Wolf Cub Uniform

Scouts Canada is a uniformed organization. The uniform helps build a feeling of belonging, pride and self-discipline.

A full and complete Cub uniform is required for all activities unless indicated otherwise. At each formal event the full uniform is worn. For less formal activities (such as regular meetings), the sash is not required. For some rough-and-tumble-and-let’s-get-dirty activities, only the necker is worn – and it is tied (leave the woggle at home!)

Cubs are required to wear running shoes while involved in indoor activities. Your child will not be allowed to participate in sock feet for safety reasons.

The Shirt

The shirt will have all the identifying badges/patches that identify to which:

organization (World Organization of the Scout Movement),World Scout Badge

country (Canada),

province (Ontario),Ontario Badge

council (Greater Toronto),

area (Seaton),

and group (91st Toronto)

your Cub belongs. Those that don’t come with the shirt will be provided. Where to sew on the badges is identified in the Cub Book.


Cub EpauletteEpaulettes (also provided) will be handed out to indicate that your Cub has been invested,



Sixer EpauletteSecond Epauletteand are also used to indicate whether a Cub is a sixer or a second.



The Sash

Cub SashThe sash is red, with yellow stripes. On the sash will go the stars, badges, and awards that the Cub earns either during the meetings or through personal or family activities.


The Necker

Group NeckerThe necker is the easiest way to identify which pack a Cub belongs to. Each pack has its own distinctive colours. Ours is green with a yellow trim.

Cub WoggleThe standard way of attaching it is with the Cub woggle, or for more active occasions a well-tied reef knot. The necker and the first woggle will be provided.



Pants or Shorts

Dark blue pants or shorts are to be worn to each meeting and formal occasion. Jeans OK, but no holes, or cut-offs please. There is a Cub belt and buckle that can be purchased but we consider this an optional item.

Cub Belt and Buckle

Where to get everything...
We provide all badges, epaulets, Group neckerchief, and Cub woggle. Try here for a diagram of where to place badges on the uniform shirt. This information can also be found in the Cub Book. Other Items may be purchased at the Scout Shop.