testi - maanantai, syyskuu 03, 2007, 8:21 

                                /\ /\     Damn Downgrades!
                              /^^O^O^^\       Now they took my wings!
                         _   |(   ^   )|   _
                         \ \  \__( )__/  / /
                          \  \/^^^^^^^\/  /
 Logo by:                    /\ (!!!) /\
   Elminster             _ /   \_(!)_/   \ _
               Welcome to BatMUD, Online since 14th April 1990!
             EMail: batmud@bat.org about problems concerning BatMUD

         This machine is owned by B.A.T. ry, a non-profit organization, 
                    and is hosted at Magenta Sites, Finland.

  1 - enter the game                    s - game status
  2 - visit the game                    w - who is playing at the moment
  3 - create a new character            q - quit
Please enter your choice or name: 

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[     BatMUD Forums are now UP at: http://www.bat.org/forum/     ]

What is your name: valkrist
Recovering character.
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
Ronald (sales): paying 1m for mount and all the necessary stuff to use it
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
| 1.2   Valkrist      ldr  294( 326)  663(1310) 158(246) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
This is the entrance to the church tower.  Huge double doors
stand opened to the south.  The tower is dark and gloomy.  What
appears to be blood stains cover the ground near the front
doors.  You make out a small scream coming from inside the church.
A small mirror is located to the right of the double doors.
Obvious exits are: s and n.
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
Heal self: ##
You are casting 'heal self'.
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
This is the entrance to the church tower.  Huge double doors
stand opened to the south.  The tower is dark and gloomy.  What
appears to be blood stains cover the ground near the front
doors.  You make out a small scream coming from inside the church.
A small mirror is located to the right of the double doors.
Obvious exits are: s and n.
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
Heal self: #
Displaying last tells to you.
(19:33) Belse tells you 'sulla on liikaa expaa'
(19:35) Belse tells you 'no niin tietysti'
(19:35) Belse tells you 'ne pitaa olla 100'
(19:35) Belse tells you 'mastery 100 spell 100 ja area 100'
(19:35) Belse tells you 'ei riita'
(19:35) Belse tells you 'main type pitaa olla 100'
(19:36) Belse tells you 'midian eteen'
(19:54) Belse tells Solarhawk and you 'Solarhawk has been blighted! Valkrist has been blighted!'
(20:19) @Belse looks very sadly at you.
(20:20) Belse tells you 'mita sa nyt saadat'
Hp:294/326 Sp:663/1310 Ep:158 0 
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You stutter the magic words and fail the spell.
You feel like you just saved some spell points!
294  662 -1 158 0 []
You start chanting.
Hp:294/326 Sp:662/1310 Ep:158 0 
299 +5 772 +110 167 0 []
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
This is the entrance to the church tower.  Huge double doors
stand opened to the south.  The tower is dark and gloomy.  What
appears to be blood stains cover the ground near the front
doors.  You make out a small scream coming from inside the church.
A small mirror is located to the right of the double doors.
Obvious exits are: s and n.
Hp:299/326 Sp:772/1310 Ep:167 0 
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You heal a few of your wounds.
326 +27 722 -50 167 0 []
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:326/326 Sp:722/1310 Ep:167 0 
Heal self: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Ulver [wanted]: turha vitun systeemi taa
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You are already fully healed!
326  672 -50 167 0 []
[wanted]: Ulver gives everyone the finger.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
This is the entrance to the church tower.  Huge double doors
stand opened to the south.  The tower is dark and gloomy.  What
appears to be blood stains cover the ground near the front
doors.  You make out a small scream coming from inside the church.
A small mirror is located to the right of the double doors.
Obvious exits are: s and n.
Hp:326/326 Sp:672/1310 Ep:167 0 
This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Whirling Portal
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Eressa Evergreen the grey Elf
Hp:326/326 Sp:672/1310 Ep:167 0 
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
A large fountain (almost full)
A tour guide
Hp:326/326 Sp:672/1310 Ep:167 0 
The church yard is a peaceful place. The grass is green and the girls
are pretty. It makes you think of paradise. The yard continues west to
the church cemetary.
There is an old novice adventurer warehouse to the north.
Obvious exits are: s, w and n.
Hp:326/326 Sp:672/1310 Ep:167 0 
The church cemetary starts from here and continues west all the way to
the city wall.
To the north is a dark cavern.
Obvious exits are: e, w, s and n.
Hp:326/326 Sp:672/1310 Ep:167 0 
326  775 +103 176 0 []
Hp:326/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Mortis yawns sarcastically and says 'Well Valkrist guess it's time for your daily beating!'
You miss Mortis.
Mortis successfully dodges your futile punch.
Mortis thrusts you causing a kidney to rupture.
Mortis strokes you causing a kidney to rupture.
Mortis misses you.
Mortis snaps you crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Mortis socks you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
15 -311 775  176 0 []
Hp:326/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:326/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
Hp:15/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:15/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:15/326 Sp:775/1310 Ep:176 0 
Mortis successfully dodges your futile punch.
Mortis successfully parries your punch.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Mortis strokes you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Mortis strokes you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Mortis wounds you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You die.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

This world is mountainous, and here waterfalls and cascades interrupt
Oceanus's flow. River travel without a guide can however be a little
dangerous. The banks are lush and green except for a few sandy landing points.
The Oceanus's water is crystal clear and warm, inviting you to swim.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
@Belse 'hmmmm's for a moment at you.
You pray.
Your soul is too weak to enter the corpse now.
You can try again after a little while.
Hp:1/308 Sp:775/1201 Ep:176 0 
You accept raise dead from Belse.
Hp:1/308 Sp:775/1201 Ep:176 0 
The flow ripples and murmurs, relaxing your mind.
Belse tells you 'mitakohan sa nyt teet'
You have been RAISED FROM THE DEAD ! 
You enter the corpse.
You feel a bit older.
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
You are the new leader of the party.
You tell Belse 'mää mää teen taikoha'
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
101 +86 875 +100 234 0 []
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
Heal self: ##
Heal self: #
'1' is a command-alias to 'rebirth me'.
Hp:101/308 Sp:875/1201 Ep:234 0 
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You heal a few of your wounds.
169 +68 825 -50 234 0 []
Belse 'hmmmm's for a moment at you.
'2' is a command-alias to 'really rebirth me'.
Hp:169/308 Sp:825/1201 Ep:234 0 
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse's spell makes you feel much better!
239 +70 825  234 0 []
Belse clatters 'ihan sekasin.'
You hiss 'hinaas pikkasen.'
Hp:239/308 Sp:825/1201 Ep:234 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:239/308 Sp:825/1201 Ep:234 0 
242 +3 852 +27 234 0 []
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:242/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
Name: Valkrist the weak Vampire < de >
Player level: 90                        Experience: 0
Money: 0.00                             Bank: 7482.69
Safe experience left: 1702904
Explore count: 13097/15807 (E%: 82)     Last reinc: Sep 03 2007
Task Points: 11                         Reinc Count: 8

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
    242/308         852/1201           234/234

Str: Mediocre (44)        Dex: Slight (45)          Con: Decent (63)          
Int: Awesome (216)        Wis: Excellent (161)      
Cha: Good-looking (98)    Siz: Big (59)             

You have a meager ability for avoiding hits.
You are a beneficent being.
You have completed 59 active quests. (45 lq, 0 gq, 13 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Broetchen leads the vampire race.
Hp:242/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse's spell makes you feel all better!
308 +66 852  234 0 []
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:308/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
You are casting 'teleport without error'.
Hp:308/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:308/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
Name: Valkrist the weak Vampire < de >
Player level: 90                        Experience: 0
Money: 0.00                             Bank: 7482.69
Safe experience left: 1702904
Explore count: 13097/15807 (E%: 82)     Last reinc: Sep 03 2007
Task Points: 11                         Reinc Count: 8

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
    308/308         852/1201           234/234

Str: Mediocre (44)        Dex: Slight (45)          Con: Decent (63)          
Int: Awesome (216)        Wis: Excellent (161)      
Cha: Good-looking (98)    Siz: Big (59)             

