Arafat [chat]: corecction: who are pale and dont masturbat being better than
 thoe immigrants of souhtern america. you fucks are no better than australians.
 nuke youselves
Info: Fingust goes link dead.
[chat]: Bazil rolls on the floor laughing.
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 818 +12 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 922 +104 Ep: 251 
chat go away arafat everybody hate you
Valkrist [chat]: go away arafat everybody hate you
Hp:636/636 Sp:922/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Ushae [sales]: w: red gloves/blue radium boots/pendant of apathy/wis wands
Hp: 636  Sp: 932 +10 Ep: 251 
@Bazil smiles at you.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1021 +89 Ep: 251 
Wyrm shouts 'Was it as good for you, as it was for me, Tuppi?'
Info: Tuppi dies.
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1035 +14 Ep: 251 
You sizzle with magical energy.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1076 +41 Ep: 251 
You concentrate on your staff...
The sigla on your Staff of Druids glow softly,
shedding an eerie bright magenta light.
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [chat]: yeah. kill me hunderd times and maybe i will (most probaplty i
 wont. rets, bann mee fro your chann, it was valkrist who originally got me to
 your channel)
Info: Cevap goes link dead.
chat just hate americans don't hate immigrants
Valkrist [chat]: just hate americans don't hate immigrants
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

[chat]: Bazil rolls on the floor laughing.
You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Reima (chat): just hate
Sam [wanted]: 2x def now!
Charge staff: ##########
Yarthetiger [chat]: i like that idea.
Charge staff: #########
[chat]: Bazil agrees with Reima fully.
Charge staff: ########
You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.
Charge staff: #####
Arafat tells you 'you finn?'
Charge staff: ####
Charge staff: ###
nod arafat
You emote to Arafat 'nods at you.'
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Charge staff: ##
Charge staff: #
You are done with the chant.
Amount "all" works out to be 1038 spell points.
You trace fiery blue sigla on your Staff of Druids '# !(' (Charge staff)
You sense power flowing into your Staff of Druids.
Hp: 636  Sp: 0 -1076 Ep: 251 
You concentrate on your staff...
The sigla on your Staff of Druids glow softly,
shedding an eerie bright red light.
Hp:636/636 Sp:0/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:6/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Ushae [wanted]: exp for tarmanav
Hp: 636  Sp: 6 +6 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 94 +88 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 101 +7 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Dupre (wanted): sable axe/tyra axe/thana voulge/deocide or what ever
 polearm/axe that isnt too heavy
Hp: 636  Sp: 198 +97 Ep: 251 
You feel like Sam healed you a bit.
Hp: 636  Sp: 281 +83 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'miu mielestä siä olet rottta'
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 289 +8 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 385 +96 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 394 +9 Ep: 251 
countries arafat

Arafat has registered to be from 'Finland'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:394/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
reply vai sitä mieltä olet

Info: Freld goes link dead.
You tell Arafat 'vai sitä mieltä olet'
Hp:636/636 Sp:394/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Info: Munkki enters the game.
Hp: 636  Sp: 483 +89 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 488 +5 Ep: 251 
reply tottahan sitä ihminen saa olla mitä mieltä tahtoo
You tell Arafat 'tottahan sitä ihminen saa olla mitä mieltä tahtoo'
Hp:636/636 Sp:488/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Himmler [wanted]: clawer or hardhitter
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 501 +13 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+, mut ei mitään vitun
 kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja ollu
 meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.'
Hp: 636  Sp: 586 +85 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 595 +9 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 602 +7 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 687 +85 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 699 +12 Ep: 251 
Sam [dsc+]: onko wk ajettu jo?
reply jaa enhä mä oo hakenu sitä kanavaa viimeseen kahtee reinciin
You tell Arafat 'jaa enhä mä oo hakenu sitä kanavaa viimeseen kahtee reinciin'
Hp:636/636 Sp:699/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Solarhawk the owl [dsc+]: fukattu
Solarhawk the owl [dsc+]: pitäis tappaa ne elffit et sais kortit
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 799 +100 Ep: 251 
Solarhawk the owl [dsc+]: en oo kyl huomannu et kukaa ois ajanu, mut ei se viel
 mitää meinaa
Amphion [dsc+]: eiks huomenna oo murdochin wk party
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 804 +5 Ep: 251 
Solarhawk the owl [dsc+]: onhan se
Arafat tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 818 +14 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 918 +100 Ep: 251 
Hp:636/636 Sp:918/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Endure [wanted]: clawer or hardhitter for little exp
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 926 +8 Ep: 251 
Sam [wanted]: doings for tdruid
Murdoch [dsc+]: jos joku sais haettuu ne prkleen kortit bootista. viimeksi en
 kerenny hakeen vaikka oli 3s bootista.
reply jaa no ei o mun ansiota
You tell Arafat 'jaa no ei o mun ansiota'
Hp:636/636 Sp:926/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [sales]: 10 tps
reply en tiedä miks enkä tunne kuka toi on
You tell Arafat 'en tiedä miks enkä tunne kuka toi on'
Hp:636/636 Sp:926/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 1024 +98 Ep: 251 
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:1024/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

  Lvl | Player name   | Idletime          | Gametime          
 ( 76)  Twomi           12m and 1s          4h, 45m and 57s            
 [ 90]  Ssmud           6s                  2h, 10m and 24s            
 [ 90]  Murdoch         24s                 4h, 45m and 50s      [P]   
 < 32>  Fizzl           4h, 20m and 31s     4h, 20m and 51s            [V]
 < 22>  Darol           14s                 4h, 45m and 6s             [V]
 [ 87]  Amphion         2s                  4h, 21m and 59s      [P]   
 [ 77]  Tuppi           1s                  4h, 45m and 48s      [P]   
 [ 87]  Stargazer       1m and 38s          26m and 34s       [B]      
 [ 49]  Alcal           4m and 42s          3h, 40m and 48s            

Total players: 284.

