(18:50) Thematrix tells Sitan and you 'Valkrist pkilled you?'
(18:51) Sitan tells Thematrix and you 'now i better change the song and put 10
 whining Valkrists instead of newbies'
(18:52) Thematrix tells Sitan and you 'Any BatMUD citizen who advertises me on
 public channels or in other significant ways in a positive/unharmful light and
More (59%) [qpbns?]
 increases my Legendary status and fame, shall not be PKILLED. Valkrist...do
(18:52) Thematrix tells Sitan and you 'You Stupid son of a bitch you EVER EVER
 EVEr!!!!!! interfere with my capitalism dream I will slit your throat like the
(18:53) Thematrix tells Sitan and you 'And you know I'm a fucking American, and we
 are all Yankee Cowboys who love to murder, so you fucking KNOW I wil carry out
 my threats.'
(18:57) Thematrix tells you 'now don't touch me or I have dogi dest you'
(18:57) Thematrix tells you 'kill sitan for other stuff, but don't interfear with
 my business.'
(18:58) Sitan tells you 'hehe'
(18:58) Sitan tells you 'now whats wrong with my song!'
(18:58) Thematrix tells you 'answer me'
More (88%) [qpbns?]
Sitan [bat]: hmmm i better write a new song...Jingle Bats
(18:58) Thematrix tells you 'YOu refuse to speak?!'
(18:58) Sitan tells you 'yeah because ppl told me to fix it including a wiz'
(18:59) Thematrix tells Argooni and you 'I ORDER YOU TO SEIZE THE TRAITOR
(18:59) Argooni tells Thematrix and you 'me?'
Capula [vsa+]: You tell Thematrix 'hey subhuman, stop harashing my friends and get out of you puny castle'
[19:02]:Furtoe [vsa+]: :)
[19:02]:Proteus [vsa+]: :D
[19:02]:Valkrist [vsa+]: hehee
[19:03]:Lurjus [vsa+]: haha
[19:03]:[vsa+]: Lurjus swings his fist in the air with rage and yell 'CHARGE!'.
[19:03]:Klinga [vsa+]: nuuh :)
[19:03]:[vsa+]: Valkrist respects Capula humbly.
[19:03]:Proteus [vsa+]: jaahas alkaapi oleen kai pojilla tylsää kanaval =)
[19:03]:Klinga [vsa+]: aww
[19:03]:Klinga [vsa+]: ei ehtiny summii

[19:09]:Qurp {vsa+}: mis toi tm asuu
[19:09]:Proteus [vsa+]: orionis
[19:09]:Capula [vsa+]: tekis mieli lahta kaivaa se sielta kolostaan
[19:09]:Furtoe [vsa+]: avautuuko sw
[19:09]:Qurp {vsa+}: tuollaha tuo seisoo portalilla, kappailenpa sinne
[19:09]:[vsa+]: Melwyn gives a thumbs up to Qurp.
[19:09]:Proteus [vsa+]: sen demppaha siel yleensä mylvii ympäriinsä
[19:09]:Furtoe [vsa+]: :)
[19:09]:Rulla {vsa+}: sehän on ollu monkkitarma jo kauan aikaa?
[19:09]:Lurjus [vsa+]: Legendaarista! tapase
[19:10]:Proteus [vsa+]: mjaa =)
[19:10]:Klinga [vsa+]: jooh, mut silloin ku se oli spider niin sen demppa oli aina irti ku se idlas portaalilla se päällä
[19:10]:Qurp {vsa+}: ei seiso enaa
[19:10]:Valkrist [vsa+]: jaa lähti juokseen :(
More (78%) [qpbns?]
[19:11]:Qurp {vsa+}: njuu emma jaksa alkaa leluja kaivelee, harassaan vaa
[19:11]:Furtoe [vsa+]: siinä portaalilla se idlaa useesti ja siihen se kyl palaa taas
[19:11]:Furtoe [vsa+]: RUN MATRIX RUn
[19:12]:Klinga [vsa+]: siitä tuliki warmongerin plani muistiin, toi oli varmaan sen elämän kohokohta =)
[19:12]:Lurjus [vsa+]: hihi, Fatrixille juoksu jumppaa =)

