United States Constabulary
Army of Occupation

Junior Ray Ward

      I served in the 24th US Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron - Troop C (Mechanized Cavalry) and later the unit changed to the 24th US Constabulary Squadron. My troop was in the VE Day parade that took place on May 8, 1946 in Salzburg, Austria. We were also called the DC (District Constabulary).  Before the parade the color of our vehicles was changed from a flat olive drab color to a shiny green color.
     When I first arrived in Austria my troop and I were placed in the town of  Bad Shallerbach. We stayed in an old hotel building. Later we were placed in Enns, Austria and lived in the SS-Baracks. We were most of the time stationed in Bad Shallerback and Enns but we went back and forth to many of the towns doing work and guard duty. We were in Steyr a lot of the time doing work that needed to be done. The headquarters was in Linz.
     My unit guarded the bridge in Enns and Linz that crossed the Danube River. The Americans were on one side of the river and the Russians were on the other side. The US soldiers were not allowed to go over into the Russian zone.
     We worked with the Austrian police. In Steyr we destroyed the small arms weapons. We were at many of the DP camps in Steyr, Linz, Enns and the surrounding towns and were in contact with many of the Displaced Persons.
     I am attaching a photo of myself taken in Austria during my stay.
Junior Ray Ward

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