Hp:636/636 Sp:1024/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [sales]: mb 400k
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1035 +11 Ep: 251 
gwho retarded+
[    81    ] Arafat Servant the Hobbit  Lame has no Ego < the foul and fool jes
( Explorer ) Enochian 'Stone Cold' Cthulhumon the dark Drow Mr. Orange
{ Arch Mage} Entor Mumakil the Lich Lord Extraordinary < WildBoars >
( Explorer ) Nuane Maanviljelija the transparent Shadow Ghostbuster < . >
(   Elder  ) Pusta Man the Lich COSSU
[  Mentor  ] Thunk Smiling the dented member of Tinmen Trashcan < TTT >
[ Explorer ] Ziba Soppakauha the dark Drow goes PAF PAF PAF
7 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn)
Hp:636/636 Sp:1035/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Solarhawk the owl [sales]: for the whole 10?
f ziba
Ziba Soppakauha is a level 90 mortal of the Drow race.
He was created Thu Sep 18 22:06:23 2003 and he is 266d, 22h, 19min and 37s old.
He has been on for 4h, 32min and 18s, idle 4min and 34s.
He forwards mail to another account.
He has killed: an ancient skeleton (undead), 1873 exp
               a dark figure of a knight enveloped .., 636327 exp (party of 6)
Web page: PriestSpiderNavSS | Ask for Exp/Eq
This player has a blog - last modified 12d, 19h, 42min and 24s ago. 
>      You can dance you can sing you can come along
>      To the land called Ireland where you can feel at home
>      There's one way to get there if were going tonight
>      We'll drink more of the rare old stuff and get to feeling right
Hp:636/636 Sp:1035/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Info: Div is unidle.
Div wields A steel no-dachi named 'z'kha'nor'  in her right hand.
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
Rocker (wanted): vlw spr-arms, protectors
You sizzle with magical energy.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1076 +41 Ep: 251 
tell ziba missäs toi retarded+ oli?
You tell Ziba 'missäs toi retarded+ oli?'
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
cast heal all at 1

You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Heal all: ###############
Div coughs up blood and howls soullessly to satisfy Draen-Dalar.
Heal all: ##############
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Heal all: ############
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Thunk [sales]: or just for the 1.2 tp you gain for that in shop?
Heal all: ##########
You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.
Heal all: #######
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
gwho retarded+
[    81    ] Arafat Servant the Hobbit  Lame has no Ego < the foul and fool jes
( Explorer ) Enochian 'Stone Cold' Cthulhumon the dark Drow Mr. Orange
{ Arch Mage} Entor Mumakil the Lich Lord Extraordinary < WildBoars >
( Explorer ) Nuane Maanviljelija the transparent Shadow Ghostbuster < . >
(   Elder  ) Pusta Man the Lich COSSU
[  Mentor  ] Thunk Smiling the dented member of Tinmen Trashcan < TTT >
[ Explorer ] Ziba Soppakauha the dark Drow goes PAF PAF PAF
7 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn)
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Heal all: #####
You are casting 'heal all' at '1'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Heal all: ####
You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.
f thun
No such player (Thun).
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
f thunk

Thunk Smiling is a level 97 mortal of the Tinmen race.
He was created Sat Sep 29 15:39:27 2001 and he is 222d, 9h, 49min and 45s old.
He has been on for 2h, 18min and 53s, idle 12s.
He forwards mail to another account.
He has killed: Ivor, the leader of thugs, 54167 exp
               a high priestess of Esachen, protect.., 1261100 exp (party of 8)
He has no plan.
Hp:636/636 Sp:1076/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Heal all: #
Air (wanted): eq party for tarmadruid
You are done with the chant.
You clap hands and whisper 'koko mudi kuntoon, hep' (Heal all)
You feel like you healed 2 players.
Hp: 636  Sp: -300 -1376 Ep: 251 
countries thunk

Thunk has registered to be from 'Netherlands'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:-300/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Reima (sales): 400k
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:-300/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
gwho retarded+