You have a meager ability for avoiding hits.
You are a beneficent being.
You have completed 59 active quests. (45 lq, 0 gq, 13 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Broetchen leads the vampire race.
Hp:308/308 Sp:852/1201 Ep:234 0 
Teleport without error: ###
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Teleport without error: #
You are done with the chant.
You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr'
You sense your surroundings distorting and then snap.
This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Whirling Portal
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Eressa Evergreen the grey Elf
308  602 -250 234 0 []
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
A large fountain (almost full)
A tour guide
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
The church yard is a peaceful place. The grass is green and the girls
are pretty. It makes you think of paradise. The yard continues west to
the church cemetary.
There is an old novice adventurer warehouse to the north.
Obvious exits are: s, w and n.
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
The church cemetary starts from here and continues west all the way to
the city wall.
To the north is a dark cavern.
Obvious exits are: e, w, s and n.
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Mortis lectures 'Someone soon has to scrape your remains from the floor, Valkrist!
Mortis successfully dodges your futile punch.
You spank Mortis making small marks.
Mortis strokes you causing a kidney to rupture.
Mortis strokes you making rib bones snap and crack.
Mortis wounds you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You are about to DIE!
Mortis munches you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Mortis socks you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You die.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

This world is mountainous, and here waterfalls and cascades interrupt
Oceanus's flow. River travel without a guide can however be a little
dangerous. The banks are lush and green except for a few sandy landing points.
The Oceanus's water is crystal clear and warm, inviting you to swim.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
BUGBUG, no leader obj???
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
You are a ghost. You may use ghost channel or 'pray' here.
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
You are a ghost. You may use ghost channel or 'pray' here.
Hp:308/308 Sp:602/1201 Ep:234 0 
@Belse eyes you suspiciously.
You tell Belse 'ei ehdi rebirthaa!'
Hp:1/289 Sp:602/1091 Ep:233 0 
This world is mountainous, and here waterfalls and cascades interrupt
Oceanus's flow. River travel without a guide can however be a little
dangerous. The banks are lush and green except for a few sandy landing points.
The Oceanus's water is crystal clear and warm, inviting you to swim.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
Hp:1/289 Sp:602/1091 Ep:233 0 
@Belse goes 'Heh' at you.
You accept raise dead from Belse.
Hp:1/289 Sp:602/1091 Ep:233 0 
You think 'This is the perfect place.'
Belse tells you 'tuunko eteen'
You tell Belse 'jooh sun pitää tulla'
Hp:1/289 Sp:602/1091 Ep:233 0 
You have been RAISED FROM THE DEAD ! 
You enter the corpse.
You feel a bit older.
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
You are the new leader of the party.
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
Being alone, you try to follow yourself and fail miserably.
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.2   Valkrist      ldr  101( 289)  702(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
101 -207 702 +100 222 0 []
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
You offer Belse a membership in your party.
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.2   Valkrist      ldr  101( 289)  702(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse is now acting member of the party.
Belse steps to the left side of 1st row and starts following the leader.
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 872)  443( 712) 357(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      ldr  101( 289)  702(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:101/289 Sp:702/1091 Ep:222 0 
104 +3 730 +28 222 0 []
Heal self: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
You move to the left side of 2nd row.
Hp:104/289 Sp:730/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 872)  443( 712) 357(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  104( 289)  730(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:104/289 Sp:730/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You heal a few of your wounds.
161 +57 680 -50 222 0 []
You start chanting.
You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.
Hp:161/289 Sp:680/1091 Ep:222 0 
Heal self: ##
You are casting 'heal self'.
Hp:161/289 Sp:680/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 872)  443( 712) 357(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  161( 289)  680(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:161/289 Sp:680/1091 Ep:222 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:161/289 Sp:680/1091 Ep:222 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:161/289 Sp:680/1091 Ep:222 0 
Heal self: #
Belse starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus littleee'
You heal a few of your wounds.
201 +40 630 -50 222 0 []
You start chanting.
Hp:201/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:201/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 872)  531( 712) 357(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  201( 289)  630(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:201/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse's spell makes you feel really much better!
286 +85 630  222 0 []
Water walking: ###
Superlapa tells you 'hyvä, tapa se'
You tell Superlapa 'iha just!'
Hp:286/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are casting 'water walking'.
Hp:286/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:286/289 Sp:630/1091 Ep:222 0 
Water walking: #
You are done with the chant.
Cast water walking at what?
286  628 -2 222 0 []
You feel fully healed.
289 +3 714 +86 222 0 []
You don't know that spell.
Hp:289/289 Sp:714/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: no niin mees
You start chanting.
Hp:289/289 Sp:714/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are casting 'water walking' at 'valkrist'.
Hp:289/289 Sp:714/1091 Ep:222 0 
Valkrist (party): ootas :)
Hp:289/289 Sp:714/1091 Ep:222 0 
Water walking: ###
Water walking: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Valkrist (party): en halu rippii toho vetee
Hp:289/289 Sp:714/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are done with the chant.
You rub wax in your feet and chant 'Jeeeeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuus'
You lose touch with the magic and the spell fizzles.
289  697 -17 222 0 []
        SzS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ..azzSSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   |.%rr.zSSSS~~             southeast, southwest
  r=r.....zSSSS~~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 rr|...%.*CCSSS~~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  .|......CCSSS~~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. You
  y+.......zzSSS~    see a city in the distance. 
two goblin war axes
The UNK Frigate Buccaneer (landed) (shielded)
A small pile of copper coins
A small pile of bronze coins
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
        zSz          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ...azzSSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   .|.%rr.zSSSS~             southeast, southwest
  yr=r.....zSSSS~    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yrr|...%*%CCSSS~~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  y.|......CCSSS~    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
        .zS          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     |...azzSS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   y.|.%rr.zSSSS             southeast, southwest
  yyr=r.....zSSSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyrr|...*%.CCSSS~   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  ry.|......CCSSS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Zenick Zuranthus the transparent Shadow of Aveallis
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
        ..z          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     .|...azzS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yy.|.%rr.zSSS             southeast, southwest
  yyyr=r.....zSSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyyrr|..*%..CCSSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  rry.|......CCSS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
        ...          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     y.|...azz       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yyy.|.%rr.zSS             southeast, southwest
  yyyyr=r.....zSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyyyrr|.*%%..CCSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yrry.|......CCS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
        |..          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     yy.|...az       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yyyy.|.%rr.zS             southeast, southwest
  yyyyyr=r.....zS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyyyyrr|*%.%..CCS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyrry.|......CC    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:222 0 
289  697  220 0 []
        .|.          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     .yy.|...a               Laenor
   yyyyy.|.%rr.z     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yymyyy.|rr...zz            southeast, southwest
 yyyyyyrr*%..%..CC   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyrry.|......C    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  frrryyy+.......    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
        h+.          Loc:    Stone Bridge in central Laenor
     yyl.|...z       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yy.yy.|...azz             southeast, southwest
  yymyyy.|rr...zz    This is a broad stone bridge. It is obviously of very
 yyyyyyyr*r.....zS   good quality, and offers a safe way over the waters
  yyyyyrr%...%..C    below. The bridge looks ancient, but it is still in
  yyyrry.|......C    excellent shape.
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
        +..          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     yy.h+...z               Laenor
   yyyyl.|...zSz     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yyy.yy.|...azzS            southeast, southwest
 fyymyyy.*rr...zzS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyyyyr%r.....z    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyyrr|...%..C    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
You start walking.
        |.z          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     yy.+..zzz               Laenor
   yyyy.h+...zSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yyyyyl.|...zSzS            southeast, southwest
 f?yyyyy.*.%rr.zSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yymyyy.%rr...zz    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyyyr=r.....z    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from south.
        |.z          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     y..|.zzSS               Laenor
   y.yy.+..zzzSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yyyyy.h+...zSSS            southeast, southwest
 fyyy.yy.*...azzSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  ?yyyyy.%.%rr.zS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yymyyy.|rr...zz    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from south.
        |.z          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     ...|.zSSS               Laenor
   yyy..|.zzSSSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yy.yy.+..zzzSSS            southeast, southwest
 yyyyyyl.*...zSzSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyy.yy.%...azzS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  ?yyyyy.|.%rr.zS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
You start walking.
        |.z          Loc:    Cobblestone Crossing, mostly burned in central
     ...|.zSSS               Laenor
   yy...|.zSSSSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  yyyy..|.zzSSSSS            southeast, southwest
 yyyyyy.h*...zSSSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyyyl.%...zSzS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyy.yy.|...azzS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
You start walking.
        ?|.          Loc:    Cobblestone Crossing, mostly burned in central
     ....|.zSS               Laenor
   yy....|.zSSSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  .yyy...|.zSSSSS            southeast, southwest
 yyyy.yy.*..zzzSSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyyyy.h%...zSS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyyyl.|...zSz    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from southeast.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:219 0 
289  697  219 0 []
You start walking.
        --+          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     y...?|.zS       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yyy....|.zSSS             southeast, southwest
  b.yyy...|.zSSSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyyyyyy.*|.zzSSSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyy.yy.%..zzzS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from southeast.
        ...          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     --%---+.z       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   yy.y...?|.zSS             southeast, southwest
  yyyyy....|.zSSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 y.b.yyy.*.|.zSSSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyyyy.%|.zzSS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from southeast.
        =RR          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     ...|...|.       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   -----%---+.zS             southeast, southwest
  yyyyyy....|.zSS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yayyyyy.*..|.zSSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  y.b.yyy.%.|.zSS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from southeast.
        ccc          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned in central Laenor
     .RRR=RR.|       Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
   ......|...|.z             southeast, southwest
  yyyyy.y...?|.zS    All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
 yyyyyyyy*...|.zSS   seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yayyyyy.%..|.zS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
Belse arrives from southeast.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
You start walking.
        ccc          Loc:    Plains, mostly burned, mostly burned in central
     .Rcccc=-g               Laenor
   .?.RRR=RR.|zz     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  .......|...|.zS            southeast, southwest
 /yyyyy.y*..?|.zSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyyyyy%...|.zS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yayyyyy....|.zS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
All you can see is ashes all around you
A cart labeled 'HardwareStore' (6 items)
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
You start walking.
        czc          Loc:    Cobblestone Crossing, mostly burned, mostly
     .RccccRzz               burned in central Laenor
   ...Rcccc=-gzS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  ..?.RRR=RR.|zzS            southeast, southwest
 -+------*---+.zSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  yyyyy.y%..?|.zS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyyyy....|.zS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
A big shiny jar for storing herbs labeled as reinc (3/20)
All you can see is ashes all around you
A cart labeled 'Chests Chests Chests Scrolls' (17 items)
A cart labeled 'Trading post' (10 items)
A cart labeled 'Eressa's Eclectic Emporium' (4 items)
A cart labeled 'Rings 'n Things' (11 items)
A cart labeled 'Macic's Chest Sale Emporium' (1 item)
A cart labeled 'Ignore other carts!' (1 item)
A roadsign pointing east, north and west
Raizar Osaki the Thrikhren
Koan the weak Vampire twid dles < uhu >
Ulath Pulath the 84-armed Barsoomian
Juggelo the Archwizard
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
289  697  216 0 []
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
        SSc          Loc:    Cobblestone Road, mostly burned in central
     zRzczcRzS               Laenor
   ...RccccRzzSS     Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, 
  ....Rcccc=-gzSS            southeast, southwest
 ........*...|.zSS   All you see is charred landscape all around you. It
  +------%---+.zS    seems there has been a fire here recently, smoke is
  yyyyy.y...?|.zS    still rising from small pockets of glowing embers. 
A cart labeled 'Chests! Equipment! BUY BUY!' (7 items)
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
        SSS          Loc:    Stone Bridge in central Laenor
     SSSSScSSS       Exits:  south, east, west, southeast, southwest, north
  ....RccccRzzSSS    This is a broad stone bridge. It is obviously of very
  ....Rcccc=-gzSS    good quality, and offers a safe way over the waters
 ...?.RRR*RR.|zzSS   below. The bridge looks ancient, but it is still in
  .......%...|.zS    excellent shape.
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #  #....G....#  #   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ####.........####   Exits:  n, w, e, s
 #  #.........#  #   
 ######::-::######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ~~~~~~~.@.~~~~~~~   It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite the
                     direction you are trying to travel. 
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #  ###::-::###  #   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #  #....G....#  #   Exits:  sw, s, se
 #  #.........#  #   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ######::-::######   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ~~~~~~~.%.~~~~~~~   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
                     Massive bronze gate (closed) leads north.
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
You open massive bronze gate.
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ####m.h......####   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, s
 #  ###::-::###  #   
 #  #....G....#  #   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ####.........####   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 #  #....@....#  #   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 ######::/::######   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity. 
 ~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~   Massive bronze gate (open) leads south.
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from south.
You close massive bronze gate.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #  |.........|  #   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #  ###::-::###  #   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 #  #....G....#  #   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ####....@....####   once laid. It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite
 #  #....%....#  #   the direction you are trying to travel. 
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ######...m.######   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #  |.........|  #   Exits:  w, e, sw, s, se
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   
 ####m.h......####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 #  ###::-::###  #   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 #  #....@....#  #   Traffic is moving slower as people and wagons try to
 ####....%....####   force their way onto the smaller streets. Fruit trees
 #  #.........#  #   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 ######::-::######   tranquil appearance. 
 ~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~   Massive bronze gate (closed) leads north.

