Minerva wields a runed barbarian mace in her right hand.
Culain looks at herself.
Minerva wields a runed barbarian battleaxe in her left hand.
Culain looks at you.
Larppa says 'TIDISSI.'
Savok [wanted]: tank/party for healer
You are carrying 14.9 kg of equipment:
You are carrying no coins.
No items.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You smile happily.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You currently have 51/51 points in parry.
Your current attack skill is 54 of maximum 105.
Dodge skill modified by carried weight to 104.
Your total defense factor is: 137.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa wields a runed barbarian battleaxe in her right hand.
Larppa wields a runed barbarian mace in her left hand.
Culain grunts 'voe vihtori.'
Larppa looks at Krzysiek.
Minerva looks at mace.
Arakorni : you might be getting some 0's when people eat their cookies
 still in their inventory
Your equipment:
Wielded in left hand: A runed barbarian battleaxe
Wielded in right hand: A runed barbarian mace
Finger: Great Ring of Master Mason
Forehead: Glittering headband of Orion
On buttock: LaatuLiha(tm) stamp
Necklace: A shrunken skull necklace decorated with sharpened bone talons
You have little protection against general damage.
You have almost non-existent protection against bashing.
You have little protection against cutting.
You have little protection against stabbing.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Culain grunts 'jaha slarbaki tuli :).'
Fobbis [wanted]: eq/exp for nuntarm
'ei larsuu kannata pelätä
You grunt 'ei larsuu kannata pelätä.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Culain looks at Larppa.
Ramjett [bat]: we get new ones with no 0's? :)
Zerlun grunts 'ei oo larppa vähä infla.'
Larppa nods solemnly.
Larppa says 'voitan.'
Arakorni : it happens when a special condition set in. Its not dangerous,
 maybe just annoying.
Larppa says 'no emmä nyt nii infla oo.'
'joka kerta jääny vikaks
You grunt 'joka kerta jääny vikaks.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa says '54% levuis.'
Froggy [bat]: I am cookiless :/
vsa last
Last 20 messages from vsa+ channel:
[02:53]:Valkrist [vsa+]: se on niin tuuri kauppaa
[02:53]:Culain [vsa+]: elkää te isot tulko ku haluun koittaa....
[02:53]:Culain [vsa+]: jos vaikka onnais
[02:53]:Valkrist [vsa+]: ei täällä oo muita isoja ku vendar
[02:53]:[vsa+]: Proteus cackles gleefully at Culain.
[02:53]:Culain [vsa+]: valluki liian iso
[02:54]:Valkrist [vsa+]: hahhaa murjasit vitsin :)
[02:54]:Toag {vsa+}: vallu kantaa ennakkosuosikin raskasta viittaa harteillaan
[02:54]:Proteus [vsa+]: haipa
[02:54]:Valkrist [vsa+]: juu vsa+:n maine on kiinni taas musta :)
[02:54]:Culain [vsa+]: no kraizilla ei ainakaan paina repu kyl :) mullaki enemmän
[02:55]:Valkrist [vsa+]: eikai vendar nukahtanu?
[02:55]:Valkrist [vsa+]: joku soittaa sille että hei nyt on bowli herätys
[02:55]:Toag {vsa+}: vetelee sikeita
[02:56]:Valkrist [vsa+]: taasko se missaa :(
[02:56]:Valkrist [vsa+]: sillä ois hyvät mahdollisuudet voittoon kyl
[02:56]:Culain [vsa+]: parry maxiin ja menox
[02:56]:Valkrist [vsa+]: jos se saa vaan mut raivattuu tieltä :)
[02:57]:Toag {vsa+}: miksei vallulla muuten nay questeissa blood bowlia
[02:57]:Valkrist [vsa+]: reincasin sillon sillä centaurilla
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Proteus [vsa+]: kossuryypyn aika
Arakorni : well here is the batch of new cookies
Proteus [vsa+]: aarne voittoon!
Culain grunts 'hehe mulla 12%.'
Proteus [vsa+]: kEpSuU iHhAnAa kEpSuU
Info: Sunnynen goes link dead.
Larppa says 'tärkeet tapis.'
*Täällä squawks at Argond
You notice a blue flash as a magical fortune cookie appears to your pocket.
Larppa says 'no sulla ei ookkaa levua :).'
eat cookie
You carefully break the cookie, eat it and find a small note inside saying:

While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own
form of misery.

Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Jerkkis breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Zerlun breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Zerlun eats a small fortune cookie.