[    81    ] Arafat Servant the Hobbit  Lame has no Ego < the foul and fool jes
( Explorer ) Enochian 'Stone Cold' Cthulhumon the dark Drow Mr. Orange
{ Arch Mage} Entor Mumakil the Lich Lord Extraordinary < WildBoars >
( Explorer ) Nuane Maanviljelija the transparent Shadow Ghostbuster < . >
(   Elder  ) Pusta Man the Lich COSSU
[  Mentor  ] Thunk Smiling the dented member of Tinmen Trashcan < TTT >
[ Explorer ] Ziba Soppakauha the dark Drow goes PAF PAF PAF
7 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn)
Hp:636/636 Sp:-300/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat tells you 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei
 niin vedä heteräo perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: -202 +98 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: -188 +14 Ep: 251 
reply ooks ottanu sinisen pillerin aamulla?
You tell Arafat 'ooks ottanu sinisen pillerin aamulla?'
Hp:636/636 Sp:-188/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
tell last
Displaying last tells to you.
(15:56) Himmler tells you 'take'
(15:57) Himmler tells you 'casting'
(16:40) @Stargazer nods her head at you, yeah, ok.
(16:58) @Bazil smiles at you.
(16:59) Arafat tells you 'you finn?'
(17:01) Arafat tells you 'miu mielestä siä olet rottta'
(17:02) Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+, mut ei mitään vitun
 kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja ollu
 meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.'
(17:03) Arafat tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'
(17:05) Arafat tells you 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei
 niin vedä heteräo perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
(17:06) Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
Hp:636/636 Sp:-188/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: -94 +94 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: -82 +12 Ep: 251 
Darkwell [dsc+]: mitä kurgan tekee
Darkwell [dsc+]: valkrist tuus tänne
Marrow [dsc+]: instakillaa
Stargazer [dsc+]: decapaa
vsa (17:02) Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+, mut ei mitään vitun kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja ollu meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.' (17:03) Arafat tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'(17:05) Arafat tells you 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei  niin vedä heteräo perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
Valkrist [vsa+]: (17:02) Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+,
 mut ei mitään vitun kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja
 ollu meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.' (17:03) Arafat
 tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'(17:05) Arafat tells you
 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei niin vedä heteräo
 perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
Hp:636/636 Sp:-82/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Solarhawk the owl [dsc+]: ei se paljoo, vetää decapitatea
Hp: 636  Sp: 8 +90 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
vsa (17:06) Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
Valkrist [vsa+]: (17:06) Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
Hp:636/636 Sp:15/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 15 +7 Ep: 251 
ds mitäs siel
Valkrist [dsc+]: mitäs siel
Hp:636/636 Sp:15/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Stargazer [dsc+]: banishia heitti muistaakseni se orgasmatron
Arafat tells you 'ahahahah. vittu oli vaikka sateenkaari. peelosontanaama
 siä vittu tollast paskat sontii tän pelin. vittu!'
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 27 +12 Ep: 251 
Div [vsa+]: mitä se itkee
Hp: 636  Sp: 120 +93 Ep: 251 
Halle arrives from north.
Div [vsa+]: tapanko
vsa en mä oikein tiedä tipuin kärryiltä :)
Valkrist [vsa+]: en mä oikein tiedä tipuin kärryiltä :)
Hp:636/636 Sp:120/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Darkwell tells you 'tuutko kurganin tappoon'
Arafat tells you 'vittu mikä paska'
tell darkwell eiku lähden kohta varmaa
You tell Darkwell 'eiku lähden kohta varmaa'
Hp:636/636 Sp:120/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Halle starts concentrating on a new spell.
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 129 +9 Ep: 251 
Halle utters the magic words 'harnaxan temnahecne' (Unpain)
vsa Arafat tells you 'ahahahah. vittu oli vaikka sateenkaari. peelosontanaama siä vittu tollast paskat sontii tän pelin. vittu!'
Valkrist [vsa+]: Arafat tells you 'ahahahah. vittu oli vaikka sateenkaari.
 peelosontanaama siä vittu tollast paskat sontii tän pelin. vittu!'
Hp:636/636 Sp:129/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Halle starts concentrating on a new skill.
tell arafat rauhotus ny
Hp: 636  Sp: 215 +86 Ep: 251 
You tell Arafat 'rauhotus ny'
Hp:636/636 Sp:215/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Halle sits down and starts meditating.
vsa Arafat tells you 'vittu mikä paska'
Valkrist [vsa+]: Arafat tells you 'vittu mikä paska'
Hp:636/636 Sp:215/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [wanted]: 5 pkills of arafat paying ...
Halle sits in lotus position.
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
vsa tapa vaan pertti :)
Valkrist [vsa+]: tapa vaan pertti :)
Hp:636/636 Sp:226/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 226 +11 Ep: 251 
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Halle the member of Catfolk
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:226/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div [vsa+]: ootko ees telliny sille mitää
War troll shouts 'Luca is a LOSER!'
Arafat tells you 'payin noghig'
Hp:636/636 Sp:226/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 232 +6 Ep: 251 
Div disappears in a flash.
Arafat [wanted]: payin noghig
Hp: 636  Sp: 335 +103 Ep: 251 
Halle just sits on the ground and stares into nothingness.
vsa kysyin että otitko sinisen pillerin aamul?
Valkrist [vsa+]: kysyin että otitko sinisen pillerin aamul?
Hp:636/636 Sp:335/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Your latest commands of at least 5 characters:
  1 : history
  2 : vsa kysyin että otitko sinisen pillerin aamul?
  3 : vsa tapa vaan pertti :)
  4 : vsa Arafat tells you 'vittu mikä paska'
  5 : tell arafat rauhotus ny
  6 : vsa Arafat tells you 'ahahahah. vittu oli vaikka sateenkaari. peelosontanaama siä vittu tollast paskat sontii tän pelin. vittu!'
  7 : tell darkwell eiku lähden kohta varmaa
  8 : vsa en mä oikein tiedä tipuin kärryiltä :)
  9 : ds mitäs siel
 10 : vsa (17:06) Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
 11 : vsa (17:02) Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+, mut ei mitään vitun kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja ollu meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.' (17:03) Arafat tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'(17:05) Arafat tells you 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei  niin vedä heteräo perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
 12 : tell last
 13 : reply ooks ottanu sinisen pillerin aamulla?
 14 : gwho retarded+
 15 : countries thunk
More (7%) [qpbns?]

