Malicat unlocks mallorn door painted blue.
Malicat opens mallorn door painted blue.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of east-west hallway. At the far west end, it comes to
an end as it widens, creating a small room-like area, with three doors. A
window in the west wall looks outside, but it has been boarded up. The walls
are painted a faded cyan colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is cyan
with white stripes. Two suits of armour flank the narrow, eastern end of the
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mallorn door painted blue (open) leads north.
Wood door with copper fittings (closed) leads south.
Birch door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: e and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a suit of plate mail walking around
Malicat closes mallorn door painted blue.
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 318 
party report
Suit of armour successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing teeth to disintegrate from corrosion.
Suit of armour shreds Cran causing a small wound.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 1049 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 236 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 318 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:318/396 Exp:130103 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:318/396 Exp:130103 
Cealdyn [wanted]: got from gotrek
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:318/396 Exp:130103 
party report
Suit of armour tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Suit of armour causing a small wound.
Suit of armour tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour sparking a limb to slice open.
Cran successfully dodges Suit of armour's bash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1049 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 236 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 318 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:318/396 Exp:130103 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 291 -27
party report
You jab Suit of armour causing a nasty laceration.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour slicing open a gaping wound.
Suit of armour successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 1049 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 236 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Pointing Crawe at Suit of armour, Cran unleashes a writhing mass of chaos
magic into it, who shudders and collapses without a sound!  In the blink of an
eye, Cran swings several MASSIVE blows into the bloody body of Suit of armour.
 Crawe burns with fury as the light of life fades in its eyes.
party report
You incise Suit of armour causing a nasty laceration.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing a kidney to rupture.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour making rib bones snap and crack.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing a first degree acid burn.
Suit of armour misses you.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
[party]: Cran stunned Suit of armour with massive blows
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Cran reports: Hp: 1113 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 209 (517).
Suit of armour is in excellent condition.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
party report
You thrust Suit of armour forcing a limb to be engulfed with flames.
Cran slashes Suit of armour snapping back a limb.
Suit of armour misses you.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Suit of armour.
Cran reports: Hp: 1113 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 209 (517).
Cran [party]: Suit of armour got interrupted
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Suit of armour is in great condition.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
party report
You incise Suit of armour causing a kidney to rupture.
Nepnep shreds Suit of armour making an arm shrivel from infection.
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Blood drips from Crawe after viciously cutting into Suit of armour.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing a sick amount of disgusting wounds.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 1113 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 209 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1111(1111)   27(  27) 368(352) |  45 |        23620 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1134(1134)   47(  47) 291(396) |  95 |        34666 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1113(1117)  825(1008) 209(517) | 100 |       192683 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  532( 832) 371(384) |  93 |        34226 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  349( 833) 239(230) |  70 |        30792 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  201( 503) 549(549) |  80 |        65835 |
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Malicat [party]: my party was the first one to find the blue key after area
 opened. :)
party report
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1096 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 209 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1096 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 209 (517).'
Cran strikes Suit of armour with a mighty blow with his famous blade Crawe,
which slices through armour and bone alike.  Cran cackles malevolently at Suit
of armour's discomfort.
party report
You miss Suit of armour.
You miss Suit of armour.
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 291 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:291/396 Exp:130103 
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 182 (517).
Info: Descent is now a giant.
Erwain aborts the spell casting.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 263 -28
party report
Faster than the eye can follow, Crawe slices into Suit of armour.
Cran slashes Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly armour breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 182 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 263 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:263/396 Exp:132405 
ooo descent
Cran breaks the skill attempt.
You emote to Descent (busy) 'goes 'Ooooo...' at you.'
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:263/396 Exp:132405 
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 263 
This area is a length of east-west hallway. At the far west end, it comes to
an end as it widens, creating a small room-like area, with three doors. A
window in the west wall looks outside, but it has been boarded up. The walls
are painted a faded cyan colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is cyan
with white stripes. Two suits of armour flank the narrow, eastern end of the
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mallorn door painted blue (closed) leads north.
Wood door with copper fittings (closed) leads south.
Birch door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: east.
A scattered pieces of steel armour
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:263/396 Exp:132405 
Malicat opens wood door with copper fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This small square room has a single west-facing window, which has been boarded
up. There is a short dresser here, a footlocker, and some kind of odd bubbling
lamp contraption. The floor has, rather than carpet, a covering of brown
burlap. Other than these items, the room is pretty much empty.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Wood door with copper fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
A comfortable bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with copper fittings.
@Descent smiles at you.
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 -1
Malicat opens wood door with copper fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is a length of east-west hallway. At the far west end, it comes to
an end as it widens, creating a small room-like area, with three doors. A
window in the west wall looks outside, but it has been boarded up. The walls
are painted a faded cyan colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is cyan
with white stripes. Two suits of armour flank the narrow, eastern end of the
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mallorn door painted blue (closed) leads north.
Wood door with copper fittings (open) leads south.
Birch door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: e and s.
A scattered pieces of steel armour
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with copper fittings.
Malicat opens birch door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves southeast.
Cran wanders southeast.
Zograh leaves southeast.
Erwain leaves southeast.
Nepnep leaves southeast.
This looks like the laboratory of an alchemist or similar magical researcher.
Several large work tables are spread about the room, holding a large variety
of strange devices. The south wall has a large window, which has been boarded
up, and some steel vents, each of which has a bellows attached to it. The room
is lit by an oddly glowing green mass in a jar, sitting on a shelf by itself
on the north wall. A bookcase on the east wall holds a variety of tomes, none
of which have titles.
Birch door with bronze fittings (open) leads northwest.
Mallorn door with bronze fittings (closed) leads east.
Obvious exit is: northwest.
Two prepared alchemist's flasks
A red stick-shaped paper bundle
A well-made teak desk is up against the west wall (closed)
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
Malicat closes birch door with bronze fittings.
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
party report
You incise Rat making an artery explode.
Nepnep shreds Rat inducing a nasty internal infection.
Cran horribly shreds Rat puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
Descent tells you 'mikä o paras tyyppi näist'
Rat is not in a good shape.
Rat is in excellent shape.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Rat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep misses Rat.
Cran slashes Rat mutilating intestinal tissue.
Cran shreds Rat snapping back a limb.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rat misses Cran.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Cran reports: Hp: 1107 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
party report
You tear Rat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Rat misses you.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
Rat misses Cran.
Rat scrapes Cran making small marks.
Cran reports: Hp: 1095 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Shar (wanted): baptize to evil
reply mul oli earth
You tell Descent (busy) 'mul oli earth'
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
Rat is near death.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142031 
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat grins as its poison blast hits Nepnep.
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat fails miserably in its spell.
party report
You jab Rat forcing the heart to incinerate.
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Rat as it dies.
Rat is DEAD, R.I.P.
Nepnep shreds Rat inducing a nasty total body infection.
Nepnep shreds Rat causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Rat successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Without a warning, a dark wooden table thumps around the floor jumps out and attacks!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Cran reports: Hp: 1085 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Nepnep (party): Got hit by a poison blast!
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142944 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Rat is near death.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:142944 
party report
Cran horribly shreds Rat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Rat loses the privilege to live.
Rat is DEAD, R.I.P.
party report
Table thumps Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Table misses Nepnep.
You miss Table.
As one snake blocks Table's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Table's soft skin.
Nepnep shreds Table slicing open a gaping wound.
Nepnep misses Table.
An explosion of chaos magic batters at Table.
Cran incisively cuts Table causing spinal discs to corrode.
Table successfully parries Cran's slash.
Hp: 1134  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Cran reports: Hp: 1085 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:143664 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (396).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/396 Exp:143664 
Cran reports: Hp: 1085 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Descent tells you 'eiks earth oo physsressi'
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
You shiver and feel strange.
p' Stat curse gone.
Valkrist [party]: Stat curse gone.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
reply tykkäsin ihan
You tell Descent (busy) 'tykkäsin ihan'
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
party report
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (402).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
party report
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table making the lungs implode from infection.
Table tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Table's eyes nearly blinding Table.
Nepnep slashes Table snapping a neck bone.
Cran misses Table.
You thrust Table causing first degree burns.
You miss Table.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1134 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (402).
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
reply juuh tais oola
You tell Descent (busy) 'juuh tais oola'
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
Gotrek (wanted): ask for free reloc+heal
Table is in great condition.
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
This looks like the laboratory of an alchemist or similar magical researcher.
Several large work tables are spread about the room, holding a large variety
of strange devices. The south wall has a large window, which has been boarded
up, and some steel vents, each of which has a bellows attached to it. The room
is lit by an oddly glowing green mass in a jar, sitting on a shelf by itself
on the north wall. A bookcase on the east wall holds a variety of tomes, none
of which have titles.
Birch door with bronze fittings (closed) leads northwest.
Mallorn door with bronze fittings (closed) leads east.
There are no obvious exits.
Two prepared alchemist's flasks
A red stick-shaped paper bundle
A well-made teak desk is up against the west wall (closed)
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
party report
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
The snakes on the sword take exception to your enemy's attack and build a ferocious counter attack.
Cran shreds Table causing a limb to fly off.
Table's bash sends you sprawling.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 825 (1008) Ep: 180 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1113 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (402).
Hp:1113/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:143664 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain [party]: Ensemble Incoming
party report
You successfully parry Table's bash.
You try to dodge, but Table is not fooled.
Table bumps you making small marks.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Nepnep shreds Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Table successfully dodges your futile slash.
Hp: 1097 -37 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Cran strikes Table with a mighty blow with his famous blade Crawe, which
slices through armour and bone alike.  Cran cackles malevolently at Table's
Suddenly table breaks into zillions of pieces.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 849 (1008) Ep: 157 (517).
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1131 (1134) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (402).
Hp:1131/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:144332 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Hp:1131/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:144332 
|   12849: a suit of plate mail walking around                                |
|     110: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|    1137: a mangy chicken-sized black and grey magpie                        |
|     963: a mangy chicken-sized black and grey magpie                        |
|    1156: a mangy chicken-sized black and grey magpie                        |
|     739: a mangy chicken-sized black and grey magpie                        |
|    3338: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    1820: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    1921: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    3693: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|   70087: a vaguely gnoll-like hulking humanoid looms here                   |
|    1859: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    3211: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|      98: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|     130: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|    7261: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|   13989: a suit of plate mail walking around                                |
|    5335: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    4444: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    4392: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
This party has killed 87 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4712).
Hp:1131/1134 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/402 Exp:144332 
Hp: 1131 +34 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Erwain sings: 'War is TOTAL massacre, sport the war, war SUPPOORT!!!'
You feel full of battle rage! Victory is CERTAIN!
party say War Ensemble Active.
Nepnep is full of battle rage!
Erwain is full of battle rage!
Zograh is full of battle rage!
Cran is full of battle rage!
Malicat is full of battle rage!
Cran [report]: ( War Ensemble ON ) {Caster Erwain}
Cran breaks the skill attempt.
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Active.
Hp:1131/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:144332 
Nepnep (party): War Ensemble Active.
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Active.
Malicat [party]: waits
Malicat [party]: nods
Shadowwar [wanted]: exp/cash for tarmadruid
You help Malicat force mallorn door with bronze fittings open.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1131  Sp: 47  Ep: 257 -5
Malicat opens birch door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves northwest.
Cran wanders northwest.
Zograh leaves northwest.
Erwain leaves northwest.
Nepnep leaves northwest.
This area is a length of east-west hallway. At the far west end, it comes to
an end as it widens, creating a small room-like area, with three doors. A
window in the west wall looks outside, but it has been boarded up. The walls
are painted a faded cyan colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is cyan
with white stripes. Two suits of armour flank the narrow, eastern end of the
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mallorn door painted blue (closed) leads north.
Wood door with copper fittings (closed) leads south.
Birch door with bronze fittings (open) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: e and se.
A scattered pieces of steel armour
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes birch door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1131  Sp: 47  Ep: 256 -1
Malicat opens wood door with darksteel fittings.
Malicat leaves library.
Cran wanders library.
Zograh leaves library.
Erwain leaves library.
Nepnep leaves library.
This large room is a well-stocked library. Shelves line all four walls, each
of them filled or nearly filled with books. The floor has a thick plaid carpet
to muffle sounds, and the center of the room has a large table and some chairs
where one can sit and read. Tall white candles burn in sconces attached to the
shelves. A few small stools stand in the corners.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (open) leads out.
Obvious exit is: out.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with darksteel fittings.
Malicat opens wood door with darksteel fittings.
Malicat leaves out.
Cran wanders out.
Zograh leaves out.
Erwain leaves out.
Nepnep leaves out.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (open) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w, e and library.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with darksteel fittings.
Hp: 1162 +31 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 +6
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky. A breeze blows around you.
A waxing crescent moon hangs in the sky.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a rug hovers in the air
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1162  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran slashes Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1255) Sp: 836 (1008) Ep: 152 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1162 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:158775 
Cran [party]: -=> r0><><0r
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
You incise Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1144 (1255) Sp: 836 (1008) Ep: 152 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1144 (1255) Sp: 836 (1008) Ep: 152 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:159016 

Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:159016 
Hp: 1217 +55 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Erwain aborts the spell casting.
*Erwain Haste (1).
Malicat [party]: nerd. :)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exit is: west.
A mass of vines grows in the southeast corner
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1217  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Malicat opens maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the southern half of the
east wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
a large hopping porcelain vase
a large hopping porcelain vase
Malicat closes maple door with highsteel fittings.
party report
Vase howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Vase causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You incise Vase causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly vase breaks into zillions of pieces.
party report
You incise Vase crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Vase tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Vase causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
As one snake blocks Vase's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Vase's soft skin.
Suddenly vase breaks into zillions of pieces.
party report
You thrust Chair causing a NASTY head wound.
Cran horribly shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Hp: 1217  Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Cran reports: Hp: 1173 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Cran reports: Hp: 1173 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Cran reports: Hp: 1173 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:168842 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:168842 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:168842 
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Chair's eyes nearly blinding Chair.
Nepnep shreds Chair snapping back a limb.
Cran slashes Chair making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Cran successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair misses Cran.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Chair is not fooled that easily!
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 1173 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:168842 
party report
You miss Chair.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran horribly shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Cran.
Chair misses Cran.
Guard shouts 'Guffy dies from a single blow, well almost at least!'
Cran reports: Hp: 1173 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1217 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1217/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:168842 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Azhuul [wanted]: conjmage for exp
Chair tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
party report
You incise Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1175 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1175 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1266 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 262 (404).
Hp:1266/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:169276 
Zhagaal [wanted]: party for mageconjurer
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain aborts the spell casting.
Hp: 1266 +49 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 
Hp: 1299 +33 Sp: 47  Ep: 269 +7
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1197 (1255) Sp: 862 (1008) Ep: 156 (532).'

Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:269/404 Exp:169276 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat opens maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (open) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and s.
A mass of vines grows in the southeast corner
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes maple door with highsteel fittings.
Hp: 1339 +40 Sp: 47  Ep: 268 -1
Decay [wanted]: summon :(
Malicat opens elm door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves observatory.
Cran wanders observatory.
Zograh leaves observatory.
Erwain leaves observatory.
Nepnep leaves observatory.
This room is huge -- easily enough for two hundred humans to stand without
feeling crowded. The main feature is a giant bronze telescope in the middle of
the room. It is mounted on a large base, set with multiple gears and cranks.
The telescope's eyepiece hangs just over a bronze chair set into the base, and
the other end extends up to the ceiling, where it meets a disc set in the
ceiling. It looks like the entire thing can rotate in any direction. There are
a few benches up against the north, east, and south walls.
Elm door with brass fittings (open) leads out.
Obvious exit is: out.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes elm door with brass fittings.
Malicat opens elm door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves out.
Cran wanders out.
Zograh leaves out.
Erwain leaves out.
Nepnep leaves out.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (open) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and observatory.
A mass of vines grows in the southeast corner
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes elm door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear night sky. A breeze blows around you.
A waxing crescent moon hangs in the sky.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
A scattered frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1339  Sp: 47  Ep: 267 -1
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the south at the east
end, and to the north at the west end. The walls are painted a faded cyan
colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is also cyan, with a white fringe
border. Some chairs are placed up against the south wall, which also sports a
pair of paintings. There is a discoloured spot on the north wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Rob Roy the Gnome potion potion potion! < spirits >
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
party report
You miss Chair.
Nepnep shreds Chair puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair butts Nepnep making small marks.
Hp: 1339  Sp: 47  Ep: 267 
Rob Roy panics and attempts to flee.
Cran reports: Hp: 1223 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1339 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
Malicat [party]: NO OFF
party report
You miss Chair.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair snapping a neck bone.
You successfully parry Chair's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Chair misses you.
Chair misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Cran successfully parries Chair's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Chair misses Cran.
Rob Roy faints.
Cran reports: Hp: 1223 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1339 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
Chair is in great condition.
Chair is in AWESOME condition.
Chair is in incredible condition.
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
party report
Chair successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair butts Nepnep making small marks.
Chair misses you.
Chair misses you.
Cran successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair butts Cran making small marks.
One of the chairs tramples on the poor gnome.
Cran reports: Hp: 1214 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1339 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
ta chair
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
You are now targetting Chair.
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
Chair is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Descent tells you '4.4k ku tein 3 questii :D'
Erwain looks at Rob.
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran horribly shreds Chair making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Cran slashes Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Chair misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Chair's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Nepnep.
You successfully parry Chair's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Chair's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Chair tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
One of the chairs tramples on the poor gnome.
Zhagaal [sforce+]: finger azhuul. mite tommonen voi ostaa tyra cloakin?
Cran reports: Hp: 1194 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1339 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:178910 
party report
You jab Chair forcing the heart to incinerate.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep misses Chair.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Cran successfully parries Chair's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Chair butts Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1339  Sp: 47  Ep: 267 
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
Rob Roy says 'please help me! I'm begging you!'    
Confuser shouts 'Horns drowned in his own blood!'
Cran reports: Hp: 1166 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
vsa tasanen peli
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1339 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:179085 
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: tasanen peli
Hp:1339/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:179085 
party report
You tear Chair causing a sick amount of disgusting wounds.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran horribly shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Hp: 1339  Sp: 47  Ep: 267 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1201 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1201 (1255) Sp: 888 (1008) Ep: 158 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1381 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 267 (404).
Hp:1381/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:267/404 Exp:179384 
Descent tells you 'kaikki jotka voi tehä sekunnis'
Hp: 1417 +78 Sp: 47  Ep: 274 +7
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
vsa 4-0  11 minsaa pelattu
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: 4-0 11 minsaa pelattu
Hp:1417/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:179384 
Killergum [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body
Rob Roy says 'Oh man, that really sucked. I gotta stop playing when drunk.'    
Rob Roy says 'Look, you can have these things I found. I think they're 
Rob Roy gives Malicat some items.
Rob Roy says 'I'm getting outta here before I get in _real_ trouble.'  
Rob Roy runs around the room for a while.
Info: Rob Roy goes link dead.
SuperToag [vsa+]: keta pelaa
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the south at the east
end, and to the north at the west end. The walls are painted a faded cyan
colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is also cyan, with a white fringe
border. Some chairs are placed up against the south wall, which also sports a
pair of paintings. There is a discoloured spot on the north wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A foul-smelling shards of oak chair
A scattered remnants of oak chair
A scattered scraps of oak chair
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1417/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:179384 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1255 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).'
Malicat 'hmmmm's for a moment.
Hp: 1444 +27 Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
a rug hovers in the air
a rug hovers in the air
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
party report
vsa sport - fps
Cran reports: Hp: 1255 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184200 
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: sport - fps
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184200 
party report
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you smash Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep slashes Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran misses Chair.
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair bumps Cran making small marks.
Chair jostles Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Rug's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Rug's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
Cran reports: Hp: 1238 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
Willi (ghost): accept rais/ress
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
ta chair
party report
Nepnep shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Cran slashes Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Chair misses Nepnep.
You successfully dodge Chair's bash.
Chair misses you.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Rug is not fooled that easily!
Rug jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Cran reports: Hp: 1238 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
You are now targetting Chair.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
Chair is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Chair is in AWESOME condition.
Chair is in very bad condition.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A busted frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
a rug hovers in the air
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184446 
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
party report
You incise Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep misses Rug.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1251 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1251 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Malicat [party]: goes on big one after these, target again, same as first
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Chair is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
party report
You jab Chair causing a bodily conflagration.
Nepnep misses Chair.
Rug successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Chair bumps you making small marks.
Chair misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rug misses you.
Hp: 1433 -11 Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
Cran reports: Hp: 1251 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 162 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1433 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Zograh mumbles 'Hp: 729 (729) Sp: 69 (833) Ep: 237 (244).'
ta chair
Cran focuses his rage and uses it to send Rug reeling backwards from powerful
blows that splatter blood about the entire room.  The air shimmers around
Crawe as it drains the life from Rug
Rug wraps a thin wire around Cran's throat and starts strangling.
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
party report
Chair successfully parries your slash.
Nepnep shreds Chair snapping a neck bone.
Cran misses Rug.
Cran successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Chair misses Cran.
Rug misses Cran.
Rug misses Cran.
Cran manages to squirm free from Rug's strangling wire.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran reports: Hp: 1235 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 135 (532).
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
You are now targetting Chair.
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Chair is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1433 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Rug is in great condition.
Chair is in superb condition.
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A shattered scraps of oak chair
A busted frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a rug hovers in the air
Hp:1433/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Cran looks at crawe.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Chair tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Chair swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
As one snake blocks Chair's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Chair's soft skin.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Chair misses you.
Chair butts you making small marks.
You successfully dodge Rug's bash.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1426 -7 Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
Cran reports: Hp: 1235 (1255) Sp: 898 (1008) Ep: 135 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1426 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Rug is in great condition.
Chair is in fine condition.
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A shattered scraps of oak chair
A busted frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a rug hovers in the air
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:184619 
Cran points toward an object and shouts 'Gawd DAMN IT!' (Damn armament)
Cran calls a curse upon crawe.
Chair's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
party report
You jab Chair forcing the heart to incinerate.
You incise Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep shreds Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 1224 (1255) Sp: 799 (1008) Ep: 135 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1426 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 274 (404).
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Hp: 1426  Sp: 47  Ep: 274 
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Malicat [party]: hrm
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A toxic slivers of wool rug
A scattered parts of oak chair
A shattered scraps of oak chair
A busted frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
|    3211: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|      98: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|     130: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|    7261: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|   13989: a suit of plate mail walking around                                |
|    5335: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    4444: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    4392: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    1380: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     593: a large hopping porcelain vase                                     |
|     659: a large hopping porcelain vase                                     |
|    1514: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1236: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1135: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     863: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1107: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1488: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|    1073: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     962: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1520: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
This party has killed 99 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4277).
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Exp: 185035 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    423512 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 22m 20s) | Exp/min:      5102 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1414(1445)   27(  27) 368(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1426(1444)   47(  47) 274(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1224(1255)  799(1008) 135(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  509( 832) 369(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)   69( 833) 237(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  229( 503) 552(552) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Malicat [party]: zograh could use few sps
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 3 minutes 13 seconds
Experience gained: 1215927
Experience lost: 6611
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 13
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 867 Misses: 284 Parries: 345 Ripostes: 231 Stuns: 12
 Criticals: 25 Dodges: 297 Tumbles: 44 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Vampire assassin shouts 'My HAMSTER fights better than you do, Someone!'
p' ooh getting rooms!
Valkrist [party]: ooh getting rooms!
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
Malicat [party]: do an indoor camp guys
Cran [party]: -=> i refuse
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp:1426/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:274/404 Exp:185035 
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1444 +18 Sp: 47  Ep: 281 +7
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1441(1445)   27(  27) 376(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 281(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1224(1255)  799(1008) 135(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  576( 832) 371(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  136( 833) 241(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  229( 503) 552(552) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:281/404 Exp:185035 
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:281/404 Exp:185035 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
*Zograh is camping.
Erwain [party]: lulliing
p' lulla?
Valkrist [party]: lulla?
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:281/404 Exp:185035 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Name: Valkrist Wihattu the dented member of Tinmen < Legio >
Player level: 95                        Experience: 185035
Money: 59.00                            Bank: 12821.13
Explore count: 11629/14819 (E%: 78)     Last reinc: Jun 21 2005
Exp bonus pool: 0                       Pool charged: Thu Sep 15 13:01:16 2005
Task Points: 4                          Reinc Count: 47

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
   1444/1444         47/47             281/404

Str: Magnificent (216++)  Dex: Superb (113++)       Con: Incredible (168--)   
Int: Mediocre (63-)       Wis: Average (23-)        
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Large (67)           

You have a crude ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 27 active quests. (14 lq, 7 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Delpers leads the tinmen race.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:281/404 Exp:185035 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Erwain [party]: Quick lips (1)
Malicat [party]: cause you can't camp cran. :)
One of the rugs slides just a finger's width towards you.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> :(
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Erwain sings 'There is nothing you can do, when you realize with fright, that
 the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight... it's much too late to get
 away, the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight.'
Cran yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Zograh yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Malicat yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Erwain yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Nepnep yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
You yawn mightily and look around for a suitable resting place.
You lie down for a short rest, soothed by the lullaby sung by Erwain.

Myshkin [sforce+]: ei taida olla uusi pelaaja
Kyynel [wanted]: 2x conjumage, priest, bardtank, def, nun, druid for inra
Cran starts reading news.
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 291 +10
You awaken from your short rest, and feel slightly better.
Nepnep awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Erwain awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Malicat awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Zograh awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Cran awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
A firework explodes "Pohjolan Sudet!!" in the sky.
Erwain [party]: everyone can camp when im around.. all just go to sleep for im
 sooo boring!
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 404 +113
Humma [wanted]: party for psichann
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Munnee shouts 'Ginsen barely scratched me before dying!'
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Galdriel [wanted]: 200k in anipium

Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1445(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1255(1255) 1008(1008) 314(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  832( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
|*2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  500( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  412( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
Rankku [sales]: medallion of honor, akira legs, 6wis vlw neck, inquire if

Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> are we murdering?
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
|*1.1   Nepnep        fol 1445(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1255(1255)  973(1008) 322(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  832( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  628( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  475( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
Exp: 185035 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    423512 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 24m 22s) | Exp/min:      4982 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
|*1.1   Nepnep        fol 1445(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1255(1255)  973(1008) 322(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  832( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  769( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  475( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
|*1.1   Nepnep        fol 1445(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1255(1255)  973(1008) 322(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  832( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  769( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  475( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
Zograh removes Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh emits a sudden glow that quickly disappears.
Zograh wears A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Wis Mode].
Cran looks at crawe.
Name: Valkrist Wihattu the dented member of Tinmen < Legio >
Player level: 95                        Experience: 185035
Money: 59.00                            Bank: 12821.13
Explore count: 11629/14819 (E%: 78)     Last reinc: Jun 21 2005
Exp bonus pool: 0                       Pool charged: Thu Sep 15 13:01:16 2005
Task Points: 4                          Reinc Count: 47

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
   1444/1444         47/47             404/404

Str: Magnificent (216++)  Dex: Superb (113+)        Con: Incredible (168--)   
Int: Mediocre (63-)       Wis: Average (23-)        
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Large (67)           

