All About Debra
Name:  Debra G.
Agency: Option Models
Birthday: April 3, 1982
Favorite Color:  Red
Favorite Food:  Potatoes
Favorite Candy:  Gummi Bears
Favorite Animes: Fushigi Yuugi, Weiss Kruez, SailorMoon, Utena Revolutionary Girl, Darkside Blues, X/1999,   
                          Ninja Scroll, Fist of the North Star, Record of Lodoss War, Macross, Princess Monoke, Tokyo
                          Babylon, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Oh! My Goddess,ect....
Favorite Artists:  Naoko Takeuchi, Yu Watase, Jim Lee, and Andy Kubert
Favorite Anime Characters:  Sailor Pluto and Nuriko
Favorite Comic:  X-men and Shi
Favorite Characters:  Gambit and Psylocke
Favorite Video Game:  Just beat FFX (love them all)
Favorite Characters:  Lulu and Tidus
Favorite Books:  Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, Bound Feet and Western Dress
Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings (saw it 6 times), Clueless, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Favorite Guys (fic):  Legolas, Hotohori, Tamahome, and of course Tidus
Future Career:  Besides becoming a Super Model, International Business (and maybe a comic book artist;o)
Favorite Fast Food Chain:  McDonalds mmmmmm.....
Majoring in:  Business and French
College:  I go to the University of North Carolina Wilmington
Obsession:  Neopets
Screen Names:  Minty_Fresh82, True_Scintillate, SuperModel
Sports you play:  soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, softball
Self Glory:  I was MVP for volleyball two years in a row and my soccer team won state two years in a row (i 
                   scored the first goal!)
hobbies:  video games, drawing, sports, internet

more to come....