Grinning diabolically Dentist plunges Delveling crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Dentist tumbled.
Dentist pricks Delveling causing a Delveling [party]: okies only uhrt my books
small wound.
Dentist tastes Delveling producing large scratches.
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
Antikiller tells you 'laskeppa varsin ja kato paljon strena'
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling saves her eq from damage with awesome combat sense :) :).
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
*Delveling has just sustained damage to armour :(.
Antikiller misses Dentist.
Antikiller tears Dentist causing a small wound.
You tear Dentist causing a small wound.
You tear Dentist causing a small wound.
Delveling cuts Dentist producing large scratches.
Delveling misses Dentist.
Dentist misses Delveling.
Dentist pricks Delveling inducing a nasty lesion.
Delveling successfully parries Dentist's bite.
Delveling [party]: wtf
You smirk.
Hp:1162/1162 Sp:20/20 Ep:116/393 Exp:44107 
Delveling [party]: okies only uhrt my books
Xyphier [ghost]: accept prometeus
Delveling huggles her own faded notebook for 'Campfire tune' warmly.
Delveling [party]: eq was safed :)