a lazy dwarf gateguard is here guarding the gate
a sleepy human gateguard is here watching you
a old human gateguard is here guarding the gate
a young human gateguard is here looking mean
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
You open massive bronze gate.
 .#   #.....#   #.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 .#   |.....|   #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, s
 #  |.........|  #   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ####m.h.@....####   missing cobble. It seems that the flow of traffic is
 #  ###::/::###  #   opposite the direction you are trying to travel. 
 #  #....%....#  #   
 ####.........####   Massive bronze gate (open) leads south.
 #  #.........#  #   
Belse arrives from south.
You close massive bronze gate.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .##-##.....##/##.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 .#   #.....#   #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#   |.....|   #.   
 ######...m.######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 #  |.........|  #   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 #  #.*..@.$*.#  #   Many people are travelling back and forth and this whole
 ####m.h.%....####   area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been
 #  ###::-::###  #   planted in neat rows to give this area a more tranquil
 #  #....G....#  #   appearance. 
 #  #.........#  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ....dG.....G.....   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 .##-##.....##/##.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#   #.....#   #.   
 .#   |.....|   #.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ######...m.######   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained. 
 #  |....@....|  #   
 #  #.*..%.$*.#  #   
 #  ###::-::###  #   
 #  #....G....#  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .....*..c..*.....   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ....dG.....G.....   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#   #.....#   #.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .#   |.....|   #.   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ######..@m.######   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 #  |....%....|  #   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   
 #  ###::-::###  #   
 #  #....G....#  #   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ................h   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 .....*..c..*.....   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .##-##.....##/##.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .#   #.....#   #.   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 .#   |..@..|   #.   missing cobble. It seems that the flow of traffic is
 ######..%m.######   opposite the direction you are trying to travel. Fruit
 #  |.........|  #   trees have been planted in neat rows to give this area a
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   more tranquil appearance. 
 #  ###::-::###  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ######.....#####.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ................h   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ....dG.....G.....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .##-##.....##/##.   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 .#   #..@..#   #.   once laid. Traffic is moving slower as people and wagons
 .#   |..%..|   #.   try to force their way onto the smaller streets. 
 #  |.........|  #   
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
      |...../   #.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ######.....#####.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .....*..c..*.....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ....dG.....G.....   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 .##-##..@..##/##.   through. Traffic is moving slower as people and wagons
 .#   #..%..#   #.   try to force their way onto the smaller streets. 
 .#   |.....|   #.   
 #  |.........|  #   
 #  #.*....$*.#  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ######h....#   #.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
      |...../   #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ................h   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .....*..c..*.....   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ....dG..@..G.....   It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite the
 .##-##..%..##/##.   direction you are trying to travel. Fruit trees have
 .#   #.....#   #.   been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 .#   |.....|   #.   tranquil appearance. 
 #  |.........|  #   
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ......$....###/#.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ######h....#   #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
      |...../   #.   
 ######.....#####.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ................h   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 .....*..@..*.....   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 ....dG..%..G.....   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity. 
 .#   #.....#   #.   
 .#   |.....|   #.   
A cart labeled 'shop24' (3 items)
A cart labeled '|Thorswrath's Trading Post|' (13 items)
A cart labeled 'Kryss's LUXURY SHOP' (12 items)
A cart labeled 'Chests and other stuff' (5 items)
A cart labeled 'Bob's House of Meat' (2 items)
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .......$....###/#   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #######h....#   #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
       |...../   #   
 #######.....#####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ......*.@%..*....   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .....dG.....G....   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 ..##-##.....##/##   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 ..#   #.....#   #   tranquil appearance. 
 ..#   |.....|   #   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 /.......$....###/   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ########h....#      Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ########.....####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 .......*@%c..*...   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 ......dG.....G...   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 ...##-##.....##/#   Shrubberies and flowers have been planted in neat rows
 ...#   #.....#      to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ...#   |.....|      
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
  /.......$....###   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
  ########h....#     Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #########.....###   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Traffic is
 ........@%.c..*..   moving slower as people and wagons try to force their
 .......dG.....G..   way onto the smaller streets. Shrubberies and flowers
 ....##-##.....##/   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 ....#   #.....#     tranquil appearance. 
 ....#   |.....|     
A brass street lamp
A large fountain (full)
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
   /.......$....##   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
   ########h....#    Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 -#########.....##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ........@%..c..*.   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ........dG.....G.   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 .....##-##.....##   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 .....#   #.....#    tranquil appearance. 
 .....#   |.....|    
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
    /.......$....#   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
    ########h....#   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #-#########.....#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Shrubberies
 ........@%*..c..*   and flowers have been planted in neat rows to give this
 .........dG.....G   area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ......#   #.....#   
 ......#   |.....|   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #   /.......$....   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #   ########h....   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #          |.....   
 ##-#########.....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ........@%.*..c..   through. Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to
 ..........dG.....   give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 .......#   #.....   
 .......#   |.....   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .#   /.......$...   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 h#   ########h...   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 m#          |....   
 .##-#########....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ........@%..*..c.   Many people are travelling back and forth and this whole
 ...........dG....   area is bustling with activity. 
 ........#   #....   
 ........#   |....   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ..#   /.......$..   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 .h#   ########h..   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .m#          |...   
 ..##-#########...   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ........@%...*..c   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ............dG...   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 .........##-##...   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 .........#   #...   tranquil appearance. 
 .........#   |...   
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ...#   /.......$.   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 h.h#   ########h.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ..m#          |..   
 ...##-#########..   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ........@%....*..   It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite the
 .............dG..   direction you are trying to travel. 
 #.........#   #..   
 #.........#   |..   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ....#   /.......$   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 #h.h#   ########h   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #..m#          |.   
 #...##-#########.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ........@%.....*.   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ..............dG.   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
  #.........#   #.   
  #.........#   |.   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .....#   /.......   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 ##h.h#   ########   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
  #..m#          |   
 ##...##-#########   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. 
   #.........#   #   
   #.........#   |   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ......#   /......   Loc:    Arelium (southern gate area)                    
 /##h.h#   #######   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ###...##-########   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ........@%.......   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ................d   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 e......#   /.....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #/##h.h#   ######   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ####...##-#######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
 ........@%.......   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 .................   bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been planted in
 #/###.........##-   neat rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .e......#   /....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ##/##h.h#   #####   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #####...##-######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ........@%.......   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 ##/###.........##   Shrubberies and flowers have been planted in neat rows
      #.........#    to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ..e......#   /...   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ###/##h.h#   ####   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ######...##-#####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ........@%.......   through. Traffic is moving slower as people and wagons
 .................   try to force their way onto the smaller streets. Fruit
 ###/###.........#   trees have been planted in neat rows to give this area a
 #     #.........#   more tranquil appearance. 
 /     #.........#   
 #     #........##   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ...e......#   /..   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ####/##h.h#   ###   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #     #..m#         
 #######...##-####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ........@%.......   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity. 
 .#     #.........   
 ./     #.........   
 .#     #........#   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ....e......#   /.   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 .####/##h.h#   ##   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#     #..m#        
 .#######...##-###   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 G.......@%.......   missing cobble. Fruit trees have been planted in neat
