FIRST PART


At Blair it is said that the witch was seen for the first time two centuries ago.
Since then the mystery surrounding her has thickened.

Recently she was seen wandering through the woods  into an abandoned house .

A group of teenagers, in search of a scoop, has finally decided to shed light
on this mysteryous character.

Jeanette is the student that had the idea  to do this project and follow the Blair witch's tracks. 

She is accompanied by Maicol and Paul, who are friends from university. 

They will help her to film the documentary with a videocamera.

 Wednesday 11th November 1999, 9:30 am

The young people begin their search for the first testimonies.
Maicol is a bit sceptical, he doesn't know anything about this "Blair witch".
Jeanette explains that it is a very famous legend and that the witch has been seen by many people and has kidnapped many young girls.
Maicol asks Jeanette: "What does this witch do to the young girls?".
"Hang them", answers Jeanette.
Maicol is disturbed by this answer , the story about a witch who hangs young girls seem absurd.

11:00 am

Jeanette begins recording the documentary.
She explains about various sightings, the mysterious presence and their intentions to discover the truth. They interview Maddalene, one of the eldest woman in the village and also one of the main experts on the legend of the witch.

She says: "From what I remember, she was called Sara, it was 1738, she was a very free girl and she loved life, she seduced many men, but one day the jealous daughter of the burgomaster caught her having sex with her boyfriend and had her arrested.
The monks of the Holy Inquisition tried and condemned her to death, accusing her of following crimes: witchcraft, sodomy and perversion.
She was put into prison and then two days later hanged on a tree in public.
On the gallows, before dying, she swore that one day she would come back to life an give the same death to all the girls she met on her way.
Several years after her execution, the first sightings and hanged victims began to appear.
Sara returned in search of revenge as she said she would".

 2:30 pm

Jeanette is even more convinced about the existence of the witch and wants to get to the bottom of this. She organises an expedition to the places where the mysteryous creature was last seen.
Paul insists that it's all nonsense, but then they leave the car, take the cameras and enter the woods.
After hours of walking , it is getting late, the sun is about to set, Maicol suggests going home, but Jeanette wants to camp in the woods overnight.

After another two hours of walking, they find the first traces of an evil presence:

strange bundles of branches attached to the trees, nooses and stones put as circles, like esoteric 

By now night has arrived, carryng dark omens. After dinner, they fall asleep under a tree.

In their sleep, strange and disturbing visions enter their dreams.

Jeanette, re-lives that terrible moment when Sara, during the trial is accused by some girls
from the village of been seen using enchantments,  then to  have sex with different men at the same time.
Sara defends herself, she confirms her passion for the pleasures of sex, but denies the use of  Black Magic to seduce the men in the village.
The inquisitional judge then orders that the girl be tortured, until she confesses her obedience to Satan:
The Torture
"Confess that you are a witch, 
   or it will be worse for you!"
"Have mercy" 
"Yes, I confess! I'm a witch"

Brutally whipped  and subjected to horrible tortures, Sara is forced to admit  being a servant of Lucifer.
The judge pronounces his sentence: "Sara, you have been found guilty of acts of sodomy and of using Black Magic, therefore this court sentences you to be publicly hanged with a rope around the neck, till death".


 Sara on the gallows 
"One day, I will get my revenge!"
"Hang her higher!" 
 "A kick to the chair"
Sara is dead

All the people of the village have assisted in her execution.

Thursday 12 November 1999, 4:30 am.

In the middle of night, Jeanette  and the boys are  woken by strange sounds, all three taken by panic flee in terror.

 8:30 am.

The group of reporters begin to get nervous, the mystery thickens and threatens at the same time.
Finally, desperation sets in, the hours pass, tired and hungry they realize that they continue to pass by the same places.
Paul: "Damn , we're lost, these woods are cursed!".
Jeanette: "I hear strange voices, do you hear them too?".
"It's only the sound of the wind" responds Maicol.

 3:30 pm.

Suddenly, Paul and Maicol disappear without leaving any traces.
Jeanette is left alone, she doesn't know what to do and wanders through the woods without an aim.
Towards evening, she finds a ruined house. She moves nearer hoping that someone can help her.
"Help,!", but her desperate cries find no response.
Jeanette gets closer and closer to the house, since she sees it as her only hope for salvation.
She enters, but there's not a soul inside. Exhausted, she lies down on a bench and falls asleep.


Part 2

 Warning: hanging is dangerous, don't try it!

The scenes of torture and death are pure fiction. The actors are all over 18.
Author of texts and photos: Antonio Di Gennaro.
The photos must not be published on other internet sites.
 2001-Copyright by ANTONIO DI GENNARO

 The video scenes can be found on our Hanging Video Vol.3