 16 : f thunk
 17 : f thun
 18 : gwho retarded+
 19 : cast heal all at 1
 20 : tell ziba missäs toi retarded+ oli?
 21 : f ziba
 22 : gwho retarded+
 23 : friends
 24 : reply en tiedä miks enkä tunne kuka toi on
 25 : reply jaa no ei o mun ansiota
 26 : reply jaa enhä mä oo hakenu sitä kanavaa viimeseen kahtee reinciin
 27 : reply tottahan sitä ihminen saa olla mitä mieltä tahtoo
 28 : reply vai sitä mieltä olet
 29 : countries arafat
 30 : nod arafat
 31 : chat just hate americans don't hate immigrants
More (15%) [qpbns?]q

Quitting more.
Hp:636/636 Sp:335/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 344 +9 Ep: 251 
Div [vsa+]: kuulostaa iha mankindilt
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Halle the member of Catfolk
Hp:636/636 Sp:344/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 439 +95 Ep: 251 
Halle sits in lotus position.
Halle just sits on the ground and stares into nothingness.
Zhagaal [wanted]: tarmanun and def
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Halle the member of Catfolk
Hp:636/636 Sp:439/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
tell last

Displaying last tells to you.
(16:59) Arafat tells you 'you finn?'
(17:01) Arafat tells you 'miu mielestä siä olet rottta'
(17:02) Arafat tells you 'jojoo. siä hommasit minut retarded+, mut ei mitään vitun
 kontaktia sen jälkeen vaikka olen pitäny turpani kii ja ollu
 meuhakamata(/mainostamata kenen ansiosta sinne pääsin.'
(17:03) Arafat tells you 'IHRAPERSE : chann baan me from rets. now!'
(17:05) Arafat tells you 'vedä sitten kuivat homo, jos se loukkaa sinua. jose ei
 niin vedä heteräo perseen miestä joka käveli kuussa vitun paskanaamaa'
(17:06) Arafat tells you 'vittu. voiko olla noin petturei'
(17:06) Arafat tells you 'ahahahah. vittu oli vaikka sateenkaari. peelosontanaama
 siä vittu tollast paskat sontii tän pelin. vittu!'
(17:07) Darkwell tells you 'tuutko kurganin tappoon'
(17:07) Arafat tells you 'vittu mikä paska'
(17:08) Arafat tells you 'payin noghig'
Hp:636/636 Sp:439/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 447 +8 Ep: 251 
Halle seems to be drifting into coma.
Hp: 636  Sp: 542 +95 Ep: 251 
Halle opens his eyes and stands up flexing his muscles.
Duckman [wanted]: tears of oxtoth
Div [vsa+]: haluuks tulla summiin
relo div
Hp:636/636 Sp:542/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:542/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You emote to Div 'jumps to you.'
Hp:636/636 Sp:542/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Relocate: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
You are done with the chant.
You roll your eyes frantically and state 'xafe uurthq' (Phaze shift)
You sense your surroundings distorting and then snap.
You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
A tragic looking ghost hovers here. (undead)
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Hp: 636  Sp: 444 -98 Ep: 251 
Water drips occasionally from the roof, creating echoing sounds.
The ghost wails: Even a moment would ease this eternal torment!
Div's hands move faster than you can comprehend. He pounds Ghost
several times before he even realizes what is happening.
You get bad vibrations as Ghost's spine snaps with an audible *SNAP*.
Ghost is DEAD, R.I.P.
'ootappa otan logia
You mumble 'ootappa otan logia.'
Hp:636/636 Sp:444/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
One gold coin
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:444/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
One gold coin
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch
Hp:636/636 Sp:444/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You left the party.
You were the last member of the party.
Hp:636/636 Sp:444/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 547 +103 Ep: 251 
Div seems to be ready for partying.
Div wiggles her bottom.
Div offers you membership to party: ?.
You are offered a place 2,2
Type: 'party join' in 45 seconds, type 'party help' for more info.
Div takes one gold coin.
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
You are a member of the party now.
You step to the middle of 2nd row and start following the leader.
Hp:636/636 Sp:547/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Water drips occasionally from the roof, creating echoing sounds.
Info: Eliam enters the game.
Div coughs up blood and howls soullessly to satisfy Draen-Dalar.
Hp: 636  Sp: 641 +94 Ep: 251 
| 1.2   Div           ldr  974(1019)  480( 489) 351(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  641(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
p' ok

Valkrist [party]: ok
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Info: Amphion goes link dead.
cast summon at arafat
You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You are casting 'summon' at 'arafat'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

| 1.2   Div           ldr  974(1019)  480( 489) 351(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  641(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
p' summing