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Jerkkis has an uneasy feeling after eating a magical fortune cookie...
Minerva huggles her own small magical fortune cookie warmly.
[bat]: Ramjett thanks Arakorni heartily.
Larppa breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Larppa eats a small fortune cookie.
Argond breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Argond eats a small fortune cookie.
[bat]: Froggy smiles
You notice Jerkkis's pocket shimmers in blue light for a moment.
Krzysiek breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Krzysiek eats a small fortune cookie.
Culain breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Culain eats a small fortune cookie.
Argond breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Argond eats a small fortune cookie.
Minerva [bat]: do we eat these cookies? :)
Garok breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Garok eats a small fortune cookie.
show experience
 Levels: 31875011 (31.67241%)
 Skill: Alertness: 370881 (0.36852%)
 Skill: Attack: 1049231 (1.04256%)
 Skill: Axes: 619623 (0.61568%)
 Skill: Barbaric ways: 548913 (0.54542%)
 Skill: Bash: 221051 (0.21965%)
 Skill: Battlecry: 370881 (0.36852%)
 Skill: Bludgeons: 3193107 (3.17281%)
 Skill: Camping: 15187 (0.01509%)
 Skill: Cleave: 5803 (0.00577%)
 Skill: Cold tolerance: 115184 (0.11445%)
 Skill: Combat damage analysis: 4984713 (4.95303%)
 Skill: Combat sense: 810825 (0.80567%)
 Skill: Compare: 27880 (0.02770%)
 Skill: Consider: 78485 (0.07799%)
 Skill: Detect trap: 42010 (0.04174%)
More (29%) [qpbns?]Arakorni : yes :)
Quitting more.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
Minerva eats a small fortune cookie.
say 31%
You grunt '31%.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Shmuzin {bat}: break cookie worked
Culain grunts 'You will meet a dark man later today.'
Dutois [bat]: "You'll never be the man your mother was!
vsa lebois
Valkrist [vsa+]: lebois
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Kohothegreat [bat]: hmm Mux breaks a fortune cookie, eating it.
vsa lottooo
Valkrist [vsa+]: lottooo
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa says 'MEIGÄ VOITTAA.'
say lebois
You grunt 'lebois.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa says ':D.'
Zerlun grunts 'ja vitut.'
Savok [bat]: Your village just called. Their idiot is missing.
Puhuri {bat}: "Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else."
{bat}: Puhuri rolls on the floor laughing his ass off.
Grorg [newbie]: why do i keep getting fortune cookies?
Culain grunts 'splutromuussii tulee taas musta :(.'
Larppa flips some coins against a near by object.
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa says 'no mää oon aina tappanu itteni niihi seiniin.'
Puhuri the Helper {newbie}: Arakorni is nice
Battler (newbie): it is a ancient chinesse tortoure tactic
Larppa says 'viimekerralla vasta tajusin että niihi kuolee :D.'
Zerlun laughs out loud.
Argond grunts 'heh.'
'nopee tajuun :)
You grunt 'nopee tajuun :).'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Shmuzin {barbarian}: directions to bowl
Larppa nods solemnly.
Culain grunts 'heh mä juoksin seinään kans ja joku sai musta killin.'
Larppa says 'no emmää oo ollu koko eventis ku pari kertaa.'
Patriot [newbie]: summon to BC please
Halleck [newbie]: because they say coool things inside ?
Proteus [vsa+]: kossukola virtaa vuolaana kurkusta alas
Veckio [bat]: "love is like racing across the tundra on a snowmobile, then
 suddenly it flips over pinning you under it.  At night the ice weasels come."
say varokaa niitä seiniä :)
You grunt 'varokaa niitä seiniä :).'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa nods solemnly.
say pysytelkää keskellä :)
You grunt 'pysytelkää keskellä :).'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Culain asks 'onko muita ohjeita, sir?'
Larppa says 'no siello ainajoku MR HEEBO riehumas.'
Larppa looks at herself.
'tapa kaikki
You grunt 'tapa kaikki.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva whispers something to Minerva.
Culain eeps fearfully.
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Garok whines about Minerva.
Minerva gives suspicious looks to everyone.
'ja jää ite viimeseks
You grunt 'ja jää ite viimeseks.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Arakorni : I added quite a lot of functionality and some new stuff to it
'niin voitat
Larppa says 'palijos culainillo totalit.'
You grunt 'niin voitat.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Culain grunts 'vähä.'
Antikiller [wanted]: tank for small exp?
