a week or so).

When the candle will not stay lit any longer, put the spell bottle near the place your pet spends most of his or her time. This helps to protect them.

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Pet Protection Spell  - from Yasmine Galenorn's Embracing the Moon

While it is important to work carefully with your totem animals, it is also important to remember your pets. This spell will help protect your animal friends on the physical plane.

For EACH animal you will need:

1 six-inch square piece of black felt fabric paints
a clipping of hair or stray feathers from your pet
2 teaspoons dried cedar
1 bay leaf
2 teaspoons catnip (even if you have a dog)
1 teaspoon comfrey
1/4 teaspoon dried garlic
1 teaspoon heather
Protection or Guardian oil (below)
Needle and thread

On what will be the outside of the charm bag paint your pet's name and these runes: Algiz, Koad; the forest rune; the pentacle and the goddess rune. let dry. Fold the felt in half (painted side in) and sew two sides of it, leaving one open. Reverse the bag so the painted side is facing out. Raise energy on the herbs then powder and pour into the pouch. Add the clipping of pet hair, then stuff the rest with cotton to which you have added a few drops of the oil. Finish sewing the pouch. Cast a circle, invoke the elements and the lord and lady.  Say:

O gracious Lord and Lady,
Protector of all creatures who walk upon this earth.
Guard my (pet's species and name) against harm and illness.
Watch over him(her) with every step he(she) takes.
Help me protect him(her) and strengthen the connection of love between us.
Let this charm be blessed, to hold the energy of protection.
Blessed be.

Keep the charm bags in a safe place, perhaps on your altar, where the animal can't get to it. Renew this charm every six months. 

Remember: the best protection for your animals is to keep them inside, to keep their vaccinations current, and to give them plenty of love, food, and clean water.

Protection Oil: Yasmine Galenorn-Embracing the Moon: 
This is a good oil to select for your candle of protection when you are concerned with physical, as opposed to psychic attack. It can also be used to anoint yourself before you leave on a journey or undertake a potentially hazardous situation. 

1/2 ounce olive oil 
6 drops rose geranium oil 
15 drops lemon oil 
4 drops citronella oil 
8 drops lavender oil 
flower: lavender 
drops cajupet oil (did not specify how many) 
gem: clear quartz 

Guardian Oil

1/2 ounce olive oil 
5 drops pennyroyal oil
15 drops lemon oil 
10 drops rosewood oil 
10 drops clove oil 
flower: rose 
15 drops patchouli oil 
Gems: carnelian, citrine

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Animal Protection  

1 small bottle with a lid or stopper 
Red silk thread or ribbon 
Snip of your animal's fur 
Red wax 
Reflective paper (aluminum foil) 

Gather your ingredients and tools for the project and charge them with your intent. Take your snippings and tie each snipping with the red silk thread or ribbon. Hold the tied snippets in your hand and charge them with your own energy of protection. Place them into the bottle. You can add catnip, protective herbs, photo's or what ever feels good to your bottle prior to sealing it. Cover the bottle with reflective paper or foil that has been covered on the back side with black felt or paper. Cork the bottle. 

Take your red candle or sealing stick and allow the wax to drip all around the cork or screw cap sealing it completely. This is easily achieved by dunking the stopper into the wax. Charge your completed bottle with protective energy and place it nearest your pet's point of exit and entry to your home. You can decorate your bottle as you wish, with a ribbon or whatever you feel looks good. 

Charge your bottle regularly. When you hold it in your hand, if it feels awkward it is telling you that it needs to be charged. 

Finally, remember that magic works best when it is supplemented by efforts of the mundane, so practice responsible pet ownership. 

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Magickal Cat Collar Spell

This spell should be done during the waxing moon.

What you need:

1 yellow candle
Candle holder
Amethyst stone (fairly small)
1 Brown collar
Apple, peach or lavender oil
5 silver paper clips (You may use jewelry-making wire but it won't be nearly as strong as the paper clips, which are unbelievable hard to bend and shape but it is possible)
Brown fabric paint
Needle-Nose Pliers

Light the candle. Take four or the five paper clips and bend them all out as straight as possible (use the needle-nosed pliers).  Now take the paperclips and (do what feels right to you) wrap the stone as you would a crystal. Chant the following while doing this:

"This collar I have made by hand shall protect my pet, all evil shall be banned. It will keep him/her in good health and always loved it is a source of good luck that is always watching from above. No harm shall ever come to my pet. And my will, So mote it be!"