Valkrist [party]: summing
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You are casting 'summon' at 'arafat'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

| 1.2   Div           ldr  974(1019)  480( 489) 351(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  641(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Summon: ###
You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
Summon: ##
You are casting 'summon' at 'arafat'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

| 1.2   Div           ldr  974(1019)  480( 489) 351(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  641(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:641/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Summon: #
You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
You are done with the chant.
You frantically wave your hands and yell 'gwwaaajj' (Summon)
You think you did everything correctly, but the summon still didn't work!
Hp: 636  Sp: 493 -148 Ep: 251 
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
p' sil o hw
Div goes 'DOH'.
Valkrist [party]: sil o hw
Hp:636/636 Sp:493/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:636/636 Sp:493/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

| 1.2   Div           ldr  974(1019)  480( 489) 351(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  493(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:493/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
cast summon at arafat

You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:493/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
p' ootas

Hp: 636  Sp: 594 +101 Ep: 251 
Summon: ###
You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.
Valkrist [party]: ootas
Hp:636/636 Sp:594/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
p' koitan läpi :)

You are done with the chant.
You frantically wave your hands and yell 'gwwaaajj' (Summon)
You think you did everything correctly, but the summon still didn't work!
Hp: 636  Sp: 445 -149 Ep: 251 
Valkrist [party]: koitan läpi :)
Hp:636/636 Sp:445/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
cast summon at arafat

You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:445/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You are casting 'summon' at 'arafat'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:445/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

| 1.2   Div           ldr 1019(1019)  489( 489) 362(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  445(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:445/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Summon: ###
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:445/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Summon: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Arafat tells you 'kyllä vittu olet paska'
Ziba tells you 'täällä'
You are done with the chant.
You frantically wave your hands and yell 'gwwaaajj' (Summon)
You think you did everything correctly, but the summon still didn't work!
Hp: 636  Sp: 282 -163 Ep: 251 
cast summon at arafat
You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:282/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
Summon: ###
You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.
You are done with the chant.
You frantically wave your hands and yell 'gwwaaajj' (Summon)
You think you did everything correctly, but the summon still didn't work!
Hp: 636  Sp: 127 -155 Ep: 251 
cast summon at arafat
You do not have enough spell points to cast the spell.
p report Out of SPs!
Hp:636/636 Sp:127/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Valkrist [report]: Out of SPs!
Hp:636/636 Sp:127/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:127/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The hair in the back of your neck stands up.
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
Hp: 636  Sp: 221 +94 Ep: 251 
tell arafat no mikäs se sun ongelma oikein on ees?
You tell Arafat 'no mikäs se sun ongelma oikein on ees?'
Hp:636/636 Sp:221/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
cast summon at arafat

You start chanting.
Hp:636/636 Sp:221/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Summon: ###
Summon: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Div starts concentrating on a new skill.
You are casting 'summon' at 'arafat'.
Hp:636/636 Sp:221/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:221/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You are done with the chant.
You frantically wave your hands and yell 'gwwaaajj' (Summon)
You think you did everything correctly, but the summon still didn't work!
Hp: 636  Sp: 76 -145 Ep: 251 
You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:76/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div [party]: katon eyel
p' ei taida irrota
Div starts concentrating on a new spell.
Valkrist [party]: ei taida irrota
Hp:636/636 Sp:76/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 
p' jeh

Valkrist [party]: jeh
Hp:636/636 Sp:76/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You didn't expect to find a prison cell down here, but of course this area
must have been used as a dungeon. The spirit of the last jailer stationed here
has lingered for some reason. A door leads out to west.
Prison door (closed) leads west.
There are no obvious exits.
Div Ine the Ghost eats Tinmen for lunch < ? >
Hp:636/636 Sp:76/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
Info: Peelo recovers from link death.
Div rubs black ointment in her eyes and mumbles 'tamakan natelo assim' (All-seeing eye)
Hp: 636  Sp: 172 +96 Ep: 251 
ds tota tota taas mielenkiintonen tuttavuus :)
Valkrist [dsc+]: tota tota taas mielenkiintonen tuttavuus :)
Hp:636/636 Sp:172/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp:636/636 Sp:172/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div [party]: tiiän mis se o
| 1.2   Div           ldr 1019(1019)  399( 489) 387(406) |  91 |            0 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  636( 636)  172(1076) 251(251) |  92 |            0 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:172/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Div [party]: rainbowis
Arafat tells you 'se että sinä järkkäsit minut retasrded+ ja se oli joku
 vitun vitsi sinulle'
Div starts concentrating on a new spell.
Div [party]: telel
Div hops on one leg, flaps her arms and chants 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error)
Div vanishes in a bright flash as reality snaps.
Div has moved to a new environment.
The hair in the back of your neck stands up.
Div has moved to a new environment.
Info: Lurppa enters the game.
Hp: 636  Sp: 271 +99 Ep: 251 
reply mistä mä tiesin että ne potkis sut sieltä pois
You tell Arafat 'mistä mä tiesin että ne potkis sut sieltä pois'
Hp:636/636 Sp:271/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

