You boom 'Hp: 556 (1162) Sp: 20 (20) Ep: 309 (393).'
Hp:556/1162 Sp:20/20 Ep:309/393 Exp:12 
You incise Lurjus causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You tear Lurjus causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Lurjus lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You hit Lurjus brutally in the ankle annihilating living tissue AND quickly hit again!
You hit Lurjus brutally in the abdomen annihilating living tissue AND quickly hit again!
Using your mastery of Bladed Fury you hit extra HARD!
Congratulations! You have just completed Bladed fury 250!
Your inhumanly cruel onslaught on Lurjus causes him to collapse upon the
ground writhing in sheer agony as he begs and pleads for death to save him
from the pain!
Hp: 556  Sp: 20  Ep: 281 -28
Blood pours from Lurjus's wounds.
You boom 'Hp: 556 (1162) Sp: 20 (20) Ep: 281 (393).'
Hp:556/1162 Sp:20/20 Ep:281/393 Exp:12 
You tear Lurjus causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You tear Lurjus causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Lurjus stops existing in this reality.
Lurjus is DEAD, R.I.P.
get corpse
Lurjus dies and is carried away by two clerics.
The arena master shouts 'Lurjus of team 1 dies and is removed from the arena!'
