[13:21]:Mr Shampoo (sforce+): tuus pelaan russian rulettia 
[13:22]:Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: hmm 
[13:22]:Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: miks sa haluat imea mun expat 
[13:22]:Mr Shampoo (sforce+): en mä siin välttämättä voita 
(13:23) Belse says 'miks mun pitaa kuolla.'
The smell of blood is overwhelming.
Belse places her hand on the pedestal.
Rasputin says 'The game has begun. Players are Valkrist and Belse' 
Rasputin says 'Belse has the wand. You may fire at will.'  
Belse looks at wand.
You are carrying 8.2 kg of equipment:
83 coins (1 batium, 2 platinum, 38 gold and 42 silver) [Cash: 183.20  Bank: 101850.61  Total: 102033.81]
Hp:997/997 Sp:573/573 Ep:405 3136 
Belse spins the barrel of the zappingwand.
The gleaming barrel spins around with the slight clicking noise of exact and well-maintained mechanics.
The zappingwand fires...    click
Nothing happens.
The wand moves on to the next player.
The torches flicker and smoke making it hard to see.

Rasputin says 'Valkrist has the wand. You may fire at will.'   
You are carrying 8.2 kg of equipment:
83 coins (1 batium, 2 platinum, 38 gold and 42 silver) [Cash: 183.20  Bank: 101850.61  Total: 102033.81]
a multi-barreled wand of zapping 
Hp:997/997 Sp:573/573 Ep:405 3136 
You press the wand against your temple and start squeezing the trigger.....
Hp:997/997 Sp:573/573 Ep:405 3136 
Belse says 'eep.'
The wand feels hot against your head.


Nothing happens. Sweat pours down from your head and sting your eyes. That was close.
Rasputin says 'Belse has the wand. You may fire at will.'    
Belse spins the barrel of the zappingwand.
The gleaming barrel spins around with the slight clicking noise of exact and well-maintained mechanics.
The zappingwand fires.

          B L A M

 A brilliant blast of energy hits Belse squarely in the temple, splattering blood against the wall.
Belse lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
\\\///-------             Belse UNCON         -------\\\///
Belse stops existing in this reality.
Belse is DEAD, R.I.P.

    Source: geocities.com/valkrist_batmud