Stratos [sales]: merchant services
Thematrix [bat]: still bad for monks?
Culain grunts 'liian vähä.'
Patriot [wanted]: summon please
You are in a cage outside the blood bowl, waiting to be released into the
carnage that awaits. The sandy ground is covered with a few rotting bodyparts,
surrounded by dried blood.
There are no obvious exits.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Gurd the Ogre
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Krzysiek Krazy the dented member of Tinmen
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Argond Miredhel the Minotaur Barbarian
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Culain grunts 'expat mortiksella.'
Thematrix [bat]: The world is coming to an end.  Please log off.
You can see a cookie shaped cloud in Kyynel's general direction.
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
'vääräs paikas
You grunt 'vääräs paikas.'
Hp:1113/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Ramjett [bat]: haha
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
You miss Culain.
Culain successfully dodges your futile slash.
You successfully dodge Culain's bash.
Culain tumbled.
Culain lightly cuts you making small marks.
Hp: 1095 -18 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 

  'bowl who' to see who remains.
  'map' to see a small map of the blood bowl.
You successfully parry Minerva's bash.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva slightly pierces you making small marks.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Culain starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
*Culain targetted -->.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1088/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Gurd arrives from south.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Gurd interrupts you.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
As Gurd turns his back Culain STRIKES him!
Gurd leaves north.
Hp: 1088 -7 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Vippy [wanted]: necrostaff
Gurd is in a good shape.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Culain is in excellent shape.
Hp:1088/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1088/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1088/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Pertulio [bat]: muah
As Culain turns her back Gurd STRIKES her!
Culain leaves south.
Minerva successfully parries your bash.
You lightly cut Minerva making small marks.
Hp: 1078 -10 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
target gurd
No gurd here !
Hp:1078/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:1078/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1078/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
kill gur
Minerva misses you.
You successfully parry Minerva's slash.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva slightly pierces you making small marks.
Minerva successfully parries your bash.
You lightly cut Minerva making small marks.
Hp: 1067 -11 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
No gur here !
Hp:1067/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Hp:1067/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:1067/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You decide to change the skill to new one.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1067/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:1067/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva bumps you making small marks.
Minerva misses you.
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
You miss Minerva.
You lightly cut Minerva causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1050 -17 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1050/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:1050/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1050/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva misses you.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva successfully parries your bash.
Minerva successfully dodges your futile slash.
Hp: 1024 -26 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Thematrix [bat]: Suddenly Kyynel is engulfed in a blue, shimmering field of
 magic, which `suddenly dissipates in a blink of light.`You can see a cookie
 shaped cloud in Kyynel's general direction.
f minerva
Minerva Nabster is a level 92 mortal of the Minotaur race.
She was created Tue Feb 29 11:17:36 2000 and she is 194d, 20h, 10min and 35s old.
She has been on for 5h, 24min and 40s, idle 1s.
She has killed: Crawen, true cruelty incarnated, 76665 exp
                Apocalypse, the world crushing demon, 809553 exp (party of 8)
Web page: (03:42) Parsin tells you 'this tarm thing is kinda fun :)'
>Parsin draws the frames of a door in the air and utters 'prtolala offf 
>pwerrrr' Parsin fails miserably in her spell. Parsin is pulled into an
>interdimensional rift and vanishes! Parsin has moved to a new environment.
Hp:1024/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:1024/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1024/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Minerva butts you making small marks.
Minerva gashes you making small marks.
You successfully parry Minerva's pierce.
You miss Minerva.
You miss Minerva.
Hp: 997 -27 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Larppa arrives from north.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Larppa interrupts you.
You bump Larppa causing a small scratch.
You miss Larppa.
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Hp:997/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:997/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:997/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa successfully dodges your futile bash.
You lightly cut Larppa causing a small scratch.
You successfully dodge Minerva's bash.
Minerva misses you.
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
target larppa
You are now targetting Larppa.
Hp:997/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:997/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa quickly steps forward and cleaves you, before you can move!
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:867/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You butt Larppa causing a small scratch.
Larppa successfully dodges your futile slash.
You successfully parry Larppa's slash.
Larppa butts you making small marks.
Hp: 854 -143 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Minerva bumps you making small marks.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva slightly pierces you making small marks.
Hp: 816 -38 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Larppa is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:816/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:816/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:816/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:816/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
You bump Larppa causing a small scratch.
You miss Larppa.
Larppa misses you.
Larppa bumps you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 798 -18 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Minerva bumps you making small marks.
