
DollMakers Tutorial
(MS Paint ) 


Step1:  To create your own dolls, first drag the doll's head by using your mouse to move the head into "Make Dolls Here"


Step2: Choose the styles of the doll's body and drag it below the doll's head, and then choose any apparel for the doll to wear it on.


Step3: Then continue to dress up for your doll until you're happy with it.


Step4: After you've finish, you need to save your dolls. To do so, press 'Print Screen' (on your keyboard), paste it into MSPaint. Use the MSPaint tools to cut the doll image by right click on any area inside the square and click on Cut.
There are many other ways to save your dolls, but the simplest way is to use MSPaint, to me I like to use Animation shop software, cause it also can transparent the image, if you want to know more about this, then click
Here or visit of my tutorial.


Step5: After you've cut your dolls, click on 'File' > 'New'
It'll pop up a message box to ask you to save it, just click 'No'


Step6: after you've open a new file in MSPaint, simple click on 'Edit' > 'Paste'


Step7: You can also zoom in or zoom out the white pad by dragging the dot on the right bottom (See the arrow)
Save the doll, and you've done!


I hope this tutorial helped you out!

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