5&Diner,Sunsplash and Elyse's Party
( i luv u amber and traci i had to steal ur pix cuz of the camera in the pool incident haha)
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Me,Traci and Elyse in the wavepool at sunsplash  haha right b4 we got our ice cream...*supermodel spoons spoons* right amber? lol i luv u guys
above: Me, Lea and Traci at 5&Diner...oooh a minor!! haha lea :oP
everyone and our awesome waiters lol
Jenny...i fink these might fall off, but i no sure i fink...maybe sumtimes they might fall off..i fink hahaha hah i luv u!!!
the few.the proud. the huskies hahah here's a random picture of us at school
how cute are traci and amber?
the girlies on elyse's hammock
justin and sarah being bunnies lol
omg we're falling!!!
sarah jumping somewhere over the rainbow
jenny elyse me and traci..i luv u guys!!
kinda lol
below: me & amber pretending that we arent freezing hahaha u rock amber!