You have a crude ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 27 active quests. (14 lq, 7 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Delpers leads the tinmen race.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:185035 
Ripido shouts 'Zerks is a LOSER!'
Calidus [wanted]: eq/exp something for a tarmadruid
Malicat [party]: sorry, reading gore's post
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Malicat [party]: goes
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: east.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Hp: 1444  Sp: 47  Ep: 403 -1
party report
Pat Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Pat Pereza making small marks.
Pat Pereza perforates Nepnep causing skin to slightly freeze.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza nips Nepnep producing a minor chill.
Pat Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 1255 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 403 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
There are no obvious exits.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
[party]: Cran is targeting phantom
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Malicat [party]: target pat now
party report
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Pat Pereza's eyes nearly blinding Pat Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza making a hand corrode.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's bite.
Cran reports: Hp: 1255 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 403 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
*Erwain Haste (1).
ta phantom
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
You are now targetting Pat Pereza.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
You earmark Pat Pereza to be killed by your party, lead by yourself.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
Bmoa's Kerbholz proudly echoes:
      Sexy devil poisoning your dreams                           #1    
party report
You jab Pat Pereza causing small burns.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing skin to slightly freeze.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
Malicat fails miserably in her spell.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1170 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1170 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1444 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 403 (404).
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Pat Pereza.
party report
You incise Pat Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza sticks you inducing a strangling.
Pat Pereza nips you producing a minor chill.
Hp: 1356 -88 Sp: 47  Ep: 403 
Cran reports: Hp: 1170 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1356 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 403 (404).
Hp:1356/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:403/404 Exp:189856 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
Hp: 1356  Sp: 47  Ep: 378 -25
party report
Pat Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza nips you producing a minor chill.
Hp: 1311 -45 Sp: 47  Ep: 378 
Cran reports: Hp: 1152 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1311 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 378 (404).
Hp:1311/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
*Erwain Haste (1).
party report
Pat Pereza successfully parries your bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You incise Pat Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza bores you producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1209 -102 Sp: 47  Ep: 378 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh mumbles something inconceivable.
Cran reports: Hp: 1152 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1209 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 378 (404).
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
Pat Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
You are using 'combat damage analysis'.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain looks at Phantom.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Pat Pereza.
party report
Cran shreds Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Smiling devilishly Pat Pereza clashes Cran snapping a neck bone.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's bite.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Pat Pereza!
Cran reports: Hp: 717 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1209 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 378 (404).
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:378/404 Exp:189856 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
Pat Pereza has some resistance against fire damage.
p' Pat Pereza resists 40% fire.
You fail to analyze the raging combat well enough to get a clear conception of
your foe's resistance to physical damage.
Hp: 1209  Sp: 47  Ep: 368 -10
Pat Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Pat Pereza fails to paralyze you.
party report
You miss Pat Pereza.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
You try to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled.
Pat Pereza bores you causing skin to freeze.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's bite.
Hp: 1143 -66 Sp: 47  Ep: 368 
Cran reports: Hp: 717 (1255) Sp: 1008 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist [party]: Pat Pereza resists 40% fire.
Hp:1143/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1143 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 368 (404).
Hp:1143/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
Cran utters the magic words 'Zmasching Pupkins's infanitsadnnes' (Mellon collie)
party report
You bash Pat Pereza causing skin to sizzle.
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
Cran reports: Hp: 792 (1255) Sp: 951 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 792 (1255) Sp: 951 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1209 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 368 (404).
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
Pat Pereza is in a good shape.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
You are using 'combat damage analysis'.
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1327(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1209(1444)   47(  47) 368(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  792(1255)  951(1008) 331(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  546( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  692( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1237(1258)  267( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1209/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
Hp: 1209 +66 Sp: 47  Ep: 368 
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Pat Pereza says 'This very house shall be my weapon!'  
The phantom guestures, and furniture comes to life!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
You incise Pat Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing an infection.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Pat Pereza scrapes you causing skin to slightly freeze.
Hp: 1155 -54 Sp: 47  Ep: 368 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 792 (1255) Sp: 951 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1155 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 368 (404).
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:368/404 Exp:189856 
Gotrek (wanted): free heal at sc, or ask for a reloc
You are prepared to do the skill.
Pat Pereza has some resistance against fire damage.
p' Pat Pereza resists 40% fire.
Pat Pereza seems almost immune against physical damage.
p' Pat Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp: 1155  Sp: 47  Ep: 359 -9
party report
Rug misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Rug misses Cran.
Rug jostles Cran making small marks.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Pat Pereza bores Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Pat Pereza nips Cran making a throttling.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of brown blood flies from Malicat's palm at Pat Pereza!
Cran reports: Hp: 637 (1255) Sp: 951 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist [party]: Pat Pereza resists 40% fire.
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Valkrist [party]: Pat Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1155 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 359 (404).
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Pat Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1325(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1155(1444)   47(  47) 359(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  637(1255)  951(1008) 331(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  403( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  692( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1215(1258)  149( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Vampire assassin shouts 'Antikiller drowned in his own blood!'
party report
Rug misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Rug's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug jostles Nepnep making small marks.
You thrust Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
You miss Pat Pereza.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza sticks Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's bite.
Cran reports: Hp: 591 (1255) Sp: 951 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1155 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 359 (404).
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Pat Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1155/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Pat Pereza paralyzes Malicat with its mind.
Pat Pereza grumbles about this and that.
party report
Grinning diabolically Rug bashes Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Pat Pereza bores Cran sparking a limb to slice open.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 551 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 551 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).'
*Erwain Haste (1).
ta rug
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1200 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 359 (404).
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
You are now targetting Rug.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Rug is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Ghost of Antikiller [ghost]: no voi vittu
Pat Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1260(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1200(1444)   47(  47) 359(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  551(1255)  831(1008) 331(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  403( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  654( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat      stun 1221(1258)  149( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Pat Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1260(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28496 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1200(1444)   47(  47) 359(404) |  95 |        41916 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  551(1255)  831(1008) 331(532) | 100 |       200416 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  403( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41441 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  654( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37152 |
| 2.3   Malicat      stun 1221(1258)  149( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74091 |
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Hp: 1200 +45 Sp: 47  Ep: 359 
Rug tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Pat Pereza.
party report
Rug misses you.
Rug misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
Rug misses you.
You incise Rug smashing rib bones into a lung.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza nips Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Cran reports: Hp: 507 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1200 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 359 (404).
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Pat Pereza fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
party report
Cran successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Cran successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Cran successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Rug jostles Cran making small marks.
You jab Rug forcing the heart to incinerate.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 693 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1200 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 359 (404).
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:359/404 Exp:189856 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Hp: 1200  Sp: 47  Ep: 335 -24
party report
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
You incise Rug puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Pat Pereza nips Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 529 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1200 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
ta rug
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
party report
You successfully dodge Rug's bash.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran sparking a limb to slice open.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran inducing choking.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's bite.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
You are now targetting Rug.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Cran reports: Hp: 604 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Rug is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1200 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Rug is in incredible condition.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
There are no obvious exits.
A shattered remnants of wool rug
a rug hovers in the air
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Hp:1200/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Rug pushes Cran extremely hard.
party report
Rug misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
You miss Rug.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1162 -38 Sp: 47  Ep: 335 
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Rug is in incredible condition.
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Farliss (ghost): ota ota!
Cran reports: Hp: 585 (1255) Sp: 831 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1162 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
Amphion [wanted]: mage or merch id
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Rug is in incredible condition.
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1260(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28606 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1162(1444)   47(  47) 335(404) |  95 |        42082 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  585(1255)  831(1008) 331(532) | 100 |       200596 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  260( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41613 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  556( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37297 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1221(1258)  135( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74256 |
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:190018 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
Hp: 1162  Sp: 47  Ep: 309 -26
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Pat Pereza.
party report
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
You miss Rug.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Grinning diabolically Cran savagely rips Pat Pereza making the lungs implode from infection.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
Malicat fails miserably in her spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 585 (1255) Sp: 723 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
[party]: Cran scored a critical hit
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1162 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1162/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Crawe glows with power as it sinks into Pat Pereza.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled.
Pat Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1125 -37 Sp: 47  Ep: 309 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 775 (1255) Sp: 723 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust and chants 'ensueno duermas enslumbren'
Pat Pereza falters and loses its spell.
party report
You successfully dodge Rug's bash.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You miss Rug.
You tear Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Pat Pereza misses you.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 775 (1255) Sp: 723 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Dachante [wanted]: inquiry to ahm
The rug tries to smother you!
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
party report
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Rug is not fooled that easily!
Rug butts Nepnep making small marks.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 671 (1255) Sp: 615 (1008) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Rug is in poor condition.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Pat Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'nitin uurthg' (Feeblemind)
party report
Rug misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You miss Rug.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Pat Pereza nips Nepnep inducing a strangling.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 844 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
ta rug
*Erwain Haste (1).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
You are now targetting Rug.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Rug is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Rug is in poor condition.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
There are no obvious exits.
A shattered remnants of wool rug
a rug hovers in the air
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190018 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza says 'This very house shall be my weapon!'   
The phantom guestures, and furniture comes to life!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
You incise Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
Pat Pereza nips Cran causing skin to slightly freeze.
Hp: 1125  Sp: 47  Ep: 309 
Cran reports: Hp: 801 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
[party]: Cran resisted the stun
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 309 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190158 
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190158 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190158 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1088(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28708 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1125(1444)   47(  47) 309(404) |  95 |        42238 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  801(1255)  615( 964) 331(532) | 100 |       200761 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41771 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  458( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37430 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1221(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74420 |
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:309/404 Exp:190158 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You turn your enemy's lunge aside and pound in one swift movement!
Hp: 1125  Sp: 47  Ep: 284 -25
party report
Pat Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
You tear Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Pat Pereza nips Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Table misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Table's bash.
Table misses Cran.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 801 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 284 (404).
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Rug is in excellent condition.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1125/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Nuane (wanted): surgery
Pat Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Pat Pereza paralyzes Cran with its mind.
party report
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
You try to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled.
Pat Pereza perforates you causing a small wound.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza nips you producing large scratches.
Table misses Cran.
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran tries to dodge, but Table is not fooled that easily!
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Rug's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Rug's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Hp: 1019 -106 Sp: 47  Ep: 284 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran [report]: < Unstun DOWN > {Caster Zograh}
Cran reports: Hp: 852 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1086 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 284 (404).
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 852 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).'
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  967(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28708 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1086(1444)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        42238 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  852(1255)  615( 964) 331(532) | 100 |       200761 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41771 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  420( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37430 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1226(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74420 |
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Rug is in excellent condition.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  967(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28708 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1086(1444)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        42238 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  852(1255)  615( 964) 331(532) | 100 |       200761 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41771 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  420( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37430 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1226(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74420 |
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Hp: 1086 +67 Sp: 47  Ep: 284 
party report
You incise Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Pat Pereza misses you.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Table misses you.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Rug misses Cran.
Rug jostles Cran making small marks.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Cran reports: Hp: 821 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1086 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 284 (404).
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Rug is in excellent condition.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  967(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28708 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1086(1444)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        42238 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  821(1255)  615( 964) 331(532) | 100 |       200761 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41771 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  420( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37430 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1226(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74420 |
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Rug tried to strangle Cran, but failed.
party report
Rug howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You thrust Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Smiling devilishly Pat Pereza savagely strikes Cran causing the soul to get sucked out.
Pat Pereza bores Cran slicing open a gaping wound.
Pat Pereza bites Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Table bumps Cran causing a small wound.
Table misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Table's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rug butts Nepnep making small marks.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 285 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1086 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 284 (404).
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Rug is in good condition.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
Erwain [party]: NOSP Jumalauta!
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  959(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28708 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1086(1444)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        42238 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  285(1255)  615( 964) 331(532) | 100 |       200761 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41771 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  420( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37430 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1226(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74420 |
Hp:1086/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:190158 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You quickly jump forward and deliver a smashing blow to foe's collarbone!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Hp: 1086  Sp: 47  Ep: 256 -28
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt zur semen' (Levin bolt)
Pat Pereza grins as its levin bolt hits Malicat.
party report
You miss Table.
Pat Pereza perforates Cran snapping back a limb.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran making teeth chatter badly.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 208 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 331 (532).
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n, s and w.
One zinc coin
A toxic slivers of wool rug
A scattered parts of oak chair
The somewhat rotting scraps of oak chair
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
[party]: Cran is about to die
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1126 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 256 (404).
Hp:1126/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:256/404 Exp:190320 
[party]: Cran is about to die
[party]: Cran is about to die
[party]: Cran is bleeding
Cran thunders 'Hp: 208 (1255) Sp: 615 (964) Ep: 330 (532).'
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1013(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1126(1444)   47(  47) 256(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  208(1255)  615( 964) 330(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   17( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  714( 714)  382( 921) 244(241) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Malicat       ldr 1125(1258)   81( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
Hp:1126/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:256/404 Exp:190320 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1160 +74 Sp: 47  Ep: 262 +6
Malicat winks at Cran.
The scraps turn to dust and is blown away by a sudden draft.
Gotrek (sales): wis plate, tmaker, inquire
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat swaps the places of Erwain and Malicat.
Zograh removes A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh wears Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Spr Mode].
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain [party]: swap?
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus pafzarmus' (Major heal)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: hrm?
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
2 zinc coins
The somewhat rotting slivers of wool rug
The somewhat rotting parts of oak chair
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1160/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:190320 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
la cran
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >.
Denna Cran kan skada din hälsa och är beroendeframkallande.
He is in a good shape.
He is one of the most fearsome and cunning spellcasters in BatMUD.
        Cran's equipment:
Arm: An arm protector called Damien (Cran) (glowing) 
Arm: An arm protector called Damien (Cran) (glowing) 
Wrist: White bracelet with red runes
Head: Crown of Sorrows..  The Blood Crown (glowing) 
Head: Headphones (throbbing)
Neck: Spiked adamantium collar with large star ruby (glowing) 
Amulet: A death amulet (glowing) 
Amulet: Cheap plastic imitation of Amulet of Yendor
Cloak: Black Silk Robes (glowing) 
Torso: Tom's Blue Coat (glowing) 
Both hands: A pair of legendary Maze Master's gloves (glowing) 
Both hands: A HUGE(tm) spoon 
Bracelets: The dark bracelets of azakh-khanan (glowing) 
Wielded in left hand: Serpentyne the Sword of the Serpents  
Wielded in right hand: A chrysoberyl 2h sword named 'Crawe' 
Finger: Sparkling emerald ring (glowing) 
Finger: Sparkling emerald ring (glowing) 
Belt: The Great Belt of the Demon Queen of Spiders (glowing) 
Both legs: A pair of cold black leggings (glowing) 
Both feet: Uranium Boots...emitting a deadly red aura (glowing) 
Both feet: Yellow wooden shoes
On belt: A dimensional sheath
In order: One-way ticket to Japan
Ring: A silver ring embedded with a sparkling aquamarine
Around the neck: The crystal pendant of the Navigators (glowing)
Boutonnier: A red carnation of La Familia.
Forearm: Tattoo of a Dragon 
Forehead: A hand in the shape of an L
Forehead: Glittering headband of Orion
On mouth: Wihnemaster2000
Halo: 18mm film reel 
In sleeve: Hidden victory card
Breast: A gold and emerald mouse brooch
Scalp: SKINHEAD with a tattoo of a Bulldog "DOUBLE HARD BASTARD"
Forearm: A black raven wrapped around the forearm (tattoo)
On buttock: LaatuLiha(tm) stamp
Whole body: Fluffy fur of the Ewok tribe
Gaze: The far away look of a true Idler
Worn: Robes of death and destruction
Decoration: A small golden wedding ring
Hp:1160/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:262/404 Exp:190320 
Malicat [party]: yeah, take tick or two
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1205 +45 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 +10
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1038(1445)   27(  27) 380(380) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1205(1444)   47(  47) 272(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1042(1255)  703( 964) 342(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1143(1258)   95( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  720( 729)  228( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)   87( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1205/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1094 (1255) Sp: 703 (964) Ep: 342 (532).'
Nepnep (party): Stat curse gone.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
Hp: 1264 +59 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 
The slivers rot into dust.
The parts rot into dust.
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
Zograh [party]: Full HPs
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Cran falters and loses his spell.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran falters and loses his spell.
Hp: 1324 +60 Sp: 47  Ep: 283 +11
Tonto (hockey): oho jyppi hermostu :>
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Malicat [party]: if I ever find the son of a bitch who put me on a christian
 mailing list, I'm going to make him suffer.
Orc shouts 'Crx's BLOOD tasted good!'
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Cran [party]: -=> :D
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Ghost of Crx [ghost]: ei vittuu

Hp:1324/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:283/404 Exp:190320 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Thoreau [ghost]: Accept Rais/Ress/NB from Thoreau
Rocker (ghost): accept quality rais/ress/body
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Alakhai [hockey]: perkele jyppi kaventanu
Hp: 1378 +54 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 +13
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran's spell makes you feel all better!
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: 1 more tick and goes
Hp: 1444 +66 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 
Hoppalon (ghost): accept what you want
*Cran da healer.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Malicat pets Cran on the head.
Lerz [hockey]: mikäs juttu tää on ku näkyy canal sportilta blues kärpät vaikka
 ei oo koko korttipaikkaa digilootas? joku ilmanen mainoslähetys tms?
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
*Condor is sooo cool.

Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
|*1.1   Nepnep        fol 1557(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1444(1444)   47(  47) 296(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1255(1255)  778( 964) 367(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1258(1258)  272( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  569( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  522( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Malicat [party]: goes
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: east.
One tin coin
One silver coin
One zinc coin
A shattered frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)

You lost your earmark on Pat Pereza: You are not the party leader.

Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran reports: Hp: 1241 (1255) Sp: 743 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Pat Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1444/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
party report
Table misses you.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
Your mind reels and the world becomes blurred.
It doesn't hurt at all!
party say Unstun Expired. [23m7s]
You lose your concentration and cannot do the skill.
Pat Pereza sticks you inducing a strangling.
Pat Pereza bites you producing a minor chill.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
You miss Pat Pereza.
Hp: 1382 -62 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 
Cran reports: Hp: 1241 (1255) Sp: 743 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1382 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1382/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Valkrist [party]: Unstun Expired. [23m7s]
Hp:1382/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Table thumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table bumps Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Table's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran making a minor throttling.
Pat Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
You thrust Pat Pereza causing skin to sizzle.
Hp: 1407 +25 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1120 (1255) Sp: 743 (964) Ep: 367 (532).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1407 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Cran reports: Hp: 1120 (1255) Sp: 743 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Table misses you.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza perforates Nepnep producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza nips Nepnep producing a minor chill.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you rive Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran reports: Hp: 1120 (1255) Sp: 743 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1407 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Tonto (hockey): älä katso lahjalätkää suuhun
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza utters the magic words 'vaka vanha vainamoinen' (Entropy)
You feel older.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Pat Pereza!
party report
Table thumps Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table butts Nepnep making small marks.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza misses you.
You successfully parry Pat Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1120 (1255) Sp: 635 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1407 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1407/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Kerzebel [wanted]: pr alch or caly or foul ring
Ghost of Crx [ghost]: ress
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel much better.
party report
Crawe's razor sharp edge cuts into Pat Pereza.
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing a bad acid wound.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza inducing a minor poison burn.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza bores you making a minor throttling.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's bite.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You jab Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
You tear Pat Pereza causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1366 -41 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1189 (1255) Sp: 635 (964) Ep: 367 (532).'
Malicat [party]: anyone else lagged?
Cran reports: Hp: 1189 (1255) Sp: 635 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
*Erwain Haste (1).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1366 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1366/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
Table butts you making small marks.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran producing large scratches.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Hp: 1359 -7 Sp: 47  Ep: 296 
Magnar [wanted]: party for tiger spider
Cran reports: Hp: 1138 (1255) Sp: 635 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1359 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 296 (404).
Hp:1359/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:296/404 Exp:190320 
Cran [party]: -=> nope
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
Hp: 1359  Sp: 47  Ep: 272 -24
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt zur semen' (Levin bolt)
Magical rifts open above Pat Pereza and hideous rays of POWER combine its spell.
Pat Pereza grins as its levin bolt hits Malicat.
Table's bash sends you sprawling.
Zograh utters the magic words 'Paxus' (Unstun)
Zograh's chanting appears to do absolutely nothing.
party say Unstun Active.
party report
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza perforates Cran making a throttling.
Pat Pereza sticks Cran making a minor throttling.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Hp: 1342 -17 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 
Cran reports: Hp: 986 (1255) Sp: 635 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist [party]: Unstun Active.
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1342 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 272 (404).
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Aesthir (hockey): jyppi johtoon :P
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1477(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1342(1444)   47(  47) 272(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  986(1255)  635( 964) 367(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1258)  153( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  362( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  349( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:1342/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Venomwwa [wanted]: belan belt
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
party report
Cran horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing a small wound.
Table thumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Pat Pereza sticks Cran making a throttling.
Pat Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Pat Pereza successfully parries your bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You incise Pat Pereza producing large scratches.
Hp: 1336 -6 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1336/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Cran reports: Hp: 809 (1255) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1336/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1336 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 272 (404).
Hp:1336/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1336/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1477(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1336(1444)   47(  47) 272(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  809(1255)  527( 964) 367(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1258)  153( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  729( 729)  362( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  349( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1336/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:190320 
Pat Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck suuuuuck
You feel DRAINED!!!!
Table's bash sends you sprawling.
The table tries to ram you with its bulk!
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of brown blood flies from Malicat's palm at Pat Pereza!
party report
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Cran.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Pat Pereza's claw.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza bites Cran producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Hp: 1164 -172 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1164/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
Zograh [party]: me
Cran reports: Hp: 779 (1255) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1164 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 272 (404).
Hp:1164/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
Rankku [wanted]: wis alch
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
Pat Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Cran successfully dodges Pat Pereza's bite.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza inducing a minor poison burn.
You tear Table making an artery explode.
Hp: 1234 +70 Sp: 47  Ep: 272 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 786 (1255) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 367 (532).'
Cran reports: Hp: 786 (1255) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1234 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 272 (404).
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
You exclaim 'kurkota!'
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
Pat Pereza is not in a good shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:272/404 Exp:181605 
Zograh [party]: all the time :)
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
Hp: 1234  Sp: 47  Ep: 242 -30
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza says 'This very house shall be my weapon!'    
The phantom guestures, and furniture comes to life!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Table's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
party report
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran misses Pat Pereza.
Table misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep producing a minor chill.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 764 (1255) Sp: 419 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1234 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 242 (404).
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:242/404 Exp:181605 
Byzant (wanted): members for magic tower
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1234/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:242/404 Exp:181605 
Pat Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Pat Pereza paralyzes Malicat with its mind.
party report
You incise Chair causing a NASTY head wound.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Rug butts you making small marks.
Rug misses you.
Cran tries to dodge, but Chair is not fooled that easily!
Chair bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Hp: 1225 -9 Sp: 47  Ep: 242 
Cran reports: Hp: 703 (1255) Sp: 419 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1225 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 242 (404).
Hp:1225/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:242/404 Exp:181605 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Chair is in AWESOME condition.
Rug is in AWESOME condition.
Pat Pereza is in bad shape.
Table is in superb condition.
Hp:1225/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:242/404 Exp:181605 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1225/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:242/404 Exp:181605 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1225  Sp: 47  Ep: 213 -29
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Table's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
party report
You thrust Rug making flames sear right through to the bone.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran incisively cuts Pat Pereza causing skin to die from toxins.
Table thumps you causing a small scratch.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
You try to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled.
Pat Pereza bores you producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Rug jostles Cran making small marks.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Chair is not fooled that easily!
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Hp: 1123 -102 Sp: 47  Ep: 213 
Cran reports: Hp: 677 (1255) Sp: 419 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1123 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 213 (404).
Hp:1123/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1123/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
party report
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Cran tries to dodge, but Table is not fooled that easily!
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully parries Table's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rug misses you.
You successfully dodge Chair's bash.
Chair jostles you making small marks.
Hp: 1118 -5 Sp: 47  Ep: 213 
Cran reports: Hp: 599 (1255) Sp: 419 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1118 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 213 (404).
Hp:1118/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Cran goes 'aww' at Malicat.
The blankets on the bed shift just a little by themselves.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt zur semen' (Levin bolt)
Pat Pereza grins as its levin bolt hits Zograh.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
The table tries to ram you with its bulk!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Chair pushes Cran extremely hard.
party report
You shred Table snapping a collarbone.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing a nasty laceration.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Cran slashes Pat Pereza slicing open a gaping wound.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza misses Cran.
Pat Pereza bites Cran making a throttling.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Chair's bash.
Hp: 1182 +64 Sp: 47  Ep: 213 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 598 (1255) Sp: 311 (964) Ep: 367 (532).'
Malicat shrugs helplessly.
Cran reports: Hp: 598 (1255) Sp: 311 (964) Ep: 367 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1182 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 213 (404).
Hp:1182/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
Zograh [party]: Got hit by a levin bolt!
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n, s and w.
One silver coin
3 zinc coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1182/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1182/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1447(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1182(1444)   47(  47) 213(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  625(1255)  337( 964) 371(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1139(1258)   35( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  696( 729)  286( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  149( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1182/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
Malicat ponders about Cran.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Alorn [wanted]: exp/rep for barbie
Malicat swaps the places of Cran and Malicat.
Cran [party]: -=> not a single habo in :)
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1447(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1182(1444)   47(  47) 213(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1139(1258)   35( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  625(1255)  333( 964) 371(532) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  702( 729)  356( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  149( 832) 398(398) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1182/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:213/404 Exp:181605 
Erwain [party]: War Ensemble Off.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus pafzarmus' (Major heal)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Malicat [party]: backrow habo. Try to hit this time? :)
Cran [party]: -=> they have avoids 1trillion
Eraser [hockey]: sattuko kalpalle eka musta minuutti? =)
Hp: 1216 +34 Sp: 47  Ep: 220 +7
Cran [party]: -=> ack!
Malicat [party]: meni
Cran looks at crawe.
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large bedroom has old, expensive, tasteful furniture in it. The bed is a
king-sized oak frame with a puffy down mattress, topped with fur blankets and
a silk pillow. There is also a leather sofa and a big footlocker with a padded
top, which doubles as a footrest or seat. There is a mahogany dresser and oak
nightstand, both of which are covered with small potted plants of some kind.
The floor is covered with a rich royal-blue carpet. Curtains are drawn over
both windows, the one in the west wall and the one in the south wall.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads east.
Ebony door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: east.
One tin coin
One silver coin
One zinc coin
A shattered frame of wool rug
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a rug hovers in the air
a chair drags itself around the room
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Pat Pereza is in very bad shape.
Table is in excellent condition.
Chair is in excellent condition.
Rug is in excellent condition.
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
party report
Rug misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair butts Nepnep making small marks.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Table misses you.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza nips Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 1009 (1255) Sp: 333 (964) Ep: 371 (532).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1216 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 220 (404).
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
Cran removes A chrysoberyl 2h sword named 'Crawe' .
Pat Pereza is in very bad shape.
Table is in excellent condition.
Chair is in excellent condition.
Rug is in excellent condition.
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1413(1564)   27(  27) 400(400) |  45 |        28817 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1216(1444)   47(  47) 220(404) |  95 |        42406 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1155(1258)   55( 503) 552(550) |  80 |        74602 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1009(1255)  333( 964) 371(528) | 100 |       200937 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  702( 729)  229( 833) 244(244) |  70 |        37572 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  214( 832) 397(384) |  93 |        41940 |
Hp:1216/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
Malicat shreds Pat Pereza causing a nasty laceration.
Rug misses Malicat.
Rug jostles Malicat making small marks.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Chair is not fooled that easily!
Chair bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Chair misses Nepnep.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Pat Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled.
Pat Pereza bores you making a minor throttling.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Pat Pereza nips you making a minor throttling.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
You miss Rug.
Hp: 1139 -77 Sp: 47  Ep: 220 
Bits of wood are knocked free of the chair as it is struck.
Cran reports: Hp: 1009 (1255) Sp: 333 (964) Ep: 371 (528).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1139 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 220 (404).
Hp:1139/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
Rug tries to bash you, but promptly falls flat on its face.
Table pushes you.
party report
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
Rug misses you.
Rug misses you.
Chair misses Malicat.
Chair misses Malicat.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Table misses Nepnep.
Malicat successfully dodges Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza bores Malicat making a throttling.
Malicat tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza nips Malicat making a minor throttling.
You incise Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Hp: 1112 -27 Sp: 47  Ep: 220 
Chair's bash sends you sprawling.
Malicat brings sirE around in a tight arc that ends in a fountain of Pat
Pereza's blood!
Cran reports: Hp: 1009 (1255) Sp: 333 (964) Ep: 371 (528).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 220 (404).
Hp:1105/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Malicat [party]: target pat
Hp: 1105 -7 Sp: 47  Ep: 220 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
party report
Pat Pereza successfully parries Malicat's slash.
Rug misses you.
Rug misses you.
Chair misses Malicat.
Chair misses Malicat.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Malicat successfully parries Pat Pereza's claw.
Malicat successfully parries Pat Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Pat Pereza scrapes Malicat producing large scratches.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
You miss Rug.
Hp: 1170 +65 Sp: 47  Ep: 220 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1057 (1255) Sp: 225 (964) Ep: 371 (528).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1057 (1255) Sp: 225 (964) Ep: 371 (528).
Nepnep (party): Got a Stat curse!
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1170 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 220 (404).
Hp:1170/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:220/404 Exp:181605 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest!
Hp: 1170  Sp: 47  Ep: 193 -27
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Rug's bash sends you sprawling.
Table pushes you.
party report
Rug misses Malicat.
Rug jostles Malicat making small marks.
Chair misses you.
Chair misses you.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza bores Malicat causing skin to freeze.
Pat Pereza misses Malicat.
Smiling devilishly Pat Pereza chews Malicat puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
You miss Chair.
Hp: 1136 -34 Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Chair's bash sends you sprawling.
Cran reports: Hp: 1057 (1255) Sp: 225 (964) Ep: 371 (528).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1127 (1444) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (404).
Hp:1127/1444 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/404 Exp:181605 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Hp: 1127 -9 Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Pat Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
party report
Malicat incises Pat Pereza causing lung tissue to freeze.
Rug misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Malicat successfully parries Chair's bash.
Chair misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Table's bash.
Malicat successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Malicat.
Pat Pereza misses Nepnep.
Pat Pereza bores Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bites Nepnep inducing a strangling.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Pat Pereza causing a kidney to rupture.
Hp: 1179 +52 Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
You shiver and feel strange.
p' Stat curse gone.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1089 (1255) Sp: 225 (964) Ep: 371 (528).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1089 (1255) Sp: 225 (964) Ep: 371 (528).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1179 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1179/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181605 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Valkrist [party]: Stat curse gone.
Hp:1179/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181605 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Pat Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza says 'This very house shall be my weapon!'     
The phantom guestures, and furniture comes to life!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Rug tries to bash you, but promptly falls flat on its face.
Table's bash sends you sprawling.
party report
Pat Pereza successfully parries Malicat's slash.
Grinning diabolically Rug bashes Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Malicat.
Chair butts Malicat making small marks.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully dodge Pat Pereza's claw.
Pat Pereza misses you.
Pat Pereza nips you making a minor throttling.
You miss Pat Pereza.
Pat Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Hp: 1115 -64 Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Cran reports: Hp: 1089 (1117) Sp: 117 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1115 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1115/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181605 
Cran [report]: < War Ensemble DOWN > [9:17] {Caster Erwain}
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Table howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Table making bones melt.
Table tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You tear Table making rib bones snap and crack.
Pat Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Malicat incises Pat Pereza making the head explode violently.
Malicat incises Pat Pereza causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Rug misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Rug's bash.
Chair butts Nepnep making small marks.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Table misses Malicat.
Table misses Malicat.
Table misses Malicat.
Malicat tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza perforates Malicat sparking a limb to slice open.
Pat Pereza misses Malicat.
Pat Pereza misses Malicat.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Rug misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Chair's bash.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 1089 (1117) Sp: 117 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1115 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1115/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181605 
Amphion [dsc+]: mullon kyl aina ollu luulo et mersujen pitas olla
 asiakaspalvelijoita, noin niiku et jos ottaa niilta jotain ni NE reloo eika
 pyyda sua tulee jonnekkikn hevon vittun
Erwain [party]: NOSP Jumalauta!
Pat Pereza pulls back from combat, fades through a wall, and vanishes.
Table pushes Malicat with a bone crushing sound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
party report
Chair tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep incises Chair causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Rug butts Malicat causing a small scratch.
Malicat successfully parries Rug's bash.
Malicat successfully parries Chair's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Chair misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully dodges Table's bash.
Malicat successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Malicat.
Rug misses you.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
Chair misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Chair's bash.
Hp: 1178 +63 Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Chair pushes Malicat extremely hard.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: 117 (964) Ep: 371 (513).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: 117 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181605 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Chair tries to bash Malicat but promptly falls flat on its face.
party report
You miss Table.
Nepnep horribly shreds Rug causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Chair misses you.
You successfully dodge Chair's bash.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Rug butts Malicat making small marks.
Rug misses Malicat.
You successfully dodge Chair's bash.
You successfully parry Chair's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1178  Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: 117 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:181760 
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Expires. []
Mysterious forces repair the rug and put it away.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Chair.
Table's powerful bash sends Malicat sprawling to the floor.
party report
You bash Rug causing a limb to fly off.
Nepnep horribly shreds Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Malicat incises Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Malicat incises Chair inducing the heart to totally freeze.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Table misses Malicat.
Table misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Table's bash.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1178  Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:182018 
Malicat meows softly.
Alakhai [hockey]: perskeles mullaki näkyy se matsi eikä mullakaan mitään
 korttipaikkaa oo saati että mitään oisin tilannu/maksanu/jne
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Rug tries to bash Malicat but promptly falls flat on its face.
party report
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully parry Rug's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rug misses you.
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:182018 
Zograh slows down a lot, struck by lag.
Table's powerful bash sends Malicat sprawling to the floor.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Malicat.
party report
You tear Rug snapping back a limb.
Table tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Table successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Malicat shreds Table making the head explode violently.
Malicat misses Table.
Table misses Malicat.
Malicat tries to dodge, but Table is not fooled that easily!
Table bumps Malicat causing a small scratch.
Table butts Malicat making small marks.
Rug butts Malicat making small marks.
Malicat successfully dodges Rug's bash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:182018 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: hate it when he does that
Rug tries to bash Malicat but promptly falls flat on its face.
party report
Table howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rug butts Nepnep making small marks.
Rug jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:182018 
Cran [party]: -=> he fled?
Table's powerful bash sends Malicat sprawling to the floor.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Malicat.
party report
You incise Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly table breaks into zillions of pieces.
Rug tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep shreds Rug causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 371 (513).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1556) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 193 (407).
Hp:1178/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:193/407 Exp:182864 
Malicat [party]: nods
Hp: 1178  Sp: 47  Ep: 193 
Cran [party]: -=> got an ane in though
Acennan [wanted]: cheapish +5dex or +5wis eq
Tawno [dsc+]: raha niitä kiinnostaa eikä mikää muu
Hp: 1209 +31 Sp: 47  Ep: 200 +7
The blankets on the bed shift just a little by themselves.
Cran [party]: -=> probably because im _that_ good
Byzant (wanted): 2 offies + mage/psi/priest for tower
nope cran
You shake your head and say 'Nope' to Cran.
Hp:1209/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:200/407 Exp:182864 
Malicat kneels before Cran for a pat on the head.
Malicat [party]: doh
Malicat pets Cran on the head.
Malicat grins evilly.
Cran smiles happily.
Hp: 1257 +48 Sp: 47  Ep: 208 +8
Malicat [party]: anything you can evil intent cran?
Cran [party]: -=> ok, put me in the front, this is embarassing
Gotrek (wanted): ask for relocheal
Malicat swaps the places of Cran and Malicat.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at Table.
Aesthir (hockey): hehe kalpa tasoihin
Gildron (hockey): ne näyttää pari matsia mainoksena kaikille
Malicat [party]: well, the nomads aren't taking dam, don't need to backrow
 them. :)

Hp:1257/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:208/407 Exp:182864 
Cran sacrifices the frame to the dark gods.
Llyth shouts 'Amd dies from a single blow, well almost at least!'
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at Chair.
Aesthir (hockey): 6 maalia ekas eras
Llyth shouts 'Desert was too easy! I want a tougher challenge!'
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1325(1564)   27(  27) 400(380) |  45 |        29775 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1257(1556)   47(  47) 208(407) |  95 |        43816 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1117(1117)   69( 964) 359(513) | 100 |       202478 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  934(1093)  173( 503) 547(547) |  80 |        76190 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  200( 833) 244(230) |  70 |        38822 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  202( 832) 397(384) |  93 |        43336 |
Hp:1257/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:208/407 Exp:182864 
Kari [ghost]: accept rais/ress/newbody if need
p' well back row me!
Valkrist [party]: well back row me!
Hp:1257/1556 Sp:47/47 Ep:208/407 Exp:182864 
Hp: 1316 +59 Sp: 47  Ep: 221 +13
Cran sacrifices the frame to the dark gods.
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
The effect of war ensemble wears off.
party say War Ensemble Expires. [10m52s]
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Expires. [10m52s]
Hp:1316/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:221/404 Exp:182864 
Cran wields A chrysoberyl 2h sword named 'Crawe'  in his right hand.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Gru [wanted]: where can i find a ton of good aligned 500 to 5k mobs
p' so i can chat with my wife in messenger
Valkrist [party]: so i can chat with my wife in messenger
Hp:1316/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:221/404 Exp:182864 
Hp: 1246 -70 Sp: 47  Ep: 221 
Cran aborts the spell casting.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at Chair.
Malicat [party]: pfft, you're useless otherwise, you stay front! :)
Kari [wanted]: newbie mountain
Info: Lythlandria enters the game.
Nips [wanted]: someone to kill the goddamn noisy roofers on my apartment
Malicat [party]: got enough for an ane cran?
Cran sacrifices the scraps to the dark gods.
Erwain [dsc+]: seo sillee.. et jos pyydät castimaa jotai niin on
 taloudellisempaa olla kuluttamatta sen mersun sp't siihe reloiluu
Cran [party]: -=> sure

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:221/404 Exp:182864 
Malicat [party]: meni
Nepnep (party): War Ensemble Expires. []
Malicat opens mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n, s and w.
One silver coin
3 zinc coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mallorn door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the south at the east
end, and to the north at the west end. The walls are painted a faded cyan
colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is also cyan, with a white fringe
border. Some chairs are placed up against the south wall, which also sports a
pair of paintings. There is a discoloured spot on the north wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One mowgles coin
One silver coin
One tin coin
One copper coin
One bronze coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 232 +11
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One silver coin
3 zinc coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway. The hallway is a little on
the narrow side, with the east and west walls a little closer together than
most races would find comfortable. The walls are painted an aquamarine colour,
like the colour of ocean waves, but the floor is nothing but bare floorboards
and the ceiling is a dull white. There are neither decorations nor furniture
in this part of the hallway.
Runed steel door [boarded up] (closed) leads east.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long east-west hallway that turns to the south at both
ends. The walls are painted a faded blue-green colour. There are two large
windows in the north wall, both of which are boarded up. An iron brazier
sticks out like a small shelf from the south wall. Nothing covers the
floorboards except for a few brown pieces of some kind of shell.
There is a tin box near the west end of the hall.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: se and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Gru [wanted]: for a non newbie
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 232 
Malicat opens mahogany door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This is a tasteful, bordering on luxurious, bedroom. A heavy set of navy blue
drapes covers the window in the north wall. A closet takes up the southeast
corner, and a dresser stands in the northwest corner. A thin navy blue carpet
covers the floor, and a padded chair of a more faded blue colour sits near the
Mahogany door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (open) leads east.
Obvious exit is: east.
A small nightstand stands near the bed (closed)
A king-sized bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes mahogany door with bronze fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 984 (1117) Sp: 264 (964) Ep: 328 (517).
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 232 
party report
Pat Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza perforates Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Pat Pereza nips Cran making a minor throttling.
You thrust Pat Pereza causing a bodily conflagration.
Cran reports: Hp: 823 (1117) Sp: 264 (964) Ep: 328 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 232 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:197319 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran licks Pat Pereza.
party report
Pat Pereza perforates Cran making limbs stiffen with ice.
Cran tries to dodge, but Pat Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Pat Pereza bores Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Pat Pereza nips Cran causing a small wound.
Nepnep misses Pat Pereza.
Nepnep horribly shreds Pat Pereza causing brain cells to die from infection.
You incise Pat Pereza causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 644 (1117) Sp: 264 (964) Ep: 328 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 232 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:197319 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Pat Pereza is near death.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:197319 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Pat Pereza.

Pat's face sharpens to reveal a human face, scowling angrily.
He snarls 'Fine, take what you want, but I'll be back! I can't die!'