 .................   rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ..#     #........   
 ../     #........   
 ..#     #........   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .....e......#   /   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ..####/##h.h#   #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 h.#     #..m#       
 ..#######...##-##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 .G......@%.......   through. Shrubberies and flowers have been planted in
 .................   neat rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ...#     #.......   
 .../     #.......   
 ...#     #.......   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #.....e......#      Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #..####/##h.h#      Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #h.#     #..m#      
 #..#######...##-#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ..G.....@%.......   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 #...###/###......   Shrubberies and flowers have been planted in neat rows
 #...#     #......   to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 #.../     #......   
 #...#     #......   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
  #.....e......#     Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
  #..####/##h.h#     Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
  #h.#     #..m#     
 ##..#######...##-   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
 ...G....@%.......   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 .................   bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been planted in
 ##...###/###.....   neat rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
  #...#     #.....   
  #.../     #.....   
  #...#     #.....   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
   #.....e......#    Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
   #..####/##h.h#    Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
   #h.#     #..m#    
 ###..#######...##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ....G...@%.......   once laid. It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite
 .................   the direction you are trying to travel. 
   #...#     #....   
   #.../     #....   
   #...#     #....   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
    #.....e......#   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
    #..####/##h.h#   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
    #h.#     #..m#   
 ####..#######...#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 c................   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
 .....G..@%.......   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 .................   bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been planted in
 ####...###/###...   neat rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
    #...#     #...   
    #.../     #...   
    #...#     #...   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
     #.....e......   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
     #..####/##h.h   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
     #h.#     #..m   
 -####..#######...   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .c...............   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 *.....G.@%.......   through. 
     #...#     #..   
     #.../     #..   
     #...#     #..   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
      #.....e.....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
      #..####/##h.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
      #h.#     #..   
 #-####..#######..   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 G.c..............   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 .*.....G@%.......   Many people are travelling back and forth and this whole
 .................   area is bustling with activity. 
      #...#     #.   
      #.../     #.   
      #...#     #.   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
       #.....e....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
       #..####/##h   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
       #h.#     #.   
 ##-####..#######.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .G.c.............   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ..*.....@%.......   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
       #...#     #   
       #.../     #   
       #...#     #   
A brass street lamp
a lazy human guard is here guarding the city
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
        #.....e...   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
        #..####/##   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
        #h.#     #   
 ###-####..#######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ..G.c............   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ...*....@%.......   Many people are travelling back and forth and this whole
 .................   area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been
 ###/####...###/##   planted in neat rows to give this area a more tranquil
        #...#        appearance. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #       #.....e..   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #       #..####/#   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #       #h.#        
 ####-####..######   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ...G.c...........   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ....*...@%G......   through. Traffic is moving slower as people and wagons
 .................   try to force their way onto the smaller streets. Fruit
 ####/####...###/#   trees have been planted in neat rows to give this area a
 #       #...#       more tranquil appearance. 
 #       #.../       
 #       #...#       
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .#       #.....e.   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 .#       #..####/   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#       #h.#       
 .####-####..#####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ....G.c..........   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
 .....*..@%.G.....   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 .................   bustling with activity. Shrubberies and flowers have
 .####/####...###/   been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 .#       #...#      tranquil appearance. 
 .#       #.../      
 G#       #...#      
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ..#       #.....e   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ..#       #..####   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ..#       #h.#      
 ..####-####..####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .....G.c.........   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ......*.@%..G....   once laid. Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to
 .................   give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ..#       #...#     
 l.#       #.../     
 .G#       #...#     
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #..#       #.....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #..#       #..###   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #..#       #h.#     
 #..####-####..###   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ......G.c........   stone road here is wide and in good shape. 
 #..#       #...#    
 #l.#       #.../    
 ..G#       #...#    
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ##..#       #....   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
  #..#       #..##   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
  #..#       #h.#    
 ##..####-####..##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .......G.c.......   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ........@%....G..   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 ##..####/####...#   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
  #..#       #...#   area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ##l.#       #.../   
 ...G#       #...#   
A large fountain (full)
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ###..#       #...   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
   #..#       #..#   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
   #..#       #h.#   
 /##..####-####..#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ........G.c......   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ........@%.....G.   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
   #..#       #...   
 /##l.#       #...   
 ....G#       #...   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ####..#       #..   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
    #..#       #..   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
    #..#       #h.   
 #/##..####-####..   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .........G.c.....   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ........@%*.....G   missing cobble. It seems that the flow of traffic is
 .................   opposite the direction you are trying to travel. 
    #..#       #..   
 #/##l.#       #..   
 .....G#       #..   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #####..#       #.   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 |   #..#       #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #   #..#       #h   
 ##/##..####-####.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ..........G.c....   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 ........@%.*.....   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 #####..####/####.   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
 #   #..#       #.   area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ##/##l.#       #.   
 ......G#       #.   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 .#####..#       #   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 .|   #..#       #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#   #..#       #   
 .##/##..####-####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ...........G.c...   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 G.......@%..*....   through. Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to
 .................   give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 h#   #..#       #   
 .##/##l.#       #   
 .......G#       #   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ..#####..#          Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ..|   #..#          Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ..#   #..#          
 ..##/##..####-###   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ............G.c..   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 .G......@%...*...   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 .................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 ..#####..####/###   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
 .h#   #..#          area a more tranquil appearance. 
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 ...#####..#         Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 ...|   #..#         Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ...#   #..#         
 ...##/##..####-##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 .............G.c.   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
 ..G.....@%....*..   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 .................   bustling with activity. 
 #.h#   #..#         
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
 #...#####..#        Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #...|   #..#        Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #...#   #..#        
 ....##/##..####-#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ..............G.c   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 ...G....@%.....*.   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
  #.h#   #..#        
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
  #...#####..#       Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
  #...|   #..#       Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ##...#   #..#       
 .....##/##..####-   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ...............G.   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Traffic is
 ....G...@%......*   moving slower as people and wagons try to force their
 .................   way onto the smaller streets. 
   #.h#   #..#       
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
   #...#####..#      Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
   #...|   #..#      Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ###...#   #..#      
 ......##/##..####   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ................G   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 .....G..@%.......   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 ####..#####..####   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
    #.h#   #..#      tranquil appearance. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
    #...#####..#     Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
    #...|   #..#     Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ####...#   #..#     
 #......##/##..###   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ......G.@%.......   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
 .................   area a more tranquil appearance. 
     #.h#   #..#     
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:697/1091 Ep:216 0 
289  813 +116 222 0 []
