02.04.02 NEW UPDATE! YAA! the first big update of the new year! yes i updated the ME page...or better known as tranceboy (as the link at the bottom says). Im happy with the new look for now...may change it later...but yeah...its more to the point! anyways check it out

01.29.02 check out the new teK space shoes


01.05.02 News: my front page got a new title! yay! doesnt it look better? i think it does...i sorta liked the picture of me in it, cept it didnt really look like ME anymore...cuz i dont have any blond in my hair...so i decided to make a new, sleeker title =) Updates this week include *that*, a new look for the links page (working at getting all the pages in a black table)

12.20.01 Merry Christmas yO =P no news..cept for i added the sketchbook link to the front page! so sign it! i wanna know whos visiting here! anyways....here's my cat Ed representin the kitty xmas maH-SivE!!



Its snowing todaY! yaY! looks nice but its damn cold outside!! anyways today i started my robot collection...ive decided that today too! that im gonna start collecting robots! heh...anyways yes today i bought MeowChi!! =) at first he looked kinda lame...but then at work i decided to take him out of the package and put him on my desk for a while...and i fell in lUV =P he's soooo cute! he just sits there like a little orniment and does stuff! my cat's not too fond of him tho =P hehe..anyways heres pics!

(click to make bigger)

SO next on the list is super poochie....then i-cybie...then ill wait till sumthing better comes out =) like that teddy bear in AI! =) (out)

11.26.01: I bought a new cam! this one is much cooler than the last one...this one is actually CLEAR! yaY! so im happy with it..so my liveCam is back up and running after being down for a few days...hmmm other than that i havent been working on this site...had a sketchy skecthy sunday after Simple 5 on saturday...had fun at the party but the next morning was a whole other story! eek..wont get into details but anyways...ya drugz r bad kids! enjoyed the second room at this party =) felt like good ol times...so because of this i think i am gonna make it out to Come Together in December aswell...shud be fun...and the music will be better too! that was one thing lacking at simple...the music...and what the fucks with 12yr old DJ Ash playing groove station 5 =P? i thot DJ's were suppose to mix their records! and stick to one genre!!! every song tottaly clashed with the one b4 it! i mean ill give him a break cuz he was 12 but STILL! WHY WUD U HIRE HIM TO SPIN?? (out) 11.19.01 Newly added today is the addition of my webcam! I've had my cam for almost a year now...and have figured that it hasnt gotten much use. So, i decided to put a liveCam on my site...=) So why am i doing this? well..
a)I think it will make this place a little more interesting
b)im bored and have nothing better to do =P c)i cant think of c right now ;)
Now at the moment the quality is kinda on the poor side...so i think im going to get a better cam soon..but untill then..this is what u have to live with =) Oh and i should mention...if the image is reloading but staying the same...and your sitting there wondering...wow he hasnt moved outta that position for 38 minutes! GET A CLUE!! the cam is OFF...and therefore its just gonna keep displaying the last image taken. But i know your all much smarter than that right? =) hehe (out)

11.14.01: As for work on my website...the past few days i have changed the page about me slightly to improve the look....still needs work tho.
Also my WishList has been added! click on the amazon logo next to this box and a new window will open showing u what dvd's you can buy me =) cummon u know u want to. (out)

11.13.01: Events for today....Hmmm Lets just say, It's always great when your best friend goes behind your back and starts dating your ex that you still have feelings for!
You think someones your friend and respects you....but obviously u cant trust anyone...People will walk right over you and not care, just to get a piece of meat that they think is cute and sweet. Guess the friendship wasnt that important to them...but they will learn the day they lose both the friend and the boyfriend...theyve already lost the friend. (out)

11.05.01: Updates again! this time im getting into more detail on my page...so probably...most likely...you wont notice anything updated! but infact there is! im in the process of learning JavaScript..im teaching it to myself...i mean..why waste money on some stupid course when you can easily learn it over the net?? heh..as my friend Morgan was saying to me this week..."ya..bcit wouldnt accept me into their computer program because of my grades....so i just went out and got a 60k a year mac programming job instead ;P lol!... knowledge IS power! Anyways, back to the updates; If you notice in the status display in the lower left of your window...when you move the cursor over a link on my page now....it displays a title for that link! no longer a URL...heh heh...pretty nifty huh? Go ahead! try it out! knock yourself out! hehe yes..u probably think its lame...but i dont care! i put alot of work into it =) and its the *little things that make a webpage unique ;) and i DIDNT copy paste that either....i learnt it and then did it allll from scratch! I am so proud of ME! hahaha...anyways yeah...oh! and also...at the bottom u notice a date..and time..i wrote that too...tells u when u logged into my site at! (out)
