Note : tornpaperonthefloor doesn't view properly in Netscape. Or at least that's what I've heard. I don't know if it's true or not, so if it's not working in Netscape, we're very sorry. |
BONJOUR FAITHFUL TORNIE FANS! THIS IS SARAH SILVA TYPIN'! Yes, THE Sarah Silva. But how did she get online, you ask? Well, well, I was watching my cable TV and I saw that commercial. "Dude, you gotta get a Dell." You know what? I DID. So, I have internet access and we're giving away Terrorist (My previous Computer, a Gateway who I suspect knows too much about me and my naughty online voyages) to my brother. Enjoy! I'll go and fix some stuff up, put some stories on... WHEE! |
The icon below is just random. |