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
     #...#####..#    Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
     #...|   #..#    Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
  ####...#   #..#    
 -#......##/##..##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .................   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 .......G@%.......   once laid. 
      #.h#   #..#    
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
      #...#####..#   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
      #...|   #..#   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 # ####...#   #..#   
 #-#......##/##..#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 .................   road is wide here and looks like it is well maintained.
 ........@%.......   Many people are travelling back and forth and this whole
 .................   area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees have been
 #-#####..#####..#   planted in neat rows to give this area a more tranquil
       #.h#   #..#   appearance. 
a fat half-elf guard is here looking mean
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
       #...#####..   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
       #...|   #..   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ## ####...#   #..   
 .#-#......##/##..   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 $................   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 ........@%.......   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 ##-#####..#####..   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
        #.h#   #..   tranquil appearance. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 /      #...#####.   Loc:    Arelium (adventurers quarters)                  
 #      #...|   #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ### ####...#   #.   
 ..#-#......##/##.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 g$...............   stone road here is wide and in good shape. It seems that
 *.......@%G......   the flow of traffic is opposite the direction you are
 .................   trying to travel. 
 #       #.h#   #.   
 #       #..##/##l   
 |       #h.......   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 G/      #...#####   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 .#      #...|   #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .### ####...#   #   
 ...#-#......##/##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 .g$..............   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
 .*......@%.G.....   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 .................   this whole area is bustling with activity. 
 .#       #.h#   #   
 .#       #..##/##   
 .|       #h......   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 .G/      #...####   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ..#      #...|      Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ..### ####...#      
 h...#-#......##/#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ..g$.............   stone road here is wide and in good shape. 
 ..#       #.h#      
 g.#       #..##/#   
 ..|       #h.....   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 ..G/      #...###   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ...#      #...|     Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ...### ####...#     
 .h...#-#......##/   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 G..g$............   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
 %c.*....@%...G...   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 G................   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 ...###-#####..###   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
 ...#       #.h#     area a more tranquil appearance. 
 .g.#       #..##/   
 ...|       #h....   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 #..G/      #...##   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 #...#      #...|    Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 #...### ####...#    
 ..h...#-#......##   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 #G..g$...........   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
 /%c.*...@%....G..   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 #G...............   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 ....###-#####..##   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 #...#       #.h#    tranquil appearance. 
 #.g.#       #..##   
 #...|       #h...   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 .#..G/      #...#   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 .#...#      #...|   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .#...### ####...#   
 ...h...#-#......#   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ##G..g$..........   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
  /%c.*..@%.....G.   missing cobble. Many people are travelling back and
 ##G..............   forth and this whole area is bustling with activity.
 .....###-#####..#   Fruit trees have been planted in neat rows to give this
 .#...#       #.h#   area a more tranquil appearance. 
 .#.g.#       #..#   
 e#...|       #h..   
A brass street lamp
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 ..#..G/      #...   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ..#...#      #...   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ".#...### ####...   
 ....h...#-#......   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 ###G..g$.........   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
   /%c.*.@%......G   missing cobble. Traffic is moving slower as people and
 ###G.............   wagons try to force their way onto the smaller streets.
 ......###-#####..   Shrubberies and flowers have been planted in neat rows
 ..#...#       #.h   to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ..#.g.#       #..   
 .e#...|       #h.   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 ...#..G/      #..   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ...#...#      #..   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .".#...### ####..   
 .....h...#-#.....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobblestone
 ####G..g$........   road narrows here and you have to squeeze your way
    /%c.*@%.......   through. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 ####G............   this whole area is bustling with activity. Shrubberies
 "......###-#####.   and flowers have been planted in neat rows to give this
 ...#...#       #.   area a more tranquil appearance. 
 "..#.g.#       #.   
 #.e#...|       #h   
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 "...#..G/      #.   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ....#...#      #.   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ".".#...### ####.   
 ......h...#-#....   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 #####G..g$.......   is in fairly good shape, with only the occasional
     /%c.@%.......   missing cobble. Fruit trees have been planted in neat
 #####G...........   rows to give this area a more tranquil appearance. 
 ....#...#       #   
 ."..#.g.#       #   
 ##.e#...|       #   
A large fountain (full)
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 ."...#..G/      #   Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 .....#...#      #   Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 .".".#...### ####   
 "......h...#-#...   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ######G..g$......   stone road here is wide and in good shape. 
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 "."...#..G/         Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 ......#...#         Exits:  nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se
 ..".".#...### ###   
 ."......h...#-#..   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The road here
 #######G..g$.....   is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
       /%@%*......   once laid. Many people are travelling back and forth and
 #######G.........   this whole area is bustling with activity. Fruit trees
 ..."......###-###   have been planted in neat rows to give this area a more
 ."....#...#         tranquil appearance. 
A cart labeled 'BASIC WEAPONS & CASTER GEAR' (3 items)
A cart labeled 'Chests and Newbie EQ!' (8 items)
A cart labeled 'Chests' (8 items)
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
 ."."...#..G/        Loc:    Arelium (temple district)                       
 "......#...#        Exits:  n, ne, e, s, se, w
 ...".".#...### ##   
 .."......h...#-#.   You are standing on a street in Arelium. The cobble
 ########G..g$....   stone road here is wide and in good shape. Many people
        /@%.*.....   are travelling back and forth and this whole area is
 ########G........   bustling with activity. 
 .."....#...#        Large silvery gate (open) leads west.
A large granite post
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
A large fountain (almost full)
A tour guide
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Whirling Portal
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Eressa Evergreen the grey Elf
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
This is the entrance to a very small but beautiful temple. The walls are
all white and clean, and the air is full of exquisite perfumes. Although
the room is actually very small, you are overwhelmed by its sanctity and
holiness. Beautiful paintings decorate the walls and an impressive statue
stands in the center of the room. A sobrenatural light comes from the
ceiling, giving the room an even more special appearance.
Obvious exits are: e and w.
Blacksmith the Zombie
The Guardian of Dreams is here, proud and virtuous
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Whirling Portal
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Eressa Evergreen the grey Elf
Belse arrives from west.
Hp:289/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
You feel more vital.
You have arrived to a beautifully decorated wedding chapel.
The whole chapel is lighted brightly, and the altar has been made
of pure gold with silvery carvings in it. There is a picture of
the gods of this mud on the northern wall, and a small archway leads
south, out of the chapel. The atmosphere is very quiet and calm.
Obvious exit is: south.
Ring restore and change automat
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
This is the main hall of the church of all Gods. A clock on the wall shows the
uptime of the mud. A poster explaining the upcoming events is posted on the
wall and a golden plaque with names on it hanging beside it. Several doorways
leave out from here.
Obvious exits are: n, s, w and e.
A magical liquid map of Arelium
Whirling Portal
A holy altar emitting peace around it
Eressa Evergreen the grey Elf
Belse arrives from north.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
A large fountain (almost full)
A tour guide
Belse arrives from west.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
The church yard is a peaceful place. The grass is green and the girls
are pretty. It makes you think of paradise. The yard continues west to
the church cemetary.
There is an old novice adventurer warehouse to the north.
Obvious exits are: s, w and n.
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Superlapa leaves west.
The church cemetary starts from here and continues west all the way to
the city wall.
To the north is a dark cavern.
Obvious exits are: e, w, s and n.
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Mortis roars 'I will hunt you down, Valkrist!'
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Mortis successfully dodges Belse's pierce.
Mortis successfully parries Belse's punch.
Mortis strokes Belse producing large scratches.
Belse successfully dodges Mortis's bash.
Mortis misses Belse.
Mortis misses Belse.
Mortis socks Belse causing a nasty laceration.
Superlapa arrives from south.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Belse misses Mortis.
Mortis misses Belse.
Mortis thrusts Belse inducing a nasty lesion.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis thrusts Belse slicing open a gaping wound.
Belse successfully parries Mortis's bite.
Mortis kicks Belse causing a nasty laceration.
Belse starts concentrating on a new spell.
Mortis successfully dodges Belse's pierce.
Mortis successfully dodges Belse's punch.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis thrusts Belse causing a nasty laceration.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis strokes Belse causing a nasty laceration.
Mortis misses Belse.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis munches Belse making rib bones snap and crack.
Mortis socks Belse snapping a collarbone.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  346( 872)  701( 712) 356(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  289( 308)  813(1201) 222(234) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:289/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Belse leaves south.
Belse left somewhere.
Valkrist is now in the 1st row.
Mortis strokes you slicing open a gaping wound.
Mortis misses you.
Mortis thrusts you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Mortis snaps you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Mortis socks you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
-53 -342 813  222 0 []
You are unconscious, unable to do anything.
Hp:-53/308 Sp:813/1201 Ep:222 0 
Blood pours from your wounds!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Mortis strokes you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You die.
Belse is the new leader of the party.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