Minerva lightly cuts you making small marks.
Minerva slightly pierces you making small marks.
Hp: 762 -36 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Larppa is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:762/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
[bat]: Ramjett slaps a thundering high-five with Arakorni.
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:762/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:373/373 
Larppa successfully parries your bash.
You miss Larppa.
Larppa tumbled.
Larppa lightly cuts you making small marks.
Larppa bumps you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 726 -36 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Minerva butts you making small marks.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 712 -14 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You knock your opponent's weapon aside, and pound her open chest!
Hp: 712  Sp: 32  Ep: 341 -32
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:712/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa is not in a good shape.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:712/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:712/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You bump Larppa producing large scratches.
You lightly cut Larppa producing large scratches.
Larppa misses you.
Larppa tumbled.
Larppa bumps you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 694 -18 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Minerva misses you.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
The crowd cheers at your valiant battle.
Hp: 678 -16 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Larppa is not in a good shape.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:678/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:678/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Larppa successfully dodges your futile bash.
Larppa successfully parries your slash.
Larppa gashes you causing a small scratch.
Larppa misses you.
Hp: 664 -14 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Minerva misses you.
Minerva gashes you causing a small scratch.
Minerva scratches you making small marks.
Hp: 647 -17 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Larppa is not in a good shape.
Minerva is in excellent shape.
Hp:647/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:647/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Larppa Kakkikikkare the Cromagnon
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Hp:647/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Gurd arrives from north.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Gurd interrupts you.
Gurd starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You successfully dodge Larppa's slash.
Larppa tumbled.
Larppa butts you making small marks.
You miss Larppa.
Larppa successfully dodges your futile slash.
Hp: 635 -12 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Minerva misses you.
You successfully parry Minerva's slash.
Minerva misses you.
Larppa is not in a good shape.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:635/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:635/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:635/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa is not in a good shape.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:635/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:635/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa misses you.
Larppa misses you.
You miss Larppa.
Larppa successfully dodges your futile slash.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 618 -17 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
Arakorni : you might ask Kyynel if that was so bad at all ;)
Larppa is in bad shape.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:618/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:618/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
target larppa
You are now targetting Larppa.
Hp:618/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa gashes you causing a small scratch.
Larppa misses you.
Larppa successfully dodges your futile bash.
You miss Larppa.
Hp: 606 -12 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
You successfully dodge Minerva's bash.
You successfully dodge Minerva's slash.
You successfully parry Minerva's pierce.
Larppa is in bad shape.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:606/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa is in bad shape.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:606/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:606/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:341/373 
Larppa misses you.
Larppa misses you.
You bump Larppa producing large scratches.
You miss Larppa.
Minerva bumps you causing a small scratch.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 570 -36 Sp: 32  Ep: 341 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 570  Sp: 32  Ep: 316 -25
Gurd lashes out, pounding a ragged wound in Larppa's forehead!
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:570/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
As Larppa turns her back Valkrist STRIKES her!
Larppa is near death.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:570/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
Gurd starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:570/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Gurd the Ogre
Larppa is unconscious and needs immediate medical care
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Hp:570/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
You bump Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You lightly cut Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva scratches you making small marks.
Hp: 566 -4 Sp: 32  Ep: 316 
Larppa is near death.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:566/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:566/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
You bump Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You lightly cut Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Blood pours from Larppa's wounds.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva bumps you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 551 -15 Sp: 32  Ep: 316 
Larppa is near death.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:551/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
Toag {vsa+}: nayta niille aarne!
You bump Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You lightly cut Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Blood pours from Larppa's wounds.
You successfully dodge Minerva's bash.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva slightly pierces you making small marks.
Hp: 545 -6 Sp: 32  Ep: 316 
Larppa is near death.
Gurd is slightly hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:545/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:545/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:316/373 
You butt Larppa causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
A large hole replaces Larppa's face.
Larppa is DEAD, R.I.P.
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
The crowd gives you a standing ovation!
You feel some of your wounds heal.
Grokh shouts 'Larppa dies by the hand of Valkrist!'
Larppa's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
You successfully parry Minerva's bash.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 759 +214 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 +57
You bump Gurd causing a small scratch.
You miss Gurd.
You successfully dodge Gurd's bash.
Gurd lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 740 -19 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
Patriot [newbie]: i have 265k exp on me so could someone be so kind and summon
Ghost of Larppa [ghost]: omg plz
Grokh shouts 'Culain dies by the hand of Jerkkis!'