Suddenly his ethereal body tears apart and scatters like leaves in a fast wind. The pieces meld into the shadows and vanish.
Pat's shouting 'I will return!' echoes and fades away.
Nepnep (party): --**-- my 64dodge seems to work nicely =) --**--
Malicat aborts the spell casting.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 232 
Kari [wanted]: bc :P
Cran aborts the spell casting.
This is a tasteful, bordering on luxurious, bedroom. A heavy set of navy blue
drapes covers the window in the north wall. A closet takes up the southeast
corner, and a dresser stands in the northwest corner. A thin navy blue carpet
covers the floor, and a padded chair of a more faded blue colour sits near the
Mahogany door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (closed) leads east.
There are no obvious exits.
A set of pruning shears
A small nightstand stands near the bed (closed)
A king-sized bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat [party]: heh
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran thunders 'Hp: 721 (1117) Sp: 264 (964) Ep: 328 (517).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
show skills
| Skill                          |  %  | Skill                          |  %  |
| Alertness                      |  87 | Attack                         | 128 |
| Axes                           | 107 | Barbaric ways                  | 100 |
| Bash                           |  94 | Battlecry                      | 100 |
| Bludgeons                      | 105 | Camping                        |  70 |
| Cleave                         |  72 | Combat damage analysis         |  73 |
| Combat sense                   | 100 | Consider                       |  69 |
| Discipline                     |  54 | Dodge                          | 104 |
| Endurance                      |  80 | Enhance criticals              |  95 |
| Enrage                         |  70 | Find weakness                  |  88 |
| Fire building                  |  60 | First aid  
                    |  60 |
| Frenzy                         |  63 | Fresh pants                    |  10 |
| Hiking                         |  65 | Hunting                        |  15 |
| Kick                           |  27 | Leadership                     |  86 |
More (47%) [qpbns?]Cran smiles happily.

| Long blades                    |  96 | Looting and burning            |  85 |
| Lure                           | 100 | Mastery of weapon handling     |   1 |
| Mind over body                 |  25 | Negate offhand penalty         |  80 |
| Pain threshold                 |  67 | Parry                          | 100 |
| Polearms                       |  34 | Pound                          |  82 |
| Protection by sacrifice        |  73 | Pulverize                      |  72 |
| Push                           |  66 | Reaving                        |  36 |
| Rescue                         |  98 | Riding                         |  20 |
| Riposte                        |  58 | Shield bash                    |  72 |
| Short blades                   |  92 | Stargazing                     |  30 |
| Stun                           |  83 | Stunned maneuvers              |  95 |
| Swim                           |  23 | Switch weapon                  |  79 |
| Throw weight                   | 100 | Torch creation                 |  15 |
| Track                          |  84 | Tumbling attack                |  60 |
| Ventriloquism                  |  62 |                                |     |
More (94%) [qpbns?]
| Total: 55                      |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat takes a set of pruning shears.
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 12 minutes 53 seconds
Experience gained: 1249812
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 17
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 900 Misses: 301 Parries: 375 Ripostes: 253 Stuns: 12
 Criticals: 26 Dodges: 325 Tumbles: 47 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat removes a silvery bastard sword  .
|     593: a large hopping porcelain vase                                     |
|     659: a large hopping porcelain vase                                     |
|    1514: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1236: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1135: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     863: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1107: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1488: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|    1073: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     962: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1520: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     938: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     878: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     946: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     976: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     766: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     875: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    4596: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|     930: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|   80883: the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza                             |
This party has killed 108 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4771).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat wields a set of pruning shears in her left paw.
Exp: 210205 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
This is a tasteful, bordering on luxurious, bedroom. A heavy set of navy blue
drapes covers the window in the north wall. A closet takes up the southeast
corner, and a dresser stands in the northwest corner. A thin navy blue carpet
covers the floor, and a padded chair of a more faded blue colour sits near the
Mahogany door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (closed) leads east.
There are no obvious exits.
A small nightstand stands near the bed (closed)
A king-sized bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat opens mahogany door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a long east-west hallway that turns to the south at both
ends. The walls are painted a faded blue-green colour. There are two large
windows in the north wall, both of which are boarded up. An iron brazier
sticks out like a small shelf from the south wall. Nothing covers the
floorboards except for a few brown pieces of some kind of shell.
There is a tin box near the west end of the hall.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: se, s and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mahogany door with bronze fittings.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 400(352) |  45 |        38819 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 232(404) |  95 |        57977 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  750(1117)  291( 964) 332(517) | 100 |       217082 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1026(1093)  165( 503) 545(545) |  80 |        93493 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  363( 833) 243(230) |  70 |        50612 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  459( 832) 397(384) |  93 |        57317 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:232/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway. The hallway is a little on
the narrow side, with the east and west walls a little closer together than
most races would find comfortable. The walls are painted an aquamarine colour,
like the colour of ocean waves, but the floor is nothing but bare floorboards
and the ceiling is a dull white. There are neither decorations nor furniture
in this part of the hallway.
Runed steel door [boarded up] (closed) leads east.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One silver coin
3 zinc coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the south at the east
end, and to the north at the west end. The walls are painted a faded cyan
colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is also cyan, with a white fringe
border. Some chairs are placed up against the south wall, which also sports a
pair of paintings. There is a discoloured spot on the north wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One mowgles coin
One silver coin
One tin coin
One copper coin
One bronze coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 399(352) |  45 |        38819 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 231(404) |  95 |        57977 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  750(1117)  267( 964) 331(517) | 100 |       217082 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1026(1093)  165( 503) 545(545) |  80 |        93493 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  363( 833) 243(230) |  70 |        50612 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  459( 832) 397(384) |  93 |        57317 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:231/404 Exp:210205 
Byzant (wanted): 2 tanks
Gru [wanted]: ok thanks
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky. A breeze blows around
you. A waxing crescent moon hangs in the sky.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 399(352) |  45 |        38819 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 231(404) |  95 |        57977 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  750(1117)  267( 964) 331(517) | 100 |       217082 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1026(1093)  165( 503) 544(545) |  80 |        93493 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  363( 833) 243(230) |  70 |        50612 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  459( 832) 397(384) |  93 |        57317 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:231/404 Exp:210205 
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 238 +6
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exit is: west.
A mass of vines grows in the southeast corner
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
As soon as they are pruned, the vines shrink back into the planters, exposing a hallway east.
A key falls out of the planters and onto the floor.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat takes brass key set with an emerald.
p' oh nou cran front again
Valkrist [party]: oh nou cran front again
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:238/404 Exp:210205 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran [party]: -=> no new rooms yet :(
Malicat removes a set of pruning shears.
Cran slaps you on the cheek.
Malicat wields a silvery bastard sword   in her left paw.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 399(352) |  45 |        38819 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 238(404) |  95 |        57977 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  930(1117)  267( 964) 331(517) | 100 |       217082 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1051(1093)  213( 503) 545(545) |  80 |        93493 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  428( 833) 243(230) |  70 |        50612 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  459( 832) 396(384) |  93 |        57317 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:238/404 Exp:210205 
Malicat nods solemnly.
Malicat opens maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the southern half of the
east wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
2 silver coins
3 copper coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat opens maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (open) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w, e and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes maple door with highsteel fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky. A breeze blows around
you. A waxing crescent moon hangs in the sky.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the south at the east
end, and to the north at the west end. The walls are painted a faded cyan
colour, and the carpet that covers the floor is also cyan, with a white fringe
border. Some chairs are placed up against the south wall, which also sports a
pair of paintings. There is a discoloured spot on the north wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One mowgles coin
One silver coin
One tin coin
One copper coin
One bronze coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway, which is wide here but
narrows in both directions. The walls are painted the colour of the sea,
darker near the floor and lighter near the ceiling. Rugs of similar blue-green
colours lie at random on the floor. Some chairs have been shoved into the
northeastern part of the hall, just before it narrows down. A brass chandelier
hangs from the ceiling over the middle of the floor.
Mallorn door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One silver coin
3 zinc coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway. The hallway is a little on
the narrow side, with the east and west walls a little closer together than
most races would find comfortable. The walls are painted an aquamarine colour,
like the colour of ocean waves, but the floor is nothing but bare floorboards
and the ceiling is a dull white. There are neither decorations nor furniture
in this part of the hallway.
Runed steel door [boarded up] (closed) leads east.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long east-west hallway that turns to the south at both
ends. The walls are painted a faded blue-green colour. There are two large
windows in the north wall, both of which are boarded up. An iron brazier
sticks out like a small shelf from the south wall. Nothing covers the
floorboards except for a few brown pieces of some kind of shell.
There is a tin box near the west end of the hall.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Mahogany door with bronze fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: se and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 247 +9
Malicat leaves southeast.
Cran wanders southeast.
Zograh leaves southeast.
Erwain leaves southeast.
Nepnep leaves southeast.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway. It turns towards the west at
the north end, and to the east at the south end. The walls are painted a shade
of bluish-green normally associated with large bodies of water, although the
colour is not terribly bright. The floor is made from exposed boards, and
there are scuff marks here and there. A stuffed head of some great cat is
mounted up on the east wall.
Oak door with bronze fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: nw and e.
A glass-front display case sits against the west wall (almost empty)
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 247 
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
The majority of the floor in this room is taken up by a kind of wooden box
filled with dirt. While a pathway a little over a meter wide runs around the
outside of this green-walled room, a fence about hobbit height holds in a
large quantity of moist, black soil. Growing in the dirt are some scraggly,
twisted plants, including leafless vines, thorny bushes, and even a few sickly
saplings. A large skylight takes up most of the ceiling, and you can see
several holes have been cut into it to allow rain to fall into this box.
Above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky. A breeze blows around
you. A waxing crescent moon hangs in the sky.
Solid gold door (closed) leads south.
Birch door painted green (closed) leads east.
Obvious exit is: west.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 246 -1
Cran [party]: -=> could you tell him not to be so evil to me Malicat?

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:219843 
Aesthir (hockey): mika helevetti toi hifkin maalivahti on
Malicat unlocks birch door painted green.
Malicat opens birch door painted green.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway that turns to the east at the
north end. The walls are plaster painted a deep, dark green, and a finely
woven carpet on the floor is a matching hue. Hanging from the ceiling are
three globe-shaped lanterns, still glowing with a white-yellow light. A
nasty-looking greataxe hangs on the north wall, on a wooden panel.
Birch door painted green (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s, e and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes birch door painted green.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 246 
Malicat [party]: got rooms?
Gildron (hockey): kanukki raahattu ahl:tä tms
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway. At the east end, it turns to the
south, and at the west end, it turns to the north. The walls have been painted
an ugly olive greenish-grey, and the floor is covered by a carpet of the same
horrid shade of green. As if to make the room even more disturbing, someone
has hung a variety of weapons on the walls as well. Crossed pairs of swords,
axes, and flails act as grisly decorations along the north and south walls.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a battleaxe swoops around in the air
a battleaxe swoops around in the air
party report
Battleaxe tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Battleaxe causing a kidney to rupture.
Nepnep misses Battleaxe.
Battleaxe misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Battleaxe's bash.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 246 
Cran reports: Hp: 1009 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 344 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 13 minutes 55 seconds
Experience gained: 1269092
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 21
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 900 Misses: 301 Parries: 375 Ripostes: 253 Stuns: 12
 Criticals: 26 Dodges: 325 Tumbles: 47 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
Cran [party]: -=> ooo, yeah
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 398(352) |  45 |        38819 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 246(404) |  95 |        57977 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1009(1117)  437( 964) 344(517) | 100 |       217082 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1085(1093)  270( 503) 545(545) |  80 |        93493 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  556( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        50612 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  717( 832) 395(384) |  93 |        57317 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
party report
You incise Battleaxe slicing open a gaping wound.
Cran misses Battleaxe.
Smiling devilishly Cran quickly cuts Battleaxe causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Battleaxe misses Cran.
Battleaxe bumps Cran making small marks.
Battleaxe bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Battleaxe misses Nepnep.
Erwain [party]: getting
Tonto (hockey): joku nigö
Cran reports: Hp: 996 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 344 (517).
[party]: Cran scored a critical hit
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
Malicat [party]: there we go
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
The axe clubs at you with its haft.
party report
You jab Battleaxe smashing rib bones into a lung.
Nepnep shreds Battleaxe making the lungs implode from infection.
Nepnep horribly shreds Battleaxe causing large bones to crack loudly.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Battleaxe is not fooled that easily!
Battleaxe bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Battleaxe misses Nepnep.
You successfully dodge Battleaxe's bash.
Battleaxe misses you.
Cran reports: Hp: 996 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 344 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
Aesthir (hockey): sin with sebastien
Battleaxe tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Battleaxe's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
party report
Battleaxe tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Battleaxe causing a NASTY head wound.
You successfully parry Battleaxe's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Battleaxe's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Battleaxe's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Battleaxe misses you.
Cran reports: Hp: 980 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 344 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:229485 
party report
The snakes on Serpentyne awaken and latch on to Nepnep's hand giving Nepnep a burst of energy as he deals out a flurry of blows on Battleaxe
Nepnep shreds Battleaxe causing brain cells to die from infection.
Battleaxe tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Battleaxe causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran horribly shreds Battleaxe causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran incisively cuts Battleaxe causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly axe breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep successfully dodges Battleaxe's bash.
Battleaxe bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 246 
Cran reports: Hp: 980 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 344 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:230516 
Nepnep (party): --**-- uuuu, i want those! aggro battleaxes! --**--
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> did i mention you rock?
Battleaxe pushes Cran extremely hard.
Cran focuses his rage and uses it to send Battleaxe reeling backwards from
powerful blows that splatter blood about the entire room.  The air shimmers
around Crawe as it drains the life from Battleaxe
party report
You jab Battleaxe causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Battleaxe successfully parries your slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Battleaxe's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Grinning diabolically Battleaxe bashes Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Hp: 1240 -6 Sp: 47  Ep: 246 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran reports: Hp: 915 (1117) Sp: 437 (964) Ep: 317 (517).
[party]: Cran got whacked
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1240 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 246 (404).
Hp:1240/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:246/404 Exp:230516 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest!
Suddenly axe breaks into zillions of pieces.
Hp: 1240  Sp: 47  Ep: 219 -27
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1000 (1117) Sp: 430 (964) Ep: 317 (517).'
[party]: Malicat licks Cran.
Hp: 1245 +5 Sp: 47  Ep: 219 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
p' hah cran is licking leader!
Valkrist [party]: hah cran is licking leader!
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:219/404 Exp:231293 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1058 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 321 (517).'
p' damn
Valkrist [party]: damn
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:219/404 Exp:231293 
This area is part of an east-west hallway. At the east end, it turns to the
south, and at the west end, it turns to the north. The walls have been painted
an ugly olive greenish-grey, and the floor is covered by a carpet of the same
horrid shade of green. As if to make the room even more disturbing, someone
has hung a variety of weapons on the walls as well. Crossed pairs of swords,
axes, and flails act as grisly decorations along the north and south walls.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
A shattered frame of iron axe
A toxic slivers of iron axe
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:219/404 Exp:231293 
Hp: 1246 +1 Sp: 47  Ep: 219 
Malicat [party]: puzzles I can figure out. Real mobs however, I can't tank. :/
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. The walls of this hall are a
rather sickly olive green, similar to a dying bog plant. A strip of carpet
runs down the middle of the hall that is an equally ugly colour. There are a
total of six paintings on the walls here, three on the east wall and three on
the west wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 227 +8
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a hideous, drooling dog-sized gecko hangs from the ceiling
a hideous, drooling dog-sized gecko hangs from the ceiling
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 227 
party report
Gecko tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You tear Gecko slicing open a gaping wound.
Cran pierces Gecko making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Gecko nibbles Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully dodges Gecko's claw.
Cran reports: Hp: 1046 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 321 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 227 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:240934 
p' who has brown tongue?
Valkrist [party]: who has brown tongue?
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:240934 
party report
Gecko tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Gecko causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You incise Gecko causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Gecko loses the privilege to live.
Gecko is DEAD, R.I.P.
Gecko misses Cran.
Gecko scrapes Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 227 
Cran reports: Hp: 1034 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 321 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 227 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:241447 
Tornipeikko [wanted]: summon to portal, paying
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
point cran
party report
Nepnep slashes Gecko causing internal organs to become infected.
Nepnep shreds Gecko causing large bones to crack loudly.
Gecko tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
As one snake blocks Gecko's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Gecko's soft skin.
Cran shreds Gecko causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
You successfully parry Gecko's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Gecko's claw.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
You point at Cran.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:241447 
Cran reports: Hp: 1061 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 323 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1061 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 323 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 227 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:241447 
Malicat laughs out loud.
party report
You tear Gecko causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Gecko successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Gecko misses you.
You successfully parry Gecko's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Gecko booms in sinister voice 'fzz zur sanc' (Acid wind)
Gecko grins as its acid wind hits Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 988 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 323 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 227 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:241447 
Tornipeikko [wanted]: got from kari
party report
You thrust Gecko causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Gecko dies in a massive fit of convulsions.
Gecko is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 988 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 323 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 227 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:227/404 Exp:242181 
Cran [party]: -=> your mother
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 227 
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the northern half of the
west wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a plaid collar floating about in the air
a teal snood floating about in the air
a mint kilt floating about in the air
a raven long skirt floating about in the air
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 226 -1
party report
Nepnep shreds Collar making the brain fail.
Cran horribly shreds Collar causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Cran reports: Hp: 988 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:246998 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nepnep misses Long skirt.
Cran successfully parries Collar's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Collar jostles Cran making small marks.
You successfully parry Snood's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Snood's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Kilt butts Cran making small marks.
Kilt misses Cran.
Long skirt misses you.
You successfully parry Long skirt's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 975 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:246998 
Cran [party]: -=> and i have a sparkling ass
party report
Nepnep shreds Collar causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly the collar stops moving and falls to the ground.
Cran slashes Kilt causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Snood bumps Cran making small marks.
Snood jostles Cran making small marks.
Kilt misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Kilt's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Long skirt misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Long skirt's bash.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 226 
Long skirt is in AWESOME condition.
Kilt is in superb condition.
Snood is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
Cran reports: Hp: 959 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Byzant (wanted): 2 offies for easy quests
party report
You hurt Kilt who seems to become somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
You jab Kilt forcing the heart to incinerate.
Kilt tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Kilt causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep slashes Long skirt causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Cran horribly shreds Snood causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You successfully dodge Snood's bash.
Snood misses you.
You successfully dodge Kilt's bash.
Kilt misses you.
Long skirt misses Cran.
Long skirt misses Cran.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Cran reports: Hp: 959 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Cran [party]: Snood got interrupted
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
*Erwain Haste (1).
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
Long skirt is in excellent condition.
Kilt is in battered condition.
Snood is in superb condition.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the northern half of the
west wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads north.
There are no obvious exits.
A torn plaid collar (glowing)
A small pile of copper coins
5 gold coins
A small pile of tin coins
A pile of mowgles coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a teal snood floating about in the air
a mint kilt floating about in the air
a raven long skirt floating about in the air
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247280 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Kilt causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly the kilt stops moving and falls to the ground.
Nepnep successfully dodges Snood's bash.
Snood jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Cran tries to dodge, but Long skirt is not fooled that easily!
Long skirt bumps Cran making small marks.
Long skirt misses Cran.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 226 
Erwain sings: 'Thar! Rauko! Mor! Ris-Rim! Fuin-Heru! GOR! Gurthgwath!n' (Noituloves deathlore)
Erwain hits Snood and Long skirt with her noituloves deathlore.
Cran reports: Hp: 947 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247569 
Long skirt is in excellent condition.
Snood is in superb condition.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247569 
party report
You tear Snood puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Nepnep horribly shreds Long skirt causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Long skirt successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Snood misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Snood is not fooled that easily!
Snood jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Long skirt misses you.
You successfully parry Long skirt's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1005 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1005 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247569 
party report
Long skirt tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You jab Long skirt causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly the long skirt stops moving and falls to the ground.
Snood tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Snood causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Snood tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran incisively cuts Snood making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Suddenly the snood stops moving and falls to the ground.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 226 
You are prepared to do the skill.
At whom ?
Cran reports: Hp: 1005 (1117) Sp: 459 (964) Ep: 322 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 226 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247997 
Nepnep (party): Snood lost its concentration!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran takes 5 gold coins, one anipium coin and 3 platinum coins.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1060 (1117) Sp: 484 (964) Ep: 327 (517).'
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w, e and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 15 minutes 22 seconds
Experience gained: 1287604
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 24
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 913 Misses: 302 Parries: 384 Ripostes: 262 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 26 Dodges: 329 Tumbles: 52 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247997 
Name: Valkrist Wihattu the dented member of Tinmen < Legio >
Player level: 95                        Experience: 247997
Money: 59.00                            Bank: 12821.13
Explore count: 11640/14819 (E%: 78)     Last reinc: Jun 21 2005
Exp bonus pool: 0                       Pool charged: Thu Sep 15 13:01:16 2005
Task Points: 4                          Reinc Count: 47

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
   1246/1246         47/47             226/404

Str: Dazzling (197++)     Dex: Incredible (100-)    Con: Dazzling (208++)     
Int: Mediocre (63-)       Wis: Average (23-)        
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Large (67)           

You have a crude ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 27 active quests. (14 lq, 7 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Delpers leads the tinmen race.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:226/404 Exp:247997 
Eraser [hockey]: no on tuo sinuhe wallinheimoki aika nimi =)
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This open room has three large windows overlooking the countryside, two in the
east wall and one in the south wall. A large 'X' of heavy boards has been
nailed across each window. The walls around the windows are painted a drab,
greyish shade of olive green. The floor is bare floorboards, which are scuffed
and worn. Three of the corners have potted trees, which have long since died
and dried up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: west.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat opens oak door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This room extends a long ways north and south, but not very far east and west.
Several large pieces of art are on display here, some of which hang from the
walls, others stand in the middle of the room. Three large glowing globes
dangle from thin wires to illuminate the room. The floor is made from marble
tiles, white streaked with grey and black.
Oak door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
Malicat closes oak door with iron fittings.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 233 +7
party report
Nepnep shreds Termite causing toxins to burn the skin.
Nepnep slashes Termite making rib bones snap and crack.
Cran slashes Termite causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Cran reports: Hp: 1060 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 326 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 233 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Termite is noticeably hurt.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
party report
Cran misses Termite.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Termite's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Nepnep swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Cran reports: Hp: 1060 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 326 (517).
Nepnep (party): Unstun Expires. []
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 233 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You thrust Termite causing a kidney to rupture.
You tear Termite making an artery explode.
Termite tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Termite making an arm shrivel from infection.
Nepnep shreds Termite making the brain fail.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 1060 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 326 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 233 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:257638 
Black Belt Ninja shouts 'Raist, I rather enjoyed killing you!'
Cran brings Crawe around in a tight arc that ends in a fountain of Termite's
Termite dies in a massive pool of blood.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
party report
Cran slashes Termite causing the ribcage to corrode.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 233 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran reports: Hp: 1075 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 300 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 233 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:259517 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Cran.
party report
You miss Termite.
The snakes eyes flash brightly for a moment sending a charge down the blade and into Termite's skin.
Nepnep shreds Termite causing toxins to fester on the limbs.
Nepnep slashes Termite making blood cells die and burst.
Cran misses Termite.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1035 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 300 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1035 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 300 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 233 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:233/404 Exp:259517 
You are prepared to do the skill.
Your enemy gasps as you pound a wound across its forehead!
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 201 -32
The termite scuttles about on the floor.
party report
You thrust Termite making rib bones snap and crack.
Cran incisively cuts Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1035 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 300 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 201 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:201/404 Exp:259517 
Gotrek (wanted): tank, blaster for some twiddle
Termite bites Cran right on the leg.
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Termite is dogfood.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 1003 (1117) Sp: 467 (964) Ep: 300 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 201 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:201/404 Exp:261301 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Malicat looks at globes.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 201 
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Spiral (wanted): relo+sex change

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:201/404 Exp:261301 
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 207 +6
Malicat [party]: now trying to figure out how to get gold key
Malicat opens oak door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This open room has three large windows overlooking the countryside, two in the
east wall and one in the south wall. A large 'X' of heavy boards has been
nailed across each window. The walls around the windows are painted a drab,
greyish shade of olive green. The floor is bare floorboards, which are scuffed
and worn. Three of the corners have potted trees, which have long since died
and dried up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with iron fittings.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 206 -1
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 16 minutes 9 seconds
Experience gained: 1300908
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 26
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 916 Misses: 303 Parries: 390 Ripostes: 267 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 26 Dodges: 329 Tumbles: 52 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:261301 
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. The walls of this hall are a
rather sickly olive green, similar to a dying bog plant. A strip of carpet
runs down the middle of the hall that is an equally ugly colour. There are a
total of six paintings on the walls here, three on the east wall and three on
the west wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway. At the east end, it turns to the
south, and at the west end, it turns to the north. The walls have been painted
an ugly olive greenish-grey, and the floor is covered by a carpet of the same
horrid shade of green. As if to make the room even more disturbing, someone
has hung a variety of weapons on the walls as well. Crossed pairs of swords,
axes, and flails act as grisly decorations along the north and south walls.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One zinc coin
A shattered frame of iron axe
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway that turns to the east at the
north end. The walls are plaster painted a deep, dark green, and a finely
woven carpet on the floor is a matching hue. Hanging from the ceiling are
three globe-shaped lanterns, still glowing with a white-yellow light. A
nasty-looking greataxe hangs on the north wall, on a wooden panel.
Birch door painted green (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Cran [party]: -=> thought you knew!
A robust, ghastly weaponsmith shouts 'Halox, I bet that HURT! *RAH RAH*'
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
party report
You miss Table.
The snakes on the sword take exception to your enemy's attack and build a ferocious counter attack.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table inducing toxins which taint the blood.
Cran tries to dodge, but Table is not fooled that easily!
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1007 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 306 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
party report
Table tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
The snakes on the sword take exception to your enemy's attack and build a ferocious counter attack.
Nepnep shreds Table causing toxins to fester on the limbs.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table thumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran tries to dodge, but Table is not fooled that easily!
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table misses Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 965 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 306 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
party report
You incise Table sparking a limb to slice open.
The snakes eyes flash brightly for a moment sending a charge down the blade and into Table's skin.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table inducing a nasty internal infection.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table bumps you making small marks.
Table misses you.
Table thumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table misses Cran.
Hp: 1227 -19 Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
Cran reports: Hp: 924 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 306 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1227 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1227/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
party report
Table howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You thrust Table creating nasty blisters.
Nepnep incises Table making an artery explode.
Cran slashes Table forcing vital tissue to corrode.
Table successfully parries Cran's slash.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
Table bumps you making small marks.
Table misses you.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table misses Nepnep.
Hp: 1211 -16 Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 976 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 306 (517).
Cran [party]: Table got interrupted
Cran thunders 'Hp: 976 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 306 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1237 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1237/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1237 +26 Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Table causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Nepnep.
Cran strikes Table with a mighty blow with his famous blade Crawe, which
slices through armour and bone alike.  Cran cackles malevolently at Table's
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Malicat [party]: no one ever comes with me this far, whine too much about the
Cran reports: Hp: 989 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1237 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1237/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
party report
Table successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep shreds Table inducing a nasty total body infection.
The eyes of Table lose focus slightly.
Cran horribly shreds Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran horribly shreds Table causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Cran successfully parries Table's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Table bumps Cran causing a small scratch.
Table misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table bumps Cran making small marks.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 986 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 986 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 279 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1245 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266127 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Hp: 1245 +8 Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
party report
You miss Table.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly table breaks into zillions of pieces.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table butts Nepnep making small marks.
Hp: 1245  Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
Cran reports: Hp: 986 (1117) Sp: 491 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1245 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266752 
party report
Table tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You tear Table slicing open a gaping wound.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Table misses you.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Cran reports: Hp: 959 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1245 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:266752 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nepnep slashes Table causing a limb to fly off.
Nepnep incises Table inducing a nasty total body infection.
Cran slashes Table making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
The snakes on Serpentyne awaken and latch on to Cran's hand giving Cran a burst of energy as he deals out a flurry of blows on Table
Cran slashes Table causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly table breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 959 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1245 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:267348 
Zograh [party]: :)
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:267348 
Hp: 1245  Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
p say last
Displaying last 20 partys to you.
Cran [party]: -=> did i mention you rock?
[party]: Cran got whacked
[party]: Malicat licks Cran.
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Valkrist [party]: hah cran is licking leader!
Valkrist [party]: damn
Malicat [party]: puzzles I can figure out. Real mobs however, I can't tank. :/
Valkrist [party]: who has brown tongue?
Cran [party]: -=> your mother
Cran [party]: -=> and i have a sparkling ass
Cran [party]: Snood got interrupted
Nepnep (party): Snood lost its concentration!
Nepnep (party): Unstun Expires. []
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Malicat [party]: now trying to figure out how to get gold key
Cran [party]: -=> thought you knew!
Cran [party]: Table got interrupted
Malicat [party]: no one ever comes with me this far, whine too much about the undeads!
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Zograh [party]: :)
Hp:1245/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:267348 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Hp: 1246 +1 Sp: 47  Ep: 206 
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
You tear Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran pierces Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran slashes Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran producing large scratches.
Cran reports: Hp: 962 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Cran [party]: -=> so you never been to those rooms either?
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
party report
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Cran incisively cuts Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing minor frostbite.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza nips Cran making a minor throttling.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 926 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 926 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Malicat [party]: oh yeah, it's him
ta mist
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
No mist here !
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
There's no mist here.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Cran looks at crawe.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Nader Pereza.
party report
You jab Nader Pereza causing small burns.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing minor frostbite.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 854 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: no, I did it first one
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
party report
You tear Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza thrusts Cran sparking a limb to slice open.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 764 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 206 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
ta phantom
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
You are now targetting Nader Pereza.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
You earmark Nader Pereza to be killed by your party, lead by yourself.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:206/404 Exp:272172 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You turn your enemy's lunge aside and pound in one swift movement!
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 182 -24
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza bores you causing a small wound.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you producing large scratches.
Hp: 1125 -121 Sp: 47  Ep: 182 
Cran reports: Hp: 764 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 182 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: found the gold key. :0
Cran [party]: -=> nods
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
Cran reports: Hp: 640 (1117) Sp: 469 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 182 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'ghht zur semen' (Chaos bolt)
Nader Pereza grins as its chaos bolt hits Erwain.
party report
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza making small marks.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making skin fall off from cold.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Cran reports: Hp: 577 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 182 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:182/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh goes 'mmmmm...'.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You fail to analyze the raging combat well enough to get a clear conception of
your foe's resistance to fire damage.
Nader Pereza seems almost immune against physical damage.
p' Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp: 1125  Sp: 47  Ep: 173 -9
party report
You stroke Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 523 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist [party]: Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 173 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Cran [party]: -=> nader has it?
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 397(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1125(1246)   47(  47) 173(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  523(1117)  361( 964) 279(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  286( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  508( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        58735 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  495( 612)  593( 832) 394(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
*Condor spreads its mighty wings.
Nader Pereza shreds air with its hands and screams 'Haii!' (Tiger claw)
Cran's face contorts in pain and he falls to his knees!
Nader Pereza roars victoriously and leaps in for the kill!
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran shreds Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza sticks Nepnep causing skin to slightly freeze.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Nader Pereza!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 619 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 173 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
You are using 'combat damage analysis'.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: yep
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1028(1230)   27(  27) 397(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1125(1246)   47(  47) 173(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  619(1117)  361( 964) 279(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1072(1093)  168( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  459( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        58735 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  495( 612)  593( 832) 394(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Erwain looks at Nader.
*Condor squawks loudly.
party report
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Cran reports: Hp: 605 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 173 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: or, the way to get it
p' cheeeckiiing fire
Valkrist [party]: cheeeckiiing fire
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
You are using 'combat damage analysis'.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1028(1230)   27(  27) 397(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1125(1246)   47(  47) 173(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  605(1117)  361( 964) 279(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1072(1093)  168( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  459( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        58735 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  495( 612)  593( 832) 394(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:173/404 Exp:272172 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You fail to analyze the raging combat well enough to get a clear conception of
your foe's resistance to fire damage.
Nader Pereza seems almost immune against physical damage.
p' Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp: 1125  Sp: 47  Ep: 163 -10
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza shreds air with its hands and screams 'Haii!' (Tiger claw)
Cran's face contorts in pain and he falls to his knees!
Nader Pereza roars victoriously and leaps in for the kill!
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
You tear Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a small wound.
Cran [report]: < Unstun DOWN >
Cran reports: Hp: 552 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist [party]: Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 163 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing lung tissue to freeze.
Nader Pereza nips Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 623 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 163 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Nepnep reports: Hp: 818 (1230) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 397 (352).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
p' if ci can :)
Valkrist [party]: if ci can :)
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
You are using 'combat damage analysis'.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:163/404 Exp:272172 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You fail to analyze the raging combat well enough to get a clear conception of
your foe's resistance to fire damage.
Nader Pereza seems almost immune against physical damage.
p' Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp: 1125  Sp: 47  Ep: 153 -10
party report
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of violet blood flies from Malicat's palm at Nader Pereza!
Cran reports: Hp: 623 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Nepnep (party): Nader Pereza lost its concentration!
Valkrist [party]: Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1125 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 153 (404).
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in excellent shape.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1125/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza bores you causing skin to freeze.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you making a minor throttling.
Hp: 1010 -115 Sp: 47  Ep: 153 
Cran reports: Hp: 623 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1010 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 153 (404).
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
p' well :)
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Valkrist [party]: well :)
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:153/404 Exp:272172 
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
You are prepared to do the skill.
Nader Pereza has some resistance against fire damage.
p' Nader Pereza resists 40% fire.
Nader Pereza seems almost immune against physical damage.
p' Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp: 1010  Sp: 47  Ep: 143 -10
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vaka vanha vainamoinen' (Entropy)
party report
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep making limbs stiffen with ice.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a nasty laceration.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 813 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 279 (517).
Valkrist [party]: Nader Pereza resists 40% fire.
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist [party]: Nader Pereza resists 100% physical.
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1010 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 143 (404).
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
p' trying to check
Valkrist [party]: trying to check
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: shaped
Nepnep reports: Hp: 638 (1230) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 397 (352).
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Cran [report]: Pereza shrugs poison dam (100% resist)
Cran [report]: Pereza shrugs physical dam (100% resist)
Cran [report]: Pereza shrugs acid dam (100% resist)
Cran reports: Hp: 692 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 269 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1010 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 143 (404).
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
*Erwain Haste (1).
p' there you go
Valkrist [party]: there you go
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making skin fall off from cold.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making skin fall off from cold.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing the airway to get smothered.
Erwain [party]: mana goes
Cran reports: Hp: 524 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 269 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1010 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 143 (404).
Hp:1010/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: hrm
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'  
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep sparking a limb to slice open.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing lung tissue to freeze.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing suffocation.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 602 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 269 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 602 (1117) Sp: 361 (964) Ep: 269 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1041 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 143 (404).
Hp:1041/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nepnep reports: Hp: 525 (1230) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 397 (352).
Hp: 1041 +31 Sp: 47  Ep: 143 
party report
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing suffocation.
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep causing suffocation.
Mouse tastes you making small marks.
Mouse misses you.
Rat misses you.
Rat barely scrapes you making small marks.
Hp: 1018 -23 Sp: 47  Ep: 143 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran casts a harming spell on Rat.
Cran reports: Hp: 602 (1117) Sp: 306 (964) Ep: 269 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1018 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 143 (404).
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Apopapopyy [sales]: location of a RARE and HUGE giant crab
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
A broken parts of mahogany table
A shattered remnants of mahogany table
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Llyth shouts 'Alder dies from a single blow, well almost at least!'
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    569893 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 37m  3s) | Exp/min:      5815 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  437(1230)   27(  27) 397(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1018(1246)   47(  47) 143(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  602(1117)  306( 964) 269(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1048(1093)   50( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  323( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        58735 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  510( 612)  250( 832) 394(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
|     878: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     946: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     976: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|     766: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     875: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    4596: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|     930: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|   80883: the misty phantom of Pat Stuart Pereza                             |
|    6618: a battleaxe swoops around in the air                               |
|    5042: a battleaxe swoops around in the air                               |
|    3309: a hideous, drooling dog-sized gecko hangs from the ceiling         |
|    4734: a hideous, drooling dog-sized gecko hangs from the ceiling         |
|    1601: a plaid collar floating about in the air                           |
|    1601: a mint kilt floating about in the air                              |
|    1289: a raven long skirt floating about in the air                       |
|    1224: a teal snood floating about in the air                             |
|   10869: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|   10644: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    3786: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3876: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
This party has killed 120 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4749).
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Cran giggles inanely.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at Table.
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 17 minutes 56 seconds
Experience gained: 1311779
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 28
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 931 Misses: 311 Parries: 394 Ripostes: 270 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 26 Dodges: 332 Tumbles: 53 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat ponders about Nepnep.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus pafzarmus' (Major heal)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
*Erwain Haste (1).
Gidan [wanted]: party for psichan
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
A broken parts of mahogany table
A shattered remnants of mahogany table
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  826(1230)   27(  27) 397(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1018(1246)   47(  47) 143(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  629(1117)  316( 964) 273(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1048(1093)   25( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  196( 833) 241(230) |  70 |        58735 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  510( 612)  250( 832) 394(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1018/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:143/404 Exp:272172 
Hp: 1052 +34 Sp: 47  Ep: 150 +7
Koan [wanted]: offtank for questhelp
Apopapopyy [sales]: mb1k :)
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Erwain [party]: lulling
Cran sacrifices the parts to the dark gods.
Malicat nods solemnly.
You whistle 'kuuurkooootaa.'
Hp:1052/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:150/404 Exp:272172 
Erwain sings 'There is nothing you can do, when you realize with fright, that
 the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight... it's much too late to get
 away, the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight.'
Cran yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Zograh yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Malicat yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Erwain yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Nepnep yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
You yawn mightily and look around for a suitable resting place.
You lie down for a short rest, soothed by the lullaby sung by Erwain.