Thematrix tells you 'grr'
Thematrix tells you 'quit it ok'
vsa Thematrix tells you 'grr'
Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'grr'
Hp:1154/1154 Sp:29/29 Ep:397/397 
vsa Thematrix tells you 'quit it ok'
Thematrix tells you 'it was  joke, goddamn'
Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'quit it ok'
Hp:1154/1154 Sp:29/29 Ep:397/397 
[vsa+]: Melwyn laughs out loud.
Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'it was joke, goddamn'
Hp:1154/1154 Sp:29/29 Ep:397/397 
Furtoe [vsa+]: mitäs teet
Lurjus [vsa+]: tapase!
Valkrist [vsa+]: en mitään
Hp:1154/1154 Sp:29/29 Ep:397/397 
Rulla {vsa+}: onnasikohan jos summis jampan ja trigulla twisterilla vetäs
 itelleen uuestaan inviksen
vsa en oo sanonu sille sanaakaan enkä tehny mitään
Valkrist [vsa+]: en oo sanonu sille sanaakaan enkä tehny mitään
Agez [vsa+]: no perkele just probeillu sitä täsä
Klinga [vsa+]: jos ei mosa ehdi agrota
Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe, Toag and you 'Finnish mafia'
Lurjus [vsa+]: humm,,, nulliumia roomi täytee
Furtoe tells Toag, Toag, Thematrix and you '???'
Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe, Toag and you 'Finnish mafia'
 huomatkaa toagille 2 kertaa :)
Furtoe tells Toag, Toag, Thematrix and you 'why did you type toag
Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe, Toag, Qurp and you 'Finnish mafia'
Klinga [vsa+]: hehe
Klinga [vsa+]: kah, narsku
Furtoe [vsa+]: nyt tuli korjaus:)
Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe, Toag, Qurp and you 'Qurp just tried to kill
 me 2x, though he failed, it's not good'
Qurp {vsa+}: summasin therpin guardille mut se worras :)
Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe, Qurp and you 'God damnit, I'm a monk tarm,
 not a destmage, you have nothing to worry about, I'm not going to dest your eq
 or ruin your parties, please leave me alone, it was just a joke to Valkrist,
Furtoe tells Toag, Qurp, Thematrix and you 'we want public apology! you did
 rl threats and that aint nice'
Thematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you 'I said IN GAME'
Thematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you '2.) I'm channel banned'
Melwyn [vsa+]: ei oo vissii oppinu ettei vsa+:lla oo huumorintajusta poppoota
Valkrist [vsa+]: mä oon vähä pettyny ku ei pistäny capulaa toho viestiin
Thematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you 'I said specifically "ON
Thematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you 'B/c I KNEW one could think it
 was real life threats'
Thematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you 'You know bat familThematrix tells Toag, Qurp, Furtoe and you 'So 1.) It was not rl. 2.) I
 can't talk in public. 3.) I will if you bribe Gore to remove ban. 4.) It was a joke.'

[19:27]:Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'Sorry'
[19:27]:Valkrist [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'I said I was already'
[19:27]:Klinga [vsa+]: gasp
[19:27]:Furtoe [vsa+]: Thematrix tells you 'so is it ok then now?'
[19:27]:Valkrist [vsa+]: You emote to Thematrix 'nods at you, yeah, sure.'
[19:27]:Agez [vsa+]: ei

Thematrix tells Furtoe, Toag and you 'well now qurp says he doesn't are and
 will pkill me anyways so I guess that's it then.'
Valkrist [vsa+]: kiitoksia kaikille tasapuolisesti
Qurp {vsa+}: kyl ma aattelin viel kiusaa sita mut alkaa antako mun hairita
Klinga [vsa+]: tosta tulee mieleen hietamäen kari ja käpylän aamunavaukset :/
Valkrist [vsa+]: heh
Furtoe tells Toag, Thematrix and you 'he might have something else between
 teeth against you:)'
Thematrix tells Toag, Furtoe and you 'He doens't kill me out of the blue
 when he ignores me and I'm channel banned and haven't spoken to him in a

    Source: geocities.com/valkrist_batmud