The hair in the back of your neck stands up.
Div [party]: ei oo enää
Hp: 636  Sp: 365 +94 Ep: 251 
vsa You tell Arafat 'no mikäs se sun ongelma oikein on ees?' Arafat tells you 'se että sinä järkkäsit minut retasrded+ ja se oli joku vitun vitsi sinulle' You tell Arafat 'mistä mä tiesin että ne potkis sut sieltä pois'
Valkrist [vsa+]: You tell Arafat 'no mikäs se sun ongelma oikein on ees?'
 Arafat tells you 'se että sinä järkkäsit minut retasrded+ ja se oli joku vitun
 vitsi sinulle' You tell Arafat 'mistä mä tiesin että ne potkis sut sieltä
Hp:636/636 Sp:365/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57115 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [sales]: 5 imes dead valkrist once a bot, 100k each
Info: Murdoch goes link dead.
You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
Hp: 636  Sp: 459 +94 Ep: 251 
Div [party]: meni sisää arealle
Arafat [wanted]: 5 imes dead valkrist once a bot, 200k each
Hp: 636  Sp: 459  Ep: 251 
Arafat [sales]: tps. cheap
la valkrist
Damogran [newbie]: Introducing a new player to BatMUD: Kiathal.
Valkrist Wihattu the Zombie < ? >.
He is in excellent shape.
He is one of the Humble Druids.
        Valkrist's equipment:
Neck: The amulet of Faerwon
Bracelet: A cracked bracelet
Finger: Great Ring of Master Mason
On buttock: LaatuLiha(tm) stamp
Around the neck: The crystal pendant of the Navigators (glowing)
Belt clip: Heavy Glock 10mm Auto
Hanging: Bloated corpse of Toag crusified on a cross
In hand: Staff of Druids
Forehead: A glowing star symbolizing faith in Tarmalen
Spinning: A flaming devils stick
Hp:636/636 Sp:459/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57250 pankissa 132750 very young 

Reima tells you 'tehääs mega rahaa :D'
Hp: 636  Sp: 459  Ep: 251 
Water drips occasionally from the roof, creating echoing sounds.
sales cheap
Valkrist [sales]: cheap
Hp:636/636 Sp:459/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Stargazer tells you 'tapoiks arafatin? :D'
Hp: 636  Sp: 545 +86 Ep: 251 
Reima (sales): myy jo!
Div [vsa+]: You tell Arafat 'ok'
smirk reima
You emote to Reima 'smirks at you.'
Hp:636/636 Sp:545/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 
smile starri

You emote to Stargazer (busy) 'smiles at you.'
Hp:636/636 Sp:545/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [ghost]: ofh god mim diyting
tell starri en ees :)
You tell Stargazer (busy) 'en ees :)'
Hp:636/636 Sp:545/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [ghost]: ofh god mim diyting
Marrow tells you 'hei saaks ma tappaa sut 2x'
Stargazer tells Arafat and you 'mitä se arafat taas touhuaa?'
You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
Hp: 636  Sp: 643 +98 Ep: 251 
Marrow tells you 'saat puolet rahoista'
Info: Vendar recovers from link death.
Mahon [sales]: wattafak häpen hier!
Arafat tells Stargazer and you 'tä on iha meidän juttu'
Reima (sales): valkrists head mb10 tp
Info: Marrow goes link dead.
You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
Hp: 636  Sp: 1005 +96 Ep: 251 
Div [sales]: Im official pimp of Valkrist, it's cheaper actually!
Lurppa [vsa+]: joo, onse mankind, reima ei muuten sekaantuis luulen
Ghost of Glarin [ghost]: rais please
Div [vsa+]: ketähän pyytäis tutkiin tota.. mankind ei oo ollu pelis ja arafat
 yhtäkkiä ruvennu tollaseks
You feel like Zograh healed you a bit.
You figure that anyone would go crazy in here...
Reima tells you 'perkele ettei meinaa teppo irtoo ees jäbällä :P'
Arafat tells you 'kummalla luulet että on enemmän menettettävää tässä
 pelissä kun mun totalit on 145 eli rebirth ihan koska vaan ja voin olla vitun
 5v pois milloin haluan. mutta sinä pkillasit'
Arafat tells you 'mene vitun idiootti itteesi'
Arafat tells you 'no. sumppas homo finni ennkun panen lisää kolikoita
Arafat tells you 'paskanaama. kaskinaamaine sontianien. luottako sinuun

Arafat struggles to keep focus while the world becomes blurred.
..WHO breaks it off.
Div punches Arafat.
Div spin-kicks Arafat.
A large hole replaces Arafat's face.
Arafat is DEAD, R.I.P.
Arafat's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.