Mogo [sales]: ooo
Hp: 1093 +41 Sp: 47  Ep: 158 +8
You awaken from your short rest, and feel slightly better.
Nepnep awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Erwain awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Malicat awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Zograh awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Cran awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Hp: 1246 +153 Sp: 47  Ep: 322 +164
Llyth's demon servant shouts 'Septium bites the dust!'
Llyth's demon servant shouts 'Toag died like a DOG!'
Info: Toag dies.
Llyth shouts 'Peelo was just DOGMEAT, who is next?'
Llyth's demon servant shouts 'Croesus no longer causes lag!'
Llyth's demon servant shouts 'Bleezuz died like a DOG!'
Alakhai [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body from Alakhai
Cran [vsa+]: TOAG MUST DIE!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran looks at crawe.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Ghost of Toag [ghost]: raise
You feel almost fully recovered.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 335 +13
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
Dachante [wanted]: party for tank
Kari [ghost]: accept
Cran swings his fist in the air with rage and yell 'CHARGE!'.
Info: Jenming recovers from link death.

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Cran coughs up blood and howls soullessly to satisfy Draen-Dalar.
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
vsa emote agree cran
[vsa+]: SuklaaVallu agrees with Cran fully.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: meni
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!

You lost your earmark on Nader Pereza: You are not the party leader.

Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1092 (1117) Sp: 598 (964) Ep: 420 (517).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nader Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rat is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1126(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45049 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 335(404) |  95 |        67642 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1092(1117)  598( 964) 420(517) | 100 |       227148 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  314( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       104462 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  600( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        58735 |
|*2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  629( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        66857 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Malicat [party]: target nader
party report
Cran horribly shreds Mouse making an arm shrivel from infection.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Rat tastes Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Cran reports: Hp: 1066 (1117) Sp: 598 (964) Ep: 420 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1246 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rat is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Gru [wanted]: party for self heaing loc
ta nader
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
You are now targetting Nader Pereza.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Nader is already wounded, not worth the glory.
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
party report
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Cran.
Rat misses you.
Rat scrapes you making small marks.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Hp: 1234 -12 Sp: 47  Ep: 335 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
Rat bites your leg, digging sharp teeth in.
You SAVE against POISON.
p' Saved against poison.
Mouse tries to bite you, but you are able to avoid the attack.
Cran reports: Hp: 1086 (1117) Sp: 598 (964) Ep: 420 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1086 (1117) Sp: 598 (964) Ep: 420 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1198 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Valkrist [party]: Saved against poison.
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rat is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is slightly hurt.
Rat is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1198/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1198 -36 Sp: 47  Ep: 335 
party report
Cran slashes Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses you.
Rat misses you.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to freeze.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza nips you producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You tear Nader Pereza making small marks.
Hp: 1086 -112 Sp: 47  Ep: 335 
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its mana drain.
You feel weak!!!
Nepnep quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Erwain quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Zograh quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Malicat quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran reports: Hp: 1086 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 420 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1086 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1086/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is in bad shape.
Hp:1086/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1086/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1086/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272172 
Hp: 1086  Sp: 46 -1 Ep: 335 
party report
Cran slashes Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Mouse suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently, then falls to the ground, lifeless.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Rat tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Rat misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Hp: 1086  Sp: 46  Ep: 335 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Rat tries to bite you, but you are able to avoid the attack.
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 420 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1097 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1144 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1144/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272753 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  992(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1144(1246)   46(  47) 335(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1097(1117)  527( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  407( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  586( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1144/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272753 
Gotrek (wanted): members for tasks/exp/twiddle
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1144 +58 Sp: 46  Ep: 335 
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Rat misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vaka vanha vainamoinen' (Entropy)
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1144 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1144/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272753 
party report
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep making a throttling.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat grins as its poison blast hits Nepnep.
Malicat [party]: target dammit cran
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1144 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 335 (404).
Hp:1144/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep (party): Got hit by a poison blast!
pwho kyynel
[ Explorer ] Ealoren Pupunen the grey Elf seeker of Veritas aeterna < ruf zu de
( Assassin ) Era of the Ent forest (idle). < ruf zu den Waffen! >
[ Explorer ] Kyynel the vihhaaja Tinmen turbo lover < ruf zu den Waffen! >
3 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn)
Hp:1144/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:335/404 Exp:272753 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You make a great pounding maneuver, but your enemy blocks your attack.
Hp: 1144  Sp: 46  Ep: 304 -31
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Rat tastes Cran making small marks.
Rat scrapes Cran making small marks.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You thrust Nader Pereza making small marks.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Nepnep reports: Hp: 693 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
Cran reports: Hp: 1085 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1085 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1178 +34 Sp: 46  Ep: 304 
party report
Cran slashes Rat making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Cran successfully parries Rat's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Nepnep slashes Nader Pereza causing an infection.
You tear Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Nader Pereza paralyzes Malicat with its mind.
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
Cran reports: Hp: 1013 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1178 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
[party]: Cran is targeting nader
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep reports: Hp: 693 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1178/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Rat scrapes Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 987 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
[party]: Cran resisted the stun
Cran thunders 'Hp: 987 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1199 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1199/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep reports: Hp: 775 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
Gru [wanted]: typo's are free
Hp: 1199 +21 Sp: 46  Ep: 304 
party report
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza bores you causing skin to slightly freeze.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Hp: 1142 -57 Sp: 46  Ep: 304 
Nader Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Rat bites your leg, digging sharp teeth in.
You SAVE against POISON.
p' Saved against poison.
Cran reports: Hp: 987 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1106 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Valkrist [party]: Saved against poison.
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep reports: Hp: 775 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  775(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1106(1246)   46(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  987(1117)  527( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  331( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  586( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1106/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Hp: 1106 -36 Sp: 46  Ep: 304 
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza making a hand corrode.
Rat tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Rat misses Cran.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to freeze.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
Nepnep slashes Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1028 -78 Sp: 46  Ep: 304 
Cran reports: Hp: 969 (1117) Sp: 527 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1028 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep reports: Hp: 775 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  775(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1028(1246)   46(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  969(1117)  527( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  331( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  586( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You begin your pound, but see a new opportunity and smash your foe with the haft of your weapon!
Hp: 1028  Sp: 46  Ep: 276 -28
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a minor infection.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Nader Pereza causing small burns.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vaka vanha vainamoinen' (Entropy)
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
Cran reports: Hp: 958 (1117) Sp: 474 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1028 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Nepnep reports: Hp: 941 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  941(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1028(1246)   46(  47) 276(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  958(1117)  474( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  282( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  586( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1028/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
Nader Pereza bores you causing a small wound.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Hp: 970 -58 Sp: 46  Ep: 276 
Cran reports: Hp: 958 (1117) Sp: 474 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 970 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:970/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:970/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
party report
Rat misses Cran.
Rat misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
Nader Pereza chortles evilly.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
Cran reports: Hp: 925 (1117) Sp: 474 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 925 (1117) Sp: 474 (964) Ep: 421 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1042 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Damut [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body from damut
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Nepnep reports: Hp: 1013 (1230) Sp: 24 (27) Ep: 352 (352).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1042 +72 Sp: 46  Ep: 276 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rat tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep making a minor throttling.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
The rat's teeth chatter excitedly, clicking loudly.
Rat takes a mutilated lump of Mouse.
Cran reports: Hp: 911 (1117) Sp: 474 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1042 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Cran goes 'Heh'.
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
Rat misses Cran.
Rat misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza nips Cran producing large scratches.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
Nader Pereza fails miserably in its spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 864 (1117) Sp: 414 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
*Erwain Haste (1).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1042 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  882(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1042(1246)   46(  47) 276(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  864(1117)  414( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  244( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  586( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1042/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
*Condor squawks loudly.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Rat tastes Cran making small marks.
Rat misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Rat utters the magic words 'krkx zur semen gnatlnamauch'
Rat hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its poison spray.
Malicat [party]: ane?
Cran reports: Hp: 686 (1117) Sp: 414 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 686 (1117) Sp: 414 (964) Ep: 421 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 853 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:853/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Hp:853/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Nader Pereza is in a good shape.
Rat is in bad shape.
Hp:853/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Hp: 853 -189 Sp: 46  Ep: 276 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
party report
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you inducing a nasty lesion.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you causing skin to freeze.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Nader Pereza causing small burns.
Hp: 744 -109 Sp: 46  Ep: 276 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  745(1230)   24(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol  744(1246)   46(  47) 276(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  686(1117)  414( 964) 421(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  838(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  364( 585)  206( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  395( 612)  486( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:744/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 686 (1117) Sp: 414 (964) Ep: 421 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 744 (1246) Sp: 46 (47) Ep: 276 (404).
Hp:744/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Erwain aborts the spell casting.
Nepnep (party): Full SPs
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  769(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol  744(1246)   46(  47) 276(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  713(1117)  441( 964) 426(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  838(1093)  262( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  364( 585)  206( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  395( 612)  486( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:744/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> what a bastard
Tiger master assassin shouts 'Someone died on his knees!'
Malicat [party]: yo
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
p' hey cran use your sps :)
Valkrist [party]: hey cran use your sps :)
Hp:744/1246 Sp:46/47 Ep:276/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You sizzle with magical energy.
p' Full SPs
Hp: 778 +34 Sp: 47 +1 Ep: 284 +8
Valkrist [party]: Full SPs
Hp:778/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  959(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol  778(1246)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  713(1117)  416( 964) 426(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  857(1093)  282( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  364( 585)  157( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  411( 612)  559( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:778/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping,
 angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds guard are keeping? This, this
 is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to
 bring him laude the babe, the son of Mary!'
Erwain's song heals some of your wounds.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1077(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol  889(1246)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  814(1117)  416( 964) 426(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  955(1093)  282( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  476( 585)  157( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  515( 612)  475( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:889/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
Hp: 889 +111 Sp: 47  Ep: 284 
Myrier roars victoriously as Air dies shamefully!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh's spell makes you feel much better!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1078 +189 Sp: 47  Ep: 284 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1077(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1078(1246)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1004(1117)  416( 964) 426(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  955(1093)  282( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  476( 585)   59( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  515( 612)  475( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1078/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
*Condor cocks its head to the side.
Zograh traces fiery golden runes in mid-air '$ !^' (Drain pool)
The golden sigla form a link between Zograh and the magical druidic pool. You
 sense power flowing between them.
Exp: 272753 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1078/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    573493 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 40m  9s) | Exp/min:      5678 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1111(1230)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1078(1246)   47(  47) 284(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1038(1117)  485( 964) 433(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr  982(1093)  324( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  481( 585)  240( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  515( 612)  475( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1078/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:284/404 Exp:272753 
Cran [party]: -=> naah
Cran aborts the spell casting.
Hp: 1123 +45 Sp: 47  Ep: 293 +9
Cran [party]: -=> i might need them
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Malicat [party]: my ex just emailed me. :P

Hp:1123/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:293/404 Exp:272753 
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
You ack.
Hp:1123/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:293/404 Exp:272753 
Cran [party]: -=> oookay? :)
Info: Mystic goes link dead.
*Condor is sooo cool.

Hp:1123/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:293/404 Exp:272753 
Hp: 1179 +56 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 +11
Info: Campion recovers from link death.

Hp:1179/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Malicat [party]: on tick for zograh
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Zograh.
Zograh [party]: Full HPs
Zograh nods her head, yeah, ok.
Malicat [party]: meni
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 588 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nepnep (party): Stat curse gone.
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 588 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1179 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1179/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 

Hp:1179/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
party report
Cran slashes Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully parries Rat's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rat misses Cran.
Nader Pereza thrusts Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep making a throttling.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza making small marks.
Hp: 1233 +54 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 588 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1233 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1233/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Cran [party]: -=> heh, sh
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza stabs a finger accusingly.
party report
Rat misses Nepnep.
Rat barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you making a throttling.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you making a minor throttling.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you rive Nader Pereza inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Hp: 1118 -115 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 588 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1118 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1118/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1118/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Zograh [party]: :P
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza nips you making a minor throttling.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Hp: 1105 -13 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 588 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1105/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain [party]: Quick lips (3)
Malicat [party]: told you I wanted mage. :)
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza traces transparent watery runes on the ground with its Staff of
Druids '# !#' (Create mud)
Nader Pereza falters and loses its spell.
party report
Cran slashes Nader Pereza making a hand corrode.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Rat tries to bite Nepnep, but misses.
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 528 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1105/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 

Hp:1105/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza perforates you inducing a nasty lesion.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza nips you making a minor throttling.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Hp: 987 -118 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Cran reports: Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 528 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 987 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:987/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Gru [wanted]: bcrown,spider mask,spider gloves,reaver gloves, swordsmanship
 gloves,circlet of flame
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
Cran successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Grinning diabolically Rat thrusts Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a small wound.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Hp: 1074 +87 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat grins as its poison blast hits Erwain.
Cran reports: Hp: 877 (1117) Sp: 528 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
[party]: Cran got whacked
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain falters and loses her spell.
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Rat misses you.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making limbs stiffen with ice.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran making a throttling.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 696 (1117) Sp: 528 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making skin fall off from cold.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making an artery explode.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
Rat fails miserably in its spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 543 (1117) Sp: 468 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'   
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran successfully parries Rat's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making an artery explode.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing suffocation.
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Cran reports: Hp: 425 (1117) Sp: 468 (964) Ep: 450 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat swaps the places of Malicat and Cran.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol 1163(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45471 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1074(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68303 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1093(1093)  447( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       105094 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  425(1117)  468( 964) 450(517) | 100 |       227830 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  380( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        59285 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  526( 612)  432( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67510 |
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272753 
Malicat [party]: meni
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
A combusted remains of Rat
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 425 (1117) Sp: 468 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Hp: 1074  Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Nader Pereza is slightly hurt.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you rive Nader Pereza inducing a nasty lesion.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nepnep swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Cran reports: Hp: 425 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Nepnep (party): Unstun Expires. []
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
*Erwain Haste (1).
You hear birds tweeting through the curtain.
party report
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Nader Pereza causing small burns.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Grinning diabolically Malicat rives Nader Pereza making limbs stiffen with ice.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite tastes Malicat causing a small scratch.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
Termite misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep causing skin to slightly freeze.
Bending reality around its sharp edge, sirE warps Malicat right behind Nader
Pereza.  Catching it unawares, she delivers a strong blow to Nader Pereza's
unprotected back!
Cran reports: Hp: 425 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1074 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Nader Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Hp:1074/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite sinks its teeth into Malicat's weapon arm!
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Malicat tears Nader Pereza making small marks.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing skin to freeze.
Hp: 1067 -7 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza traces transparent watery runes on the ground with its Staff of
Druids '# !#' (Create mud)
Nader Pereza mumbles something inconceivable.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 508 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  917(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1095(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  879(1093)  447( 503) 518(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  508(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  342( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  539( 612)  332( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 508 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1095 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh goes 'Ooooo...'.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1095 +28 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Termite fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'myarhees'
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
Termite misses Malicat.
Termite misses Malicat.
Termite bites Malicat producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Cran reports: Hp: 508 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1095 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Nader Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  917(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1095(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  846(1093)  447( 503) 518(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  508(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  342( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  539( 612)  332( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
You incise Nader Pereza making small marks.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing an infection.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Malicat's slash.
Grinning diabolically Termite splits Malicat causing a NASTY head wound.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
Termite bites Malicat producing large scratches.
Termite bites Malicat producing large scratches.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's bite.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
Cran reports: Hp: 508 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1095 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Nepnep (party): Nader Pereza lost its concentration!
*Erwain Haste (1).
Zograh looks at Nader.
Nader Pereza is noticeably hurt.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  917(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1095(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  600(1093)  429( 503) 518(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  508(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  342( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  539( 612)  332( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1095/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Malicat.
Termite tries to bite Malicat, but misses.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Malicat's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Malicat strikes Nader Pereza with a mighty blow with her famous blade sirE,
which slices through armour and bone alike.  Malicat cackles malevolently at
Nader Pereza's discomfort.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1115 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  860(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1115(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  556(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  304( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  549( 612)  232( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Hp: 1115 +20 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
party report
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Malicat incises Nader Pereza producing a minor chill.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nepnep successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'    
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1115 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Termite is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Info: Vendar is unidle.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  697(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1115(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  556(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  304( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  549( 612)  232( 832) 384(384) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Mouse tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing suffocation.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza traces transparent watery runes on the ground with its Staff of
Druids '# !#' (Create mud)
Nader Pereza turns the ground beneath Erwain into mud.
Erwain falls down, arms flailing, helplessly into the mudpit.
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1115 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Nepnep reports: Hp: 583 (1230) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 351 (372).
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  583(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1115(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  556(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  304( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  549( 612)  132( 832) 384(283) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1115/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Malicat.
party report
Termite misses you.
Termite scrapes you making small marks.
Termite tastes you causing a small scratch.
Mouse tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Malicat's slash.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite tastes Nepnep producing large scratches.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite tastes you causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza thrusts Malicat causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Malicat successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza scrapes Malicat causing lung tissue to freeze.
Hp: 1062 -53 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Zograh traces fiery red runes on her gem '& ^' (Gem fire)
A beam of multi-hued firelight springs from Zograh's gem.
Zograh grins as her gem fire hits Nader Pereza.
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (964) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1062 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1062/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nepnep reports: Hp: 531 (1230) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 351 (372).
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1062/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  531(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1062(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  283(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  224( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 2.3   Erwain        fol  549( 612)  132( 832) 384(283) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:1062/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED.
Wood door with iron fittings closes.
Valkrist [party]: Got AMBUSHED!
Hp:1062/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Zograh is now in the 1st row.
party report
Termite misses Erwain.
Termite scrapes Erwain causing a small scratch.
Termite bites Erwain producing large scratches.
Mouse tastes you making small marks.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite bites Erwain causing a small wound.
Termite misses Erwain.
Termite tastes Erwain producing large scratches.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
You try to dodge, but Termite is not fooled.
Termite scrapes you causing a small scratch.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza perforates Erwain causing a leg freeze and shatter.
Nader Pereza perforates Erwain inducing the air to leave the lungs.
Nader Pereza scrapes Erwain causing muscle tissue to freeze.
Erwain misses Termite.
Erwain spanks Termite making small marks.
Termite tries to dodge, but Erwain is not fooled that easily!
Erwain spanks Termite causing a minor twiddling.
Termite successfully dodges Erwain's batter.
Hp: 1031 -31 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1031 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:1031/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Mudpit full of thick oozing mud
A combusted remains of Rat
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon [inside the mudpit looking miserable] < Legio >
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1031/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
The termite scuttles about on the floor.
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
An acid arrow hits you.
p' Got hit by an acid arrow!
Hp: 873 -158 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
party report
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite tastes Erwain causing a nasty laceration.
Termite scrapes Erwain inducing a nasty lesion.
Termite misses Erwain.
Erwain tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Erwain inducing the heart to totally freeze.
Nader Pereza perforates Erwain causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nader Pereza scrapes Erwain inducing the heart to totally freeze.
Erwain lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
p' Erwain goes unconscious!
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza screams with frustration as its spell fails.
Valkrist [party]: Got hit by an acid arrow!
Hp:873/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 873 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:873/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Valkrist [party]: Erwain goes unconscious!
Hp:873/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat [party]: n
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Mudpit full of thick oozing mud
A combusted remains of Rat
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
Erwain is unconscious and needs immediate medical care
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:873/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
You cannot go that way.
Hp:873/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Erwain.
Termite bites Erwain on the back of the hand!
Erwain suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently, then falls to the ground, lifeless.
Erwain is DEAD, R.I.P.
Erwain dies.
Erwain's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
party report
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite bites you causing a small scratch.
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
You successfully parry Termite's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
You successfully dodge Termite's claw.
You try to dodge, but Termite is not fooled.
Termite bites you causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza bores you making a throttling.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Hp: 772 -101 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 772 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat [party]: N
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Mudpit full of thick oozing mud
A combusted remains of Rat
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
You open wood door with iron fittings.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
You close wood door with iron fittings.
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  531(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  224( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  283(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67694 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr  772(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
You start following the leader in a new place.
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  531(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  224( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  283(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  592(1117)  455( 964) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  772(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Wood door with iron fittings opens.
Termite arrives from south.
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
Malicat successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's bite.
Nepnep misses Termite.
Nepnep shreds Termite causing cankers to form on the skin.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Zograh misses Termite.
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Termite closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 772 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: how the hell did you get ambushed?
Tonto (hockey): kuopiossa ainakin tehdään maaleja
party report
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite successfully parries Zograh's punch.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Malicat misses Termite.
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 772 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
party report
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite scrapes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small wound.
Termite successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Nepnep slashes Termite causing the lungs to become poisoned.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Malicat misses Termite.
Asael [wanted]: party for tank
Cran reports: Hp: 592 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 772 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:772/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
party report
Termite tastes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite successfully dodges Zograh's punch.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  589(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  126( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  431(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  688(1117)  455(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  859(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Cran reports: Hp: 688 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 859 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 688 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Termite is slightly hurt.
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Cran [party]: -=> they suck
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  589(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  126( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  431(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  688(1117)  455(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  859(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Malicat.
Hp: 859 +87 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
party report
Grinning diabolically Termite gnaws Malicat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Termite scrapes Malicat causing a kidney to rupture.
Termite misses Malicat.
Nepnep shreds Termite causing skin to die from toxins.
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Termite's eyes nearly blinding Termite.
Nepnep horribly shreds Termite causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Zograh misses Termite.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Malicat incises Termite causing brain tissue to melt.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran reports: Hp: 688 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 859 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
p say last
Displaying last 20 partys to you.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Zograh [party]: :P
Erwain [party]: Quick lips (3)
Malicat [party]: told you I wanted mage. :)
[party]: Cran got whacked
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
Malicat [party]: meni
Nepnep (party): Unstun Expires. []
Nepnep (party): Nader Pereza lost its concentration!
Valkrist [party]: Got AMBUSHED!
Valkrist [party]: Got hit by an acid arrow!
Valkrist [party]: Erwain goes unconscious!
Malicat [party]: n
Malicat [party]: N
Malicat [party]: how the hell did you get ambushed?
Cran [party]: -=> they suck
Hp:859/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Malicat [party]: much on erwain?
You are prepared to do the skill.
Your opponent is standing in a rank too far away from you.
party report
Termite tastes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Malicat shreds Termite causing brain cells to freeze.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 729 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 729 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 896 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Nips [wanted]: ah red wall
Termite tries to bite Malicat, but misses.
Hp: 896 +37 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
party report
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep incises Termite causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Nepnep misses Termite.
Zograh misses Termite.
Zograh misses Termite.
Malicat incises Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran reports: Hp: 729 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  629(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        45590 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)   88( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        59440 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  167(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       105765 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  729(1117)  455(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       228022 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  896(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        68489 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67694 |
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 896 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Termite is near death.
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:272935 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Termite misses Zograh.
Termite scrapes Zograh causing a small scratch.
Termite misses Zograh.
Zograh misses Termite.
Zograh misses Termite.
Termite tries to dodge, but Malicat is not fooled that easily!
Malicat incises Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
A large hole replaces Termite's face.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 729 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 896 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 304 (404).
Hp:896/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:274763 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran takes one gold coin and a mutilated corpse of Termite.
Hp: 896  Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 770 (1117) Sp: 455 (1008) Ep: 450 (517).'
p' well erwain was in pit
Valkrist [party]: well erwain was in pit
Hp:933/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:274763 
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  693(1230)   27(  27) 351(372) |  45 |        46859 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  568( 585)   50( 833) 229(230) |  70 |        61095 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  249(1093)  429( 503) 491(545) |  80 |       108014 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  770(1117)  455(1008) 450(517) | 100 |       230072 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  933(1246)   47(  47) 304(404) |  95 |        70477 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67695 |
Hp:933/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:304/404 Exp:274763 
Hp: 933 +37 Sp: 47  Ep: 304 
Cran [party]: -=> ah
Malicat [party]: ahh, missed that.
You watch in horror as Cran begins disembowling a corpse then
proceeds to strew blood and entrails about with glee.
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Hp: 944 +11 Sp: 47  Ep: 315 +11
Hp:944/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:315/404 Exp:274763 
*Condor cocks its head to the side.
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  729(1230)   27(  27) 371(372) |  45 |        46859 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  133( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        61095 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  279(1093)  456( 503) 514(545) |  80 |       108014 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  808(1117)  484(1008) 442(517) | 100 |       230072 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol  944(1246)   47(  47) 315(404) |  95 |        70477 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67695 |
Hp:944/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:315/404 Exp:274763 
Malicat [party]: ok have to leave to get him out, erwain, get from outside
Cran quits following the leader.
Zograh quits following the leader.
Nepnep quits following the leader.
You stop following the leader.
Malicat leaves west.
Ghost of Erwain [ghost]: ress
Malicat arrives from west.
Dachante [wanted]: party for tank
Hp: 980 +36 Sp: 47  Ep: 322 +7
Malicat [party]: heal me up fast first
Malicat reports: Hp: 279 (1093) Sp: 456 (503) Ep: 514 (545).
Kari [ghost]: accept
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
An impaled corpse
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Malicat.
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  393(1093)  502( 503) 533(545) |  80 |       108014 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr  808(1117)  454(1008) 442(517) | 100 |       230072 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  133( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        61095 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67695 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr  729(1230)   27(  27) 371(372) |  45 |        46859 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr  980(1246)   47(  47) 322(404) |  95 |        70477 |
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  393(1093)  502( 503) 533(545) |  80 |       108014 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr  840(1117)  526(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       230072 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  133( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        61095 |
| ?.?   Erwain       dead    1( 596)   32( 776) 384(362) |  93 |        67695 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr  729(1230)   27(  27) 371(372) |  45 |        46859 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr  980(1246)   47(  47) 322(404) |  95 |        70477 |
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Malicat.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Malicat.
Yason [wanted]: conju for prots, paying 10k
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Wood door with iron fittings opens.
Termite arrives from south.
Termite exclaims 'I guess last time wasn't enough for you, Malicat!'
party report
Cran tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Termite scrapes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Malicat incises Termite making limbs stiffen with ice.
Cran horribly shreds Termite causing a kidney to rupture.
Termite successfully dodges Zograh's punch.
Zograh spanks Termite making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Termite snapping a collarbone.
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Termite closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 804 (1117) Sp: 496 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 980 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (404).
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
party report
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
Reality warps about Termite as Crawe brings chaos magic to bear.
Cran incisively cuts Termite causing a sick amount of disgusting wounds.
Zograh misses Termite.
Termite successfully dodges Zograh's punch.
Nepnep shreds Termite causing limbs to die and fall off from toxins.
You incise Termite crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Cran reports: Hp: 804 (1117) Sp: 496 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 980 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (404).
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
Cran starts following the leader.
Zograh starts following the leader.
Nepnep starts following the leader.
You start following the leader in your old place.
party report
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Malicat incises Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Zograh misses Termite.
Termite successfully dodges Zograh's punch.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Malicat.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh fails miserably in her spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 804 (1117) Sp: 466 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 980 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (404).
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:274763 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Termite misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite bites Malicat causing a small scratch.
Malicat shreds Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Termite is dogfood.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 804 (1117) Sp: 466 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).
Malicat [party]: gnn
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 980 (1246) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (404).
Hp:980/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/404 Exp:276057 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Gotrek (wanted): some guys for few tasks
Zograh [party]: swamp me,valkrist
You feel almost fully recovered.
Hp: 1013 +33 Sp: 47  Ep: 328 +6
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Malicat.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 865 (1117) Sp: 436 (1008) Ep: 449 (517).'
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  807(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| 1.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  150( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  878(1093)  502( 503) 533(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  865(1117)  436(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| 2.2   Valkrist      fol 1058(1246)   47(  47) 328(404) |  95 |        71948 |
| ?.?   Erwain        mbr  101( 596)  132( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67696 |
Hp:1058/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/404 Exp:276057 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1058 +45 Sp: 47  Ep: 328 
Malicat swaps the places of you and Zograh.
Cran [party]: -=> i could tank also
| 1.1   Nepnep        fol  807(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1058(1246)   47(  47) 328(404) |  95 |        71948 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  878(1093)  502( 503) 533(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  865(1117)  436(1008) 449(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| 2.2   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  150( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| ?.?   Erwain        mbr  101( 596)  132( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67696 |
Hp:1058/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/404 Exp:276057 
Zograh [party]: swap even
You smirk.
Hp:1058/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/404 Exp:276057 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Cran [party]: -=> i promise!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat swaps the places of Malicat and Cran.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Azhuul [wanted]: summon
Cran quits following the leader.
Zograh quits following the leader.
Nepnep quits following the leader.
You stop following the leader.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1009 (1117) Sp: 431 (1008) Ep: 454 (517).'
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Malicat [party]: going to get erwain
Hp: 1107 +49 Sp: 47  Ep: 339 +11
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Malicat.

Hp:1107/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:339/404 Exp:276057 
Malicat leaves west.
Zograh slows down a lot, struck by lag.
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1031(1093)  503( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr 1020(1117)  412(1008) 465(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  183( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| ?.?   Erwain        mbr  594( 596)  210( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67696 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr  895(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1107(1246)   47(  47) 339(404) |  95 |        71948 |
Hp:1107/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:339/404 Exp:276057 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Hp:1107/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:339/404 Exp:276057 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Hp: 1151 +44 Sp: 47  Ep: 348 +9
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Acennan [wanted]: +5wis or +5dex equ
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.

Hp:1151/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:348/404 Exp:276057 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1117 (1117) Sp: 373 (1008) Ep: 471 (517).'
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh [party]: tickings
Malicat [party]: got reloc erwain?
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Erwain [party]: nog
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran's spell makes you feel really much better!
Malicat [party]: reloc to me
Hp: 1241 +90 Sp: 47  Ep: 348 
Malicat moves to the middle of 1st row.
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1246 +5 Sp: 47  Ep: 360 +12
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Cran falters and loses his spell.
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
| 1.2   Malicat       ldr 1056(1093)  499( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr 1117(1117)  293(1008) 482(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  296( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| ?.?   Erwain        mbr  596( 596)  340( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67696 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1246(1246)   47(  47) 360(404) |  95 |        71948 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
| 1.2   Malicat       ldr 1084(1093)  503( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr 1117(1117)  395(1008) 490(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  296( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| ?.?   Erwain        mbr  596( 596)  340( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67696 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1246(1246)   47(  47) 360(404) |  95 |        71948 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
Info: Lythlandria left the game.
tell last
Displaying last tells to you.
(18:47) Cran tells Erwain and you 'tää osaa koko'
(18:49) Cran tells Erwain and you 'häh?'
(18:49) Cran tells Erwain and you ':)'
(18:54) Erwain tells you 'mitä se repäs ton 59?'
(18:54) Erwain tells you 'nonni.. sisäpiiritietoo'
(18:55) @Descent smiles at you.
(18:55) Descent tells you 'mikä o paras tyyppi näist'
(18:55) Descent tells you 'eiks earth oo physsressi'
(18:57) Descent tells you '4.4k ku tein 3 questii :D'
(18:57) Descent tells you 'kaikki jotka voi tehä sekunnis'
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
Nailon-Nepu (vsa+): ihhana kyl tää mun ukko, toimii partis ihan kivasti
 kuitenki jo
Erwain starts following the leader.
Malicat guides Erwain to the middle of 2nd row.
Damut [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body from damut
Malicat [party]: ok, coming back in
vsa snickers taitaa saada hyvin explorea
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: snickers taitaa saada hyvin explorea
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/404 Exp:276057 
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 382 +22
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 26 minutes 6 seconds
Experience gained: 1315664
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 28
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 947 Misses: 328 Parries: 420 Ripostes: 289 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 28 Dodges: 346 Tumbles: 59 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:382/404 Exp:276057 
| 1.2   Malicat       ldr 1074(1093)  503( 503) 544(545) |  80 |       109689 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  596( 596)  295( 776) 361(362) |  93 |        67696 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr 1117(1117)  395(1008) 490(517) | 100 |       231589 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  443( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62320 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47799 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1246(1246)   47(  47) 382(404) |  95 |        71948 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:382/404 Exp:276057 
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Nailon-Nepu (vsa+): joo ohan tota taas tullu
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Erwain [party]: NOSP Jumalauta!

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:382/404 Exp:276096 
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 382 
| 1.2   Malicat       ldr  981(1093)  503( 503) 544(545) |  80 |       109851 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  596( 596)  152( 776) 361(362) |  93 |        67828 |
| ?.?   Cran          mbr 1117(1117)  451(1008) 499(517) | 100 |       231634 |
| ?.?   Zograh        mbr  585( 585)  530( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62357 |
| ?.?   Nepnep        mbr 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47827 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1246(1246)   47(  47) 382(404) |  95 |        71992 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:382/404 Exp:276096 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
Malicat [party]: don't cast erwain, just making sure you dont' get ambushed
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 395 +13
Cordoba [sales]: vampiric sash of yavie +4dex mb80k

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:395/404 Exp:276131 
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Gotrek (wanted): tank for shiesse
Hp: 1246  Sp: 47  Ep: 404 +9
Info: Twomi is unidle.
p' yep
Valkrist [party]: yep
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:276131 
p' he got crappy dex
Valkrist [party]: he got crappy dex
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:276131 
Erwain [party]: nog
Malicat arrives from west.
Erwain arrives from west.
Cran starts following the leader.
Zograh starts following the leader.
Nepnep starts following the leader.
You start following the leader in a new place.
Nailon-Nepu (vsa+): just tälläsiin mestoihin pääsekkää ku partil, eioo
 kuitenkaa enää montaa mestaa johon uskaltas mennä kikkailee soolona ilman
Sareth [wanted]: repubarb,tigerspider,channupsi,conjumage,tarmadruid/nun for
Malicat swaps the places of you and Zograh.

Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Malicat       ldr 1007(1093)  490( 503) 527(545) |  80 |       109993 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1117(1117)  650(1008) 517(517) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47851 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  596( 596)  332( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  658( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:276131 
Malicat swaps the places of Malicat and Nepnep.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1246(1246)   47(  47) 404(404) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1230(1230)   27(  27) 372(372) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1117(1117)  556(1008) 517(517) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1032(1093)  503( 503) 545(545) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  596( 596)  332( 776) 362(362) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  585( 585)  658( 833) 230(230) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1246/1246 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/404 Exp:276131 
Malicat looks up and lazily asks 'Mrow?'.
Malicat [party]: warez
Cran [party]: -=> NO FEAR!
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain [party]: Ensemble Incoming
[party]: Cran rock
Nailon-Nepu (vsa+): 37 plore jo kuiski
[party]: Cran sniffles.
[party]: Cran starts moshing.
*Erwain Haste (1).
Caped [hockey]: moneltas s/m liigan pelit alkaa?
Erwain [party]: destination darkness
Erwain sings: 'War is TOTAL massacre, sport the war, war SUPPOORT!!!'
Erwain is full of battle rage!
Malicat is full of battle rage!
You feel full of battle rage! Victory is CERTAIN!
party say War Ensemble Active.
Nepnep is full of battle rage!
Zograh is full of battle rage!
Cran is full of battle rage!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [report]: ( War Ensemble ON ) {Caster Erwain}
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Active.
Hp:1246/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/406 Exp:276131 
Nepnep (party): War Ensemble Active.
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Active.
Cran [party]: -=> girl
[party]: Malicat pets Cran on the head.
[party]: Erwain sings beautifully.
Zograh utters the magic words 'Paxus' (Unstun)
Zograh's chanting appears to do absolutely nothing.
party say Unstun Active.
Valkrist [party]: Unstun Active.
Hp:1246/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:404/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Gildron (hockey): eka erä pelattu jo
Cran [party]: -=> you lived your life like a sleeping swan
Hp: 1300 +54 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 +2
Cran [party]: -=> your time is come
Zograh utters the magic words 'Paxus' (Unstun)
vsa 5-1 sport fps
Caped [hockey]: okok
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: 5-1 sport fps
Hp:1300/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Nepnep (party): Unstun Active.
Cran [party]: -=> to go deeper
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> girl
Clubbo, the HUGE Troll shouts 'I butchered Nuubi for breakfast, who's up for
Zograh utters the magic words 'Paxus' (Unstun)
Zograh's chanting appears to do absolutely nothing.
party say Unstun Active.
Valkrist [party]: Unstun Active.
Hp:1300/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh utters the magic words 'Paxus' (Unstun)
Cran [party]: -=> the final journey has just begun
Malicat [party]: goes on heals
*Condor is sooo cool.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.

Hp:1300/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran [party]: -=> destiny chose to leave her
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1300(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1310(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1168(1225)  659(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1076(1233)  503( 503) 547(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  622( 712)  393( 776) 366(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  598( 777)  437( 833) 238(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1300/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Malicat [party]: no music quoting, or I start.
Cran [party]: -=> no fear
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1212 (1225) Sp: 756 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1404 +104 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
A robust, ghastly weaponsmith shouts 'Zerks was just DOGMEAT, who is next?'
Cran [party]: -=> destination darkness
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1404(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1335(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1212(1225)  756(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1155(1233)  503( 503) 547(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  648( 712)  393( 776) 366(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  650( 777)  399( 833) 238(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1404/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran [party]: -=> no fear
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel much better.
eye cran
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1219 (1225) Sp: 756 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).'
You eye Cran suspiciously.
Hp:1439/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran [party]: -=> destination darkness
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1439 +35 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Cran [party]: -=> (quoting realtime
Cran [party]: -=> no fear
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1439(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1371(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1219(1225)  756(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1198(1229)  398( 500) 547(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  685( 712)  393( 776) 366(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  724( 777)  361( 833) 238(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1439/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Malicat [party]: meni
Cran [party]: -=> girl
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1225 (1225) Sp: 756 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).'
Malicat [party]: target nadar again
Hp: 1464 +25 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
Mudpit full of thick oozing mud
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1225 (1225) Sp: 767 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> i refuse
You are targetting Nader Pereza.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Mouse is not fooled that easily!
Mouse nibbles Nepnep making small marks.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite tastes Nepnep making small marks.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
The snakes eyes flash brightly for a moment sending a charge down the blade and into Nader Pereza's skin.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1106 (1225) Sp: 767 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1464 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    591880 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 47m 41s) | Exp/min:      5480 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1464(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1352(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1106(1225)  767(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  409( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  555( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  471( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran looks at Nader.
party report
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Cran successfully parries Termite's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite scrapes Cran making small marks.
Termite bites Cran causing a small scratch.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to slightly freeze.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you making a minor throttling.
Nader Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Hp: 1280 -184 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
Cran reports: Hp: 1064 (1225) Sp: 767 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran looks at crawe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1280 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1280/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1280(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1352(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1064(1225)  767(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  409( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  555( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  471( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1280/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
An acid arrow hits you.
p' Got hit by an acid arrow!
party report
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
You successfully dodge Mouse's claw.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite tastes Nepnep making small marks.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Hp: 1145 -135 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1225) Sp: 767 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Malicat [party]: dont' make me bitchslap you cran
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1097 (1225) Sp: 767 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist [party]: Got hit by an acid arrow!
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1223 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
Mudpit full of thick oozing mud
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
Mouse screams with frustration as its spell fails.
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse misses Cran.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Hp: 1223 +78 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Cran points toward an object and shouts 'Gawd DAMN IT!' (Damn armament)
Cran calls a curse upon crawe.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Cordoba [sales]: sash is AWE
Cran reports: Hp: 1040 (1225) Sp: 668 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1223 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1223(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1338(1397)   27(  27) 384(384) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1040(1225)  661(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  409( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  455( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  433( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1223/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Termite delivers a painful bite to the back of your hand!
party report
Mouse tastes Nepnep making small marks.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Smiling devilishly Nader Pereza savagely strikes Cran causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Grinning diabolically Nepnep uncontrollably slashes Nader Pereza making rib bones snap and crack.
You jab Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1168 -55 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its mana drain.
You feel weak!!!
Nepnep quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Erwain quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Malicat quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1168 (1464) Sp: 45 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1168/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran reports: Hp: 591 (1225) Sp: 614 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Mouse fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza making skin bubble and sizzle.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite misses Nepnep.
Termite bites Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to freeze.
Nader Pereza bores you making a throttling.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
Hp: 1038 -130 Sp: 45 -2 Ep: 406 
Nader Pereza chortles evilly.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'     
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 658 (1225) Sp: 614 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 658 (1225) Sp: 614 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1464) Sp: 45 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Nepnep (party): Got a Stat curse!
Pradedek [sales]: A tiny emerald disc mb 1k
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1105(1464)   45(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1278(1278)   26(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  658(1225)  614(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  334( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  303( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  395( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
party report
You miss Nader Pereza.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a nasty laceration.
You successfully dodge Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1105 +67 Sp: 45  Ep: 406 
Cran reports: Hp: 525 (1225) Sp: 614 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1464) Sp: 45 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1105(1464)   45(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1278(1278)   26(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  525(1225)  614(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  334( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  303( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  395( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Termite fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'myarhees'
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Mouse tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its mana drain.
You feel weak!!!
Nepnep quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Erwain quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Zograh quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Malicat quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran reports: Hp: 511 (1225) Sp: 554 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1105(1464)   37(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1149(1278)   17(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  511(1225)  554(1008) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  270( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  166( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  387( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Killergum [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body
party report
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Cran slashes Nader Pereza causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse misses Cran.
Hp: 1105  Sp: 37 -8 Ep: 406 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Trench [wanted]: +dex,+dodge,+dam stuff
Cran reports: Hp: 693 (1225) Sp: 554 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1105/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nader Pereza howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Nader Pereza making hair burn.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Termite's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza bores you producing large scratches.
Your marvellous sense of combat prevents your ring from getting scratched.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Mouse misses Cran.
Hp: 1072 -33 Sp: 37  Ep: 406 
Cran reports: Hp: 693 (1225) Sp: 554 (1008) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1072 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:1072/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cordoba [sales]: pb 80k x1
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1072/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1072/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
Mouse falters and loses its spell.
Mouse squeaks like a mouse.
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite fails miserably in its spell.
Mouse fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
Mouse squeaks like a mouse.
party report
You tear Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Nader Pereza's eyes nearly blinding Nader Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran slashes Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Mouse is not fooled that easily!
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
You try to dodge, but Termite is not fooled.
Termite bites you causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza bores you causing skin to freeze.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
You successfully dodge Mouse's bite.
Mouse barely scrapes you making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Hp: 978 -94 Sp: 37  Ep: 406 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'nitin uurthg' (Feeblemind)
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 833 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 978 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:978/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:978/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You jab Nader Pereza making hair burn.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing skin to freeze.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:978/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran reports: Hp: 823 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 978 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 406 (406).
Hp:978/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol  978(1464)   37(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  910(1278)   17(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  823(1225)  494( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  270( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)   66( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  289( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:978/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Erwain [party]: NOSP Jumalauta!
Mouse fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
Termite tries to bite Cran, but misses.
Mouse bites Cran right on the leg.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Mouse nibbles you making small marks.
Mouse misses you.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite scrapes Cran causing a small scratch.
Termite misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza thrusts Cran making an artery explode.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Mouse tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Mouse misses Cran.
Hp: 963 -15 Sp: 37  Ep: 406 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You LUNGE, pounp' fails to touch
ding your enemy HARD on the temple, causing a deep purple welt.
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 963  Sp: 37  Ep: 375 -31
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 729 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1044 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 375 (406).
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 729 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist [party]: fails to touch
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Cran [party]: -=> bs!
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cordoba [sales]: x2x3 and
p' always
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing minor frostbite.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing minor frostbite.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Mouse tastes Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Hp: 1044 +81 Sp: 37  Ep: 375 
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Nader Pereza paralyzes Malicat with its mind.
Cran reports: Hp: 608 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist [party]: always
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1044 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 375 (406).
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Nepnep starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1044(1464)   37(  47) 375(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  954(1278)   17(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  608(1225)  494( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  270( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)   66( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  251( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1044/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Malicat [party]: gnn
party report
You jab Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Mouse.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse inducing a nasty total body infection.
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Mouse misses you.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses you.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 679 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 679 (1225) Sp: 494 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1109 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 375 (406).
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Cordoba [sales]: sold
Mouse tries to bite Cran, but misses.
party report
You tear Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
You successfully dodge Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses you.
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran making limbs stiffen with ice.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
You successfully dodge Mouse's bite.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1109 +65 Sp: 37  Ep: 375 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza stabs a finger accusingly.
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
Cran reports: Hp: 586 (1225) Sp: 434 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1109 (1464) Sp: 37 (47) Ep: 375 (406).
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:37/47 Ep:375/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Mouse successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Termite tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Termite is not fooled that easily!
Termite scrapes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran making an artery explode.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran sparking a limb to slice open.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1109  Sp: 37  Ep: 350 -25
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its mana drain.
You feel weak!!!
Nepnep quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Erwain quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Malicat quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Myrier shouts 'Marrow is in a much warmer place now!'
Myrier shouts 'Thanks Xunisiih, I still need 5k for next level!'
Cran reports: Hp: 475 (1225) Sp: 337 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1109 (1464) Sp: 30 (47) Ep: 350 (406).
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
You smirk.
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
*Condor squawks loudly.
Hp: 1109  Sp: 30 -7 Ep: 350 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1109(1464)   30(  47) 350(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  944(1278)   17(  27) 384(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  475(1225)  337( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1223(1229)  150( 500) 546(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)   66( 776) 376(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  277( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
Killergum [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Thief shouts 'I hope you have a life insurance, Byzant!'
Malicat meows softly.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus pafzarmus' (Major heal)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
'kurkota crani kurkota!
You exclaim 'kurkota crani kurkota!'
Hp:1109/1464 Sp:30/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:276131 
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Hp: 1156 +47 Sp: 45 +15 Ep: 368 +18
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Erwain [party]: smoking real quick
Cran giggles inanely.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Myrier shouts 'Stargazer was too easy! I want a tougher challenge!'
Killergum [ghost]: accept rais/ress/body
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Malicat [party]: oh fucking hell
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1156(1464)   45(  47) 368(406) |  95 |        72030 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1165(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1204(1225)  285( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1229(1229)  182( 500) 547(547) |  80 |       109993 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  712( 712)  143( 776) 377(377) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  112( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1156/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:368/406 Exp:276131 
Erwain sings 'There is nothing you can do, when you realize with fright, that
 the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight... it's much too late to get
 away, the Spider Queen is having you for dinner tonight.'
Cran yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Zograh yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Malicat yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Erwain yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
Nepnep yawns mightily and lies for a short nap.
You yawn mightily and look around for a suitable resting place.
You lie down for a short rest, soothed by the lullaby sung by Erwain.

Ghost of Stargazer [ghost]: kuolin kumminki!
You are resting and can do nothing.
Hp:1156/1464 Sp:45/47 Ep:368/406 Exp:276131 
Thief shouts 'Nips died on her knees!'
Koan [wanted]: offu
Mogo [wanted]: tarm
You sizzle with magical energy.
p' Full SPs
Hp: 1201 +45 Sp: 47 +2 Ep: 376 +8
You are resting and can do nothing.
Hp:1201/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:376/406 Exp:276131 
You awaken from your short rest, and feel slightly better.
Nepnep awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Erwain awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Malicat awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Zograh awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Cran awakens from a short, but powerful, rest... looking much better.
Hp: 1357 +156 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 +30
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
Cran [party]: -=> why hell?
vsa blinovin ketku tehny jo 2 maalia vaikka piti hankkia vaan paikkaan mattilaa
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: blinovin ketku tehny jo 2 maalia vaikka piti hankkia vaan
 paikkaan mattilaa
Hp:1357/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Malicat [party]: I have to leave for school now to get ther eon time. Blah,
 guess I'm skipping class today.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> smoking kills?
Malicat stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Hades [wanted]: doings for channu
Cran [party]: -=> ack
Hp: 1411 +54 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Malicat [party]: shrug
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Malicat [party]: haven't showered, and I'm still sick as hell
Hp: 1422 +11 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Malicat [party]: wouldn't go regardless of bat
Cran [party]: -=> sick as hell = no school
Ghost of Stargazer [ghost]: raise or something
Amphion [dsc+]: noni pisteet jaettu ja otettu

Hp:1422/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Cran [party]: -=> = mud
Amphion [dsc+]: ken tahtoo kamansa huutaa
[party]: Cran glows with happiness.
Malicat [party]: nods.
Amphion [dsc+]: lahen kohta tanssii
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1422(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1278(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1225(1225)  659( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  494( 503) 551(551) |  80 |       109993 |
|*2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  616( 832) 392(399) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  617( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1422/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1464 +42 Sp: 47  Ep: 406 
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Marrow [dsc+]: eikai kamoi saanu jos o miinuksil?
Malicat [party]: okies, ready?
Desotarion (dsc+): eip
Exp: 276131 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Malicat [party]: goes
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1464(1464)   47(  47) 406(406) |  95 |        72030 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1278(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        47851 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1225(1225)  666( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       231674 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(551) |  80 |       109993 |
|*2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        67943 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  761( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        62389 |
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:406/406 Exp:276131 
Zograh removes Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh emits a sudden glow that quickly disappears.
Zograh wears A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Wis Mode].
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
A steaming slush of Mouse
Dried up mudpit
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1166 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran reports: Hp: 1166 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1464  Sp: 47  Ep: 405 -1
party report
You incise Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nepnep shreds Mouse making the lungs implode from infection.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1166 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1464 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 405 (406).
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Mouse is noticeably hurt.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
party report
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Mouse's eyes nearly blinding Mouse.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran incisively cuts Nader Pereza causing a small wound.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
You successfully parry Mouse's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza nips Cran causing skin to slightly freeze.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1116 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1464 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 405 (406).
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1116 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in very bad shape.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276308 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Mouse loses the privilege to live.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses you.
Cran swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Hp: 1464  Sp: 47  Ep: 405 
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'nitin uurthg' (Feeblemind)
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1464(1464)   47(  47) 405(406) |  95 |        72737 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1234(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1049(1225)  666( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       232814 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(551) |  80 |       111084 |
|*2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        68641 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  723( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        62979 |
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
Cran reports: Hp: 1049 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1464 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 405 (406).
Hp:1464/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
[party]: Cran resisted the stun
party report
Nepnep misses Mouse.
Mouse misses Cran.
Mouse misses Cran.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza nips you causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1345 -119 Sp: 47  Ep: 405 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1130 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1130 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1426 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 405 (406).
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Mouse utters the magic words 'noccon mof'
Hp: 1426 +81 Sp: 47  Ep: 405 
party report
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Mouse causing large bones to crack loudly.
Chaos magic tears at Nader Pereza, sending chunks into oblivion.
Cran slashes Nader Pereza causing a bad acid wound.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses you.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing skin to freeze.
Nader Pereza nips Cran causing skin to slightly freeze.
Nader Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Cran reports: Hp: 945 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1426 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 405 (406).
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1426(1464)   47(  47) 405(406) |  95 |        72737 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1265(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48303 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  945(1225)  666( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       232814 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(548) |  80 |       111084 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        68641 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  685( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        62979 |
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Mouse is not in a good shape.
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1426/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:405/406 Exp:276807 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest!
Hp: 1426  Sp: 47  Ep: 380 -25
party report
Nader Pereza howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You bash Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Nepnep shreds Mouse causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Mouse misses you.
Mouse misses you.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a small wound.
Myrier shouts 'Time to meet your maker, Air!'
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 895 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1447 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 380 (406).
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:276807 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 895 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:276807 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in bad shape.
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:276807 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:276807 
Mouse tries to bite Cran, but misses.
Mouse squeaks like a mouse.
Hp: 1447 +21 Sp: 47  Ep: 380 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep producing large scratches.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 895 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1447 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 380 (406).
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:276807 
party report
Nepnep shreds Mouse causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
You get bad vibrations as Mouse's spine snaps with an audible *SNAP*.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing minor frostbite.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Hp: 1447  Sp: 47  Ep: 380 
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Nader Pereza fails to paralyze Malicat.
Myrier shouts 'Sam is in a much warmer place now!'
tell cran castaa!
Cran reports: Hp: 761 (1225) Sp: 666 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1447 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 380 (406).
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
You tell Cran 'castaa!'
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1447/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Amphion [dsc+]: tan kerran pojon saaliin keras hairybelly 1177 pojolla
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza bores you making a minor throttling.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to slightly freeze.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Hp: 1334 -113 Sp: 47  Ep: 380 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh fails miserably in her spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 761 (1225) Sp: 606 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1334 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 380 (406).
Hp:1334/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1334/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1334/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: NEPNEP
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1334(1464)   47(  47) 380(406) |  95 |        73169 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1095(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48578 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  751(1225)  593( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       233260 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(548) |  80 |       111551 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        69067 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  646( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        63338 |
Hp:1334/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
You incise Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza bores you producing large scratches.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1273 -61 Sp: 47  Ep: 380 
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'yugfzhrrr suuck
 suuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck'
Cran reports: Hp: 744 (1225) Sp: 593 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1273 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 380 (406).
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Malicat [party]: target dammit
Nader Pereza is not in a good shape.
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1273(1464)   47(  47) 380(406) |  95 |        73169 |
|*1.2   Nepnep        fol 1095(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48578 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  744(1225)  593( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       233260 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(548) |  80 |       111551 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        69067 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  646( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        63338 |
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:380/406 Exp:277200 
Cran tells you ':)'
Desotarion (dsc+): hauska
You are prepared to do the skill.
Your battle sense is at its peak!  Time seems to slow down, your enemy seems pitiful!
You quickly pound your enemy 3 crushing blows to the head, before it can react!
Nader Pereza is stunned!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 1273  Sp: 47  Ep: 350 -30
party report
Nader Pereza howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Nader Pereza making hair burn.
Grinning diabolically Cran savagely rips Nader Pereza making blood cells die and burst.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!' 
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Cran reports: Hp: 744 (1225) Sp: 593 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
[party]: Cran scored a critical hit
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1273 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 350 (406).
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:277200 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:277200 
Ghost of Sam [ghost]: rais
party report
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Rat misses you.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a small wound.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 930 (1225) Sp: 593 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1273 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 350 (406).
Hp:1273/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:350/406 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1273  Sp: 47  Ep: 322 -28
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Nader Pereza.
party report
Mouse tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Rat tastes Cran making small marks.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Rat tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep incisively cuts Rat causing internal organs to become infected.
Nepnep horribly shreds Rat causing toxins to invade heart tissue.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza nips you producing large scratches.
Hp: 1226 -47 Sp: 47  Ep: 322 
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'ghht zur semen' (Chaos bolt)
Nader Pereza grins as its chaos bolt hits Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 906 (1225) Sp: 454 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1226 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (406).
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nepnep (party): Got hit by a chaos bolt!
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
Mouse tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Rat misses you.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
You incise Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Nader Pereza nips Cran making a throttling.
Cran [party]: -=> ooo
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
Cran reports: Hp: 714 (1225) Sp: 454 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1226 (1464) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (406).
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
Gotrek (wanted): what mob has a white skirt in alch tower
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1226/1464 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/406 Exp:277200 
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat falters and loses its spell.
Mouse fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
Mouse casts a spell at you.
p' Got a Stat curse!
party report
Mouse tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Mouse misses Cran.
Rat tastes you causing a small scratch.
Rat misses you.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza creating a nasty infection.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing a small wound.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you making a minor throttling.
Hp: 1083 -143 Sp: 47  Ep: 322 
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vaka vanha vainamoinen' (Entropy)
Cran reports: Hp: 700 (1225) Sp: 454 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist [party]: Got a Stat curse!
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Cran [party]: -=> got one in!
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1083 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (403).
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1083(1352)   47(  47) 322(403) |  95 |        73169 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  573(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48578 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  700(1225)  454( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       233260 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(548) |  80 |       111551 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  764( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        69067 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  597( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        63338 |
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Desotarion (dsc+): jaa laitoit bookistaki jo :)
party report
Mouse tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Rat misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh fails miserably in her spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 700 (1225) Sp: 454 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1083 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 322 (403).
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear night sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran [party]: -=> DID YOU SEE THAT?!
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Eronk [wanted]: random
*Condor spreads its mighty wings.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
[party]: Malicat gasps in astonishment.
Cran [party]: -=> i rock!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Amphion [dsc+]: jeh
Ebliss [wanted]: tarm for party
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Today is the 6th day of the 5th month (Karmina) of the year 692.
It's summer.  You guess it's around 5 o'clock.
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1083(1352)   47(  47) 322(403) |  95 |        73169 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  775(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48578 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  728(1225)  482( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       233260 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  466( 503) 551(548) |  80 |       111551 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  832( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        69067 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  535( 921) 252(250) |  70 |        63338 |
Hp:1083/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:322/403 Exp:277200 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus pafzarmus' (Major heal)
Zograh fails miserably in her spell.
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Malicat [party]: guess I won't swap you out for mithrand afterall. :)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh removes A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh wears Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Spr Mode].
Hp: 1129 +46 Sp: 47  Ep: 340 +18
Cran [party]: -=> :)
p' got 1 ane in?
Valkrist [party]: got 1 ane in?
Hp:1129/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:340/403 Exp:277200 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran fails miserably in his spell.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh mumbles something inconceivable.
Cran [party]: -=> yeah!
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat cackles gleefully.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
p' damn you rock
Valkrist [party]: damn you rock
Hp:1129/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:340/403 Exp:277200 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran [party]: -=> i know!
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1129(1352)   47(  47) 340(403) |  95 |        73169 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  954(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        48578 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  954(1225)  477( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       233260 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  498( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       111551 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  832( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        69067 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  769( 777)  461( 833) 253(253) |  70 |        63338 |
Hp:1129/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:340/403 Exp:277200 
Erwain exclaims 'Mortals, wizards, men, mice and arches. Tremble before my
 musical prowess. I was victorious at MUSAKISA 2005 LIVE!'.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain show her incredible MUSAVISA skills. Time seems to slow down! You
 quickly blurt out 3 crushing answers, before anyone can react! BEATLES! LED
 ZEPPELIN! HADDAWAY! Audience is stunned!
p' when i grow big i wanna be as good as cran
Hp: 1176 +47 Sp: 47  Ep: 349 +9
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Valkrist [party]: when i grow big i wanna be as good as cran
Hp:1176/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:349/403 Exp:277200 
Balroc [wanted]: merchant fw
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
The eastern sky glows with early dawn.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran casts his spell at Nepnep.
Zograh is surrounded by a bright light!
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Zograh [party]: Godly Effects Active.
Cran [party]: -=> i know!
Desotarion (dsc+): jaa eikse karvis bidannu ees mistään
Hp: 1187 +11 Sp: 47  Ep: 360 +11
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
Zograh removes Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh emits a sudden glow that quickly disappears.
Zograh wears A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Wis Mode].
Zograh licks her lips.
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Eronk [wanted]: anyone need a druid?
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Cran's spell makes you feel much better!
Malicat [party]: goes
Amphion [dsc+]: ei
Hp: 1277 +90 Sp: 47  Ep: 360 
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
ds eihä se tainnu
Valkrist [dsc+]: eihä se tainnu
Hp:1277/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Malicat opens wood door with iron fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exit is: north.
A shredded slush of Mouse
A steaming slush of Mouse
Dried up mudpit
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with iron fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1225 (1225) Sp: 487 (964) Ep: 526 (527).
Dachante [wanted]: party for offtank
Zograh slows down a lot, struck by lag.
ds odottaa kunnoa equa!
Valkrist [dsc+]: odottaa kunnoa equa!
Hp:1277/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1277/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Mouse tastes you making small marks.
Mouse barely scrapes you making small marks.
Rat misses you.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran producing large scratches.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing a small wound.
You tear Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Hp: 1255 -22 Sp: 47  Ep: 360 
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1255/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1225) Sp: 487 (964) Ep: 526 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1255 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 360 (403).
Hp:1255/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1255/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Rat rolls his eyes wildly and exclaims 'krkx zur sanc' (Poison blast)
Rat grins as its poison blast hits Nepnep.
party report
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rat misses you.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nepnep shreds Mouse snapping back a limb.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You jab Nader Pereza making hair burn.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Mouse tries to bite you, but you are able to avoid the attack.
Nader Pereza chortles evilly.
Cran reports: Hp: 1097 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 526 (527).
Nepnep (party): Got hit by a poison blast!
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1255 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 360 (403).
Hp:1255/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza thrusts Nepnep causing the airway to get smothered.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Nepnep causing a small wound.
Mouse tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Mouse causing a limb to fly off.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1206 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 526 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1206 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 526 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1337 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 360 (403).
Hp:1337/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Mouse is not in a good shape.
Hp:1337/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277200 
Rat bites your arm, barely breaking the skin.
Hp: 1313 +58 Sp: 47  Ep: 360 
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses Cran.
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
Nader Pereza bores Cran producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing a nasty lesion.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's bite.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you cruelly slash Nader Pereza causing a NASTY head wound.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain mumbles something inconceivable.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Mouse!
Mouse loses the privilege to live.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1313 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 360 (403).
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
Cran reports: Hp: 1075 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 526 (527).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
Desotarion (dsc+): "kunnon" equa
Hp: 1313  Sp: 47  Ep: 360 
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Rat is not fooled that easily!
Rat barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile bash.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'ghht zur semen' (Chaos bolt)
Nader Pereza grins as its chaos bolt hits Malicat.
Nader Pereza chortles evilly.
Cran reports: Hp: 1075 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1313 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 360 (403).
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
Marrow [dsc+]: joo ja sit se voi outbiddaa kaikki ku sillo nii paljo pongoo
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1313/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:360/403 Exp:277508 
Rat utters the magic words 'removezzzzzarmour' (Dispel magical protection)
p' DMP was cast.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1313  Sp: 47  Ep: 328 -32
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you causing skin to slightly freeze.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Hp: 1262 -51 Sp: 47  Ep: 328 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1126 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1126 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist [party]: DMP was cast.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Nepnep (party): DMP was cast.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1292 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Erwain [party]: Remove Armour has been cast.
Zograh [party]: DMP was cast.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
A steaming remains of Mouse
A shredded slush of Mouse
A steaming slush of Mouse
Dried up mudpit
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Malicat takes a steaming remains of Mouse.
Hp: 1292 +30 Sp: 47  Ep: 328 
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Rat misses you.
Rat misses you.
Cran successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Smiling devilishly Nader Pereza clashes Cran causing bones to reach sub-zero temperatures.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a small wound.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing a small wound.
Cran reports: Hp: 712 (1225) Sp: 427 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1292 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Malicat eats a steaming remains of Mouse.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is not in a good shape.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Marrow [dsc+]: no oli tuol jo kiva amu ja hanskat nytki
party report
Rat misses Cran.
Rat barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing minor frostbite.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nepnep shreds Rat snapping a neck bone.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your bash.
You tear Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Nader Pereza gets an evil gleam in its eyes and chants 'I HATE MAGIC' (Mana drain)
Nader Pereza hits Valkrist, Nepnep, Erwain, Zograh, Cran and Malicat with its mana drain.
You feel weak!!!
Nepnep quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Zograh quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Malicat quakes and quivers like bowlful of jelly.
Cran reports: Hp: 701 (1225) Sp: 353 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1292 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1292/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Malicat takes a shredded slush of Mouse.
Malicat eats a shredded slush of Mouse.
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Rat utters the magic words 'krkx zur semen gnatlnamauch'
Rat fails miserably in its spell.
Hp: 1292  Sp: 43 -4 Ep: 328 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
You successfully parry Rat's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Rat misses you.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran inducing choking.
Nader Pereza bores Cran making limbs stiffen with ice.
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran making limbs stiffen with ice.
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 581 (1225) Sp: 353 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1301 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 581 (1225) Sp: 353 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1301 +9 Sp: 43  Ep: 328 
party report
Rat misses you.
You successfully parry Rat's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza bores Cran sparking a limb to slice open.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a nasty laceration.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You tear Nader Pereza causing a small scratch.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Cran reports: Hp: 471 (1225) Sp: 353 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1301 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Rat tries to bite you, but you are able to avoid the attack.
party report
Cran incisively cuts Nader Pereza causing teeth to disintegrate from corrosion.
You successfully dodge Rat's bite.
You successfully dodge Rat's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza misses you.
The snakes eyes flash brightly for a moment sending a charge down the blade and into Rat's skin.
Nepnep shreds Rat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You thrust Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 471 (1225) Sp: 353 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
ds ai ne eikka hanskat?
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1301 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 328 (403).
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Valkrist [dsc+]: ai ne eikka hanskat?
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is near death.
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1301/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:328/403 Exp:277508 
Marrow [dsc+]: ni
You shiver and suffer from POISON!!
p' I'm poisoned!
Hp: 1238 -63 Sp: 43  Ep: 328 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest!
Hp: 1238  Sp: 43  Ep: 298 -30
party report
Cran slashes Nader Pereza causing a nasty laceration.
Cran tries to dodge, but Rat is not fooled that easily!
Rat tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully dodges Rat's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran making an artery explode.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'rtsstr uurthg' (Curse of ogre)
Nader Pereza mumbles something inconceivable.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 590 (1225) Sp: 293 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 590 (1225) Sp: 293 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist [party]: I'm poisoned!
Hp:1284/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:277508 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1284 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:1284/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:277508 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Nader Pereza is in bad shape.
Rat is near death.
Hp:1284/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:277508 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1284/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:277508 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1284 +46 Sp: 43  Ep: 298 
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Rat's bite.
Nepnep successfully dodges Rat's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing skin to freeze.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
You incise Nader Pereza producing large scratches.
Hp: 1207 -77 Sp: 43  Ep: 298 
Cran reports: Hp: 590 (1225) Sp: 293 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1207 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:1207/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:277508 
Cran [party]: -=> I care
Rat utters the magic words 'krkx zur semen gnatlnamauch'
Rat fails miserably in its spell.
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Cran successfully parries Rat's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Rat's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza bores you causing a small wound.
Smiling devilishly Nader Pereza cruelly gnaws you causing brain cells to freeze.
Nepnep horribly shreds Rat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Rat is dogfood.
Rat is DEAD, R.I.P.
Hp: 804 -403 Sp: 43  Ep: 298 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'  
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Cran reports: Hp: 774 (1225) Sp: 293 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 804 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:804/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Malicat [party]: nd
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Mouse misses you.
You successfully dodge Mouse's claw.
Termite misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Mouse successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza thrusts Cran making skin fall off from cold.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'nitin uurthg' (Feeblemind)
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Nader Pereza!
Cran reports: Hp: 686 (1225) Sp: 233 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 804 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:804/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
ds 2 purplea ja 2 greeniä melkei sama asia
party report
You successfully dodge Mouse's bite.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
Termite tastes you causing a small scratch.
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you smash Nader Pereza inducing a fatal burn.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza nips you causing a small wound.
Hp: 744 -60 Sp: 43  Ep: 298 
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza pulls back from combat, fades through a wall, and vanishes.
Valkrist [dsc+]: 2 purplea ja 2 greeniä melkei sama asia
Hp:744/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Cran reports: Hp: 686 (1225) Sp: 233 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 744 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:744/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:744/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:744/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Malicat yells 'Fuck off and DIE!'.
party report
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
You miss Termite.
Nepnep misses Mouse.
Termite tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran incisively cuts Termite snapping a collarbone.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Termite.
Cran reports: Hp: 861 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 861 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 919 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 298 (403).
Hp:919/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Termite is in very bad shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:919/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Marrow [dsc+]: jos ei nappaa swappaa ni ne rokkaa nimel
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:919/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:298/403 Exp:278067 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Termite bites Cran right on the leg.
Mouse bites Cran on the back of the hand!
Hp: 919 +175 Sp: 43  Ep: 298 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You make a great pounding maneuver, but your enemy blocks your attack.
Hp: 919  Sp: 43  Ep: 273 -25
party report
Mouse tastes Nepnep making small marks.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Termite tastes you causing a small scratch.
Termite scrapes you causing a small scratch.
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse making blood cells die and burst.
Hp: 891 -28 Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
Cran reports: Hp: 769 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 891 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 273 (403).
Hp:891/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278067 
Hellvasara [wanted]: asterix and the other villagers need one, so they can have
 their magic potion:P
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:891/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278067 
party report
Mouse misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Mouse's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Termite's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
You jab Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Termite successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Cran incisively cuts Mouse making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 891 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 273 (403).
Hp:891/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278067 
Cran reports: Hp: 748 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran says 'Oh', with a blank look on his face.
Info: Jenming goes link dead.
Mouse bites Cran lightly on the arm.
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nepnep misses Termite.
Cran misses Mouse.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran reports: Hp: 801 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 801 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 972 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 273 (403).
Hp:972/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278067 
Malicat sniffs sadly.
Termite is near death.
Mouse is in very bad shape.
Hp:972/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278067 
Hp: 972 +81 Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
party report
Cran successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Mouse misses Cran.
Termite misses Cran.
Termite scrapes Cran causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully parries Termite's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
You incise Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Mouse as it dies.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Hp: 972  Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
Marrow [dsc+]: 3,5 greenii vissii kuitenki
Cran reports: Hp: 782 (1225) Sp: 41 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 972 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 273 (403).
Hp:972/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278459 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Termite is near death.
Hp:972/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278459 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:972/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:278459 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Termite fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'fzz zur semen' (Acid arrow)
Termite grins as its acid arrow hits Cran.
You shiver and suffer from POISON!!
p' I'm poisoned!
Hp: 955 -17 Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
party report
Cran successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Cran successfully dodges Termite's claw.
Termite tastes Cran causing a small scratch.
You jab Termite forcing the heart to incinerate.
Termite staggers for a moment, then drops to the ground, lifeless.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 665 (1225) Sp: 67 (964) Ep: 527 (527).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist [party]: I'm poisoned!
Hp:955/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 955 (1352) Sp: 43 (47) Ep: 273 (403).
Hp:955/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
There are no obvious exits.
A normal slush of Mouse
Dried up mudpit
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:955/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Great lion shouts 'Hades is in a much warmer place now!'
Hp: 955  Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
You are prepared to do the skill.
At whom ?
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 733 (1225) Sp: 67 (964) Ep: 527 (527).'
|    1601: a mint kilt floating about in the air                              |
|    1289: a raven long skirt floating about in the air                       |
|    1224: a teal snood floating about in the air                             |
|   10869: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|   10644: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    3786: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3876: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3600: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1507: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    9212: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6829: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     448: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     391: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1870: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2808: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2405: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1974: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    3617: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    2381: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    6233: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
This party has killed 133 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4610).
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Hp: 1023 +68 Sp: 43  Ep: 273 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1023(1352)   43(  47) 273(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1149(1278)   23(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  733(1225)   67( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1218(1233)  116( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  322( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 762)  289( 943) 257(255) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Cran [party]: -=> he fled :(
Zograh removes A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh wears Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Spr Mode].
Exp: 279476 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Malicat sighs deeply.
Zograh claps hands and whispers 'judicandus saugaiii' (Remove poison)
You feel the poison leaving your veins!
p' No longer poisoned.
Valkrist [party]: No longer poisoned.
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Malicat [party]: few ticks
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1023(1352)   43(  47) 273(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1149(1278)   23(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  733(1225)   67( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1218(1233)  116( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  322( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  762( 777)  194( 855) 257(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Desotarion (dsc+): greeni oli 2?
Marrow [dsc+]: ni
Exp: 279476 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Nepnep (party): Full SPs
ds tai sit kahdet hanskat sothilta
Valkrist [dsc+]: tai sit kahdet hanskat sothilta
Hp:1023/1352 Sp:43/47 Ep:273/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
You sizzle with magical energy.
p' Full SPs
Hp: 1054 +31 Sp: 47 +4 Ep: 280 +7
Valkrist [party]: Full SPs
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
Eronk [wanted]: cubido
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Cran.
Era's Kerbholz proudly echoes:
      A magician of Good works for Zcandler and guards the city  #1    
Cran takes a look at his notebook.

Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
Exp: 279476 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
You are carrying 26.6 kg of equipment:
59 coins (59 gold) [Cash: 59.00  Bank: 12821.13  Total: 12880.13]
A rusty shovel
Ring of see invisibility
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
Name: Valkrist Wihattu the dented member of Tinmen < Legio >
Player level: 95                        Experience: 279476
Money: 59.00                            Bank: 12821.13
Explore count: 11644/14819 (E%: 78)     Last reinc: Jun 21 2005
Exp bonus pool: 0                       Pool charged: Thu Sep 15 13:01:16 2005
Task Points: 4                          Reinc Count: 47

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
   1054/1352         47/47             280/403

Str: Dazzling (206++)     Dex: Superb (109+)        Con: Incredible (168--)   
Int: Mediocre (63-)       Wis: Average (23-)        
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Large (67)           

You have a crude ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 27 active quests. (14 lq, 7 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Delpers leads the tinmen race.
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 35 minutes 25 seconds
Experience gained: 1319083
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 28
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 971 Misses: 347 Parries: 453 Ripostes: 315 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 30 Dodges: 368 Tumbles: 62 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1054(1352)   47(  47) 280(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1174(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1107(1225)  129( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  168( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  443( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  776( 777)  281( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
Nuubi [sales]: spider boots mb 25k(+3dodge)
Name: Valkrist Wihattu the dented member of Tinmen < Legio >
Player level: 95                        Experience: 279476
Money: 59.00                            Bank: 12821.13
Explore count: 11644/14819 (E%: 78)     Last reinc: Jun 21 2005
Exp bonus pool: 0                       Pool charged: Thu Sep 15 13:01:16 2005
Task Points: 4                          Reinc Count: 47

  Hit Points     Spell Points     Endurance Points
   1054/1352         47/47             280/403

Str: Dazzling (206++)     Dex: Superb (109+)        Con: Incredible (168--)   
Int: Mediocre (63-)       Wis: Average (23-)        
Cha: Gorgeous (100)       Siz: Large (67)           

You have a crude ability for avoiding hits.
You are an angel in disguise.
You have completed 27 active quests. (14 lq, 7 gq, 5 aq, 0 pq, 1 aw)
You are allergic to water, satiated, very young and brave.
Delpers leads the tinmen race.
Hp:1054/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:280/403 Exp:279476 
Cran starts concentrating on a new spell.
Lightscape (wanted): alysia relic with my name
Rolf shouts 'Ginsen drowned in its own blood!'
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Desotarion (dsc+): kuis monta päivää enne melkku ajettii ku eikka
Hp: 1102 +48 Sp: 47  Ep: 288 +8
Info: Troile recovers from link death.
Eronk [wanted]: alch spr_4 ring
Cran opens wood door with iron fittings.
Valdec [sales]: oxtoth relic and cross of winds for sale..inquire
Cran opens wood door with bronze fittings.
Desert's Kerbholz proudly echoes:
      a skilled giant barbarian guarding the camp                #1    
Cran beams happily.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1102(1352)   47(  47) 288(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1209(1278)   27(  27) 364(364) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1148(1225)  194( 964) 527(527) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  125( 503) 548(546) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  728( 728)  594( 832) 399(399) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  776( 777)  281( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1102/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
*Condor is sooo cool.
Gru [wanted]: bcrown,spider mask,spider gloves,reaver gloves, swordsmanship
 gloves,circlet of flame
Zograh [party]: Full HPs
Cran [party]: -=> do you know where it flees?
Stargazer [dsc+]: 6
Cran [report]: < War Ensemble DOWN > [8:31] {Erwain's average 9:17}
Nepnep (party): War Ensemble Expires. []
Erwain [party]: War Ensemble Off.
Malicat [party]: usually
Malicat [party]: goes
Nepnep is surrounded by a bright light!
Nepnep (party): Godly Effects Active.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Cran reports: Hp: 992 (1117) Sp: 284 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nader Pereza is in very bad shape.
Hp:1102/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Cran smiles happily.
party report
Cran horribly shreds Nader Pereza making outer muscle tissue corrode.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you making a throttling.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Hp: 968 -134 Sp: 47  Ep: 288 
Some good gods seem to reconsecrate the ground here.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:968/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Cran reports: Hp: 992 (1117) Sp: 284 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 968 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 288 (403).
Hp:968/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Nader Pereza is in very bad shape.
Hp:968/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:968/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:968/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Malicat [party]: ooo
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nader Pereza bores Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran making a throttling.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You jab Nader Pereza creating nasty blisters.
Hp: 1036 +68 Sp: 47  Ep: 288 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 912 (1117) Sp: 284 (964) Ep: 527 (517).'
Cran reports: Hp: 912 (1117) Sp: 284 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
*Erwain Haste (1).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1036 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 288 (403).
Hp:1036/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Nader Pereza is in very bad shape.
Hp:1036/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1036/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:288/403 Exp:279476 
Desotarion (dsc+): ja niist o vieläki biddei menos :)
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest!
Hp: 1036  Sp: 47  Ep: 259 -29
party report
Nader Pereza successfully parries Cran's slash.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Your armours absorb some of the damage.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Nader Pereza causing a nasty laceration.
Hp: 985 -51 Sp: 47  Ep: 259 
Cran looks at crawe.
Cran reports: Hp: 912 (1117) Sp: 284 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 985 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 259 (403).
Hp:985/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:985/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh slows down a lot, struck by lag.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'ghht zur semen' (Chaos bolt)
A chaos bolt hits you.
p' Got hit by a chaos bolt!
party report
Cran tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza perforates Cran causing the airway to get slightly smothered.
Nader Pereza bores Cran making a throttling.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Hp: 878 -107 Sp: 47  Ep: 259 
The air feels warmer.
Cran reports: Hp: 794 (1117) Sp: 224 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Valkrist [party]: Got hit by a chaos bolt!
Hp:878/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 878 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 259 (403).
Hp:878/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:878/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:878/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Hp:878/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza perforates you causing the airway to get smothered.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully parries your slash.
Hp: 800 -78 Sp: 47  Ep: 259 
Cran reports: Hp: 794 (1117) Sp: 224 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 800 (1352) Sp: 47 (47) Ep: 259 (403).
Hp:800/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:800/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:800/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol  800(1352)   47(  47) 259(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1115(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  794(1117)  224( 964) 527(517) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  125( 503) 547(546) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  494( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  377( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:800/1352 Sp:47/47 Ep:259/403 Exp:279476 
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You turn your enemy's lunge aside and pound in one swift movement!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 800  Sp: 47  Ep: 231 -28
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza flaps arms and utters the magic words 'nitin uurthg' (Feeblemind)
Nader Pereza casts a spell at you.
p' Got a Stat curse!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
party report
Cran misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza misses Cran.
Nader Pereza bores Cran making a throttling.
Nader Pereza scrapes Cran causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Nader Pereza causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Hp: 871 +71 Sp: 47  Ep: 231 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 758 (1117) Sp: 224 (964) Ep: 527 (517).'
Cran reports: Hp: 758 (1117) Sp: 224 (964) Ep: 527 (517).
Valkrist [party]: Got a Stat curse!
Hp:871/1352 Sp:47/27 Ep:231/403 Exp:279476 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 871 (1352) Sp: 47 (27) Ep: 231 (403).
Hp:871/1352 Sp:47/27 Ep:231/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 871  Sp: 27 -20 Ep: 231 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza pulls back from combat, fades through a wall, and vanishes.
*Erwain G Haste (2).
p' ah ok normal cran again
Valkrist [party]: ah ok normal cran again
Hp:871/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:231/403 Exp:279476 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Malicat [party]: fails
Zograh [party]: smoking after this
p' fails to touch
Valkrist [party]: fails to touch
Hp:871/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:231/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 831 (1117) Sp: 144 (964) Ep: 527 (517).'
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Marrow [dsc+]: no siis ne melkku kamatha lykkaanty ku oli se maxbid hassaskka
Cran aborts the spell casting.
Hp: 944 +73 Sp: 27  Ep: 231 
Malicat [party]: nod zograh
Sareth [wanted]: channupsi,conjumage,repubarb
Hp: 977 +33 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 +7
Malicat [party]: whine
Exp: 279476 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:977/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:279476 
Hp:977/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:279476 
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:977/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:279476 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel little better.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1046(1352)   27(  27) 238(403) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1123(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol  927(1117)  170( 964) 527(517) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1233(1233)  145( 503) 547(546) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  428( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  263( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1046/1352 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:279476 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 927 (1117) Sp: 170 (964) Ep: 527 (517).'
Nuubi [sales]: spider gloves mb 30k....
Hp: 1046 +69 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Mogo [wanted]: tarm
Eronk [wanted]: blaster & tank or good habotank for 1 quick kill
Malicat swaps the places of Malicat and Cran.
Tanta tells you 'onkoha tää iha normaalia että tulee 4slotteri medium
 skeletonista bamboosta?'
Malicat winks suggestively.
Malicat [party]: goes
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and sw.
Dried up mudpit
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
The effect of war ensemble wears off.
party say War Ensemble Expires. [9m23s]
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Expires. [9m23s]
Hp:1046/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:279476 
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Trench [wanted]: +ip gloves,+ip cloak
Desotarion (dsc+): mutmut tuliha ne ennen eikan kamoi silti kai
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway that comes to an end to the north.
The walls are painted a deep shade of green, and the carpet that covers the
floor is the same colour. There is a single window in the north wall, but it
has been boarded up. A shelf sticks out of the east wall.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
reply joops :)
You tell Tanta 'joops :)'
Hp:1046/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:284300 
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large room has dull grey stone walls and a floor of the same material.
There are five windows, two in the west wall and three in the north wall, all
of which have been boarded up. Three large stone tubs sit in the west side of
the room, and near them, a mound of clothing buzzes with flies. A set of
wooden shelves covers the eastern half of the south wall. A set of stone
stairs leads downwards just past the door, descending as they go west.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: d and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
an indigo sandals floating about in the air
a goldenrod pair of stockings floating about in the air
an indigo tie floating about in the air
a raven long coat floating about in the air
Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
Hp: 1046  Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Tropicana Twister says 'get these damn things away from me!'    
party report
Malicat misses Pair of stockings.
Nader Pereza misses Nepnep.
Nader Pereza bores Nepnep causing a small wound.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled that easily!
Nader Pereza nips Nepnep producing large scratches.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Sandals jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Pair of stockings butts Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Pair of stockings's bash.
Tie misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Tie is not fooled that easily!
Tie jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Long coat misses you.
You try to dodge, but Long coat is not fooled.
Long coat jostles you making small marks.
Hp: 1043 -3 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran reports: Hp: 927 (1117) Sp: 170 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1043 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Tropicana Twister is disturbed by spellcasting.
p' Curses! Tropicana Twister got aggressive!
Cran [party]: Tropicana Twister got mad
Gru [sales]: 30k
Valkrist [party]: Curses! Tropicana Twister got aggressive!
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Nepnep (party): Curses! Tropicana Twister got aggressive!
Zograh [party]: Curses! Tropicana Twister got aggressive!
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
reply kato se max juttu siitä
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You tell Tanta 'kato se max juttu siitä'
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Cran goes 'Heh'.
Tropicana Twister traces fiery green runes in the air '!* *' (Runic heal)
The sigla flare even brighter and engulf Tropicana Twister. A warm glow
 surrounds her and she looks much better.
Tropicana Twister is smothered by an article of clothing.
party report
You tear Nader Pereza snapping back a limb.
Nepnep incises Nader Pereza causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza bores Malicat causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza scrapes Malicat causing skin to freeze.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Pair of stockings misses Nepnep.
Pair of stockings misses Nepnep.
Malicat successfully parries Tie's bash.
Malicat successfully parries Tie's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Long coat misses you.
Long coat misses you.
Nepnep successfully dodges Tropicana Twister's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Tropicana Twister's punch.
Grinning diabolically Tropicana Twister socks Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Stargazer [dsc+]: no niiden biditki piti olla ohi sinä päivänä ku eikka
Cran reports: Hp: 927 (1117) Sp: 170 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Tropicana Twister is in excellent shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in AWESOME condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1043 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Tropicana Twister is in excellent shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in AWESOME condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Malicat [party]: fucking shit
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1043(1134)   27(  27) 238(402) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  906(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  778(1093)  145( 503) 546(536) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  927(1117)  170( 964) 526(517) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  428( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  335( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1043/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Tropicana Twister is smothered by an article of clothing.
party report
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Malicat misses Nader Pereza.
Malicat incises Nader Pereza causing body tissue to reach absolute-zero.
Malicat successfully parries Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Sandals butts Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Sandals's bash.
Pair of stockings butts Malicat making small marks.
Malicat successfully parries Pair of stockings's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Tie misses Malicat.
Tie jostles Malicat making small marks.
Malicat successfully dodges Long coat's bash.
Malicat successfully parries Long coat's bash.
Tropicana Twister thumps you causing a small scratch.
You successfully dodge Tropicana Twister's punch.
You successfully parry Tropicana Twister's punch.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1016 -27 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran reports: Hp: 927 (1117) Sp: 170 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1016 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1016/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Tropicana Twister is in excellent shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in AWESOME condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1016/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1016(1134)   27(  27) 238(402) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  897(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  767(1093)  145( 503) 546(536) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  927(1117)  170( 964) 526(517) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  428( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  335( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:1016/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Marrow [wanted]: eq for mage
*Condor stares intently at Long coat
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain mumbles something inconceivable.
Tropicana Twister is smothered by an article of clothing.
Pair of stockings pushes Malicat extremely hard.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
You miss Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Nader Pereza nips you producing large scratches.
Sandals butts Nepnep making small marks.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Pair of stockings's bash.
Pair of stockings jostles Nepnep making small marks.
Tie misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Tie's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Malicat successfully parries Long coat's bash.
Long coat misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Tropicana Twister's bash.
Tropicana Twister misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Tropicana Twister's punch.
Hp: 1011 -5 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 977 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).'
Cran reports: Hp: 977 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1011 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1011/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Tanta tells you 'ja eile tuli largesta 6slotteri'
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Tropicana Twister is in a good shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in AWESOME condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1011/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Amphion [dsc+]: jeh
Tropicana Twister traces fiery silvery runes in the air '!( !!' (Star light)
The silvery runes flash in a blinding white light.
Tropicana Twister grins as her star light hits Malicat.
Tropicana Twister sobs unconsolably.
Nader Pereza utters the magic words 'vorek ky taree' (Paralyze)
Nader Pereza paralyzes Malicat with its mind.
Sandals's powerful bash sends Malicat sprawling to the floor.
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Nader Pereza causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Malicat misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza misses you.
Malicat tries to dodge, but Sandals is not fooled that easily!
Sandals butts Malicat making small marks.
Sandals misses Malicat.
Pair of stockings bumps you making small marks.
You successfully dodge Pair of stockings's bash.
Tie butts Nepnep making small marks.
Tie misses Nepnep.
You successfully parry Long coat's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Long coat's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Tropicana Twister misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Tropicana Twister's punch.
Malicat successfully parries Tropicana Twister's punch.
Hp: 999 -12 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran reports: Hp: 977 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 999 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:999/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Hades [wanted]: 2xofftank+atrm for exp
Tropicana Twister is in a good shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in AWESOME condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:999/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol  999(1134)   27(  27) 238(402) |  95 |        75672 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  935(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50176 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  689(1093)  145( 503) 546(536) |  80 |       114521 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol  977(1117)  110( 964) 526(517) | 100 |       235841 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  349( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        71538 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  297( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        65420 |
Hp:999/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Luciferion [sales]: gloves +dodge?
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Tropicana Twister is smothered by an article of clothing.
Nader Pereza pulls back from combat, fades through a wall, and vanishes.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
You incise Tie forcing spinal discs to dislodge.
Nepnep misses Tropicana Twister.
Malicat incises Long coat causing large bones to crack loudly.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Malicat successfully parries Pair of stockings's bash.
Pair of stockings misses Malicat.
You successfully dodge Tie's bash.
You successfully parry Tie's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Long coat butts Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Long coat's bash.
Tropicana Twister thumps Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Tropicana Twister misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Tropicana Twister's punch.
Hp: 1035 +36 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1035 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Malicat reports: Hp: 768 (1093) Sp: 145 (503) Ep: 546 (536).
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nuubi [sales]: nod
Tanta tells you 'vaikka oli full dukonium reinforce'
Tropicana Twister attempts to flee.
Long coat's powerful bash sends Malicat sprawling to the floor.
Pair of stockings tries to bash Malicat but promptly falls flat on its face.
party report
You jab Sandals causing a sick amount of disgusting wounds.
Pair of stockings tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Pair of stockings crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Sandals misses Nepnep.
Pair of stockings misses Malicat.
Pair of stockings misses Malicat.
Tie misses Malicat.
Malicat successfully parries Tie's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Malicat successfully parries Long coat's bash.
Malicat successfully parries Long coat's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Tropicana Twister thumps Malicat causing a small scratch.
Tropicana Twister misses Malicat.
Tropicana Twister misses Malicat.
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: 110 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1035 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
reply kakkinen munkki
You tell Tanta 'kakkinen munkki'
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Tropicana Twister is in a good shape.
Long coat is in AWESOME condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in incredible condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:289120 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Tropicana Twister.
Tropicana Twister traces fiery green runes in the air '!* *' (Runic heal)
The sigla flare even brighter and engulf Tropicana Twister. A warm glow
 surrounds her and she looks much better.
Tropicana Twister is smothered by an article of clothing.
Tie tries to bash Malicat but promptly falls flat on its face.
party report
You tear Tropicana Twister causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
A large cavity replaces Tropicana Twister's chest.
Tropicana Twister is DEAD, R.I.P.
Ghost of Tropicana [ghost]: this area sucks
Shinarae : I heard that!
Malicat misses Pair of stockings.
Malicat incises Pair of stockings causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Malicat successfully parries Sandals's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Sandals misses Malicat.
You successfully parry Pair of stockings's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Pair of stockings's bash.
Tie butts Nepnep making small marks.
Tie misses Nepnep.
Long coat butts Nepnep making small marks.
Long coat misses Nepnep.
You thrust Long coat causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Hp: 1035  Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 526 (517).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1035 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Long coat is in superb condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in excellent condition.
Sandals is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Onyxsablet {wanted}: anyone need me?
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1035/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
*Condor squawks loudly.
Long coat tries to bash you, but promptly falls flat on its face.
Pair of stockings's bash sends you sprawling.
The sandals thrashes around in the air.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh mumbles something inconceivable.
party report
Nepnep shreds Sandals causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Sandals butts Malicat making small marks.
Malicat successfully parries Sandals's bash.
Pair of stockings misses Malicat.
Pair of stockings misses Malicat.
Tie misses Malicat.
Tie misses Malicat.
Long coat butts Malicat making small marks.
Long coat misses Malicat.
Hp: 1028 -7 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).
Long coat is in superb condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in excellent condition.
Sandals is in great condition.
Hp:1028/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1028 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1028/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Cran [party]: -=> tropicana twister aggro, that god?
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1028/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Long coat is in superb condition.
Tie is in AWESOME condition.
Pair of stockings is in excellent condition.
Sandals is in great condition.
Hp:1028/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1028/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290175 
Tie's bash sends you sprawling.
party report
Grinning diabolically Nepnep uncontrollably slashes Long coat causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly the long coat stops moving and falls to the ground.
Malicat misses Tie.
Sandals misses Malicat.
Sandals jostles Malicat making small marks.
Pair of stockings butts Nepnep making small marks.
Nepnep successfully dodges Pair of stockings's bash.
Tie butts Nepnep making small marks.
Tie misses Nepnep.
You tear Tie snapping back a limb.
Hp: 1020 -8 Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Serpens [sales]: 25k on boots
Cran reports: Hp: 1015 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1020 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (402).
Hp:1020/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290321 
Cran goes 'Oops' and blushes.
Malicat sighs deeply.
Tie is in superb condition.
Pair of stockings is in excellent condition.
Sandals is in great condition.
Hp:1020/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290321 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1020/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/402 Exp:290321 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You make a great pounding maneuver, but your enemy blocks your attack.
Hp: 1020  Sp: 27  Ep: 207 -31
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
party report
Nepnep shreds Pair of stockings causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Malicat misses Sandals.
Sandals misses you.
Sandals misses you.
Pair of stockings misses you.
You successfully parry Pair of stockings's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Tie misses Nepnep.
Tie misses Nepnep.
You thrust Sandals forcing the heart to incinerate.
Hp: 1056 +36 Sp: 27  Ep: 207 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1047 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).'
Cran reports: Hp: 1047 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1056 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 207 (402).
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
ta tier
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
No tier here !
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
There's no tier here.
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Tonto (hockey): on se niin vitun säälittävää että AINA veikkauksissa lehdissä
 Bluff on sijoilla 1-4 mutta IKINÄ se ei oo edes mitalia saanu :D
Tie is in superb condition.
Pair of stockings is in bad condition.
Sandals is in battered condition.
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1056/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Gru [sales]: withdrawn
Sandals's bash sends you sprawling.
party report
Nepnep misses Pair of stockings.
Malicat successfully parries Sandals's bash.
Sandals misses Malicat.
Pair of stockings misses you.
You successfully parry Pair of stockings's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Malicat successfully parries Tie's bash.
Tie jostles Malicat making small marks.
You miss Tie.
Hp: 1050 -6 Sp: 27  Ep: 207 
Cran reports: Hp: 1047 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1050 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 207 (402).
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
ta sandals
Malicat nods at Cran.
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
You are now targetting Sandals.
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Sandals is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Tanta tells you 'sepä ku viel saccasin sitä enne enneku compleettasin'
Tie is in superb condition.
Pair of stockings is in bad condition.
Sandals is in battered condition.
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
This area is part of a north-south hallway that comes to an end to the north.
The walls are painted a deep shade of green, and the carpet that covers the
floor is the same colour. There is a single window in the north wall, but it
has been boarded up. A shelf sticks out of the east wall.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
[wanted]: Cyberlahko runs around, jumps up and yells 'Oh me! Me! Pick me!'.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1050(1134)   27(  27) 207(402) |  95 |        76942 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  977(1123)   27(  27) 352(352) |  45 |        50986 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr  796(1093)  144( 503) 546(536) |  80 |       116039 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1074(1117)  -22( 964) 517(517) | 100 |       237151 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  369( 832) 399(384) |  93 |        72792 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  777( 777)  220( 855) 258(258) |  70 |        66478 |
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Malicat [party]: get corpse?
Cran [party]: -=> nope
|    1224: a teal snood floating about in the air                             |
|   10869: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|   10644: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    3786: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3876: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3600: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1507: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    9212: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6829: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     448: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     391: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1870: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2808: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2405: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1974: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    3617: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    2381: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    6233: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6346: Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >                     |
|     874: a raven long coat floating about in the air                        |
This party has killed 135 monsters (avg exp/mon: 4595).
Hp:1050/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:207/402 Exp:290321 
Hp: 1081 +31 Sp: 27  Ep: 214 +7
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel much better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -22 (964) Ep: 517 (517).'
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large room has dull grey stone walls and a floor of the same material.
There are five windows, two in the west wall and three in the north wall, all
of which have been boarded up. Three large stone tubs sit in the west side of
the room, and near them, a mound of clothing buzzes with flies. A set of
wooden shelves covers the eastern half of the south wall. A set of stone
stairs leads downwards just past the door, descending as they go west.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: d and e.
A torn raven long coat
7 gold coins
12 silver coins
A mutilated lump of Tropicana Twister
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
an indigo sandals floating about in the air
a goldenrod pair of stockings floating about in the air
an indigo tie floating about in the air
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
Nuubi [sales]: 25k*1
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Malicat incises Tie causing a limb to fly off.
Sandals misses you.
Sandals misses you.
Pair of stockings misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Pair of stockings's bash.
Tie misses Malicat.
Tie jostles Malicat making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Sandals causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly the sandals stops moving and falls to the ground.
Hp: 1105 +24 Sp: 27  Ep: 214 
Cran reports: Hp: 1093 (1117) Sp: -49 (964) Ep: 517 (517).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1105 (1134) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 214 (402).
Hp:1105/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:214/402 Exp:290486 
Malicat [party]: get it
Cran takes a mutilated lump of Tropicana Twister.
Cran [party]: -=> got it
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a north-south hallway that comes to an end to the north.
The walls are painted a deep shade of green, and the carpet that covers the
floor is the same colour. There is a single window in the north wall, but it
has been boarded up. A shelf sticks out of the east wall.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Caped [hockey]: jep :)
Nuubi [sales]: 25k*2
Exp: 290486 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1105/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:214/402 Exp:290486 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: impale it plese
Tanta tells you '800k+ alkki ringin'
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
Sam [wanted]: surgery to 100 and doings for def
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran nods solemnly.
Aesthir (hockey): pluus o alisuorittajien eliittia
Nuubi [sales]: sold.....
Cran takes 4 platinum coins, a nullium sleeve, a small pile of silver coins,
 one batium coin and an oak club from a mutilated lump of Tropicana Twister.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Malicat.

Hp:1105/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:214/402 Exp:290486 
Spick [hockey]: ja suomi pärjää joka vuosi euroviisuissa median hehkutuksen
 mukaan ainaki
Erwain [party]: Ensemble Incoming
rpely jeh
Typing lessons on Tuesdays at classroom 5A.
Hp:1105/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:214/402 Exp:290486 
You watch in horror as Cran begins disembowling a corpse then
proceeds to strew blood and entrails about with glee.
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
reply jeh
You tell Tanta 'jeh'
Hp:1116/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:225/402 Exp:290486 
Sam [wanted]: got from T
Hp: 1116 +11 Sp: 27  Ep: 225 +11
Info: Campion goes link dead.
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Zograh looks at shovel.
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Expires. []
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1134 +18 Sp: 27  Ep: 232 +7
Erwain sings: 'War is TOTAL massacre, sport the war, war SUPPOORT!!!'
You feel full of battle rage! Victory is CERTAIN!
party say War Ensemble Active.
Nepnep is full of battle rage!
Erwain is full of battle rage!
Zograh is full of battle rage!
Cran is full of battle rage!
Malicat is full of battle rage!
Cran [report]: ( War Ensemble ON ) {Caster Erwain}
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1134/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Active.
Hp:1134/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
Nepnep (party): War Ensemble Active.
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Active.
reply aina ei voi voittaa :)
You tell Tanta 'aina ei voi voittaa :)'
Hp:1134/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
| Party Name: Legio                        (Members:  6) | Exp Tot:    621347 |
| Created: Thu Sep 15 17:35:49 2005        ( 1h 57m 21s) | Exp/min:      5265 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1134(1309)   27(  27) 232(403) |  95 |        77116 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1079(1422)   27(  27) 352(378) |  45 |        51097 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1064(1210)  174( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       116218 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1117(1306)  -12( 964) 504(539) | 100 |       237330 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 734)  218( 832) 384(397) |  93 |        72964 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  214( 855) 258(246) |  70 |        66622 |
Hp:1134/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
Info: Mystic recovers from link death.
Cran [party]: -=> we have to wait for tropicana to pop?
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran drops an oak club and a nullium sleeve.
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at club.
Malicat [party]: no
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1164 (1306) Sp: -12 (964) Ep: 504 (539).'
Cran [party]: -=> k
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: that's for quest
Hp: 1178 +44 Sp: 27  Ep: 232 
Cran [party]: -=> nods
Cran [party]: -=> aq?
Cran sacrifices the club to the dark gods.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1239 (1306) Sp: 83 (964) Ep: 486 (539).'
Cran starts concentrating on a new skill.
Cran points destructively at sleeve.
Crx [wanted]: nullium
Malicat [party]: nods
Hp: 1229 +51 Sp: 27  Ep: 232 
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
A nullium sleeve
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1229/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1229(1309)   27(  27) 232(403) |  95 |        77116 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1282(1422)   27(  27) 363(378) |  45 |        51097 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1143(1210)  174( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       116218 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1239(1306)   83( 964) 486(539) | 100 |       237330 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  692( 734)  335( 832) 387(397) |  93 |        72964 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  254( 855) 258(246) |  70 |        66622 |
Hp:1229/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:232/403 Exp:290486 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Tanta tells you 'juu eipä toi muute mutta dukoniumi ei oo iha helpoi
 löytää. taisiis tehä'
Cran [party]: -=> you have it?
You gain some strength from your anger and hatred.
Hp: 1288 +59 Sp: 27  Ep: 253 +21
Cran sacrifices the sleeve to the dark gods.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1297 (1306) Sp: 126 (964) Ep: 462 (539).'
Malicat [party]: nein, haven't figured it out yet
Hp: 1306 +18 Sp: 27  Ep: 253 
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Cran mumbles something inconceivable.
reply ninhä se o
You tell Tanta 'ninhä se o'
Hp:1306/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:290486 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new skill.
Ebliss [wanted]: tarm for party
*Condor squawks at Malicat
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Zograh performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis.
Nepnep (party): Full HPs
Erwain [party]: lulla?
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1306(1309)   27(  27) 253(403) |  95 |        77116 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        51097 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  253( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       116218 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1306(1306)  144( 964) 470(539) | 100 |       237330 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  501( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        72964 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  336( 855) 257(246) |  70 |        66622 |
Hp:1306/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:290486 
Cran [party]: -=> YES
Malicat [party]: nah
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1309 +3 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 +13
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: zograh has sps
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Erwain aborts the spell casting.

Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
The table seems to slide out from the wall just a bit.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1309(1309)   27(  27) 266(403) |  95 |        77116 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        51097 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  264( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       116218 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1306(1306)  155( 964) 481(539) | 100 |       237330 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  512( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        72964 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  347( 855) 246(246) |  70 |        66622 |
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Malicat [party]: goes on cran's tick
Cran [party]: -=> gogo
Cran removes A chrysoberyl 2h sword named 'Crawe' .
Malicat [party]: meni
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and sw.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza (undead)
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
p' hmm cran back of me :)
Valkrist [party]: hmm cran back of me :)
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
party report
Malicat incises Nader Pereza causing eyeballs to explode.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
You successfully parry Nader Pereza's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's claw.
You try to dodge, but Nader Pereza is not fooled.
Nader Pereza scrapes you producing large scratches.
Nader Pereza successfully parries Nepnep's slash.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges your futile slash.
Hp: 1254 -55 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 246 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1254 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1254/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1254/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
party report
Nader Pereza perforates you causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses you.
You successfully dodge Nader Pereza's bite.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
You thrust Nader Pereza causing a NASTY head wound.
Hp: 1186 -68 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Nader Pereza says 'If you're in my house, you will obey my rules!'   
The phantom guestures at some harmless vermin, which suddenly grow into twisted monsters!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1186/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 246 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1186 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1186/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Sareth [wanted]: tigerspider/bardoffu/repubarb,channupsi,conjumage
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1186(1309)   27(  27) 266(403) |  95 |        77116 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        51097 |
| 1.3   Malicat       ldr 1079(1210)  264( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       116218 |
| 2.1   Cran          fol 1306(1306)  246( 964) 489(535) | 100 |       237330 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  666( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        72964 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  474( 855) 245(246) |  70 |        66622 |
Hp:1186/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Aesthir (hockey): oij hifki meni johtoon
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran fails to touch Nader Pereza.
party report
Mouse successfully dodges your futile slash.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Malicat successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Malicat successfully dodges Nader Pereza's claw.
Nader Pereza scrapes Malicat producing large scratches.
Malicat successfully dodges Mouse's bite.
Mouse barely scrapes Malicat making small marks.
Mouse tastes you making small marks.
You successfully parry Mouse's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1170 -16 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 186 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Nader Pereza is near death.
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:290486 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1257 +87 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
party report
You thrust Nader Pereza causing entrails to fly everywhere.
Nepnep misses Nader Pereza.
Nader Pereza successfully dodges Malicat's slash.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Nader Pereza bores Malicat causing a small wound.
Nader Pereza misses Malicat.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Mouse is not fooled that easily!
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Mouse misses Malicat.
Mouse misses Malicat.
Erwain throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'gtzt mar nak semen' (Summon greater spores)
Erwain grins as her summon greater spores hits Nader Pereza.