This world is mountainous, and here waterfalls and cascades interrupt
Oceanus's flow. River travel without a guide can however be a little
dangerous. The banks are lush and green except for a few sandy landing points.
The Oceanus's water is crystal clear and warm, inviting you to swim.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
Belse {party}: I LEAD -> EXPAA TARMOILLE
Belse {party}: mita sa teet
Belse {report}: Prots: Fsh(27:26)
Belse {report}: Prots: Fsh(27:26)
Belse {report}: Force shield [OFF] (27m29s)
Superlapa tells you 'eijei!'
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
The flow ripples and murmurs, relaxing your mind.
Rep is now 'party say'
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Ghost of Valkrist (party): Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Ghost of Valkrist (party): You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: pista delimella noi jutut
Rep is turned off.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Rep is now 'ghost'
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Ghost of Valkrist (ghost): Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Ghost of Valkrist (ghost): You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Rep is turned off.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: no acceptaas
You accept raise dead from Belse.
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
The flow ripples and murmurs, relaxing your mind.
Belse {report}: Raise Dead -> valkrist
Lyriikka tells you 'lol, oot joku ancient (:'
Ghost of Valkrist (party): ei menny iha putkee :)
Hp:1/289 Sp:813/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: pista delimella
You have been RAISED FROM THE DEAD ! 
You enter the corpse.
You feel a bit older.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Valkrist (party): noku jäin ambushii!
Hp:101/289 Sp:913/1091 Ep:222 0 
You start following the leader in a new place.
104 +157 941 +128 222 0 []
Valkrist (party): ei päässy birthaa :)
Hp:104/289 Sp:941/1091 Ep:222 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:104/289 Sp:941/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse guides you to the left side of 2nd row.
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse's spell makes you feel much better!
188 +84 941  222 0 []
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:188/289 Sp:941/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         ldr  872( 872)  404( 712) 357(357) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      fol  188( 289)  941(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:188/289 Sp:941/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: pistan godin
You are the new leader of the party.
192 +4 1016 +75 222 0 []
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
You peer north:
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse kneels and chants 'Grant me the power, the fire from within'
Belse's body seems to bulk up a little.
Belse {report}: Glory of Destruction [ON]
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 906)  409( 712) 357(389) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  192( 289) 1016(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse starts concentrating on a new spell.
Belse {party}: death roomi tama
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Belse starts concentrating on a new spell.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
Valkrist (party): ok
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  872( 906)  380( 712) 357(389) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  192( 289) 1016(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:192/289 Sp:1016/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
You sizzle with magical energy.
197 +5 1091 +75 222 0 []
You start chanting.
Hp:197/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are casting 'heal self'.
Hp:197/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
| 1.1   Belse         fol  906( 906)  448( 712) 367(389) |  97 |            0 |
| 2.1   Valkrist      ldr  197( 289) 1091(1091) 222(222) |  90 |           72 |
Hp:197/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Gamedriver slaps you.
Hp:197/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the
walls.  This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church.  In the
center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on
Obvious exit is: north.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Hp:197/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Heal self: ##
Belse {party}: mees
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Belse's spell makes you feel really much better!
278 +81 1091  222 0 []
Heal self: #
You emote to Lyriikka 'looks very sadly at you.'
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.
This is the tall entrance hall to the church of all Gods. The walls
are made of white marble. The roof is covered by a huge painting.
East is a doorway that leads out to the city streets. The entrance
hall opens west to the main hall of the temple. A small gateway
leads north.
Large silvery gate (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: w, n, s and e.
A large fountain (almost full)
A tour guide
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: delimella se kuntoon
The church yard is a peaceful place. The grass is green and the girls
are pretty. It makes you think of paradise. The yard continues west to
the church cemetary.
There is an old novice adventurer warehouse to the north.
Obvious exits are: s, w and n.
Belse arrives from south.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
The three blondes form a pyramid.
The church cemetary starts from here and continues west all the way to
the city wall.
To the north is a dark cavern.
Obvious exits are: e, w, s and n.
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Belse arrives from east.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Valkrist (party): no viimeks jäin ambushii :)
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
The church cemetary starts from here and continues west all the way to
the city wall.
To the north is a dark cavern.
Obvious exits are: e, w, s and n.
Belse Bubba the bony Skeleton < de >
Superlapa Mahtimato the dented member of Tinmen
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Belse {party}: mene
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You are in a small, gloomy cave. Blood and entrails cover the whole floor
making you shudder. Over one corner you see a little desk. Along the walls you
see rows and rows of lockers attached, some still dripping blood. A large
torch attached to a wall gives off gloomy flickering light which gives the
room an ominous feel. Behind the desk you notice a dark hole which seems to
carry an awful smell...
Commands: sell corpse, list, buy 
Obvious exit is: south.
Arnoldi Zrnoldi the Thrikhren
Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead)
Mortis threatens 'This time you won't escape, Valkrist.'
Belse arrives from south.
Mortis successfully dodges Belse's pierce.
Belse successfully dodges Mortis's bash.
Mortis thrusts Belse causing a small wound.
Mortis wounds Belse making an artery explode.
Belse successfully parries Mortis's bite.
Mortis misses Belse.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Grinning diabolically Belse sinks Mortis making small marks.
Belse spanks Mortis making small marks.
Mortis strokes Belse causing a small wound.
Belse successfully parries Mortis's bash.
Mortis misses Belse.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis snaps Belse causing a nasty laceration.
Belse tries to dodge, but Mortis is not fooled that easily!
Mortis socks Belse sparking a limb to slice open.
Belse claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius'
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Are you sure? You must confirm to continue.
Syntax: really rebirth me
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Mortis exclaims 'Will do!'
Mortis casts the arcane spell of rebirth at you.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have been re-born. Now you need to create your character
again. Quitting now will cancel your rebirth.
Type 'rebirth' to proceed, or 'rebirth ' to
proceed to a total rebirth, changing your name to .
NOTE: Also your password will be cleared if you change your name,
so remember to set it.
There are no obvious exits.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
That name is banished.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Yes I know about that problem.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You have been re-born. Now you need to create your character
again. Quitting now will cancel your rebirth.
Type 'rebirth' to proceed, or 'rebirth ' to
proceed to a total rebirth, changing your name to .
NOTE: Also your password will be cleared if you change your name,
so remember to set it.
There are no obvious exits.
Hp:278/289 Sp:1091/1091 Ep:222 0 
Valkrist is now in the 1st row.
Doing Rebirth Conversion...
You feel young.
The rebirth system was severely modified and you have thus been
given a free reinc.
Do you want a free reinc (yes/no)?: 0
NOTE:    You can escape the prompt by preceding your command with an '@'.