Anoint the collar with the oil you have chosen. Attach the wrapped stone to the collar (like you would a license tag).

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Creating a Familiar Spell - by Gwyndion O’Hara

This rite is designed specifically for cats, but may be employed with any animal you wish to make your familiar spirit. Each night during the cycle of the waxing Moon, sit closely with the animal. Arrange it so that you are both facing toward the horizon where the Moon shall rise. Stroke the creature firmly, but with love, until he or she begins to purr or to relax. Align your own breathing with the purr, or in the case of a creature other than a feline friend, align your breathing with that of the animal. Continue to do this each night at moonrise. When the Moon is at full, your will shall be as one with that of your familiar. You shall see through its eyes, and it will see through yours. Your thoughts shall be as one, and you will share a single heart.

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The Northern Lights Fairy Spell - from Cat Spells, Cat Magic through the Ages by Claire Nahmad

When the firmament is alight with meteoric phenomena, and the Merry Dancers assume their pretty gowns and make great sport up and down the curtain of the night sky until they in a fair frolic and frenzy, these Northern Lights are come to let you know that the evening is full of magick, and the season ripe for spells and craftworking.

Therefore, coax a cat (better if she be black) on to your lap, and sit alone with her in the garden, stroking her until a sheen appears on her coat, and she purrs contentedly. Have at your elbow a nipperkin of wine in a small vessel, and at the cat's first stretch, anoint her lightly with the wine, making the sign of the Celtic Cross upon her head, and then do the same for yourself.

Gently grasp the end of her tail and stroke it three times swiftly over your left eye, and then over your right, saying:

Elves of the night, enchant my sight,
Your forms for to see in moon or sunlight,
With this spell and with this sign
I prithee, forward my design.

Let puss run off, and steal away to your bedchamber, there to contemplate the moon and the stars and all the magickal lights of the sky from your lattice. If you have found favor with the fairies, then mystic dreams will come to you that night, and afterwards you will begin to see the Little People at their revels, faintly at first, but yet more clear, more lucid, as the fairy enchantment blesses ever deeper your inner seeing.

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The Mirror, the Cat, and the Moon Love Spell - from Cat Spells, Cat Magic through the Ages by Claire Nahmad

On May Eve, coax your cat to go with you to a pond or a rushing stream, and take with you a mirror, a man's silk handkerchief, and a white candle with some tinder to light it.

When you reach the water's edge, light the candle, hold it up to the moon, and intone this rune:

Lovely Freya, Queen of the Moon
Bring my true love to me by the month of June.

As the moon rises, call puss and let her study her wide-eyed face in the mirror for a little while. Then turn your back to the water and hold the mirror aloft so that it reflects the moon, and also her reflection on the water. Place the silk handkerchief over your face and count the number of moons which appear in the mirror. If there are but two, a twelvemonth must pass before you are wed, but if there are more, their number represents the months which must pass before you are wed.

If your cat is strong in magick, your true love's face will appear in the mirror, as still as the reflection of the moon, just for an instant.

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The Cat Spell Oracle - from Cat Spells, Cat Magic through the Ages by Claire Nahmad

If you would divine the future, it is lucky to call upon your cat as an oracle. Frame the question clearly in your mind, then write it down three times. Whisper puss' magickal name to yourself three times three, and speak the question three times aloud.

Now, making sure that the door is ajar, call to your cat. Carefully observe which forepaw appears first through the door as she walks into the room. If it is the left paw, a denial is your answer. If it is the right paw, 'yes' is your answer.

Having divined this way, ponder the oracle's response. The key to its message, and what will transpire for the best, is within your own heart.

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Call a Household Pet  - by Therese Francis

If you are interested in a certain kind of animal, say a poodle or angora cat, gather everyone in your household together for this ten minute ritual. First, light a votive candle. Say in a loud voice, “We want a poodle (or other type of animal) to be here with us.” Have everyone mention something they intend to offer the pet—love, time, walks in the park, play, snuggling, food. Together take a few quiet moments to visualize life with the imagined pet. Then blow out the candle, and exclaim, “Welcome to our home!” Follow your hunches about where and when to find your new household member.

