This is the  
Wondrous World  
Dutch artist Maurits Cornelius Escher had begun his training for his parents dream  
for him, in architecture, when his graphic design teacher urged him to abandon 
his architectural studies and take up graphic arts full time. Escher was later to 
remark, "I never really wanted to build houses, only madhouses." (As good a  
description as any of the works below!) Escher went on to produce some of the  
greatest art works of the twentieth century. Before his death in 1972, he lived  
to see his work gain international acclaim and the ultimate tribute of being copied  
over and over again. 
Escher's brilliant optical illusional works are featured on  
David McAllister's Image Page. As well as a huge collection  
of Eschers (1898 - 1972) work, he has some of his own work  
which is in the same line, also well worth a look.  
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Rene MagritteMain Art PageJ.W. Waterhouse ~ The Pre-Raphaelites 
 Background set used with kind permission of