My Lord


Queen Parisain

The Good Lord holds the key to my heart I am told
He watches over and protects those whom he holds
His love is everlasting and His grace is divine
He is called Wonderful and I am truly glad He is Mine.

He is my everlasting Father and indeed I am proud
To Him only do I choose to bow down
When pressures and troubles come to knock at my door
He is called Mighty Counselor, my Protector and my Lord.

His hands are truly majestic in transforming his own
Into what he considers to be a pure and an acceptable form
He gives forgiveness and righteousness to those that he loves
He is called Holy as He reigns from above.

He unravels the spoils and picks up the pieces
Of those who have strayed and found their lives ceasing
His kindness and compassion reaches out to all mankind
He is called Prince of Peace and Father to all he finds.

The Kingdom of Peace
Spiritual Tour