Nader's face sharpens to reveal a flustered and upset human face.
He pleads 'No! I can beat them! I'll try harder! I promise!'

Suddenly his ethereal body tears apart and scatters like leaves in a fast wind. The pieces meld into the shadows and vanish.
Nader's aggravated cry of 'This suuuuuuuccccks...' echoes and fades away.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 186 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Mouse is in excellent shape.
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
[party]: Cran is targeting nader
Hp: 1257  Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
party report
You incise Mouse making an artery explode.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing toxins to invade heart tissue.
Mouse tries to dodge, but Malicat is not fooled that easily!
Malicat shreds Mouse snapping a collarbone.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Nepnep successfully dodges Mouse's claw.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Malicat brings sirE around in a tight arc that ends in a fountain of Mouse's
Mouse bites Malicat right on the leg.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 186 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
Malicat goes 'Gnnnn!'.
Mouse is not in a good shape.
Mouse is slightly hurt.
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
As one snake blocks Mouse's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Mouse's soft skin.
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing poison to flow to the brain.
Malicat successfully parries Mouse's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Mouse barely scrapes Malicat making small marks.
Mouse misses Nepnep.
Mouse barely scrapes Nepnep making small marks.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Cran aborts the spell casting.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 186 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Mouse is not in a good shape.
Mouse is not in a good shape.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
Reima [hockey]: ofkoos
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and sw.
Gold key with crest
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
a roughly mouse-shaped creature
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:307872 
Hp: 1309 +52 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
party report
Your marvellous sense of combat prevents your white slender sword from getting scratched.
You miss Mouse.
You tear Mouse snapping back a limb.
Nepnep incises Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Malicat shreds Mouse causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
A large cavity replaces Mouse's chest.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Mouse misses you.
You successfully dodge Mouse's claw.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Mouse fills up its cheeks with air and exhales 'noccon uurthg' (Disease)
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 186 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:308208 
Nuubi [sales]: spider gloves mb 5k(shoppid).. poor cond....
Cran [party]: -=> gold key
party report
Nepnep horribly shreds Mouse causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Grinning diabolically Malicat cruelly slashes Mouse inducing the heart to totally freeze.
Mouse is dogfood.
Mouse is DEAD, R.I.P.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Malicat [party]: oh, wait, got it
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 169 (964) Ep: 489 (535).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:308493 
|    3876: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3600: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1507: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    9212: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6829: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     448: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     391: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1870: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2808: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2405: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1974: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    3617: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    2381: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    6233: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6346: Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >                     |
|     874: a raven long coat floating about in the air                        |
|     959: an indigo sandals floating about in the air                        |
|  107942: the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza                           |
|    2048: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1777: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
This party has killed 139 monsters (avg exp/mon: 5274).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:308493 
Cran wields A chrysoberyl 2h sword named 'Crawe'  in his right hand.
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Icebreath shouts 'Capula no longer causes lag!'
Info: Capula dies.
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and sw.
Gold key with crest
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:308493 
Cran licks key.
Malicat takes gold key with crest.
Malicat purrs contently.
Arnoldi [hockey]: piti veikata hifkiä pitkäsveos
Cran beams happily.
Zograh [party]: smoking
Malicat leaves southwest.
Cran wanders southwest.
Zograh leaves southwest.
Erwain leaves southwest.
Nepnep leaves southwest.
This lavish bathroom has a marble floor, alabastar walls, and expensive
fixtures. The bathtub is made from beaten copper, and stands over a flat coal
pit that serves as a heat source. A white marble washbasin is attached to the
west wall, just below a mirror. A steel reservoir sits by the south wall,
between the basin and the tub. A pipe runs from the reservoir to both the
basin and the bathtub. There are two iron vents in the walls, one in the south
wall and one in the east wall.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads northeast.
Obvious exit is: northeast.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Malicat cheerfully waves and says 'hello'.
Termite is in excellent shape.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
party report
Malicat misses Termite.
Termite misses you.
Termite misses you.
Termite tastes you making small marks.
Nepnep shreds Termite making an artery explode.
Hp: 1293 -16 Sp: 27  Ep: 266 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 196 (964) Ep: 496 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1293 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Termite is in a good shape.
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Cran raises his arm in greeting.
|    3876: a dark wooden table thumps around the floor                        |
|    3600: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1507: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    9212: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6829: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     448: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|     391: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1870: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2808: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2405: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1974: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    3617: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    2381: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    6233: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6346: Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >                     |
|     874: a raven long coat floating about in the air                        |
|     959: an indigo sandals floating about in the air                        |
|  107942: the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza                           |
|    2048: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1777: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
This party has killed 139 monsters (avg exp/mon: 5274).
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
party report
Malicat misses Termite.
Termite tastes Malicat causing a small scratch.
Malicat successfully parries Termite's claw.
Malicat successfully dodges Termite's bite.
Nepnep horribly shreds Termite inducing a nasty internal infection.
You jab Termite snapping a collarbone.
You incise Termite causing a kidney to rupture.
Exp: 313314 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 196 (964) Ep: 496 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1293 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 266 (403).
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Gildron (hockey): ihan vaan narrien veskan takia olis voinu veikata
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 40 minutes 15 seconds
Experience gained: 1352921
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 31
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 986 Misses: 355 Parries: 463 Ripostes: 325 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 30 Dodges: 379 Tumbles: 64 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:266/403 Exp:313314 
Cran [party]: -=> i wanna tank!
Amphion [sales]: eidilon shield for sale
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1293  Sp: 27  Ep: 238 -28
party report
You successfully parry Termite's bite.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Termite misses you.
You successfully dodge Termite's bite.
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Termite's eyes nearly blinding Termite.
Grinning diabolically Nepnep cruelly slashes Termite causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
A large hole replaces Termite's face.
Termite is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 196 (964) Ep: 496 (539).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1293 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 238 (403).
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:314098 
Malicat swaps the places of Cran and Malicat.
[party]: Cran mutters to himself.
Hp: 1293  Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Malicat leaves northeast.
Cran wanders northeast.
Zograh leaves northeast.
Erwain leaves northeast.
Nepnep leaves northeast.
This is a bedroom with old and expensive furniture. A huge canopy bed sits up
against the west wall, and is flanked on both sides by nightstands. A long
couch sits up against the east wall, in front of a long curtain. The floor is
covered by a thick shag carpet. A painting hangs on the south wall, between
the two doors there.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads north.
Wood door with bronze fittings (open) leads southwest.
Plain wooden door (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and sw.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
p' you don't tank so well
Valkrist [party]: you don't tank so well
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:314098 
Luciferion [wanted]: +hpr/+str boots/legs
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1293(1309)   27(  27) 238(403) |  95 |        97525 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        64130 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1306(1306)  196( 964) 496(539) | 100 |       258376 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1120(1210)  279( 503) 534(546) |  80 |       141114 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  696( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        93114 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  497( 855) 246(246) |  70 |        83613 |
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:238/403 Exp:314098 
Malicat [party]: hehe
[party]: Cran gives Valkrist the finger.
Malicat opens oak door with steel fittings.
Malicat leaves northeast.
Cran wanders northeast.
Zograh leaves northeast.
Erwain leaves northeast.
Nepnep leaves northeast.
This small square room has a single east-facing window, which has been boarded
up. There is a chest of drawers here, a tall and narrow cabinet, a grandfather
clock, and a large white porcelain box. A simple brown rug covers the center
of the floor. Apart from these furnishings, the room is somewhat bare.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (open) leads southwest.
Obvious exit is: southwest.
A comfortable bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with steel fittings.
Hp: 1293  Sp: 27  Ep: 238 
Malicat opens oak door with steel fittings.
Malicat leaves southwest.
Cran wanders southwest.
Zograh leaves southwest.
Erwain leaves southwest.
Nepnep leaves southwest.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (open) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n, ne and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with steel fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway that turns to the east at the
north end. The walls are plaster painted a deep, dark green, and a finely
woven carpet on the floor is a matching hue. Hanging from the ceiling are
three globe-shaped lanterns, still glowing with a white-yellow light. A
nasty-looking greataxe hangs on the north wall, on a wooden panel.
Birch door painted green (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1293  Sp: 27  Ep: 237 -1
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway. At the east end, it turns to the
south, and at the west end, it turns to the north. The walls have been painted
an ugly olive greenish-grey, and the floor is covered by a carpet of the same
horrid shade of green. As if to make the room even more disturbing, someone
has hung a variety of weapons on the walls as well. Crossed pairs of swords,
axes, and flails act as grisly decorations along the north and south walls.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One zinc coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
p' and you don't hit with your spells
Valkrist [party]: and you don't hit with your spells
Hp:1293/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:236/403 Exp:318923 
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. The walls of this hall are a
rather sickly olive green, similar to a dying bog plant. A strip of carpet
runs down the middle of the hall that is an equally ugly colour. There are a
total of six paintings on the walls here, three on the east wall and three on
the west wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
You feel fully healed.
p' Full HPs
Hp: 1309 +16 Sp: 27  Ep: 243 +6
Valkrist [party]: Full HPs
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:243/403 Exp:318923 
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the northern half of the
west wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
A torn teal snood (glowing)
A pile of bronze coins
A pile of tin coins
A torn raven long skirt (glowing)
20 silver coins
A torn mint kilt
A pile of zinc coins
A torn plaid collar (glowing)
A small pile of copper coins
A pile of mowgles coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w, e and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Cran [party]: -=> then how come my solo is three times as big as yours?!
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This open room has three large windows overlooking the countryside, two in the
east wall and one in the south wall. A large 'X' of heavy boards has been
nailed across each window. The walls around the windows are painted a drab,
greyish shade of olive green. The floor is bare floorboards, which are scuffed
and worn. Three of the corners have potted trees, which have long since died
and dried up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: west.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
p' i wonder even why on earth we keep you party
Valkrist [party]: i wonder even why on earth we keep you party
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:243/403 Exp:318923 
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Gru [sales]: soul ripper 100k
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 242 -1
Malicat unlocks solid gold door.
f cran
Cran Magrelant is a level 100 mortal of the Ent race.
He was created before 1997 and he is 1y, 125d, 14h, 31min and 18s old.
He has been on for 2h, 43min and 5s, idle 10s.
He has killed: grey haired shopkeeper sits behind t.., 192387 exp
               An enormous bull, black as midnight, 1078636 exp (party of 9)
Web page:      [swe+] godfather
>              i'm waking with the roaches
>              the world has surrendered
>              i'm dating ancient ghosts
>              the ones i made friends with
>              the comfort of fireflies
>              long gone before daylight
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:242/403 Exp:318923 
Malicat opens solid gold door.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This room consists of four bare stone walls, a bare stone ceiling, and a bare
stone floor. It is large enough for ten humans to stand around in, but other
than taking up space, the room appears to have no purpose or features.
Solid gold door (open) leads south.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes solid gold door.
Descent tells you '5.5k parilla noob lvl questil :P'
Malicat opens solid gold door.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (open) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w, e and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes solid gold door.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 242 
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a rug hovers in the air
Gotrek (wanted): kilrathi book gnn
Vampire assassin shouts 'Eata, I bet that HURT! *RAH RAH*'
party report
Nepnep incises Rug smashing rib bones into a lung.
Grinning diabolically Cran savagely rips Rug causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly rug breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 289 (1008) Ep: 504 (539).
[party]: Cran scored a critical hit
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 242 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:242/403 Exp:323875 
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 242 
p' hmm prolly stefan took it to nd :)
Valkrist [party]: hmm prolly stefan took it to nd :)
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:242/403 Exp:323875 
Malicat unlocks solid gold door.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 249 +7
[party]: Malicat rolls on the floor laughing.
Cran [party]: -=> :)
Malicat [party]: he knows you well Cran. :)
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:323875 
There is a loud *CRASH* as one of the skylight panels is shattered!
Without a warning, a large brown sparrow-like bird jumps out and attacks!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Without a warning, a large brown sparrow-like bird jumps out and attacks!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Without a warning, a large brown sparrow-like bird jumps out and attacks!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Without a warning, a large brown sparrow-like bird jumps out and attacks!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
party report
Sparrow successfully dodges your futile bash.
You miss Sparrow.
Cran misses Sparrow.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 278 (1008) Ep: 504 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 249 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:323875 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zhagaal [wanted]: merchant
party report
You tear Sparrow making rib bones snap and crack.
Nepnep shreds Sparrow causing toxins to invade heart tissue.
Sparrow misses you.
You successfully parry Sparrow's claw.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran successfully dodges Sparrow's claw.
Cran successfully dodges Sparrow's claw.
You successfully dodge Sparrow's claw.
Sparrow misses you.
You successfully dodge Sparrow's claw.
Sparrow misses you.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 278 (1008) Ep: 504 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 249 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:323875 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Sparrow is in excellent shape.
Sparrow is in a good shape.
Sparrow is slightly hurt.
Sparrow is in excellent shape.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:323875 
party report
Grinning diabolically Nepnep uncontrollably slashes Sparrow causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
A large cavity replaces Sparrow's chest.
Sparrow is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran slashes Sparrow causing both lungs to corrode.
Sparrow successfully dodges Cran's slash.
You successfully parry Sparrow's claw.
Sparrow misses you.
Sparrow misses Nepnep.
Sparrow misses Nepnep.
Sparrow misses Cran.
Sparrow barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 249 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 278 (1008) Ep: 504 (539).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 249 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:324437 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 278 (1008) Ep: 506 (539).'
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Sparrow claps his hands and says 'cah zur fehh' (Chill touch)
Sparrow grins as its chill touch hits Cran.
Sparrow tries to claw Cran, but misses.
Sparrow claps his hands and says 'cah zur fehh' (Chill touch)
Sparrow grins as its chill touch hits Cran.
party report
Sparrow tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You thrust Sparrow causing large bones to crack loudly.
Sparrow successfully dodges your futile slash.
Cran successfully dodges Sparrow's claw.
Sparrow misses Cran.
Sparrow misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Sparrow's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nepnep successfully dodges Sparrow's claw.
Nepnep successfully dodges Sparrow's claw.
Erwain sings: 'Thar! Rauko! Mor! Ris-Rim! Fuin-Heru! GOR! Gurthgwath!n' (Noituloves deathlore)
Erwain hits Sparrow, Sparrow and Sparrow with her noituloves deathlore.
Sparrow is dogfood.
Sparrow is DEAD, R.I.P.
A large hole replaces Sparrow's face.
Sparrow is DEAD, R.I.P.
Sparrow gets an acute case of iron-poisoning.
Sparrow is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 1214 (1306) Sp: 278 (1008) Ep: 506 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1309 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 249 (403).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
ta sparrow
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
No sparrow here !
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
There's no sparrow here.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
A combusted corpse of Sparrow
A broken pieces of wool rug
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 249 
|     391: a chair drags itself around the room                               |
|    1870: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2808: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    2405: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1974: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    3617: a disgusting dog-sized tentacled rat                               |
|    2381: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    6233: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|    6346: Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >                     |
|     874: a raven long coat floating about in the air                        |
|     959: an indigo sandals floating about in the air                        |
|  107942: the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza                           |
|    2048: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1777: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    4758: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     749: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|    3490: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    3207: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    2356: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    1574: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
This party has killed 145 monsters (avg exp/mon: 5167).
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Exp: 325608 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 41 minutes 36 seconds
Experience gained: 1365215
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 33
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 988 Misses: 358 Parries: 466 Ripostes: 327 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 30 Dodges: 382 Tumbles: 65 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1309(1309)   27(  27) 249(403) |  95 |        99518 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        65403 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1214(1306)  278(1008) 509(539) | 100 |       260431 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1201(1210)  371( 503) 546(546) |  80 |       143541 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  641( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        95084 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  568( 855) 246(246) |  70 |        85271 |
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:249/403 Exp:325608 
Cran looks at crawe.
Hp: 1309  Sp: 27  Ep: 255 +6
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
A broken pieces of wool rug
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1309/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:255/403 Exp:325608 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran harms you a lot.
Desotarion (dsc+): kumpas me tarvitaa ennemmmi, rocki priesti vai sukka
Malicat opens solid gold door.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This room consists of four bare stone walls, a bare stone ceiling, and a bare
stone floor. It is large enough for ten humans to stand around in, but other
than taking up space, the room appears to have no purpose or features.
Solid gold door (open) leads south.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes solid gold door.
Cran [party]: -=> oops
Hp: 973 -336 Sp: 27  Ep: 255 
Malicat slaps Cran on the cheek.
Malicat opens solid gold door.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (open) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w, e and n.
A broken pieces of wool rug
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes solid gold door.
You ack.
Hp:973/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:255/403 Exp:330437 
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is a length of north-south hallway. At the south end, it splits up
and goes both east and west. The walls are a pale cyan colour, matching the
striped carpet. There are a few glass lamps built into the east wall, each
glowing with a soft, white light. A large bronze sign hangs over the door in
the west wall.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads library.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
*Condor is sooo cool.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is a widened section of hallway under a large skylight. The floor is
covered with several rugs, leaving a spot in the center uncovered. Each of the
walls is painted cyan, with white moulding running along the bottom of the
walls along the floor. A large oak display case stands up against the south
wall. A scattering of broken glass lies on the floor under the skylight.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
A broken pieces of wool rug
One gold coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. To the north, it comes to an end,
and to the south, it turns towards the east. The walls are painted a drab
olive green, and the floor is covered with a strip of carpet that is olive
with grey stripes. On either side of the door in the east wall, there is a
planter with some ivy and bushes. A bronze sign hangs over the door in the
east wall.
Solid gold door (closed) leads north.
Maple door with highsteel fittings (closed) leads south.
Elm door with brass fittings (closed) leads observatory.
Obvious exits are: w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol  973(1309)   27(  27) 254(403) |  95 |        99518 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 377(378) |  45 |        65403 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1214(1306)  138(1008) 509(539) | 100 |       260431 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1201(1210)  356( 503) 545(546) |  80 |       143541 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  711( 832) 396(397) |  93 |        95084 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  698( 698)  568( 855) 246(246) |  70 |        85271 |
Hp:973/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:254/403 Exp:330437 
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Cran [party]: -=> seem to hit okay
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This open room has three large windows overlooking the countryside, two in the
east wall and one in the south wall. A large 'X' of heavy boards has been
nailed across each window. The walls around the windows are painted a drab,
greyish shade of olive green. The floor is bare floorboards, which are scuffed
and worn. Three of the corners have potted trees, which have long since died
and dried up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with iron fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: west.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 973  Sp: 27  Ep: 254 -1
Cran [party]: -=> let's test another
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
*Condor is slightly annoying.
Amphion [dsc+]: en ossoo sanoo
boo cran
You boo Cran off the stage.
Hp:973/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:254/403 Exp:330437 
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This large bedroom is well-furnished and decorated with fine things. The floor
is covered by a tan shag carpet, and the walls are painted a dull golden
yellow. Heavy yellow-brown curtains hang beside two large south-facing
windows, both of which have been boarded shut. There is a bed, a dresser with
a mirror, and a pair of copper lamps. An alcove in the northern half of the
west wall could be a walk-in closet, but it is empty.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
A torn teal snood (glowing)
A pile of bronze coins
A pile of tin coins
A torn raven long skirt (glowing)
20 silver coins
A torn mint kilt
A pile of zinc coins
A torn plaid collar (glowing)
A small pile of copper coins
A pile of mowgles coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Desotarion (dsc+): vai kova channupsi
Malicat opens oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that turns to the north at the east
end. The walls are made of plaster, and painted an ugly shade of olive green.
A matching strip of carpet runs down the middle of the floor. There are two
torch sconces on the south wall, and a long wooden shelf set high up on the
north wall.
Oak door with brass fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: n, w, e and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway. The walls of this hall are a
rather sickly olive green, similar to a dying bog plant. A strip of carpet
runs down the middle of the hall that is an equally ugly colour. There are a
total of six paintings on the walls here, three on the east wall and three on
the west wall.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of an east-west hallway. At the east end, it turns to the
south, and at the west end, it turns to the north. The walls have been painted
an ugly olive greenish-grey, and the floor is covered by a carpet of the same
horrid shade of green. As if to make the room even more disturbing, someone
has hung a variety of weapons on the walls as well. Crossed pairs of swords,
axes, and flails act as grisly decorations along the north and south walls.
Obvious exits are: n and s.
One zinc coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
ds last
Last 20 messages from dsc+ channel:
[19:28]:Marrow [dsc+]: joo ja sit se voi outbiddaa kaikki ku sillo nii paljo pongoo 
[19:28]:Marrow [dsc+]: no oli tuol jo kiva amu ja hanskat nytki 
[19:29]:Valkrist [dsc+]: ai ne eikka hanskat? 
[19:29]:Marrow [dsc+]: ni 
[19:29]:Valkrist [dsc+]: 2 purplea ja 2 greeniä melkei sama asia 
[19:29]:Marrow [dsc+]: jos ei nappaa swappaa ni ne rokkaa nimel 
[19:29]:Marrow [dsc+]: 3,5 greenii vissii kuitenki 
[19:29]:Desotarion (dsc+): greeni oli 2? 
[19:29]:Marrow [dsc+]: ni 
[19:30]:Valkrist [dsc+]: tai sit kahdet hanskat sothilta 
[19:30]:Desotarion (dsc+): kuis monta päivää enne melkku ajettii ku eikka 
[19:30]:Stargazer [dsc+]: 6 
[19:31]:Desotarion (dsc+): ja niist o vieläki biddei menos :) 
[19:31]:Marrow [dsc+]: no siis ne melkku kamatha lykkaanty ku oli se maxbid hassaskka 
[19:31]:Desotarion (dsc+): mutmut tuliha ne ennen eikan kamoi silti kai 
[19:31]:Stargazer [dsc+]: no niiden biditki piti olla ohi sinä päivänä ku eikka ajettiin 
[19:32]:Amphion [dsc+]: jeh 
[19:36]:Desotarion (dsc+): kumpas me tarvitaa ennemmmi, rocki priesti vai sukka mageconju 
[19:36]:Amphion [dsc+]: en ossoo sanoo 
[19:37]:Desotarion (dsc+): vai kova channupsi 
Hp:973/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:254/403 Exp:330437 
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long north-south hallway that turns to the east at the
north end. The walls are plaster painted a deep, dark green, and a finely
woven carpet on the floor is a matching hue. Hanging from the ceiling are
three globe-shaped lanterns, still glowing with a white-yellow light. A
nasty-looking greataxe hangs on the north wall, on a wooden panel.
Birch door painted green (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: s and e.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1013 +40 Sp: 27  Ep: 264 +10
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway that comes to an end to the north.
The walls are painted a deep shade of green, and the carpet that covers the
floor is the same colour. There is a single window in the north wall, but it
has been boarded up. A shelf sticks out of the east wall.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of an east-west hallway that divides at the west end to go
west and north. The walls are painted a rich forest green colour almost all
the way up to the ceiling, where a paler green stripe replaces the darker hue.
A fine carpet, also dark green, covers the floor. A single window is set in
the east wall, behind a table, but it has been boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with steel fittings (closed) leads northeast.
Wood door with iron fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w, n and s.
An impaled corpse
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Cran [party]: -=> run me explore 80%!
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a north-south hallway that comes to an end to the north.
The walls are painted a deep shade of green, and the carpet that covers the
floor is the same colour. There is a single window in the north wall, but it
has been boarded up. A shelf sticks out of the east wall.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: south.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This large room has dull grey stone walls and a floor of the same material.
There are five windows, two in the west wall and three in the north wall, all
of which have been boarded up. Three large stone tubs sit in the west side of
the room, and near them, a mound of clothing buzzes with flies. A set of
wooden shelves covers the eastern half of the south wall. A set of stone
stairs leads downwards just past the door, descending as they go west.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads east.
Obvious exits are: d and e.
A torn goldenrod pair of stockings
2 anipium coins
A huge pile of mowgles coins
A torn indigo sandals
3 platinum coins
A pile of zinc coins
A torn raven long coat
7 gold coins
12 silver coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
an indigo tie floating about in the air
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
Cran reports: Hp: 1241 (1306) Sp: 164 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Cran reports: Hp: 1241 (1306) Sp: 164 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Cran takes 2 anipium coins, 3 platinum coins and 7 gold coins.
Hp: 1013  Sp: 27  Ep: 264 
party report
Tie misses you.
Tie misses you.
Nepnep slashes Tie causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you cruelly slash Tie causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly the tie stops moving and falls to the ground.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1013 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 264 (403).
Hp:1013/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
Cran reports: Hp: 1241 (1306) Sp: 164 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
ds hurja habo tankki!
Valkrist [dsc+]: hurja habo tankki!
Hp:1013/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
You are not in combat right now.
Hp:1013/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1013  Sp: 27  Ep: 264 
Zithromax (sales): ring of shadows, +max hpr, AWE. mb 1k
This large room has dull grey stone walls and a floor of the same material.
There are five windows, two in the west wall and three in the north wall, all
of which have been boarded up. Three large stone tubs sit in the west side of
the room, and near them, a mound of clothing buzzes with flies. A set of
wooden shelves covers the eastern half of the south wall. A set of stone
stairs leads downwards just past the door, descending as they go west.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads east.
Obvious exit is: down.
A torn indigo tie
One mithril coin
A small pile of bronze coins
A pile of tin coins
A torn goldenrod pair of stockings
A huge pile of mowgles coins
A torn indigo sandals
A pile of zinc coins
A torn raven long coat
12 silver coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1013/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
Cran takes one mithril coin.
*Condor cocks its head to the side.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1293 (1306) Sp: 191 (1008) Ep: 515 (539).'
Zithromax (sales): names: Laaban, Croesus, Lammas, Era, Pehtoori, Walor, Juki,
 Farliss and Grimpold
ds tee semmonen
Valkrist [dsc+]: tee semmonen
Hp:1088/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
Hp: 1088 +75 Sp: 27  Ep: 264 
Goa (sales): 1k!
Amphion [dsc+]: =)
Pradedek [sales]: 10k
Kiomet [sales]: 15k
This large room has dull grey stone walls and a floor of the same material.
There are five windows, two in the west wall and three in the north wall, all
of which have been boarded up. Three large stone tubs sit in the west side of
the room, and near them, a mound of clothing buzzes with flies. A set of
wooden shelves covers the eastern half of the south wall. A set of stone
stairs leads downwards just past the door, descending as they go west.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads east.
Obvious exit is: down.
A torn indigo tie
A small pile of bronze coins
A pile of tin coins
A torn goldenrod pair of stockings
A huge pile of mowgles coins
A torn indigo sandals
A pile of zinc coins
A torn raven long coat
12 silver coins
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1088/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:264/403 Exp:330630 
Geroth [sales]: 20k
Reima [sales]: sacval?
Hp: 1124 +36 Sp: 27  Ep: 270 +6
Flies buzz around the laundry.
Pradedek [sales]: 25k
ds tai kohtuu kova bardi tankki
Valkrist [dsc+]: tai kohtuu kova bardi tankki
Hp:1124/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:270/403 Exp:330630 
Erwain [sales]: 50k
Malicat leaves down.
Cran wanders down.
Zograh leaves down.
Erwain leaves down.
Nepnep leaves down.
This area is a landing at the bottom of a flight of stairs. The stairs are
made of carved stone, and go up as they go east. The walls are painted a dull
greenish-grey colour, with a sickly corpse-like shade to it. Other than that,
the room is pretty much empty.
Mallorn door with bronze fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: up.
An iron bar holds the door shut
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Mahon [wanted]: summon, tell first pelase
Hp: 1124  Sp: 27  Ep: 270 
Clubbo, the HUGE Troll shouts 'That'll teach Nips to mess with ME!'
Pradedek [sales]: maxcond and weight pls
sales last
Last 20 messages from sales channel:
[19:32]:Luciferion [sales]: gloves +dodge?
[19:32]:Nuubi [sales]: nod
[19:32]:Serpens [sales]: 25k on boots
[19:32]:Gru [sales]: withdrawn
[19:32]:Nuubi [sales]: 25k*1
[19:32]:Nuubi [sales]: 25k*2
[19:32]:Nuubi [sales]: sold.....
[19:34]:Nuubi [sales]: spider gloves mb 5k(shoppid).. poor cond....
[19:35]:Amphion [sales]: eidilon shield for sale
[19:35]:Gru [sales]: soul ripper 100k
[19:37]:Zithromax (sales): ring of shadows, +max hpr, AWE. mb 1k
[19:37]:Zithromax (sales): names: Laaban, Croesus, Lammas, Era, Pehtoori, Walor, Juki, Farliss and Grimpold
[19:37]:Goa (sales): 1k!
[19:37]:Pradedek [sales]: 10k
[19:37]:Kiomet [sales]: 15k
[19:37]:Geroth [sales]: 20k
[19:37]:Reima [sales]: sacval?
[19:37]:Pradedek [sales]: 25k
[19:37]:Erwain [sales]: 50k
[19:37]:Pradedek [sales]: maxcond and weight pls
Hp:1124/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:270/403 Exp:335460 
Desotarion (dsc+): joo, tees mulle 400m expoa sormii napsauttamal ni sit
Troll shouts 'Byzant died like a DOG!'
Kari [ghost]: accept rais/ress/newbody if need
Reima [sales]: nvm on the sac
Zithromax (sales): AWEcond, ring -> vlw
Nuubi [sales]: amazon boots/arm greaves mb 30k each (+ma,sac 145k)
Malicat looks at door.
Malicat looks at bar.
Zithromax (sales): 1.26m sacvalue
ds nääh vähempiki riittää
Hp: 1167 +43 Sp: 27  Ep: 279 +9
Valkrist [dsc+]: nääh vähempiki riittää
Hp:1167/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:279/403 Exp:335460 
Overlord [wanted]: summon
Broetchen {sales}: 100k
Overlord [wanted]: kari got me
Malicat tries to push bar away.
*Condor cocks its head to the side.
Malicat starts concentrating on a new spell.
Amphion [dsc+]: lahen tanssii
Zograh [party]: Full SPs
Amphion [dsc+]: moro
Malicat ponders her deepest dreams, worst nightmares.
Zograh removes Bracelets of San-Jyan labeled as  (glowing) , leggings of putrid flesh (undead) (glowing), the frozen ice belt of the demon lord (glowing), Circlet of Flame labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , Necklace of The Petrified Heart (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing), Rod of Artemis (glowing) , a golden pendant inscribed with a symbol of Aeo labeled as  (glowing) , sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), sparkling ruby ring labeled as  (glowing), golden wristbands labeled as [xXx] (glowing), a purple glove labeled as  (glowing) and a torn leather muscle shirt labeled as  (glowing).
Zograh emits a sudden glow that quickly disappears.
Zograh wears A majestical ruby necklace (glowing) , a green glove labeled as  (glowing), golden belt of Fair River-Daughter labeled as  (glowing), sun amulet (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing), a green glove labeled as  (glowing), The Dah'bec crown labeled as  (glowing), Ring of Many Wonders labeled as  (glowing) and Holy vest of Yak labeled as  (glowing).
*Zograh Is In [Wis Mode].
This area is a landing at the bottom of a flight of stairs. The stairs are
made of carved stone, and go up as they go east. The walls are painted a dull
greenish-grey colour, with a sickly corpse-like shade to it. Other than that,
the room is pretty much empty.
Mallorn door with bronze fittings (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: up.
An iron bar holds the door shut
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp:1167/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:279/403 Exp:335460 
Malicat stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Exp: 335460 Money: 59.00 Bank: 12821.13
Hp:1167/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:279/403 Exp:335460 
Malicat looks at bar.
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 43 minutes 37 seconds
Experience gained: 1375067
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 35
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 989 Misses: 358 Parries: 466 Ripostes: 327 Stuns: 13
 Criticals: 31 Dodges: 382 Tumbles: 65 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1167/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:279/403 Exp:335460 
Erwain [sales]: 125k
Desotarion (dsc+): nojoo mut mun pitää birthii tos koht kumminki :)
Hp: 1218 +51 Sp: 27  Ep: 292 +13
Cran looks at bar.
Cran stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control)
Malicat removes an iron bar holds the door shut from blocking mallorn door with bronze fittings.
Malicat lets out an 'ah' of comprehension.
Malicat opens mallorn door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This small room looks like a place to sit and play games for a while. A few
small tables and padded chairs take up most of the middle of the room, which
has green carpet and green-painted walls. Copper lanterns hang from copper
chains in the corners, over small cabinets. A dartboard hangs on the north
wall, and a sign hangs next to it.
Birch door with brass fittings (closed) leads south.
Mallorn door with bronze fittings (open) leads east.
Obvious exit is: east.
One gold coin
One tin coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a bobbing and weaving copper lantern (lit)
a bobbing and weaving copper lantern (lit)
Malicat closes mallorn door with bronze fittings.
Ginsen [sales]: +darkness on that ring?
party report
You thrust Lantern forcing the heart to incinerate.
Nepnep shreds Lantern causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly lantern breaks into zillions of pieces.
party report
You tear Lantern causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Nepnep shreds Lantern causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Suddenly lantern breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1218 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 292 (403).
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Cran reports: Hp: 1306 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1218 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 292 (403).
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
f desotarion
Desotarion Shai-Hulud is a level 90 elder of the Lich race.
She was created Sun Jun 23 17:46:50 2002 and she is 233d, 8h, 56min and 27s old.
She has been on for 7h, 25min and 44s, idle 11s.
She has killed: a big, light green seamonster, 89068 exp
                Laingan the perverted Valheru jailer, 387346 exp (party of 6)
Web page: Silent assassin
This player has a blog - last modified 6d, 21h, 37min and 44s ago. 
>Annapas ajan kulua, päivän mennä, toisen tulla,
>taas minua tarvitahan, katsotahan, kaivatahan
>uuen sammon saattajaksi, uuen soiton suorijaksi,
>uuen kuun kulettajaksi, uuen päivän päästäjäksi,
>kun ei kuuta, aurinkoa eikä ilmaista iloa.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Hp: 1218  Sp: 27  Ep: 292 
Zithromax (sales): darkness too yes
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Malicat [party]: okies
Malicat opens birch door with brass fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of north-south hallway that comes to a dead-end to the
north. The walls are off-white plaster painted with blood-red vertical
stripes. The floor is covered in a carpet of a similar hue. Two shelf-like
sconces are attached to the east wall, flanking the double doors. An oil lamp
sits on each one.
Birch door with brass fittings (open) leads north.
Pair of pine double doors (closed) leads east.
Obvious exits are: s, w and n.
A long wood bench
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes birch door with brass fittings.
ds säästä kolmanteen?
Valkrist [dsc+]: säästä kolmanteen?
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the north at the west
end. The walls are off-white plaster, but blood-red tapestries hang from them,
covering over half of the north and south walls. A carpet of the same shade as
the tapestries runs along the hall, leaving a small amount of floorboards
exposed on either side. Standing between each pair of tapestries is a suit of
armour, each of which leans on a two-handed sword.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Cedar door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and e.
A steel 2h sword
A big pile of mowgles coins
One batium coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a vaguely gnoll-like hulking humanoid looms here
a suit of plate mail walking around
party report
Twisted jackal successfully dodges your futile bash.
Twisted jackal bores Cran producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal bores Cran producing large scratches.
Cran successfully parries Twisted jackal's bite.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 1193 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1218 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 292 (403).
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Malicat acks.
ta gnoll
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
You are now targetting Twisted jackal.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
You earmark Twisted jackal to be killed by your party, lead by yourself.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Cran takes one batium coin.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Valkrist [party]: luring
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
party report
Twisted jackal tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Twisted jackal causing a small scratch.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing toxins to fester on the limbs.
Twisted jackal misses Cran.
Twisted jackal misses Cran.
Cran successfully dodges Twisted jackal's bite.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's slash.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Cran reports: Hp: 1193 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1218 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 292 (403).
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is in excellent shape.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'lure'.
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1218(1309)   27(  27) 292(403) |  95 |        99770 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1422(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        65564 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1193(1306)  391(1008) 537(539) | 100 |       260798 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  419( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       143930 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  832( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        95332 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  882( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        85481 |
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
[party]: Cran is targeting jackal
Malicat [party]: target gnoll
party report
Twisted jackal howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You jab Twisted jackal causing a small scratch.
Nepnep misses Twisted jackal.
Twisted jackal misses you.
You successfully dodge Twisted jackal's claw.
Twisted jackal misses you.
Cran successfully dodges Suit of armour's bash.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Cran reports: Hp: 1193 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1218 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 292 (403).
Hp:1218/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:292/403 Exp:335490 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Broetchen {sales}: 150k
party report
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you cruelly slash Twisted jackal sparking a limb to slice open.
Nepnep shreds Twisted jackal causing a small scratch.
Cran incisively cuts Twisted jackal causing a bad acid wound.
Cran horribly shreds Twisted jackal creating a nasty infection.
Twisted jackal misses you.
Twisted jackal bores you producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal nips you causing a small scratch.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Hp: 1134 -84 Sp: 27  Ep: 292 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You expose yourself to Twisted jackal.
Twisted jackal rampages towards you as it sees the opening.
Twisted jackal doesn't let its opportunity go to waste and delivers a decisive
strike deep into your flesh.
You see opportunity and butt the shaft of your weapon towards a vital nerve
party say 3 round lure
completely disabling Twisted jackal.
Hp: 993 -141 Sp: 27  Ep: 253 -39
Suit of armour tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 993 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 253 (403).
Hp:993/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
Cran reports: Hp: 1193 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist [party]: 3 round lure
Hp:993/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:993/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
party report
You thrust Twisted jackal causing skin to sizzle.
You miss Twisted jackal.
Nepnep shreds Twisted jackal creating a nasty infection.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Twisted jackal is not fooled that easily!
Twisted jackal bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal misses Nepnep.
Twisted jackal nips Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Twisted jackal.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1238 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1238 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1064 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 253 (403).
Hp:1064/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is noticeably hurt.
Hp:1064/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1064/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
Cran looks at crawe.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1064(1309)   27(  27) 253(403) |  95 |        99770 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1362(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        65564 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1238(1306)  391(1008) 537(539) | 100 |       260798 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  419( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       143930 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  689( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        95332 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  844( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        85481 |
Hp:1064/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:253/403 Exp:335490 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
As one snake blocks Twisted jackal's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Twisted jackal's soft skin.
Nepnep shreds Twisted jackal creating a nasty infection.
Nepnep shreds Twisted jackal producing large scratches.
Cran horribly shreds Twisted jackal causing a small wound.
Cran misses Twisted jackal.
Twisted jackal bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal nips Nepnep causing a small scratch.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's slash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Suit of armour bumps you making small marks.
Hp: 1053 +60 Sp: 27  Ep: 253 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You swiftly pound your enemy across the throat, almost crushing its windpipe!
Hp: 1053  Sp: 27  Ep: 221 -32
Suit of armour pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Sparks fly from the armour as it is struck.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1053 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 221 (403).
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Cran reports: Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is not in a good shape.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1053(1309)   27(  27) 221(403) |  95 |        99770 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1205(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        65564 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1211(1306)  391(1008) 537(539) | 100 |       260798 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  419( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       143930 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  689( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        95332 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  844( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        85481 |
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
party report
Twisted jackal successfully parries your bash.
Twisted jackal tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You incise Twisted jackal producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal misses Nepnep.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Twisted jackal is not fooled that easily!
Twisted jackal sticks Nepnep producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal nips Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Nepnep tries to dodge, but Suit of armour is not fooled that easily!
Suit of armour butts Nepnep making small marks.