0Example: @tell shardik Why do you have such big teeth?
         @who guild bard

Time to choose your reincarnation method. The faster you go, the higher
the tax on your experience. The slower methods (all but instant) will result
in you collecting your experience back with a rate that gets faster all the

   (0i0)nstant           (all experience back as safe, highest tax)
   (0f0)ast              (experience back with a high modifier, high tax)
   (0n0)ormal            (experience back with a normal modifier, normal tax)
   (0s0)low              (experience back with a low modifier, lowest tax)

   (0h0)elp [0m0]ethod     (example: 'h f' -> 'help fast')

   (0p0)layer            (toggle between safe/normal exp, currently: 0safe0)

What do you choose? [0i0/0f0/0n0/0s0/0h0/0p0]

NOTE:    You can escape the prompt by preceding your command with an '@'.

Example: @tell shardik Why do you have such big teeth?
         @who guild bard

Time to choose your reincarnation method. The faster you go, the higher
the tax on your experience. The slower methods (all but instant) will result
in you collecting your experience back with a rate that gets faster all the

   (i)nstant           (all experience back as safe, highest tax)
   (f)ast              (experience back with a high modifier, high tax)
   (n)ormal            (experience back with a normal modifier, normal tax)
   (s)low              (experience back with a low modifier, lowest tax)

   (h)elp [m]ethod     (example: 'h f' -> 'help fast')

   (p)layer            (toggle between safe/normal exp, currently: safe)

What do you choose? [i/f/n/s/h/p]

* Due to changes to advance and guildsystem you are FORCE REINCED *
* The reinc is EXP and MONEY free.                                *
* Take the INSTANT method.                                        *
* If you have worn or wielded eq, they will be preserved!         *
Do you want a free reinc (yes/no)?: 

NOTE:    You can escape the prompt by preceding your command with an '@'.

Example: @tell shardik Why do you have such big teeth?
         @who guild bard

Time to choose your reincarnation method. The faster you go, the higher
the tax on your experience. The slower methods (all but instant) will result
in you collecting your experience back with a rate that gets faster all the

   (i)nstant           (all experience back as safe, highest tax)
   (f)ast              (experience back with a high modifier, high tax)
   (n)ormal            (experience back with a normal modifier, normal tax)
   (s)low              (experience back with a low modifier, lowest tax)

   (h)elp [m]ethod     (example: 'h f' -> 'help fast')

   (p)layer            (toggle between safe/normal exp, currently: safe)

What do you choose? [i/f/n/s/h/p]
Your choice: 

You are about to choose 'instant' as your reincarnation method.

Tax % on your experience would be:     0
Experience you would pay would be:     0
Please confirm [y/n]: 

Fine! Setting 'instant' as your reincarnation method.

Press enter to continue...

Doing Reincarnation Conversion

 Experience paid in reincarnation taxes:    0
 Total experience remaining:                0

Press enter to continue...

Welcome to BatMUD, Valkrist!

First of all, please set a password for your character.
You can later change it with the 'password'-command.

New password: 
Please re-enter the password.

Your password has been set!

Would you like to enable colours? [y/n]
Your choice: 

Okay, colours are turned on!
If you cannot see any, inspect your client software's configuration.
Read 'help term' if you want to turn them off.

You can colour normal monsters, aggressive monsters, players,
and various types of items with different colours.

|     a        |     b        |      c       |      d      |
| aggressives  | aggressives  | aggressives  | aggressives |
| monsters     | monsters     | monsters     | monsters    |
| players      | players      | players      | players     |
| weapons      | weapons      | weapons      | weapons     |
| armours      | armours      | armours      | armours     |
| items        | items        | items        | items       |

Which colouring schema would you like to take into use? [a/b/c/d/n]
Your choice: 


Aggressive monsters are now: light red.
Normal monsters are now:     light green.
Other players are now:       light cyan.
Weapons are now:             light yellow.
Armours are now:             light magenta.
Normal items are now:        light blue.

... see 'help ansi' if you want to customize the colours yourself.

... see 'help ansi' if you want to customize the colours yourself.

Messages on the newbie channel will be lited in light white.

Press enter to continue...

Now you should choose your background. This dictates what guilds
your character can join. Please choose one of the following:

   (n)omad                  (the warrior background, no magic)
   (m)agical                (the background for various caster types)
   (e)vil_religious         (a mix of harmful magic and melee skills)
   (g)ood_religious         (a mix of healing magic and melee skills)
   (c)ivilized              (merchants, alchemy, runemagery, songmagic...)

   (i)nfo [b]ackground      (example: 'i n' -> 'info nomad')
   (h)elp                   (a document about the backgrounds)

What do you choose? [n/m/e/g/c/i/h]
Your choice: 

You choose nomad as your background.

Now is the time to select a race for your character. This affects
most of your abilities. Pick your race carefully. It is possible to
change your race later on, but it is not done without drawbacks.

   (r)aces                  (see the list of available races)
   (i)nfo [race]            (example: 'i catfolk')
   (s)elect [race]          (example 's dwarf')

   (b)ack                   (back to beginning)

What do you choose? [r/i/s/b]
Your choice: 

| Note that not all races suit all guilds in a given background.      |
| Some races have different kinds of advantages, ie. high exprate.    |
| Check the specific information of different races and choose        |
| carefully, or then just roll a dice; the point is to have fun.      |
| Best Suited | Recommended | Inadvisable | Not Suited  | Special     |
| Centaur     | Barsoomian  | Brownie     | Duck        | Doppelganger|
| Cyclops     | Cromagnon   | Catfolk     | Leech       | Moomin      |
| Draconian   | Demon       | Drow        | Leprechaun  | Penguin     |
| Gargoyle    | Duergar     | Elf         | Merfolk     | Valar       |
| Giant       | Dwarf       | Ent         | Satyr       |             |
| Minotaur    | Gnoll       | Gnome       | Sprite      |             |
| Ogre        | Human       | Hobbit      | Thrikhren   |             |
| Shadow      | Lizardman   | Kobold      |             |             |
| Titan       | Orc         | Lich        |             |             |
| Troll       | Skeleton    | Zombie      |             |             |
|             | Tinmen      |             |             |             |
|             | Vampire     |             |             |             |
|             | Wolfman     |             |             |             |

Press enter to continue...

Now is the time to select a race for your character. This affects
most of your abilities. Pick your race carefully. It is possible to
change your race later on, but it is not done without drawbacks.

   (r)aces                  (see the list of available races)
   (i)nfo [race]            (example: 'i elf')
   (s)elect [race]          (example 's troll')

   (b)ack                   (back to beginning)

What do you choose? [r/i/s/b]
Your choice: 

You are now a titan!

Now you must choose your alignment.  This affects mostly religious
backgrounds and their powers.  By choosing an alignment, you select
the path you should try to follow.  If you play accordingly to your
alignment, you will probably gain the favor of the gods.

   (g)ood                   (your base alignment will be good)
   (n)eutral                (your base alignment will be neutral)
   (e)vil                   (your base alignment will be evil)

   (h)elp                   (read a brief document about alignments)

   (b)ack                   (back to beginning)

What do you choose? [g/n/e/h/b]
Your choice: 

Your base alignment is now good.

