Here are credits well earned by the people who helped make this site possible:

Thanks to Moonblade's Temple of Beauty and Song; I got a lot of my pictures and music from there. You can visit Moonblade too!

Thanks also to "Ireland's Now- Traditional Music of Ireland" for some of their wonderful traditional Irish music mid's for the site. Visit the site and listen to traditional Ireland jigs and songs, without the wait!

Thanks to Magestic Adorations, from which we got a lot of our beautiful buttons and backgrounds, which were personal designs of Lady Debbie herself! Go and check out her gorgeous creations yourself!

Thanks so much to Celtic or Knot, a mystical non-profit website with wonderful graphics, logos, backgrounds, buttons, borders, and the list goes on! You don't need to be Celtic to appreciate this art--but don't take my word for it! Go check it out yourself!

Thanks to 3-d for their wonderful computer generated art! Our site wouldn't look half as good if it weren't for the addition of their work!

Thanks also to Microsoft Frontpage for all the web site building help (what, you think I know HTML that well?); if it wasn't for that half of this wouldn't have gotton done!

Thank you to those engineers of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady, for making a program that allows me to make some graphics of my own!

Thanks to the numerous sites I gathered various pictures and backgrounds from to make this site a place worth visiting.

Thanks to Microsoft Greetings '99 ® for graphics and music files.

Shout out and thanks to Jessica, aka Jassea, my Herald-Mage Chronicler for the Group Timeline - you're Haven sent, Jessi!

Thanks to Comet Cursors for our numerous cursors.

Free DHTML scripts provided by
Dynamic Drive

Thanks to "Yahoo!" who provided all of the space to make this site (even if they didn't make it very easy!).

An enormous thanks to Mercedes Lackey who wrote the wonderful books that inspired our Velgarth fantasies and this site.

Thank you goes out to Cool Text for help in rendering and creating a lot of the wonderful titles viewed on these pages.

Also helping in creating the titles, I'd like to thank Flaming Text for their help and in letting us use their creater.

Thanks to all of our visitors!

~*~Herald-Artificer Lissa Starstorm~*~

aka, Melissa -

Play Music!