The twisted jackal staggers back, bulging at the throat and mouth.
It looks like it's gonna barf!

Cran reports: Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1053 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 221 (403).
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is not in a good shape.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Zithromax (sales): +poison resist too
party report
Twisted jackal successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Nepnep misses Twisted jackal.
Cran slashes Twisted jackal ripping off a hand with a hydrochloric blast.
Twisted jackal misses Nepnep.
Twisted jackal bores Nepnep producing large scratches.
Twisted jackal misses Nepnep.
Suit of armour horribly shreds Nepnep causing a nasty laceration.
Suit of armour butts Nepnep making small marks.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Twisted jackal.
Twisted jackal tries to claw Cran, but misses.
The twisted jackal goes 'BLEEAAARGHGH' and vomits up an angry jackal!
Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush!
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh falters and loses her spell.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
Cran reports: Hp: 1186 (1306) Sp: 391 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1053 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 221 (403).
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Wiry jackal is in excellent shape.
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is in bad shape.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1053(1309)   27(  27) 221(403) |  95 |        99770 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  942(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        65564 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1186(1306)  391(1008) 537(539) | 100 |       260798 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1210(1210)  388( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       143930 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  546( 832) 397(397) |  93 |        95332 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  825( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        85481 |
Hp:1053/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
party report
Nepnep misses Twisted jackal.
Twisted jackal bores you causing a small wound.
You successfully dodge Twisted jackal's claw.
You successfully dodge Twisted jackal's bite.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Wiry jackal tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Wiry jackal misses Nepnep.
Hp: 1006 -47 Sp: 27  Ep: 221 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran fails to touch Twisted jackal.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Twisted jackal!
The twisted jackal goes 'BLEEAAARGHGH' and vomits up an angry jackal!
Cran reports: Hp: 1186 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1006 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 221 (403).
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Wiry jackal is in excellent shape.
Suit of armour is in AWESOME condition.
Twisted jackal is in very bad shape.
Wiry jackal is in excellent shape.
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:221/403 Exp:335490 
Erwain [sales]: 200k
party report
Cran successfully dodges Wiry jackal's bite.
Wiry jackal misses Cran.
Nepnep horribly shreds Twisted jackal making the lungs implode from infection.
Twisted jackal tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Grinning diabolically Nepnep uncontrollably slashes Twisted jackal causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.

You lost your earmark on Twisted jackal: You are not the party leader.

Twisted jackal gets an acute case of iron-poisoning.
Twisted jackal is DEAD, R.I.P.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's bash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Wiry jackal's bite.
Wiry jackal misses Nepnep.
Hp: 1006  Sp: 27  Ep: 221 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You turn your enemy's lunge aside and pound in one swift movement!
Hp: 1006  Sp: 27  Ep: 189 -32
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Nepnep sprawling to the floor.
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1006 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 189 (403).
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:189/403 Exp:345982 
Cran reports: Hp: 1186 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 537 (539).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Cran goes 'Heh'.
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:189/403 Exp:345982 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1006/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:189/403 Exp:345982 
party report
Wiry jackal tastes Nepnep causing a small scratch.
Wiry jackal misses Nepnep.
You tear Suit of armour causing a small wound.
Cran slashes Wiry jackal making an arm shrivel from infection.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Wiry jackal nibbles Nepnep making small marks.
Wiry jackal misses Nepnep.
Nepnep horribly shreds Wiry jackal causing large bones to crack loudly.
Nepnep shreds Wiry jackal puncturing a hole, allowing entrails to spill everywhere.
Wiry jackal bites Nepnep right on the leg.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1215 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1080 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 189 (403).
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:189/403 Exp:345982 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1215 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).'
This area is a length of east-west hallway that turns to the north at the west
end. The walls are off-white plaster, but blood-red tapestries hang from them,
covering over half of the north and south walls. A carpet of the same shade as
the tapestries runs along the hall, leaving a small amount of floorboards
exposed on either side. Standing between each pair of tapestries is a suit of
armour, each of which leans on a two-handed sword.
Oak door with brass fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Cedar door with bronze fittings (closed) leads southeast.
Obvious exits are: n and e.
Three small blue darts
Tatters of a leather harness (glowing)
A steel 2h sword
A big pile of mowgles coins
a wiry jackal 
a wiry jackal 
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a suit of plate mail walking around
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:189/403 Exp:345982 
Malicat starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Wiry jackal's bite.
Wiry jackal misses Nepnep.
You thrust Suit of armour inducing a nasty lesion.
Cran horribly shreds Wiry jackal making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Suit of armour shreds Nepnep causing a nasty laceration.
Nepnep successfully dodges Suit of armour's bash.
Cran successfully dodges Wiry jackal's bite.
Wiry jackal barely scrapes Cran making small marks.
Hp: 1080 +74 Sp: 27  Ep: 189 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You make a great pounding maneuver, but your enemy blocks your attack.
Hp: 1080  Sp: 27  Ep: 157 -32
Wiry jackal tries to bite Nepnep, but misses.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Nepnep sprawling to the floor.
Cran reports: Hp: 1213 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1080 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 157 (403).
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:345982 
p' hmm  i wonder
Valkrist [party]: hmm i wonder
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:345982 
party report
Nepnep successfully dodges Wiry jackal's bite.
Nepnep successfully dodges Wiry jackal's claw.
You incise Suit of armour inducing a nasty lesion.
Suit of armour butts Nepnep making small marks.
Wiry jackal misses Cran.
Cran successfully parries Wiry jackal's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Suit of armour tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Suit of armour causing toxins to burn the skin.
Malicat weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth
 Arachnidus Iracundus'
A shower of black blood flies from Malicat's palm at Wiry jackal!
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Wiry jackal as it dies.
Wiry jackal is DEAD, R.I.P.
Cran reports: Hp: 1213 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1080 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 157 (403).
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
[party]: Cran is targeting armour
p' fails to touch
Valkrist [party]: fails to touch
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1080/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
party report
Wiry jackal misses Cran.
Wiry jackal scrapes Cran making small marks.
You jab Suit of armour causing a nasty laceration.
Suit of armour tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran incisively cuts Suit of armour causing the collarbone to corrode in half.
Cran misses Suit of armour.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Hp: 1080  Sp: 27  Ep: 157 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Nepnep sprawling to the floor.
Cran reports: Hp: 1227 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1227 (1306) Sp: 283 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1137 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 157 (403).
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
*Erwain G Haste (2).
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Zithromax (sales): 200k heard on ~best hpr ring around x1
ta armour
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
You are now targetting Suit of armour.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
Suit of armour is not worthy of your time or effort.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
Suit of armour is in incredible condition.
Wiry jackal is in very bad shape.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
You are using 'pound'.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:157/403 Exp:346116 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
Wiry jackal tastes Cran making small marks.
Cran successfully parries Wiry jackal's claw.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Suit of armour bumps Cran making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Wiry jackal causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Wiry jackal staggers for a moment, then drops to the ground, lifeless.
Wiry jackal is DEAD, R.I.P.
Hp: 1137 +57 Sp: 27  Ep: 157 
You are prepared to do the skill.
You quickly jump forward and deliver a smashing blow to foe's collarbone!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 1137  Sp: 27  Ep: 133 -24
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Cran casts a harming spell on Suit of armour.
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1137(1309)   27(  27) 133(403) |  95 |       110958 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol  844(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        72709 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1195(1306)  198(1008) 539(539) | 100 |       272337 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1162(1210)  152( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       157529 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  498( 832) 397(397) |  93 |       106378 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  749( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        94795 |
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Cran reports: Hp: 1195 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1137 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 133 (403).
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Cran holds Crawe over the still form of his fallen foe.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Zithromax (sales): 200k x2
party report
You tear Suit of armour slicing open a gaping wound.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's slash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Nepnep shreds Suit of armour causing internal organs to become infected.
Cran reports: Hp: 1195 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
You go 'Ooooo...'.
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1137 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 133 (403).
Hp:1137/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Cran [party]: -=> ha!
Malicat [party]: hrm?
party report
You thrust Suit of armour causing a bodily conflagration.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran slashes Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Suit of armour successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran reports: Hp: 1223 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Cran [party]: Suit of armour got interrupted
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1223 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).'
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1180 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 133 (403).
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:133/403 Exp:346430 
Zithromax (sales): 200k x3 and
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hades [wanted]: offtanks+tarma
party report
You incise Suit of armour crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Suit of armour shreds Cran causing a small wound.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Nepnep shreds Suit of armour causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Hp: 1180 +43 Sp: 27  Ep: 133 
You are prepared to do the skill.
Your battle sense is at its peak!  Time seems to slow down, your enemy seems pitiful!
You quickly pound your enemy 3 crushing blows to the head, before it can react!
Suit of armour is stunned!
...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again.
Hp: 1180  Sp: 27  Ep: 103 -30
Suit of armour tries to bash Nepnep but promptly falls flat on its face.
Cran reports: Hp: 1140 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1180 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 103 (403).
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:346430 
Cran digs a grave for the corpse.
Broetchen {sales}: 205k
Suit of armour is in bad condition.
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:346430 
party report
Cran misses Suit of armour.
Suit of armour butts Cran making small marks.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You hear a human scream for help to the south.
Cran reports: Hp: 1129 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1180 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 103 (403).
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:346430 
Broetchen {sales}: oh
party report
Suit of armour tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
Suit of armour howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You thrust Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly armour breaks into zillions of pieces.
Hp: 1180  Sp: 27  Ep: 103 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds)
Zograh casts her spell at Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1129 (1306) Sp: 198 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1180 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 103 (403).
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
Broetchen {sales}: withdrawn actually
Broetchen {sales}: let erwa have it
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
This area is a length of north-south hallway that turns to the west at the
north end. The walls are painted crimson, with every exposed piece of plaster
saturated with the bloody hue. A carpet of the same colour covers the entire
floor as well. Even the ceiling has been painted, although the shade is a bit
paler. Weapons hang from the walls, pairs of them crossed in X's under bronze
Birch door with silver fittings (closed) leads east.
Obvious exits are: s and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
|    6346: Tropicana Twister the grey Elf e^x < spirits >                     |
|     874: a raven long coat floating about in the air                        |
|     959: an indigo sandals floating about in the air                        |
|  107942: the misty phantom of Nader Hector Pereza                           |
|    2048: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    1777: a roughly mouse-shaped creature                                    |
|    4758: a bloated meter-long termite-like vermin                           |
|     749: a rug hovers in the air                                            |
|    3490: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    3207: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    2356: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|    1574: a large brown sparrow-like bird                                    |
|     497: a goldenrod pair of stockings floating about in the air            |
|     932: an indigo tie floating about in the air                            |
|     122: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|      76: a bobbing and weaving copper lantern                               |
|   61155: a vaguely gnoll-like hulking humanoid looms here                   |
|     849: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    1827: a wiry jackal                                                      |
|    8896: a suit of plate mail walking around                                |
This party has killed 153 monsters (avg exp/mon: 5383).
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a long hallway that runs north and south. It dead-ends to
the south, where an archway leads east and a door west. The floor is covered
with a thick red carpet that almost reaches the walls, and is the colour of a
rich red wine. The walls are made from vertical boards of maple, lightly
varnished and a little shiny. There is a small patch of tan dust on the
southwestern corner of the carpet.
Birch door painted green (closed) leads west.
Obvious exits are: e and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Sam Adams the Human valor knight < spirits >
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1180(1309)   27(  27) 103(403) |  95 |       112516 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1140(1422)   27(  27) 378(378) |  45 |        73703 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1157(1306)  227(1008) 539(539) | 100 |       273943 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1192(1210)  172( 503) 548(548) |  80 |       159432 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  734( 734)  570( 832) 397(397) |  93 |       107916 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  683( 683)  662( 943) 246(243) |  70 |        96092 |
Hp:1180/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:103/403 Exp:347816 
Hp: 1213 +33 Sp: 27  Ep: 110 +7
Sam Adams screams loudly.
Zithromax (sales): 200k and sold to mr. Erwain
Malicat looks around the room and goes 'blah'.
Cran licks Sam Adams.
Sam Adams says 'Help me!'   
Nuane (wanted): summon
Sam Adams takes a bite on the leg from an ant.
Cran thunders 'fuck you sam.'
Malicat unlocks birch door painted green.
Sam Adams takes a bite on the leg from an ant.
Nuane (wanted): got from kari
Malicat opens birch door painted green.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This room consists of four bare stone walls, a bare stone ceiling, and a bare
stone floor. It is large enough for ten humans to stand around in, but other
than taking up space, the room appears to have no purpose or features.
Birch door painted green (open) leads east.
Obvious exit is: east.
Massive humanoid statue lifting a cube of stone
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes birch door painted green.
Hp: 1213  Sp: 27  Ep: 110 
Malicat opens birch door painted green.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This area is part of a long hallway that runs north and south. It dead-ends to
the south, where an archway leads east and a door west. The floor is covered
with a thick red carpet that almost reaches the walls, and is the colour of a
rich red wine. The walls are made from vertical boards of maple, lightly
varnished and a little shiny. There is a small patch of tan dust on the
southwestern corner of the carpet.
Birch door painted green (open) leads west.
Obvious exits are: e, n and w.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Sam Adams the Human valor knight < spirits >
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
A cat-sized ant-like insect
Malicat closes birch door painted green.
Nepnep (party): Stat curse gone.
Sam Adams takes a bite on the leg from an ant.
Malicat leaves east.
Cran wanders east.
Zograh leaves east.
Erwain leaves east.
Nepnep leaves east.
This room is a large kitchen, with many things a cook might need. A massive
black iron oven takes up most of the east wall. Just north and south of the
oven are counter tops that serve as cutting boards, with drawers and cupboards
below them. A large wooden washbasin is mounted on the north wall, and two
smaller metal basins are attached to it. 
Oak door with bronze fittings (closed) leads south.
Cedar door with iron fittings (closed) leads closet.
Ebony door with iron fittings (closed) leads pantry.
Obvious exit is: west.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat opens oak door with bronze fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is part of a long hallway that runs east and west. At the east end,
it dead-ends at a pair of doors and a large window. The window has a couple of
boards nailed across it. The plaster walls have a faded rusty colour, almost
flesh-toned. A rust-coloured carpet covers the floor, but it, too, is faded
from exposure to sunlight. Something under the window sparkles.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with bronze fittings (open) leads north.
Mallorn door with silver fittings (closed) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes oak door with bronze fittings.

Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Malicat opens mallorn door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This small square room has a single east-facing window, which has been boarded
up. There is not a great deal here -- a dresser, a wardrobe, and a small table
with a candlestick. The floor is covered with a tan-coloured carpet, and there
are stains scattered about.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Mallorn door with silver fittings (open) leads north.
Obvious exit is: north.
A comfortable bed
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mallorn door with silver fittings.
Malicat opens mallorn door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This area is part of a long hallway that runs east and west. At the east end,
it dead-ends at a pair of doors and a large window. The window has a couple of
boards nailed across it. The plaster walls have a faded rusty colour, almost
flesh-toned. A rust-coloured carpet covers the floor, but it, too, is faded
from exposure to sunlight. Something under the window sparkles.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door with bronze fittings (closed) leads north.
Mallorn door with silver fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and s.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes mallorn door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This area is part of a long hallway that runs north and south. At the north
end, it turns and goes east, and at the south, it dead-ends. The walls are
plaster, and are a light rusty-pinkish colour. The floor is covered in a
rust-coloured carpet with black flecks. Two iron torch sconces stick out of
the walls in the middle of the hall, one on each side. A large window
dominates the south wall, but it is boarded up.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Oak door painted red (closed) leads west.
Obvious exit is: east.
A high-quality maple cupboard sits against the west wall (closed)
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat opens oak door painted red.
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This short length of hallway has plaster walls painted a light rusty
pinkish-red. The carpet is a darker and duller shade of rust with small black
flecks to give it a textured pattern. Three suits of armour stand along the
south wall, flanking a pair of windows. Both of the windows have been securely
boarded up, leaving just barely enough uncovered to see the sky. The door at
the east end of the hall doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the hallway's
construction, as if it was added later.
Outside, above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky.
Wood door with silver fittings (closed) leads north.
Oak door painted red (open) leads east.
Obvious exit is: east.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a suit of plate mail walking around
Malicat closes oak door painted red.
party report
You tear Suit of armour producing large scratches.
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Cran slashes Suit of armour making an artery explode.
Suit of armour misses Cran.
Suit of armour bumps Cran making small marks.
Cran reports: Hp: 1180 (1306) Sp: 304 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1213 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Erwain starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
party report
You miss Suit of armour.
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Suit of armour misses Cran.

Cran reports: Hp: 1180 (1306) Sp: 304 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1213 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Nepnep (party): My Serpentyne the Sword of the Serpents labeled as (Swan) lost
 its prot.
party report
Suit of armour tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing cankers to form on the skin.
Suit of armour successfully dodges Cran's slash.
Suit of armour shreds Nepnep inducing a nasty lesion.
Suit of armour misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1180 (1306) Sp: 304 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1213 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
*Erwain Haste (1).
Malicat [party]: blah
party report
You incise Suit of armour causing a small wound.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing a nasty laceration.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour causing cankers to form on the skin.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Erwain plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Erwain grins as her con fioco hits Suit of armour.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
Gotrek (wanted): mage for 50k mob
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1213 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1213/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Cran reports: Hp: 1157 (1306) Sp: 304 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Malicat [party]: lagged
Malicat [party]: bad
party report
You miss Suit of armour.
Suit of armour successfully dodges Nepnep's slash.
Suit of armour shreds you causing a small wound.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1132 -81 Sp: 27  Ep: 110 
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Suit of armour.
Cran reports: Hp: 1157 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1132 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1132/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You incise Suit of armour slicing open a gaping wound.
Nepnep shreds Suit of armour causing the lungs to become poisoned.
Cran misses Suit of armour.
Suit of armour butts you making small marks.
Hp: 1122 -10 Sp: 27  Ep: 110 
You hear a human's death cry somewhere close by.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
Cran reports: Hp: 1130 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1122 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1122/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.

Hp:1122/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
party report
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Cran shreds Suit of armour snapping a collarbone.
Suit of armour misses Nepnep.
Suit of armour bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Malicat [party]: meep
Cran reports: Hp: 1130 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1122 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1122/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
party report
You bash Suit of armour making flames sear right through to the bone.
You tear Suit of armour slicing open a gaping wound.
Nepnep slashes Suit of armour causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Cran horribly shreds Suit of armour inducing corrosion in the skull.
You successfully parry Suit of armour's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Suit of armour pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Cran reports: Hp: 1154 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1176 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1176/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1154 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).'
Hp: 1176 +54 Sp: 27  Ep: 110 
party report
Nepnep misses Suit of armour.
Cran incisively cuts Suit of armour causing the head to explode from a poison blast.
Nepnep successfully dodges Suit of armour's slash.
Nepnep successfully dodges Suit of armour's bash.
Cran reports: Hp: 1154 (1306) Sp: 153 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1176 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1176/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
party report
You incise Suit of armour smashing rib bones into a lung.
The snake heads awaken for a moment and spit venom into Suit of armour's eyes nearly blinding Suit of armour.
Nepnep horribly shreds Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Cran successfully parries Suit of armour's bash.
 ...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Cran claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Cran casts a harming spell on Suit of armour.
Suit of armour's powerful bash sends Cran sprawling to the floor.
Cran reports: Hp: 1129 (1306) Sp: 30 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1176 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1176/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:352643 
vsa 7-1 
party report
You hurt Suit of armour who seems to become somewhat confused.
...WHO breaks the stun quickly off with intense concentration.
Suit of armour howls in agony as the evil mace crushes bones!
You thrust Suit of armour causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly armour breaks into zillions of pieces.
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: 7-1
Hp:1176/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:354606 
Cran reports: Hp: 1156 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1176 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 110 (403).
Hp:1176/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:110/403 Exp:354606 
Hp: 1176  Sp: 27  Ep: 110 
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 539 (539).'
Gotrek (wanted): or priest
Hp: 1257 +81 Sp: 27  Ep: 117 +7
Malicat opens wood door with silver fittings.
Malicat leaves north.
Cran wanders north.
Zograh leaves north.
Erwain leaves north.
Nepnep leaves north.
This is a large, well-lit dining room. There is ample room in here for the
several large tables and the many chairs that take up the center of the room.
Some shelves and hutches stand up against the north and east walls, and a
glass-front china cabinet is in the southeast corner. There is a small, empty
stone fireplace in the middle of the east wall. Apart from the furniture,
there is not much to look at here -- the walls are bare stone and the floor is
made of bare boards.
Wood door with silver fittings (open) leads south.
Obvious exits are: w and s.
One bronze coin
One zinc coin
One copper coin
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
a chair drags itself around the room
a chair drags itself around the room
a dark wooden table thumps around the floor
Malicat closes wood door with silver fittings.
vsa 7.5 minsaa pelattu tokaa erää
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: 7.5 minsaa pelattu tokaa erää
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354606 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
party report
Nepnep shreds Chair causing internal organs to become infected.
Cran incisively cuts Chair making the head explode from a MASSIVE acid blast.
Cran slashes Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Chair misses Nepnep.
Cran reports: Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 538 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354606 
Table is in AWESOME condition.
Chair is in very bad condition.
Chair is in AWESOME condition.
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354606 
party report
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Smiling devilishly you rive Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Cran misses Chair.
Chair misses Cran.
Chair misses Cran.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Table misses you.
You successfully dodge Table's bash.
Hp: 1257  Sp: 27  Ep: 117 
Cran reports: Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 538 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354725 
pwho toag
[ Explorer ] Alder Ratzinger the Wolfman eats moomin < With teeth >
[    91    ] Amd the Owl has big flat feet. < With teeth >
( Assassin ) Bleezuz the funky Lich loves moomin! < With teeth >
[ Elder Nun] Croesus the Thrikhren cuddly nunneli < With teeth >
(  Ancient ) Desert ^o^ Eagle the Fire Giant wants to be a loc again < With tee
[    100   ] Peelo Puskaryssa the dark Drow < With teeth >
( Assassin ) Rauskis Soilworker the fearsome Vampire loves moomin! < With teeth
[    84    ] Septium Silvermoon the Thrikhren is made of glass. < With teeth >
[   Flame  ] Toag Tremor the divine Thrikhren taikoo täysii! < With teeth >
9 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn)
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354725 
party report
You bash Table causing facial tissue to sizzle.
Nepnep shreds Chair smashing rib bones into a lung.
Chair tries to dodge, but Nepnep is not fooled that easily!
Nepnep shreds Chair making the brain fail.
Cran misses Table.
Chair misses you.
Chair misses you.
Cran successfully dodges Table's bash.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Tonto (hockey): jiihaa
Cran reports: Hp: 1211 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 538 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354725 
Troile [vsa+]: ai mita ?
Caped [hockey]: no perkele
*Condor squawks at Cran
party report
You miss Table.
Cran incisively cuts Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Chair bumps Cran making small marks.
Chair misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table butts Cran making small marks.
Cran strikes Table with a mighty blow with his famous blade Crawe, which
slices through armour and bone alike.  Cran cackles malevolently at Table's
Chair tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Table tries to bash Cran but promptly falls flat on its face.
Cran reports: Hp: 1207 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354725 
Cran starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
vsa sport fps
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: sport fps
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354725 
party report
You jab Chair causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Suddenly chair breaks into zillions of pieces.
Nepnep shreds Table slicing open a gaping wound.
As one snake blocks Table's attack, the other snake quickly rises up and sinks it's teeth into Table's soft skin.
Nepnep horribly shreds Table snapping a collarbone.
Table tries to dodge, but Cran is not fooled that easily!
Cran slashes Table causing both lungs to corrode.
Table misses Nepnep.
Table bumps Nepnep making small marks.
Table misses Nepnep.
Hp: 1257  Sp: 27  Ep: 117 
Cran reports: Hp: 1207 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354813 
party report
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table misses Cran.
Table pushes Cran with a bone crushing sound.
Cran reports: Hp: 1180 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1257 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354813 
Table is in great condition.
Hp:1257/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354813 
party report
You miss Table.
Nepnep shreds Table causing internal organs to become infected.
Nepnep misses Table.
Cran incisively cuts Table causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Table bumps you making small marks.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
You successfully parry Table's bash.
...AND counterattack with ferocity.
Hp: 1239 -18 Sp: 27  Ep: 117 
Cran reports: Hp: 1180 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).
Valkrist reports: Hp: 1239 (1309) Sp: 27 (27) Ep: 117 (403).
Hp:1239/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:117/403 Exp:354813 
SuperToag [vsa+]: wallu.... ei ketään oikeesti kiinnosta.....
Malicat leaves west.
Cran wanders west.
Zograh leaves west.
Erwain leaves west.
Nepnep leaves west.
This is a short, wide hallway that runs north to south. It dead-ends in both
directions at a door. There is a large archway in the east wall that looks
like it once had double doors, but now stands completely empty. The walls are
painted light grey, and a pair of wall hangings in maroon and grey hang on the
west wall. A single iron torch sconce sticks out of the south wall, but it is
not lit. A grey and white checkerboard carpet runs the length of the hallway.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (closed) leads southwest.
Maple door with brass fittings (closed) leads north.
Obvious exit is: east.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1273 +34 Sp: 27  Ep: 124 +7
Zograh claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (Minor party heal)
Zograh's spell heals you. You feel much better.
Cran thunders 'Hp: 1248 (1306) Sp: 59 (1008) Ep: 511 (539).'
Malicat opens wood door with darksteel fittings.
Malicat leaves southwest.
Cran wanders southwest.
Zograh leaves southwest.
Erwain leaves southwest.
Nepnep leaves southwest.
This large room is well-decorated, although it does not look like it is used
much. The dark hardwood floor has scattered rugs in various designs, and
paintings hang from the light grey plaster walls. Candle sconces of brass are
mounted into oak fixtures every few paces around the room. The ceiling is
painted with a scene of birds, clouds, and trees. Two heavy chairs with
leather cushions sit near the southern double doors. Everything is just a
little faded and dusty.
There is a note nailed to the wall.
Dark-stained pine door (closed) leads east.
Wood door with bronze fittings (closed) leads west.
Wood door with darksteel fittings (open) leads northeast.
A massive pair of dark-stained pine doors (closed) leads south.
Obvious exit is: northeast.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Malicat closes wood door with darksteel fittings.
vsa kiinnostaa kiinnostaa
SuklaaVallu [vsa+]: kiinnostaa kiinnostaa
Hp:1292/1309 Sp:27/27 Ep:124/403 Exp:354813 
Zograh starts concentrating on a new spell.
Hp: 1292 +19 Sp: 27  Ep: 124 
The effect of war ensemble wears off.
party say War Ensemble Expires. [8m38s]
Malicat opens a massive pair of dark-stained pine doors.
Malicat leaves south.
Cran wanders south.
Zograh leaves south.
Erwain leaves south.
Nepnep leaves south.
This area is a clearing in the woods, large enough to hold several Bat City
blocks. There is a massive stone mansion in the middle of the clearing,
surrounded by tall grass and shrubs. The mansion is clearly old, both because
of the style of architecture and because parts of it (shingles, shutters, etc)
have fallen off. From the position of the windows, it is a two-story mansion.
Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
A massive pair of dark-stained pine doors (open) leads north.
Obvious exits are: out and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Brellis the Librarian stands here, looking worried
Brellis looks at you and says, 'You, there, could you help me with something?'
Malicat closes a massive pair of dark-stained pine doors.
Valkrist [party]: War Ensemble Expires. [8m38s]
Hp:1292/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:124/402 Exp:354813 
Erwain [party]: War Ensemble Off.
Zograh [party]: War Ensemble Expires. []
Malicat leaves out.
Cran wanders out.
Zograh leaves out.
Erwain leaves out.
Nepnep leaves out.
FFFFFFFFF  In the midst of the thick forest, there is a clearing just to the
FFFFFFFFF  north of here.
FFFF*FFFF  Above you is a hot, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around
FFFFFFFFF  Obvious exits are: nw, ne, w, e, sw, s, se and n.
Nepnep Suklaasormi the Titan LIHACASA! (newbie glow) < Legio >
Erwain Iarwain the Sprite with Bourbon < Legio >
Zograh Da'Cool the Zombie < Legio >
Cran Magrelant the Gargantuan Ent < Legio >
Malicat Magrelant the member of Catfolk doesn't play well with others < Legio >
Hp: 1134 -158 Sp: 27  Ep: 124 
show summary
Session summary:
Time: 6 hours 46 minutes 53 seconds
Experience gained: 1394420
Experience lost: 15326
Experience spent: 1038661
Gold difference: -158097.00
New areas explored: 36
Battle skill summary:
 Hits: 1013 Misses: 365 Parries: 475 Ripostes: 335 Stuns: 14
 Criticals: 33 Dodges: 386 Tumbles: 67 Stunned Maneuvers: 3
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:124/402 Exp:354813 
| 1.1   Valkrist      fol 1134(1134)   27(  27) 124(402) |  95 |       114806 |
| 1.2   Nepnep        fol 1308(1541)   27(  27) 386(398) |  45 |        75167 |
| 1.3   Cran          fol 1248(1306)   59(1008) 510(539) | 100 |       276305 |
| 2.1   Malicat       ldr 1210(1093)  177( 503) 547(538) |  80 |       162231 |
| 2.2   Erwain        fol  612( 612)  502( 832) 397(384) |  93 |       110177 |
| 2.3   Zograh        fol  570( 570)  574( 943) 245(232) |  70 |        98000 |
Hp:1134/1134 Sp:27/27 Ep:124/402 Exp:354813 
Malicat [party]: ok, that's what I know...
Cran [party]: -=> that was all=?
*Erwain Haste (1).
Erwain [party]: getting that ring
Cran [party]: -=> k
Erwain sings: 'Fo fu fe fum, Lord of the Winds, I know Thy ways, I know Thy
 names, I know Thy rest. Fo fu fe fum, show me paths or slay me now. Fo fe fi
Erwain humms something while walking and just vanishes!
Erwain left somewhere.
Cran hugs Malicat.
Malicat [party]: and I have to scurry off, kind of sick, assume youd on't need
 fourth tank
Troile [vsa+]: no comment
Hp: 1134  Sp: 27  Ep: 132 +8
Cran [party]: -=> end of quest missing i guess?
Antikiller [wanted]: tarm
Malicat [party]: nods