[17:03]:IHRAPERSE [retarded+]: chann baan me from rets. now! 
[17:18]:IHRAPERSE [retarded+]: valksrist hommas minut tälle kanvale. ja nyt meni hienosti hermot sen sontanaaman kanssa. haluan eroon tästä kanavasta ettei ketää sotketq siihen sotaan missä IHRAPERSE olen en petturin kassa. mitä vittua se hoitelee inveit jollein kanvoille missä se ei edes ite ole 
[17:18]:Ziba [retarded+]: pistät vaan kanavan kiinni 
[17:19]:Kohotintti [retarded+]: vaikee sanoo onko sil invitet tänne mut hommaat vaan invitet sil sit! 
[17:20]:IHRAPERSE [retarded+]: ei se ole täällä kanavall aeses. kehui oikein ettei ole ollu piktään aikaan. eli ei kanvan sulkeminen mitään auta. pintti on se että kun tänne tullessa minulle sanotti että hidee killat, tosi retttarded ja lopetin hideemästä. enkä halua olla täälä ettei kukaan sotke minua muiden touhuihin 
Arafat [fin]: era ja valkrist. oike vittu kaksi persenaamaa. era ignoree ja sit
 kuitenkin salaa kytkee ignoren pois että näkee mitä olen jutellu, pkilla sen
 takia kun IHRAPERSE pistelen ovet lukkon että sen scriptit kusee ja valkrist
 on vaan muuten vaan sotna-avio että hoiteelll minut kanville joille eis saisi.
 menkä vittu paskanaamat ulkohuusin ja hirttäkää itsenne
Krokodiili (fin): :)
You sizzle with magical energy.
Hp: 636  Sp: 1076 +38 Ep: 251 
Gildron (fin): perse-era
Darkwell [fin]: :D
Kimvais : haha
Rauskis (fin): hihi
Era {fin}: what
Arafat [fin]: jos mnä rupian josasin kanvalla esitämän jotain tunea tähän
 peliin, kiltoihin tai sklileihi/spelleihin nin aino mihin kyetään on se että
 ruvetaan haukkumaan sitä kuinka sekava arafat on. vittu, tosi rakentavaa mennä
 henkiulökohtaisuuksiin jos IHRAPERSE arvostelen peliä nini te arvostelette
Armourer shouts 'I fart in your general direction, Ruffneck!'
Era {fin}: jaa, joku ignorejamppa
Arafat [fin]: ulululuulu
Kimvais : onks sulla joku mä = IHRAPERSE alias?
Arafat [fin]: era, just paras panengko login ninku rohke vakkrist miten era
[17:58]:[fin]: Stargazer says 'yes' to Kimvais.
[17:58]:Arafat [fin]: paska era
[17:58]:Kimvais : ei muah
[17:58]:Brokus [fin]: joo tää aikakausi on syvältä ,)
[17:58]:Darkwell [fin]: tsiisus :D
[17:58]:Arafat [fin]: katoo ei ole burrowissa hobbit ei ole hw rin somressa ja sancutary on. valkrist jo kuritti. antaa tulla lisää
Arafat [fin]: olette tosi vitun hiipietiä. olistte paskanaamat pelannet silloin
 kun täälä oli tifat, axl, latexi, kharon ja unforgiven. vitun kakarat
Krokodiili (fin): mitas turhaa, mukavempi tallai ku oot elos
Arafat tells you 'mitä homo. joko se sun linkkisi toimii?'
Burzubuk [newbie]: how do I get weapon from damogran's list?
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: -189 +111 Ep: 251 
Mahon [newbie]: ask number iirc
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Fingust [newbie]: bow,ask number
Valdec [dsc+]: You roll a 253 sided die 1 time: Arafat
Hp: 636  Sp: -180 +9 Ep: 251 
reply vieläkö sä jaksat mesota?
You tell Arafat 'vieläkö sä jaksat mesota?'
Hp:636/636 Sp:-180/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Burzubuk [newbie]: thanks
Hp: 636  Sp: -85 +95 Ep: 251 
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: -78 +7 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'no kun ei toi sun linkki toimi. olisihan se kohtuullista
 tietäää mitä minusta puhutaan?'
Zaius [wanted]: barb ring of friendship to borrow to be able to join barb guild
Info: Blodwyn enters the game.
reply liikaa trafiikkia
You tell Arafat 'liikaa trafiikkia'
Hp:636/636 Sp:-78/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 24 +102 Ep: 251 
Ogre shouts 'Darkwell's BLOOD tasted good!'
Info: Darkwell dies.
reply kato myöhemmin uudestaan
Orc shouts 'Amphion died on her knees!'
Info: Amphion dies.
You tell Arafat 'kato myöhemmin uudestaan'
Hp:636/636 Sp:24/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Arafat tells you 'nijoo. haita vittu'
Hp: 636  Sp: 33 +9 Ep: 251 
Ghost of Darkwell [ghost]: raise
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 46 +13 Ep: 251 
ds Arafat tells you 'mitä homo. joko se sun linkkisi toimii?'You tell Arafat 'vieläkö sä jaksat mesota?'Arafat tells you 'no kun ei toi sun linkki toimi. olisihan se kohtuullista tietäää mitä minusta puhutaan?'You tell Arafat 'liikaa trafiikkia' Arafat tells you 'nijoo. haita vittu'
Valkrist [dsc+]: Arafat tells you 'mitä homo. joko se sun linkkisi toimii?'You
 tell Arafat 'vieläkö sä jaksat mesota?'Arafat tells you 'no kun ei toi sun
 linkki toimi. olisihan se kohtuullista tietäää mitä minusta puhutaan?'You tell
 Arafat 'liikaa trafiikkia' Arafat tells you 'nijoo. haita vittu'
Hp:636/636 Sp:46/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 149 +103 Ep: 251 
Cobra [newbie]: Where I can join the Rangers guild?
ds aika sankari
Valkrist [dsc+]: aika sankari
Hp:636/636 Sp:149/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat [sales]: 10tps 250 á
Bazil [newbie]: finger twomi
Warp [newbie]: In the rangers guild.
Orc shouts 'Gilead no longer causes lag!'
[dsc+]: Stargazer falls down laughing.
Ssmud [sales]: 250 anipium?
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 155 +6 Ep: 251 
Hp: 636  Sp: 247 +92 Ep: 251 
Cobra [newbie]: OK Thanks
Ssmud [sales]: ánipium?!
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Himmler [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body from me
Hp: 636  Sp: 258 +11 Ep: 251 
You concentrate on your staff...
The sigla on your Staff of Druids glow softly,
shedding an eerie bright red light.
Hp:636/636 Sp:258/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Lurppa the member of Catfolk tumputtaa 3,2 sekas!
Hp:636/636 Sp:258/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Name: Valkrist Wihattu the Zombie < ? >
Player level: 92                        Experience: 57379
Money: 753.00                           Bank: 132750.05
Explore count: 12251/14882 (E%: 82)     Last reinc: Jan 17 2006
Exp bonus pool: 824319                  Pool charged: Sat Feb 04 16:09:59 2006
Task Points: 9                          Reinc Count: 49