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Cat Divination for Fortune  - by Ed Fitch

When you drive off to work in the morning, do a "cat count" on the way out of your neighborhood. Look for cats resting peacefully on porches or fences, under bushes or parked cars. The more cats you find enjoying the light of the new morning, the more likely you will find good fortune in the coming day!

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Cats and Money  - by Scott Cunningham

Cats can be harbingers of coming prosperity and good fortune. A cat of three colors is extremely lucky and will keep a house from harm, while a smutty-nosed cat will bring wealth to its companions. Stroking a cat's tail nine times grants good luck at cards. And just sharing your home with cats will bring you many blessings.

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Magickal Kitty Treat - From Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth by Dorothy Morrison

You will need:

Small amount of dried catnip (1 tablespoon for each treat)

Sewing thread

4-inch fabric square, one for each treat


Place a Tablespoon of Catnip in the center of the fabric. Gather the ends together (leave a two inch tail), and wind the thread tightly around the pouch to secure the catnip. Tie off the thread using a double knot and cut the ends close to the wrapping. Place the ribbon over the thread wrapping and tie it in a bow. Note: To prevent choking, burn the ends of your ribbon; you may also want to supervise cats while they play. 

Enchant the Kitty treat by saying something  like:

"Goddess Bast of feline friends
Your powers to this treat, please lend
I ask you now to bless this toy
And fill it full of kitty joy"

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Pretty Kitty Spell

If you have both a cat and a lot of choices to make, try this: Buy a box of Ping-Pong balls. Write one option on each ball and toss them onto the floor. See which ones your cat plays with, and in what order. Consider making your choices based on what your cat tells you. If you don’t have a cat and can’t borrow one, but are connected to cat energy, put a picture of a cat or a toy cat onto the floor. Shake the balls in a bag and let them loose. See how they land in relation to the cat. 

by: Cerridwen Iris Shea
Llewellyn 14 Sep 02

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Protective Blessings for Cats
By Dorothy Morrison

Bast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name) from day to day
And guide him/her home, if (s)/he should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

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A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth
© 1998 by D. J. Conway

Sometimes in our busy lives we get too caught up in the everyday cycle of life and we forget our spirituality. In the absence of our mysticism we forget the guidance, support and general well being that spirituality provides for us and lose track of what is important to us. The following is a cat spell for spiritual growth. Let the magickal cat remind us of our spiritual path and help us to regain the sight in which we see it:

A Cat Spell for Spiritual Growth:

Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time “I’ve got it” proposition. Ideally, it is a continuous, upward spiral of knowledge-seeking which never ends. Sometimes a metaphorical light will come on, and we will understand a single spiritual point with great clarity. Most of the time, however, we have to plod along, step-by-step, sweating for everything we learn. What we can learn through patience and perseverance usually lasts the longest. Here’s a cat spell that will help:

 Materials you will need for the Spell

Cast-off cat’s whiskers.
Statues or pictures of Bast and Isis.
A stamp or picture of a cat’s paw print.
Incense: lotus, jasmine, or frankincense.
A cat’s eye stone; this can be set in jewelry if you want to wear it afterwards.
Two white candles.


Light of the moon or Full Moon if you are trying to understand Upperworld

Dark of the Moon or New Moon if you are trying to understand the mysterious Underworld Powers

 Set up an altar or sacred space, arranging one candle on each side and one to the rear of your working area. Place the statues of Bast and Isis between the candles. Set the picture of the cat’s paw print at the foot of the statues with the cat’s eye stone and the whiskers on top of it. Light the incense. Lay your hands over the paw print, whiskers, and stone saying:

into the light where all things are made clear.
By the whiskers of the cat, I am guided in the right way.
The Ladies of Wisdom speak to my heart and soul.
Their words enter my dreams, guiding and instructing me.
I seek truth and light!

Sit quietly for a few moments while you think over the spiritual ideas you want clarified or the difficulties you have in deciding upon a spiritual path to take. When you are finished, put out the candles. The candles, whiskers, and paw print can be reused whenever you wish to repeat this spell.

The cat’s eye stone can be carried or worn in jewelry as a reminder that you are being guided with wisdom and clarity. Answers often come in unexpected ways; dreams, talking with others, or reading a book. Be open and aware.

