I received this information from a web site visitor. I have decided to post this information but I am also going to continue to keep my link of to THe Nature Conservancy. I think it is your choice to continue to support this orginization.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) still uses cruel wire neck snares to catch and kill wild pigs in the Hawaiian Islands. TNC justifies this gruesome killing in the name of "conservation," claiming that wild pigs interfere with native plants.

Now TNC is killing more pigs and sheep on land it owns on Santa Cruz Island in California (TNC owns about 90 percent of the island). At one time, the island had more than 30,000 peaceful sheep living there, but, over the years, TNC-hired hunters have slaughtered tens of thousands of them, leaving only about 2,500 sheep today.

The National Park Service (NPS) took over ownership of the remaining 10 percent of the island in February of this year. Although the NPS also believes that the sheep must be removed from the island, it is allowing the animals to be rounded up and adopted. The adoption program is being organized by the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department in conjunction with Farm Sanctuary.

Approximately 200 wild pigs also live on Santa Cruz Island and the NPS and TNC plan to kill all the pigs because they consider these animals an "exotic species." Please lend your voice to the animals, and tell TNC to stop the killing and to support nonlethal means of resolving conflicts with animals, such as fencing and contraception.

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