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
    636/636         258/1076           251/251

Str: Adequate (54)        Dex: Decent (25)          Con: Decent (124)         
Int: Awesome (115)        Wis: Dazzling (265)       
Cha: Good-looking (94)    Siz: Average (51)         

You have a little ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 22 active quests. (15 lq, 1 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are refreshed, satiated, very young and brave.
Cyberlahko leads the zombie race.
Hp:636/636 Sp:258/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 355 +97 Ep: 251 
You are currently ignoring Aedos, Aelius, Aga, Amerazu, Batman, Blacksmith
 (too much news spam), Caberet, Celebrimber, Crx, Dregg, Duracell (huoh),
 Gavi, Jumis, Keho, Lavin, Magi, Malystryx, Misterr, Mogo (another stupid
 american), Raist, Rekcedien (another stupid american), Saldas, Silentkilla,
 Skazz, Spann, Sprite (another stupid american), Ukkeli, Woozer, Zard and
 Zutier (friend of delveling).
You are ignoring total of 30 people.

You are ignoring news articles posted by Blacksmith.
Hp:636/636 Sp:355/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

| Party Name: ?                            (Members:  2) | Exp Tot:       633 |
| Created: Sat Feb 04 17:09:36 2006        ( 1h  4m 18s) | Exp/min:         9 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| ?.?   Valkrist      ldr  636( 636)  355(1076) 251(251) |  92 |          146 |
| ?.?   Div            ld 1019(1019)  489( 489) 406(406) |  91 |          487 |
Hp:636/636 Sp:355/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

You left the party.
Hp:636/636 Sp:355/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Lurppa the member of Catfolk tumputtaa 3,2 sekas!
Hp:636/636 Sp:361/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 361 +6 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'mitä hetero?'
Ogre shouts 'Was it as good for you, as it was for me, Sareth?'
Info: Sareth dies.
reply nooh lähdenpä tästä pois
You tell Arafat 'nooh lähdenpä tästä pois'
Hp:636/636 Sp:361/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 464 +103 Ep: 251 
Guitarist shouts 'Thanks Kahmuli, I still need 5k for next level!'
reply ei tommosta jaksa kuunnella
You tell Arafat 'ei tommosta jaksa kuunnella'
Hp:636/636 Sp:464/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Arafat tells you 'summkill. hellitäkikpö vähä?'
Alorn [wanted]: exp/rep for barbie
Ghost of Kahmuli [ghost]: body
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 476 +12 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'nijoo karkuun vai?'
hxxxA.Hv  Stargåte. It can actually transport you!
xxxx###v  Try transport calythien/church/lorenchia/ocp/post/
xxxxxx#v  rilynttar/shadowkeep/startloc
You see a swirling portal in the middle of the room.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Obvious exits are: n, w and s.
A pile of zinc coins
A pile of copper coins
A pile of tin coins
A sign - Portal now free to residents
A small, dark crystal shaped like a star 
A large fountain (almost full) 
Lurppa the member of Catfolk tumputtaa 3,2 sekas!
Hp:636/636 Sp:476/1076 Ep:251/251 Exp:57379 pankissa 132750 very young 

Hp: 636  Sp: 574 +98 Ep: 251 
Info: Sumar recovers from link death.
The crystal throbs faintly, healing some of your wounds.
Hp: 636  Sp: 585 +11 Ep: 251 
Arafat tells you 'jos yks summkill jollain secillä ensin?'
Arafat tells you 'silä oletin tosi rohkia kaveir laitamaan quotei tonne
 weibiin ja sitten olemaan vastaamata kun koitetaan oikein jutella. laitnko
 IHRAPERSE omat logini. olenko IHRAPERSE niin saatanan paska että rupesen
 telljäni floodmaan ninku tonnne suomi-kanavlelle. mitä?'
Arafat tells you 'olet mun sankar!'
Arafat tells you 'ite IHRAPERSE maksan, jos tepot riitää, että siä saat
 titelin avatar fingeriin. kerro se jolein arkille!'