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For Help in Finding a Lost Animal Using The Tarot
by Janina Renee, Tarot Spells, © 1990

The Tarot doesn't actually have any cards specifically pertaining to animals. However, many decks use animals as symbols in some of the illustrations.

For spells involving animals, we can use these cards, concentrating on the animal in the picture and ignoring the card's conventional meaning.  The spells here use the Rider-Waite deck, but if you are using another deck, you will want to look it over to see whether it uses the same animals as Waite, and also whether it has other cards that show animals.

Cards that can be used as significators for animals include the 9 OF PENTACLES, THE STAR, and the ACE OF CUPS for birds; the QUEEN OF WANDS for cats; STRENGTH for domestic cats and big cats like lions and tigers; THE MOON, THE FOOL, and the 10 OF PENTACLES for dogs and wolves; the PAGE OF CUPS and The MOON for fish and aquatic life; THE SUN, the 6 OF WANDS, and all of the KNIGHTS for horses; the KING OF WANDS for lizards and reptiles, the QUEEN OF PENTACLES for rabbits; and THE LOVERS for snakes.

If you don't find the above-mentioned possible significator cards satisfactory, you can also use a picture of the animal or animals in place of a Tarot card to be the significator.

The layout is cross-shaped, as the cross is an ancient symbol of protection appropriate for the protective feelings many of us have toward animals, and especially the concern we feel for lost animals.  The 6 OF CUPS, which forms the base of this cross, is a card that rekindles love and renews old ties, acting to draw the lost animal back to its home and to the people who love it.  THE MAGICIAN stands for the utilization of resources, and assures  that all measures will be taken and all efforts utilized in the search.  THE STAR brings luck and hope--elements very necessary to such an undertaking.  THE HERMIT reveals where that which is lost may be found.   Here, THE HERMIT shines his lamp on the card chosen to represent the lost pet.

If you wish to use accessories for this spell, use pink candles, flowers, crystals, gemstones and cloth, as pink is the color of affectionate love. If possible, also have some pictures of the missing pet laid out.  (You can also include pieces of hair, feathers, whiskers or such from the pet in question.) Also, for this particular spell you will need to have a lit candle nearby, whether or not you choose to include lighting candles as part of this ritual.

To perform this spell, you can proceed by laying out the cards and doing the following meditation, visualization, and affirmation.


Lay out the cards when you come to the appropriate point in the spell.

Lay the animal's SIGNIFICATOR down first.  Visualize the animal, recalling its features and mannerisms to the best of your ability.  Picture the missing pet being drawn to the light of the candles--to the light of love.  Hold your hands above the candle flames for a few moments.  Feel the warmth of the candles, and visualize the light of the candles acting as a beacon to lead the animal home.

Lay down the SIX OF CUPS, and think about all of the good times you and your pet have had together.  Try to remember the day you first got your pet, what they were like as a youngster, etc.

As you lay down THE MAGICIAN, consider the various courses of action that may be taken in the search for your pet.

Lay down THE STAR, a card for wishing.  Make a wish for your pet to return.

Finally, lay down THE HERMIT, visualizing your pet being found or returned, and how happy you both will be to be reunited.


After you have finished meditating on the cards and visualizations, carefully, and with as much feeling as you can, recite the following affirmation:

"As I set forth these cards in the light of these candles, the small friend for whom I have so much love is drawn home to me!

I do not cease trying to find my friend until he/she returns home.

I call upon all good spirits and all good powers who care about small and helpless creatures to aid me in my search!

My small friend (name of pet) is brought home through the spell which I call forth.

It shines like a beacon that my animal friend can see!

As my will, so mote it be!"

You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you may close the spell
as desired.

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Bast Incense Recipe 
by Eloise Coquio

With this incense I decided to incorporate both solar and lunar influences to reflect Bast's dual attributes as both a sun and moon goddess. I was influenced also by her love of perfume and her various magical focuses such as love, happiness and fertility.

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Gum Arabic
1 part Myrrh
1 part Catnip
1 part patchouli leaf
1 part Rose petal
1 part sandalwood (Red or white)
1/2 part lavender
1/2 part Orris Root
2 drops each of Ylang Ylang and Carnation oil

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Page updated 10/10/2002