Info: Culain dies.
Minerva bumps you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
Hp: 722 -18 Sp: 32  Ep: 373 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You step forward and deliver a crushing blow to your enemy's temple!
Hp: 722  Sp: 32  Ep: 350 -23
Gurd tries to pound Valkrist, but his attack is easily blocked.
You bump Gurd causing a small scratch.
Gurd successfully parries your slash.
Gurd misses you.
Gurd misses you.
Hp: 717 -5 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
Gurd starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#.*..#  Obvious exits are: e, w, s, n, ne, nw and se.
Gurd the Ogre
Minerva Nabster the blond Minotaur
Hp:717/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Walor [wanted]: relo+give torch to walor
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:717/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Gurd is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:717/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Ghost of Larppa [ghost]: stupid event :)
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You successfully parry Minerva's bash.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Minerva misses you.
The crowd cheers at your valiant battle.
Hp: 700 -17 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
You miss Gurd.
You lightly cut Gurd causing a small scratch.
Gurd tumbled.
Gurd bumps you causing a small scratch.
Gurd misses you.
Hp: 679 -21 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:679/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Gurd is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:679/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Minerva looks at you.
You get the feeling that someone is looking over your shoulder.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva bumps you causing a small scratch.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small scratch.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 655 -24 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
Gurd feints in and quickly reverses the motion, pounding you with the haft of his weapon!
You miss Gurd.
You lightly cut Gurd causing a small scratch.
Gurd misses you.
Gurd tumbled.
Gurd gashes you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 498 -157 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
Battler (ghost): accept
Gurd is noticeably hurt.
Minerva is in a good shape.
Hp:498/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:498/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
You turn you back against your foe.
Gurd scores a BRUTAL hit right in your back!
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#....#  Obvious exits are: e, n, ne and nw.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Hp: 306 -192 Sp: 32  Ep: 350 
Roadkill [ghost]: Accept ress/rais/nb from me.
######  You find yourself within an old colloseum, used for the blood bowl
##..##  competition sanctioned by the barbarian guild. The inner walls of
#....#  this complex are covered with sharp spikes.
#....#  Obvious exits are: w, n, ne and nw.
Jerkkis the Fire Giant
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
You bump Jerkkis producing large scratches.
You hurt Jerkkis who seems to become somewhat confused.
You lightly cut Jerkkis causing a small wound.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
Jerkkis starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
As Garok turns his back Jerkkis STRIKES him!
Garok is near death.
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:350/373 
You bump Garok causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You lightly cut Garok causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Jerkkis starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Patriot [newbie]: got
You bump Garok causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You lightly cut Garok causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You step forward and deliver a crushing blow to your enemy's temple!
Hp: 306  Sp: 32  Ep: 327 -23
Garok is near death.
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Minerva arrives from west.
Minerva interrupts you.
Minerva bumps you producing large scratches.
Minerva gashes you producing large scratches.
Minerva slightly pierces you causing a small scratch.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Garok is near death.
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:306/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:269/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Garok dies in a massive fit of convulsions.
Garok is DEAD, R.I.P.
Grokh shouts 'Garok dies by the hand of Jerkkis!'
Garok's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Minerva butts you producing large scratches.
You successfully parry Minerva's slash.
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 255 -51 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:255/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:255/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:255/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You bump Jerkkis causing a small scratch.
Jerkkis successfully dodges your futile slash.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva lightly cuts you inducing a nasty lesion.
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
Hp: 234 -21 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You miss Jerkkis.
You hurt Jerkkis who seems to become somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
You lightly cut Jerkkis producing large scratches.
Minerva misses you.
Minerva misses you.
You successfully parry Minerva's pierce.
tagret jerkkis
Process priority override -- please wait.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:234/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Minerva tries to pound Valkrist, but her attack is easily blocked.
You butt Jerkkis causing a small scratch.
Jerkkis successfully dodges your futile slash.
Grokh shouts 'Zerlun dies by the hand of Argond!'
You successfully dodge Minerva's bash.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing a small wound.
You are about to DIE!
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
Hp: 219 -15 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:219/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:219/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Jerkkis is not in a good shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:219/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Rowen [wanted]: summon
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:219/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You bump Jerkkis producing large scratches.
You lightly cut Jerkkis producing large scratches.
You successfully dodge Jerkkis's slash.
Jerkkis tumbled.
Jerkkis bumps you inducing a nasty lesion.
You are about to DIE!
Hp: 200 -19 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Minerva misses you.