The last thing to do is to choose your gender. In BatMUD we have
the following available genders:

   (m)ale                   (your character will be male)
   (f)emale                 (your character will be female)
   (n)euter                 (your character will not have a gender)

   (b)ack                   (back to beginning)

What do you choose? [m/f/n/b]
Your choice: 

OK, you are a male.

You are given a HUGE meal. You start consuming it.
You are no longer hungry.
You are satiated.
You can't possibly eat more. You discard rest of the food.
You are so full of liquid you feel like you might burst.

You are now done with the creation of a new character.
If you wish to redo something you should quit now.
You should probably type 'help getting started' as soon
as possible. It is very long, but well worth the trouble

NOTE: If you are impatient, try 'help quickstart' and remember to visit
      our website at 'http://www.bat.org'!

Press enter to continue...

Welcome to BatMUD. You are in the village of Pleasantville, designed for new
players. If this is your first visit, it is highly recommended that you spend
a while studying information about the Realms - BatMUD is very large,
complicated and extremely interesting.

Type 'help getting started' for the official help file for new players.
Type 'help quickstart' if you find the above-mentioned document too long.
Type 'help help' to see the different ways to access our documents.
Type 'hfind ' to search information about something specific.

Type 'who helper' to see the players who are dedicated newbie helpers.
Type 'tell  ' to contact one of them.

Type 's' (short for 'south') to leave this room and into the BatMUD.

Obvious exits are: s and tutorial.
Dragonfly the old Hobbit doodles here, welcoming new adventurers
Dragonfly the old Hobbit welcomes you heartily to BatMUD.
Dragonfly asks 'Perhaps you should take the 'tutorial', Valkrist?'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >hp: 400 (400) [+400] sp: 13 (13) [+13] ep: 192 (192) cash: 0 [] exp: 23 [+23]
@Belse blinks and goes Woah! at you.
You emote to Belse 'smirks at you.'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Name: Valkrist the Titan
Player level: 1                         Experience: 23
Money: 0.00                             Bank: 7482.00
Explore count: 1/15807 (E%: 0)          Last reinc: Sep 03 2007
Task Points: 681                        Reinc Count: 1

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
    400/400          13/13             192/192

Str: Poor (31)            Dex: Poor (17)            Con: Crude (46)           
Int: Poor (10)            Wis: Poor (11)            
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Average (55)         

You have an almost non-existent ability for avoiding hits.
You are irreproachably kind.
You have not completed any quests.
You are refreshed, satiated, very young and brave.
Nomed leads the titan race.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Dragonfly says 'You can talk to the NPCs you find in the village to learn about
Displaying last tells to you.
(20:29) @Belse blinks and goes Woah! at you.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Belse tells you 'titaanin sitten teit vaikka olisit voinut olla shadow'
Belse tells you 'tai doppel'
Total of 0 experience spent on character.
Rebirth experience left 60176538.
Total experience rate (xp/minute): 944.178
        Lifetime (with reinc tax): 944.178
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Lag-Monster eats your command.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You fail to invent a new command.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'Rebirth experience left 60176538.'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Builtin is off.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Belse tells you 'no niin'
Builtin is on.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'bliih'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'kauheeta :)'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'Hp: 400 (400) Sp: 13 (13) Ep: 192 (192)'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'Str: Poor (31), Dex: Poor (17), Con: Crude (46), Int: Poor
 (10), Wis: Poor (11), Cha: Gorgeous (100), Siz: Average (55)'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >

Welcome to BatMUD. You are in the village of Pleasantville, designed for new
players. If this is your first visit, it is highly recommended that you spend
a while studying information about the Realms - BatMUD is very large,
complicated and extremely interesting.

Type 'help getting started' for the official help file for new players.
Type 'help quickstart' if you find the above-mentioned document too long.
Type 'help help' to see the different ways to access our documents.
Type 'hfind ' to search information about something specific.

Type 'who helper' to see the players who are dedicated newbie helpers.
Type 'tell  ' to contact one of them.

Type 's' (short for 'south') to leave this room and into the BatMUD.

Obvious exits are: s and tutorial.
Dragonfly the old Hobbit doodles here, welcoming new adventurers
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >@Belse goes 'Heh' at you.
You tell Belse 'Welcome to BatMUD. You are in the village of Pleasantville,
 designed for new'
You tell Belse 'players. If this is your first visit, it is highly recommended
 that you spend'
You tell Belse 'a while studying information about the Realms - BatMUD is very
You tell Belse 'complicated and extremely interesting.'
You tell Belse '----------------------------------------------------------------
You tell Belse 'Type 'help getting started' for the official help file for new
You tell Belse 'Type 'help quickstart' if you find the above-mentioned document
 too long.'
You tell Belse 'Type 'help help' to see the different ways to access our
You tell Belse 'Type 'hfind ' to search information about something
You tell Belse 'Type 'who helper' to see the players who are dedicated newbie
You tell Belse 'Type 'tell  ' to contact one of them.'
You tell Belse 'Type 's' (short for 'south') to leave this room and into the
You tell Belse '----------------------------------------------------------------
You tell Belse 'Obvious exits are: s and tutorial.'
You tell Belse 'Dragonfly the old Hobbit doodles here, welcoming new
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
| Your society invitations                                   |
| Guildname                    | Guild levels     | Cinvite  |
|    lss+                      |     -/20(20)     |    *     |
|    vsa+                      |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    tmd+                      |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    zoo+                      |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    dsc+                      |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    mace+                     |       -/-(7)     |    *     |
|    bunny+                    |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    sport+                    |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    orion+                    |     -/20(20)     |    *     |
|    turku+                    |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    [ tuska+ ]                |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
More (61%) [qpbns?]
|    legion+                   |       -/6(6)     |    *     |
|    sforce+                   |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    shadow+                   |      -/5(20)     |    *     |
|    sivari+                   |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    sirius+                   |     -/13(16)     |          |
|    gangsta+                  |       -/2(2)     |    *     |
|    retarded+                 |       -/2(2)     |    *     |
|    nightlife+                |       -/1(1)     |    *     |
|    freemasons+               |       -/2(2)     |    *     |
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >

Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >

Welcome to BatMUD. You are in the village of Pleasantville, designed for new
players. If this is your first visit, it is highly recommended that you spend
a while studying information about the Realms - BatMUD is very large,
complicated and extremely interesting.

Type 'help getting started' for the official help file for new players.
Type 'help quickstart' if you find the above-mentioned document too long.
Type 'help help' to see the different ways to access our documents.
Type 'hfind ' to search information about something specific.

Type 'who helper' to see the players who are dedicated newbie helpers.
Type 'tell  ' to contact one of them.

Type 's' (short for 'south') to leave this room and into the BatMUD.

Obvious exits are: s and tutorial.
Dragonfly the old Hobbit doodles here, welcoming new adventurers
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'commandit jää'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >

Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'notet kans'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Dragonfly says 'You can ask questions on newbie-channel, ie. 'newbie Can
 somebody help me a bit?'.'   
Belse tells you 'hyva'

Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
You tell Belse 'aliakset'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
  Lvl | Player name   | Idletime          | Gametime          
 { 97}  Belse           5s                  3h, 14m and 13s            
 [ 91]  Stargazer       3m and 31s          1h, 43m and 16s            

Total players: 40.

Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
  Lvl | Player name   | Idletime          | Gametime          
 < 27>  Enandor         1h, 9m and 34s      2h, 13m and 31s            [V]
 [ 65]  Ooga            6h, 3m and 44s      8h, 15m and 55s            

Total players: 40.

Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Belse tells you 'jep'
You tell Belse 'friendsit'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >
Valkrist is a level 1 eternal of the Titan race.
He was created Sun Aug 29 15:12:46 1999 and he is 1y, 175d, 17h, 23min and 25s old.
He has been on for 2min and 14s, not idle.
This player has a blog - last modified 2d, 17h, 24min and 44s ago. 
He has no plan.
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >Belse tells you 'no sekin on hyva'
You tell Belse 'blogit jää plan ja muut menee'
Hp:400/400 Sp:13/13 Ep:192/192 >@Sareth drools uncontrollably over you.
Dragonfly says 'To decipher abbreviations that older players use, try 'nickname

    Source: geocities.com/valkrist_batmud