Note : tornpaperonthefloor doesn't view properly in Netscape.  Or at least that's what I've heard. I don't know if it's true or not, so if it's not working in Netscape, we're very sorry.
BONJOUR FAITHFUL TORNIE FANS! THIS IS SARAH SILVA TYPIN'! Yes, THE Sarah Silva. But how did she get online, you ask? Well, well, I was watching my cable TV and I saw that commercial. "Dude, you gotta get a Dell." You know what? I DID. So, I have internet access and we're giving away Terrorist (My previous Computer, a Gateway who I suspect knows too much about me and my naughty online voyages) to my brother. Enjoy! I'll go and fix some stuff up, put some stories on... WHEE!
The icon below is just random.