You successfully dodge Minerva's slash.
Minerva scratches you causing a small scratch.
You are about to DIE!
Hp: 196 -4 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
bin valkrist


Guild level: 35.
Joined:      Mon Nov 03 21:53:04 2003.
Reputation:  Flattener of Cities
Reputation bar:
rep: 15997
Hp:196/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You bump Jerkkis producing large scratches.
Jerkkis successfully dodges your futile slash.
Jerkkis lightly cuts you causing a nasty laceration.
You are about to DIE!
Jerkkis bumps you inducing a nasty lesion.
You are about to DIE!
Hp: 160 -36 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Minerva misses you.
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva gashes you inducing a nasty lesion.
You are about to DIE!
You successfully dodge Minerva's pierce.
The crowd cheers at your valiant battle.
You have a new reputation title.
   'The Destroyer'
Hp: 147 -13 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:147/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:147/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:147/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:147/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Minerva hit through your defenses, slashing a terrible wound in your forehead!
Minerva turns suddenly and STRIKES again..
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You bump Jerkkis producing large scratches.
You lightly cut Jerkkis causing a small wound.
Jerkkis lightly cuts you causing a NASTY head wound.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You successfully parry Jerkkis's bash.
Hp: 78 -69 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Minerva bumps you causing a kidney to rupture.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva tumbled.
Minerva lightly cuts you causing large bones to crack loudly.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva misses you.
Hp: 42 -36 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Jerkkis is in bad shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:42/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:42/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:327/373 
Jerkkis successfully dodges your futile bash.
You lightly cut Jerkkis producing large scratches.
Jerkkis lightly cuts you smashing rib bones into a lung.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You successfully parry Jerkkis's bash.
Hp: 27 -15 Sp: 32  Ep: 327 
You successfully dodge Minerva's bash.
You successfully dodge Minerva's slash.
Minerva misses you.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You step forward and deliver a crushing blow to your enemy's temple!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 27  Sp: 32  Ep: 295 -32
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:27/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:295/373 
Jerkkis is in very bad shape.
Minerva is slightly hurt.
Hp:27/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:295/373 
Minerva quickly steps forward and pounds you, before you can move!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
party say No longer stunned!
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Jerkkis lightly cuts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Jerkkis bumps you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Hp: -137 -164 Sp: 32  Ep: 295 
Minerva bumps you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva lightly cuts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva slightly pierces you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Rowen [wanted]: got from froggy
You are unconscious, unable to do anything.
Hp:-226/1113 Sp:32/32 Ep:295/373 
Jerkkis starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Minerva starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Jerkkis lightly cuts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Jerkkis bumps you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Hp: -268 -131 Sp: 32  Ep: 295 
Minerva butts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva lightly cuts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Minerva slightly pierces you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
[bat]: Kyynel ponders her deepest dreams, worst nightmares.
Jerkkis cuts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Jerkkis bumps you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You die.
Grokh shouts 'Valkrist dies by the hand of Jerkkis!'
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

This is the Grand Beach, end of the River Oceanus, rising out from the sea
that is Thalasia, which fills this world. Small islands dot the waves, but the
majority of the realms of interest lie far beneath the surface. The islands
and this beach is a home for the souls who in their previous lives practiced
exemplary goodness. So lie down and enjoy, there is plenty of sun, warm water
and a palm under which you can hide if it gets too warm.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
Ghost of Xarathas
You receive a free pray.
You pray.
Death, clad in black, arrives with your corpse.
You enter the corpse.

Luckily you had a lossless pray and lose no experience.

This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Grorg the Hill Giant
Zerlun Greylake the Ogre Pitkälettiliimanhaistaja
Garok 'TriviaMaster' Deathwalker the brown Centaur Canuckian
Culain Arneric the Cyclops SilmäpuoliBarbie
Missy Pupu the Zombie
Cendor Bubble the Orc
Tan the Hobbit Satan's little helper
Shuga the Cyclops
Hirmu HuBi the Dwarf
Paimon Skullfuck the Ogre
Obanez the bony Skeleton
Sendogh the member of Catfolk
Hp:100/1063 Sp:16/29 Ep:189/348 
Hp: 100 +368 Sp: 16 -16 Ep: 189 -106
Hp: 124 +24 Sp: 17 +1 Ep: 196 +7
[vsa+]: Proteus cheers enthusiastically.
Ramjett [bat]: whatcha get kyynel :P

    Source: geocities.com/valkrist_batmud